
121 (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/jres.121.011 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Helmholtz Transformations of Common Cubic Equations of State for Use with Pure and Mixtures*

Ian H. Bell1 and Andreas Jäger2

1National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305

2Technische Universität Dresden, Professur für Technische Thermodynamik, Helmholtzstr. 14, 01062 Dresden, Germany [email protected] [email protected]

Comprehensive sets of derivatives of Helmholtz energy transformations of several common cubic equations of state are presented. These derivatives can be used for implementing cubic equations of state into complex multi- mixture models when no multiparameter equation of state is available for a mixture component. Thus, pure fluids (or mixtures) for which no accurate model exists in literature can be modeled with a relatively small set of fluid property data. Composition derivatives have been calculated for the cases where the last mole fraction is either an independent or dependent variable. Analytic derivatives are presented up to fourth order in the independent variables combined with composition derivatives up to third order; this set covers the common requirements for derivatives needed in the state-of-the-art thermophysical property libraries. A C++ implementation of the presented analyses, data for computer code validation, and information about the computer algebra tools used to calculate the intermediate derivatives are provided as supplementary information.

Key words: cubic equations of state; derivatives; Helmholtz energy; mixture models; thermodynamic potential.

Accepted: April 14, 2016

Published: 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/jres.121.011

1. Helmholtz-Energy-Explicit Models

Thermodynamic properties of fluids can be calculated by means of different types of equations of state. This section describes those that are formulated in terms of the Helmholtz energy. They evolved from the virial equation of state and became common when pure fluids had been characterized over wide ranges of states and in multiple properties because all this information could be represented with high accuracy in a single formulation of the Helmholtz energy.

1.1 Helmholtz Energy Potential

Multiproperty formulations take advantage of the laws and axioms of which rank certain combinations of independent and dependent variables as fundamental relations because they contain

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238 Volume 121 (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/jres.121.011 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

all thermodynamic information about a particular system. Such all-inclusiveness is a mark of potential functions, in this case of thermodynamic potentials. The best known of these are [1]

Dependent Independent u sv, h sp, a vT, g pT, where u is the , h is the , s is the , a is the Helmholtz energy, g is the Gibbs energy, v is the volume, T is the , and p is the . Thermodynamic potentials are equivalent because they are Legendre-transforms of each other. The two potentials with measurable quantities as independent variables are the Gibbs energy g and the Helmholtz energy a. The Gibbs energy in the form of the is the basis of equilibrium calculations in chemical engineering while formulations of the Helmholtz energy have been preferably applied to correlate wide-ranging data and properties of pure fluids with high accuracy. Such formulations are implemented in the current state-of- the -art thermophysical property libraries: NIST REFPROP [2], CoolProp [3], and TREND [4]. The Helmholtz energy a is commonly expressed as a sum of the ideal- contribution a0 and the residual contribution ar . In practice, the Helmholtz energy a is non-dimensionalized by eth pr oduct of the R and the temperature T , and the independent variables ar e transformed as well, yielding a ατδ(, )= = αr0 (, τδ ) + α (, τδ ) (1) RT where the non-dimensionalized density is given by δ= ρρ/ r and the reciprocal reduced temperature is given by τ = TTr / . The reducing parameters ρr and Tr are usually equal to the critical values for pure fluids. The reducing models used for ρr and Tr when modeling mixtures are described further in Sec. 2.2. The link between Helmholtz energy formulations and pressure-explicit equations of state is the derivative ∂a p = − (2) ∂v T or in reduced form p ∂α r =1. +δ  (3) ρδRT ∂ τ As an example, the enthalpy and entropy can be obtained from

h ∂∂αα0r ∂ α r =τδ ++ +1 (4) ∂∂ττ ∂ δ RT δδ τ

s ∂∂αα0r   =τ  +  −−αα0r. (5) ∂∂ττ R  δδ  Additional derivatives can be found in the book of Span [5] or the paper of Lemmon et al. [6]. In this we consider only the residual Helmholtz energy α r and not the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy α 0 ; the residual Helmholtz energy can be obtained from an explicit transformation of pressure-explicit cubic equations of state, while the integration of the ideal-gas specific is required to obtain α 0 .

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1.2 Pure Fluids

Helmholtz energy formulations are able to represent the experimental data available within their uncertainties but are relatively complex and thus difficult to evaluate. Furthermore, the multiparameter models are empirical in nature, and must be correlated to large datasets of high-accuracy experimental data to yield high-accuracy calculations of thermodynamic properties. These multiparameter equations represent the state-of-the-art in high-accuracy representations of pure fluid properties. For instance, the residual part of the equation of state for propane of Lemmon et al. [7] has the form

5 11 18 rdtkk dtkk lk dtkk 22 α=∑∑NNk δτ + k δτexp(−+ δ ) ∑ Nk δτexp(− ηδk ( − ε kkk ) − βτ ( − γ ) ), (6) kk=1 =6 k=12 which is a combination of polynomial-like (the first summation), polynomial plus exponential (the second summation), and Gaussian terms (the third summation). All subscripted symbols represent adjustable parameters.

1.3 Mixtures (the Multi-Fluid Mixture Model)

For Helmholtz equations of state, the multi-fluid mixture model, see Refs. [8–14], is regarded as state- of-the-art. This model has the advantage that highly accurate formulations for pure fluids can be directly used in the mixture model; all pure fluid contributions to the reduced residual Helmholtz energy are evaluated at the same reduced temperature τ and reduced density δ , not at the same temperature T and density ρ . Mixture properties are then obtained by combining the reduced Helmholtz of the pure fluids. Hence, in order to apply this model, Helmholtz-energy-explicit equations of state must be available for all components in the mixtures. In the multi-fluid models implemented in NIST REFPROP [2], CoolProp [3], and TREND [4], the contributions from the pure fluids are combined in the following manner to add the composition dependence

NN−1 rr r α= ∑xi αo i (, τδ )+ ∑∑xxFi j ijα ij (, τδ ) (7) i i=11 ji = +

r where αoi is the contribution from the i -th pure fluid, which is in general given by a multiparameter r equation of state like that shown above in Sec. 1.2. The term αij is a departure function used to shape the thermodynamic surface for a given binary pair, and Fij is an adjustable parameter that can be used to scale departure functions developed for common families of binary pairs. Equation (7) corresponds to the GERG mixture model [11,12].

According to the multi-fluid model, the reducing temperature Tr and the reducing density ρr are functions of composition Txr () and ρr ()x [11,12]. In the limiting case of pure fluids, the reducing temperature becomes the critical temperature of the pure fluid Tc and the reducing density becomes the critical density of the pure fluid ρc . Some mixture properties (like pressure or enthalpy) can be straightforwardly obtained from τ and δ partial derivatives of α . Other properties, like or coefficients, require composition derivatives. For instance, the fugacity can be given by [11,12] ∂nα r fii= xρ RT exp. (8) ∂ni TVn,,j

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Details of the derivations required to obtain the fugacity in terms of derivatives of α r are given in Refs. [11,12].

