Doctrine of Levitical Offerings

1. The Levitical offerings were an elaborate teaching aid in ritual form designed to portray the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their purpose was to orient the Jewish individual to God’s plan for phase one and two and teach grace.

2. There is a Scriptural basis for typical (symbolical) interpretation. Heb. 10:1 For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things, can never by the same sacrifices year by year, which they offer continually, make perfect those who draw near. Heb 10:4 For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

3. The Lev 1:2-17 A. ThisiscalledanOLAHQARBAN. B. Moses was given these instructions by the Lord from inside the its completion. 1:1 C. It could be brought from three sources. 1:21. 1). Herd: brought by the wealthy (principle: to whom much is given, much is required) and portrayed the Lord Jesus Christ as the servant of God. (Not trying to buy salvation.) 2). Flock: brought by middle class, portrayed Lord Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God. 3). Fowl: brought by the poor, portrayed the Lord Jesus Christ as the Resurrected One. D. This offering was brought by believers (as were the others). Lev 1:2 uses the Hiphil Imperfect of QARAB which means that the offeror “caused to bring” the sacrifice to obey God’s Word. E. The offering from the Herd: 1:3-9 1). To be a male without physical defect portraying that Lord Jesus Christ was qualified to bear our sins because of no Sin Nature or personal sin. (The word “spot” means a “birthmark” which refers to the Sin Nature; a blemish is something caused later referring to personal sin. The sacrifice was to be without Sin Nature and personal sin.) 2). It was to be slaughtered by the offeror portraying the acceptance of an innocent sacrifice by the believer. 3). Hands were placed on the head of the sacrifice portraying that all sins of the individual were poured onto the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 John 2:2 and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for our only, but also for those of the whole world. (Imputation) 4). The bull was innocent as was Jesus Christ. John 15: 25 they hated Me with a cause. 5). The bull bleeding to death portrays Christ’s suffering for us. John 19:34 (Pierced His side.) 2

6). The animal’s physical death portrays Christ’s spiritual death. 7). The offering was offered on the bronze portraying judgment on the cross of Christ. 8). The animal was then skinned portraying that salvation was the beginning of our work. 9). It was then cut into pieces and arranged over the fire. 10). The fire portrays judgment. 11). The head and fat were to be put on the altar portraying that Christ knew what He was doing on the cross and the prosperity of His human soul. 12). This was all done at the altar portraying the fact that all Christ’s saving work was done at the cross. 13). There is no mention of emotion. F. The Offering from the Flock. 1:10-13 1. Could be either a sheep or a goat. 2. The goat had to be a male without blemish as did the sheep. 3. The goat represents sins to be borne by the Messiah. 4. The sheep represents His perfect and sinless humanity. John 1:29 (John the Baptist recognized Him as the “Lamb of God.”) 5. This offering was in effect before the Levitical Offerings. Gen 22 6. This is designed to portray the message of 2 Cor 5:2. For He has made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 7. The method of slaughter was the same as for the bull. 8. The offeror received the knife from the priest. 9. A volitional decision was involved to slay it, indicating God’s volition. 10. This was not a pleasant thing to do as God judging His Son was not a “pleasant” thing for Him to do. 11. Christ’s crucifixion was shocking experience. 12. It was not designed to be pleasant. 13. He went through intense agony. 14. The total wrath of the Father was on Him. 15. God has never given us what we deserve for our sins. Psa 103:10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. 16. What we deserved was saved for the cross. 17. Some of the animal’s blood was sprinkled round about the altar portraying propitiation and the balance was poured at its base portraying Unlimited Atonement. 18. These were also washed. 3

a. The offeror got to wash the entrails and bloody pieces which was a nauseating experience. b. Sins are “nauseating” to the Righteousness of God. c. Our best is but filthy menstrual rags. Isa 64:6 19. The sweet savor unto the Lord portrays Propitiation. 20. The entrails and legs of this offering were to be washed (as was the offering from the herd-not mentioned) portraying that through this sacrifice for all time we are able to be cleansed. John 13:5-11 Jesus vividly pointed out the need for cleansing via washing. 21. The believer cannot go through life without sin. Rom 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. 22. The legs and entrails emphasize the inner and overt. – Through confession of sins, an inner cleansing, the outer cleansing is also accomplished. 23. The perfect, spotless sacrifice portrays the only person who went through life without sin. 2 Cor 5:21 24. The blood portrays Christ’s spiritual death on the cross.

