3-26-2021 Clark L. Erickson CURRICULUM VITAE CONTACT INFORMATION Department of Anthropology 3260 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398 tel. (215) 898-2282 fax (215) 898-7462 email:
[email protected] homepage: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/anthro/people/faculty/cerickso EDUCATION 1976 B.A. in Anthropology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. 1980 A.M. in Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. 1988 Ph.D. in Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. RESEARCH INTERESTS My research focuses on indigenous knowledge, cultural landscape creation and management, biodiversity, sustainable lifeways, and environmental management. My Andean and Amazonian research applies the perspectives of landscape archaeology and historical ecology to understand the long, complex human history of the environment and cultural activities that have shaped the Earth. I also am involved in inter-school collaborative research and teaching with the Digital Media Design Program of the Department of Computer and Information Science in School of Engineering, the Historic Preservation Program and the Department of Landscape Architecture in School of Penn Design. CURRENT ACADEMIC POSITION 1988 – present University of Pennsylvania Professor of Anthropology (2011 – present); Associate Professor of Anthropology (1995– 2011); Assistant Professor (1988-1995). Affiliated faculty: Graduate Group Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World (2005 – present); Historic Preservation Faculty in Penn Design (2004 – present). 1988 – present University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Curator; Curator-In-Charge (2012-present), Associate Curator (1995-2012); Assistant Curator (1988-1995); American Section. BOOKS 2009 (with James E. Snead and J. Andrew Darling) Landscapes of Movement: The Anthropology of Trails, Paths, and Roads.