h- PAGE ;t w e n t v -t w o MONDAY, JUDY 6, 1970: iltauirl;?st?r lEtirnUts l|naUi Average Dally Net Press Run For The Ended The Weather ''* • m June ST, I960 Lower huml4ity this/after-' Pipe Band Third noon, highs In the nr^ld 80s. Fair, Apartments Major Subject About Town RANGE mild tonight, low around 00. At Round Hill \ M l 15,610 Wednesday, sunny, warm. Of Planning Board Tonight The Rockville Emblem Club FU E L O IL Manchester— A City o f Village Charm The Manchester Pipe Band will have its annual picnic sup­ per Wednesday at 6:80 p.m. at GASOLINE earned third place in Class A Proposed new density regu­ HRC adopted a resolution ask­ the Millbrook ^staurant, Ver­ competition held Saturday 'on VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 235 (SIXTEEN PAGES) (ClMtffled AdvertlstDg on Page 18) lations for apartments will be ing the PZC not to pass regu­ non Circle. Mrs. Earl Garrlty MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 PRICE TEN CENTS the estate of R. Colhoun in the subject of a public hearing lations that would "unduly re­ Is in charg^ of the program. BANTLY OIL by the Planning and Zoning strict" the construction of low Stamford. n).Mi’ \.\>, iN( . Another local winner was f \: Commission tonight at 7:30 in income and moderate income Hie executive ' board of the :;i M\i\ siiii:i:i - Donald Ritchie, 12-year-old son the^ Municipal Building hearing housing. Guild of Our Lady of St. Bar-^| of Mr. and HSrs. Ernest R. I'Ki,. lii'i-r.'i , room. Also attending the meeting tholomew 'wiU meet tomorrow Ritchie of 106 Bretton Rd. He Kdck'illc A Windfall Strike Hits Story Seems llie proposed zoning amend­ at the HRC’s request was Atty. at 8 p.m. at St.' Bartholoitliew’s placed third In solo competi­ ments are designed to reduce Arnold Klau, executive director School. tion. f » For Inmates A Bit Fishy Treatment of Prisoners by and standardize the number of of the moderate Income Three Rails MICAC - sponsored Beechwood Also competing in the 47th SELKIRK, N.Y. (AP) — A apartments that would be al­ BLACKFOOT, Idaho (AP) lowed on a given tract in all Apartments. Round Hill Highland ScoJ^sh freight train accident last —^Mrs. Pat Ramey, a Black- zones, in order to prevent over­ Klau told the HRC he felt the Games, held annually on the OF MANGHESTEB spring In which *100 new Fourth of July, was the St. In 16 States foot housewife, has a fish crowding and overdevelopment 16 per cent requirement, if Cadillacs were darnaa^ert Patrick's Pipe Band of Man­ story that's a sure winner. of land and serve as a brake adopted, would probably make proved a boon to inmates of chester. By THE Mrs. Ramey said she and Shocks Congressmen bn Visit it .impossible to get federal fi­ 54 McKEE STREET ______nine correctional on apartment construction, ac­ Pipers from bands on the TTie United Transportation her husband were fishing nancing for low and moderate institutions Monday. cording to,the PZC. eastern seaboard and groups Now is the time to bring fa) your screens to be repalied. Union closed down most opera­ from a boat at a reservoir income housing locally. The Cadillac division of By GEORGE C. WILSON Korday photo The amendments set a ratio Storm window'glass repiaoed, tions of three railroads in 16 near this southern Idaho from Michigan and Canada General Motors turned nine The Washington Poet of living area to site area and In other business tonight, the Capt. Lawrence 3, Beadle Mrs. Capt Lawrence 3, Beadle were entered. The Worcester, states today in a long-standing community when her hus­ Engaged PZC is slated to' hear the re- ^ of the salvaged cars over to WASHINGTON — A South state that the amount of living (Mass.) Pipe Band took top AUTO CUSS INSTALLED dispute over elimination of thou­ band’s rpd and reel fell out The eng^agement of Miss the New York State Correc­ Vietnamese prison where men area in an apartment complex honors. sands of firemen’s Jobs. of the boat. Robie Shlmoda, formerly of New Salvation Arm y Corps Leaders tions Commission for use In and women are locked up In may not exceed 15 per cent of GLASS FURNITURE TOPS A spokesman for UTU Presi­ About an hour later, Ram­ Talcottville, to Alan Grzyb of This was the last appearance training of prisoners for Jobs windowless cages and disciplin­ the total site. W *o?*?inuT num-<^ Lawrence J. Both are children of Salvation for the Manchester Pipe Band dent Charles Luna said the Bal­ ey was fishing with .a second Manchester has been announced as auto mechanics. ed with dusting of choking-lime The living area , has been de­ MIRRORS (l^ireplace and Door) timore & Ohio, Louisville & pole and hooked the line of by her parents, the Rev. and until Aug. 1 vdien they travel fined as "the total private floor ^rop^rtro^f Otis St ! and the Ma"‘ Under the agreement be­ Nashville and Southern Pacific the equipment which had has been' described by twg con­ Mrs. Robert Shlmoda of Hopkin- to Maxville, Ont., Can., to try space contained within the walls other from Warren Howland, to ^ “ ^ r SalvaUon C o ^ s were England and graduated PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) tween the state of New York railroads were struck because gone overboard. gressmen. ton, Mass. to regain the North American of a residence." construct a four-unit addition J^,comed yesterda^^S special WlUiam Booth Memor- Pipe Band Championship, and GM, the cars never will "they are representative of the Reps. William R. Anderson Her fiance is the son of Mr. be used on highways. Mrs. Ramey said she pull­ (D-Tenn.) and Augustus F. The effect of the reg;ulations adjacent to his Carriage House services at the Citadel. lal College. Before entering col- Grade 2, which it won in 1667. WINDOW and PLATE GLASS enUre industry.” He said the se­ ed the first pole up—and her and Mrs. "Henry Grzyb of 99 would be to limit the amount Apartments off E. Center St. Hawkins (D-Callf.) provided North St. Brig. Hartwell Fleming, div- lege, Capt. Beadle served with Tub Enclosure from $30 to $45 phie installation lective strike was used so "it husband hauled in a three of floor space in buildings, thus Deve.oi^r Andrew Ansaldl is jgional secretary for Southern the Royal Air Force in 1946-47, that description on the basis of Miss Shimoda is a 1986 grad­ couldn’t be called a national cri­ pound, 16-lnch rainbow trout limiting the ^umber of bed­ also seeking a zone change fjew England, conducted the in- ...... __ their tour of Con Son Island uate of Rockville High School Commissioned in 1949, the Andover sis” by federal officials or Con­ on the other end. from Rural Residence to Resi- stallation and dedication cere- captain served, in a number of prison, 60 miles off the South and a June graduate of the Uni­ rooms that could be construct­ gress. pence AA of 3.^ acres of his monies. "Where Shall We Be- corps appointments prior to Ribicoff Calls Vletiiamese coast on July 2. versity of Connecticut. ed in any given project. Little League Luna said the strike was land north of Thayer Rd. In gin” was the topic of Capt. marriage. In 1968, the couple aimed at winning an agreement "It was the most shocking Mr. Grzyb, a 1969 graduate of The 15 per cent regulation Dartmouth Heights. treatment of human beings' I Manchester High School, is also would not attempt to control Beadle's first sermon at the was appointed as sectional of- Mets Take Title on the dispute over elimination Citadel. fleers for the Leewards Island W itnesses of 12,000 firemen’s Jobs by all Nixon Fears have ever seen,” said Ander­ a University of Connecticut the design or the number of son, a 49-year-old former naval graduate where he was a mem­ bedrooms per unit; but because Before coming to Manches- in the British West Indies, and The Andover Little League COMPIITE EOBBT Jl SWITK*"*^ the nation’s railroads. Pasg Appointed sul^arine officer who won the ber of Phi Sigma Kappa fratern­ of the ratio, if more bedrooms ter, Capt. and Mrs. Beadle in 1963 came t(^ the United held a championship "play-off” mSURANlWTHi Workers for the three struck served as commanding officers States. On Pollution Bronze Star combat award. ity. were constructed per unit, more last Wednesday. -The Mets de­ S I N C E i y * lines were reported off the Job Sovietdsraeli T o West Point of tha. Schenectady (N.Y.) Sal- Their daughter, Julie, a fifth Anderson and Hawkins were The wedding is - planned the living area would be used. Con­ feated the Giants on a score of MSURANCE and train service curtailed or n e w LONDON, Conn. (AP) part of a House of Representa­ 7 spring of 1971. John D. Pass, son of Mr, vatlon Army Corps. Hiey have generation Salvationist, will be 4-2. The winning pitcher was halted In , West Vir- sequently, fewer buildings could tives fact-finding group who be erected. Mrs. Pasquale Pass of El Paso, also served at , Pa., a Junior at Manchester High Richard <3ode. The winning —With a lineup of witnesses gtinia, , Illinois, Crossfire Tex., formerly of Manchester, and . /School in September. ^ made an on-the-spot assessment For example, the new regu­ catcher was Leon palmer. scheduled to support his plan Texas, CJalifomla, Florida, Indi­ Rockville and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. SERVICE I I I I I I I I II I I LLiJ of the Vietnam War. They were ana, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, WASHINGTON (AP) — The lations would allow only seven Other members of the winning for a federal study commission, the only two who toured the B'rank Passcantell of 226 School Arizona, Louisiana, Utah, Ala­ Nixon administration fears the units of two bedrooms per velopment and distribution, le­ team were: Wayne Palmer, J. Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D- prison where 10,00 prisoners— Hospital Notes acre. St., entered the U. S. Military Bolton K. Wright, Brian Houghton, bama and New York. Soviet Union may feel forced to gal aspects of drug control, Cotui. today opened three days most of them held for political visiting hours are 12:S0 to 8 Academy at West Point July 1. Wes-Kennedy, Jim Horton, Ray W. H. Gilbert, assistant UTU use Russian-piloted MIGs to The existing regulations al­ sociological implication of drug of hearings into pollution of offenses—are kept. p.m. in all areas except ma­ Cadet Pass received a presi­ Code, George Hills, Craig Ehi- president, said in (Cleveland protect SAM-3 missile sites low 17 units per acre in Busi­ Principal Joins and drug abuse education in Long Island Sound. The formal report of the trip ternity where they are 2 to 4 dential appointment to the prey, Grady Horton, Pat Rainey REAL about 18,000 of the union’s along Hie Egyptian side of the ness and Residence C Zones; the school system. n ie witnesses w a^ed of con­ submitted to the House Mon­ and 6:80 to 8 p.m. 14 units per acre in Res^ence academy upon his graduaUon O TI H m iC T fi and Robert Schreyer. Ron 260,000 members were directly Suez Canal—an action that last month from Irving High “ g ® Story- Hour tinuing and increasing threats to day contained only one para­ B; and 10 units per acre in Bashar coached the champions. ESTATE affected by the strike. would increase the chances for School in El Paso. A weekly story hour will be the Sound’s ecology from large- graph on Oon Son. But Chair­ Admitted Thursday: P eggy Residence A Zone. Other teams in this years Lea­ "This is Just a simple failure a direct Sovlet-Israell confronta­ Cobb, Stafford Springs; Ste­ Pasquale Pass, who grow up held for children four to eight scale destruction of marshlands, man G. V. Montgomery (£>- Because the amendments, if gue Included: The Giants, oil spills, industrial and human of the railroads to bargain in tion. Miss.)' of the special House com­ phen Von Euw, Lawrence St., in... Manchester and attended lo- P*® Bolton Elementary school years old starting tomorrow at Yankees, Red Sox, Tigers and adopted, will probably discour­ wastes, and thermal polluUon by good faith, to settle this issue American foreign policy stra­ mittee said "we do not condone" Rockville; Jeanne Gipson, age the construction of low and cal schools. reUred from the Ldu'l-^on^ nP^ranf the Cardinals. Jim Hurst and which has been with us since tegist warned of the possible U. S. Army in 1966 with the educaUon program. ^rs. Charles McCarthy will electric generating plants. the prison conditions and men­ Hany Lane, Rockville; Linda moderate income housing' in Rod Giles coached the Giants. 1965," he said. "We have made development after Israeli and rank of master sergeant after a The program is sponsored by assist, Sen. CTharles McC. Mathias tioned it briefly because "we Silver, Virginia Lane, Tolland, Manchester, Is is expected that The Columbia - Herbron - An­ every effort to avoid inconven­ U.S, sources indicated Monday 30-year career. the University of Connecticut Bulletin Board Jr„ R-Md., Joined Ribicoff In didn’t want to focus the report and Nancy Pagan!, Crystal Rd., they will draw criticism from dover Public Health Nursing iencing the public, but the rail­ several advanced SAM-3 mis­ on It.” Rockville. School of Pharmacy and the The 250th anniversary corn­ Agency has announced an ad­ conducting the hearing. Mathias d r r>-rv ri developers and special interest roads:, in their adamant attitude siles had been moved closer to Anderson, in an Interview, Births Thursday: Daughter to ea IT'II J Commission on Aid to Higher mittee will meet Tuesday at dition to the nursing staff. Mrs. expressed hope it would produce i t \ j ^! <5 ) f * t groups at tonight’s session. 9011 IvlU efl Education. 8 p.m. in refusing to bargain on this is­ the canal battle zone and fired c6n-scfn said this is what he saw at Con Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Connors, JoDean G. Marin, began her -solutions to the pollution prob­ ? cop_ The Human Relations Com­ sue has forced us to rely on our Son in a tour which started NEW HAVEN (AP) — Police Patros is representing the Team Two, the Bolton Bomb- duties June 16. Mrs. Marin, who lems of his own state’s Chesa­ against Israeli aircraft. Somers; daughter to Mr. and mission has become concerned ROBERT J. SMITH, about 9 in' the morning and con­ bargaining power.” said Sunday that Alonzo Hud- Bolton School system. ers, will play Team Four, the graduated from the University peake Bay. That body of water, Israel has made it clear it will Mrs. Newton Schiebel, Shady about the implication of the tinued until mld-aftemoon, in­ son, 69, fatally shot his son. The course started on June Firefighters, tonight at 6:15 of Connecticut School of Nurs­ he said, is now "in danger of A spokesman for L&N in continue its extensive pounding Lane, Coventry, and son to INSURANSMimS SINCE 1914 cluding a look at the "tiger regulations, and last week met in the chest and leg after an 29 and ends July 17. at the high school Held. ing in 1969, is a member of becoming a Dead Sea.” Louisville, Ky., called the walk­ of Egyptian defense installa­ This sketch by a foimer inmate of Con Son prison sanitation bucket. Vietnamese words at bottom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silver, cages" the South Vietnamese In closed session to discuss argument over money. Experts from various fields . ------Sigma Theta Tau National Nurs­ out a “ whipsaw strike” and said tions along the canal zone re­ alleges to show interior of one of the cells, with translate as “Interior of Tiger Cage in the Con Son Virginia Lane, Tolland. •them with the Planning and “ We cannot afford to lose prison commandant tried to Alonzo was , arrested and will discuss topics including the Man^ester Evening Herald ing Honor Society and the 649-5241 Long Island Sound," Ribicoff the railroad "was endeavoring gardless of the nationality of the rock walls, iron shackles for prisoners’ legs and a Island Prison.’’ (AP Photofax) Discharged Thursday: Ellen Zoning Commission. keep hidden from the Amer­ charged with murder, police pharmacology of drugis, the Use Bolton summer correspondent American Nursing Association. 963 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER said. "Yet that is an imminent to maintain essential services pilots or missile crews. SAM-3 Pelles, Grant HiU Rd., Tolland; Following that meeting, the through the use of supervisory 4^ icans: Raymond Sousa Jr., Merrow said. and abuse of drugs, drug de- Alan Cocconl, tel. 649-0904. She will be assigned to Andover. (Ground Floor Noxt to Houm & Halo) possibility unless we begin to missile sites reportedly are personnel.” manned by Soviet personnel. He approached a wall of one Rd., Coventry; Bruce Smith, make prudent and respon­ compound and looked' for what sible use of its assets with an He SEiid at issue was the union If the sites are to be protect­ Embassy Spokesman Says: High St,, Rockville; Anthony demand for putting a fireman he had been told In Saigon Mulock, Hartl Dr., Talcottville; eye toward the greatest future ed, authorities speculated, the would be a hidden door Into .the J public benefl(!” on all engine crews which now Soviet Union probably will have Louise Jones, Helene Dr., operate without a fireman. Infamous "tiger cages" he had The witnesses who agreed to send Russian-piloted fighters Broad Brbok; Elsie Artz, Depot John T. Hiltz, chairman of the heard about. "I had been told with him on the basic need for to ward off attacking Israeli Z/.S. Urged Viet Prison Reform St., Broad Brook; Belinda Rud- National Railway Labor Confer­ that the South Vietnamese hid -Ready a study included two college warplanes. nicki. Elm St., Michael Marzi- ence which has negotiates for the door with a stack of wood,” professors, a local planner and The worst could occur if So­ SAIGON (AP) — A U.S. Em­ help the Vietnamese govern­ . The chief public safety correc­ northwest of Phnom Penh. But ano. South St., Arthur Ander­ To-Wear Clearance! management, said In Washing­ AifBerson said. spokesmen for two electric com­ viet filers engaged Israeli air­ bassy spokesman said today ment to the extent we possibly tions advisor to the. South Viet­ reports from Stem Reap, six Through an Interpreter Ander­ son, Sandra Levick, Woodland ton: panies. craft and ^ultimately escalated American officials are aware of can to improve their system as namese, Frank B. Walton, ac­ miles south of Angkor Wat, said son- and Hawkins had brought St., all of Rockville. "Unless the employes have' Fashionable Savings for Women! into a "collision of the super the existence of so-called "tiger rapidly and completely as possi­ companied the Congressmen Cambodian Army patrols found with them from Saigon to the A sympathetic statement from the real objective of putting all powers "rewords used by Presi­ cages” on South Vietnam’s pris­ ble.” and three other persons to the the 800-year-old ruins 166 miles Prison, Anderson asked the Gov. John Dempsey was also railroads In an unfavorable eco­ Zatkowski Heads Jrs. Misses, ^ Size Dresses put into the record. dent Nixon in a July I television on island of Con Son and had re­ He added: "Of course, the Island. airea at Angkor Wat and Cam- commandant to show the Amer­ nomic situation with the possi­ U interview. peatedly suggested that condi­ control of this system rests with He apparently did not enter the enemy gone from the main icans the "tiger cages." "I had A bonanza o f Summer fashions! Not all styles in all Ribicoff criticized a “ bureau­ ble purpose of nationalizing the Hose Co. Again stores. The deployment of SAM-3 tions there be improved.' the Ministry of Interior of the the building, but, according to bodia’s greatest tourist attrac­ been told they were In com­ cratic morass at all levels of Industry, It Is difficult to under­ Henry Zatkowski of 126 Bolton sites along the canal appears to The spokesman could not say Vietnamese government.” one member of the group, Don tion undamaged, by the occupa­ pound 4," Anderson said. government,” and said that in stand why they have chosen this St. was re-elected lor his eighth Unlined Nylon Jackets ^ scuttle the previously held Nix­ whether the Americans had The U.S. Embassy statement Luce, an interpreter, told the tion. Ae they stood before an un­ Washington "no less than 18 time of lowest ebb in the rail­ term as captain of-Hose Co. ; on administration theory that urged the removal of the cages, was issued in response to news­ Congressmen afterward that camouflaged door In the wall of Our Reg. 3.99 & 4.39 Navy or white in sizes S,M,L. agencies and departments” have roads’ fortunes to further disad­ A general lull continued in of the Eighth District Fire De the Soviet missile and fighter In which several hundred pris­ men’s queries concerning asser­ they had no right to enter the compound 4, Anderson pressed 7 ply frame with a say In controlling the Sbund vantage them by striking Impor­ other Cambodian battle areas partment, at its annual meeting overlays. Nylon and Its shoreline. crews were deployed far from oners on the island are said to tions by two U.S. Congressmen building because the Viet­ as well as in South Vietnam. the issue of the cages, even to Washaye Shorls q Q tant trunk lines over the Issue of asking where that door led. last Wednesday at fire head OurReg.3.99Summershorts;sizesS - 15,6- 14. stringing. 3.99 Ribicoff has introduced a bill the battle zone and were prima­ be incarcerated. and others who accompanied namese did not want them South Vietnamese gunshlps restoring unneeded firemen to "He said It was to another quarters. Main and Hilliard Sts. In the Senate that would set up rily for defense against Israeli “ All that they (U.S. advisers) them on a visit to the island there. Tennis Press engine crews.” attacked enemy positipns compound.. But Just then—prob­ .Other officers re-elected are the study commission with a raids deep into the Egyptian can do Is advise the Vietnamese prison 140 miles southeast of The U.S. Embassy spokesman around Kompong Thom, on the Beach Bags Selected hardwoods, A spokesman for the B&O in ably because the guard had L Alfred Vennard, first lieutenant; that certain things be done,” the Saigon in the South China Sea said Tuesday that Walton was Our Reg. 2.99 - 3.99 - 4.99 Rubberized I ' ' ' ’ 2 9 9 ^99 three-year life and empower It mainland. main highway between Phnorn Paul Georek, second lieutenant; 4 major locking points . . . * described the walk­ spokesman said. last week. aware of the existence of the heard the commandant talking interior, reinforced bottoms. -E. Safeo All-t'urpose 88 to recommend measures for But .Lt. Gen. Haim Bar-Lev, Penh and Stem Reap, and ene­ and Winslow Manchester, sec TOn5TMn$TERf out of firemen, conductors and In a formal statement, the During the visit they managed “ Uger cages" but had never Deluxe Model preserving the Sound’s assets, trainmen as “ sporadic in many Israel's military chief of staff, my mortars hit KomptHig Sepu, (See Page Elgkt) retary-treasurer. Sleepwear Sale said in Tel Aviv Monday Israeli spokesman said, "The U.S. mis­ to gain access to the prison seen them. another provincial capital south Paul Cervinl and Michael Or- Storage Chest ending water pollution and put­ places." Croquet Set Flip - Over Broiler pilots believe Soviet rocket sion is aware of shortcomings in where the “ Uger cages"—which "He knew of them through re­ of Phnom Penh, during the lowski were elcted auditors, and Our Reg. 3.99 Gowns, baby dolls. S, M. I,. ting a stop to shoreline destruc­ He said early morning com­ 2.99 Rubber covered qu, It’s an oven, flip it the corrections program here in the Saigon government had al­ ports from members of his night. Rugged construction, lough Our tion. muter trains between Baltimore crews fired the sophisticated David Mordavsky delegates to A m a I 1 e t s , B,g. « / / over - it’s a broiler. Cooks Vietnam. Our advisory effort ways claimed had been abol- staff,” the spokesman said. plastic handles. Jumbo size Reg. South Vietnamese forces near the State Firemen's Convention. Shifts & Dusters roll - away stand. 11.97 v r # t # everything from cakes to Ishee—were located. Meanwhile, on the battlefront, 2714” xl6)4” xl3>/4” . 19.99 (See Page Seven) (See Page Eit^t) (See Page Eight) and assistance are designed to Svay Rieng, in the southern Our Reg. 3.99 Kudel *' and cotton, eusy care. steaks. #5231 14.88 Communist troops have pulled area of the Parrot’s Beak, were Marcus Set Sizes S,M,L. 2.99 out of at least part of the an­ also hit by mortars, a commu­ Sheer Panty Hose Caldors Own at Savings! cient ruins at Angkor In Cam­ nique in Saigon said, but fight­ bodia, and the ruins were not ing generally tapered off In the For Visit Our Reg. 1.49 Sandrilun. extra sheer. Choice o f Bottle oflOO Aspirin Caldor damaged by more than a month Cambodian countryside. colors;sizes P.A.T. 99* Special of occupation, authoritative Our Reg. 224 Fast relief from colds, headaches. The U.S. (Command in Saigon To Vietnam Extra Values in Our Girls' Dept. | U.S. Youths Momentarily Stranded in sources reported In Phnom reported two Americans killed Fluoride Toothpaste Penh today. when a gunshlp helicopter was It was not known whether the By DON MEIKLE Our Reg. 44c Fight cavities. PARIS (AP) — Several thou­ shot down 16 miles southeast of Associated Press Writer Girls’ Nylon Jack ets Viet Cong, North Vietnamese Hue and 66 Americans wounded sand American students found HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Zip ptKkets, striped. Washable. Animal Picture Vitamins and Khmer Rouge troops had in ground fighting and shelling. 1.77 themselves momentarily strand­ State Sen. Edward L. Marcus Save An Our Reg. 1.49 5 Delicious fruit flavors. Shrub & Hedge Electric Trimmer ed in Europe today after their withdrawn from the entire 60- Troops of the lOlst Airborne Di­ Our Reg. square - mile Angkor area or announced today he la making Poncho Slack Set 15” double edged blade, 2 M Cincinnati-based tour group vision clashed four times with Our Reg. 4.99 - 5.99 Assorted prints, machine wash­ EXTRA 5 0 ^ off Low Prices only from Angkor Wat, th ebest a trip to Vietnam in an effort 6-12 Insect Repellant amp. motor. Wraparound Now ■ / ■ E PE E filed for bankruptcy. able. Priced to clear! 299399 preserved and most famous of (See Page Eight) to "bridge the communication Earl 14K Gold & Sterling Charms handle. 20 per store, no rain Only j i L y But spokesmen for the group 3-6k 7- 1,19 8V4 oz. Aerosol Can gap between the government’s in our inventory 67* checks. #101 quickly arranged for an airlift Girls’ Camp Shorts foreign policy and the people of Romantic, Religious, Sports, G ood Luck, etc. for the students—who are In Daniels Our Reg. 1.69 Choice o f wanted colors. Sizes 4 to Deluxe Trimmer #201 ...... 19.99 Connecticut.” Paris, Rome, Cologne, Geneva, 14. -> "I have been assured of ex­ 1.29 Vienna, Athens and parts of Yu-^ cursions into the combat zones," Thousands of honey-mooners Huge Reductions in Our Boys* Dept. | goslavia—promising “ we have Damage Set at $1 MilKon and tourists who flock to ^ d the contender for the Dem­ the money.” ocratic nomination for U.S. Sen­ Bernauda each year often Some of the students took the ator, "to see for myself the miss the real beauty of this Boys’ Walk Shorts Whole affair as a lark, others In Asbury Park Disorders 21-mlle-long island in the sim. morale, the equipment and the Our Reg. 2 .9 9 Polyester/cotIon. Solids, plaids. Sizes | C k C k were bitter and a few were anx­ Most tourists head . for the AteU RY PARK, N.J. (AP) — normad 22,000 population explod­ personnel which are required to plush hotels and beach clubs 61018. L eyy ious. But nobody was suffering. 1 "Nobody has been stranded," FlrAbombers and looters rav- ed with summer visitors. Then fight this most unusual of all which .abound in this resort- wars.” Boys’ Jackets asserted T. Budge Hyde, a cti^ agea predominantly Negro came a rampage of looting and filled mid-Atlantic coral par­ Although Marcus said he fa­ adise. But few know about president of the World Acade­ district of this seashore city for rock throwing late Sunday Our Reg. to 5.99 Nylon. Dacron" hfends. cotton. * 7 4 e CE Caldor’s Own Turtle Wax R u jtD b e r maicJ vors a "rapid withdrawal" from Bermuda’s isolated but lovely Sesame Street my, the ill-fated tour group. a second night Monday and po­ night. Many styles. 4 - 7,8 - 16. N Vietnam, he said he also want­ off-shore isles, which are D & C Size Batteries High Performance Pak Record and Booklet "They are all safely housed In lice estimated damage at up to City officials ordered a 7 p.m. rarely even visited by native Throw Rug their accommodations and they $1 million. to 6 a.m. curfew, closing bars ed to assure servicemen from Bermudians. These consist of Men's Dept. Specials! Long life Our Rag. 2 for 33d- Educational T.V. Officials said they did not and prohibiting' sales of gaso­ Connecticut that “ the vast ma­ a natural chain of less than Nylon plush car- Caldor S ^ lil have their plane reservations batteries for Combination oil stereo L J . record ' D line. jority of the people back home home." Five planes will leave know the cause of~the disorders. Cl • a dozen tiny islands, located flashlights, toys, and gas additive, p e t on vinyl. 7 includes poster and Police reported about 65 ar­ respect them, believe In vdiat at the mouth of the ClasUe Action Knit Shirts Non - slip base, s k New York today and seven For most of the night, police radios, etc.. 10 99 boosts power. 1.19 booklet. 2.94 1.99 rests and hospitals counted they are doing, and support Harbour. The only inhabi­ Our Reg. 3.49 Woven or knit fabric Dacron“/c o llo n .O C g , * 17H’’x28” . ■ more Wednesday to evacuate carrying shotguns 6nd riot them In every way." tants on these . widly beauti­ s , m , l . - ^ • O O half of the stranded youths. more than 40 injured, mostly by sticks patrolled the outer bound­ ful ifilands are very rare Hyde said there were about flying glass or hurled objects. aries of the area. The Asbury Marcus described the war as sea-birds and a species of No-Iron Dress Shirts Sterling &^ilver Plated Hollowware Only 1 Week;ek Special! At least 10 buildings were de­ Park police force of 60 was rein­ “the most difficult foreign pol­ small lizard. 3,000 students on the tour pro­ Our Reg. 1.99 Short sleeve, spread collar. I009f. X e gram throushout Europe. stroyed. forced by 100 state troopers and icy problem we face." +hrtpjo-Ln±: 9.6 Cu. Ft. Pc^ce sealed o tt a 21-block "It Is destroying the U.S. Need someone you can polyester.Size 14 - 17 MiOrO Save an EXTRA "We already sent 000 to 700 of about the same number of po­ trust when it comes to them home in the past few days, area as up to 1,000 young licemen from neighboring com­ economy, is dividing our coun­ making travel plans ? Our Domestic Department Values! Refrigerator up to today,” he added. Negroes roamed the streets. munities. try, it is polarizing our com­ staff at DANIELS World Academy and four of Commuter trains bypassed Negities form about 40 per munities,'7. he said. TRAVEL AGENCY are Our Rog.'$179 its subsidiaries filed voluntary the city’s railroad station, which cent of the permanent popula- Marcus said there must be Vinyl Table Cloth stands on the fringe of the trou­ bankruptcy petitions Monday in Uem here. no more extensions of the war always ready to serve bled sector, after young blacks OurReg.2 .9 9 - 3.99Textured linen - look. Wliite or 1 C k C k UJ3. District Court of Chicin- Meanwhile, a housing dispute Into Cambodia or any other na­ you— travel, the way you gold. 54x72,54x90 or round. X o j Z Frao fired rocks and bottles at the Charge natl. j fanned Negro tdolence in So­ tion without the consent of Oon- want to travel—at a Local passing' coaches. DaHvory The agency’s brochure had of­ merville, fn the central area of gre^. And he called for "rapid cost that’s right for you. 8 j 4 ’ x l l ' i ’ A police car and a fire chief's the state. There young Negroes withdrawal" of all U.S. forces fe r ^ the young people “ the best car —.both unoccupied — Were We can arrahge for per­ o( all summers,” a study trip to disrupted borough council from Vietnam. Room Rug Size Family size refrigerator with full width slide overturned. sonally escorted tours, Ehirope with school work and meeting in a dispute over plans The nation must be sure that Our Reg. 44.99 999f nylon. 1% other fibers. Choice out crisper. Freezer stores a big 50.4 pounds. Police Chief Thomas S. Smith, one day, a week-end, a classroom credit worked in. for a housing project and then “ we tvill never again be em­ o f decorator colors. Smart, modem styling. (Price in effect thru a Negro who grew up In the whole vacation! C?om- Saturday.) , "We are no longer financially roamed domtown, - smashing broiled in another Vietnam,” he area, was at a loos to explain plete world-wide travel aMe to meet commitments for windows In ^stores and busi­ said. what trig(gered the outbreak. nesses. Some ^ ots were heard Marcus plana to leave Wed­ service. 35 Barry Road, \ transjtortaUoa and accommoda­ “There are so many things tion," a statement from the or­ by newsmen, 'but no Injuries nesday from Bradley Tntomy. Tel. 646-3012. that could have Caused this,” he ganization said. An attorney were 'repotted. Uonal Airport and arrive in Sai­ Sale: Hon. Thro W d. said. "Kids are hollering that Chief Thomas S. Smith says gon on Saturday. He will be in HELPFUL HIN-ra MANCHESTER WATERBURY said the firm had assets o< they can’t get Jobs and there’s Old and wpm socks pulled WALUNCFORD about $800,(X)0 and debts of $4 he is confuised by his city’s Vietnam three days. over your sboes^ will keep 1145 Tclintf Tiripikt 2M0 Miwall Am. Uk«WM4 A Wtictit R4. It. 49 no recreation." racial trouble. In response to a- reporter's It. 5 At HtrlAti Um millloin. ^ Smith said there were some ^our shoes from Miling other 'Bhiropean travel '' agencies 'What sets' him, apart from question, Marcus siaid he was hings in your suitcase. dtti6r