2. Cubic Pressure-Explicit Equations of State

While the development of multiparameter Helmholtz energy formulations requires experimental data of multiple properties of good quality over a broad temperature and pressure range, the only information needed to use cubic equations of state are the critical temperature, critical pressure, and (or pressure curves in the case of the Mathias-Copeman equation for aii ). The most frequently used types of cubic equations of state are the equations by Soave, Redlich, and Kwong (SRK) (as in Soave [15] and Redlich and Kwong [16]) and Peng and Robinson (PR) [17]. As noted by Michelsen and Mollerup [18], cubic equations of state can be expressed in a common form given by RT aT() p = − m (9) vb− m ( v +∆1 bv m)( +∆ 2m b ) where v is the in m 3 ⋅ mol −1 , R is the universal gas constant in J ⋅ mol −1⋅ K −1 , T is the 3 −2 temperature in K, am is the mixture attractive term in J ⋅ m ⋅ mol , and bm is the mixture covolume in m 3 ⋅ mol −1 . Other even more general functional forms have been proposed that cover an even wider range of potential structures for cubic and cubic-like equations of state. For instance, the reviews of Poling et al. [19], Wei and Sadus [20], and Valderramma [21] provide a thorough discussion of the multitude of cubic- like functional forms that have been developed since the equation of state of van der Waals in 1873 [22]. In this work, Helmholtz energy translations for cubic equations of state are presented. All cubic equations have been handled in a universal formulation. The presented formulations also allow for the use of cubic equations of state in multi-fluid models, i.e., the Helmholtz energy contributions for the pure fluid in multi-fluid models can be calculated either from multiparameter equations of state or cubic equations of state.

2.1 Cubic Parameters

For cubic equations of state, usually one-fluid mixture models are used, see e.g., Soave [15] or Peng and Robinson [17]. In the case of one-fluid mixture models, the mixture properties are not modeled by combining the pure fluid contributions (as in the multi-fluid mixture model) but by applying mixing rules to fluid specific parameters for a hypothetical pure fluid. For instance, quadratic mixing rules in terms of composition are usually applied to the attraction parameter am , and linear mixing rules are applied to the covolume bm .

For all the investigated equations of state, the mixture parameters am and bm are given by quadratic and linear mixing rules in molar composition, respectively. Thus the forms for am and bm are given by

am (,) T x= ∑∑ xxai j ij () T (10) ij

bm () x= ∑ xbi ii (11) i

The cross attractive term aTij () is given by the form

aij () T= (1 − kij ) a ii () Ta jj () T (12) where kij = 0 if ij= .

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In the classical cubic formulations of Peng-Robinson [17] and Soave-Redlich-Kwong [15], the form of

aii was given by 2 T aa=11 +− m (13) ii0, ii ii  Tc,i where a0,ii and mii are fluid-specific constant terms particular to the equation of state. Table 1 gives the forms of the constants for three common cubic equations of state.

−1 −1 Table 1. Common implementations of the cubic equations of state ( R : universal gas constant in J ⋅ mol ⋅ K , Tc,i : critical temperature in K, pc,i : critical pressure in Pa, ωi : acentric factor of the pure component).

Name a0,ii bii mii ∆1 ∆2 22 RT RTc,i c,i van der Waals [22] 0.42188 0.125 0 0 0 pc,i pc,i 22 RT RTc,i c,i 2 Soave-Redlich-Kwong [15] 0.42747 0.08664 0.48+− 1.574ωωii 0.176 1 0 pc,i pc,i 22 RTc,i RTc,i Peng-Robinson [17, 23] 0.45724 0.07780 † 12+ 12− pc,i pc,i † 2 : for ωi ≤ 0.491 , mii =+−0.37464 1.54226ωωi 0.26992 i 23 for ωi > 0.491 , mii =+−0.379642 1.48503ωωi 0.164423i + 0.016666 ωi

In engineering practice, it has been found that more flexibility in the form of aii is required, particularly to fit the vapor pressure curves of polar fluids. Numerous attempts have been made to arrive at an aii term that gives additional flexibility, and one of the most commonly used forms is that of Mathias and Copeman [24]

2 23 TT T aa=11 +− C +− C 1 +−C 1 (14) ii0, ii  1,i TT2,i 3,i T c,iic, c, i where, in the absence of sufficient experimental data, C1,i can be set to mii and C2,i and C3,i can be set to zero to yield a predictive scheme for aii . Therefore, Eq. (13) can be considered a special case of Eq. (14), and we can carry out the derivations through the use of Eq. (14) with no loss in generality. The Mathias-

Copeman equation is commonly used because it is straightforward to obtain the coefficients Cni, , either by optimization, or from tabulated values (like those of Horstmann et al. [25] for more than 1000 fluids).

If the mixture has only one component (i.e., a pure fluid), the am and bm terms simplify to

aTm ()= aT11 () (15)

bbm= 11. (16)

Other mixing rules have been proposed for the mixture covolume bm , including quadratic mixing rules

(see for instance McFarlane et al. [26]). The extension of the derivatives of bm to quadratic mixing rules is not demonstrated in this work but can easily be done if needed; linear mixing rules for bm are more prevalent in the literature.

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2.2 Reducing Values ρr and Tr

When translating cubic equations into the reduced residual Helmholtz energy, the reducing parameters

ρr and Tr have to be handled depending on the way that the model is to be used.

2.2.1 Pure Fluid and Multi-Fluid Mixture

The first case is that cubic equations are used to model a pure fluid (either for pure fluid properties or as a r contribution α oi in a multi-fluid mixture). In this case, all T in the cubic equation are replaced by Tr /τ and all densities ρ are replaced by ρδr ⋅ , with TTrc= and ρρrc= ; the reducing parameters need to be equal to the critical parameters of the fluid. The inverse reduced temperature τ and the reduced density δ for models explicit in the non-dimensionalized Helmholtz energy is as described in Sec. 1.

2.2.2 Mixture as One-Fluid

The second case is that Helmholtz-energy-translated cubic equations of state are used in a one-fluid mixture model, which corresponds to the “usual way” of handling mixtures with cubic equations of state. In this case, all temperatures T in the cubic equation are replaced by Tr /τ and all densities are replaced by

ρδr ⋅ , with Tr and ρr being parameters that can be arbitrarily chosen. In this work, Tr = 1 K and −3 ρr = 1 mol⋅ m .

2.3 Molar Composition

In general, a mixture of N components is specified by its molar composition - though in some fields mass fractions are more prevalent. Additionally, in other literature, mole numbers are taken to be the independent variables rather than mole fractions. The mole fractions can be considered in two ways:

• all of the mole fractions x1 to xN are treated as independent variables • only the first N −1 mole fractions are considered as independent variables.

If xN is a dependent variable, it is therefore determined from the other mole fractions from N −1 xxNi=1. − ∑ (17) i=1

The distinction concerning xN only appears in the composition derivatives of the mixture terms am and

bm . This dependency is implicitly invoked in all other equations and composition derivatives.

