Types of the Levitical Offerings
http://www.biblesnet.com TYPES OF THE LEVITICAL OFFERINGS Introduction. GOD, who knows our frame and remembers that we are dust, has, in His fatherly condescension, from the earliest times, instructed the children of faith by means of pictures, or object lessons. It is so difficult for man, who is a complex being, composed of body, soul, and spirit, to form purely abstract or spiritual ideas; they need, more or less, to be clothed in a material form. Beginning with the first victim offered in Paradise, in the skin of which our first parents were clothed by the hand of God, onward by Abel’s offering, and the long succession of sacrifices through the following ages, the Father was making known by type and symbol the deep things of God, and the precious things of Christ, which could only be spiritually apprehended by the teaching of the Holy Ghost. Sight is threefold - physical, mental, and spiritual. The eye gazes on the type, reason may form its conclusions, but the Holy Ghost alone can communicate the mind of God concerning the truths contained in it. In these types we have the embodiment of the thoughts of God concerning the person, work, and offices of the Lord Jesus Christ. But as the spirit of man alone knows the inward thoughts of man, so these deep and wondrous thoughts of God can only be communicated to us by the Spirit of God Himself (1 Cor. ii. 11). Moreover, as the Word of God endureth for ever, and the heavens and earth may pass sooner than one jot or tittle of the law may fail, we have in these types, in all their minuteness of detail, a record for eternity, imprinted by the Spirit of God on the pages of the eternal Word, for the instruction of the inhabitants of heaven and the universe, throughout the countless ages of eternity, concerning the incarnation, sufferings, atoning death, and priestly office of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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