Historical Fiction Bedford Free Library Children’S Room Historical Fiction
Bedford Free Library Children’s Room Historical Fiction Bedford Free Library Children’s Room Historical Fiction Call Number Title Author Time Period Nonfiction J 940.53 LEI Big Lie, A True Story Leitner Jews in Hungary, 1944 Picture Books JP ANH Camille & the Sunflowers Anholt Van Gogh, France, 1853-1890 JP BAR Radio Rescue Barasch Florida, 1923 JP BAR High as a Hawk: A Brave Girl’s Historic Barron Colorado, 1905 Climb JP COL Unspoken: a story from the Underground Cole Underground Railroad, 1800’s Railroad JP DEM A Dance Like Starlight Dempsey Harlem, 1950’s JP EVA We March Evans Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963 JP FER Buffalo Music Fern Pioneers, late 1800’s JP GOO Reuben and the Fire Good Amish JP GRA Danbury’s Burning: The Story of Sybil Grant American Revolution Ludington’s Ride JP HAL Ox-Cart Man Hall New England, early 1800’s 2 JP HAR Three Young Pilgrims Harness New Plymouth, Pilgrims JP HEN That Book Woman Henson Librarian in the Appalachian Mountains, 1930’s JP HIG City of Snow: The Great Blizzard of 1888 High New York, Blizzard of 1888 JP HOP Apples to Oregon Hopkinson Pioneer Life, Mid-1800’s JP HOP Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Hopkinson Slavery, USA JP HOW Williams' House Howard England to New England, 1637 JP JOH A Sweet Smell of Roses Johnson Civil Rights Movement, USA JP JOH All Different Now: Juneteenth, First Day Johnson Slaves, Texas, 1865 of Freedom JP KAY Homespun Sarah Kay PA Farm, Colonial Era JP KIN The Bear That Heard Crying Kinsey- New Hampshire woods, 1783 Warnock JP KRU Best Friends Krupinski Native American conflict, Idaho, 1870’s JP LYO Cecil’s Story Lyon U.S.
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