2.4 Conversion to Residual Non-Dimensionalized Helmholtz Energy

As described above pressure-explicit cubic equations of state can be transformed into a Helmholtz- energy-explicit equation of state with reciprocal reduced temperature and reduced density as independent variables. Thus in the first step, the necessary variable substitutions are made in Eq. (9) to yield TaR ()τ p = rm− (18) τ 1 11   − bm +∆bb +∆ δρ 1m 2m  r δρrr  δρ  or TRδρ δ22 ρ a() τ p = r r − rm . (19) τ11−bmr δρ( +∆ 1mr bb δρ)( 1 +∆ 2mr δρ )

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The factor Z is given by p Z = , (20) δρr RT and since ∂α r Z =1, + δ  (21) ∂δ τ the derivative of the residual non-dimensional Helmholtz energy with respect to δ is given by p −1 ∂−α r Z 1 δρ RT = = r . (22) ∂δδτ δ Therefore, in substituting p from Eq. (19) into the right-hand side of Eq. (22), we obtain Z −1 baρτ ρ =mr − m r . (23) δ1−bmr δρ RT r()() 11+∆ 1mr bδρ +∆ 2mr b δρ The residual non-dimensional Helmholtz energy is then obtained from δ Z −1 αδr = d. (24) ∫0 δ The integral for α r can be separated into two pieces and expressed in the form τ a αψr= ()−+ − m ψ(). (25) RTr The ψ ()− and ψ ()+ terms are functions of δ but not of τ and arise from integrating portions of (Z −1) / δ , τ a while the remaining term m is a function of τ but not of δ . RT ()− r The first term ψ has a closed form solution that is not dependent on the constants ∆1 and ∆2 , given by

δ b ρ ψδ()− = mr d (26) ∫0 1− bmrδρ

=−− ln(1bmrδρ ). (27) The integral for ψ ()+ is more complicated; its form is given by

δ ρ ψδ()+ = r d (28) ∫0 ()()11+∆1mrbbδρ +∆ 2mr δρ

∆+b ρδ 1 ln 1m r ∆+2mb ρδ r 1 = , (29) bm1()∆ −∆ 2 with the assumption that ∆12 −∆ ≠0 . This is true for SRK and PR, but not for the of state, which has the constants ∆=∆=120 . For the van der Waals equation of state, setting ∆=2 0 , taking the limit as ∆1 approaches zero, and with the use of a single application of l’Hôpital's rule, it can be shown that ()+ ψvdW= ρδ r . (30)

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Thus all three equations of state (SRK, PR, vdW) can be treated with a similar formulation. In order to make use of the one-fluid model, derivatives with respect to τ and δ are required, for instance, in order to calculate the pressure as shown above. In this work, we provide a large number of analytic derivatives, including τ , δ , and composition partial derivatives. They were selected as the minimal set of derivatives needed to calculate critical points of binary mixtures with the use of entirely analytic derivatives.

3. Derivatives at Constant Composition

After having obtained the closed-form solution for the residual Helmholtz energy α r from Eq. (25), it is necessary to obtain several derivatives with respect to τ and δ at constant composition. The partial derivatives of α r at constant composition can be expressed in a compact form ∂∂nq+αψr nq+−() 1 ∂q [ττa ( )] ∂nψ()+ = − m (31) ∂∂δτnq ∂∂ δτ nq ∂τq ∂δn xxRTr x x where x is the composition vector, and where the derivatives of the product of ττam () can be expressed in the formulation ∂n[ττaa ( )] ∂∂ nn [ ( τ )]−1 [ a ( τ )] mm= τ + n m, (32) ∂τn ∂∂ ττ nn−1 xx x which is simply the n -th order partial derivative of a product. All 0-th order partial derivatives are given by ∂0Y = Y. (33) ∂τ 0 x

For example, the first partial derivative of ττam () with respect to τ at constant composition would be equal to

∂∂[ττaamm ( )] [ ( τ )] = ττ+ am ( ). (34) ∂∂ττxx Partial derivatives of ψ ()− and ψ ()+ will be discussed in the following sections. Similarly to the 0-th order derivatives with respect to τ , all 0-th order derivatives with respect to δ are given by ∂0Y = Y. (35) ∂δ 0 x 3.1 Derivatives of ψ ()−

()− The term ψ as given above in Eq. (27) is a function of δ and not a function of τ (though bm is still a function of composition), therefore the first four derivatives of ψ ()− with respect to δ at constant composition are

()− ψ =−−ln() 1 bmrδρ (36)

∂ψ ()− b ρ = mr (37) ∂−δ1bmr δρ ∂2ψ ()− b 22 ρ = mr (38) ∂δ 22 ()1− bmrδρ

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∂3ψ ()− 2 b 3 ρ 3 = mr (39) ∂δ 33 (1− bmδρ r) ∂4ψ ()− 6 b 4 ρ 4 = mr. (40) ∂δ 44 (1− bmδρ r) ∂ψ (−) The reader might be interested to confirm that ∂δ is the same as the integrand in Eq. (26). Any partial derivative of ψ ()− involving at least one derivative with respect to τ at constant composition is zero, which can be alternatively expressed as

∂nq+−ψ () =0 if q > 0. (41) ∂∂δτnq x

3.2 Derivatives of ψ ()+

As given before, the equation for ψ ()+ is ∆+b ρδ 1 ln 1m r ()+ ∆+2mb ρδ r 1 ψ = (42) bm1()∆ −∆ 2 In order to simplify the derivatives of ψ ()+ from Eq. (29) with respect to δ , we introduce the term

Π12 =(1 +∆ 1mrbbρδ )(1 +∆ 2mr ρδ ). (43)

The term Π12 is the denominator of the integrand of Eq. (28). The partial derivatives of Π12 with respect to δ are then needed. The first three partial derivatives are ∂Π 12 =bbρ(2 ∆∆ δρ +∆ +∆ ) (44) ∂δ m r 1 2m r 1 2 ∂Π2 12 =2 ∆∆b22ρ (45) ∂δ 2 1 2m r ∂Π3 12 = 0. (46) ∂δ 3

All further δ derivatives of Π12 are equal to zero. ()+ The first four derivatives of ψ with respect to δ can be expressed in terms of Π12 and derivatives of

Π12 as ∂ψ ()+ ρ = r (47) ∂Πδ 12

∂Π12 ∂2ψ ()+ = −ρ ∂δ 22r (48) ∂Πδ 12

2 ∂2 Π ∂Π −Π12 + 2 12 ∂3ψ ()+ 12 ∂δ 2 ∂δ = ρ  33r (49) ∂Πδ 12

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3 ∂Π ∂2 Π ∂Π 66Π−12 12 12 ∂4ψ ()+ 12 ∂∂δδ∂δ 2  = ρ  44r . (50) ∂Πδ 12 ∂Π3 ∂4ψ ()+ Note that 12 = 0 , which removes a term in the numerator of . ∂δ 3 ∂δ 4

3.3 Derivatives of am and bm

The n -th partial derivative of am (from Eq. (10)) with respect to τ at constant composition can be given by

n n ∂ a d aij m = xx . (51) ∂ττnn∑∑ ij x ij d

The term bm has neither τ nor δ dependence, and therefore all derivatives of bm other than composition derivatives are equal to zero.

