Examensarbete. Fotbollstränares Användning Av Olika
Malmö högskola Lärande och samhälle Idrottsvetenskap Examensarbete 15 högskolepoäng Fotbollstränares användning av olika inlärningsmetoder Football coaches use of knowledge from different learning methods Larsson Sebastian Idrottsvetenskapligt program 180 hp / Ledarskap Examinator : Lars Lagergren 2017-05-29 Handledare: Tomas Peterson !1 !2 Förord Jag vill börja tacka min handledare Tomas Peterson för all värdefull handledning och alla intressant diskussioner under processens gång. Vidare vill jag tacka familj, flickvän och vänner för allt stöd ni har gett mig under skrivandet och utförandet av den här studien. Jag vill även tacka alla de fotbollstränare som har ställt upp och delat med sig av sina tankar. !3 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate where elite football coaches from the region of Scania had collected their knowledge and to see which use they could have by collecting knowledge from formal, nonformal and informal learning methods in the role of their coaching. In this study interviews were conducted with eight football coaches who work in elite clubs in the region of Scania. The theoretical framework of the study is applied by Nelson, Cushion and Potrac, which include formal, non-formal and informal learning situations. In the result, it appeared that the football coaches gathered knowledge from formal, non-formal and informal learning situations, and they used the different learning modes in different ways. Knowledge that became apparent and demonstrated that the coaches had use from the different learning situations where rehab training, physical training, game systems, solid situations, match analyzes, training plans, game philosophy, players developing plans, drills, networks, leadership, psychology, physiology, anatomy, pedagogics, football terminology, game understanding, gameplay, attacking play, defensive play, position game, organization, periodization, morals, tactics, structure and training methodology.
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