■ t

' : \ . /. 'r ; (- 'I


Second Congressional District^., THEATER TIME Common Ills: Note Not Noted Graduates Sheinwolil on Bridge MOVIE RAnNQS Doctors Dispel SCHEDULE MURRAY, Utah (AP) — The * .. •’! *1 D Sprcl.r BAOUEIiOB DKOB8ES FORRARENTBAND ••• ODww University; William H. DO YOUB WOBBYINO You Should Know thief who broke Into his restaur­ YOUNG PEOPLE Cliches About Baldwin Jr., IM Waranoke Rd., Burnside -r- ’The Out of ’Fown- AT ’THE RIGHT TIME NORTH ant Sunday must be either il­ BARRiCiNi By ALFRED SHEINWOLD The American Dieestive Tract BCsnchester. / Stanley-Pickett Primary Set ers, 7:00, 9:00. ♦ 3 2 r/w of iDo it io Morm Philip Forzley Bowel Habits literate or "just stupid," res­ „ ptrwtfs t6oirt fAt tuifoMlifr of taurant manager 'Verl Duncan WaynesburrBbuif^ (Pa-) CSoUege: East I&rtford Drlve-In — Kel­ C? 106 5 2 ---- *- X — - ■ .t---- 1---- ta m )■ -X- - - By BETTE QUATRALE He hit out at State Motor Ve- “ I have lonjr telt Eastern <3on- You don’t normally worry imfW tw cvnfBM m r wtwwtng o f cfRwswBVf. What la particularly striking concluded. CHOCOLATES Bruce A. Hansen, 119 Pitkin St., ley’s Heroes, 8:38; Cincinnati about keeping control of toe O A 10 9 6 WASHING’rON (AP)—TWO Manchester. (Herald l|^porter) hide . Commissioner John TVn- necUcut has often been ignored Kid, 10:56. I ♦ Q 63 about Philip Forzley as he de­ The burglar stole $60 In coins hand when you have eight ALL AtES AOUinED experts in abdominal ail­ Valparaiso (Ind.) University: X primary, over the Demo- state central committee- and passed over. To get our East Windsor Orlve-In scribes his career aa a profes- • Is Often in Woeful Condition from a desk, overlooking a note trumps in toe partnership WEST EAST Gcntnl AiSltflcn Editor’s Note: We are a nation people in toe general population Angeles—are further exploring ments say It is not necessary ■ Chari'ene F. Schuts, ^ ^ c craUc nomlnaUon for the post from Middletown and a share we must s t ^ up to the Sleeping . Beauty, 8:38; '^e, ^ 8 7 54 G atonal planner is his great con­ for e'vervone to have a bowel on its top telling Duncan where hands. Including the six top ♦ 6 with tummy troubles. Between to remember,” said Brick, "Is toe powers of secretin, with this Lake Rd., Rockville. of Congressman from the long time poUUcal power in machine and not<^eld to it,’; Great Race, 10:00. (? AKQJ8 (? 943 X • cern for toe needs of people in niovement every day In or­ $366 In paper monpy had been trumps. I don’t want to turn ALL ACES AOMinEO half and three-fourths of all this; Concept in mind. University of New Hamp- sprawling Second Congression- Eastern Connecticut. Pickett he emphasized, ' Manchester Drive-In — Be­ O 73 0 K852 ‘■‘a total environment.” der to be healthy. hidden for toe night. your hair prematurely gray, but Pirmttl Suldanct SuggnlKl Americans suffer from some « u a person has persistent ab- ;It m l^ t be possible—In the Visit shire: Judith T. Miner, 44 al District became a certainty generally considered (Although Middletown Is part neath ’The Planet of The Apes, ♦ A2 1098 54 GP Forzley spent most of his ear­ "The once-a-dav-witoout- Duncan said toe wedtress who it’s my duty to point out that ly life in Worcester, Mass., in a sort of abdominal distress— dominal symptoms of any kind event of excess hydrochloric Porter St., Manchester; Caro- yesterday, when State Sen. Wll- ® protege of Tynan and re- of the Second District, most 8:40; The Kremlin Letter, 10:20. SOUTH fatl is Just an old and untrue closed toe restaurant hid toe even the strongest trump suit neighborhood similar to Hart­ from heartburn to constipation. — whether he thinka u ’a In- acid and its "gut gas” fellow- lyn J. Trask,, Ripley Hill Rd., Uam B. Stanley of Norwich fll- oelved his acUve support at the^ people In Eastern ConnecUcut Mansfield Drive -In — Sleep­ ♦ A K Q J 10 9 cliche that well-meaning money In his office, lea'ving toe Liggttt Drag do not recognize it as part of may need a bit of protection. ford’s North End which his of­ ’This article—the second in a digestion or constipation—he travelers—^to offset It more effl- Coventry. ed primary petitions containing co*>venyhn. ing Beauty, 8:6<); Never A Dull • •C? 7 RESTRICnO mothe^ passed on to their note and $4d2 in checks on top of Moment, 10:16. For example. South didn’t Undtr 17 raquirn •ccoflipinying fice in toe Department of Com­ series on man’s common Ills— should put himself In the hands clentiy by artlfically suppress- King’s College; Joseph J. over 4,000 signatures. In a' statement made yester- area, since it is west of the O Q J4 children,” said Dr. Irving toe desk. State ’Theatre :— Sleeping worry soon enough in today’s Parmt or Adult Guordlan munity Affairs building over­ eTcamlnes some of toe reasons of a doctor who can perform X- tog toe hormone that normally Neither toe note nor toe' at the Parkait Domenlck, 136 ’Tlmrod Rd., day while filing his primary ConnecUcut River and enjoys hand. ^ 4^ K I 7 Brick, acting chief of toe Beauty, 12, 2:06, 7:10, 9:19; looks. why. ray and other diagnostic testa." triggers toe acid production. checks was touched. Manchester. papers, Stanley commented, ® different economy.) South dealer. West North East gastroenterology department Morris Harvey College "The real issue In this contest Pointing to the Democratic Hang Tour Hat On ’The ' Wind, His childhood and later ex­ Only to that way, he said, can Gross said to an interview at Georgetown University North - South vulnerable. 2 (3? Pass Pass By FRANK GARRY 1:20, 6:20, 8:26. NO ONE UNDE* 17 AMimO periences as a reporter for the It Iw determined whether the other, investigators have hospital and school of medi­ (W. V a .); Linda D. Brannick, Is whether the Tynan organiza- ®*®*® convention as an illustra­ Opening lead — King of Pass 4 4 All Pass (Ago limit mty vdry AP Science Writer 3 Hartland Rd., Manchester. tion or the Democratic people what a machine can do, UA Theatre — M*A*S*H, 7:00, Worcester Telegram probably trouble Is a functional GB too late and tear your hair out. the "social” needs of people. belching or that Wo^ed feelliw? ^extensive ^ d lc ^ tiS a tm e n L drinks, as well as alcohol and It this wray; flower making kits $1.79 Morse Rd., Manchester. cratic nominee for 0>ngress:’’ deserving candidates for toe second round. South then 0» IMt If so, it may be because you ‘ McnjM cool 0/ uxj-m auuilwt. ’These factors probably also "It’s perfectly normal to Anderson (Intf.) (Allege: Kar­ A successful veteran of three u Columbia drew four rounds of trumps and may be eating too much air. Echoing this, Diukin said In a *®1^ en R. Howard, 86 Green Manor “ Yet an eleventh hour deal Daily Question account for his decision to ma­ ‘go’ three times a day, and previous primaries, Stanley tried toe diamond finesse. East ’That’s rieht—air separate interview that "Poesi- *® functional heartburn Rd., Manchester. was made with Waterbury for Partner opens with one heart, jor In urban geography at It’s also perfectly normal to termed the coming contest "an won with toe king of diamonds R e s e a r c l^ report that swal- »>ly one haU to three-fourths of “ ,1®*^'®! Stonehill College (Mass.): and the next player bids one Clark University, also in ‘go’ once every three days ait extra flower overdue and refreshing exercise “ delegates without any Town Parade and returned a hearty forcing spade. You hold: Spades, 3-2; TMdte losed air may account fo r 76 per t^e general population has had, C a llf o * ^ la ^ a tissue 09o pkg. Joseph Simmons Jr., 183 Maple exercise consideration of our candidates. Worcester, after serving with cent of toe cases of "bloat and ®r wlU have, Sabdomlnal stress world pioneer In pin-pointing toe —depending upon toe individ­ In democracy. South to ruff with his last Hearts, 10-6-6-2; Diamonds, A- Feature St.; Michael Sweeney, 90 Bald­ their qualifications or this First the U.S. Army in toe . Korean that toe "creature" could be belch," a problem more defl- ®* «>*»« kind sometime during actual mechanism of heartburn ual. "I have always felt more trump. 10-9-6; dubs, Q-6-3. conflict. extra stem win Rd., both of Manchester. region," he continued. On the Fourth destroyed. "Even legal means nltely known as "gas in toe gas- th®lr “ ves. w“ ®h was once thought exclu- “ Unfortunately, there la comfortable. conducting the South could take his three What do you say? After college graduation In are too complex to accomplish very frequently a feeling MIW kit 880 pkg. Clark University: Jane E. diamonds and his six trumps, trolntestlnal tract." "And, of these, probably a f*;:,®*^ “ “ ® ‘® ®’'®®“ ®* “ ydroch- aete o fi Barnra, 6 Taylor St., Manches­ business of £he people in public. Answer; Bid two hearts. If 1967, Forzley pursued his plan­ this," he said. among people—especially toe thanfhon in fhothe smoke - filled election there is not one single for a total of nine tricks, but ’That’s one of toe most com- good 75 percent will be found to ®®“ ’ , ter. candidate for statewide or na- A Success you act now, when it Is cheap ning career In Cambridge, In addition, he expressed toe elderly and some Spinster rooms,” he added. , whenever declEU*er led clubs. B e n e a t h THE mon symptoms of toe many be suffering only from some Assumption College; Daniel .,,, . ,... Uonal office who lives In East- to do so, you can sit back and Mass,, . and In his hometown. belief that toe Department of ladies—that they absolutely Although admitting there a r e __ „ ______,, . „ Even though it rained on toe West Was ready to take toe ace varieties of abdominal distress functimial ailment. The remain- C*® Paln of heart- P. Bourque, 40 Lyndale St., “ .... . em Connecticut," Stanley stat- let your partner bid as much O'PLANETPLANET He came to Connecticut in 1961 (Community Affairs is trying to must have a bowel move­ other Issues In the campaign, <-~ucjr o«i. fpurto of July, almost aU of toe of clubs and at least one heart whlch plague an estimated 100 der, though, may have a serious ^®aUed because it can ment once a dav. And tots Manchester; Larry R. Thayer, or as little as he likes. If you and settled in Manchester. He deceittralize. By sending teams million to 160 mllUon Americans organic disease.” mimic toe pain of a heart-attack Stanley feels the most import- entries in toe Columbia parade to defeat toe contract. Despite and his wife, Janet, live at 72 into toe community to talk with leads them to take strong 4 Hansen Dr., Vernon. pass now, however, neither 2 a , ApES at one time or another. “ And we need more fL“® ® ant Is the "need for repres^ta- ^ , toe magnificence of his trumps Arcellia Dr. with their two sons. people through local groups and laxatives. Macalester College (Minn.): participated in toe first parade member of toe partnership will Scientists have tongue-twist- search," Durkin added, "on aU **‘® esophagus tionHnn for Eastern CoLecticut been completely dealt out of South had lost control of toe Mrs. Forriey is a teacher at churches, Forzley . feels that "The danger Is that, re­ .^Carolyn A. Besser, 114 Adelaide any and all consideration. spmisored by toe town Itself. know what to do in competitive ing tiUes for toe tummy trou- these functional things—vdieto- ‘**® stomach, with or wlth- HAVE YOU AN that reflects the desires, atti- ^ I'^ 't” ******”*” " hand. Co-Hit Manchester Green School. government will be closer to toe peated use of strong laxa­ Manchester. __. t 1 * X . This is wrong, and. I for one The parade started out on time bidding. bles—such as aerophagla, bor- «r one talks about so-called in- ^® ®®kicldence of excess WllUam Stanley tudes and best Intents of the No-trump Play Don’t Trust Anyone In people and toe people’s distrust tives makes toe bowel Insen­ Superb EVENT SCHEDULED eUesley (Allege: Marilyn am not going to sit Idly by at 10 a.m. and toe route was G®Pyright 1970 He joined the Connecticut De­ porygmus and dyspepsia. But, digestion, or of forms c^'consti- *»y«l«>ckloTlc acid, region and our people." South should make toe "THE KREMUN LETTER” velopment Commission and by will lessen. sitive to normal stimuli—so ’T w o^ y , 267 Porter St., Man­ and watch the rest of the state lined with about 2,000 spec­ General Feature Corp. by whatever name, Americans pation and-or dlarrtoa not percentage of THAT GALLS FOR He will be pitted against par­ contract by employing a no- 1967 was head of toe planning "Centralization has made us that one can arrive at the chester. ty-endorsed candidate State get more than their share while tators. spend a king’s ransom seeking linked with a speplfic organic PsUents with reflux and heart- eA T m m FOOD? trump play. When you have to section of toe Community De­ numbers,” he said, “ and serv­ point where It’s Impossible OonnecUcbt College: Diana Sen. John Pickett of Middle- we continue to inherit most of Members of the— Natchaug give up toe lead twice at no- relief—$437.4 million annually disorder. have what is known as hla- velopment Division. In 1967, ices have been doled out to us to have a B.M. without tak­ It may be a wedding, a ban­ 7 Hunt, 66 Campbell Ave., Ver­ the problems,” Stanley em­ Ancient Fife and Drum Cori>8’ LAST MATINEE AND EVENING SHOWS FOR — for metoclnes alone. “ At present Xnwe‘B more we hernia," he said, “ but we town. Pickett won the party trump, you often take he by computers. ’The DCA pro­ ing such a potent laxative." s e m e s non. phasized. ’Third Connecticut Regiment “Sleeping Beauty’’ Matinee 12:00 ft 2:06, Eve. 7U0 ft 9tl6 toe planner was a member of Gum chewers, especially don’t know^dbout these things know for sure whether hla- quet or Just an Informal get- nomination In a bitterly contest- trouble to lose toe earlier trick grams are designed to return •He added; "Probably toe together of a society, lodge or Albertus Magnus, College: ed convention fight which gave Continuing, the primary chal­ from Glastonbury fired muskets. "Hang Your Hat On The Wind” Mat. 1:20, Eve. OdO ft 8d6 a task force created by the toose who chew as a kind of than whaL^'we do know. There tnl hernia Is toe cart or toe to toe opponent who has toe commission and the state Leg- toe human elenlent to planning. most frequent cause of func­ some friendly group. Patricia Hogan, 141 B^fam St., H7-109 edge over Stan- lenger added, "Eastern Con­ State police units led toe m m m M a n c h e s t e r nervous habit, are likely to are so niany variables. For ex- h®rse." long suit. When you lose toe Their success hinges on toe un­ tional .constipation Is poor Manchester. \ jgy. necticut is entitled to a voice in parade which included color ■ M m ■ CENTER isOature that formed the De­ swallow abnormal quantities of ample, why are some people Hiatal hernia is a condition, later “ trick to the other ™ ™ 643-7832 derstanding between the people bowel habits over a period We Are Prepared to Sacred Heart University: ‘ Its own destiny and the guards followed by police cars, partment of Community Af­ air, researchers say, and end up prone to get more gas in their s®metimes requiring surgery. In opponent, he may be out of toe A IR -C O N D IT IO N E D • FREE P A R K REAR THEATRE fairs. Forzley is now adminis­ of yqare.” Raymond J. Woollett, 1 7 5 ^ . According to Stanley’s cam- qualifications of candidates riot cars, search and rescue and toe state agency." with gas trapped in toe intes- intestines than others—under which the esophagus becomes Serve You to Your Maln St., Manchester. \ paign m ea g er lor ’Tolland long suit and therefore may be trator of supporting programs While C-DAP has certain time Durkin said one hopeful should determine the nominee." trucks emergency lighting, ford­ unable to hurt you. South must WEDNESDAY: "CHABUE BROWN” Mat., »-M, Eve. C ft 9 tines. possibly toe same conditions? slightly pushed upward by pres- Complete Satisfaction St. Joseph CoUege (West Charles E. 'IWfault of for the DCA. limits, toe Comprehensive Plan­ trend Is 4he availability, and He claims the recent Congres­ ing vehicles and toe extensive follow toe same principle in Heavy smokers of all klnd^-^ "Also, while we feel that a from an abnormally dls- wider use, of so-called Hartford); Louise Gervals, 47 ™ jM d , 611 petition signatures At first, Forzley said, toe ning Assistance Program is Our. cateringi g serviceS ( Is set up sional Convention gave "no role display of toe volunteer fire today’s hand. cigarette, pipe or clgar7--are functional condititm called tended stomach. Tlius, toe "bulk” laxatives, as disting­ Seaman CHrcle, Manchester. were\ obtained throughout the < n i e DCA aimed most of its forts open-ended. The "umbrella” to be flexible enough to ac- to the qualifications of the can­ units from Andover, Columbia, After drawing four rounds also among champion air-eat­ ‘spastic colon’ or ‘Irritable co- sphincter, or central valve be- uished "from stimulants. Ir­ New Haven College: /Stephen countyXo^hlch 293 were from "toward toe big cities, in re­ program is essential because oonunodate any size gathering. didates," but added, "This pri­ Coventry, Hebron, Lebanon and of trumps. South must first ‘^Peanuts’Gang ers. So are non-stop .conversa­ Ion’—^wfalch can sometimes be tween toe esophagus and toe ritants and cathartics." T. RawoUe, 31 Plnney Hills Rd., Tolland. The petitions found a sponse to,a request by toe fed­ successful planning is not com­ Why not oall ns and talk over I mary will provide the people Windham. For added interest knock out toe ace of clubs. West tionalists; and fast, giilpy eaters marked by constipation and stomach, becomes lax. This al- But, he said, treatments the details? Rockvllie. receptive \ ^dlence, Thlfault i n t h e i r eral government." The depart­ pleting one project or study, but with the voice of the ballot toe antique pumper from Wind­ leads a third heart, forcing —including those,'’who, as one diarrhea alternately — is often- lows food to back up from toe for constipation, diarrhea Bryant College: ’Ihomas V. noted, extendbig his gratitude ment was criticized, and “ right­ Is continually seeing and fulfill­ box.” ham Center Fire Department South to ruff with his last O ^ lr s t medic puts it, . "m ay be on toe times due to emotiLHial tension, stomach, irritate toe lining of and the "blast-.and-belch Pope, 112 Helalne Rd., Man- the many people who helped and hand-drawn hose cart for ly so," added Forzley, "because ing toe community’s needs, 9(X>-caIorie reducing diet—a Concluding, Stanley said, “ we trump. Now South can safely we Just don’t know eTcactly what toe esophagus and cause pain, syndrome” of Indigestion Chester. circulate the petiUbqs through- Columbia Fire Department also c M o v I e ! Services to toe smaller commu­ Forzley stressed. quick gulp and a flatulent after­ now have toe conventiwi en­ try toe diamond finesse. Even causes it." Durkin, soon to leave Cteorge- "haven’t changed a hell of a Garden Grove Caterers, Inc. Heidelberg College (Ohio); out the county. \ drove along. nities were neglected.’’ Forzley hopes. to expand toe math." dorsed candidates, but Demo­ though toe finesse loses. East What about other research? town to join toe University of lot since I graduated from WallSce T. Grube, 887 Porter Stanley described the, pri- ’Two marching' bands were in To Improve toe situation, toe (Community Services Program “Flatus" is toe word for gas TELEPHONE 649-5313^49-5314 cratic people are toe party and is out of hearts, so that his • IfW W Wwd fwuoee B - * e * Iw. Brick said probably toe most Missouri medical faculty, says a medical school ten years St., Manchester , mary as a contest betweenThe toe lineup, toe Willimantic Am­ which only requires that a trapped in toe bowels. fangs are erripty of venom. No federal HUD agency created a potentiaUy Important advance form of heartburn can also be ago.” St. Michael’s CoUege (Vt.): Tynan poUtical machine" an* toe party endorsed candidates bassadors and toe Natchaug M. community prove "Its willing­ Finally, their ranks include matter what East returns. South Community Relations Develop­ of recent years—In toe Indlges- caused by direct Irritation of toe Richard W. Baker, 19 Lewis St., the Democratic voters of East- will be selected on Aug. 19 in an Ancient Five aand Drum Corps, V oy iNiamed C hariie *Brow n" ness to become Involved In drinkers of carbonated bever­ easily takes the rest of toe ment Program In 80 small com- tion field at least—was toe de- esophagus by certain food* and Joseph M. Danyllw Jr., 43 For- em Connecticut. ' open, free and fair Democratic ’niey carried and fired replicas no-cam. A -TOW b - aai rerun - lmic | g ) ^ , c*« a (« m ru « rK»iAnM determining its own future — to ages— potions- often taken to John Pickett primary.” tricks. mvmities across toe country as est St., both M a n c h e s t e r . ______of 1776 muskets loaded with Co-Hlt: "Support Your Local SherifT’ Mat. 1:00, Eve. 7:30 Improve itself. Tlie program trieeer what can be a healtov *®™**‘atlon by a British sclen- Uqtilds enroute to toe stomach. Deaths In T- It’s better to worry early and a model for other towns. Lesley College (M ass):' Ellen gunpowder. It was upon this model that aims to create a "s^-help .J in W pnp. Janice Harrison. 96 Green Man- ‘“ ‘® = Gardner D. Carbell II, There were 14 floats, 10 color SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF Forzley based toe Community attitude," emphaslz(ng the vote increase the unconscious air- “ ®®- P®« ®a" d® W," he said, “ and so or Rd., Manchester. > Hebron; Stuart A. guards, two youth color guards swallowing. t* * i $ can alcohol. Indeed, I knew one The Nation PLAZA DEPT. STORE Yankton Ctollege (S.D.): Hurd, 67 Murray Rd., Wapplng; All Qiallengers Successful starring JAMES GARNER — Service Program that he Initi­ of toe DCA teams as advisors. and several marching units, in­ ated In March 1969. ’The unique 4 The planner ^ Id a com­ Other contributors to gaseous ™ ® api^ars to be poor guy who can’t drink cham- (We Have A Notion To Please) Wayne Bedurtha, 182 Wetoerell Bradford R. Myrick, 21 Hillside cluding toe Girl Scouts, Boy JOAN HACKETT & WALTER BRENNAN distress include eating certain ® u ating toe stomach pagne without getting heartburn Maria Lanza Cocozza St. (cum laude), Manchester. Wapping. (G ) United Artist — Color by DeLuxe program was ilSsigned "to rein­ munity must know not only its SANTO MONICA, Calif. (7^) E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Mlrt.) In Qualifying for Primary Scouts, and Andover emd Colum­ state communication with toe own needs but' toe needs of toe foods—such as onions, cooked type- But, there again, University of Denver: Janice university of Oregon: Susan toe normal digestive process. It’s a matter of Individual sensb — Maria Lanza Cocozza, 0PE91 WED., THURS., FBI. tiU 9 bia 'VFD Women’s Auxiliaries. smaller municipalities," Forz­ area around It. "We are beyond cabbage, radishes and cucum------Ford,* — 166 Cushman —— — —Dr.; •» Vaughn . Betko. 61 Horton . Rd., Man HARTFORD, ----- ' ------Conn. (AP)'— ' A limit on campaign expendi- Now, researchers In various tivlty—and we don’t yet know mother of toe late singer M a ^ J LaVergne H. Williams, grand ley explained. toe time where people are born, bers; individual allergies to Johnston, 27 Hlllcrest Rd., both obester. The deadline has come and tures was proposed Mnndnv kw parte of toe world—including why there are such a differ- Lanza, died Monday night. She marshal, and his wife rode at TTie program’s director added, live, work and die in toe same some types of food; over-eating, Manchester. College: passed, and apparently none of the rov. Joseph Duffev ^vho toe head of toe parade followed and eating while imder emotion­ Dr. Martin Grossman of toe ence in sensitivity." suffered a stroke Saturday. NEED SOMETHING FOR DADY7 College of Wooster (Ohio): Ann E. Kwash, 14 Elm ’Ter., the challengers had difficulty urged Marcus and toe’ other that "there are 64 Connecticut small town." Mrs.' (Cocozza had cared for toe by toe selectmen and toe al stress. University of (California at Los Next; "Oh, my achin’ back!" Helene Kiecolt,------Mountain M^ohester. ,„ing the required number of S d a t o ^ n h o ^ .s t communities Involved present­ Manchester does have an ob­ four orphan children of her son Judges. Whatever toe varied causes of Hnd A Wonderful S«l«etleii At Pkna Rd., Manchester. Marymount College; Michelle signatures to guarantee that h ^ ^ ly, not including Manchester as ligation to Hartford, because the for toe last 10 years. Prizes awarded included or­ RIVERSIDE PARK hmctional Indigestion— Includ­ Purdue University yet, all with a population under town "would not have flourished slty: Raymond -their names will appear in state- up kn avreemertt, ganizational floats, Columbia ing gassiness; sour acldy stom­ s Birdseye prefolded gauze diapers $2.88 dos. F. Gollmitzer, 174 W. Main St., Southern „ , Connecticut State wide Repkblic’kii” primariMlkrd 60,000.” without toe city," he said. Many Jlro Ichiriki riev Dunn a Uon». ______. . .. x/onanuB are millionaires. Congpregatlonal Church whose Rockville. College: Shirley Dunn, 8 Hart- Democratic congressional Tills program toe Com­ people <’’rely on Hartford for ach; regurgitating burps ; and SENDAI, Japan (AP) — Jlro s Nylon carriage nets 81.69 each. dis- Although Duffey Is pot a theme was its 260th anniver­ Sarah Lawrence College; KeUerstrass, trict primariea BONUS DAYS & NIGHTS” munity Development Action some of their popping needs," toe sometimes knlfe-llke burn­ Ichiriki, 76, owner and board wealthy man, Marcus said to- sary, Boy Scout ’Troop 162 and ing chest pain of heartburn— s ’Training Pants—doable thickness—triple crotch 8 for Joan S. Marlow, 120 Plymouth “ MON,, TUE„ WED,, THUR, FRI Plan (C -D A ^ in which Man­ Forzley said. He emphasized chairman of toe Sendai newspa­ Ck>lumbia Volunteer Fire De­ Americans are now spending per Kahoku Shlmpo and a direc­ 81.16 U Lane, Manchester. chester is i^rticipating, are however that he did not approve partment Women’s Auxiliary. annually, according to the pub­ Columbia College (N.Y.); Parker St., all of Manchester; . . . toe______worn tn„ ’'^®'"®*‘enortunities Corps now being pre­ medies. James D. Hodgson In vhlch he Ripon College (Wis.): Robert Skinner Rd., Rockville. from my petition coordinators commercials, usual float went to Gilead 4-H coilimunity development activi­ pared for Hartford and Bridge­ What about new treatments asked toe secretary to come S. McKnight Jr., 270 Ferguson throughout toe state Indicate Voluntary expenditure llmi- Club which had live animals on Everybody ovor 10 years . . $ 8 .S0 ties and not just an emphasis port. for toe age-old problems? prepared July 21 to recommend Rd., Manchester. that many more than toe 8,000 mtlons are toe only way candi- its float; most original. Boy IN on ‘physical’ land uses." ’The IdeLLS and toe programs "I don’t know of anything new to toe Joint Economic Commit­ Berklee College of Music signatures required to qualify can compete on toe basis Scout ’Troop 162; Special award. COLOR! BONUS BADGES ON SALE 7 P.M. to 1C P.M. Automobiles C-DAP is important, Forzley of toe Department of (Commun­ or startling in toe medicine line tee proposals to relieve toe un- (Boston); Peter D. Pantaluk, 40 me for a primary were filed their qualifications, and not Boy Scout 'Troop 162 with its (Good for all ridas 7 P.M. to Closing) continued, because "people be­ ity Affairs are far-reaching. that has come along lately to (uLiP FTboCoAuk) employment situation. Foster St., Ntanqbester. in toe local registrars’ offices ^® of their budgets," Head U . S. marching unit including toe gan to look at their town—what Forzley stressed that he and treat uncomplicated, functional One cause of Americans’ digestive woes is the food ’The drop in toe unemploy­ Philadelphia College of Art: by toe 4 o’clock deadline." Duffey said in a letter to 1^ Spirit rce. Lewis and Clark College tic Rd. has been appointed to cause "toe vast majority of sponse from toe people, both Georgetown University hospital ■* O O a y I I I KTL t S t O T y He said Hodgson himself had es­ take place Aug. 12, with all bates, which all three candida- In 1968, President Dwight; D. (Ore.): Barry Gooding, 108 WASHINGTON (AP) — More - - . ^ toe Zoning Board of Appeals. citizens do not really under­ positive and negative. and school of medicine. ____ *’ timated that it could rise to 6.6 Crestwood Dr., Manchester. Americans complain about their registered RepubUcan tes have accepted, and time for He replaces Saul Blum who re­ OUT-OF-TOWNER^ He said doctors still depend ^y THE ASSOCIA’TED PRESS Elsenhower signed the Alaska stand C-DAP.” "We must establish a dia­ statehood bUl. per cent this year. Windham College (Vt.): C. automobiles than any other con- voters eUglble to cast balloU. individual presentations by can- signed to accept a state job. LFEATURE AT ms, t:is. Because of this lack of under­ logue,” he said, "because we largely on traditional anti-acid “Equally Important," Prox­ sumer item *^® choices are between didates. Today Is Tuesday, July 7, the Curtis Parker, S. Lakewood Cir­ ’Ihe selectmen made toe ap­ A|C CONDITIONE: standing, Forzley, is convinced ■will progress only through toe compounds—plus medical "de­ Ten tVears Ago mire said, "was that toe rate cle, Manchester. The President’s Committee on ®a">®® And Congressman ’Thom- Duffey praised such offers of pointment by unanimous vote at 188th day of 1970. There are 177 that C-DAP or any development give and take of ideas. Pro­ tergents." The latter have been Soviet Premier NiUta for Negroes rose from 8 to 8.7 Consumer InteresU told a as J- Mesklll, toe state conven- equal free time, but added: days left in toe year. Hood College (M d.): Candace their ’Tuesday night meeting. A program Is "75 per cent public gress Is slow and frustrating be­ developed in more recent years Khrushchev, on a irlslt to per cent, or more than double House Appropriations subcom- choice for governor, and “ Unless we act to Umlt ailver- BURNSIDE Elaine Davidson, 168 Tanner Democrat, Goldberg is new to brtO HUPNStDt AVf £AiT HARIfOCD relations.’ ’ Information must be cause it is slow. But as long as to aid toe expulsion of trapped Today's Highlight In History Austria, said toe Soviet Unloh the 4.2 per cent June unemploy- St., Manchester. mittee today that of toe 30,622 between Lupton and Congress- ^Ing, there is a risk that one many people in town even FREE PARKING 528 3333 poured into toe community on frustration leads to new ap­ gas—especially gas in toe form On this date in 1937 the Sino- was prepared to sign a dlsarmar ment rate for whites. complaints received by 'toe ™An Lowell P. Weicker Jr., toe of toe candidates in toe Senate University of Northern though he has been a business­ every level to explain what proaches to reach toe same of tiny, frothy bubbles that don’t Japanese war began with a ment agreement based on c

