March 2004 2003 – March > October EDITORIAL LET US FIX WHAT NEEDS FIXING

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March 2004 2003 – March > October EDITORIAL LET US FIX WHAT NEEDS FIXING page 1 < STAN newsletter > October 2003 – March 2004 2003 – March > October EDITORIAL LET US FIX WHAT NEEDS FIXING Most of us are overwhelmed by the I have been faced with situations here What about Faculty members who use crime and criminal activity which sur- which I find untenable. Students who their University job as a sinecure and rounds us and engulfs our country. fail their examinations want to argue manage a world of business for personal Last year, one of our students was about their “rights” to run for guild of- gain with little benefit to the Univer- stabbed in a Curepe street not far from fice and to hold guild office. This bra- sity? What about those who do not even The University. A few weeks ago an zenness from students who wish to meet adequately their teaching obliga- alleged rapist was chased by two UWI “lead” the student body but cannot even tions to students? I know that these security guards, held, later identified summon the basic discipline required to are in the minority, but should they be and charged. This means that crime be a student in good standing I find here? is pretty close to home. objectionable. Charity begins at home and even if we We are doing everything within reason What homes and secondary schools do cannot “fix” everything that is wrong to make the campus a safe zone. It is such students as I have mentioned in with our society, we must begin in a quite difficult to control what is hap- this editorial come from? How can they systematic fashion to fix those things pening outside the campus fence. Still, that are wrong with our University. And we now have security with guard dogs we must begin with this campus and patrolling some of the known trouble what needs to be fixed here. Some of spots around campus; the shuttle takes the things we need to fix may not in- students to and from campus and stu- volve criminal activity but may indeed dents have been advised, over and over be considered less than responsible, less again, to take responsibility for their own than desirable behaviour. safety and security by being vigilant. This is an academic institution. The main But I want all members of the campus business of the academic staff is teach- community to be aware of the fact that ing students, creating knowledge or find- crime is even closer to home. Since ing solutions through research, becoming Campus Principal at least two mentoring those who can potentially employees have been dismissed for make a valuable contribution to the stealing University property. What kind Charity begins at home and even if academy and offering intellectual lead- of people are these who would steal from we cannot “fix” everything that is ership to the society. the institution which is providing them with a livelihood? wrong with our society, we must If we are not doing these things well, begin in a systematic fashion to then we are failing as academic staff to Students have been disciplined for pro- fix those things that are wrong meet our minimum obligations. And it voking violence, for being violent and with our University. becomes very difficult in such a situa- for damaging University property. tion to offer leadership either to stu- dents or to our peers. And if University Recently, two students were found mak- be bright enough to win a place in a academic staff are compromised in of- ing illegal international calls at Univer- selective University such as UWI, yet, fering leadership to their charges and sity cost having secured access numbers they seem unable to tell the difference peers then they are of little value to the by some means of subterfuge. They will between right and wrong or even the University. be tried and disciplined. difference between what is reasonable and what is not? Can we allow students Administrative staff are not here to frus- Another student this semester was with such attitudes and corresponding trate students. Administrative staff are caught using university computers to behaviours to enter the corporate, so- here to bring clock work precision to the hack into websites on and off campus. cial and political world to become su- academic and intellectual work which Again this student will have to go pervisors, managers and leaders in the goes on here by supporting such endeav- through due process and if found guilty wider society duly certified by us? Is our, and administrative staff are also here that student will be disciplined. that what The University of the West to support the student at every turn to Indies is for? ensure that they can have a rich experi- ence at the University. CONTINUED ON PAGE 39 STAN newsletter > page 2 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS RECOGNISES UWI SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY ON THE COVER Following an inspection by the Royal College of Sur- geons of Edinburgh, the intern year in The Univer- These three gifted young interns recently model for me; Dr. Maria Bartholomew be- sity of the West Indies School of Dentistry at the graduated from the Faculty of Medical cause she was always so dedicated...;Dr. Faculty of Medical Sciences in Trinidad has been rec- Sciences with numerous honors and Bharath Bassaw, he was an excellent ognised as providing appropriate training to satisfy awards. However, what truly stands out teacher who did more than he was sup- the regulations for the Membership of the Faculty is their generosity, tenacity and dedica- posed to; Professor Ramsewak, because of Dental Surgery (MFDS) examination. tion to excellence. To the three Angels, he was so professional; as well as Dr. mediocrity is a bad word. They have man- Gordon Narayansingh because I always aged to study, get excellent grades, play found he was an excellent teacher and This integral initiative will enable Caribbean den- sports, have a relatively active social life had such a good sense of humour,“ tists to undergo appropriate training during their and give back to the community. Thomas explained. intern year at the School of Dentistry with the op- tion of taking the examination in Trinidad. Profes- Congratulations to Tricia Gonzales, win- All the best to Sherry Sandy, who received sor S R Prabhu, a Fellow in Dental Surgery of the ner of the Medal for Best Overall Clinical the medal for The Best Student in Medi- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, has been Student and the MEPHA Prize for Best cine, The B. Chapman Boyd Prize for Com- named by the Royal College as the Coordinator of Final Year Student in Orthopaedics. munity Medicine, the Maurice Byer Prize the MFDS programme in the Caribbean. for the best question 5 in surgery on all “I wouldn’t say it was easy…to get where Campuses and the Zulaika Ali Prize for I am. But whatever situation you are in, Best OSCE St. Augustine. “I found that Professor Prabhu, who is also Associate Dean for socially and financially, that shouldn’t at the [UWI] Medical get Marketing at the UWI Faculty of Medical Sciences, stop you from dreaming big dreams.” the most experience…plus it was afford- recently stated that by virtue of lower costs of train- (Tricia Gonzales said in a Newsday inter- able.” Sandy stated. ing in Trinidad, students will be able to make sub- view with Sean Douglas) stantial savings compared with those who travel to “There were moments when you won- the United Kingdom to complete the MFDS pro- Kudos to Kyla Thomas who was awarded dered why you had chosen medicine. You gramme. The qualification and entitlements offered the Medal for Best Student in Obstetrics were graduating after your friends and to those trained and examined in Trinidad will be and Gynaecology, The Fiona Phelps Prize for a long time earning less than [they in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the earn]. But now [that] I’m on the job identical to those offered to trainees in the UK. In RBTT prize for Community Medicine. “I and have reached one goal in my life, addition as part of a collaborative initiative the School enjoyed my years at UWI because of my I’m enjoying it – the personal satisfac- of Dentistry will deliver intensive revision courses to classmates ...we had a lot of good tion. At the end of the day you help a prepare candidates for the examination. The first times...some of the lecturers I really re- lot of people.” (Sherry Sandy said in a revision course will be held in November 2003 and spected like Dr. Newsday interview with the first diet of Part A MFDS will be held in April Monica Davis, Sean Douglas) 2004. who is a role Since its foundation in 1505, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has continuously promoted, through education, training and examination, the raising of standards in surgical practice. (left to right) Tricia Gonzales Sherry Sandy & Kyla Thomas page 3 < STAN newsletter J’OUVERT Celebrating the opening of events, facilities and programmes on campus Derek Walcott Professor Christopher Leaver Nobel Laureate for Head of Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford University UWI Public Literature (1992) Lecture 7th January, 2004 (UWI venue to be announced) The UWI Distinguished Open Lecture Series The Head of the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Ox- Reading from his works ford, Professor Leaver will give a public lecture on “Genetically with commentary Modified Crops: The Next Green Revolution?” The lecture will be 27th November 2003 given in memory of the late Campus Principal, Professor Dudley UWI Learning Resource Centre Huggins.
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