G. The Offering of Fowl. Lev 1:14-17 1. Could be either a turtledove or a son of a dove (young pigeon.) a. Turtledoves are noted for their loyalty to each other, which portrays God’s grace in salvation. John 10:28- 29 and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My father, who has given them to Me, is greater that all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. b. Even the poorest could participate emphasizing that money is never to be made an issue in salvation. God’s plan is for everyone and is not related to human viewpoint issues. c. A dove is a member of the pigeon family symbolizing peace and the Holy Spirit. This is seen at the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Matt 3:13-17 d. The birds portray the hypostatic union. (We will see this when we not the manner of sacrifice). e. Both birds were passive in nature indicating Christ’s willingness to go to the Cross. John 8:29 I always do those things that please Him. Matt 27:12 And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He made no answer. f. The priest performed this sacrifice not the offeror portraying that God presented His Son as a sacrifice. g. The order of sacrifice. 4

a. The priest would wring off its head and burn it (head) portraying that the Lord Jesus Christ’s soul was judged first and found perfect. No personal sin was on His soul. b. Then the blood would be drained out to the side of the altar indicating that His spiritual death is sufficient. c. The crop and feathers would then be removed and taken to the ash pile portraying the Doctrine of Kenosis. No overt glory seen. d. The ashes indicate propitiation of the Father. e. The priest divides the bird (Piel PF + w.c.) but does not sever it, indicating the hypostatic union remained intact on the cross. f. The wings were left intact indicating that Jesus Christ was free to not go to the cross, but did. Matt 27:42ff He saved others; He cannot save Himself He is King of Israel; let Him come down now from the cross, and we shall believe in Him. (Tremendous test to tap His Deity). g. Christ had a singleness of purpose in His life, to do the will of Father. Luke 22:42 not My will, but Thine be done. John 5:30 I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. H. In these three categories of offerings we have portrayed Christ’s person, work, and hypostatic union. The main emphasis of the Burnt Offering is Propitiation of the +R/J of the Father.

4. The . Lev 2 A. It is called the MINCHAH meaning gift. It was a bloodless offering emphasizing the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. B. It takes a perfect gift to satisfy a perfect giver. C. This is part of the same set of instructions from the Shekinah glory that Moses received in the Most Holy Place. Lev 1:1 – Note: Moses was a super-genius and a mature believer; nothing indicates repetition. He possessed phenomenal concentration and recall. D. Categories: 1. Cooked a. Made on a griddle b. Baked c. Made in a pan 2. Uncooked a. Wheat b. Corn 5

E. The offerings emphasize the perfect gift from God to man and suggests the perfect gift from God to man and suggests three unspeakable blessings. (Prop. Was a gift to God, Rec. a gift to man; the common ground was the gift.) 1. The gift of the humanity of Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Cor 9:15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! Of unspeakable words 2. The gift of heaven. 2 Cor 12:4 was caught up into Paradise, and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak. 3. The gift of unspeakable joy from Bible Doctrine resident in Soul (BDR/S.) 1 Pet 1:8 and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory. F. This offering is also presented by believers. Hiph of QARAB in 2:1 G. The uncooked offerings: 1. The Wheat Offering emphasized Propitiation, (2:2-3) or Resurrection. (Always overlap because the Doctrines are so closely related) What the Gift Did. a. It was brought to ’s sons. b. It consisted of: 1. Fine flour portraying the perfect humanity/Jesus Christ. 2. Oil upon it portraying the HS without measure given to Jesus Christ. 3. Frankincense portraying that God was pleased with Lord Jesus Christ. c. It was an expensive offering. d. A handful of flour and oil and all frankincense was burned indicating Propitiation. e. The remainder was given to the priests to sustain them indicating that priests are sustained through the Lord Jesus Christ (spiritually). f. The Lord Jesus Christ was sustained by the Holy Spirit. Isa 11:2, 42:1, 61:1,3 1. He received Him without measure. John 3:34 2. It is related to His baptism. Matt 3:16 3. The HS sustained His earthly ministry. Matt 12:18, Luke 4:14,15 4. His ministry ceased at the cross. Matt 27:46, Psa 22:1 2. The Corn Offering. V 14-16 a. The Lord Jesus Christ is analogous to a green plant, picked and roasted. 6