3.4 Derivatives of aij

The term aij ()τ is described above and given by the form in Eq. (12), where the only modification here is that we express the equation with τ as the independent variable instead of T . In order to avoid a rapidly increasing number of terms in higher derivatives of aij ()τ with respect to τ , a uij ()τ function is substituted, where the generic uij function is given by

uij()τ= aa ii () ττ jj (), (52) and therefore

aij ()ττ=−⋅ (1 kuij ) ij (). (53)

The advantage of this substitution is that all derivatives of aij with respect to τ can be expressed in terms of uij and its derivatives, resulting in derivatives with more compact analytic forms. The first four derivatives of aij with respect to τ can be given by d1da− ku ij = ij ij (54) ττ dd2 uij

222 d1aij − kij d uuij d ij = 2u −  (55) ddττ23ij 2dτ 2  4uij

3 323 daij 1− kij d uij dd uuij ij  d uij =46uu2 −+ 3 (56) dτ35ij dd ττ 3ij ddττ2 2  8uij

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2 dduu32 d u −+44ij ij 3ij u2 dτ ddττ32ij  2 442−  daij 1 kij 3 d uij dd uuij ij =++8uu 36  (57) τττ47ij 4ij τ 2 ddd2 d 16uij  4 duij −15 τ d  where we have assumed that kij is a constant and not a function of temperature or composition. The first four derivatives of uij with respect to τ can be given by

uij = aa ii jj (58)

dduada ij =aajj + ii (59) dddτττii jj dd22uaddaa d a2 ij =++aajj 2 ii jj ii (60) ddττ22ii ddττ jj d τ2 dd33uaaaddaa d 223 d d a ij =+++aajj 33ii jj ii jj ii (61) dτ3ii d τ 3ddττ dd ττ 22jj d τ 3 dd44uaaaaddaaa d 323 d 2 d d d 4 a ij =++++aajj 46ii jj ii jj 4ii jj ii (62) dτ4ii d τ 4 ddττ d τ3 dd ττ 22 d τ 3 jj d τ4

3.5 Derivatives of aii ()τ

2 The term aii introduced in Eq. (14) can be expressed as aii= aB0, ii i , where a0,ii is a constant term dependent on the fluid and the equation of state (given in Table 1), and the term Bi is given by 3 n Bi =1, + ∑ CDni, i (63) n=1 where the intermediate term Di (introduced to simplify derivatives of aii after the substitution TT= r /τ ) is defined by

Tr 1 Di ()τ =−⋅ 1 . (64) Tc,i τ

We then obtain the derivatives of Di from

Tr T dDi c,i = 3 (65) dτ 2τ 2

Tr 2 3 d D Tc,i i = − 2 5 (66) dτ 4τ 2

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Tr 3 15 d D Tc,i i = 3 7 (67) dτ 8τ 2

Tr 4 105 d D Tc,i i = − 4 9 , (68) dτ 16τ 2 with the derivatives of Bi from

3 ddBDiin−1 = ∑ nCni, D i (69) ddττn=1

2 d22B3 dd DD i=nC( n −+ 1) iiD D n−2 (70) 22∑ ni,  i i ddττn=1 dτ

3 d32B 3 ddDD dDD d 3 i=nC3() n − 1 D ii +n2 −+32n i +DD2in−3 (71) 32∑ ni, i () i 3i ddττn=1 ddττ d τ

24 ddDD2 dD 2−+ ii+32 − + − i 6()nn 3 2 Di 2 (nn6 11 n 6) 4 3 ddττdτ  d Bi n−4 = nCni, 2 Di , 4 ∑ 32 4 (72) dτ n=1  ddDDii d Di 23d Di ++4(nn− 1) +− 3( 1) DD 32ii4 dτ ddττ dτ and finally the derivatives of aii from ddaB ii = 2aB i (73) ddττ0,ii i

2 d22a dd BB ii = 2aBi+ i (74) 220,ii i  ddττdτ d3a d 32 B dd BB ii = i+ i i 323aB0,ii i 32 (75) dτ dd ττdτ

2 d4ad 4 B dd BB 32 d B ii =2aBi ++ 4 i i 3.i (76) τ40,ii i τ 4τ ττ 32 d dd dd

In the case that Cm1,i= ii , C2,i = 0 , and C3,i = 0 , the derivatives of aii are significantly simplified, and these simplified derivatives are presented in the supplementary information for completeness.

4. Composition Derivatives

The non-dimensionalized residual Helmholtz energy α r is given by Eq. (25). In order to make use of the one-fluid model for carrying out mixture calculations like vapor- equilibria, or to calculate critical points with the use of analytic derivatives, a large number of composition derivatives is required.

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The first three composition derivatives of this term are given by ∂q+1[ττ a ( )] ∂nψ ()+ m nq+ r nq+−() ∂∂τδqn ∂ ∂∂ αψ  ∂∂ 1 xi x  = − (77) ∂∂x ∂∂δτnq x ∂∂δτnq RT q n++1 () ii xx  r ∂ [(ττ am )] ∂ ψ xxjj+ ∂τδqn ∂∂ x xi

∂q+2[ττ a ( )] ∂nψ ()+ m ∂τδqn ∂∂ ∂ xxij x q+1 ++ ∂ [ττ a ( )] ∂n 1ψ () + m 2 nq+ r 2 nq+−() qn ∂∂ αψ ∂∂  1 ∂∂τδxxij ∂∂ =  −  (78) ∂∂ ∂∂δτnq ∂∂ ∂∂δτnq q+1 n++1 () xxijxxxxij  RTr ∂ [ττ am ( )] ∂ ψ xxkk+ ∂∂τδqnxx ∂∂ ji ∂q [ττ a ( )] ∂n++2ψ () + m ∂τδqn ∂∂∂ x xijx

q+3 n ()+ ∂ [ττam ( )] ∂ ψ qn ∂τδ ∂∂∂xxx ∂ i jk x ∂q+2[ττa ( )] ∂n++1ψ () + m qn ∂τδ ∂∂xxij ∂ ∂ x k  ∂q+2[ττa ( )] ∂n++1ψ () + m ∂τδqn ∂∂xx ∂ ∂ x ik j ∂q+1[ττa ( )] ∂n+2ψ ()+ + m q n 3 nq+r 3 nq+−() ∂∂τ x ∂δ ∂∂xx ∂ ∂αψ ∂∂  1 i jk =  − ∂∂∂xxx ∂δτnq ∂ ∂∂∂xxx ∂δτnq ∂ RT∂q+2 ττ∂n++1ψ () i jkxxxxi jk  r [am ( )] ll+ qn  ∂τδ ∂∂xxjk ∂ ∂ x i    ∂q+1[ττa ( )] ∂n++2ψ () + m   ∂τδqn ∂x ∂ ∂∂ xx   j ik   ∂q+1[ττa ( )] ∂n++2ψ ()  + m  qn  ∂τδ ∂x ∂ ∂∂ xx  k ij   ∂q [ττa ( )] ∂n++3ψ ()  (79) + m  ∂τδqn ∂ ∂∂∂  x xxxi jk The individual derivative terms involved in each derivative are covered in the following sections.