•'T' V:

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do not show up on time, but at South Windsor Vernon incerity K e y least a third of that number F U ls M a y F ly Russians Like Americans, have valid excuses. Of tbe re- todays FUNNY In Objectibn mdhider, less than 10 per cent By Mouth’s Eud Post-Mortem on Blackout: are known draft reslaters, he Rockville High *s Honor Roll To Draft; Tarr said. yASHma^N (AP) — The Air Force says three of the Following is the honor roll for All of Town on One System Until They Becom e Adults JEUiet 'White Marlene Winchester WASmNQlTON (AP) — Fol. more than 200 | l l l tighter the fourth quarter at RockvUle Cynthia Wm«rd BEury Wiser l o w ^ u m ippsijMiliMi'Acgptii ; bombers grounded'last Decem­ Ib e Miuirrel who was rMpon> High School:'* SOPHOMORES Terri Zapcu-esky N ad er’s Raiders Glassman asked about the pos­ By W ILLIAM L. R TA N at 17 rubles, more than 10 per a seat in the Council of the Un- pre'me Ooun decision^ (Uie M ed - ber Eure eicpected ^ be bEusk In slbla tor a town wide blacSraut sibility of state and federal aid MOSCOW (A P ) ___ Some cent of an average worker's Ion, since he occupies the exal- SENIORS High Honore eervlce by the end 6t tiie month. r'lsESlIA^BN tive Service director h^i t

I last Tuesday was a subject of to somewhatNreduce the over-all thoughts onre-visiting the So-vlet monthly pay. The workmanship ated position of first secretary High Honors Mark Boudreau High Honors Open Study Of The Air Force eald Monday tDscussion at the.Town Coimcll cost Reeves said the aid of this Union: is such that the shirt couldn't of the Communist party of Uz- Susan Arst Peter Charter Susan Andrews cEd drsft boards that slncsrily IS three of the swing-wing planes meetiiig last nij^t ICayor tjrpe Is only available in a dis­ Maybe the big trouble in So- Kst into an American store, but bekistan. James Barrows CEU-Ia Chenette Allen Atel the key Issue In determining Nursing Homes have completed ground tests. Howard Fitts inquired as to astrous situation. viet-American relations is that «ven at that there are others' at The tension was relieved jEuie Blron Marv Cosgrove Lisa BouSquet whether a man should be elsssl- WASHINGTON (AP) — Six The fleet wem returned to the why the whole town was affect­ The question as to ‘ cost per Russian kids grow up to be Rus­ lesser prices and worse quality, somewhat by the fact that in KEithleen Osrlo \ Martin Fsigan Stephen CEmrpbell \ fled a conscientious objector. teen-aged girls from a rich pri­ manufacturer. General T>ynam- ed by the blackout when in property owner was itemized sian adults. Displays in "GUM, the big cen- Tashkent, as everywhere else in Mary Crane Rita FranceEdd Louise Casadei Cdrtls W. Tarr, the draft di­ vate school have joined cmisum- left Oorp., Fort Worth, JI^.. aft­ previous years the A very S t .David Franek by Reeves. The individual prop­ It seems to an American, tral Moscow department store, the Soviet Union, there was only JoEume Devine Jennie ChEunbers^ rector, mailed lociU boards er cniSEtder Ralph Nader to er an P i l l crashed In . area had been immune to black­ Linda Gilroy erty owner would pay $8.B0 per especially if he is with a group often are signed by their crea- one candidate each for the Conrad IDwlra Stephen Chuck Monday a Ust of principles con­ probe the plight of the old and A aclentlflc board said the outs that had affected a majori­ SusEtn Harriman front foot, i|200 for laterals and of his compatriots, that wdierev- tors. The recogniUon seems well council of the Union and the Susan FEigan Deborah Clscon _ cerning cmsolenttous objection the poor in the nation’s nursing enuh pointed to a wing defect ty of the town. Ba'vmond Johnson an additional $400 for connec­ er he goes the kids love him. earned. It takes a lot of skill to council of NatlonaliUes, the two MlchEiel Feltman Wayne Ciidnskas' to y n x. homes. and recommended a new series A Connecticut Light and Pow­ Kathv JuUaito TMANX TO tion when owners began using They have learned to ask for make what is offered to Soviet houses, David .CHlroy Barbara Clarke "Boards are not tree to reject Spending two nights working of tests tor the fleet. er official explained that up un­ Karan Kolanko ELOA ERSELC the service. such' things as ballpoints and consumers look attractive. In Uchastok 3, you'd havte Dennis Gladden Rebecca DEdgle beliefs because they consider undercover as nurse’s sides, the The Air Force SEdd the entire til about a year and a half ago, Amy Kravltz Mayor Fitts vras asked about chewing gum. They ask eager. Silent Streets thought you were in an Ameri­ GeUI Gordon Almira Eklwards them 'Inoomprehmialhle,' '* the girls told a news conference fleet should be back In operation the A very area' was tied in with John I]alloran Josenh La-ritt. Mhry Laskowski / the alternate plan to use the Innocent questions. They a'vidly For an American, there is can town watching the proce­ ® 1*70 NtA. Im. directive read. “Their task la to Monday of bedsores, patients^ by JanuEuy after the $80 miUlcm the Rockville system, thus Anne Higgins Chervl Meehan Teresa Latulippe Manchester system and he ex­ swap Soviet coins—and even something eerie about the dure at the little schoolhouse decide whether the beliefs pro­ amokliig in bed at night, and a testing program Is completed. eliminating the inconveniences Beth HorsmEm Patricia Mllkle John MEtgliocco Teior't FUNNY will pw S> 00 to plained this was only a possi­ their fathers' assorted medals streets of provincial Soviet cit- down the road. The atmosphere fessed by a registrant are sin­ fire STcit door that was kepi The test cost Is being divided of darkness. However, due to Ke-vin It-elEuid Suzanne Mitchell Paul Menard toch ^'hiitiiv** uttd. !•: bility if Manchester's highway denoting meritorious labor—for ies and the sparseness of motor was somber. Workers sat at a T«do/t FUNNY, 1200 Wtsf Tkird St,. cerely held and sdMthsr tiMy locked in one facility. the growth of Rockville it be­ Carol MontEmve Kevin Miller betureen the Air 'Fqrce EAd Gen­ construction plans were com­ American dimes and quarters. vehicle traffic. By night there is long table to check names of ar- Stephen Jiisek CitvtIaiMt, Otito 44113. govern his fustlons both In word "The home overiooked a cem­ came Impossible for that town David MordEisky JeEui McGowan eral DjAEAllCS. pleted. Manchester has not hardly any traffic at ail. riving voters. There were John Jzyi< and deed." etery on one side snd a funeral to supply power to the Avery . The kids are not above a dash Robin Nickerson Early on a sunny Sunday watchers and a supervisor and Marv Lou Kellner SusEUi O’Brien The Supreme Court held Jhne home on the other," one girl section. been able to begin this oper­ of old-fashioned private enter­ Jav Nordbv Kav Kloter Carole Pue IS that a r^tohnmt who profess­ added. ation. Also, the proposed hook­ prise. For example, Uzbek morning in Tashkent, a city of even hot coffee for the workers. Scott Novak In the United States, in 1880, “■ This area is presently tied in Michele Datulippe Bruce Rleder es no religion in the usual sense Nader said his young teEun up with Manchester would not youngsters in Tashkent, the cen­ 1.3 million, you can stand in the once checked off, the voter Marvann O’Coln Three Praised there were about two million with the main power station at Rhea La'vlRme Deborsdi Ritzen may be considered a conscien­ will conduct a summer-lotig be feasible as it would cost tral Asian cotton capital, swipdd middle of the main street and went into another room which Darlene PeEUie slaves. the com er of Strong Rd. and Deborah Luth Patricia Roca tious objector cm moral or intel- study of care tor the elderly snd more than the crosstovtrn plan flowers from the park, made look for miles in either direction ^ad the solemn atmosphere of a Karen Rev ■ In P ool Rescue John Fitch Blvd. (Rt. B). The Deborah MaoArthur lAicllle Samson leotual grounds. the federal programs providing and only provide a minimum them into bouquets and did a without seeing a single passen church. Ballots in hand, he en­ L'icUle Salterbach squirrel got into the station and Marcia McFadden Nancy Sklllen Tarr told local boards tbe day much of the financing. amount of refund from bond thriving business selling them to 8er car. tered one of four green-cur­ Jacqueline Samson BETHANY old boy must have derived that belief ards?" asked NEuler. Avery St. from Raymond Rd. Soviet Union on previous occa­ traffic lights. whom he would vote for in each Honors Cynthia Young Elemeatary, Jr. High, High School sad College Students set up and transformers are be­ Maureen Rleder through rigorous training. The team, which will Issue Its to the comer of Kelly Rd. were sions, it quickly becomes appar­ However ,the scarcity of traf- house. He entered the booth, Barry Andrews Seniors from drowning. ing utilised imtll permanent re­ Dianne (Saunders He acknowledged the “ riko- public report in September, is approved by the council. This ent 'that the Communist party flc can be perilous. The squares looked at his ballots each with Peter Anestis Virginia BlEiszczak AcoonUng to Trooipsr Robert TWO FOUR WEEK SESSIONS pair can be made. The change­ Semdra Simmons roua training” standard would led by Claire Townsend, 18, sidewalk ydll be a bituminous and Soviet government are still, are huge and the boulevards its single name, folded them MEirk Baer Donna Bokls over will cause no further in- Diane Slisz -t*' Braychak, Edgar Johnson, snd give an Eulvimtage to the edu- daughter of the author of the FIRST SESSION REGINS JULY 27 cosvenlence to the town, the walk four feet in width and will as ever, plagued by old econom­ wide. The people are unaccus- separately, emerged and Peggy Barbero Cheryl Brow Jane Vauidervoort Larry Horn, 18, puUed BVank cEded. Monday’s directive said best-selling book, "U p the Or- CLAP spokesman said. follow land contours to avoid ic ailments.^ The black market tomed to cars.. Most pedestraln dropped each ballot in one of Linda Bard John Burnham Small, effective.tiantt is readins and itudy akifla. Individualized Linda Welch Johnson Jr., of PlesssntvUle, the belief must arise from activ­ ganisEition." ; o il---- ■ ■' . . . The Town Oouncif approved a removal of shrubs, trees and in goods and money remains accidents are caused by walking two red-draped boxes. DeborEih Bilals Michael Capello programa accotdiiw to pre-lcai iasnoti f. Progtamt may tneha^ Theona Wheelock N.J., Edgar’s brother, to the ity "comparable In rigor and None of the 17- Emd 18-year-old auch------trcaE u------wotiTattack iltillaa Yp------^______recommendation from Richard driveway disruptions. It will with them, tbo. The official into the sides of cars. The -viC' He then left the voting place Janice Boczar BriEin Csufer 'pMOdia), comprehemion, vocab- 7 David Wilcox shore of a town-operated swim­ dedication" to tradlticMud reli­ girls lUA had any medical, nurs­ ul_i^ ^development.^ "r-— *pccd_ readiaib how to ttudytnidy effectively,effectively. Reeves, Sewer Oonunisslon provide a safe passageway for value of the ruble, l-H, is in tim seldom is hit head on. by another door, having accom­ Barbara Boettcher Scott Davidson Lorrsdne Wilhelm ming Eusa Saturday after the gious training. -. ing or InvestigEdtve training. cnucal and rafercatial reading test taking tcchniquea perception. chairman, requesting that a $6,- children walking to and from terms of purchasiiig power far Give them "A” for effort for plished his civic duty and Struck Jennlilm Young Elaihe Bonomo Benjamin Dodge jrouth dove into the water and "The primary test . . . is the But they voiced enthusiasm for coBccniratioa, college hoaid teat preparation am general im­ 143,000 project to extend sani-' school, the council was told. from realistic. trying to please tourists from his blow for Soviet democracy. Deborah Brownstone David Ely provement si reading efficieiKy. Honors did not resurtece. test of sincerity," the new direc­ tbe project and called It an <^- tary sewers along Sullivan Ave. Historic District In a Moscow restaurant an el- the hard currency areas. But let An American visitor asked Lisa Cfimpo Sharon Fortima ★ Motnieg Clattcs-—Monday through' Thurtday. Steven Abbott tive reEuL "The board should be portunlty fw their generation to and into the Avery Brook basin Passage of the ordinance, egant waiter, finding an A ^eri- a tourist get away from his him about the lack of choice. He Shari (Jantor Noreen Glavin One of the boys ran to the ★ Air-Omditioned Claatrooma ★ Certified Tcachert of Reading. CEualvn Baril convinced by information pre­ make an Impact on national area be put to a public refer­ "Ordinance Establishing an can seated alone, bent do-wn'nnd group and off on his own, and he looked uncomprehending. But SEUidra CjochrEUi William Glenister home of PEUKEde Musto tor help. ★ Teating Program'a for Diagnosit and Placement. Christina Beer Maureen Connor Musto returned with the youth sented to it that the registrant's proMems. endum Nov. 8. The decision on Historic District vrithin the whispered in, aultless BngUah: gets an idea of what Soviet ser- there was only one candidate, Deborah Godin. , Patricia Berger Joanne Conti Euid Eulmlnlstered artiOolEd res­ personal history revsEds views The girls are fresh gTEuhiates ACAOEMie READINt IMFROVEMENT EENTER, INC. the project came from a public Town Of South Windsor," was "B eg pardon ,sir, b tuwould yoU\vice can be like. A typical ex- the visitor noted. Why all the Jolene Hodge Beverlv Blow and EustitMis strong enou|^ to of Miss Porter's School,, ea ex­ hearing, and Reeves said the approved and request for ap­ llke to sell some dollars? I can p^rlence: Nancy Crane Robert Hughes piration, while Musto’s wife tt E. Cairtsr S t. Msackesterl Call Fred trouble of voting? Gall BIvthe demonstrate that eicpedlency Is pensive privEtie institution in proposal is to extend the exist­ pointment of five members and sell you two rubles for a dol- Charles Dick Lori lamonaco cEdled stEde police, who took ,, The customer enters a cafe, “ Why, to choose a new Su­ Linda Boothroyd not the bsuils of his claim." Farmington, Conn. A seventh FBEEPAEKINO 643-9947 ing sewer line from the Rt. S five alternate members to serve Debra Dlshaw Deborah Jcdmsoon Frank to a hoqdtal, where he preme Soviet, of course,” he an­ SEmdra Brav T eut reported tiiat 0.6 per pumping'' station to Sullivan ,lndeed he could, and then he BEirbara Dow Amy Kaiser regained consciousness. giri on the teiA i is a young Bing- on the district board was ap­ swered. Sandra .Bucheri cent of men CEdled tor Induction Ave. and Graham Rd. area, and could sell the same dollars for gossip in a comer. He Denise Dutton Sandra (Kasevich Ush teEudier at the acbool. proved for discussion at the waves and. waves again and fi­ Kathleen CampbeU . to install a trunk line there, more than twice that. Mary Flstler Nancy Kelly next board meeting. Nicole CanUn 'With the estimated cost of 880B,- Cotton Capital nally gfets noticed. Tlie waitress­ SusEA HEumabury An item that offered the pos­ Frederic Clement Cynthia Kurth 00». Tashkent is the cotton and es confer: Wjilch will answer JoAnn Koschwltz Renee LeDuc sibility for research for the Cathleen Clough If a trunk line were put in, textile capital of the whole So­ the signal? FthqUy, one sighs Laurie Latimer Darlene Leiper newly forming historical group MiEury Corsi neighboring area residents viet Union. A Tashkent depart­ and heads grudlnj^ly toward the Rlctuird Lauble Michele Leonard was the returning of the "little customer. PUM60UT Lynda Czarnecid Fay Lyon could benefit from its Installa­ ment store displays men's shirts red school house,"'' presently Joy DeCiuii Gloria Lioyd tion in case branches became The elapsed time between or­ DlEuta McCullough known as the Pleasant Valley John iDeptula DeborEth Meu-quis necessary in the futore. der and delivery varies accord­ Teresa Mecca Club. spyp MEuy Dube LarEdne Meyers The much larger region, the ing to what has been ordered. M ary MenEuxl SuzEume Obedzlnsld '"nUs building might be well Island Sad Then comes a struggle to'get Patricia Duffln MEirian Murawsld Avery Brook basin area, would ruts MaigEiret Ortyl over 12S years old,” said Town SusEui Dwyer * provide service to property the check. When that is acc(^ - Judith PEu-ker Sheila Saunders Attorney Daniel Cavanaugh, MEurjorie Fargo owners on various streets in the plished—and it isn’t easy—the\ MEugaret PlEuler Ellen Sereby Adam’s Apple who did research at one time AsHippies Patricia GalUgEui W i l t ’s Birch Hill and Pine Knob sec­ customer heads for the cash­ Verna Rodimon Cathleen Graenler NEuicy Sforza tion. Also included in this drain­ on this building. ier’s- cage. ’There, a gloriously MEuy Riusel Karen Hansen MEirilou Shea age area would be the Timothy Because of the unpleasant sit­ Camp Kennedy Gets BIA Gang Washer fat lady cashier munches hun­ StEinley iSadlEdc Get Heave JoEm Hennessey Timothy StEuiley Edwards School and the esti­ uations at a- local icecream grily on a newly boiled sausage F teuicIs ScEtUey Michael Steppe shop, the council agreed that Joining campers at Camp Smith says there are 12 new ed a donation of bubblegum for Cidherine Huht mated cost would be $2,270,000. MATALA, Crete (A P ) — The “ she adds up the bill on an ab- Cynthia Sharkey SuzEuuie Therault the anti - loitering ordinance Kennedy in enjoying their new volunteers to work at the camp the campers from Miss Lisa JoEuiell HutchlniRon The crosstown line that would hlpples who flocked to this Med- acus and makes the change, JeEA Storrs Debra Thompson would be necessary for the town gang washer are John Fitz­ for from four to five weeks: LaVae of 150 Bryan Dr. and Jhnlce JarzynsM HiomEta StrnEul J tie in 'With the present sewer iterranean island paradise from Landslide Vote Miss Connie McCJurry, Miss $27.13 from a fair sponsored by Diane JEiBkolka Doreen Thompson line terminus three miles away of South Windsor. A public patrick, center, chairman of all parts of the world in recent 6:45 a.m. on election day, P euiI Hiayer Christine Kutcher, Miss Wendy Miss Nancy Sleffert of 90 Ken­ CONCeNTftATED LIQUID Patricia KEuila BEU-bara Trouton on Rt. B, would go along Oak­ hearing on this item will be years gradually are leaving for after the polls had been open in Lawrence IhcmEui, Brotherhood -in- Action (BIA) Plerro, Tim MIcConville, Miss nedy Rd., Miss Julie Kenniff Bruce Kemble Mark Warner land Rd. through a section held July 20 In the Council DRAIN OPEnV' c l e a n e r Kimberiy Tobin which donated it, and Mayor Noreen Palladino, Miss Eileen of 82 Kennedy Rd. and Miss new digs—and Matalans are Tashkent for 45 minutes, B2 So- Diane Kennedy Dieuie Welles known as Plum Gully, which Chambers of the Town Hall on CeutoI Touchette Ndthon Agostinelli, partially dis­ Hennessey. Gordon Norwood, Kathy Roberts of 72 Richmond feeling It in the pocketbook. ^iet voters had cast their ballots • EATS HAIR Donna-Jean Koschwltz adjoins Buckland Rd. and Clark Sullivan Ave. RlchEud Uhlnum Francis Yokell. closed on the right. BIA recent­ Miss Sally Miller, Miss Deborah Dr. Many local businessmen will at Uchastok (election" district) • EATS EAT Margaret Kitcz St. The estimated cost is $2,- ly purchased the washer for use Cameron, Miss Barbara Gayson, There is still room available be sorry to see the last of the No. 3. At that point a computer Denise LiaFrance 067,000. Manchester Evening Herald this year with funds collected Miss Fairlee Latawic and Miss for campers for, the third "flow er children" leave the would have been able to project M A N C I^ T e R ' Harry Lambert Individual Costs South Windsor Correspondent in its annual drive of 1968. Joann LaVae. session. (Herald photo by caves they occupy in Matala on a landslide election 'victory for Lois U oyd Teachers in Politics, Town Councilman Abraham Barbara Varrick, tel. 644-8374. Camp Director Harry F. Smith says he has also receiv­ Buceivlcius) the southern coast of Crete. Sharif Rashidovich Rashidov to H a r d w a r e & su??t Jayne Luglnbuhl Although the bearded, beaded Supreme Soviet or parlia- Richard Miller 877 Main St., MahelMstor Aim of New N EA Chief and otherwise colorful cave ment. Stephen MlUer u meet tomorrow night at 8:30 at Manchester dwellers—^who numbered about 1‘he dope all along had been '’jeimette Miner Hospital Phone T olland the Town Hall. Phtme 648-4446 SAN FRANCaSCXl (A P )— He­ go, CEiUf., history Eind socIeU sci­ 2 when the hippie settlement that Rashidov was a shoo-in for Jon Nelson len Bain, a Tennessee English ences teacher, was named as Hospital Notes The telephone number for Scoreboard was at its height—were never Robert Ne'vln toEAher, hEU9 assumed the presi­ president-elect to succeed Mrs. Manchester Memorial Hospi­ The Tolland Courant-Jaycee really big spenders, they did HoUy Nickerson Historic Jail Readied baseball team will face Herbs dency of the NaUonEd EducEtiion Bain in 1971. VISITINO tal was changed a few provide a sizable chunk of in­ JoEUi O'ReiUy Honts Sport Shop tomorrow night at 1970 V ^I^A O S lI Associftiion with a t^dl for more Morrison, 46, will serve aa Inteniiedlate Care Semi- months ago, but too late to come lor tavern and grocery THINK SMALL*1M3J0 Wendy Ott In JULY! pcdiUcEd activity by the nation’s irtce president for the coming be listed correctly in the new For Dance on Saturday Colts Field in Hartford at 6. ^owners. Delivered in Btswnksstor Richtard Raines private, tio(m-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. school teEAhers. year. i p.m.; private roomz, 10 a.m.- phone books. The hospital ’The Boys League training “We are heading for difficult (Eirk Rleder Equipped with leathsrabtc »-t "Whether we like it or not, ed­ number is 646-1222. The historic Tolland Jail will at 8 in the Town Hall, accord­ division will play tomorrow Iphael Ritter L M p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. times now that our foreign terior, -windshield waahisp, 2- ucation Is in the iMllticEti Eire- Pediatrics: Parents allowed ing to Town (Chairman Charles night at 6:10 at Lavltt’s Field. friends are departing," a Mata- speed electric wipers, beaitor, VEUUi RudnEUisky provide the setting for what nE^’’ Mrs. Bain declared (Mon­ Dilliiiger Display Christmas Comes Twice a Year at E. Thifault. defogger, 4-way safety tOa^ers, Laurs\6Eilmon any time except noon-2 p.m.; Andover; a son to Mr. and Mrs. promises to be Tolland’s most lan grocery owner said. "F if­ Two new members ^^ill be Manchester Evening Herald back-up lights, front and rear AngeUka Sans day night in her Installation ad- others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Michael Peltier, East Hartford. teen families were dependent on TUCSON, Aria. (A P ) — The unusual dance ever, when the added to the town committee Tolland Correspondent Bette seat beits, leatherette heeCdrests, Sandra ^ dress, ^ Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., DISCHARGED YESTER­ the hippies for their support. Thompson submachine gun tak­ Historical Society puts on its membership, and the delegates Quatrale, tel. 876-2845. steering wheel lock .and i-fac Beverly Stoa " It Is impentilve that w e tool 4 pjn.-8 p.m. ^ DAY: Patricia J. Gilman, Staf­ Now, I ’ll take my family to en from John DUlinger after'hls window defroster. Constance T ^ up our poliUcEti nilght to defend ADAiM’S APPLE...Oniy We’re Doing The Intensive Cara and Coronary ford Springs; Kelly J. Walsh, first dance Saturday from 9 to the various political conven­ Mires (the next largest town in arrest here hEW b e «i plEAed cm Cheryl Trotter' the right of every child to be Cara: Immediate fam ily only, East Hartford; Mrs. Patricia p.m. until 1 a.m. tions will report on their experi­ the area) for the -winter.” Bt. 83 Tolland Tpk. display at the Tucson Police De­ TED TRUDON Paula West given EA equal clUAce to grow ," anytime, limited to five min- AL Graf, 112 Oakland St.; Lloyd Tables will be located in the ences. Gremillion Says The hippies, who come from partment. TalcottviUe, cimn, PhUlp WhiteheEul she sEtid. ntes. E. Wilson, 208 Spring St.; New Office Hours the -United States, Canada, Ire­ DiUinger, the fEunous public old jail cells, while the dancing VOLKSWAGEN 448-2838 Theresa Wleliczka Tbe NaAttiUe tesAher said the Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- First Selectman Thifault has land, Finland and other coun­ enemy No. 1, was captured Jea. Giving By Offering HUGE SAVINGS...! Fernando G. Vidal, East Hart­ Perjury Claim will be held in the cell block Debra Wood NEIA hEA leEUYied that some­ 12:4B p.m., and 6:30 p.m.-S ford; Unda F. Buskey, 234 announced new office hours for tries, say "police harassment” 26, 1934, In connection with the section, to the music of the Teresa Wnma times teEAber strikes are neces- p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and Keeney St.; Mrs. Marie T. Led- penthouse Four. his secretary. Most ‘Vicious’ is forcing them out of the caves, slaying of Lima, Ohio, Sheriff 4:30 p.m.-8 p.m. SEury, better, 64 Ferguson Rd.; Mrs. .. Snacks and soda will be avail­ Residents having questions or which are ancient Roman burial JUNIORS ,v“ A ^ the N E A will be 100 per Jess Sabber. He wsus turned Age Limits: 16 in maternity, NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Pearl L. Hodge, 10 W. Middle able. Tickets may be obtained problems they wish to bring to grounds. High Hoaora cent behind thelh;'^ d ie tie*' over to Midwest authorities for 12 in other areas, no limit in Tpke.; Abraham Nllsen, RFD the attention of the first select­ State Atty. Gen. Jack P.F. Some say the harassment was AUeen Archambault trlEd. self-service. from Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dan- clared, ON ALL YOUR GIFTS- 2, Rockville; Robert I. Judd Jr., forth, Mlie Hlil Rd. or at the man may call the office in the Gremillion has described his triggered by unfavorable publi­ Deborah Ashland "A s toEAhers, we believe that Arrested wUh( the 83-yeEur-old 326 Spruce St.; Mrs. Ruth A. Town Hall, daily Monday city in the Greek press. Others Michael BIoszczeUe DUlinger were three members Tbe administration reminds door the night of the dance. second indictment on federal BITUMINOUSI strikes are distEAteful. We Eire Kumpf, 460 Vernon St.; Mrs. through Friday between 9 a.m. blame a local “ narrow-minded” Denise BoudreEui pleEAed that tor every strike 20 of his gE A g—Charles Mackey, visitors that with construction Funds raised by the dance charges in the collapse of the ANtl WALL ACCESSORIES Ruth P. Smith, 37 Alexander St. will be used by the Society to and 1 p.m. priest and some say the termi­ Cynthia Brown contTEAts are negotiated profes­ 60, Russell ClEAk, 39, and HEUvy nnder way, parking space is Louisiaha Loan & Thrift Corp. Also, PhiUp B. McGee, East maintain the oid jaii museum All calls regarding the local nation of their rent-free exist­ RichEtrd Bunce sionally,” she SEild. IPierpolnt, 31. SAVE limited. VIritors a r f asked to Hartford; Richard B. O^wen, roads however, should be direct­ as "the most 'vicious prosecu­ ence is a result of an archeologi­ DRIVEWAYS Kathy ^vaney Mrs. Bain, 47, declared the Displayed also eu« blllinger's bear with the liosirftal while the and the Benton Homestead mu­ 80 Plymouth Lane; Mrs. \Mar- ed to Road Supt.' William cal service declaration that the Parking Areas e Gas Stations o Basketball Courts Darlene Draus parking problem exists. seum on Metcaife Rd. g(iven to tion of all time.” Now Booking for Spring Work first priority gocti for the organl- original booking sUp, hla finger­ garet Golowczyk, Glastonbul Sevclk, at his office in the town caves have historical value. Bradford Esten zaticMi representing 1.1 million print record, several mug riiota OUR FABULOUS iblFT SELECTION! society iast December.^ Mrs. Melinda M. Lyga and son, Administration Building, dally A federal grand jury Monday Only about 40 hippies still oc­ PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BECAUSE OF A Christopher Fahy Democratic Petitions PRICE INCREASE SOON of the natiqp’s two million EAd newspaper accounts of his Patients Today: 263 68 Bette Circle, Vernon; Mrs. Monday through Friday, be­ returned a five-count perjury in­ cupy the cavesy situated in the MEU-k Felghn Democratic Registrar of Vot- teachers Is a professiixial nego­ Eirrest. Beverly B. Downing and son. tween 11 a.m. and t p.m. dictment against GremUllOn, side of a limestone cliff that ov­ All Work Personally Supervised. We Are 100% Insured. CMvln Goldsmith ADMITTED YESTERDAY; tiation law in every state. Twen­ Another Thompson mEAhine WROUGHT IRON ACCES- ORIENTAL VASES RFD 1. ^ Ito n ; Mrs. Barbara ers. Mrs. Georgianna Hampton, Rec Board Notes charging that he lied under oath erlooks a picturesque beach dot­ Deborah Hawley Mrs. Charlotte L. Allen, East has reminded all persons in Tol­ ty-three of the BO states now gun taken from DUlenger's gang 80RIE8 SCENTED CANDLES Eckbreth and son, 93A Syca- The Board of Recreation will ted with several taverns. Debra Herbst Hartford; Myron H. Ames, 41 land circulating petitions for the when he appeared voluntarily in DeMAIO BROTHERS have BuOh la'ws. WEIS turned over to the FB I and 8NACK TABLES CANDLES POR ALL more Lane. sponsor its third scheduled teen­ About 10 hippies have moved Cynthia King I ^ E R WEIGHTS PURPOSES Elro St.; Kenneth M. Arnold, coming primary, that they must Jan. 21, 1969, before another Such la'ws, she sEdd, w ill less­ is now in the FB I furchlves In 366 W. Middle Tpke; Scott T. age dance Friday night from federal grand jury probing into other caves in the aurea and C A L L 643-7091 Eric Koch en the need to strike, ^ e SEdd MUGS CANDLE RINGS be dqly registered Democrats. WEishington. INCENSE BURNERS Bates, Twin Hills Dr., Coven­ 7:30 until 10:30 at Crandall’s, LL&T activities. are hopeful the police will not Judith Kricksclun they would Improve communl- SYROOOO WALL AtXlBS- Those signing the petitions Karin Knit 80RIE8 INCENSE try; Mrs. Lucy E. Boynton, 44E Nation’s W eather Park. Gremillion and four other bother them. csiUoiis with locEd school boards ARABESQUE WALL END OF DAY GLASS must also be registered Demo­ , Diana Lee Case Dr.; Mrs. Francena H. The dance is being held to men were Indicted Feb. 14, 1969, The members of the hippie (and provide orderly EAd con­ ACCESSORIES " WOOD DECORATOR Holly Martin WALL ITEMS . Brown, 21 Vemwood Dr.; Ver- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS signature must benefit the Jaycee^ Courant on charges of fraud and-conspir­ colony live on bread, cheese and structive means for achieving I get that good AUSTIN FIGURINES non;_™ . Mrs. Elizabeth J. T Carpen­_____ ■’ . . be the same as it appears on ,______^ ... other staples, and many eagerly Nsmcy OrlowsU FINESSE FIGURINES VENETIAN GLASS'^' Fair and pleasant Buiiiiiicisummer jbg voter lists. A Mrs. in front Baseball team, > sponsored by acy in connection with the firm. fo lr contTEAts. FIGURINES (Mad..) Iflodern, ter, 121 Park St.; Walter T. t Jody Owen Miiigiiioldo... MUSIC BOXES weather favored a large part of ~f ^ name the Rec Board. now being reorganized under await, the weekly maU in the "School bocuds which deny E8CO FIGURINES Etc.) Daley, 906 Foster St.; Wapplng; disqualifies the DiEUie Rodimon the nation today. signature.' Dancing on the .beach will be the federal Bankruptcy Act. A hope families or friends will teachera negotiation Eigree- nt STEMWARE FOUNTAINS (Wall and Floor) Sylvlo Fortier, 296 Spruce St.; send them money. HOIMES jEine Thompson WINE DEC.4NTER SETS ROYAL DUX FIGURINES Showers or thundershowers to the music of the Medusa, and ments have only themselves to ^ _ .1 -All petitions being circulated long series of technical motions Mary Thompson m m m FIGURINES (France) Mrs. Marie L. Gagnon, 52 Falk- a donation will be requested. And when the hippies go, so 400 MAIN STREET • iAANCHESTER.CONN blEAie If teachers EAe forced to CORDIAL SETS dampened only widely scattered Edward has delayed trials on the Honors ASH TRAYS FIGURINES (Italy) nor Dr.; Mrs. Burdella R. Gau- The sepond session of the Rec will their limited funds, -vital to tEdie dTEAtic action,” Mrs. Bain Central Aii^ charges. HOWARD HOLMES ARTHUR HOLMES NORMAN HOLMES Liayne Allison CIOARETTB UOHTERS MED. DECORATOR ITEMS dette, 20>4 Bissell St.; Halton ^ ______New Haven and on Board sponsored swimming the economy of the Matalans. declared. (Wall tc Table) The new indictment charged Nancy Barney BRANDY SNIFTERS 7 L Americans lor Demo- Oiiiffitioning ANTIQUES E. GuUbeault, 2 Valley View Jii^iWVstT'^irfali w M light. program will begin Monday ahd that Gremillion “ knowingly and Perhaps the flower children She SEdd EAother top NEA WATER PIPES Lane, Vernon; Mrs. Mary A. some in Action naUonal Chairman Afiending the visitation and funerei jEunes Boyer ELEPHANTS BONE CHINA ^llln ew lln^rad ‘" some in- ^ Hartford, run through July 31. willfully” made untrue state­ brought even more than money priority must be adequate fi­ DISCOUNT jEine Cnidden IMPORTED CUT CRYSTAL Hendrie, Thompson'vdUe. nancing for schools. HORSES terior secUons of the N ^ e w t returned to the regis! A few openings still exist in ments when he denied: to the people of Matala. is a sign of caring. It tells a saddenad John Davenpport D008 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS ON ALL GIRS Also, Mrs. Bernice S. Hil­ but temperatures throughout . ____ the beginner class. x Further-uauioa in- —^That he owned stock in "Strangely enough, the hip­ Denise DeRobertis "We must elect a Oxigrass c Ato > ARTIFICIAL TREES liard, 28 BUsb St.; Elvin L. DRESDEN CHINA ITALIAN POTTERY . the midwMitlnent were several ‘ ^ Walbrldg? formation may be obtained by LL&T. pies -brought us progress and Elizabeth Eddy that will vote aid to educatiem," Hoyt, Willington; Mrs. Steph­ family that they are not alone in their COBALT CHINA COPPER ACCESSORIES FOR MONTH OF JULY degrees rfillder than a day ear- * P-” ’ - contacUng Summer Program —That he had an "economic fame, whether we wanted it or Jacqueline -Falconer Mrs. Bain asserted. BRASS ACCESSORIES anie Johnson, 206 Hilliard St.; PEWTER Uer...... Director John Campbell. interest” in the firm. not," tavern owner Stellos Ax- AnnGodi "And 'we must also Edtempt to Mrs. Agnes O. Klukas, Box 464, ______Petitions on behalf of sorrow . . . that you have enough fool­ terior sections of the Northeast, Today's arts and crafts work­ —That he granted a proxy for horarakis said. “ Matalans feel Joseidi Graenler force a chEAge in the Etominla- Coventry; Kenneth J. Malatino, but temperatures througout may be obtained ______shop class worked on a jewelry his shares of LL&T stock for a they are^fgood, kind people and ing for them and the deceased to take • Rene Guertln traticA’s prioriUea. It. w ill take 40 Olcott St.; Gaston D. Morin, from 44 at Bradford, Pa., to 100 contacting„ . William Swanback of makingnnaking project,project under the dl- shareholders’ meeting on July our relaUons with them have al­ Jean Gunther real polltiCEd EAtivity to accom- Broad Brook; Mrs. Sally L. at Needles, Calif. Gehring Rd., according to Mrs. rection of Campbell and Bob 11, 1967. ways been excellent. We hate to John Houle pUah this." Save all during July... because Pavin, Kenwood Rd., Vernon; the time to pay your final respects. Hampton. Those for Marcus, Gottfried, Gremillion also was accused see them loroed out. W e hope Elaine jEuskscn "E very teEAher not only M n. Holly M. Rood, North may be' obtained from the regia- BuUetin Board of having testified falsely when they find the peace they seek." - Deborah Kerstotter should belmig to a political par­ If s d SECOND CHRISTMAS ... a/ Franklin; Mrs. Eileen S. Smith, Rails Ask Fare Hike trar or from Mrs. Marilyn Dan- The tax collector will be at he stated that a $700 check dat­ SaUy Light ty, but some of you have to run RFD 8, Coventry; Mrs. Joyce nHem6e>i for committeeman or commit- durand, Corrine Dr. the Town Hall tomorrow from ed April 15, 1967, from LL&T THiomiR Karan Zisk T. Smith, 28 Hemlock St.; Wes­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Five FOR Warranty Deeds g a.m. until 4 p.m. for the con- and noted "Dividend' No . 1," OfTHl FVank Malkin teewoman,” MTg. Bain sEdd. I for free In______ley P. Stuart, 9 HUlcrest Dr., railroads serving the Northeast Two warranty deeds were venience of those wishing to which he received, was a cam­ E0UKI1 GaU Maloney "You have to become VEilued RockvUle; Mrs. M ary V. Tour- say they need a 10 per cent in- recorded with 'Town Clerk Glo- pay thrir 7ax7s nerton RUU paign contribution. Gcfrdon MoCbmbe members of thg party—and . a FOGARTY BROS., naud, 21F Case Dr.; Mrs.-.crease in p a ^ n g e r fares to rla.Meurant during the past a watermelon ehUng contest Those Indicted last year with Cosmetics SOSTH SIDE Many Montanye 'Valued member la one 'Who can Augustlna Twerdy, Pucker St., help offrat rising costs -of labor week. They are Walter A. will be held tomorrow Iftem oon deliver votes and raise money," Gremillion were diaries Ritch­ entrance NEUicy Morin me. Coventry; Mrs. Barbara J. and t^raUons. Weber to Gerald D. and Joanne at i at Crandall's Park ey, form er LL&T president; Jo­ rrs Janet Murphy she said. MTs. BEdn said another urgeAt 814 BBOAD STR IiR Warner, RFD 1, Hebron; Itie Penn Central, which has M. Dempsey of Vernon, prop- a town meeting to ’ consider seph Kavanaugh, Baton Rouge Margaret Noonan priority was getting youth effec­ Fuel OU—OU B o n er Cbarles J. Wood, 444 Center St. hppUed for reorganlzaUon under erty on Snlpslc Lake Rd.; and sale of seven-plus acres of land attorney and former LL& T con­ Laurie Osifood BIRTHS YE STE R D AY: A the bankruptcy laws, the BalU- Minnie G. and Louis F. Zanghi in the industrial park aoproorl- Liggefts Deborah RacskowaU tively involved In the nEdlon’s Boles and Bervloe servator; State Rep, Salvador A ir OondiaHning d ^ h t e r to Mr. and Mrs. Tom more and Ohio, Chesapeake and to Rae E. and Maryanne Peck ate funds for the development Bonnie Schumey political processes. MANCHESTER PARKADE (REAR) Anzelmo of New Orleans; and Insured Budget Faynent Beveriey Stowe She said NEIA suppirt was an Ouff, 80 St.; a daughter to Ohio, Norfolk and Western and of Vermont, for property on of the new secUon of the park’ Ernest A. Bartlett Jr., Fort A t H m fa xk m S e Plan Maxybeth Szalontai ImportEAt help in obtaining OPEN 10 A.M.-9 P.M.— SAT. 6 P.M. and Hudson asked Goose Lane. and other items will b ^ h elT tol Smith, Ark., former chairman 84 B o v Oastomer Servlee MANCHfiSTBR Deborah Thompson Congressional ^iprovEd for low- linlUa, 2W Green M o m r R d., a the Interstate Commerce Com- Committee Session morrow night at 8 in the Hicks of IJ'&'T jmd an organizer of its Henry Urbach Mring tbe voting age to 18. m to U t . l ^ Rlctort mission for the limrease Mon- The DemccraUc Tbwm COm. Mem^al SchodrCT^-- parent firm, Arkansas Loan and Fsfguson, Parker Bridge Rd., day. mlttee wlU meet Friday “ “ Brian Wheeler Donald E. Morrison, San Die­ night The Board of Recreation will Thrift dorp. /