b. The roasting portrays the Lord Jesus Christ being judged. c. The grinding into grits portrays His sufferings. d. The oil on top portrays that the HS sustained Him during His sufferings. e. The incense portrays that the Lord Jesus Christ prayed while on the cross. Heb 5:7 In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. f. The priest also received part of this. g. The fact that it was offered from the portrays His resurrection. 1. The Feast of First Fruits was on 16 April, a Sunday. 2. It was a prophetic celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection. I Cor 15:23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming. 3. No Minchah offering was to be burned on this day. 4. The reason: The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was not Propitiation but the result of Propitiation. H. The Cooked Offerings. 2:4-13 1. All emphasize expiation (to pay the penalty for). 2. It also is brought by believers in fellowship. 3. The subject of these offerings is occupation with Lord Jesus Christ. 4. The Oven Offering. 2:4 a. It is baked in a fire pot called TANUR. b. The offeror could prepare either unleavened cakes (fine flour mixed with oil) or unleavened wafers (that were spread with oil). 1. Mixing indicates that the Lord Jesus Christ was indwelt by the HS. 2. Spreading indicates that the Lord Jesus Christ was appointed as Messiah. (HS upon Him without measure—qualified. 3. Fine flour refers to going through life with sin. c. This offering was hidden from view portraying that the Lord Jesus Christ was not seen by man or angels, only the Father. d. Fire had to be applied to bake it indicating that a righteous judgment was necessary to provide salvation. 7

e. None of the cooked gift offerings could contain leaven. 1. Leaven denotes any substance used to induce fermentation. 2. Leaven was undesirable and became a symbol of evil. Mark 8:15 Leaven of the Pharisees. 5. The Griddle Offering. 2:5 a. This was cooked on a flat pan or griddle. b. Raw dough was to be placed on a hot griddle. c. Oil was to be put in the dough portraying the Holy Spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ. d. This emphasized the public side of the cross. 1. This demonstrated the Lord Jesus Christ’s uniqueness as the God-man-savior. 2. The offering lacked frankincense indicating that Propitiation was not on the public side of the cross. 3. Many people were saved as a result of this. a. Simon of Cyrene. b. The thief on the cross. c. The quaternion and centurion. 4. The offering was broke into pieces portraying the sufferings of Christ. Luke 22:19 (Body broken for you)- NOTE: similarity between this and the Lord’s Table. Though He was broken, the HS was still in Him. 6. The Frying Pan Offering. 2:7 (Gift in Propitiation/Reconciliation.) a. This was actually a stew pan or sauce pan. b. The pan was part open, part closed. c. It portrayed the cross as seen by both God and Man. d. This was made of fine flour with oil. 7. Regulations. 2:8-11 a. The offering was to be presented to the priest, made of the correct ingredients, portraying that the Lord Jesus Christ was presented to the Father absolutely perfect. b. priest brought the offering to the fire portraying the Lord Jesus Christ going to the place of judgment. c. The priest was to offer a memorial portion. 1. Must have Bible Doctrine in soul to remember. 2. Believers in the Church Age are commanded to remember the death Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 11:24-25 (Keep on doing this in remembrance of Me.) 8 d. The priest received part of the offering that he ate portraying a picture of faith. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, we simply have to believe in Him. e. No gift offering could have leaven or honey. 2:11 1. Leaven connotes evil, honey connotes human good. 2. Evil sponsors human good and the satanic counterattack against establishment and grace. 3. The Lord Jesus Christ was not involved in evil or human good. 4. Human good is called dead works. Heb 6:1 (Change of mind toward dead works.) 5. Human good will not save mankind. Eph 2:8-9 Titus 3:5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the HS. 6. Human good is not acceptable to God. Isa 64:6, Rm 8:8 For those who are in the flesh cannot please God. 7. Human good is condemned by God. Eccl 12:14 Because God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. I Cor 3:11-16 8. Human good is the basis of indictment of the Last Judgment. Rev 20:12-15 (Unbelievers stand on human good. Sin not an issue). 9. Human good includes sweetness and sincerity which cannot propitiate God. 10. Lack of an OSN in Jesus Christ prohibited Him from doing human good. f. Every gift offering must be seasoned with salt. 1. Salt is a preservative. Neh 3:16 2. Salt is analogous to Eternal Life. 3. It is also a symbol for Bible Doctrine. Mark 9:50 Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalted, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another. 4. maturity Believers are the salt of the earth. Matt 5:13. 5. Salt without savor is the Believer who is not growing. Matt 5:13 6. The unbeliever will be “salted with fire” in the Lake of Fire. Mark 9:48,49. 7. The antithesis of salt is leaven. 9