4.1 Composition Derivatives of ψ ()−

The derivatives of ψ ()− from Eq. (27) with respect to δ and one composition derivative with respect to xi with all other mole fractions held constant are given by

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∂ b δρ m ∂ψ ()− r ∂x = i (80) ∂−xbi 1 δρ rm ∂b ρ m ∂2ψ ()− r ∂x = i (81) ∂∂δ 2 xi ()1−δρrmb ∂b 2ρ 2b m ∂3ψ ()− rm∂x = i (82) ∂∂δ 23 xi ()1−δρrmb ∂b 6ρ 32b m ∂4ψ ()− rm∂x = i (83) ∂∂δ 34 xi ()1−δρrmb ∂b 24ρ 43b m ∂5ψ ()− rm∂x = i . (84) ∂∂δ 45 xi ()1−δρrmb The derivatives of ψ ()− with respect to δ and two composition derivatives are given by ∂2b ∂∂ bb δρm δ22 ρ mm ∂2ψ ()− rr∂∂xx ∂ x ∂ x =ij + i j (85) ∂∂ −δρ 2 xxij 1 rm b ()1−δρrmb ∂2b ∂∂ bb ρ m 2δρ 2 mm ∂3ψ ()− rr∂∂xx ∂ x ∂ x = ij+ i j (86) ∂∂ ∂δ 23 xxij ()11−−δρrmbb()δρrm ∂2b ∂∂ bb 22ρρ22b m mm ∂4ψ ()− rm∂∂xxr ∂ x ∂ x =++ij i j(2δρ b 1) (87) ∂∂ ∂δ 23 4rm xxij ()11−−δρrmbb()δρrm ∂2b ∂∂ bb 6ρρ32bbm 12 3 mm ∂5ψ ()− rm∂∂xxrm ∂ x ∂ x =++ij i j()δρ b 1 (88) ∂∂ ∂δ 34 5rm xxij ()11−−δρrmbb()δρrm ∂2b ∂∂ bb 24ρρ43bbm 24 42 mm ∂6ψ ()− rm∂∂xxrm ∂ x ∂ x =++ij i j()2δρ b 3. (89) ∂∂ ∂δ 45 6rm xxij ()11−−δρrmbb()δρrm The derivatives of ψ ()− with respect to δ and three composition derivatives are given by

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∂3b δρ m r ∂∂∂xxx i jk 1− δρ b rm ∂∂∂ 33 bbbmmm 2δρr ∂3ψ ()− ∂∂∂xxx = + i jk (90) ∂∂∂ 3 xxxi jk ()1− δρrmb  ∂∂bb2 mm ∂x ∂∂ xx i jk 22 2 δρ ∂∂bb ++r mm 2 ∂ ∂∂ ()1− δρrmb xj xx ik  ∂∂bb2 + mm ∂ ∂∂ xk xx ij

∂3b ρ m r ∂∂∂xxx i jk (1− δρ b ) 2 rm ∂∂∂ 23bbbmmm 6δρr ∂4ψ ()− ∂∂∂xxx = + i jk . (91) ∂∂∂ ∂δ 4 xxxi jk ()1− δρrmb  ∂∂bb2 mm ∂x ∂∂ xx i jk 22 2δρ ∂∂bb ++r mm 3 ∂ ∂∂ ()1− δρrmb xj xx ik  ∂∂bb2 + mm ∂ ∂∂ xk xx ij

4.2 Composition Derivatives of Π12

As given in Eq. (43), the intermediate term Π12 is given by

Π12 =(1 +∆ 1mrbbρδ )(1 +∆ 2mr ρδ ). (92) This intermediate term was introduced in order to yield more compact derivative forms for the derivatives of ψ ()+ . The first composition derivatives with up to four δ derivatives and all other mole fractions held constant are given by

∂Π12 ∂bm =δρr [2 ∆∆1 2δρ rmb +∆ 1 +∆ 2] (93) ∂∂xxii

2 ∂Π12 ∂bm =ρr [4 ∆∆1 2δρrmb +∆ 1 +∆ 2] (94) ∂∂xxiiδ ∂ ∂Π3 ∂b 12 = ∆∆ ρ 2 m 2 4 12rmb (95) ∂∂xi δ ∂xi

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∂Π45 ∂Π 12 =12 = 340. (96) ∂∂xxiiδδ ∂∂ The second cross composition derivatives with up to four δ derivatives and all other mole fractions held constant are given by

∂Π22∂bb ∂ ∂b 12 =δρ22 ∆∆ δρ m m +( ∆∆δρ b +∆ +∆ ) m (97) ∂∂ r 12 r∂ ∂ 12 rm 1 2∂∂ xxij xi x j xxij

∂Π32∂bb∂ ∂b 12 =ρ44 ∆∆ δρ m m +( ∆∆δρ b +∆ +∆ ) m (98) ∂∂ ∂δ r 12 r∂ ∂ 12 rm 1 2∂∂ xxij xix j xxij

∂Π42∂b∂ bb ∂ 12 =4 ∆∆ ρ 2 b m + m m (99) ∂∂ ∂δ 2 12r m∂∂ ∂ ∂ xxij xxij x i x j ∂Π56 ∂Π 12 =12 = 340. (100) ∂∂xxij ∂δδ ∂∂ xx ij ∂ The third composition derivative is given by

∂∂bb2 mm ∂xi ∂∂ xx jk  ∂Π3 ∂32b ∂bb∂ 12 =δρ(2 ∆∆ δρ b +∆ +∆)m + 2 ∆∆δρ  + m m . (101) ∂∂xx ∂ x r 12 rm 1 2∂∂xx∂ x 12 r∂x ∂∂ xx i jk i jk j ik 2 ∂∂bbmm + ∂ ∂∂ xk xx ij The fourth mixed derivative (three with respect to composition, and one with respect to δ ) is given by

∂∂bb2 mm ∂xi ∂∂ xx jk  ∂Π4 ∂32b ∂bb ∂ 12 =ρ(4 ∆∆ δρ b +∆ +∆)m + 4 ∆∆δρ  + m m . (102) ∂∂xx ∂ x ∂δ r 12 rm 1 2∂∂xx ∂ x 12 r∂x ∂∂ xx i jk i jk j ik 2 ∂∂bbmm + ∂ ∂∂ xk xx ij

4.3 Composition Derivatives of ψ ()+

In order to simplify the composition derivatives of ψ ()+ , we introduce a variable A (which is a function of composition and δ ) given by δρ b ∆+1 A = ln rm 1 . (103) δρrmb ∆+ 2 1 The first three composition derivatives of A are

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∂b δρ m (∆ −∆ ) ∂A r∂x 12 = i (104) ∂Πxi 12

∂2 A δρ (∆ −∆ ) ∂2bb ∂Π ∂ =r1 2 Π−m 12 m (105) ∂∂ Π2 12 ∂∂ ∂ ∂ xxij 12 xxij x j x i

∂Π ∂ 2b 12 m ∂ ∂∂ xj xx ik 3 23 ∂ A δρ ()∆ − ∆ ∂Π ∂ bb∂ ∂Π ∂Π ∂ b = r 1 2 −Π + 12 m + Π2 m + 2,12 12 m (106) ∂∂∂xxx Π3 12 ∂x ∂∂ xx12 ∂∂∂ xxx ∂ x ∂ x ∂ x ijk 12 k ij ijk j k i ∂b ∂Π2 + m 12 ∂ ∂∂ xi xx jk where the parameter Π12 is obtained from Eq. (43).

