PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

1978 posters Skateboard Magazine

My skateboarding trip since 1977….en images )

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture Skateboard 1978 Cinéma 1979 Musique 1985

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

°L’Huma 2000 PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

Le Figaro Mag. 1999 PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

BERCY SHOW 2000: SKATE BMX FMX with Tony Hawk, Neal Hendrix, Steve Caballero and more PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

L’Express Mag. PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

L‘histoire du skate à / TRICKS Mag 2001 PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

URBAN Mag : history of skateboard in Paris

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

Tournée avec Sud Radio 1978

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1rst skateboard Sport and study in 1978 / 79 : Ecoles des enfants du spectacle - spectacle au Paradis Latin

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Meating with the Minister of women Laurence Rossignol ‘ Women ‘s day – March 2017

Organizing a demo with girls from all around Paris

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

Organizing French Championship 2007 Indoor - Fair of Paris Inauguration with the mayor M Bertrand Delanoë & Mme future Mayor

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

Organizing ‘general state of urban culture’ for the ministry of sports 2009 with Rama Yade minister of sport

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture Meeting and show organized for Bernard Laporte Minister of sport about new sports and their future– Many reunions in the ministry about the future of skateboarding and the creation of an independent skateboarding federation

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

Nov. 2015 : Meeting in paris skatepark to sign jobs citizen contracts with Myriam El Khomri work minister and Thierry Braillard sports minister

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture 1rst Price for the action « let’s share the skatepark » won by PSC Given by Jean François Martins – Head of sport in the city of Paris - 2014

TV SHOW ‘ everyone talks about it” 10 millions viewers with Thierrry Ardisson

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture 2013 Inauguration of ‘les berges de Seine’ with Mayor Anne Hidalgo – ramp for 3 months

World championships Tony Hawk - Boston 2009 ISF meeting to integrate skateboarding in the Olympics

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Meeting ISF

Meeting ESA in Paris organized by PARIS SKATE CULTURE MAY 2009

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

Building of a mini ramp (IOU Ramps 12 m wide) Place de la République June to September - asked by the mayor of Paris 2016

Contests, Initiations, demos, wall graffiti - Team PSC

PRESS and photos - Remy Walter consultant urban culture

PARIS EGP18 - greatest skatepark in PARIS since 2008 on PSC demand