8. The term “Salt of the Covenant: indicates that both parties ate salt to enter into an agreement. 9. Our contract is the cross.

5. The Peace Offering. Lev 3 A. These are called the SHALOM QARBANS. B. The Peace Offerings emphasize Reconciliation. Col 1:20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. Rm. 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. C. Categories of Peace Offering. 1. From the herd. Lev 3:1-5 2. From the flock. Lev 3:6-11 3. From the goats. Lev 3:12-17 D. The Peace Offering from the herd. 1. Could be either a male or female which emphasizes the Lord Jesus Christ’s active and passive volition. a. The active volition is that Jesus Christ was willing to go to the cross. 1 Pet 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sins and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. b. The passive is that after Christ was on the cross, He remained there to receive the judgment due to mankind. 2 Cor 5:21. 2. The offering had to be without defect portraying the Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect person. 3. The offeror slaughtered the animal as he did in the Burnt Offerings portraying imputation. 4. The entire animal was not sacrificed, only: a. The Fat portraying prosperity. The best portion was given to sinful man. Matt 27:54 (Centurion recognized). b. The two kidneys portraying the emotions. Human desires were overcome. Matt 26:39 (Let this cup pass from Me. if possible and it is. c. The loins portraying the strength and confidence of Jesus Christ in the Father’s Plan and the importance of Faith-Rest. Matt 26:39. d. The lobe of the liver (transparent membrane) referring to the glory manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 24:26. 5. Internal organs are used in scripture to portray human emotions. Psa 7:9 O let the evil of the wicked come to an 10

end, but establish the righteous; the righteous God tests the hearts and kidneys. Psa 26:2 Examine me, O Lord, and try me, Test my kidneys and my heart. (A mature Believer’s prayer for testing and the role of emotion in one’s life.) 6. Aaron’s sons were to burn the parts portraying Propitiation. (Propitiation had to be accomplished before reconciliation.) 7. The rest of the animal was to be eaten by the priest and offeror portraying that we can now partake of the Lord Jesus Christ’s riches through faith. E. The Peace Offering from the Flock. Lev 3:6-11 1. It could be either male or female also portraying the active and passive volition of Jesus Christ. 2. It must also be without defect portraying Christ’s perfect person. (Without spot means no Old Sin Nature, with blemish no personal sin) 3. It could only be a Lamb portraying that only Christ could make peace between God and man. John 1:29 Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. 4. The offeror was also to slay it portraying the transfer of sins. (Imputation). 5. Blood sprinkled around the altar by Aaron’s sons portrays Propitiation. 6. Not all of the offering was to be burned, only: a. The Fat which is said to be God’s food. Num 28:2 Command the sons of Israel and say to them, You shall be careful to present My offering, My food for My offerings by fire, of a soothing aroma to Me, at their appointed time. (As food satisfies man, these offerings portray God’s satisfaction). 1. Was to be from the fat tail. This was common to sheep of the Middle East and was the best part portraying that God judged the best for us. 2. From the entrails portraying that all prosperity is from God and belongs to Him. b. The kidneys portraying the satisfaction of God’s emotions. c. The loins portraying that strength is from God. d. The lobe of the liver portraying the glory manifested in Jesus Christ. F. The Peace Offering from the Goats. Lev 3:12-17 1. Had the same procedure as from the flock. 2. The exception is that the goat emphasizes expiation. 3. Jesus Christ was our personal substitute as He paid the penalty of sin for each of us. (Salvation is a personal matter and must be appropriated by the individual). 11