Furthermore, we introduce a term cb= 1/ m , which has the composition derivatives given by

∂bm ∂c ∂x = − i 2 (107) ∂xi bm

∂2c 1 ∂∂bb ∂2 b = 2 mm− b m (108) ∂∂3  ∂ ∂m ∂∂ xxij bm  xi x j xx ij and

∂∂bb2 mm ∂xi ∂∂ xx jk  ∂3c 1 ∂b ∂23 b ∂ b ∂∂∂ bbb =+−2bbm m 2 m −6. mmm (109) ∂∂xx ∂ x b4 mm∂x ∂∂ xx ∂∂ xx ∂ x ∂ x ∂ x ∂ x i jk m j ik i jk i j k 2 ∂∂bbmm + ∂ ∂∂ xk xx ij With the use of the A and c parameters and their derivatives, the first two composition derivatives of ψ ()+ (taken at constant δ ) can then be obtained from Ac ψ ()+ = (110) ∆12 −∆ (which is equivalent to Eq. (29)), and further composition derivatives are obtained from ∂∂cA Ac+ ()+  ∂ψ ∂∂xxii = (111) ∂xi ∆12 −∆

∂22c ∂ A ∂∂ Ac ∂∂ Ac Ac+ ++ 2 ()+ ∂∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ψ xxij xx ij x i x j x j x i = (112) ∂xxij ∂ ∆12 −∆

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∂∂33cA Ac+ ∂∂ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ xxi jk x xx i jk x ∂∂Ac22 ∂∂ Ac ++ ∂xi ∂ x jk ∂ x ∂ x j ∂∂ xx ik  ∂Ac ∂22 ∂∂ cA ++ ∂x ∂∂ xx ∂ x ∂ x ∂ x k i j i jk ∂∂cA22 ∂∂ cA ++ 3 ()+ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ψ xj xx ik x k xx i j = . (113) ∂xxi ∂ jk ∂ x ∆12−∆

()+ For mixed derivatives with one composition derivative, the first four δ derivatives of ∂∂ψ / xi are given by the following equations ∂2ψ ()+ −ρ ∂Π = r 12 2 (114) ∂∂xxiiδ Π12 ∂

∂∂3ψψ ()++−ρ  ∂2 Π2 Π ∂Π 2 () = r 12+ 12 12 22 (115) ∂∂xi δ Π12 ∂∂xxiiδρr ∂ δ ∂∂ δ

2 ∂4ψ ()+−ρ  ∂32 Π24 ∂Π ∂ Π ∂∂2ψψ ()++∂Π 3 () = r 12 + 12 +Π 12 + Π 12 (116) ∂∂δδ32 Π ∂∂ 2ρ∂ δ 12 ∂ δ2∂∂δρ12 ∂ δ∂∂δ2 xxii12 rr xi xi

2 ∂5ψ ()+−ρ 66 ∂Π ∂22 Π ∂2 ψ ()+∂Π ∂ Π ∂∂3ψψ ()++ 6∂Π 4 () = r 12 12 + 12 +Π 12 + Π 12 . (117) ∂∂δ42 Πρ∂ δ ∂δ2 ∂∂ δρ ∂ δ 12 ∂δδ2 ∂∂ 2ρ12 ∂ δ∂∂ δ3 xi12 rrxi  xxiir 4 3 5 ()+ ∂Π12 ∂Π12 ∂ ψ Note that 3 = 0 and 3 = 0 , which removes contributions from 4 . ∂xi∂δ ∂δ ∂∂xi δ The δ derivatives of the second and higher mixed composition derivatives are given by the equations

∂∂3ψψ ()++1 ∂2 Π ∂Π 2 () =− ρ 12 +Π2 12 (118) ∂∂ ∂δδΠ2 r ∂∂12 ∂ ∂∂ xxij 12 xxij xj x i

3 ∂Π12 ρr ∂∂δ xxij ∂  ∂∂4ψψ ()++1 ∂2 Π ∂Π ∂Π 2 () =− +Π212 + 12 12 (119) ∂∂xx ∂δ 22 Π 12 ∂∂δδx ∂ ∂ xx ∂∂ δ ij 12 j ji ∂Π ∂∂3ψψ ()++∂Π 3 () +Π2212 + Π 12 12 ∂δδ ∂∂ ∂12 ∂ ∂∂δ 2 xxij xj xi

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∂Π4 ρ 12 r 2 ∂δ ∂∂xxij  2 2 3 ()+ ∂ Π12  ∂Π12 ∂ ψ +Π212 + ∂δ 2 ∂δδ ∂∂xx ∂ ij 5 ()+ 2 3 ()+ ∂ ψ 1 ∂ Π ∂Π ∂Π ∂ ψ = − +Π412 + 12 12 (120) ∂∂ ∂δ 32 Π 12 ∂∂δδ ∂ ∂ ∂∂δ 2 xxij 12 xxjjxi  ∂3 Π ∂Π ∂ 22 Π ∂Π ∂ Π ∂2ψ ()+ +Π2212 +12 12 + 12 12 12 ∂∂δδ22∂δδ ∂∂ ∂ ∂ ∂∂δ x j xxjj xi  ∂Π ∂∂4ψψ ()++∂Π 4 () +Π4212 + Π 12 12 ∂∂δ ∂δδ23 ∂∂ 12 ∂ ∂ xxij x j xi

2 ∂2 Π ∂Π ∂4ψ ()+ +Π612 + 12 12 ∂δδ22∂δ ∂ ∂∂  xxij  ∂Π ∂2 Π ∂3ψ ()+ +6 12 12 ∂δδ∂δ 2 ∂∂xx ∂ ij ∂2 Π ∂Π ∂Π ∂4ψ ()+ +Π12 + 12 12 612 3 6 ()+ ∂∂δδ ∂ ∂ ∂∂δ ∂ ψ 1 xxjjxi = − 42 (121) 3 223 ()+ ∂∂xxij ∂δ Π12 ∂ Π ∂Π ∂ Π ∂Π ∂ Π ∂ ψ +Π6212 +12 12 + 12 12 12 ∂∂δδ2 ∂δδ ∂∂ ∂ ∂22∂∂δ x j xxjj xi  ∂Π ∂Π3 ∂Π 22 ∂Π ∂2ψ ()+ ++612 12 12 12 ∂δ∂∂δδ22x ∂ ∂∂δδxx ∂∂ j ji ∂Π ∂∂5ψψ ()++∂Π 5 () +Π6212 + Π 12 12 ∂∂δ ∂δδ34 ∂∂ 12 ∂ ∂ xxij x j xi

