Journalof the InternationalPalm Society Vol.46(1) March 2002 THE INTERNATIONATPAIM SOCIETY,INC. The International Palm Society Palms(rormerrv o*')Fili?.,"" Journalof The Internation, An illustrated,peer-reviewed quarterly devoted to " informationabout palms and publishedin March,June, ffitt'# **,,,*,,nI:#.*g'i,.*r:r"'" Seotember and Decemberbv The lnternationalPalm nationalin scopewith worldwidemembership, and the formationof regionalor localchapters affiliated with the internationalroii"ty ir "n.ourug.i. Pleaseaddress all inquiriesregarding membership or informationabout Editors: Dransfield,Herbarium, Royal Botanic The-lnternationaiPalm Society Inc., P.O. :::i:ff:*::::lohn :::,I.^, -. "l, the socieryio -il;;;;k;;, Ri;;;;";, s,,i"y,r,ve :hi, u;t;J Kansas 660 44'88e7' usA' Kingdom,e-mail
[email protected], tel.44- 181-332-5225,Fax 44-1 B1 -332-5278. lrr,itiJr,"-rence' ScottZona, Fairchild Tropical Carden, 11935 Old Cutler /310tuhburn' nou"on',., Road,Coral Cables (Miami), Florida 33156, USA, e-mail ?J#*;:, I!X':.:;:ii c'm'e'
[email protected]. 1 -105-66l-1 65i ext. ;::r":ff::;;:;:ffi l1]l.l-'..*"'::;:';,^, 467Mann Library, y;fji#; 1485 3'U sA"e. ma i' lii:1L?,ililii :ii:fl 1,. "' I,lii,%S?l,:iixk l'[i: i :]?:,1?:i ":;ffi [l;1;l', ) 2418 S ta ffo rd s p ri n qs'
[email protected]?li'ijffi tel. 61;, -7-3800-5526.l:,",:*i,ii ;tli i:l$i"il;* :i t'#,",lif T ffiil *i**i"*' rt;d;;;:' ^"* i:-::,',:"'ffil # ;,::'; :::"",, " :::,T:::::"",.i;.1i1,,ffi::::"672e ::1:::"".';J:::;::::ll.n, ** pu ". fi8fl3;'.?i3l,i'i; li:i'!:,' X:,1: ;l,lt; 8il' il'[f,,xl:,'.n"J,?:}#il',*"d:,:il;:, Treasurer: HowardWaddell, 6120 SW132 St.,Miami, OldCutler Road, Coral Cables (Miami), Florida 33156, sA,e-mai I hwaddell@prod, tel.