G. The Peace Offering was to be a perpetual statute to Israel. Lev 3:17 a statute forever for all your generations in all your dwellings, you shall not eat either fat or blood. 1. A statute refers to category. 2. For your generations in all your dwellings indicates that information learned from the Peace Offerings is to be categorized in the soul where it is available for use. 3. The fat that belonged to the Father emphasizes the person of Christ, hence neither the priests nor the offeror got any of this. (Prosperity of Christ’s soul propitiated the Father. 4. The blood emphasizes the work of Christ. 5. The prohibition is given to remind Believers that man is saved by Grace and is totally apart from human merit. Eph 2:8,9. H. The Peace Offering is explained in Eph 2:14-18. For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of Commandments contained in the ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in once body to God through the cross, by it and having put to death the enmity. And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.

6. The . Lev 4 A. It emphasizes Rebound with emphasis on unknown sins. Lev 4:2 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, “If a person sins unintentionally in any of the things which the Lord has commanded not to be done, and commits any of them, B. This is the first increment without a sweet savor. C. This is the second increment. (Moses and a break-received first three, then these two) D. Principle: once an individual hears a doctrine, he is responsible to apply it. Lev 10:1,2 E. Categories of unknown sins covered by the Sin Offerings. 1. Of the Priests. 4:3-12\ 2. Of entire congregation. 4:13-21 3. Of a ruler. 4:22-26. 4. Of average man. 4:27-35 F. The Sin Offering pertains to sins of ignorance. 4:2 1. The sin originates from the soul. NEPHESH 2. It is done because of ignorance of Bible Doctrine. SHeGAGAH 3. The individual sins from his own volition even though he didn’t know it was a sin. 12

4. The IPF tense of CHATA’ indicates that believers will sin and keep on sinning. 5. Since it was done from the believer’s freewill, the believer is guilty. 6. All sins, known or unknown, are an attack on God’s Righteousness. 7. The New Testament calls unknown sins unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 8. The more a believer advances, the less of these types of sins he will commit. G. Sin Offerings of the Priests. Lev 4:3-12 1. If (“IM) recognizes volition in unknown sins. 2. Just because the priest is in a special relationship to God and the nation, it didn’t follow he was above the law. 3. Even the priest would sin through ignorance. 4. This offering is mandatory. (Hiphil Jussive QAHAB) 5. Ignorance on the part of the priest causes the people to sin through their ignorance. a. It therefore is necessary for the priest to advance quickly to maturity. b. His function is to study in order to minimize sins of ignorance. 6. Hence, the priests were required to offer the most expensive offerings – a bull. 7. Those in a position of spiritual leadership have a great responsibility. (The bull portrays (indicates) that Divine Discipline is heavy on those to whom much is given) (Require most expensive offering) 8. The priest brought the bull to the door of the Tabernacle, laid his hand on the bulls head and slew it. a. He had to pass by the bronze altar and was close to the laver. b. The Tabernacle represents fellowship with God. c. Confession of sins is necessary to have fellowship with God. 9. The priests then washed at the laver. Ex 30:18-20 a. Failure to do this brought death. b. His physical death portrayed temporal death of failure to Rebound. 10. The priest then collected some blood in a basin and entered the High Place. (He would first see the Table of portraying the importance of Bible Doctrine, then the Lampstand, portraying that Jesus Christ was the light of the world). 11. The priest then dipped his finger in the blood and sprinkled it seven (7) times before the veil. 13

