S C I E N C E E D A R T N G I S E D BRIGHTON BRIDGE CIRCUS 9TH ! 10TH DECEMBER 2013 Free thinking future entrepreneurs, a catalyst for change A symposium and business to business event What are the possibilities for innovation in trans-disciplinary research? BRIDGE : Building Research and Innovation Deals for the Green Economy THIS PROGRAMME IS SUPPORTED BY THE INTERREG IV A FRANCE !CHANNEL" # ENGLISH PROGRAMME BRIDGE creates a cross channel trans-disciplinary partnership between centres of excellence in design research agro-engineering, sustainable construction, waste reprocessing & business incubation in the UK and France. EXHIBITION Led by Principal Investigator Dr Joan Farrer, Director of DR-i, at the Centre for Research & Development, this project The true value demonstrates the opportunities for innovation arising from of materials trans-disciplinary research. Focused on eco materials, local growth & production, and use of disposal networks, timber & textiles are the key TH TH 9 ! 20 DECEMBER material streams. 10"# ! 5$# UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON GALLERY, GRAND PARADE www.arts.brighton.ac.uk/projects/bridge/brightonbridgecircus
[email protected] Brighton)BRIDGE)Circus):)Programme):)December)9th)and)10th)2013) Grand)Parade)Main)Building,)Grand)Parade)Campus)map)attached)as)PDF.)University)of)Brighton) ) Day)1:)Sallis)Benney)Theatre,)Grand)Parade,)University)of)Brighton) ! 9am:!Refreshments!and!registration.! 9.30am:)Dr!Joan!Farrer!(RCA),!Director!of!Design!Research!Initiatives,!Welcome!!! An#overview#of#the#research#project.#It’s#origins#and#focus#on#trans8disciplinary#research/working#