Elegant Eastbourne
m WEDDING GOLD WATCH to fet. PRESENTS. BBACELETS. NEWEST AND BEST. Real Gold Self-fitting Bracelets i be repUed to to torOtog,. with Jewelled Lever Watches _s given. Personal appliea- 1 iOWEST p o s s i b l e p r i c e s i. tor particulars, are naelee*. FROM 6 0 /- EACH. or( SOLD, large HOUSE: GUARANTEED, fterrace, Hastings; quietly Its, Decorators, Slgnwriters, Wm. Brnford & Son I be altered as private house ■particulars apply, J. W.t 21, Goldsmiths and 8Uvermiths, Wm. Bruford &5on London, N. - _______ ASHIONABLE VISITOR A N D G U ID E [NESS FOR SALK (Ladies’* iMtboonw and KxeUr. he; old-established; capital Ifce, for fixtures and fittings, |^er.—Apply, Chas. Horne. t AND DISTRICT. - For EA8TB0TJRNE, SAT SEPTEMBER 1915 1 TO BE LET OB SOLD in T e l e p h o n e : 22s, E a s t b o t je h b . PRICE ONE PENNY roality, with exoellent rail- pton and Eastbourne, apply nd Estate Agents, Market- ■Jgj A8TB0URNB THE EASTBOURNE H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, pod) TO LET; moderate A r t i s t i c C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . President f GRA88INGTON ROAD. EASTBOURNE. iple or two or three ladies; SCHOOL OF COY MARY H. COOP! T [; with or without attend- 11, V 1 T I M 1 T BC ' / ' j E QF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemeni te: close to church.—Lewis, Principals: Dpthorne, 8urrey.________ Subjects and EVENIN G GOWNS at Moderate Prices lead Matter l Latest Creations in PETE i AUTUMN IS COMING! MISS HITCHCOCK and MISS CRAKE home Common; low .
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