a. The seven times connotes perfection and the veil the humanity of Jesus Christ. This action recognizes the perfect person and work of Christ. b. Sprinkling indicates that God has accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sins. c. This is Divine assurance that all of the believer’s sins have been judged. 12. The sprinkling anticipates the rent veil of Matt 27:51; Mark 15:38. a. The Tabernacle gave way to the Temple. b. A new veil was in the Temple with the same colors.- Blue, Purple, Scarlet, and White. c. The Temple veil was 60’ high, 32’ wide and 4” thick. 13. The moment Christ died, the veil ripped from top to bottom portraying that the reality had come. Heb 10:19,20. 14. The priest then put blood on the horns of the Altar of Incense symbolizing power in prayer. (The believer must be in fellowship to pray effectively). 15. Then he poured the remainder at the base of the bronze altar portraying Unlimited Atonement. 16. After the blood is poured out, the priest begins to offer the bull. a. The inside parts follow the same procedure as the Peace Offerings. (Only the fat, kidneys, lobe of the liver and loins are sacrificed.) b. This portrays the believers’ recognition of Propitiation. c. The rest of the bull is to be taken to the ash dump and burned portraying Jesus Christ’s crucifixion outside Jerusalem. d. Ashes are a symbol for the finished work of Jesus Christ. H. Sin Offering of the Entire Congregation. Lev 4:13-21 1. When an unknown sin becomes known an Offering is required. 2. The elders are to lay their hands on the bull. 3. A nation that is still responsive to the WOG is to enter national Rebound. 4. The leadership of a nation is responsible to inform the people when the nation has gone astray. 5. The procedure is the same for the Sin Offering for the priest. I. The Sin Offering for a ruler. Lev 4:22-26 1. The offering was to be a male goat without blemish emphasizing that Jesus Christ was made sin for us. 2 Cor 5:21. 14

2. This offering was to be slain by the bronze altar emphasizing judgment. 3. The priest slays this animal portraying the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ was judged for others. 4. This offering emphasizes sins only a ruler could commit. 5. The ruler is brought back to the basics. J. Sin Offering for the average man. Lev 4:27-35. 1. This could be either a female goat or a lamb. 2. The female goat indicated that as Christ was responsive to the Father so should the individual be to rulers. (Authority orientation). 3. The female lamb emphasizes Christ’s volition to stay on the cross, so that we may exercise Rebound. 4. This offering is related to the Peace Offering. Rebound recognizes Reconciliation.

7. The Trespass Offering. Lev 5:1-6:7 A. This is also called a CHATA’, and concerns known sins. – To sin is to fail to meet the established norm of the Word of God (WOG), whether you are aware of it or not. B. Outline: 1. Sins of cognizance. 5:1-5 2. Specified Offerings. 5:6-13 3. Fraud & Penalty. 5:14-16 4. Violations of Codex 3 (spiritual code). 5:17-19 5. Violations of Codex 2 (penalty not capital punishment— criminal code.) C. Sins of Cognizance. 5:1-5 1. The word NEPHESH indicates that sins come from the decision-making process in the soul. 2. This sin concerns an oath. a. Contracts in the ancient world had to have witnesses. b. This is a sin of concealment whereas a witness failed to come forward to clear up a court case. c. He becomes an “accessory to the fact.” d. He bears the same sin as the dishonest person. 3. This portrays the importance of man being the second witness in the Angelic Conflict. 4. In view is the Mosaic Covenant. (A contract) 5. A witness to a violation of the Mosaic Covenant must come forward during court. 6. This is analogous to Mental attitude Sins. (MAS) 7. It anticipates the clean and unclean requirements or Lev 11- 15, which involves defilement by associations. 15