\ ■

V. V t : J A • 1


-Uonsires havo-heen reduced to jiist plain, Unitarian Society Plans Vernon X simple ordlnaiy mllUcnairea. Connecticut Ab tor those who were Just plain mil­ Summer Musicale Series Hale Street M all Picked lionaires to begin with, and^udio have Yankee Several area soloists and choral matihger at toe since t>een reduced to mere paper mil- musicians will take part In a UnltariaM/'^Uiiiversallst Socie­ For Beautification Project V M O l Ucnaires, these too we welcome, tem­ By A.H.O. bi-weekly summer series ot ty. Stio/baa studied with Sonia The Vernon Junior Women’s senior team meets Berlin at WAlfl ______muslcales and meetings at toe PnblMiwa porarily, into the ranks of the great uh- Esstp^'^urberg of Newington Club has adopted toe Hale toe Henry Park Pool. ______lVwna«d O O ofcT 1, U P ______“T\NWb, Very Tough. But So Ikiitarlan-Unlversalist ' Society, with Shirley Lockwood Lar- Street Mall as one of Its beauti- Society Elects solvent majority. Az« The Probleme.” 400 Main St. ficatlon projects for toe coming Mrs. Oeorge Preissler has For a moment or two, while the mar­ By adopUng that u a cam-' The first of toe Series Mrs. Larson, former contralto year. The land between Hale been elected president of the MiudMaur. Oona., aa Beoond daaa Mall "Por' a Summer EJvenlng” . ket wavers, we are all, those of us who paigh slogan, State Senator Ed­ soloist tor- toe South United and Liberty streets was turned Ijadles Aid Society of Trinity ward Marcus of New Haven grams will be held toipdnow Methodist, ,<^urch choir of Man­ mjjBacKa*ttOK ratbb night at 8:18. oiler to toe town by toe railroad Lutheran Church and Mrs. Dtai- _^PiuriMa la Adraaoc have had it on paper, mid tl^ose of ua took a charaoteristlcaUy hold chester, performed in a few years ago, Aid Brigg;mann, vice president. A vocal quartet wtfi present musical c a m e ^ .iii many parts who have merely dreamed of having it, approach, in which he tried to “Song for a Summer Evening,” Club members discussed toe Also elected were Mrs. Wi- equal In aoclal casta and ready cash, convert a common criticiam o( Of tlte ‘^bjintr^/and hah beeti layout for toe area with JOss Uam Steiger, secretary and iSS a program of anKrongs and the soloist lo;H|(9v4|rili: New I n la n d hlmaelf into an aeMt. song-cycle enUtied “In a Pers­ Hazel Lutz who is advisor to toe Mrs. FiFederlck Hallcher, treas- ^ OF and this is more one country to«n it churcheii )iie and 1( « family, Chamber of Commerce Beauti- urer. Committee chairmen ap- ITBP It was not that be hinueU ian G a rd e n ^ Hie song-cycle, ite Aawgilated Preaa la asclualTalr. haa been in 41 years. Ih a little while, was in any doubt as to the vir­ with W or^by Omar Khayyam who ;^ ;H v e at 86 Poitet St.j / ficatlon Program. She will as- pointed were: Mrs. Walter to the naa oT^repUbUeatlM of , _ the market will go up again, and aU tues o< his own tougfansss. plan to nkiye to Long Island in sist toe club’s Conservation Schindler, Jr..,,nnd Mrs. Earl ^ < te«aaa“Saimea"'~=^aa cieWed to It------or act ottier^® and music by Liza Lehmoim, toe ttbai''future. ;rtM ertdttad t Others might oonsider it a little was iK^ular at toe turn of toe Committee as advisor for toe Helmerdinger Jr., membership; DtVS ufilalS? iSS*'_ to-"2ao to. the fortunes, those of dreams, diose of Erickson, soloiaC to t toe First project William Steiger, pub- _iH. ■«* republican ot apaoM dla- terrifying, hut to him it was celery . patMiea berelB are aiao reaerred. piper, and thoee which are so solid merely the natural law of the he quartet includes Mrs. Methodist Church, Hartford, Inltlai planting wiU begin In has sung with toe Manchester July after toe Public Works ^ x e s ; Miss Gladys Ruehl Mdand 1lM B a i^ PrtattBC CoBipaay lae., aa- they inevltaUy feed even on races- game, ^ le adc^rtion ot tlfo Slo­ ^ wary Chirico, soprano of South itoaa iM flaandal reaponaffiUtty for trpo" gan‘‘merely meant that he had Windsor; Shirley Lockwood Civic Chorale and toe Emanuel Dept, finishes grading and seed- Tedid Henning, cheer cards.ci topMoal .erroea mvvutPK la adverto^ slona, will begin separating from one Lutheran Church choir. He Also; Mrs. Dwight PerUna .other 'raadfa—idta* matter 1a ‘ ~11m heard criticism, and waa liy- Larson, contralto; Ronald Ing toe area. The project has maatug Be another again. It wiU stlU make a nice Ing to turn the critldam studied with toe late G. Albert and Mrs. Earl Helmerdinger ianilil Erickson, tenor; and Robert J. been entered in toe beautlllca- Sr., household supplies; Mrs. memory—the time when the market around in his own favor. Gordon Jr., bass, all of Man­ Pearson of Manchester, and tlon contest sponsored by — to Loo Aagriea Thaea Waahtnt'' currenUy Is working with Wes­ Clarence Hallcher, "This Day” Mb Foot Mews Berriee. Having campaigned In such chester. Chamber. fnH..aerTlee dleat o* If. B. A. Berrlce, lac. brought ua all close together. ley Howard of Hartford. He magazine; Mrs. Perkins and _PuMlahera. BanraaeatatlTea — Matliewa. strategical admission of Us They will be accompanied on Olris SottbaU piano by Robert E. Richardson lives at 46 Litchfield St., Is solo­ Mrs. Frank LaForge, society a ^ QS5*“ Special AfaMsy own toughness. Senator Marcus Approximately im girls be- rterlles; Mrs. William “ Wew To fk , CSilcacD. D etrattim d Boetea. did not, in the cmivention re­ Jr. of 97 Phelps Rd., director of ist for South United Methodist tween nine and twelve years old .Tr _MKMBBIR AUDIT BURIBAU OF OnumA- The Beautifal Anthem music at toe Unitarian-Unlvers- Church. He, has played a num­ Schmalz Jr., world relief; Mrs. ncniB. sult, see any necessity for proy/ have signed up for Little Miss Bruce Rudolf, altar guild direct­ ing himself a good loser, o ^ allst Society. Richardson has ac­ ber of leacUng roles in Gilbert. It was perhaps symbolic of the whdte and Sullivan producticms, In- Softball and have been divided ress and„ Mrs. _ William Steiger, good third place finisher.. companied touring soloists from Into eight sponsored and coach- flower "coordinator! unreachable nostalgia of the day down version of the game of pwltice Canada, England, and Austral­ cludlgg toe role of Captain Cor­ coran In "'Pinafore.” Gordon al­ ed teams. The league will play Pinochle Club in Washington that the ROv. Billy haa never had much mom for ia. He also has ^ven solo per­ at toe Vernon Center Middle .p|,g Xernon Senior Citizens unimportant nicetlea Uko being formances in the Nobel Audi­ so has sung with toe Manches­ Oraham, in one of bis exhbitatlans to ter Civic Chorale, toe Aetna School every Monday and Thurs- pinochle club had 30 players In a good loser, or belity a good torium in Stockholm, Sweden, day evening through Aug. attendance last Tuesday. The that magnificent turn-out of Americana and In Philharmonic Hall, Lin­ Choral Club, and toe Meister- winner, 'either, aim he hae singers. He has studied with 20 with ralned-out g^ames sched- foUowlng^ were winners: Tom who would like things'to be again what never been very/caxoful about coln Center, New York City. uled for Tuesday and Friday Madden 727; Eva Parent 700; Besides toe quartet, two Wyllys Waterman of Hartford we fancied they wefe once before, should refining his epottons to the and Brad Mason of Avon. evenings. It will be a 14-game ^ l^ a Dittrich 688; Prank Minor nieaday, Jtfly 7 standard aci^ted by softer ' other Instrumentalists will take call upon ua all to demonstrate that we part In toe program. Violist All toe programs iff toe series schedule with toe Vernon Rec- 677. william Luetzen 673; Julia men and expMted by sentimen­ are open to toe public without reation Depaitinent coordl- vendrlllo 668; Anna Songailo “stlU proudly sing ‘My country! 'tis irf talist obeeper. Margaret Helfrick of 14 West­ minster Rd. will Join Mrs. Lar­ cost, and refreshments will be nating the program the first egi; Emily Brooks 602 and A1 Captured Cambodian Cache thee, sweet land of liberty.' ’’ It is emn possible that when, served. year. NuUand B44. on the yi^ventioa stage after son In two ‘Brahms selections, The trouble to that we don’t proudly and Roiand Chirico -ot South Programs for the rest of the Team sponsors and their a special tournament was From the field In CambodU, in a newa the vote, he .referred , to the coaches are: Vernon Circle held Wednesday at ResUand sing that any more, aa we did in the Windsor will present Godard’s summer include; “Evening of story from Peter R. Kann of the Wall fact t ^ t A1 Donahue had won “Berceuse” on the flugelhom. Music with toe Voders,” July Market, Tom Preethy; Trt-Clty Farms in Northfield with 44 Street Journal, comes tshat would be days of Dr. Oraham’s youth, because, a ‘jnoUow victory” he himself 22; ”^lms for a Summer Eve­ Plaza, Tony Dombek; Glamour players. Winners were: Frank lit he was complying with The members of toe quartet the proper scenario for a light comic in the interim we ourselves, or ad least have had extensive training and ning” by Martlus Elmore of Shop, Ron Nolan; Ladd & Hall, Minor 608; Alma Dittrich 891 he clvlUsed amenities by us- Wilmot Smith; Vernon Bike and Minnie Juetjen 890. opera versian of the whole war la South^ those suipoeedly representing us in experience. Mrs. Chirico, of 206 Manchester Community Col­ ' the word victory at aU. Lomg HUl Rd., South Windsor, lege, Aug. 8; “Evening of Play Shop, Joe Cosgrove, The Igloo, Regular tournament play 'was east Asia—if, that is, anybody could ever Congress, saw to it ttaad “America’’ waa Blven iMfore that public snarl, is former soloist at toe New­ Reatong,” Aug. 19; and “Sum: Bob Callahan; the Dairy Queen, held on Thursday at toe Lottie there had been reports of vari­ mer Evening Potpourri,” Sept. Doug Burchards and one as yet Fisk Building, Winners were: forget the eerlouaness of the ccnfUot and knocked out of its unofficial place as ous exploelons during the ington Congregational Church. Currently, she is soloist and 2. unsponsored team coached by Ed Miller 627; William Luetjen the Uvea being loet in it daUy and thus our nadlonaa anthem by giving the offi­ oourae. of the campaign and Dave Hurley. • 617 and Frank Minor 610. have freedom to enjoy Its comic aspects. cial legad title for that role to “The Star with B)4vton Ofhua M FeBVay FSik the voting, when party flgurea' Summer Sports Regular pinochle will be play- it has least immediate signifi­ Ihe ecene for Oorreapondent Kann’a Spangled Banner.’’ Until 1981 the chores GEORGE SCOTT , who had been given the oppor- There is still time to sign up ed tomorrow and toe tournar tonity to support him had cance or because I feel It is Mary was the provincial capital caUod Ribicoff Calls for summer exercise In toe ment session will be held Thura- between the two songs bad been nicely sOniehow wandered away fmm least Important,” but because water and on toe courts at Hen- day, both at too Lottie FUk Kompoog Speu. Ihe plot involved 4,02S split; “America” waa for audiences who it at the last momoit. heat pollution is “toe most re­ ry Park. Building at 1:18 p.m. ' rifles. And he then followed the con- ■W itn e sse s versible” form of ecolo^csd dan­ Adult swim lessons both for On Wednesday the tourna- wanted to sing of their love of their A Thought fo^Todty ger. Thermal pollution, largely Correspondent Kann first came into vehtlon itself with a series of beginners and Improvers start ment group will go on a mys- country; “The Star Spamgled Baimer’’ Sponsored by thekuoicbei ter slashing attacks on Democratic On Pollution a contribution of electrical gen­ tonight at the Horowitz Memo- tery ride. The bus will leave contact with these rifles when he talked waa for batnds to play at'ceremimiad rit- I n s i d e Politics^ Council of . Gnurchea State Chairman John Bailey, in erating plants, comes about rial Pool. Two groups will be in- Franklin Park at 8:30 a.m. w d (ConUnuM from Page One) with the commander of the South Viet­ nuds. 'Then, in that year, Congress gave which he gave that pcuty lead­ when heated water used in toe structed on Tuesdays and aiakc stops at Rockville Center, “Let no one/ despise your er credit for bullying enough namese trocgie who had, the day before, the “Banner” the official designation. Ribicoff is conducting toe Thursdays at 6 p.m. Reglstra- youth, but Boy the believers an votes away from Marcus to ac­ hearines as chairman of toe raising its temperature tlon, may be made by calling chased the North Vietnamese out of the White House Style Weekend Camp ' Ever since the American public has count for the fact that Marcus Senate Executive Reorganization-I n *and7 ’'' changing‘•““ ‘s ‘o the kind of life toe Recreation Dept, listed uH' dty. example In ^ e c h and conduct,' Reservations are now being been trying to master the difficult ran, in the conventicn, so far Subcommittee. Another session ** *y**^nu der town of Vernon offices. R e p o r t in love, in ^ th , in purity. Till I behind his own supposed esti­ accepted for the YMGA family The South Vietnamese commander There is also time to sign up ranges of the “Banner” and having less come, attmd to the public read­ is scheduled in Norwalk on . ‘“f in mates. Wednesday,. and J a A.third 1 J session1 witnesses, ^ cited figures that in- for toe one hour long tennis les- eamplng w eek^d being plan­ told Correspondent Kann, h ^ his troops and less opportunity to let itself go into dlcate Connecticut's need lor ar,,,. ned for Labor Day. By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak ing of scripture, to preaching, .There is. In the wake of all is scheduled in Kings Point, , . . ... i- sons offered every Tuesday and Iptd swept into town ,t'klUing 148 enemy the full-throated and beautiful relation­ this, some gentle news to be ^ __ T electricity will nearly double in The meeting will be held at to teaching.’’ 1 Timothy 4: 12-13 Thursday for four weeks. Camp Woodstock, located on troops and -capturing 4,088 weapons. The ship between melody and meaning of WASHINGTON — Whipped by of the Virginia case has start­ We have marvelous youth In broken to Senator Marcus. It is ' ^ the next decade. He urged that (Herald photo by Buccivlclus) Senior life savliig lessons be In addition the White House that somebody else did far t tu ^ In proposed study “place heavy Black Pond in Woodstock Val- weapons, he protIUly reports, had t>een “America.’’ Gov. Llnwood Holton at the Vir­ ed a drive by the moderates specifically authorized an agent our world today. There are a One of toe witnesses, a plan- ^ __ gan last night at the Henry , Families will arrive Sept. ginia state Republican conven­ and liberals. They want to give to appear on the convention few/who seem to get all the more damage to him than Bai­ nlng official from rural Stoning- resolving this Suntmet^O Participants G^t Acquainted Park pool. Anyone who Is to or 3 ^ ^ th^ after- turned over to the Cambodian Army in a Dr. Oraham, reaching for the kind of tion in Richmond, national Re­ publicity while many others ley could have. That somebody older who holds a ' Red Cross Garland at least an average floor at the height of the battle. ton, suggested'that a federal P Riblcoff’s proposals were also sponsored, communal living project which provides noon of Sept. 8. ceremony the day befbre.” love of coimtry which waa assured in publican forces — Including a contribution. Harry Dent, formeriy TTiur- who arSvbusy about their edu­ else was Marcus himself, end study might be less effective Relaxing on the lawn yesterday are 12 participants swimming certificate or its what Marcus had been doing to supported by Dr. William Nler- in the Summer ’70 program which started this an avenue for young people to get directly involved Thirty cabins will be avail­ Correspondent Kann’s account next en­ our yesterdays, unavoidably drifted sympathetic White House — are But cash from the Senatorial mond's and now Mr. Nixon’s po­ ction and training In life seem than a two-state compact be­ equivalent may still sign up for able, each with Its own private still determined to prevent a to receive none. himself had been, all along, a Ing, another ecologist from Con­ week. They sang folksongs to the accompaniment in changing the society around them. Members of the course. counters the 4,038 weapons when he is committee is only one way in litical aide, was flown down to tween New York and Connecti­ boat and each accommodating into using not our official national Republican Senatorial victory in The Apostle Paul knew that factor inside the political world necticut College, and by two of a guitar, and tamborine played by the girl in the the Manchester group will do volunteer work in al­ Swim Meets Richmond in the Republican cut, with toe federal government utility company spokesmen, up to 10 people. All of toe facili­ talking to a Cambodian general at the anthem, but the national song we should Virginia. which the national party can National Committee’s own twin- / often youth look to the older even before he showed it so second story window. To the left of the guitarist is ready existing Hartford and Manchester communi­ Vernon’s Junior and senior openly in his final convenUon giving old. Marcus R. McCraven of United ties will be available to too(M latter's headqu^^rs outside the city. a l l . love to siiig more often if we The battle now shifts from the help Garland. Anti-Byrd Re­ engined Jet-prop'plane. He sal^ generation for wisdom, know­ the Rev. Russell H. Allen, curate of St. Mary’s Enis- ty service programs. There are also weekly semi­ swim teams have started com- attending the weekend. These convention to the Republican very little and stayed ver ledge, experience and insight. appearance. nars in sociology and theology. The group is living peUng in meets this week, Hiey include swimming, canoe- This is the way Correspondent Kann were given the opportunity. We sh an publicans want President Nix­ The convention Itself was 'SS"oS lei T. Hedden of Northeast Util­ copal Church and director of Summer ’70 in Man­ Senatorial campalj^ commit­ on to give Garland the full briefly, but his presence sig So he offered it: “Let no one Regional Planning Agency, said chester and Willimantic. Miss Elizaoeth Shirey, to in the Jesse-Lee House, a former Cheney mansion are members of the Northern spuhnating, basketball, tells the rest of his story: his wish, and Just to remli|d us all how tee, which passes out campaign ed clearly that the White Hqiise despise your youth, but set the strangely lidcewarm to him that If it Is to be effective toe ities. Division of the (Central Connect- horeeahoe courts and others, White House treatment when he even before it voted on hlin, The utility company spokes­ the guitarist’s right, assistant director, will head off Hartford Rd., owned and donated for the Sum­ “Just outside the general's compound fine it would be we have gone to our re­ funds to Republican Senate returns from his California so­ favored Byrd. believers an example. . Then pollution study needs a local icut Swim League which in- Each family is to provide Its he lists the ways in which ex­ and it was almost as if even men, in a Joint statement, said the Manchester program. Summer ’70 is a church- mer ’70 use by South United Methodist Church. is a large bonfire, being led with rillea. nominees. The word is being journ. with that, they think they It didn’t work. The conven­ base. He also said toe commis­ eludes, besides Vernon, Berlin, own line, pillows, cooking uten- ference boolis^bid now put down, here, quietly passed that Ray Gar­ tion stuck with the governor by amples may be set. those who knew they were go­ that “little is known about toe Manchester, Windsor Locks, alls, and food for Saturday and Why is the Cambodian Army, so short have at least sdVne chance of ing to vote for him had decid­ sion "will require a consider­ the verses all Americana once knew by land, boyish winner at the state nominating Garland tor the One of the things which seems ably longer life than three years ability of the Sound to absorb arrested yesterday morning af- water heater was taken, police gained, Southington, Windsor and Sunday dinners. All other meals winning. ed it was not necessarily part additional thermal releases” ter his car waa in collision on said. of weapons, burning rifles? 'Frankly,' heart: convention’s nomination for the Senate, assuring a Rfi^bllcan most lacking today is the adult Bloomfield. will be provided by the camp. Unless Mr. Nixon personally of their bargain that they r ' ^ r s t X s ! ^ ’^ - i r t o k T “v;itoout c ^ r e h e n - Center St. with a car driven by ------Forty-eight cans of oil were says the general, ‘these are the 4,038 Senate, is not a worthy recipient campaign against both Byrd realization that the youth of to­ Police Log locked rack at Meets are held every Mon- Families Interested In attend- intervenes, however, pro-Byrd and the regular ^mocratlc day are looking for leadership. Eliould applaud him too. a* k kA slve coaatal zone planning we Howard J. Hampton, 44, of 276 A number of tools and a taken from rifles presented to me yesterday by the of the committee’s funds. pressures will probably deny Kibicoff, who said he would ^ day, Wednesday and Friday ing the weekend may obtain a p -. “My country! 'tis of thee. candidaty. We seem to be hesitant to say If he had made an appear­ . * ^ . , - _ are hard pressed to define Um* This unofficial campaign com­ Garlahd this Presidential help. change the plan to provide more . ,, ARBB8TS South Vietnamese.' mittee decision merely extends anything. We seem hesitant to ance, before the oonventioa vot­ , ^ __ / mahava Itatlons on each use." ------me car 01 amen nan m f 3 .3^ p ^ when Vernon’s Gandlnl or Guy Miller. Sweet land of liberty. In the White House the issue is This is the sam ^ politics of ing, of the same nature he local focus warned to^^^ scheduled to Phillip W. Rlopelle, 25, of 106 c. Hall, 49, of East berland Hill, R.I., recenty. The " ‘The guns,* says the general, ‘were the vicious—and unsuccessful— expediency, larded with a gen­ offer our insights and the bene­ are u n ^ to k a ^ e sig ^ of de- B Of thee I sing; seen not as brick-by-brlck par­ fits of our experience, somehow made afterwards, he would Birch St., charged last night Hartford charged with evading ®ar had broken down and was not in fact captured from the Vietcong. battle the past several weeks by ty-building but a possible, erous dose of Southern strategy, terloratlon” in toe Sound al- ^ ^ Land where my fathers died! being Intimidated by their sup­ probably have lost not only ap­ with failure to obey a traffic responsibility, and driving with left on the side of the new Rt. South Vietnamese troops A/-tiii>.iiy had conservative Republican forces short-term windfall. Presiden­ that lent Whit^ House support ready, and that Its “resources control signal (red light) at jjg in Virginia, heavily studded to rejected Supreme Court nom­ erior knowledge and accumula­ plause, but votes too. lican candidate for governor. was arrested tf Land of the Pilgrims’ pride! tial aides regrard Byrd, despite And now he is almost certain are not inexhaustible. BIssell and Spruce Sts., and op- gfjgr jje lost control of his car taken a Cambodian arms warehouse. with ex-Democrats, against Hol­ inee J. Harrold Carswell’s Sen­ tion of facts today. I suppose we ”We must learn to temper our Hie others Included Mayor From every mountain side. his ultra-conservative and seg­ adults are somehow baffled and to find the Marcus road toward Thomas Griffin of New London crating a motor vehicle without damaged property along A private mailbox at 470 Car- The warehouse contained 4,088 ancient ton’s plan to nominate a bona regationist politics (utterly im- ate prlm arv/race against Rep. demands to respect these limi­ glasses. Court date July 20. Let freedom ring! fide Republican to run against William Cijuner, a lifelong Re­ silenced by the ’’cool’’ that they the primary lonelier, so far aa and Lt. Cmdr. Gary Crosby, Waddell and Hartford Rds. ter St. was blown up, probably weapons. Many were shotguns and hunt­ like Hidtcm’s) .as a bird in the seek so constantly to maintain. the wlHlngness of other estab­ tations,” he said. Commander of the New London Court date July 30. a firecracker. Sen. Harry F. , ^ ird , Jr. "nio ha|td for oigW zi^ the Senate publican Ih Florida. In Cars­ ”We must also realize that j a . Emil B. Bottl, 20, of 294 Bush ing rifles dating back to before World conservatives waiiW and stlil well’S case, even White House But underneath it all there lished politicians to be seen at Long Island Sound is no longer Coast Guard Group My native country, thee — 1ft 1 ^ 1 and insurance in the are marvelous yovih- Hiey are his side is concerned, than was Hill Rd., and Robin B. Dita- r. ■ - T, * T, Someone attempted to break War I, npd*no ammunition was avail­ want Ryrd, inheritor of tl^'now help Is hiot enough. the wilderness frontier,” Ribi­ Jimmie Hurst, M of H ^ o r d , M^anchester Country CLOSED Land of the noble free — 1972 Presidential election. thinking, ev^uatlng, listening, the Marcus road to toe conven- rando, 23, of 71 E. Middle HAMMOND ORGAN MONDAYS able for any of the weaiwna. 'It is aU shabby B ] ^ machine who is In Virginia, the politics of ex­ coff said. “It is the geographi­ Tpke., both charged with reck­ WM Issued a written warning (-mb last night. Entry was not Leading up to this convention and In many' ways seeking to tian. after he backed, a garbage •' •______and PIANO STUDIO most unfortunate,' says Oen. Fernandes. Thy name I.love; running for reelectlon as an In­ pediency may make the state know how their opinions and cal center of the northeast Un­ Fiirebombing less drilling. They were arrest- dependent alter shedding his showdown, conservative Vir­ He was so handsome and tall, I love thy rocks and rills. ginia fat cats such as J. D. safe for Mr. Nixon by electing ideas stack up beside those held when he began his career in ited States,” with “40 mtUlon ed yesterday after a complaint 17 Oak Street - 643-5171 “The general had graciously attended lifelong Democratic mantle Byrd vdiile undermining Hol­ tons of commercial shipping a f..,., Xo..= Robert J. Zukas, 38, of 82 White Thy woods and templed hUto, (Stets) Coleman and Gen. by people who, “knowledgeably, toe State Senate, back in 1988. 0>ntmues In Sunday night that two cars Pliblic Records the Vietnamese ceremony the previous earlier this year. George Olmstead financed pre- ton’s hard work to build a gen­ and not prejudicially,” have year” and providing “the home were traveling at a high rate of ’ P^"®® 'e- The problem of Virginia goes Perhaps toe Democratic pri­ day and had accqited the gift of 'cap­ My heart with rapture thrills convention maneuvering uine Republican party. To avert lived before them. The genera­ mary voters will stUl see him for 1 1 million persons who live speed on High St. Court date Writ Of Attachment Like that above. . to the nature of Republican par­ against Holton. this, the President will have to tion gap is fed ^y silent adults that way. within to miles of Its shore." Asbury Park for both men, July 20. John W. Donlon, 46, of 32 Hartl William F. Cribbs against tured Vietcong wei^xMU’ widi profuse ty-building in tlto SoutbiiShafi shrug off his aides and bestir Ribicoff and some of the wit­ Dr., Talcottville, was issued a Nelma Cribbs, $30,000, proper- Byrd likely to cast a de- who do not reach out to the (Continued from Page One) thanks. ‘I let the Vietnamese make their be along thie progres^ve; lines^?^;;” himself to the side of his (dd Mds of today. ‘''if . < nesses pointed to toe example ACCIDENTS written warning for failure to ty at 29 Oorn411 St. Let music swell the breeze. envisioned by Holton and led by vote with the Republi­ friend and faithful supporter, of Lake Erie, which toe sena- m«ny another chief struggling grant the right of way. The car Judgment Lein prc^iaganda. I understand'^si^ch things,’ cans in organizing the Senate The Apostle ^ u l ha£ iio such QurThia Date Robert R. Teveris, 30, of 51 homegrown Republicans? Or Un Holton. reservations and so he g^ve his tor said has lost “much of its ■with Negro unrest Is that he Is a Cooper St., charged with allow- ^e was driving was Involved in Manchester Memorial Hospl- he says. And ring from all the trees. next January, the Stetsbn-Olm- favorite Organ... shall it be the party of South counsel to Timothy, his very In 1801, toe Negro general, natural wonder” at the hands black policeman who grew up In Ing a person under 16 to bper- a collision at K. Middle Tpke. tal . against _ Mario and Vanda M. Sweet freedom’s song; Carolina’s Sen. Strom Thur­ stead forces wanted no bona Toussaln L’Ouverture, pro­ of man “within a period of a the area rampaged for two days “But the South Vietnamese had pub­ fide Republican nomine^ to re­ young friend. Read his counsel ate a motor vehicle, and allow- and Greenwood Dr. with a car Panaro, property at 39 Over- Let mortal tongues awake; mond and other Dixlecrats new­ Current Quoted again; you will find it good ad­ claimed Haiti’s independence lew decades.” by up to 1,000 black youths loot- ing him to operate without in- driven by Stella Russak, Pucker land St., $487.53. licised their latgess, and news of It had duce Byrd’s chance of winning. from France. for Let aU that breathe partake; ly assuming the'’'- Republi<^ vice and it will most assuredly “H we learn anything from ing and burning, surance. He was arrested yes- Coventry. Mrs. Augustine ■ Marriage Licenzes spread to (Phnom Penib ^Ihls morning label? The White House Is Thus was the financial power of "Tliere are no Juvenile delin­ fit you also. In 1846, a Mexican garriaoii this tragedy,” -Rlbicoll said, “let “I’m mixed up,” he said dur- Virginia banks tapped to "per­ quents In the animal world. Ani­ terday morning after a rented 'Pa’erdy, Pucker St., Coventry, a -John Hiomaa Jamroga, 92 S. Lon Nol sent a message demiuullng L«t rocks their silence break — travelling the 'Ihurroond route surrendered to an American us learn not to let it happen ing a break from conferences car operated by a 14-year-old Passenger in the Russak vehl- Adams St., and Elizabeth Ann The sound prolong. so far. ^ suade’’ delegates to vote mal parents don’t permit it.’’— Submitted by: force at Mmiterey, Calif, and vrito key officers and state po- some of the 4,038 captured weapcma for against Holton’s strategy to boy was in colUslon tvlth a car ®*® admitted to Manchester Pongratz. 219 OAk St., July 11, Having lost the convention pr. Charles R. Schroeder, dlrec- Rev. Norman E. Swensen toe UJS. annexation of CaUfor- Robert DeSanto, an assistant llcemen brought In to help his driven by Roland J. Marcoux, Memorial Hospital for treatment gj Jam es’ Church. CHURCH nominate a Republican. iior of the San Diego, Ctollf., zoo. the defense of Phnom Penh,’ says Oen. battle, pro-Byrd Republicans Trinity Covenant Church nla was proclaimed. professor and marine scientist 48-man departmeht, whicto haa 55, of 210 High St. Police said tajuries resulting from toe -Helmut Arndt, 40 Green Man- Fernandes. *I tried to explain thAt they Our fathers’ God! to Thee, aty planning to win the cam­ at Connecticut College here. 13 other Negroes. “I don’t know the accident occurred when the accident. 'J t-or Rd., and Kathleen Elizabeth were our guns to begin with, and that Author of liberty, paign war by treating Garland said the Sound Is “seriously what to say.” youth’s car ran a red light at Pyka, 40 Green Manor Rd., $2225. like an unwanted stepchild. Sen. threatened by dilution and Hie 52-year-old chief was talk- Broad St. and W. Middle Tpke. COBIPLAINTa July , North United Method- they do not shoot, but perhaps Lon Ntd 'To Thee we sing; 12 with bench' John Tower, chairman of the carelessness.” ' ing about the cause of toe racial Court date July 20. A window waa brol^n ^ e r 1st Church. did not boUeve me.’ ' Long may our land be bright i d Senate campaign committee, Fischetti He outlined four basic dan- disturbances, but said he could ------the weekend at a hohi^. under Richard Wendell Hodge, 66 'Fhe Hammond T-262 is an ideal organ for new or smaller churches... “ ‘What's more,’ says the general, ‘pei> RTth freedom's holy light; has issued a pleasant-sounding gers to the Sound, and said they not put his finger on why trou- Jeffrey A. Sinon, 26, of 11V6 construction on Scott Dri The Jarvis Rd., and Eleanor Joan-' hmw the Americana will hear of all the Protect us by Thy might. invitation to Garland to visit should have toe follo^ng pri- hie erupted In this, seashore Walnut St., charged with failure building was then entered, the Stidsen, Windsor. July 25,, South second organ for established churches. This moderately priced Ham­ ority for remedial action: community, where about 40 per mond Spinet Organ, styled in Walnut, to complement or contrast with weapons we have been given and will Great God, our IQngl Washington, but in fact the to grant right of way. He was boiler was stripped, and the United Methodist Church. word to out at Tower’s com­ _ First, filling operations — cent of the 20,000 full-time resl- nearly ^1 types of church interiors. 'The combination of the many fine think Cambodia needs .no American aid. mittee that Garland’s campaign “ because the destruction of tidal dents are Negro. Population features and remarkable tonal facilities provide full variety for the “ ‘So I bum all the rifles. Otherwise will get token financing at best. flats, salt marshes, coves, and swells to over 100,000 on sum- j QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE I923i| church organist Here are some of the benefits received from Ham­ they cause me one more trouble,’ he says Good News From Barnes As one Republican operative estu^es cannot be reversed.” mer weekends but toe trouble mond’s exclusive features: TONE WHEEL GENERATOR means low dedslvely.” We ipplaud with vigor the, “I don’t told us: "I can’t see a nickel Despite the risk, he said, “a seems to be among permanent maintenance bills for you. Only a Hammond is gauranteed perma­ surrender,” announrament by State Sen­ going down to Virginia. It would modern and dangerous land residents. Minor Incidents over 'Before Losses Happen Insure With Lappen!' Thus CorreqxMident Kami's report, to nently, tuned, never requiring adjustment. Hammond tunes cannot go ate Minority Leader Wallace Barnes Just be wasted. No one ever rush is underway in Connect!- July Fourth became serious late shaiT or flat because they are generated by many tone wheels turning the Wail Street Journal, of one a t the Wednesday In whlclAte kept his pledge heard of that-fella (Garland).” cut” by those who know filling Sunday night, at fixed speeds. Temperature or humidity changes don’t affect them. big wei^Mn hauls achieved by the incur­ to primary against Oongreannan Thom- Although few of the commit­ operations may soon be Umited. “If you told me 20 or 30 years aa J. MesklU for the Republican guber­ rCZ '. And the organ can be moved without damaging the tonal system. sion into Oamhodia. tee’s 18 Republican Senators --Second, sewage and Indus- ago this would happen, I d have natorial nomination. normally take any interest in its trial waste disposal, which De- said ‘no’. But there’s been a Save Today for Tomorrow HARMONIC TONEBARS offer an almost unlimited range of musical Were it not for the built-in pressures routine operations, the drama Santo said “in some coses al- change of thinking, effect . . , and opportunity to mix and blend thousands of tonal colors. on delegates in the conventicn system of ready has led to toe removal “Our kids are seekliig Identi- Saving for a house? Make sure a fire or You can produce lovelier church tones selecting nominees, we believe a good of various marine species such ty. Hiey are reading, they are burglary doesn’t wipe out your nest egg. with a Hammond than with any other H e FellowBliip Of Unsolvency deal more su^xirt for Barnes’ csndl- as shell fish and other forma thinking, they are expoeed to a comparable instrument. Built-in dacy would have surfaced in Hartford H erald Your limdlord won’t pay for your loss, but It is quite possible that the following of fish life.” He pointed to toe lot more." an AEtna Tenant’s policy will. So you save REVERBERATION (patented echo last weekend. Hiames River here, where he Then Smith shook his hea^ sound) brings concert hall acoustic to point of view la not shared by all of Wallace Barnes said Wednaeday the Yesterdays said "a greenish blue tint" ap- his graying hair close-cropped yoilr money and get your house sooner; Call those who have been undergoing the primary will be “a whole new contest" peared last summer from algae In sharp contrast to toe bushy today. even the smallest rooms . . . despite , / muffling draperies and carpeting. A experience which haa made it possible, ... one in which he does not consider 25 Yean Ago ^er-fed on bacteria and Indus- “Afro” styles among young taimaelf the underdog. We agree with trial wastes. , blacks on toe streets. locking console top permits organ to / but wbat we say is that it all makes that nseesement. We have for some time Petition circulation in town re­ May We Quote Rates ^ d Assist/You As We Have So Many Others? be closed and locked when not in uw. quests that Selectmen ask —Hiird, oil polliition, which “There are so many t h ^ s this a more democratic, friendly coun- fe lt. .and we have said ao.. .that Sen­ DeSanto said Is a “growing that could have caused this The And if you added an extra tone cabi­ ator Barnes would make an excellent voters if they want zoning rules try- to continue. threat to Long Island Sound.’' Wds are hoUering they can t get Hi 1 7 " net you will increase the volume and govenior for Oonnocticut DeSanto said he recognizes “toe Jobs, there is no recreation.’ tonal quality of the spinet... to that We. are refenrlng to the way in which Wo feel a majority of the registered 10 Yean Ago need for port expansion,” but Then, he said, "Tajklng to John H. Lappen, Ino. of a console organ. For the organ the stock market, in its recent behavior, Republicans will come to position declared that toe maximum oU them, they can almost bring you right for your church come, see the haa boon taking^ its bUUtmairei and turn­ also before the August U pcfniaty. At visiting Danish Girl Scouts pollu'ttop tolerable in toe Sound around to their way of thlnk- Insurors and Realtors T-262 Hammond Spinet. We will ar­ least, thanks to the Senator’s detenhlna^ put on Danish Festival for 700 01170 Chicago Daily Newt is 20.000 gaUons each year for tag.” ing them Into much more more per­ tlon and conviction, they will bavo the range a demonstration for your at Manchester Htyfa School. four years. Smith has been chief in Asbu- LOCK TOP sonable mulU-milUonalres, and to tiie opportunity to oonsider the merits of the ■Oil -Paik renamed “captalif'~of^ —Fourth, “thermal” or heat ly Park.stace ^ rll 17, 1|968. He 164 East Center S t, Manchester 649-5261 church organist and members. two Candida tos and make their own Hose 8 Eighth District Fire Dolluti