3 ∂Π12 ρr ∂∂xxi jk ∂ x  ∂∂4ψψ ()++1 ∂2 Π ∂Π ∂Π 2 () =− +Π2.12 + 12 12 (122) ∂∂∂∂xxxδδΠ2 12 ∂∂xx ∂ x ∂ x ∂∂ x i jk 12 jk j k i ∂Π ∂∂3ψψ ()++∂Π 3 () +Π2212 + Π 12 12 ∂ ∂∂δδ ∂12 ∂ ∂∂ ∂ xj xx ik xk xx i j

4.4 Composition Derivatives of ττam ()

Composition derivatives of the product τ am yield forms similar to Eq. (32). The first two composition derivatives are given by

∂ ∂n[ττa ( )] ∂∂ nn+1 [ aa (τ )] [ ( τ )] m= τ mm+ n (123) ∂ ∂τn∂∂ ττ nn ∂−1 ∂ xi x xxii

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∂2 ∂n[ττa ( )] ∂∂ nn++21 [ aa (τ )] [ ( τ )] m= τ mm+ n . (124) ∂∂ ∂τn∂ ττ nn ∂∂ ∂−1 ∂∂ xxijx xxij xxij

4.5 Composition Derivatives of am and bm

As described above in Sec. 2.3, the mole fractions can be considered to either all be independent variables, or the N -th mole fraction can be determined based on the other N −1 mole fractions. The derivatives of am and

bm with respect to composition for both composition models are described in the sections that follow, where the composition derivatives of am are taken at a constant value of τ , which involves the contributions from aii . The mixed τ and composition derivatives required in Eqs. (123) and (124) can be obtained by substituting n ∂ ai in the place of aii as required. For more information on these derivatives, see the C++ code in the ∂τ n supplemental information.

4.5.1 xN Independent

The summation for am given by Eq. (10) can also be reconstituted as two summations, one for the main diagonal (where ij= ), and another for all the off-diagonal entries, which due to symmetry ( aaij= ji ) contribute two identical contributions. This results in the formulation for am given by N NN−1 2 am =∑ xi a ii + 2. ∑∑ xxai j ij (125) i=1i= 11 ji = +

The first composition derivative of am with respect to composition when all N components of the mixture are assumed to be independent is given by

N ∂am = 2.∑ xaj ij (126) ∂xi j=1 xj , ji≠ The summation form of this derivative can be demonstrated for a ternary (three-component) mixture, where the pattern becomes evident, as can be seen from

22 2 am=+++ xa 1 11 xa 2 22 xa 3 33222 xxa 1 2 12 + xxa 1 3 13 + xxa 2 3 23 (127)

∂am =++22xa1 11 xa 2 12 2 xa 3 13 (128) ∂x1 xx23,

∂am =++22xa1 12 xa 2 22 2 xa 3 23 (129) ∂x2 xx13,

∂am =++2xa1 13 2 xa 2 23 2. xa 3 33 (130) ∂x3 xx12,

The second composition derivative of am (for xN independent) is given by ∂a m = 2a (131) ij ∂∂xxij xk for all i and j . This result can be seen by inspection of composition derivatives of Eqs. (128), (129), and

(130) for the ternary system. All further composition derivatives of am are equal to zero.

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The first composition derivative of bm with respect to composition for xN independent and bm with the use of linear mixing is given by

∂bm = bii . (132) ∂xi x j

All further composition derivatives of bm , as well as all derivatives with respect to τ , are equal to zero.

4.5.2 xN Dependent

The first N −1 components are independent variables, and the last component xN is the remainder of the mole fraction. The formula for am from Eq. (10) can be expressed in four pieces, one as the primary matrix for the first (NN−× 1) ( − 1) components, one for the N , N element, and two pieces for the remainder of the N -th row and the N -th column. Figure 1 shows the bands in the matrix in a graphical sense. The cells with no color correspond to the entries where both i and j are independent mole fractions, in red, both of the i and j mole fractions are dependent variables, and in green, one of the i and j mole fractions are dependent variables.

a11 a12 a13 a14 a15

a21 a22 a23 a24 a25

a31 a32 a33 a34 a35

a41 a42 a43 a44 a45

a51 a52 a53 a54 a55

Fig. 1. Grid of entries in am for the case where xN is a dependent variable.

Then considering the bands in Figure 1, we can express Eq. (10) in the form NN−−11 ∑∑xxan m nm nm=11 = NN−−11 am =++∑∑ xN xa k Nk xx k N a kN . (133) kk=11= 2 +xaN NN

2 The first composition derivative of xaN NN is given by 2 ∂()xaN NN = −2xaN NN (134) ∂xi because dxxNi /d= − 1. The remainder of the N -th row and N -th column can be treated in a similar fashion

NN−−11 ∂ ddxxNk ∑∑xN xa k Nk =xk + x N a Nk , (135) ∂xikk=11= ddxxii

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or ∂ NN−−11 ∑∑xN xa k Nk= x N a Ni − xa k Nk , (136) ∂xi kk=11= because ∂x 1 ik= k =  , (137) ∂xi 0 ik≠ which is also sometimes expressed as the Kronecker delta. The other part of the boundary to the matrix yields a similar form, given by ∂ NN−−11 ∑∑xxak N kN= xa N iN − xa k kN . (138) ∂xi kk=11=

The derivative of the remaining part of am can be given by

NN−−11 NN−−11 ∂ ∂∂xxnm ∑∑xxan m nm = ∑∑ anm x m+ x n (139) ∂xinm=11 = nm=11 = ∂∂xxii or ∂ NN−−11 N−1 N−1 ∑∑xxan m nm = ∑ xam im + ∑ xa n ni , (140) ∂xi nm=11 = m=1 n=1 which can ultimately all be joined together to yield

N −1 ∂am =−2xaN NN + x N () a Ni + a iN +∑ xk( a ik +− a ki a kN − a Nk ), (141) ∂xi k =1 which by symmetry can be simplified to

N −1 ∂am  =2(xaN Ni −+ a NN )∑  xak( ik − a kN ) . (142) ∂xi k =1 The second composition derivative (by the argument of Eq. (137)) yields

2 ∂ am =2(aaij −−+ jN a Ni a NN ), (143) ∂∂xxij and all further composition derivatives are equal to zero.

The formula for bm can be expressed as NN−−11 bm =∑∑ xbi ii +−1, xi b NN (144) ii=11= which results in

N −1 bm =+− bNN∑ xb i( ii b NN ), (145) i=1 and therefore the first composition derivative with respect to composition for xN dependent is given by

∂bm =bbii − NN . (146) ∂xi x j

All further composition derivatives of bm are equal to zero.