8. The clean and unclean requirements look at the overt sins and the importance of separation. 9. Since interaction with the human race is inevitable (1 Cor 5:10) the believer must constantly be on guard against defilement. 10. Principle: People tend to assume the pattern of sins and weaknesses of those with whom they associate. 11. The last category of trespass offering concerns Sins of the Tongue. 12. The intention is to keep the oath, but failure occurs. 13. When a believer realizes what he has done, he must first confess the sin. Hith PF YADA’ (Hithpael indicates must be a volitional decision and the believer must do it himself; the Perfect indicates completed action.) 14. “One of these” of V.5 refers to one of three categories of sin. a. Mental Attitude. V.1 fails to be a witness— obligation/responsible b. Overt. V.2-3 Clean/unclean c. Of the Tongue V. 4 oath not kept. 15. All are known and therefore to be confessed. D. Specified Offerings. 5:6-13 1. Note that Grace excludes economic and social advantages. 2. This offering was not too expensive for anyone. 3. It could be a female lamb or goat,, two doves or two pigeons, or flour. 4. The female lamb or goat was analogous to the Sin Offering for the average man. 5. The Two birds: a. One was to be for a trespass offering, the other for a burnt offering. b. In the offeror’s frame of reference is the burnt offering which is the basis for Rebound. 6. The flour was to be without oil or frankincense. a. When the believer has sinned, there is no Filling of Holy Spirit (FHS), hence no oil. b. The Frankincense connotes Propitiation and indicates that sins do not satisfy God. (Are not pleasing) c. The offeror brought 1/10 of an Ephah (1/5 bushel). d. Only a handful was offered as a Burnt Offering and the rest went for sustenance of the Priests. NOTE: as Israel went further into apostasy, the offering decreased. Instead of communicating Bible Doctrine, they added to the sin list to increase their sustenance. 16

E. Fraud. Lev 5:14-16 1. The believer acted unfaithfully (Qal IPF MA’AL) 2. The sin was started in ignorance. 3. The “holy things” refer to Codex 3 (spiritual code). 4. The ignorance was feigned. (Understood by the different forms of restitution). 5. The believer compounded the sin by covering it up. 6. The penalty was restitution plus a fine plus 1/5 plus a ram. 7. In view is the Doctrine of the Fifth Part. a. Man gains through Grace. Rom 5:19-20 (where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.) ` b. Man gains more in salvation than he lost at the Fall. c. Man gains as per the cross. d. When wronged by Sins of the Tongue, you gain. e. Those oriented to Grace always gain. F. Violations of Codex 3 5:17-19 1. This is in contrast to the preceding situation where ignorance was feigned. 2. This sin was one of no criminal intent, hence no 1/5 added. 3. The believer still is just as guilty (in/out fellowship-not a “gray” sin) though his Divine Discipline may be different. 4. This believer knew that what he had done was wrong, but had a momentary lapse. G. Violations of Codex 2 with Penalty---Capital Punishment. 6:1-7 1. The believer here was unfaithful to GAP resulting in a trespass. 2. He deceives his friend. Piel PF KICHESH 3. His deceit can involve: a. Refusal to return that which was entrusted to him. b. Robbery. c. Extortion. d. Refusal to return “Found” property. (Finder’s Keepers not part of Mosaic Law) 4. These sins are against both man and God. 5. They are all an attack on Private Property. 6. As overt crimes, they fall under Codex 2. 7. Therefore, the offender must appear before the judges. 8. His punishment was carried out before the priest. Ex 22:3 (if he couldn’t repay the penalty was slavery.) 9. He had to pay 1/5 plus the amount stolen to the victim. 10. Where a violation of Private property is concerned, the guilty party was to pay from his own pocket in addition to his offering. 11. The victim gains by relying on doctrine. 12. The guilty party also had to bring a ram and 1/5 was added to the valuation of the ram which went to the priest. 17

13. All gain through Grace. a. Victim increase in property b. Guilty Party restored to fellowship. c. God 1/5 added. 14. Notice that the believer is forgiven but still has to ride out the Divine Discipline.

8. Summary: A. The Burnt Offering, Gift Offering, and Peace Offering were salvation offerings and were voluntary. B. The Sin Offering and Trespass Offerings were mandatory. C. The Offerings portray Phase One and Phase Two. 1. The Issue: God’s Righteousness and Justice must be Propitiated. (B.O.) 2. The Means: His perfect Gift. (G.O.) 3. The Result: Removal of the Barrier-Reconciliation. (P.O.) 4. New Believer’s Problem: Unknown Sins. (S.O.) 5. Advancing Believer’s Problems. Known Sins. (T.O.) D. The Levitical Offerings are not for the Church Age, the reality has come. Heb 8-10 E. They will be reinstituted in the Millennium. Eze 40-46