- f . 5’ i-. »'■ .-I-. ■A ■


Obituary Probe Date Fee Explained TAR. Drag Center Middlefield Rejects Plans Orderly Development Intent Manchester Area The Town Recreaticm De­ -ByCLAYB-POIXAN- TV Tonight ARin UBRA The Drug Advisory Center at partment has received a Yow Dally A dM tyG oh h 81 Ruaaell St. la obaerving For Rock Music Festival Sm Saturday’s T V Week Mrs. Andrew *— mwi In Perkins nuiAber of calls from people According to Iho Start. the following summer sched­ Motorcyclist Dies in Crash BOM toN — Mra. Irene M. ^Ati. if for Comidete Listings. who do not understand the To develop message for Wednesday^ 42-43df-«4K^ ule: MIDDLEFIELD, Conn. (A P ) trash left covering the grounds. Of Density Rules, Says PZC Aemaim of 83 Oupenter Rd., summer swim program fees. read worcb corresponding to numbejs Case Set 72-72^74 Monday through Wednes­ - Problems being encountered “ The Wds were poUte; the wife of Andrew Aemann, died . A spokesman there today o f your Zodiac birth siga . , 1 kids were wonderful," he said, b®ariiig on the density Commission .on Hunum Rights Blit (8> Buto’o biw With Train in South Windsor ^TAURUS . SCORPIO day, 8:80 a.m. to 6 pm ! by organisers of a 'rock music . ^ yorterday afternoon at Kan- NEW LONDON, Oonn. tAP) expWned that classes are 1 Suec«M 31 For 41Ignora tola ' 'D1 « ■ ****** J _ r e la t io n s followed toe comr and Opportunities; Emd Henry (iS) Ifaastsn ocr, ».i Thursday end Friday, 8 :80^ (48) F Troop (0 ) An Ehifteld motorcyclist weis bultmce Emd pronounced ' dead c l ^ r Memorial Hdepital. _ The one-iftan grand Jury running in four series from 2 A 32Ai« 42uontp festival 3% weeks from now at gQjijg around. They were selling T h e P la n n in g a n d Zon^- mlsolon’a other business, and Becker, of 786 Center 'St., re- I ^ MA7 » 3 Touchy 330n 63 Off not'. 21 a.m. to 8 p.m. l:U <4t> WoKkar Wateh (0) killed last night when hls bike on Eurival. He died of mulU- June 22 to July 7, July <1 to 4^AttiluSe 1 34 Funhor 44Ths Powder Ridge ski area have hash Uke hot dogs." , ing Coininission’s proposed t>ecause of the. lengthy dlscus-\ cently defeated Democratic S:M (M ). GUUru’t IoU bS (0> N ^Y oA *^, d^lih^™ ot poUce.acUone in 12-15-17-32,... <48> TnrtS e r Oeeeeqweee# rEm into a freight train cross- pie internEd injuries, toe police July 24, July 27 to Aug. 11, 5 Somoofie 35 Put 45A Saturday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. new density regulations ®*®" Damato apartments \ nominee for State Senator 4 Don't 3«Yoor ddDotOS 39-4M1-82^jfel been Increased, town noti­ 6iM (18) Sewisz Shew (0) James and Jeanette OomeU London County wiU begin For drug advisory Informa­ are intended only to help not get started un- \from toe 4to District, Ing SuUivEm Ave. in South VTnd- SEdd. > and Au|[. 12 to Aug. 28. Bach 7Bo 37 Your 67Good SAOITTARIUS fied the promoters Monday that 8:88 (8-8) Weather — Sperte a a « an^ lived in New Yoih next Monday at Superior Court, 8Aiid 38 Nome 68Sugor tion, call: til 10 o’clock. SEdd Klau: These regulations New* (0 ) Sor. There is no barrier or signal series runs for about 12 HOY. provide for Manchester’s (IS) Leave It te Beaver a ty bMore coming to Bolton here. 9Roip*cts 39 Sharp 69Coottd M 7-Sm their application to hold the By this time. ould mean a wasteful use of The cyclist waa identified as at toe SullivEin Ave. crossing, days, and the chargd^ls $1 lOBuilritn 40Todoy 70 Fbrword Dec. U.S. Urged ^‘orderly development” and (M> MoBale’o Mavjr "nine years ago. state Referee Raymcmd J. festival is Incomplete. tJT/ <48) News Roiudd J. Pelletier of 7 Wey- but normally a biakemEm on a per person per series. 11 Unpunetuol 41 You'lVou'll 71 Humor I14-14-20.21 a r e in no They would penalize all 12 Your 42 A 72WIIO The application, which In­ intended to and eub a total of 14 persons tiW (48) 77 Snuet Strip mouth Dr. In Ehifleld. He weis freight train is out on toe road Survivora, besides her hus- Devlin, the retired Superior If a child signs up for all 1544-44 ■ evelopers except those putting 8 :8 8 (S) News with Walter Oreo- 13 Or 43 Word 73 It cludes details of the sanitary ar­ discriminate gainst peo- presented their views during klte (O) 21 yeEms old. «. with a light eis toe train crosses. band. Include a son. Walter Court judge wM) w ill conduct four series, the spokesman CANCm 14 Proptr 44Dlot 74 Sufficient CAPRICORN Viet Reform ip toe maximum number of ^, J Marcus Set rangements, parking facilities pie, according to the PZC *h® pubUc comment portion, (8) Neve with lYaak M ut- Police Chief Jeton KerrigEm Chief Kerrigan said Investiga- Asmann of Brooklyn, N .Y.; a the probe ,told t4e Now London explained, he'll be charged 15 Montol 45 Soom 75 For Dec. 22 be smEdlest possible units. Sin- bK4o (0) ■iBter, Mrs. Jeanette Hock- ^ a y today that hearing* , will 14R«it ’ 44Advlubl« 76 Toddy and the private security force chairman, M. Adler Dob- ?*® *»«n»i>®r kept growing smai- (U ) Dick Taa Dyke SEdd toe slow-mo-ving freight tlon of toe accident la con- $4 for the summer. i ^ j u i l r if 17FaculH« 47 8# 77“ W( V or* JAH. IP le-famUy holises also overloEid Prisons (88) HBBtie)r.4rlakle]r B ^ert train WEIS heading south Emd tinuing. I***** of Osone Park, N. Y.; and b^gin at 10 a.m. Monday behind 5- 8-27-29 18 You 48 To 78 A .2- 3- 4-24; For Visit at the three-day festival, was kin. ^ 1.J*"’ about 26 r e m ^ - the schools with . Wds, and don’t l9Con't 49 In 79 Will DobWn, at a public hearing ®“ when toe session ended 7:88 (8) After DIaaer Havle WEIS crossing Sullivan Ave. at Other Eurea police Eictivlty: two grandchildren. closed doors. M-2A34 returned to Middleton Arts In­ (Continued from Page One) ay their own way, either. To (8) Tiatk er CeBoeeacaeeo (O) 20 And 50 Work 80 last night on toe proposed regu- before midnight /ggic apartments to pay their own services will be to- The probe, was requested by UO 21 AtMrrtlon 51 To 81 AQUARIUS ternational of Bridgeport—the (18) OaadM Caaera about 11:18 p.m, when iPelletier, Vernon morrow at 7 p.m. at Holmes London County State's At- m r » 22 In 52 Now n/^roothroly JAH. 2d To Vietnam flnh sponsoring the July 81-Aug. North VletnEunese In the north­ lations, hit out against "Em y-~™ ® speakers were neEurly/y,gy ig discriminatory, 48) News — Weatker — heading eimt, ran into the fourth Police are Investigating a Strike Hits 53 At rts aad Feature (0) E\ine^ Home, 400 Main St., mmey Edmund O'Brien. It will »AU9,U 23 Your eei. It (Gontnined from Page One) 2 rock music event. ern provinces of South Vletautm group In town that wUl take it “ ™ ®d In ^ e lr support oroppo-/ Green: The net effect of toe car of toe trsdn. The tracks are weekend break at the home of 24 Will 54Tochnlquts 84 Fronknon upon toemseleves to sit In Judg- smon to the density proposal/ regulations would be to dlscrlm- S) I Dreem of Jeaaale B (O) Manchester. Ih e Rev. I^uis the deaths of two Oroton 25 To 55Privot« B5Hlghor 1- 8-10- ^ . . . ^ , The return of the application reported they WUed at least (8-48) Med Sqaad (0) near Nu-Way Tobacco. *' John Adamezyk ot BEistvlew ^ e r of Omcordla Lutheran brothers, shot at a Norwich Three Rails 24Upott 54 Chong# 86 First 2555<7-8F^ V ^ V ^ brain- ^as the second major difficulty 15 gf the enemy. Another 16 ene- ment. . .of our membership’s wlto those backing It outnum- ingte against people with low (IS) Movie Skid mEirks from toe motor- Dr. The owner reported to po- 27 You 57Two#on)0 87Affolrs PISCIS washed by State Depart- go far. Last week the town of my reported killed ih other personal motivations. boring those against It by 8 to ,6 . gn^ moderate incomes, and to 8 :8 8 (88) Debbie Bejraalda Shew C h u i^ Manchester, w ill of- junior high school during a state VIR60 28 You 58Hond 88 Position 8:38 (88) Jalla B (0) cycle were on toe road, but lice that someone broke in over flciate. Burial wlU be in Ever- p<,uce burglary stakeout 14 '/ I A(/6.1I 29 Highly 59 And 89 IndIcoM eet. It ment and military, as one-time Middlefield and 23 locEd rest- fighting. "O u r Job," he said, “ Is Speakers / build a wall around MEmchester. (8^ ) Moivie it is uncertEdn at what speed the weekend through a re sir In 16 States 30 Cohcontroto 60 Got 90 8dso green Cemetery, Brooklyn, months ago. Other cases to be sen. « MAR. 21 presidential hopeful George dents went to Superior Court In u.S. Secretary of State WU- plan for orderly development. Five of the eight Identified ^he town cannot afford to Iso- 8 :8 8 (38) F M Teeodar (0) toe cycle was moving. basement door ■«Emd rEinsacked N . Y . 7/8 I ^ i n e y said he had been In an attempt to have the festivEti Ham P. Rogers left Saigon for Orderly development cEumot themselves as speEiklng for toe jg^g itself A lot of minority (18) Tom Keuedjr probed include^ state police gun- (Oonttnued from Page One) 18-1945-tt j(§)Good ^Adyeoe ^Nental 41-47- 8:38 (3) Oovener aad J.J. (0) Pelletier was taken to toe the house. Nothing was report- WAM6-90 MIO take place If the town cannot M ^chester Property Owners people don’t buy homes In toe There are no calling hours. fire at a suspect in another case, S7-71-76 ^ ^ halted. A court hearing on "the Tokyo, ending a three-day stay 18:88 (3) CeBBeotlest — Wbafs HEirtford Hospital by am- ed stolen. 10 support It properly with water, Association. They included for- * - Abaadt (0) and the suicide of an arrested and Washington completed their I m m ^ e of ^ r n e r matter will be held In neigh- -,^th the assessnient that the suburbs because they feel sewer, roads, shopping, Emd so i»®>^ Police Chief Herman O. (848) Mam u Welby, MJ>. Bfrs. Peari H. Burke youth being held at the state runs but have not been in opera­ s ^ than Mr. Romney, s^d boring Middletown Wednesday, level of lighting has been reduc- they’re not welcome here. ’ (IS) Tea O’Olook Beport SOUTH . WINDSOR — Mrs. tion since 8 a.m. About 6,000 l ^ c i u . L ^ r , h w ever, h e ^ d The chief elected official of ed aniVthat U.S. casualties last forth. Schendel, Frsmk U, Lupien, Mrs. Cohen: H ie LeEigue of 18:38 (3) Newt ^eolal Beport (0) at home; smd three g;rEmdchll- police lockup in Oroton. "T o Eurbttrarily flU a housing Mrs. Peter SadlosU, Burton D. (18) Tempo 18 Couple Celebrate dren, Raymond Lewie, Emd Pearl HoUister Burke, 68, for­ O'Brien has indicated that key BAO workers could be affected Birth Control Advocate Free; K-i “ w m e extent the town of 4,600 persons. First week, (to bo aimounced Hiurs- Women Voters urges that toe U :88 (3-84848) Mewo —Weather m erly of Foster St., died yes­ by the strike, he said. are being brainwashed by the selectman Arthur H. Meckley day, wl(ll be "much low er" than development with people—with PcEirl Emd Milton Hiuisen. commission re-eVEduate its reg­ aad Sports (0) Renee and Ronald J. EdwEirds. testimony in the investigation (U ) AUradd Httekeock In Garrett, Ind., about 30 media. no regard for how or where Among their comments were 30th Anniversary Mr. Edwards is. employed at terday at a South Windsor con­ will come from Richard Carroll, sEiid Monday that residents Eire in previous weeks. A U.S. ulations . . . to permit toe con­ 11:35 (3) Mevie valescent home. She was the Ba O trainmen, conductors and Now Plans Race fo r Senate Marcus also got off a couple primarily concerned that the these services w ill come from or toe following: struction of low Emd moderate U:38 (38) Toolzkt Skew Jekany Car- Pratt Emd Whitney Division of a former Connecticut resident spokesman said later thAt the SOB (C) Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ed­ Of shots at his rivals in the how, they will be paid for, Is not lAiplenf It is unfortunate that United Aircraft Ck>rp., , E eisI widow of Charles J. Burke. firemen were reported on feativEd will attract far more figures will not be a record low. income housing to help meet toe (848) Dick Cavett Show (C) wards of 240 Woobridge St. were now living in Maine. BOSTON (A P ) — "You can month sentence in Suffolk Coun­ Democratic Senate primary, Al- doing the people you put there on toe Human Relations Com­ Mrs. Burke was bom July 11, strike. tliEin 60,000 people. The'promot­ Another visitor, U.S. Army needs of Edl people seeking (18) Merv Griffin Show (C) guests of honor Sunday at a Hartford. Mrs. EdwEU^ Is a O'Brien has said 'there is . . . _ make changes by worlting wlth- ty Jail before the appellate phonsus J,' DonEdiue Jr. Eind Jo­ any service. We would be re­ mission we have two or three 1:8 8 (8-3848) New* ,-r-..Fiarer aad 1811 in Manchester, daughter of A spokesm^ for ^u th em P a - ^ the system," said WlUam ers have limited ticket sales to SecretEuy StEinley Resor, Edso homes. The proposed regulations 30th wedding anniversary party bookkeeper at toe MEmchester "some truth" but also some court ordered him freed on ball. seph Duffey. miss If we were to neglect these people that I feel Eire racists, _ _ SIZB Off Frank L. and Mamie Payne .... o cUlc said Its trains have stopped mtchle Baird. "You don't have 60,000 for each day of the fesU- left Saigon and SEiid he had do not appear to meet those 1:15 (5) Newt aad Weather — Mo­ at toe home of their daughter, law firm of GEurity, WEilsh Emd ww—ail 1..._ kaoaoA fiwoAoi iw aK a plTODlfilllB ill & StAkdlTldlt OD- H ie son of a German-born Asked whether he thought ment of Medltatlea aad Sion HoUister ,and had Uved In the . , „ . _ running In Texas, Oregon and jo throw rocks " VEil, at $10 per ticket. found the VletnEunization pro- very fundamental and practical always raising a red herring. •n;gerators *i® visiting hospitals and (Continued from Page One) would be needed. The promoters Vietnamese c o m m in d ^ J o ^ belng ignored If low Eind moder- sion to revise its regulations versaryJ p a ^ Sunday evening honor at the' wedding, Psirk. association In eastern Kentucky physicians as a drug company his wife Eve, Emd their first er Raymond F. Damato for St, Manchester, Thursday from The informer accompanied the which hEid contracts with the made arrangements for 460 Hmlt such operations. ate Income housing comes in. "so as not to discourage toe at their honte. Mr. Emd Mrs. Edwards were The injury required hospltail- child, They now have four — more apsurtments On Ismd he 7 to 8 p.m. brothers to the Jail and after said the strike could force the representative in New York PeEmI: We must continue to construction of low and moder- About 26 fridnds attended toe mEUTled July 4, 1940 in Leba- zation for root csmal work and Dawn, to, Scott, , Bonnie, 7, firm were reported fearful of , ■ , - Communist troops moved Into ' owns off Otis St. their deaths was released from dosing of the fields " if It contin- years ago. 8 the effect on them. Foote also said i^ormation Angkor complex early run MEmchester for KEmchester Rte Income housing.” surprise party given by Mr. Emd non, 03nn. They also have will require further dqntal treat- Jail a second time and given a ues more than one day.'* Baird said he was present In a and Laurie, 6. „ An Eiccount of toe heEirlng on Mrs. Robert Knight, Mr. and H ie students pEild about $1,000 Incomplete on the appl ca- jung_ get up supply dumps DEunato’s request Is contEdned people. If we're to discriminate *Hie church is one of toe spon- Emother son, George BklwEirds ment, she says.' car so he could leave the state, A spokesman for the National -Harlem hospital when a mother In overturning BEilrd's convic­ agEdnst apartment people, then ®®rs of MISAC’s Beechwood Mrs. Roderick McLetm, Mr. Emd Nixon Fears each for the tour. regwdlng < b ^ n g water, fortified some of the ruins In Emother Eurticle In today’s the Times article said. Labor Conference In Washing- of nine was brought in for treat- tion, the court decUired that the it’s fair to discriminate a^^ainst Apartments, the town s first ana Mrs. Donald MEmnlng, Mr. Emd Dixon said the Cologne mortars and antiaircraft Hendd. The four state troopers In­ ton said the latest round of talks ment after she attempted to law prohibiting unmEirried per­ group's headmaster, David dishwashing and rubbish those who don’t bear their fair ordy moderate Income apart- Mrs. Arthur L. Jiduison, eUI of fEfE^GLASSES by< volved In the burglary stakeout between the union and the rail- abort herself ^ with a clothes sons from obtEdning birth con­ Dobkln’s blEuri — while It did ments to date. MCEmchester; Emd kifr. Emd Mrs. Soviet-I^aeli Hockman erf WEishlngton, D.C., The CEunbodian government, share of the tex burden. each ^ U fie d at a coroner's In­ road began Jan. 20 and 22 meet- hanger. The woman died. trol devices WEis " eui infringe­ not specify names — appEment- CUD Proposal Frederick Bruenlng of Gltmton- j HEmsen: Most people in town DeBella and Real^i^pticians Ings were held over a five- Baird invested his sayings— ment of bEisic humEui rights." had been in touch with Cologne _„i . ?-Thpir ninnn for ml '"rorried for the country's great- ly WEIS leveled ELgainst some bury. A buffet supper w e is serv­ quest that one of the Peridns have <»dy moderate Incomes, At one point In the meeting, month period. which had been earmarked for Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Universlty and other organize- .^ te riia appear to its major tourist IndiidduEd members of toe Hu­ ed in the HEilsted gEurden, Eind Crossfire brothers fired at them before tions, seeking a dormitory or Emd mEmy are on fixed incomes chairman Dobkln reminded toe He said the talks - broke off his return to medical school—in Robert H. Quinn plans to appeEil be satisfactory but from the "»oney maker, declared Angkor man Relations Commission. appropriate gifts of silver were state police weapons were used. similEur Eiccommodations. thEd Eue being reduced every audience that toe PZC — at toe rOontinued .from Page One) June 11 when ah impasse was a trailer and began traveling the decision to the U.S. Supreme viewpoint of the State Depsirt- an "open city" and SEdd its The HRC Emd toe commission presented to toe guests of Coi lete AU four troopers resigned from “ We have even considered a month by Inflation. same time it, la ^ proposing to _ reached over whether train around the metropolitan New Court. ment of Health we will need to forces would do nothing that had met in closed session lEist honor. SAM-Ss at them last week. Both poUce force two months convent,” he said. might endanger toe relics ctf for­ Two other men, who did not hmit apartmente — Is alra fe Glass ago. crewmen should communicate York City area dispensing birth Baird now plans to devote eiU know exactly where the garbage week to discuss toe density pro- A humorous renewEil of toe rockets missed, he added. Dixem Eidded that the students identify themselves . t o toe working on, and In toe n ew fu- by radio as the companies had control Information in slum and other refuse will finally be mer Khmer glory. posEils. marrlEige vows was performed Service Previously, older SAM-2 an­ his time to his independent cam- hEui been window shopping, audlence, commended toe com- propose, a regi^tiim wanted. neighborhoods. disposed of." Word of toe enemy's with­ Following that meeting, toe by York Strangfeld, friend Emd tiaircraft missiles manned by pEiign for the Senate seat now swimming Eind "tEiking it amEU- mission for Its concern over ® Comprehensive Urban H ie dispute over firemen's Later he branched out to oth- Middleton Arts representa­ drawal came in Ein indirect re­ HRC had issued a resolution neighbor of the couple. Egyptian crews were the main held by Edward M. Kennedy, ingly well. H ie wily people who proiddlng toe to'wn with Development Zone. Guardsm en Jobs has boon going on for many er states, and In October, 1967, D-Mass. tives have stated they earlier port by Agence Khmer du asking toe commission not to Warrens Wed 25 Years Mr. Emd Mrs. Hoisted were C on tact defensive weapons along the ca­ are shook up Eire toe adult ad- ... . j n. j j A . . Presse, toe government news “ orderly growth.” Another 1^® CUD concept would es- years. A Federal Arbitration jje was arrested here for giving He says his birth control ac- minlstrators." obtained toe advice oI town of- pass regulations that would mEUTled July 21 ,1846 in toe L e n s e s J nal. noted that school bonding issues, tabllsh. entire new "neighbor- Sustain Cuts In Board ruling in 1903, under an ^ birth control substance to a ficlals in preparing their plEUis. agency. Later In toe day Ber- Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles Weit- Mr. Emd Mrs. Warren were West Hartford Baptist CSiurch. Of more Immediate conse­ tiviUes have so depleted his Some 600 "unduly restrict" toe develop­ have been turned down in toe hoods” in undeveloped areas. act of Congress passed on the Boston University coed, family's resources that “I only students In P ^ s spokesman for toe firm plan- ®®rd Grosller, toe French dlrec- ment pf low Emd moderate In­ tachvv a#^v.«a v«a>a>w^ TwvwriairmQ fnr hi^hpr den> ren oi of iio 113 Homesteadfiomesieau ovsSt. wereweits maixicumarried «iui^July 7, i, aow1846 obat mlSt.# aFrEm- acma They mey luivehave lourfour aonsisons, ,,^ Robert,nonert, quence to Israel could be the were moved IntoirkTrt aQ suburbanaiiKti*«Kon A A»- A.I 1 ______1 t ’Copter Crash eve of a threatened nationwide Baird spent 36 days of a three ning toe food, sEudtEiry Eind pEirk- tor of toe national commission recent past because of concern gjygg**yjj^ Eillowed Emd feted at a surprise 26to wedding els of Assisi <^urch,_ South Steven, Raymond and Eugene, loss of planes suppUed by the have $216 lor my campEiign," school that Is on VEication. come housing in MEmchester, strike, permitted the railroads ing arrEuigements SEdd:“ .As far for toe restoration of ruins, in­ While toe HRC resolution did over rising taxes. ‘”7 ^ ° “ i " anniversary celebration Sunday Windsor, by toe Rev. Bdwara gji at home. United States. CAMP DRUM, N.Y. (AP) — • "The situation has Im­ formed toe French EmbEiray of to abolish 90 per cent of fire­ as wteYe concerned we've met not specifically mention toe Oppose Rules 7 ^ on forth' afterqoon at toe Knights of Co- Duffy. Among toe guests at toe Mr. Halsted is assistant i Israel has lost three Phantom Two members o< the Connecti­ English. She said she waa 18 proved,” said Mrs. Unda Ste- toe withdrawal from toe main Among those speEdiing in ®"®®^ businesses, and so , Home. Einnlversary party was Mrs. timy in toe special ty euj- men's Jobs on diesel yard and every rule” of toe town ordln- possibility that discrimination 18 Asylum dt. fighters within the last six days. cut Natimial Guard unit freight engines. It allowed the Emd had been Eirrested while venson of Seattle, Wash. Einces. temple area. He SEdd he had no opposltlon to the rogulations Dobkln said. About 60 friends smd rela- Warren’s nlEiid of honor, Mrs. counts depau:tment a life The United States has not s^d ®*»i®rged Monday from a hell- Viet Prison caught up in a political demon­ “ French fEimllies have called to agEdnst low income Emd minori­ Room 104 definite Information on toe other wereTYwaar Atty. Arnold Klau, , execu-_ _ He said toe c r o proposeM — # s s 5vs«sA WVCSO CLbWCi&UCUattended toe U 5C party bj ^avafasgiven 4 AUen^ * * ' Duchesne of 30 Riverside insurance Co., H< Both union to designate the 10 per “ Hiey wanted a plEin, so we ty groups might be toe Intent Tel. 622-0767 publicly udiether It -will replace ®opt®f crash with only slight stration. She clEiimed she her­ volunteer to take In students, ruins. live director MISAC’s moder- also bo toe subject of a future couple’s two daughters Dr. cent of Jobs to be preserved. gave them a plEm. They sEdd of toe regulations, HRC mem­ are active In Cent frega- R ubs DeBella Hartford ' Enrioo F. Reale the lost aircraft, but there are hijuries while at summer mill- G>nditions self had not demonstrated but but most of them WEint to stay ■Hie government ate-income Beechwood Apart- PZC pubUc h e a r ^ . goglhilaw, Miss Eileen War- Mr. Warren has been employ- As a result of the ruling, ...... i t wEisn't good enough. H iey news Eigency bers SEdd this fear had held tlonal Churcl indications the destroyed-planes training here, tiEid been imprisoned for seven here at toe school ra they won't gg^ed for more parking. W eSEdd ______toe Communist______troops. ______Imd t),«m »n nnii monts; Mrs. Marshall Cohen of Action on toe density reguia- j^g^pj, jjg . ed as a mlUwrlght at Pratt and U 18,000 railroad firemen's jobs will be re^placed. ^ spokesman tor the Cfonnecti- months at that time, with no miss tn^r plane. TTie extreme gave them more parking. They forced hundreds of villagers Into them to caU toe meeting with League of Women Voters; tions probably will be taken at Cavanaugh, all of Manchester. Whitney, Division of United and 8,000 trainsmen's jobs were Shock P air toe commission. Secretary ot State William P. Brigade said today the eliminated between 1903 and bath In two months. hospiWity of toe French people ggj^ wasn't good enough," toe toe ruins "In order to mEike in------.--1.3,.... hnoitiooH received a floral Aircraft, East Hartford, for Vernon EUido m H ther r 4A marvelous o **irAi^oo »“ «> - " y Sl«m R .W . w w a . Is » piOTln. L Cites Sewer Problem Two Rhode IslEUid men Choice Fbssbook senger, 2nd Lt. Joseph E. Ouzzo, toe lime treatment as punish­ tions might have toe effect of asEdstEmce for is n M l.” that two-man crews Eire suffl- The commandant," Anderson One niEin msdntained that toe ToNix<^Talk 81, of Glastonbury, walked away ment because toe sEune boxes forcing developers to build only ere arrested April 10 dent. But the unions say at continued "had no choice but to second Atlanta InternatlonEd tary headquarters. Run into Opposition eight-inch sewer in Otis St. from the crash with wily consulEir offlclaJ said only about leEuit three men are needed In ®^ 8’® tnslde. of It were over toe iron grat­ , . , , ,, Pop PestlvEd conducted here units with a smEtil number of WASI taTON, (AH) — Deiu- charged with burglarizing tiEuid cuts Euid did not require ings. "Some women were stEmd- bedrooms, in order to get eus By WILLIAM COE "regulariy" clogs up ocratis"Natlonal Oialrman Law- Vernon Post Office on Rt. Savings Account at H uey Newton ' the locomotives and that small- "W e saw a one-story founda- u , ^ “ '"® « ®®®“ "^ °ver the holiday weekend, medicEil attention, Eiccordlng to help with various problems. Another said that his er crews lead to accldento. tlon with no windows In It of Ing or could stEmd," Anderson MEiddox SEdd toe three-day many eis possible on a given (Herald Reporter) ----- yf ,7,_ Q>Brten goes on toe air pleaded Innocent yesterday the spokesman. In Vienna, Charles Rendon floods from time to time be- Nixed As Witness The latest work stoppage any kind. We went up the stairs said, evidencing less severe festival with its nudity Eind site. Ight with an equEil-time reply u.S. District Court In HEirtford. H ie helicopter lEuided nose IcEider of 160 students in Austria Stock Market „ ______Residents of the Otis-Park-Forest-Chestnut Sts. ^ e a ®®u®® ®« ®®rf®®® water ron^ comes only three ni^onths Eifter to a kind of catwalk and could IncEirceratlon. , . . , ___ . , widespread drug abuse, wew If many towns in toe area to- to President Nixon’s June 24 H ie cEises were continued to down and weis heavily damaged, He estimated there were gether passed such a reguia- last night solidly opposedi the request of develo^r Ray- ^^g®o,g ^^**® statement on toe economy. May 26. Hartfod National? For McLucas congressional action blocked a 'ook down through iron bars NEW YORK (A P ) — The poesibly beyond repair, he Ewld- difficulties. They were staying ,rac- nationwide rail strike by four about % of an Inch thick at about 160 women In toe "tiger " It was a health hazard," he stock market began firming up tlon, it could have a "m ajor mond'F. Damato to build more apartments at the rear _ . O’Brien was grEuited 26 mln- The two EU’e Robert LEUig- NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — ed. In a section of toe Vienna Acad­ pro- prisoners inside solid concrete cages.” SEiid Monday in a statement early this Edternoon In moderate said. o f h i s ^.5-acre pwcel.off Otis St, wWch now co^^^ utes’ free time by CBS. The oto- deau, 20, of Central Falls,' R.I., A request to bring Black The Army National GuEird has shoperaft unions. emy .of Music. >ly — up cages about 5 by 9 feet. The Agency for International. from Atlanta. "There were not trading. Dobkln responded by noting thre^SorV buiW as The Mansion at 28 Otis. g ^ " ^ surround^ ®'^ ®®n»n®rclal networks and FYancls Lavendler, PEUither Defense Minister Huey ordered eui offlciEil inquiry into Rendon said toe visit was to Anderson said the concrete Development escort, former enough restoooms,' medicEd fa- At noon the Dow Jones aver- ''not nA/»AaaaFmv necessarUy inIn ltdits #Ino1final About . . . 10 ^laon______s______spoke agsdnst ______slngle-famU^ .. properties, provided - , Democrats . „ j Aflllftlequal time 'DawfimlrAf Pawtucket, W R.I. T Newton to Connecticut as a wit- ^® incident, the spokesman cages with the iron-bar roofs last until July 31. Iowa 4-H Croup police officer ciliUes or eating facilities to age of 30 industrlEiIs weis down form. It may be altered before Damato's proposal, and an condition on toe Holl property one of tlte^ h lef spokesmen t*!® '*’«®*‘ Allowing Nixons ad- ut, and nomination acceptance speech May, has been In custody In At Fenway Park and Stanley Smith Emd Rep. weakness 4 noon and will leave for Iowa knew It wasn't sand. He then Mulls Motive In pocket money. /• an attempt to CEtiifornla since 1968. McLucas Dan Grshb all representii« toe r„,ey added, however, that in control toe de- not accommodate toe overflow j^gjjy jg ^ g ^ y,g g,tg conditions have not changed to ®nd Inaugural address. About 60 members of the Man- next Monday. s®**! it was lime for washing sign, toe number of bedrooms, crowd, and the session had to wEis arrested lEist yetir In con w ea In ^ c h toe festival was .tpg 'background there remained "suitable" for more apEUt- lessen toe rtenHitie*.densities, StepansklSteoanski "... • P®f For ^the ** first time ta -1 ...... Chester Congregation of Jeho- The Manchester hosts are toe down toe walls of toe cEiges. F am ily’s Slayin g or toe size of unite a developer be moved to toe Hlghlsind Park W HAT IS AN ARBY'S? ^ Search Ends ments. chEirged. television history iriewers will nTOtion with toe s la y l^ of ^ vah's Witnesses will attend a Louis Orlowskls of 67 Keeney Put I could see lime clinging NEW YORK (AP) The ■^®*‘^ some investor worries over corporate could put up. School. HAYS, Kan. (AP) — Sheriff in® form of stole law to regulate i,qu,dity. second-quarter earn- Other arguments by toe oppo- see toe President’s and vice any you have ever eaten. Selected cuts of pre- a Panther from New ,ourKlay convention starting St., toe Michael Mlsovlchs of to toe Iron bars." search for toe husband of a But he said toe proposEil does ,He said hls client is seeking An Arhy’s is a sandwi^l Clarence Werth says no motly^ such gatherings. j„gg gnd toe situation In toe About 160 attended, but many 11 sltion were that Otis St. Is nar- president’s statements Juxta- roast^ to a turn. From this your Arhjr’s is 21 Bell St., toe Peter Peilas o f With toe help of some advEihce AVWIVVARockvilleC Center, I Ax«x«,N.Y., womsmWUlllCUi l»Y 4tv«OAA tll-llltTn 4i«A«OA M, represent " eui honest attempt to .. __ _ only Ein addltionEti two-bed- mium h ^ f are slowly h r b ^ Poll^ ray Racklev was sus Fenway Park. Bos- has been discovered for the 44 —perhaps half—were *®J room units — for a total of 17 row (30 feet), that It becomes posed with views of toe oppos- t-oiice say ^ c K ie y wra ^ and all sessions at toe local who died in a plane crash has h v, Middle East. fY sliced wafer-thin, heaped h ig h in ah oven-fresh, toasted, buttered sesame bun. 375 Bidwell St., toe Bernard InlormaUon. Anderson found shooting deaths of five members 1 cut down on toe number of treacherous ta winter because tag party. on toe latter’s own pected ^ t o e Pan**®™ ®f being Kingdom Hall scheduled for this At noon toe Associated Press a public hearing ° " P ^ ^ ® ^ apartments on toe land. Nothing is added hut care. Arh; ’s are what Ladabouches of 866 E. Middle i**® evidence compelling that toe of a Hays family. cuied b , 0 0 ... sr/d *■ "■ apartments in MEmchester." TGfinil&tions tli&t would standftru* __ i of surface water runoff, that ground,’ O’Brien salil. Monday. ^ fo r m e r . The P o th ers say ^ave been canceled. Tpke., Emd toe Edward Merrits iitue was thrown on toe prison- GuEird. 60-stock averEige was off 0.6 at Closes Loophole ® He presented maps smd aerial Simple as that, nothing is added hut care. Rackley was a member In good , Found in their home Monday said. ize and lower toe number of In toe apartments would be like a Meanwhile, Republican Na- presiding of Montclalre Dr. ®” - "Lime plays toe devil with H ie body of toe woman, Mary 222.7, with Industriais off 0.6, He said It is meant to "close gpgrtment dwellings allowed In ^nd photographs m 7 e ^ from Chestnut standing at toe time w h ei he ^ Pf®" were the bodies of George J...... * ™ tlonal ChEtirmEm Rogers C. B. Arhy’s are what Roast Beef Sandwiches real­ con- The Hartford County visitors i’t'eatolng and nostrils," a loophole" in toe existing son- ^ „g g . ^ report on that hear- oolor showing toe land and Its - «®® ^ ® ^ was shot to death In rural Manchester Schwerdt III, 31; his wife, U l- Ellen Carjr, .23, was recovered lao-acre Middle' Georvla Race ® 8, and utUlUee oH 0.1. Morton asked toe networks for ly should , he. Try one today. You will never will be guests at a geCacquaint- Anuersori said in describing the tag regulations, which now al- ^ elsewhere------*-In «tiiteivstately old treestirees, aseis wenwell asels thetoe St-, and that they wouio aaa to Middlefield In toe spring of 1869. llan; 29; and their three' chil­ tag Is published already congested trEifflc con- free time to reply to O'Brien 'agsdn he satisfied with anything less than an ___ 4-2^1______^ w assisi wiin obtaining trucks ed party later today. They 'wJU *im® Ptmishment. low 'VUfferent densities in toe today’s Herald. orientation of toe proposed H ie M cL uceis trial resumed to­ dren, Michael, -7, Anne Marie ,6, husbwd w w e traveling in emphatic, too. “ This Is toe ditions paiticularly on Park St. Emd to Sen. Mike Mansfield, D- Arhy’s — deliciously different! VEuloiis------■-’Agones, zones, Emd —*' sure bEised building at toe reEU* of The day as'e«ortrcontou 7d“ ‘to also spend a day at toe beach, ^ °t one of toe male prisoners M ^ e d Saturday In Long Island PASSPORT PHOTOS Stage I Plan Other Bequests Mont., udio responded on ABC A l and Tommy, 2. upon units per aore. MEinsion. a Jury in Superior Court. Twrfve ^ tour a large diversified farm, Anderson IDENTIFICATION DEunato's request, presented In other business, toe PZC Emd NBC to Nixon’s economy over 25,0ald, for toe pris- ter for Em Insurance compEiny. per cent rule, toe maximums HoU, a developer, had obtain- ments would not, ta hls opinion. (Regular or Child’s Portion) agents last month at Bradley In- ^ ^ “ ® festival Is luring would be set at 10 units of one ck beat, completed before noon. Anderson estimated ^ contEiined service station which gives Top VEdue Stamps. Watch toi« In Memoriam room and toe baby and paper next week for Emother coupon! ^ d e S d l ^ ^ ' income ^®,“ ’ ®P®rtm®nte were not sewer to be constructed at toe soldi, for a zone change from toe shotgun chiuge. . In knrtxw memoryI of 'Urs.______Emma punctuated by anti-drug mes­ Conferences with guidance about 200 men in 60 c a g e r ^ Schwerdt were in a third bed­ regularly permitted ta an A south end of toe site would be ftura’ Residence to A A of a 3.8- ______Fisher was______indicted Jeui. 14 ub who poaMd away July 7, sages. assignment congressional party walked to GOOD THROUGH JU LY 7 • JU LY 13 1987 room. AU were Ip nightclothes. l ^ ^ Dobkln. he lashed out " " ® ’ f"** ^.®;; Zoning Board of adequate to hEmdle surfEu:e wa- acre parcel of his land ta Dart- Eifter toe shotgun was found The Rev. Billy Scheutz of in courses of the corresponding prison for toe nvninst the Ide'a that the com- Appeals, which had Jurisdiction, ter runoff. mouth Heights, met no opposl- lEwt year ta a HibinpsohvUle A precioia one from ua Is goae, RichlEuid, Wash., orgEinizer of study will be scheduled by coun- women prisoners, NAME ‘ wo4oe wa loved is Killed. ADDRESS itassioa’s intent Is 'to dlscrlml- ®®ulaq|hte»ra spin webs a l ah. object to It," he said. **® ^® lx>®rd ptaced a about toe sewer capetoity smd Us business session July 27. Em; probatiMi. \

I (

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1 -.a' ii'.' __ '■... >_ L-... ■■jil RfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.' MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANOfiB^TBR, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 .FACn ELEVEN i ‘9 Aparicio Noses Out Peirocelli for All-Star Berth THE I Herald Angle Riordan % Homer JjPGA Lacks

