Papers of William A. Rusher [Finding Aid]
William A. Rusher A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress Prepared by Kathleen M. Dondanville with the assistance of Melissa Little, Scott McLemee, and Richard Urban Manuscript Division, Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 1993 Contact information: Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress Manuscript Division, 2001 Finding aid URL: Latest revision: 2008 October Collection Summary Title: Papers of William A. Rusher Span Dates: 1940-1989 Bulk Dates: (bulk 1968-1988) ID No.: MSS77641 Creator: Rusher, William A., 1923- Extent: 78,400 items; 224 containers; 89.6 linear feet; 36 microfilm reels Language: Collection material in English Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Abstract: Author, lawyer, and publisher. Correspondence, memoranda, diaries, drafts and manuscripts of articles, books, book reviews, columns, minutes of meetings, reports, research notes, reference material, financial and legal papers, photographs, and other papers relating to Rusher's role as publisher of the National Review and the development of the conservative movement in American politics. Selected Search Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein. Personal Names Agnew, Spiro T., 1918-1996. Ashbrook, John M. Bauman, Robert, 1937- Blackwell, Morton C. Buchanan, Patrick J. (Patrick Joseph), 1938- Buckley, James Lane, 1923- Buckley, William F. (William Frank), 1925-2008. Burnham, James, 1905-1987. Cohn, Roy M.
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