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5. Validation and Results

The analytic derivatives presented here were obtained through extensive use of the open-source python symbolic math package sympy as shown in the Jupyter notebook (formerly known as IPython notebook [27]) provided as supplemental information. A few minor manual simplifications of the resulting equations were made in order to yield slightly more compact forms. In order to assist the user in the implementation of the derivatives presented here, numerical values are tabulated in the supplemental information for the required derivatives. These derivatives cover all the partial derivatives of α r with respect to composition, τ , δ , and mixed partial derivatives thereof.

5.1 Numerical Derivatives Not Involving Composition Derivatives

As the analytic derivatives themselves are quite complex, it is necessary to ensure that they have been implemented properly. The most reliable way of doing this is to compare the calculated values from the numerical derivatives with the values calculated from the analytic derivatives. Here we present a small explanation of how to carry out the numerical derivatives, which mirrors the analysis presented in the supplemental information. The numerical τ and/or δ derivatives (not including composition derivatives) are relatively straightforward. For instance, for an arbitrary term Λ= fx(,τδ , ), the first τ derivative of Λ with a second-order truncation error centered difference can be obtained from ∂Λ Λ(τ +∆ τδ ,,)xx −Λ ( τ −∆ τδ ,,) ≈ +∆((τ )2 ), (147) ∂∆ττ2 where the term  represents the order of the truncation error. Similarly, the first numerical partial derivative with respect to δ (and all other variables constant) with a second-order truncation error centered finite difference would be given by ∂Λ Λ(,τδ +∆ δ ,xx ) −Λ (, τδ −∆ δ , ) ≈ +∆((δ )2 ). (148) ∂∆δδ2 The term Λ could be a derivative term (potentially also including composition derivatives). In some cases, first partial derivatives with higher order truncation error are needed to reduce the error in the numerical approximation to the analytic derivative. The first derivative with respect to δ with a fourth-order truncation error centered finite difference would be given by

∂Λ−Λ+∆+Λ+∆−Λ−∆+Λ−∆(,τδ 2 δ ,xxxx ) 8 (, τδ δ , ) 8 (, τδ δ , ) (, τδ 2 δ , ) 4 ≈ +∆((δ ) ). (149) ∂∆δδ12

5.2 Numerical Derivatives with Respect to Composition

As in the above section, we consider an arbitrary function Λ= fx(,τδ , ). The derivatives with respect to composition are slightly more complex because they now involve the two possibilities of xN being an independent variable or being dependent on the preceding N −1 components of the mixture. In order to carry out derivatives of Λ with respect to one of the first N −1 mole fractions, we create new composition vectors with the relevant mole fraction shifted. If xN is an independent variable, these new composition vectors can be expressed as

(+ ,)i x=[,,, xx12 … xiN +∆ x ,, … x ] (150)

(2+ ,i ) x=[,,, xx12 … xiN +∆… 2,, x x ] (151)

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(− ,)i x=[,,, xx12 … xiN −∆ x ,, … x ] (152)

(2− ,i ) x=[,,, xx12 … xiN −∆… 2,, x x ]. (153) because the only composition that must be shifted is the composition of interest. With xN an independent variable, the sum of x will not equal one for the shifted mole fraction vectors, x (2− ,i ) , x (− ,)i , x (+ ,)i , and x (2+ ,i ) .

If on the other hand xN is dependent on the first N −1 components, the shifted composition vectors are constructed by shifting the composition of interest, as well as applying the opposite shift to the xN composition, as given by

(+ ,)i x=[,,, xx12 … xiN +∆ x ,, … x −∆ x ] (154)

(2+ ,i ) x=[,,, xx12 … xiN +∆… 2,, x x −∆ 2] x (155)

(− ,)i x=[,,, xx12 … xiN −∆ x ,, … x +∆ x ] (156)

(2− ,i ) x=[,,, xx12 … xiN −∆… 2,, x x +∆ 2]. x (157) The first composition partial derivative through the use of a fourth-order truncation error centered finite difference can then be expressed as ∂Λ −Λ(,τδ ,x(2,)+i ) + 8 Λ (, τδ , x( + ,) i ) − 8 Λ (, τδ , xx( −− ,) ii ) + Λ (, τδ ,(2,) ) ≈ +∆((x )4 ). (158) ∂∆xxi 12 This and other finite difference forms are covered in the work of Chapra and Canale [28]. Similarly, if a second-order truncation partial derivative were desired, the form of Eq. (147) could be used.

6. Conclusions

In this work, a generalized derivation to transform cubic equations of state to Helmholtz-explicit formulations for use in one-fluid and multi-fluid models is presented. These transformations can be used in state-of-the-art thermophysical property libraries, either to replace a fluid in the multi-fluid model, or to use the cubic equation of state in a standalone fashion to replace the mixture (or pure-fluid) model entirely. Additional validation data and a C++ implementation of these derivatives are provided as supplemental information. The derivatives presented here can be extended to higher orders in composition, τ , or δ by continuing the symbolic mathematics analysis that is included in the supplemental information. The higher- order composition derivatives become significantly more complex, but additional derivatives with respect to τ or δ require relatively little additional work. Aavatsmark et al. [29] developed a new cubic equation of state for carbon dioxide for the purpose of modeling carbon capture and sequestration. Their work was published while this work was underway. Fortuitously, the equation of state proposed by Aavatsmark can be readily handled with the framework proposed here, but cannot be used in tools that are based on the standard cubic equations of state (PR, SRK, etc.), providing additional motivation for the work carried out here. In their work, several sets of the parameters ∆1 , ∆2 , mii , a0,ii , and bii were obtained to yield the best density predictions over a few different domains.

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Supplemental Materials

• C++ code implementing all the analyses presented here. In the case of an inconsistency between the analytic derivatives as typeset here and the C++ code, the C++ code should be used because it has been numerically validated. • Jupyter notebook demonstrating use of sympy symbolic math package (and a PDF translation of the notebook). • Sample derivative data for a three-component mixture.


The authors thank the following colleagues who played important roles in the past and present development of this work: Eric Lemmon of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, who generously shared his time to discuss numerous mathematical challenges; Monika Thol and Stefan Herrig of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, for the motivation of this work; Vladimir Diky and Diego Ortiz-Vega, who laid some of the groundwork for this analysis; Lars Hüttermann and Pit Podleschny, who carried out preliminary work on specialized derivations for PR and SRK at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum; the National Research Council for their generous support of Ian Bell's postdoctoral fellowship.

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About the authors: Ian Bell is a National Research Council postdoctoral researcher in the Applied Chemicals and Materials Division of the Materials and Measurements Laboratory of NIST. He conducts research in the modeling of the thermophysical properties of pure fluids and mixtures. Andreas Jäger is a research assistant at the Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden University of Technology) in Germany. His primary research focuses on equations of state for fluid and phases and phase equilibrium calculations. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

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