Week’s Work in Day Major League V ote-Getters Led EARL YOST Personality Mays Surpris’ed, Sports Bailor Sparks MB Victory .eaders: TONIGHT'S SOFTBALL MUSKOGEE, Okla. (AP)— A gal with the looks of For Santo and Millan American League By Birds’ Powell Tongfaeet Decision for U m p to Nine coiuecutive ‘ vi(> to cut down John Horvath try- vs. Biuiarda, 7:80, Raquel Welch, the game of Mickey Wright and the per- . \ Ing to u c w the tySg run for o* * „ k ... sonality bf Marilynn Smith. Carty Startled NEW YORK (AP) — Ron Santo and Felix Millan b a ’tt in g (225 at bats) — a n f w YORK lAP)__Luis Aparicio of the Chicago Toughest decision to make for an umpire in these tori®s following an opening the Jets in the bkst half of the Acadia vs. Walnut, 8:46, Oak >niat, says Oorot Mann, - i s ------P spent their Monday at the ballpark doing a week s work Johnson, California, .328; White, nosed out Rico Petrocelli of the Boston Red parts is when to call a giune, once it has started, due to ganie loss have now been seventh frame. I n te r n vs._’r o ^ ,_ 6 jH , Nobo the women’s g«^ tour lotto and A navy turtls neck knit NEW YORK (A P)— Willie Mays was surprised, Rico Laague in a day. and MUIAn, now woridng on a New York, .328. Sox for the ^ r tin g shortstop job on the ^ e r ic a n inclement weather or approaching darkness, when lights .“P Moriarty's, de- The Jets tallied') twice in the Lenooc vs. Rajr’s, 7:80, Nebo needs right now to boost Its fem- blouse. Santo exploded for three home East Division string < of five straight hits, RUNS — Tovar, Minnesota, 69, are not available. I can speak from experience as an um- fending champmns in the send and once in the third, Army A Navy vs. Telephone, Catty was startled and Hank Aaron was just plain runs Including a grand slam, League All-Star team and Davey Johnson o L B a l^ o re Inlne image ,and attract Idgger she 'said that even with (he W. L. Pet. G.B. wasn’t sinxlous to ' try and White, New York, 60; Harper, pire for over the years I have been in that predicament. Hartford Twilight all against Oarrlty, while the eilB* Keeney grateful. ------^------and drove in 10 runs as the Chi­ Milwaukee, 60. was named to replace the injured w inner at secondbase. galleries. glrilrti garb "I'm sure we stUl The three outftriders were New York 44 86 .650 — stretch it to six. Tlie latest episode Invol'vlng ------. . . but the games are getting vnfts had a pair of two-run Dlckenaons vs. Multi, 6:16, cago Cubs swept a doubleheader RUNS BA’TTBD IN — J. Rod Carew of Minnesota. ^ Mann, attractively at- t o ^ V V bunch of Utile among players who expressed Pittsburgh 46 38 .642 “ I didn’t want to go to bat Baseball (Commissioner Bowie the above took place last ’Tues­ tougher and tougher all the frames, the third and seventh. Roberts• problem”, quipped second season as manager of League Monday, New York STOLEN BASES — Harper, can be used to promote his Suf­ I, 394,847 polled by Hank Aaron, , , , La Milagrosa .126 be picked, since that’s the game Chicago 3-14, Montreal 2-2 Ulusti. The two relievers split stsged an uprising in the top P o t o r id . m 4 For the loeers, Dennis Oohen ihe Wa-hlnrton Senators. Some rapped St. Louis 1-3, Pittsburgh Milwaukee, 27; P. Kelly, Kansas folk Downs race track. Atlanta’s super star outfielder, Poiteus. U 4 She says half of the problem ***** •**** *"***®® vdiere all ihe best players are Pittsburgh 7, Philadelphia 6, the final four Innings, allowing half of the frame 'which netted Marino, cf had a 8-8 night with Bob Cipolia, has been solved by the Introduo- **'®” ^ measure a days he wishes this season were knocked off Philadelphia 7-6, City, 23. In the latest of his long line of in the National League. Here n There Last night the Oas House Rlonten, if supposed to be.” New York 10, St. Louis 3 only one hit after Jonny Briggs’ four runs and tied the score at ? Sid Weirsman and Greg Hop­ tlon of feminine golf garb now P“ **^V*® ^ getting an over. > CincinnaU shutout San Dleg;o 6-0 PI’TCHING (8 Decisions)— unconventional gimmicks, Carew, \riio recentiy under­ 6-all, quickly it started to get What’s happened to the New Gsng raUied from a 3-2 deficit JohnaotK 8b 3 Carty, of the Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles 10, Houston 8, 10 second homer and one by Deron BBUCE MARINO Otomcilniky. M> a kins banging (mt two hits. worn by about 66 per cent of the polled 5 6 2 ,^ on write-in votes, People have been saying- and Los Angeles topped Houston Johnson had narrowed the Pi­ Cain, Detroit, 8-2 .800, 3.69); Veeck has taken a page from went knee surgery, won the sec­ dark. York Yankees? ’Hw club got after , two men were out in the WMtaofen, o a- the social calendar of Nero, the Manor 103 180 0-7-10-1 protesslonallayers. That, she said, was corrected since his name was inadvertent­ again—that Washington is fTrst 10-8 in 10 Innings. rates’ lead to a single run. McDaniel, New York, 7-2, .778, ond base starting Job by a tre­ The h(>me town MBs came close to Baltimore—^within two last inning to taUy twice, on Oanrlty, -j> 1 CincinnaU 6, San Diego 0 ancient Roman emperor and Bpekeer, p 1 Sportsman 020 003 0-4-14-3 The other half? by the Introduction about three ly left off the ballot earlier this in peace and last in the Ameri­ * * « 1.17. / mendous margin of about back to taUy twice in their half games—but then went into a Rich Rlordan's two-run homer. Once again ageless LeV 6pen- Atlanta ^!, San Francisco 4 part-Ume musician. 4 7 3 8 ' The slumping Acadia Restau­ “ The amateurs need to get years ago of cuUotes which she year. can League.” It is no fault of REDS - PADRES — STRIKEOUTS — Me DoweU, 678.000 votes. However, Carew of the frame for a 7-6 edge. The tallspin against the likes of De­ to tack a 4-3 loss on the Hktst cer had to be summoned from ‘Tuesday’s Oames CUBS - EXPOS — He has scheduled for Satur­ (•> rant built up a 6-1 lead, then with It,” she says. “ I think they calls comfortaMe and feminine. "That’s an awful lot of write- Ted Williams, baseball’s last Jin Merritt became the ma­ Cleveland, 172; Lollch , Detroit, wlU not be able to play. Com­ fifih inning took over 30 minutes troit and Washington. (Jomlng Hartford Jats at DlUon Stadium, the buUpen to save the MBs _ eX> r h e rbi St. Louis (Torrez 6-8) at New Santo tagged a two-run homer day at Suffolk a chariot race, 3 have an immature 'view of 'what “ We’re really cbb also had three raps. John anyone would be concerned CHARLESTON, S. C. (AP)— ers meeting Friday at a neutral Eagleson had two outs t n jb e LaPenta, Jerry Murphy, Dennis ^ tnun. St. Aimes. His 280 was lowed the Bears to play their More than 400 boxers au’e ex­ Cassius (Jlay, deposed hea'vy- stalling Job. of the (Connecticut State Golf Pat Whtoton, CTiase, 86-36—78. Alosky, Willie Warren and Tim ^es, Tom Weiskopf and Bert he beat Bob about that.” top of the eighth Innlng^radwas Deegan and Dave Fleishman all He added: “ No, I hadn’t given Sep. 27 game with the PhUadel- pected to take part in the 1972 weight champion, will step into Johnny Bench of Cincinnati Association Junior GoU Cham- Play resumes today, when (Coughlin had two hits with Alos- Yancej^ helped me get the tern- Charles. New Zealand’s great phla Eagles in the stadium. By Olympic games. More than 60 was a landlslde winner as Na­ First on the scoreboard were ahead of Steve Moriarty. but banged out singles for the pionahlp. — Mahmey wUl tee off at 8:80 by rapping a home run. I tried for years to .low It by two strokes. any thought to the questi'-n of the ring for the first time in the Gasmen in the second frame jhe youngster^Jash^ out a base losers whether fans should be allowed councU rules, a Ue amounts to nations are expected to compete Uonal League catcher and Ri­ His final score l Football League teams will — and crush the St. Louis Cardi­ cats lieved he might not last the six New York Mets, will. be an­ 0 0 a cat, a night when Ron Swobo­ scLpS**p^rto^“ St. McDowell Moves from Mound to Infield Spot in the third inning on three .uaitin, eb 3 0 76 exhibition games from Jg Tripleheader Slated Tonight nals 10-3. Louis dugout — cost the Mets a rounds, and therefore Joe Bun- nounced later in the week^ da drew the wrath of 36,801 fans walks and no hits as both pitch- o 31 through Sept. 18 with 60 But the clubhouse wasn’t an run since A1 Weis followed with ger of England is being brought Only three of the 1969 startera t by failing to run out a double ers, Dan Socha for Stevenson’s crtopino! 3b 3 1 games between’ teams of the entirely happy place even a single. in for a three-round appearance repeated in the National—Aaron, At Riverside Park Speedway play grounder, you might have and Scott Eagleaim for Mortar- ?j| , 3 3 New National and American though the Mets maintained to foUow Merritt’s three rounds. Bench and Ressinger. thought the New York Mets But Singleton, who had two Left-Handed Second Baseman tys, threw the ball hard and welas, l i ^ S were in trouble. their one-half gmuie lead over singles to go along with his sec­ ®®i^®’^®®*’ , . A track tripleheader guaran- The big show starts at 8 and made it difficult for the catchei* Andreo. rf _ _ e Kansas Ohirts op m satisfy aU tastes wUl be fans are promiaed a highly en- Not the amazing Mets. They Pittsburgh in the National ond major league homer, hit to bold, causing many Oi a 1 . picked Monday nl{^t to rap out League East, one out in the third with Agee Peters Shelled hy Tigers Marlertyi ( « presented tonight at Riverside tertalnlng night of t h ^ . Helps Indians Top Senators balls. Ob e rbl 81 at Chicago in the annual Park Speedway. The Hurricane HeU Drivers You c a ll. a season high 17 hits — Includ- ~Bud ' IJfUTelson, the^only start- aboard and Agee connected with Stevensons went ahead in the Gemmel, 7b game with the (College Ail-Stars. ing a single, double, triple. er who failed to hit safely, was two mates aboard an inning l&t- NEW YORK (AP) Duke Sims mid another by doomed when Chance, his Job Ov 0 The sportsman -sedans and are led by Dan Fleenor, who sore ab<4it getting knocked third on and infield single by a^leSon," o ' 0 The Chiefs, winners of the Super «eure-eiahto will be solna as was nicknamed “ Diq>per Dan” er. Graig Nettles gave the Indians done, handed th%. ball back to Terry (JoulVey and scored when T4 Bowl, WlU play seven exhibition „ J T . down in the fourth, inning follow­ Ted Williams’ heavy guns usual. The special added attrac­ by the late Clark Gable. Flee­ Swoboda, the target of boos a two-run margin, but the Sena­ Sudden Sam in the ninth. Tlie big Story Still Same little Keith Gemmel stroked „ Heolere, rf games over-aU. ing three-run homer. were trained on the Cleve­ “ Leone, rf tion is the only sq>pearance of nor was stuntman for Gable in all night long after- trotting tors had the tying runs on sec­ flreballer threw third strikes lino shot over Anthony’s head HteraVof DIany of the other 25 NFL Rookie Jerry Reuss’ first _ _iii 1 -1 .. the season of nationally-famous an old MGM movie about rac­ \A/ie slowj;^ to first on a third-inning land Indians, but Alvin ond and third with two out in past Aurelio Rodriguez, Paul ) pitch sailed behind Harrelson. at shortstop. .hSK!S? » ^ ^ Hurricane HeU Drivers ing. double'-play, turned the Jeers to the eighth. Casanova and TTm Chillen in Play was normal until S. Leone. Oa>i>enter, mound before tempers died way. I said to myself I better do mound to Twins past Oakland ■with a com­ __ Crtopino. Sduloter: lob, Fhme game at Canton, Ohio, is ne^we’re in. WeT^incalia^iour^adayjE^ second base in the called out of the bullpen to face day night and in so doing ended season. , Soeba pitch for pitch tor the down. something. midst of an eighth inning Wash- big Frank Howard, bined five-hitter, Zepp bringing Stevenson 6, MortartvsIvs 1};11; Td>, scheduled Saturday, Aug. 7, and Of course, itnelpTinR^ervIcefliSuTwTOwsw^^ do when Boston’s six-game winning TTiree singles and a wild pitch extra Inning tilt' S o c h a> 10..y, _ ,.e 9on 10: so, Socha W hy do people “ I’m probably not too good at “ I goofed up, but I wasn’t his record to 4^0 and Perranoeki 13, Stogie pits tbe New Orleans Saints ington rally Monday night...and Chance walked Howard inten- streak, fashioned during their second inning brouj^t the Socha struck out 18 batters ^ he gets there. Our servicemen are heating experts,' trained to charging m oun^ and I’d proba­ going to die. I’ve always said caught Williams’ Senators in the Uonally, filling the bases but ful- recording his 19th of the season. (Socha), Socha. against Minnesota, last year’s recent home stand. Tigers another run and sent Pe- NFL champion. bly have to get a ladder to hit booing is a fan’s right. In C3ilca- switch as the Indians nailed filling his obligation to pitch to Cesar Tovar drove in the win­ take care of any heating emergency or problem. go, vriiere have those disgusting ning run with a fourth Inning Boston’s starting pitching ro- ^ showers. He was re­ Exhibition games last year 1 — - — him,” Harrelson said, “ but I’m down a 6-4 victory. at least one batter . . .and stale- placed by Koonce, who gave up Non-emergency services? We offer those, too. blind apes in the bleachers, the single. lation, which had shown signs of drew 8,060,292, an average of w h o k n e w _ a .» s Just not going to stan^ there and Tlie Cleveland skipper’s gam- mating WlUlams, Rick Rel- a walk and a fielder’s choice, Like automatic metered deliveries that save you time and Races Nightly nicest thing they do is b.” ble paid off handsomely for the chardt, a right-hand hitter, was * * • attaining respectability during Finley^s Plans Impressive 42,466. 9 ANGELS - ROYALS — the team’s longest winning giving Detroit another run. trouble. Burner service and tune-up. And a m m Races Nightly take it.’ Indians when McDowell made up next, and with McDowell still The Red Sox came back in the streak of the season, was set budget payment plan that spreads your fuel P0CT8PJK. the inning-ending putout at sec- available to pitch, there was no Billy (Jowan’s three-ruh hom- fourth for two runs off starter To Spruce Up Hockey Tearn what they wont back a notch. Starter Gary Pe? Sommer Ba^etball ond, then returned to the hlU in percentage in sending up a jeft- er the Wg blow for the ^ Les Oiin wnenwhen vCarl »ri Yastrzem- lasirwim- costs evenly over the'months. 10 DAYTIME RACES the ninth and fanned the side for hand swinger. Angels, who remained four ‘ ers, who had throwfi shutouts OAKLAND (AP)—For. a man Among the things be said he SENIOR LEAGUE Give us a call. Any time. n 6 C m n g O il Sat P0ST1i45 P.M. a total of 16 strikeouts and his So WilUams stuck with Rei- Sames off Minnesota’s West Dl- his last two times out, was bom- f^fiowed 4irtth hla le t o ^ ^ e r who protest*, ” I know absolute­ has in mind:, E agles 62 — B ob Intravia 17, mm/mm/sm 12th victory of the year. chardt; Dark stayed with ' ’‘sjon pace as right-hander Tom barded for eight hlte, five runs g-ason into the lower deck SON^Ot 4-wheel drive tmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmJ ly nothing alxnit hockey," Ed DelMastro 14; Etosy EM’S 48 N o R acin g Turntdayc In other American League ac- (Jhance and the result was a Murphypicked up his 10th vlcto- ® wild pitch in 11-8 innings, center —“ beefing up’’ the club’s pre­ IMMEDIATE (Chariezi O. Finley has on im­ —BueU Grant 8, Tom Lombar­ M-HOUR SERVHSI • PHONE 604I3S tlon, (Minnesota nipped Oakland grounder to Leon, who flipped to ry with ninth inning relief help Ttie relief pitching the rest of pressive ,11st of plans for his sent force of five .. fuUUme do 0. • Daly Double DELIVERY! Hie Red Sox filled the bases 2-1; California topped Kansas McDowell at sec(>id for the ral- troni Eddie Fisher. the way, supplied by Cal in the sixth, but only were able newly acquired Oakland Seals. scouts. UAC 46 — Stan Pelcber 15, City 6-2, Detroit beat Boston 6-3 Horlfod Notional? • OPTHHULTIIinN DOUBLE ly-kllling force on Howard. ____ * * * Koonce, Ed Phillips, Bparky to get one run home. A fielder’s Most of the plaiiB he men­ —pursuing the “ difficult but Herman Brown, 8; Nuts 27 — MORIARTY and Milwaukee trimmed the You’re darned right I was BREWERS - WHITE SOX — Lyle, Gary Wagner, and Jose 3 • • Plus 2 Periedi» choice, hit batsman and a walk tioned at a new. cimference not impossible” tosk of trying Ben Orybz 18, Ray Norton 6. N Moriarty Brothers BROTHERS (3ilcago White Sox 3-1. Balti­ surprised when Alvin told me to Gene Brabender scattered Santiago was good. R ow ing filled the bases,-and a pinch sin­ Monday involve spending moo- to acquire a superstar. He said INTERNBIHATE LEAGUE lS50TOT5S*I^B!^^^5r more and the New York Yan­ go to second base. And when it eight (Jhicqgo hits and Dave Just one run and three hits, but ey. The mUUonalre insurance his first try faUed, but didn’t Hoop Benders 44 — Chuck (DBA Lynch Meten) gle by Mike BTore scored a run. Tnvei Agenoy Dnb PJI. kees were idle. was all over, I was almost too executive wbo bought the Ifa- name the player he was after. Brame 12, Jeff BisseU 12, MUie 301 Ccuter St. May crashed a two-run homer the. damage had been done, However, Mike Andrews forced WE GIVE VAIUAUE lSf>C «Rf& $TAMK! ' excited to go back and pitch." as Milwaukee climbed into a ’The Tigers combined five bits Billy CkmigUaro at the plate and ti(»al Hockey League club for —seeking additional farm club Bensche 9; Lakers-86 — BUI RTE. 146, LINCOLN, R. I. Muneheiter M 3-513S INDIANS - SENATOR — McDowell niighl have„ been '^ .8 million sajto his principal ties to add to the Seals ’work- Maher 14, Pete Brazedlonlz 12. fifth place- tie with the White for three-runs in the fim inning, Reggie SmHb struck out, ending MANCHESTER v;^ V ■“ At Cleveland, two nomeiu by shook. but the Senators 'u^ere Sox in the West. with the big blow being a two- the threat. interest in the team wUl be ing agreement with Providence, O ockett 48 — Steve Werbner 315 CENTER STREET finAnrini "seeing that every R.L, of the American Hockey 20, BiU McGee 16; Eagle Jr. 20 Choice! \ V V V \:\ penny la spent wlMly." League. _ John Gora 7.

'■ ' i

i: 4 • , • 9 / T < t . X MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 PAiGD TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENtNG HERALD, M ANCHE^R, CONJfc/TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 ^ PAGE THIRTBBN BUG6S BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with S^AJOR HOOPLE ______Business Services THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Answer to Previotts Puiito Help Wanted— Female 35 ONE OF THESE CAYS HAVE YA CX3U.ECTED ENOUGH UNFORTUNATELY, T UEANPEP. TOOK HIS Offered 13 ^------I 'M TWENTY-FIVE HOPE TO MAKE IT ON CANTEEN BACK TO S c r a m b le r s a s s s a |U|N| I. Q ! 80*6 YA CN STOP THAT , MY a^H...JNCLUDlNG^ H H s n H ^ O ! , RACKET AN' COME IN AN' CENTS SHORT! THE OUP ■rbU GOTTA BE THE STREAM WE CLASSIFIED TWO YOUNG married men S aCCHARiME , THE OFFICE om E, IS VERV A m o fO R \MMAT? SMElS ALWAYS OM A DIET*' TIPI BUGGY KtPDlN'.' I'VE TUST PASSED DEIi^ESEi will do small repair Jobs and ACROSS' DOWN rais)9=ia FUSSY ABOUT \NHICm?e6TAURANT SHE SHE (XXJLO JUST AS We l l CAT AT TME NEVER. SEEN NEWEIR H H painting, also cellar cleaning RITA GIRL SOILED C___ CARS REJECTEP ..... t w h a t H 1 Cuckoo 1 Asian lake CORMER DRUG STORE *BUGS/S lUOULP YDU CO C-) and light trucking. Call 646- YfANTS TO BE TAliEM TD «' BEFORE-DO . by a c r u s h e r / blackbird 2 Meniorandum (S S SALES ASSISTANT—East of GENERAL OFFICE—Do you BEANERy' ->©U THINK IT- BUT what NOWI IF 1 HADN'T ADVERTISING 2692, 646-2047. " river. Insurance firm needs enjoy talking? 80% of this 4 Motion picture 3 Newspaper LfIIzI COULD BE THERE'S NO TRAINED MY HOW ABOUT TME 22 CLUB?J[fooI ^ ilOITRlBLEr) T ll ju s t have a watercress a sharp congenial woman to local position is phone con­ SABOTAGEt SERVICE STFCTION NEFVEWS IN (slang) paragraph CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also FOR. /AILES.' SURVIVAL- 9 Mineral spring 4 Bewails i salad A SLICE OF MELBA train directly with their resi­ tact. All it requires is a dip­ ^ 6 CHS\QUeS‘? 12 Decompose audibly 8 AJUl. to 4:30 PJII. moving large appliances. MAYBfe THE CHEZ CLlPID~0(TMOT CREEf JOtNT^ TOAST AMD A ^ dent manager. Full training lomatic woman with 5 years 13 Harangue 5 Table scrap Burning barrels delivered, |4. ^A LL DIET program and possibly out of office experience and typing 14 Harpy 6 Huge tub 644-1775. state conventions, (lontiibu- ability. To $390. monthfy. 15 Goddess of 7 Greenland COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. COLAf tory benefits. To |458. month. infatuation Eskimo volcano • 46 Victim of ' 4:30 PJW. DAY BEFORE PtmUCATION 'raEE SERVK3B (Soucler) ' — BOOKKEEPER — FuU 29 Paper measure leprosy 'HEAETFURN charge. You’ll love this new 16 Perfume 8 Weird Deadline for Saturdajr^and Monday la 4 :S0 p.tn. Fiida;i Trees cut, building lots clear­ 9 Front edge of 31 Alleviate 48 Small islands .MOUSE? FIGURE CLERK — Expand­ suburban location, with S' 17 Frozen water ed, trees topped. Got a" tree ing actuarial department 1-7 18 Citrus fruit the tibia 32 Shakespear.49 Cicatrix ample parking. Minimum 8 ean stream 50 Girl's name problem! Well worth phone seeks a bright dependable years experience In gener^ 20 Farther in lOSten PLEASE READ YOUR AD caU, 742-8252. girl with excellent figure ap­ BY V. T. HAMLIN 22 Viper 11 Dyeing 33 Pause 51 ^courage ledger through trial balance. ALLEY OOP apparatus 35 Symbol for 53 Norwegian ClMSlfied or “ Want Ada" are taken over the phone aa a titude. Rapid advancement $433. monthly, possibly more 24 Meadow SHARPENING Service — Saws, possibilities once you’re li­ 25 Willing 19 Blockhead tellurium capital convenience. The advertiser shotdd read his ad the FIRST depending on experience. AfiREE...BUT WANTINS TO BE A/ WHATS AGE „YTHINK evntYTHINfi DON'T'DOC ME.' I'M 54 Organ part DAY IT and REPORT ERRORS to ttao tor tto kidves, axes, shears, skates, censed by the state. To. 8476. , WHAT'S YOUR PART OF THAT ( GOT TOO THXTS WORTH-WHIJ^ BUT , GETTING INTO THIS (archaic) 21 Seize suddenly 36 Steamship DOC, RACKET ONE WAY 23 Separated (ab.) 55 Require next insertion. The Herald la responsible tor only ONE In­ rotary blades. Quick service. monthly. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Y3 AN I REASON FOR MELEE, A MAN \ WITH IT, FOR IS ONCir FOR KIRS? 28 Brazilian — Rapidly growing suburban AF NS y SUCH A OF VOUR AGE... \ PETE SAKE? I.... OR ANOTHER/ macaw 24 Endured 42 Cooking '58 Guido’s note correct or omitted insertion tor any advertisement and then Capitol Equipment Co., 38 'CONCLUSION? HOLVCOW 25 Striplings utensil 59 Tatter only to the extent of a “ make good” tnserUon. Errors which Main St., Manchester. Hours location. Small engineering 30 Carry CLERK-TYPIST — 'Hred of firm desires a top-quality 34 Deed 26 Sacred image 44 Varnish 60 Follower do not lessen the value of the advertisement win not be dally 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9. staying home? There is a 35 Lock of hair 27 Sicilian ingredient (suffix) corrected by “ make good” Insertion. secretary with proven abili­ Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7958. small local office waiting for ties in typing and shorthand. 37 Hail! you if you have 5 years busi­ 1 - r " 5“ “ 5 6 7 8 V 10 n A responsible girl with strong ___3 ^ * 38 Put on (RockviUe, Ton Free) MANCHESTER Tree Service. ness experience and type ^HARIHG THE CREDIT' 39 States (Fr.) character could become their 12 13“ iT" Specializing in tree removal, moderately. To $390. monthly. office manager. To $606 40 Signal of 643-2711 pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. monthly. distress IS iT" 17“ 875-3136 Fully insured. Call 649-6422. 41 Fillip 43 Uncle (dial.) 18 19 20" MANCHESTER OPEN BY APPOINTMENT WED. till 7 OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS ■ 1 ■ Automobilos For Sola 4 ORGAN and stereo service of­ 44 Church fast d 1 fered by professional electronic season w '1 F l ■ n 1967 MGB, excellent condition. service. For appointment call NEVER A CONTRACT - NEVER A FEE ^ W ASN 'T WEARIN’ HIS 56 Male swan 4-speed, very reasonable. 644- All concrete repairs, both In­ ■ Infonnation N. J. LaElamme — Carpeq^r .MORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd, EAST HARTFORD MANCHESTER IT'S A MY NAME IS NOW TELL CHINA CHOPPERS 57 Risk IT" 46 IT 48 0011. side and outside railings, land­ AN* S O T CALLSHT contractor. Additions, remodel- mortgages— interim financing MIRACLE KELLY GREEN.' ME WHO 61 Observe ■ 1 scaping. Reasonably priced. FLAT-FOCTTED/ THE HER.\LD will not 5 2 8 - 9 4 1 6 WE FOUND YOU ARE ' 62 Exist m” so SI k " S3 54 56 disclnno the identity of 1969 VOLKSWAGEN automatic, Call 643-0861. Ing and repairs. CaU anytime —expedient and confidential R P ( ^ X J P l O P T H P 6 4 6 - 3 4 4 1 THAT BOY 63 Puff up ■ 1 for free esUmates. 875-1642. service. J. D. Real Estate i. i. 56“ 57 68 59 iso 61 any advertiser using box white, excellent condition. Best ALIVE. 64 Southern YOU ARE A-1. Truck is A-1. — i— assoc. 643-5129. general letters. Readers answer- offer. Call 668-9679. CARPENTRY — concrete steps. 6$ 64 mg blind box ads who Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ 65 Rodent floors, hatchwa:^, remodeling MORTAGES, loans, first. FINAST desire to protect their ways sealed and small truck­ $150-$200 Weekly 66 Storms 66 67 porches, garages, closets, ceU- second, third. All kinds. Realty 67 Without a ■ 7 identity can follow 'his I960 MGA good mechanical con­ ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- opportunity procedure r ; dition. Call 872-6978 anytime. ings, attics finished, rec statewide. Credit rating tm- CLERK-TYPIST KATHY HAS mate mano [Trucking Service toll- rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ (Newtpaptr fnlcrpriie Ann.) free. 742-9487. necessary. Reasonable. Con­ Good opportunity for quall- Enclose your rai^y to 1967 TRIUMPH Spitfire Mark er related work. No Job too fidential, quick arrangements. Ified person to work in a Top opepning for women with OPPORTUNITIES for any girl the box in an envelope — in . Excellent condlOon. New SHARPENING Service—Saws, smaU. Dan Moran, Builder. Al'Vln Lundy Agency, 627-7971. small department within our recent experience in home par­ wishing to advance in knowl­ address to the Classified Ures. $1,150. Call 649-1882. Eh/enlngs, 649-8880. ty plan management and sales. edge and salary. Recent grad­ Manager, Manchester knives, scissors, garden and 983 Main St., Hartford. Bve- organization. Must be an ac­ shop tools. Power mowers re­ ning^s, 238-6879. curate typist with a good New division of 66-year-old uates and experienced. Posi­ Evening Herald, together 1966 MGB, wire wheels, good tions for Junior Clerks to Senior paired and serviced. Pick up business arithemetlc back­ company offers nationally BY DICK TURNER with a memo listii^ the condition, reasonable. Call 649- Roofing— Siding 16 Girl Friday. For details call, CARNIVAL companies you do NOT and delivered. Sharpall, 685 ground. Good telephone per­ known exciting line of leisure 3666 after 6 p.m. KATHY BARRETT, 527-2661. want to see your letter. Adams St. (rear) Manchester, BIDWELL Home Improvement Busintss Opportunity 28 sonality desirable. wear, lingerie, intimate, wear, Your letter will be de­ Jewelry. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN, 1,000 643-5305. Co. Expert installation of WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE stroyed If the advertiser aluminum siding, gutters and No delivering or collections by Is one you’ve mentioned. miles, whitewalls, sunroof, l a w n M ow ers'^ Garden trac CLERK sales people or hostess. RUTH HAS It not It will be handled radio and tape player. Saving “ZZ" ~ installation and PET CENTER T-T of $300. 643-1952. repaired and sharpened, repairs. 649-6495, 876-9109. For general accounting De­ SALARY plus COMMISSION in tl)e usual manner partment. Experienced fig­ plus BONUS assures Immedi­ MANY INTBIRESTING posi­ 7-7: ■; X WU, MtMlneMttwOW Parts and accessories. New WSLN' ------, . , „ i> . o j , ModetTi air-condltioned pet cen- tions for Secretaries, Bookkeep­ a . 1968 - PONTIAC Grand Prix “ sed lawn mowers. Hours P & S R O O ^ q and repairs Manchester Park- ure clerk desired. ate high earnings. For local in­ ers and other professional posi­ This immaculate car is load- ® Monday, to Saturday, realistically. Free esti- terview appointment, phone A ^ ade. Present gross over $2,300 tions. For details call, RUTH ed with extras including fac- Mini-Motors, 188 (rear) W. mates. Call anytime, 649-1516, per week, net 20 per cent. New Haven, Conn. \ Lost and Found 1 KEYPUNCH- CARRUTHERS, 627-2651. ;) tory air-conditioning, vinyl Middle Tpke., 649-8705. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL ROOFING and roof repair. ..a OPERATOR D1 REWARD'— Lost Dog, Andover top, radio, power steering and ^— CALL COLLECT brakes full onemtln., rnn-nle <^USTOM MADE slip covers. Coughlin Roofing Co.. Inc. 643- proposition for InjUvid- Opening for experienced Al­ FREE CONSULTATION area. Collie Shepherd cross. Li­ brakes, full operating console ual to own his own business. pha and Numeric IBM key- SERVICE CHARGES mli cense No. 1206. Long brown $82 - $129, in the convenience (203) 624-0131 iWttL dAlU GUESS WW-T? \MiAAT? and bucket seats. This car is Minimum cash down, bulk of puncher, to work full-time, hair, answers to name of Lady. original throughout and been of your living room. Choose ------PAID from over 200 exciting prints. siding, gutters, purchase paid out of business. days. Contact: Crane, Jurovaty Rd., garaged since new. Priced at Grant’s of Vernon, 872-9171. patch Jobs on roofs. Painting- „ ^ . Andover. 742-9650. $2,450 firm. Please call Miss exterior and Interior. Reason- ^or det^ls about this golden LADY DUNHILL Hawes at 1-423-1625. able, bonded, Insured. 648- ^ ^ rtu n lty call collect. Mr. Company offers excellent SNELLING LiOST — Black and White long WASHING machines repaired, wages, and working condi­ LEGAL SECRETARY Maytag, RCA, and Kenmore. ,^026. Ca**^> 201-327-8400. haired setter type mixed breed 1967 FURY PLYMOUTH, V-8, tions, convenient free park­ To $110. Company pays fee Fast service, reasonable rates. &L SNELLING female dog. Answers to Min- black, radio, automatic trans- ing, and excellent benefit Locaal prestige firm has asked Call 643-4913, 647-1719. 242 Trumbull St., Hartford nie. Children heartbroken, call mission, good condition, Roofing and BEAUTY SALON — 4 stations, program. us to help them find a “ to]p BUZZ SAWYER X b y ROY CRANE 643-1656., anytime, reward. $1,100. 643-1453. TIMBERLAND Tree Service, Chimneys 16-A excellent Main St. location. notch’’ gal with “ top notch tree removal, pruning, shrubs, Call for details. BY-echette Apply: 1963 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, skills.” Legal exeperieence pre­ TELL /AR. BLOCK YOUR OFFICES BUT IFTHAT SCOLjntiREL'sT AND YDUTL 6ET Realtors, 647-6993. THE TOWN OF mechanic’s car, excellent con­ Eind lots cleared. Fifteen years ROOFING — Specializing re- ferred. WHAT DO AKE^BUfiSED'ANP HE WON'T /IMKIN6 TAPES'© BLACK- IHEWI, /AR.BANKS. experience. Bonded and Insur­ /VIAIUAEANP MY STAFF, / BUT FIRST LET'S dition, asking price $550. firm. pairing roofs of all kinds, new GLASTONBURY YOU MEAN, RELIEVE YOU. Announcamants 2 ed. FY-ee estimates.- Call 647- roofs, gutter work, chimneys GET THE GOODS 876-6156. FIRST NATIONAL I COUIPNT »479. cleaned and repaired. 30 years' A(XX)UNT CLERK is seeking a P0ANVTHIN6 CRAWLEY. a SUSI SAW A BLdE 3AV GRoovv; n s ti\cB - ^ o SMALL BAND—^The Sof-Tones, EARI^5-$30,000 STORES, INC now available for club dances, experience. FYee estimates. WORSE? A N D A . trimming. Reasonable. FYee SHELL DEALER AVENUES 6057. ------level corporation! This excel- PAY RANGE: $6,616-$6,760. ______1963 PONTIAC Bonneville con- estimates. 628-3021. EAST HARTFORD, quisitely decorated office In FlUNGE BENEFTTS include ----- vertible, new top, $660. CaU H o a r in g a n d P lu m b in g 1 7 Ambitious man wanted now for brand new building—for high ------— ------existing high volume 3-bay co- CONN. 100% town-paid CMS, Blue Personals 3 . 649-0467. leveel corporation! This excel­ Cross and Major Medical. Also Household Services SAM WATSON Plumbing and lonial service station located In lent opportunity, offering good (6 tfT8 W HIA. TJA If. Ui. M. OW. NOEL ADAIR Dry Skin Foot 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, Heating. Bathroom remodeling wapplng. Conn, social security, pension pliui, 12 Offered 13-A WOULD like mother to care for salary and growth potential, Is Creme, lubricants for callous­ good condition. Asking $400. and repairs. FY'ee estimates. paid holidays and two weeks my child. Center St., CaU 647- open to the sharp gal with ac­ “ Now I think we can come to an understanding with es, hard dry skin, rough heels, Call 647-1653. r w o handymen want a variety Call 649-3808. Paid training, financing avail- paid vacation. DUTIES In­ of jobs by day or hour. We ------able, insurance and retirement 1377. counting or bookkeeping experi­ volve record of assessments of ItTO H MU, IM T M lt| Ut. Junior. He won't toll us how to run our home and we legs. Softens and soothes tired "S Plumbing Service — plans and many more benefits. ence. won't tell him how to run the university!" feet. Quinn's I^harmacy, 873 clean yar^ , attics and cellars real and personal property. Reasonable. Call 643-5305. FY-ee estimates, plus quality KEYPUNCH operator, mostly Typing, skills required. Steno­ Main, Manchester. Trucks— ^Tractors 5 numeric, 026 or 029. Five-day interested?—Call now so we can MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD work. 643-6341. Call weekdays, 289-1621, nights graphic ability desirable. Com­ WOULD like a ride to Lincoln FX3RD Econoline Van, good CUSTOM made draperies, slip until 9 p.m., 563-7420. week, benefits. Gaer Brothers, y°n more about It. bination of previous experience Downs dally or^«aturdays. “ '’es. makes a good camper, covers and reupholstering, 140 Rye St., South Windsor. and training and/or graduation STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF r-oii vii7 iq-rr \ ' $296. after 5 p.m., 646-5400. Budget terms. Established In Mimnary. Shopping Parkade, Manchester, SHELL OIL CO. BEELINE F’ashions sell them­ from business school or col­ 1945. Daya, 624-0164, eve- Dressmaking 19 647-9922 lege. Apply to Town Manager, -HELLO, MR. 1966 DODGE half-ton, DlOO, selves. We need you to show MA'AM,THIS IS ME.APPLE^ ^ POTE-EET, THOU ART DOST THOU flUAKE nlngs, 649-7690. 477 CONN. BLVD. 2106 Main St., Glastonbury, no a p p l e ! th is them. For Interview call 633- -W H O SAVED MY LIFE IN NERVOUS IN THY VIANNER FOR THY ELDERS - Auramobims For Sale 4 clean, good tires, radio, heat­ DRESSMAKING and alterations 100 Constitution Plaza, Hartford, later than July 16, 1970. W HY-HOW NICE OF A FOREST FIRE... ADAM. AND SPEECH. IS, AS MISS er, excellent running condition. LIGHT TRUCKING, cellar and done in my home, reasonable. EAST HARTFORD, CONN. 2218. BEEKAAAN SAID 278-6660 YOU TO COWIE TD THE THESE ARE THE OWNERS Call 649-2333 after 6:30. attics cleaned, odd Jobs, lawns, IN HER W IRE. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? Prompt service. Call 646-1133. SECREITARIES — Typists — AIRPORT... Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ trees cut and removed. 643- KE'YPUNCH Operators — ex­ qUITE A SURPRISE LPN — Part-time or full-time, Clerks and other office skills. est Douglas accepts lowest 6000. perienced, days, port or full­ 7-3, 3-11. 649-4619. Many needed for assignments down, smallest payments, any­ \uto Accessories— Moving— ^T rucking— Schools and Classes 33 time. Immediate assignments, near home. Temporary, fuU- where. Not small loan finance Tires 6 REWEAVING of bums, moth' very high pay. No foe. Apply J holes, zippers repaired. Win ______Storage 20 WANTED office secretary, part- time or 9-3 p.m. Highest pay, company plan. Douglas Mo­ Staff Builders, Suite 602, 11 no tee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ INTAKE manifold, carburator dow shades made to measure, MANCHESTER _ Delivery- DRIVERS NEEDED time, 8:30 to 12:30 dally. In­ tors, 346 Main. quire at Copy Cats, 847-9257. Asylum St. 278-76lb. lum St., Hartford. 278-7610. for 455 engine for 1970 Olds- all size Venetian blinds. Keys Ught trucking and package de­ 1966 HEMI Satellite, 4-speed, mobUe 442. Call 646-3786. made while you wait. Tape re­ livery. Refrigerators, washers Train NOW to drive semi­ WOMAN fuU-time nights and good condition, low mileage. corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 and stove moving, specialty. truck, local and over the Saturday. Apply in person. TWO 696-14 snow tires, mount- V Best offer. 646-2990. Main St., 649-5221. Folding chairs for rent. 649- road. You can earn over $4 Card GaUery, 336 A Broad St., ______ed on 1969 Rambler wheels, 0762. per hour, after short train­ 1968 DODGE Station Wagon, 6 used 3,000- miles. $60. 643-7184. WINDOW CLEANING done at Parkade. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ing. For Interview and ap­ STENO-TYPIST cylinder, standard. Excellent — - special low rates. Fast, effi- plication, call 203-225-8710 or condltion. Custom made can- FOUR NEW In^ewood tire?, cient service. Call for free IT^ JUSr/\AR, Painting— Papering 21 write Safety Dept., United Full-time, experienced. Good typing skills and some IS ITA vaai to fit 8’ Styleslde pick-up two L70xl6, two G70xl6, mount- estimates. 646-4220. ABERNATHY ed on chrome reversed wheels. .— ______^______Systems, Inc., Interstate dictation background required. LOOK! UP PLANE? body, $40. Call 876-6669 or 876- THERE’S no Job small enough. CLOWNING Will fit Ford or Plymouth. LIGHT trucking, yards, cellars, ^3 , Ejxterior and interior Terminal Bldg., 2176 Berlin RN’S — LBN’S IN THE WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU 2682. Apply in person. AROUND Call 649-5894. attics cleaned and removed. painting. Low rates. Free Turnpike, Newington, Con­ SKY! IS necticut, 06111. TYaining AGAIN. LEMANS, 1965 convertible Bulk delivery. 644-8962. estimate. Hamco Painting. 528- THE MEADOWS WEST ITA orig^lnates in Indianapolis, r think: i'l l ONSECONP DECISIONB, Hurst, new top. Very good con­ 8746. BIRD2 DECISIONS... Indiana. s t 4n p > THCDGKn dition. Low price. 649-7466. Trailers— aONVALESCENT HOME IONA MFG. CO. H B ^ f O R A MAYBE I'LL Mobile Homes 5-A Building- INSIDE —outside jiainting. Spe­ Unit of General Signal Corp. WHILH... eiTDDWN. Contracting 14 cial rates for people over 66. Regent St. Manchester 1965 MUSTANG convertible, APACHE Camp trailer, sleeps Call my competitors, then call Help Wante«l— garages, poithes, 3 to 11 shift. No rotating shifts. red Call after 6 p.m., 649-8407. four, excellent condition. $360. DORMERS, me. Estimates given. 649-7863. Female 35 ------Call 643-2269. rec rooms, room 'additions, Excellent wages. For an ap­ . , kitchens,'------add-a-levels,------roofing. — JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom pointment call 649-4611, 333 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, $260. Call 1969 F O ^ h^-ton pickupsiding, general repairs. (Juallty Painting, interior and exterior, SEWING MACHINE Bidwell St., Manchester. after 4:30 p.m., 643-8733. 8’ camper. Sleeps 6, many workmanship.- - —Financing avail­ - paperhanging!, fully insured. extras. Call 643-6947. able. Economy Builders, Inc. For free estimates call' 649- OPERATORS 1967 MUSTANG Faatback, 390, PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 643-6159, 872-0647 evenlng^s. ^ 9658. If no answer 643-6362. Experienced,' women needed PART-TIME typist for tempo­ IV— 4-speed, disc brakes, stereo by estabUshed garment rary work, beginning limme- Secretaries: CVX- tape, new tires. Excellent con­ Morarcycios— NEWTON H. SMITH and S o n - PAINTING and papertianglng, /w hen he' N rOiWM-U firm. Pension plan, profit diately. Phone 649-2206. dition. 876-8809 between 4:30 Bicycles 11 Remodeling, repairing, - addi­ commercial and residential. ( isn 't look in* ) sharing, group insurance Interesting and rewarding poeitlans available at the Uaiver- S I'll sneak and 6 n.m. tions, rec rooms, garages, FY'ee estimates. CaU 644-0642. _2 i 2 ______L ______^______1969 TRIUMPH, 600, custom- and other fringe benefits. slty of Ooaneotlciit In Storre. Exeellent ealaty and fringe u p a n d . M ^ porches and roofing. No Job Apply: CLEANING woman, part-time, 1967 PORSCHE, needs trans- ized, excellent condition, brand too small. Call 649-3144. ROGER painting — Interior, days, 649-6271. benefits, S weeks vaontlon. paid medical tasiiraaoe, ete. mission work. Best offer, Call new paint. Call 849-0678. exterior, ceilings, paper hang­ A*" * ’•a CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER MANCHESTER MODES Aaeoclates degree or 4 years of eoorotarial experienoe or a A o HALLMARK BuUding Co. for ing. Call anytime. 643-0923. AOCOUim Payable Clerk for J I O 649-6374.______HONDA, 300 cc’s, in good INC. combination of coUoge training and oxporienoe. Oontnet Mra. 0 lANE CORNISH home improvement, additions, Board of Education, 86-hour \ a rp LIKE TO SEE MV I OHi YESi PR. CORNISH. 1966 CHEVELLE MaUbu con- condition. $425. Call 649-6447, Sons, Llebler, Personnel Sorvloeo Division, Storm, Conn. 429-SSU, » 1$ ABOUT TO BROTHEKi ALAN-/IF YOITIL HAVE A SEAT rec rooms, house painting, B.H MAGOWAN JR. ft PINE ST. week, liberal fringe benefits, vertible, V-8, automatic trans­ after 6 p.m. Interior and exterior painting, extension 1381. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer. 6H0W EA5Y HER. garages, roofing, gutters. Free MANCHESTER, CONN. vacation, salary range $81.20- PERSONAL REASON mission, power steering, radio, estimates. All work guaran­ paper hanging. Thirty years $117.26 weekly. Inquire Board FOR 0EVEL0PIN6 A heater. 646-4119. teed.. 646-2627. experience, four generations. POPPY BLIGHT TO 1965 TR6, 680, low mileage. of Education, School ft Park DESTROY THE Free estimates, fully insured. PART-TIME monthly inventory Sts., Rockville, or caU 875- ' v L w N t— \ r ------1963 CHEVROLET Impala,, 4- Call 872-0128. MASONRY — AU types of stone WORLD SUPPLY OF 643-7861. and service in this and sur­ 2679 for. an appointment. door hardtop. V-8 automatic, and concrete work. Quality il l e g a l HEROIN 1970 SUZUKI SAVAGE, 250cc, rounding areas. Reliability and power steering, good condition. workmanship, work g^aran- CONTRACTOR Interior, ex- essential. CaU Space Con- PART or'^^Wtlme, unusuaUy two months old. Mint con­ f t !•» hf NtA Iw TM Im os 0» 649-4166 after 6. dition. Firm. $'700. CaU 649- teed. CaU after 6 , 643-1870, 644- ^palnting,^ Corporation, 1-327-5566 or lucrative opportunity. Flexible 2976. Discount on wallpaper. CaU 'W rite Box 1272, hours, national concern, local 1969 CHEVELLE SS896, 4-speed, 1026. Oscar Hebert, 646-8048. WANTED power steerlngj vinyl top. Call Conn. training. 646-0861, 4-6 p.m. LANCELOT. BY COKER and PENN 1966 HONDA 300 Scrambler, ex-,s a v e MONEY! ^ouse nalnt- FUU OR PART-TIME HELP NIRNTS « im H a**.!». 649-6636. ceUent condition. $446. 648- Dormers,, room additions, ga- house jpalnb Help Wontad— Famala 35 6689evenlngs. rages, porches, roofing and WHAT KINO OF HOlWe 1968 PONTIAC Tempest Le- WHAT KIHP OF HORSE siding. Compare prices. free estimates. 1-423-8117. EXPERIENCED PREFERRED VO‘KM WANT, iWETER? . FOR VOUR WIFg? WELL...THI& HAVE o w e ' mahs Sprint Posl-traction, T IG H6K FIKGT ^ training w heel? Ft) iwo w Hex, w. TH. lx- or. Ut. on, 7-7 ^ r steVriU. ®«®U®nt coni HONEA SUM. u^^^ ^ U v e l Dormer Corp., 289- HOUSE PAINTINO - Interior. mSK You’ll enjoy working at Manchester’s finest :/ / TIAAE...^ ^ . 1. 643- * trophy exterior: a good clean Job. CLEANING LADY / diUon. One owner. CaU winner. CaU 643-8819 after 6 service station. Working conditions are pleasant % ^ 0686. FOR MODERN NEW OFFICE LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON p.m. LEON Cleszynskl builder—^new rates. CaU 646-1223. and your fellow employes are most congenial. homes custom bulltV remodel- p a in t tNG 7/7 1966 PLYMOUTH VaUaqt, slant --- Experienced, in­ Experience not neceassuy, wiU train. FuU-time position, five- You will receive full company benefits — plus 6 engine, standard, 4-door. ing, additions, rec rooms, ga- terior $2.60 per hour, exterior day work week, Monday through FYlday, 7 :S0 a.m. to .4 1966 HONDA 305 Super Hawk, rages, kitchens remodeled, many fringe benefits, too! Good pay, plus g(>od Beat offer over $260. 849-6269. $8 . per hour. OOl 644-8129. p.m. Excellent wages, and many fringe b^eflta. Including hours! Apply in person at Call 649-8422. bath tUe, cement work. Ufe Insurance and hospitaUzaUon. 1966 MUSTANG GT, 289, 4- ' ' Steps, dormers. Residential or speed, four new Ores. Priced to \ Businoss Sorvieot commercial,commeroiai. uoii Gall Ms-4291. 649-4291. Floo^ Riilsliing 24 sell. 649-7602. OAYROK CORPORATION Offtrad 13 WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- FLOOR SANDING, and refinlsh- Moriarty Brothers 1964 PONTIAC Lemans, $600. ------INDUSTRIAL PARK AVENUE , ~__ ^______!_____ modeling specialist. Additions, ing (specializing in older 316 CENTER 8 T „ MANCHESTER, CONN. a 1968 Comet, 4-door sedan, $300. rec rooms, dormers, porches, floors). In and outside paint- EXIT 97, OFF PARKWAY, ROUTES 15 & 84 Savings Bank of Manchester, JUNK CARS removed, $13. cabinets, formica, buUt-ins, ing. Ceilings. No Job too smaU. VERNON 923 Main St., 646-1700. each. CaU 872-9483. bathrooma, Mtebens, 649-S446. — John VerfaUle, 649-6760.

N ./

4. ■J I' PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEOTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 19‘Vo MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 invostmont Preporfy Dogs— Birds Pots 41 Housohold Goods SI Busliwts Loeotiem Houof For 72 H o u sm For Solo 72 Housos For Solo 72 Hoaoos For Solo 72 Ou9qf Town O iit off Town Rham Dishict For Ronl 64 For Solorft 70.A MANCHESTER NCANCHESTER 6-room home, THREK lltUe kittens, looking / / IMMACULATE’ 4 • bedroom ForSote 75 For Sol* 75 BERRY'S WORLD MANCHESTER — business ’ PRXVA’TE CAPE 'With expEinsion room for a REiised Ranch, Iiurge Uvlng for good homes. Call 640-6480. MANCHESTER Green — Avail­ Snug-Emd cozy; 6 roams, PORTER ST. VERNON CLASSIFIED public Notice block with 6 e^iartments, «t- growing famUy. Hugo Uvlng room with fireplace, kitchen after 6 p,m. anytime week­ able July 16, two air-condition­ oversized gEirage, extreme­ Mr^. Richards Re-Elected ■ cellent condition. Owner wlU room with fireplace, 8 or 4 with buUt-in range, dishwash­ HEBRON—NEW HOMES JUST REDUCED . . . ends. ed offices, on street level with ly private rear irard, city First time offered—^Imma­ And ready for Immediate smaU work shop. 649-2741, 649- finance 80 per cent at 8% per bedrooms, private yEtfd, er, disposal. carpet and $26,990 To Lease or Buy uUUties, close to bus, culate 7Vi-room Ctolonial- occupsuicy. ’This three yeEir FREE! Four friendly, fluffy $20,600. Wolverton Agency, dinette, 22x12 paneled famUy Chairman of School Board ADVERTISING 6688. cent. Terrific income produc­ schools, shopping imd Cape. First floor paneled 1,200 squEure foot liaised young, quality built seven kittens want a good home. 3 Rooms of New Furniture Realtors, 646-2813. room, lEUge closets, country Ranch. Uvlng room, d in in g er. CaU now, Hai'es Agency, churches. ColoniEil fireplace, family room with mEmy cus­ room REdsed Ranch CEin be GLASSIFIBD ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Housebroken and weaned. Call from NEW modem offices, ideal for size lot. PetermEm Agency, room, th r e e bedrooms, lEirge Mrs. Imodale Richards ^ of proved cafeteria SEdarles for the 646-0181. V 2 zone heat and many oth­ CAMBRIDGE St. — Extensive­ tom buUt-ins, sp^lous Uv- yours by a CEdl to Mr. Bog- ; ’3 640-60M. professionals. Plenty of free e a t-in kitchen, 2-ceu' garage. Andover weis re-elected chair­ year and the price of student 8 AJM. to 4:30 PJIl. er desired features. CaU ly modernized 6-room home. ing room, formal dining Realtor, 646-2223, 649-94M. dEm. Priced in mid thir­ A:\ parking. East Center St. loca­ MANCHESTER — 6-famUy, all Acre lot. Four left. Hurry! man of the Regional - District lunches at 40 cents Emd Eidult M O D EL H O M E Mr. Lewis, 649-6806,' . * ties, this fine, clean home ' V- tion. Call 646-2212. i^room apartments, excellent Three bedrooms, dining room, room Emd convenient kitch­ MANCHESTER — For the 8 Board of EMucatldn at last lunches' at 50 cents. Knudsen WANTED good home for fluffy en, three bedrooms, is a great VEdue for today’s CXH*¥ CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED AOVT: COLONIAL Income. Unusual offering. Call heated garage. Large lovely homeowner who wishes to be COLONIAL $27,990. night's board meeting. Brothers bid of .078 cents per kittens, housebroken, 647-1124. yard, stone waU, shaded Uled baths, first floor laun­ buyer. 649-6306. MODERN Out of Town for detaUs. Frechette Realtors, B & W neEir stores, churches and GEurrison ColoniEd, four bed­ A member of the -boEird for one-half pint of milk was ap­ «:M PM. DAY BEFORE PE'BubATIO^ treed paUo, estabUshed plimt- dry room, two fireplaces, 647-9998. ~ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. schools, we offer this dellj^t- rooms, IH baths, 12x24’ Uv­ the pEist eight years, Mrs. proved. ' SPANISH For Ront 66 ing, plus completely furnished. wsiU to waU carpeting, cen- Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 4:M p.m. Fridaii WHITE German Shepherd,' MEmchester Parkade, Manch. fill Cape Cod home with alu­ lng room with fireplace, for­ B (Sl W Richards previously served five Also approved wew CIeuK PROVINCIAL Air-condiUoned, appliEmces, trEil air condlUenlng through­ male. Call 649-6712. VERNON — WUow Brook 649-5306 minum siding Just off East mal dining room, lEirge eat- BARROWS and WALLACE Co. years as secretf^ry- assistant Transportation Co’s, bids for from .7^ rugs, etc. Convenient to out. Attached gEirage, many VODB COOPERATION WILL Apartments. Immediately new Land For Solo 71 Center St. This is a potenUal in kitchen. Acre lot. Only Manchester Parkade, MEinch. treEisurer EUid for three years vocational Emd field trip trans­ BE APPRECIATED LABRADOR Retriever pups, MANCHESTER — 2 fEunUy, 6-6 schools, shopping and bus. CaU extras. ExceUent VEdue. $39,- DIAL 643-2711 600. 4-bedTOom home with fire­ ^three left at this price . so 649-6306 she was chairmEin of the portation. AKC registered, show and $288 “nla r h ” ? wateT’ rtwgerJtor! SOUTH MANCHESTER - Ap- « 5lth 2 car garage, nice floor Charles PonUceUl, Agency, place living room and fEimUy HURRY. proximately 6 acres with 641’ negotiating committee. Only one other bid hEid been field, Champion sired. Call 640- oven-range, disposal, dlsh- plan including 2 bedrooms, ex­ 649-9644 or 872-4782 after 6 p.m. sized kitchen. One^cEu: detach­ NEW LISTING. Bolton Center Norman MacIntyre of Marl­ Any item may be purchased frontage, half mile to Martin received, Emd the CHEirk Ctom- 7997. separately. washer, 'wall to wall carpeting, ceUent condlUon. A good buy. U & R REALTY CO., INC. ed garage. Lovely landscaped Rd. Simpli( immaculate 7-room borough was elected treasurer, Continuod Prom Procoding Pogo School. Owner wUl finance. M. GREAT potential, 746 Parker pEmy was consistently lower in air-conditioning, swimming Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 648-2692 lot. Priced to sell at $21,900. RICHARD T. McDo n a l d Cape \nu8tom built by Hutch­ Emd Mrs;'KathEirine Sibun of THREE free kittens, two calico, H. Palmer Realtor, 648-6321. St. industrial property With 6- REAL ESTATE per mile rate, per hour rate Help Wonted— Help Wonted— Mote 36 INSTANT CREDIT pool, lighted tennis courts, 649-2818. room home, 1% baths. Assum­ Robert D. Murdock. Realtor CEdl Doris Smith, Jands Real­ inson. Beautiful country kitch­ Hebron wasa a re-elected for a and minimum charge. one gray tiger. CaU anytime, basketbaU court, parking and en, lEU*ge formEd dining' room, able mortgage. Mid 20’s. Mor­ ty Co., ReEdtors, MLS, 643- Glastonbury Hebron second tenn as secretary-Eisslst- Teacher Hired Female 35 WANTED — General machinist 646-1211. OPEN SUNDAYS 10-6 storage aU Included. No pets. PRICE REDUCED. Nesm high rison ReEdtor, 643-1016. 1121. 633-1818 228-9037 lovely fireplaced Uvlng room. Emt treEisurer. The appointment of Mrs. and lathe operators. MON.-FRI. 10-9 [V CaU Hartford, 627-9238, Ver­ Housos ^For Solo 72 school, older home, single or MANCHESTER 8-room Cape, WEdl to wall in several rooms. LET AVON take you on a va­ MALE, St. Bernard, tan ^ Other members of this year'a Robin Daniels of MEmchester eis Metronic's Inc., Route 6 non, 872-4400. 2-fEimily, double gEU-age, good MANCHESTER — Beautiful 6- 4 bedrooms, fireplace, Wad­ MANCHESTER — Meal first Oversized foundation makes cation! A few hours each week * 'White, almost one year old. SEVEN-ROOM Cape, four bed­ board are Charles Phelps Emd an English-reading teacher weis Bolton, Corin. Investment. Virginia Oelinskl, rdom CJape with 3 bedrooms, dell School area, gE irage, treed home. Aluminum sided Cape for ColoniEd size rooms. Two- selling Avbn Cosmetics now 646-8988. .HEIBRON area—Available im- rooms, two baths, overslsed COVENTRY — 6-room REdsed George Munson from Andover; ratified by the board. H (Sl G Broker, 649-1116. lot, $21,600. Hayes Agency, 646- with four rooms finished, two car gEiTEige. Almost 6 acres of could mean a hoUday in style j^ p u a n CES ' service techni- two-car garage. Landscaped fonuEd dining room, carpeted Ranch. Modern kitchen with Everett Jewett Emd Harry Meg- Mrs. Daniels graduated in HATE TO PART with these . mediately, three-room furnish­ 0131. land- UnbeUevable? L«t Rick later «m. CaU now — 289-4922. lot, 109x160’. Marlon E. Rob­ living room with fireplace, pri­ unfinished. Fireplaced Uvlng buUt-ins, 1% baths, fireplace, son from Hebron, Emd Eugene cians, experienced, to work in cute kittens, but will if you FURNITURE ed apartment. Security deposit INCOMPARABLE 7-room over­ 1967 with a B.A. from Syracuse greater Hartford area, top ertson, Realtor, 648-6968. vate shaded yard. 'Wolverton room, large kitchen, detached (amily room, sundeck, 2-ceu* Merrlt show you that it’s tor Devine and Marilyn Plsmny call 649-4095. required. $160 per month. 228- sized Cape, updated kitchen, MANC3HESTER — 7-room Co- University smd received her Agency, Realtors, - 649-2818. garage with patio. I ^ h shaded gtiroge, % Euire wooded lot, reEd! Belfiore Agency, 647-1418. from Marlborough. Hdp Wanted—Mol* 36 pay, medical benefits, . paid 669 Burnside Ave. 9300. MANCHESTER is not far from WEiU to wall cEupeting, ceranilc . loniEd, neEir bus line, back­ M. S. in 1909 from Southern lot. Wolverton Agency, ReEd­ $25,500. PhUbrlck Agency, The board approved the levy sick days, paid vacaUon. Take East Hartford this 3-bedroom Remch. House is bath plus, fireplace, formal LARGE unusuEd Rnnch with a yard fenced in, needs some IMMACULATE Raised REmch Connecticut State College. ROCKVILLE —New pH-room tors, 649-2813. ReEdtors, 646-4200. on the three towns for the 1970- DISHWASHER, part-time, eve­ home service vehicle. Penna- BABY Ringneck Pheasants for 289-0756 in excellent condition, wall to dining room, spacious rooms, view. Features 24’ Uvlng room, remodeling, $23,900. Mitten — two fireplaces, beautiful The board also accepted the nings. Must be over 18. CaU nent posiUon. All applications apEirtments with private ter­ plastered walls. recreation 71 school year. Based on the resignation of Willard sale. CaU 228-9086. wall chrpetlng all but kitchen, large formEd dining room, U- Agency,. Realtors, 643-6680. WOODHUX. HEIGHTS — 7%. BOLTON 6 room SpUt Level, stoned front Emd Em lusre of 648-1415. strictly confidential. An equal BEFORE YOU BUY FURNI­ (g, 1970 by NEA, Inc!, j race end pool. Including heat, room, Eduminum siding, ga­ land make this one of the finest average dally membership of Thomen, a science teacher. TURE ANYWHERE, SEE OUR hot water, aU appliances and dlshwEisher, stove, electric brary, 8 or 4 bedrooms, three room Ranch, first-floor family fireplaced Uving room, tile opportunity employer. CaU rage. Owner says ’’Many items ATTRACmVE Ranch, with homes in the Manchester-He- students at Rham High School This leaves four vacEmcles MOLD MAKERS or first class LOW PRICES. carpeting. $155. Rocklsmd Ter­ hood and refrigerator goes fireplaces, 3% baths, recrea- room, large beautifuUy finish­ bath, large kitchen, Ebccellent Mr. Pauli at 289-6041 for ap­ Lhfo Stock 42 "Of course, John's work doesn't require that he wear a stays.” 750 Center, mid 20’a. mEihogEmy paneling, fireplace, bron area. Hie owner’s wlUlng- from the towns, Hebron’s share still to be filled — Junior high machinists. Must be able to set race ApEirtments, Highland with property. Heis large lot. lon room, garages, on a three- ed rec room in bEuement, en­ condition, treed lot, $20,600. pointment. Westlnghouse Ap- HORSESHOEING — hgrdhat— it's just a symbol!" Morrison Agency, Realtor, 643- famUy room, garEige and huge ness to sell makes it one of the is the highest, 41.80 per cent;, science, business education, up machinery and read blue­ Thomas KELVINATOR, automatic Avenue, 872-4046, 629-6686. No Built In 1966. $22,600. CaU Mit­ acre lot. CEdl for appointment. closed patio, garage. Excep- Hayes Agency 646-0131. pllEUice Sales & Service Co. 1016. lot. $23,600. Call Warren E. finest buys. Mid 20’s. To sell then Marlborough, 32.36 per home economics and part-time prints. Apply in person. Tri­ Robenhymer. Is your horse washer, running condlUon, $16. pets. ten Agency, ReEiltors, 648-6980. PhUbrick Agency, Realtora, tlonaUy weU maintained. PhU­ HowlEind Realtor, 648-1108. BOLTON — Two - bedroom now! WEirren E. HowlEmd, cent, and Andover, 26.86 per mathematics. angle Mfg. Co., 100 Winder- FACTORY representatlvei, cus­ ready for spring riding? If not, CaU 646-4669. 6H-ROOM Cape, 4 rooms down, 646-4200. brlck Agency, Realtors, 646- ROCKVILLE — Newly redec- TRIM and tidy 6-room Ranch 4200. REmch, completely moderniz­ ReEdtor. 643-1108. i cent. The board’s next regular mere Ave.,^lllngton. tom motorcycle accessory call me. 643-1490 between 6-10 Apartments— Flats— Furnished 2H rooms on second floor, for- MANCHESTER Green section— p.m. SEWING MACHINE — New orated 3-room apEirtment, $126, with 2 bedrooms Eind fEunlly REGENT ST. — 4-room house ed, one-car garage, fireplace, For Hebron, the levy is $462,- meeting is scheduled for Aug. manufEuiturer. ETcpenses ptdd, mEd dining room, fireplace in Unique 4-room Colonial, eiU ROCKVILLE — Ellington — LE-MI CORP., Manchester, 1969 zlg-ZEig, unclaimed lay­ Tenements 63 Apartments 63-A includes heat, stqvb Eind re­ room, aluminum siding and a on industrial zone lot 100x160. NINE-ROOM ColoniEd, lEirge nice location, $16,900. 643-1408, 039.66, or $663.21 less than esti­ 31. commission, some travel. CeiU away, buttonholes, mono­ garEige. Only $19,900. Wolver- Uvlng room, $21,900. PhUbrlck new inside, 2-ceu* garage, treed kitchen, formEd dining room, Wise investor inquire about Conn. 643-2362. Eicperlenced TWO ROOM furnished apEut- frigerator. Adults only, securi­ CaU Peg Cieszynski, Broker, 742-6100. mated when the budget was ap­ However, a special meeting 649-7169. BOLTON — Deluxe 3V& rooms, Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. 646-4291. lot, $17,900. Hayes Agency, 646- 20’ living room, 1% baths, first- this two fEimlly, 5 Emd 6, mod­ lathe Euid Bridgeport opera­ Poultiy and Supplies 43 grams, hems, etc. Now only ment. Hot water, stove, re­ ty deposit required. CaU 648- ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. proved on May 4. ~ MeitI- has been CEilled for Aug. 3 to 7 carpeting, appliances, Edr-con- 0131. em kitchen, bullt-ins, sepEmate $54. EEisy terms. 622-0931 deal­ floor fEunily room,, 4 bedimms, BOLTON 6-room Cape, large borough’s levy will be $367,- vote on resolutions to reborrow tors, second shift only. LIVE HENS, 78 cents each, 6 diUoning, private finished frigerator, etc. Semi-private, 9678. MANCHESTER area — 4-room $21,600 SIX-ROOM Ranch, din­ FOREiST HILLS — Owner — heat, nice yard, central loca­ er. 2-car garage. Laige lot. $27,- lot, large rooms, mud room, 683.31 or $2,431.79 more UiEm money on short term to coiner to 6 pounds. PleEise order one bEisements. Attractive residen- bath. Apply Marlow’s, 867 REmch in parklike setting, 2 ing room, wall - weiU CEirpets, four-bedroom, 2% baths, 2 year NINE ACRES — sweeping tion. $20,600. R. L. Gardner CARPENTER for outside finish. ELECTRICIAN- ROCKVILLE — 8 Regan St. 4- 600„ PhUbrick Agency, Real­ lake privileges.. Only $20,000. estimated. And Andover’s levy the $1,260,000 needed for the day ahead. Phone 644-1892. LARGE GE refrigerator-freez­ tiEd area. Adults only, no pets.. Main St. bedrooms, could be 8, 2-CEm ga­ gEirage. 100x200’ well lEmdscap- old custom CtolonlEd. Screened \dews, lo'vely six-room stone Realty, 876-0604, 876-6807, 872- Steady work in MEinchester- reibrn, 2-bedroom, second-floor tora, 646-4200. FlEmo Agency 646-0191. of $285,736.04 Is $1,768.68 less new construction. (INDUSTRIAL) er combination. French doors, L.F. Flano, 649-5371. rage. You gotta see it! $16,900. ed lot. ShEide trees. Hutchins porch,- sun deck, aluminum sid­ REmch. LEirge enclosed porch, 9283. Glastonbury Eirea. CeUI Vsm NICELY furnished three-room ' apEirtment, in neat brick build-) thEm estimated. As of now, $700,000 hEis been 6 months old, automatic ice Mitten, ReEdtors, 648-69M. Agency, ReEdtors, 649-6324. ing, large beamed ceiling fEun- 2-car garage. Out-bullding. VACANT. Nice 3 - bedroom CXJVENTRY LAKE — Tremen­ Dyne after 6:80, 246-4781. MANCHESTER — Northwood apartment, first floor in tw'o- ing. TotEd electric. Built-in 'The combined levies of $1,- Immediate opening for in­ Articles For Sale 45 cube maker, $600 new, sell for Hutchins Agency, 649-6824. REmch neEu: shopping, schools, dous value offered in this Jum­ received from the state, but the ApEirtments. Luxury spUt-level, fEunily house. Heal Emd elec­ oven-rEmge, refrigerator, dls- ROCKLEDGE — 4 - bedroom Uy room, many e x trE is. Ap­ Wantod— Roal lstafa 77 105,368, plus' estimated receipts MALE wanted for genend cleri­ dustrial electriclEin. Per­ $300. Also WEisher Eind dryer. BOWERS School — 6-room ex­ churches. FuU ceUar. Swedish bo sized ColoniEd home. Fea­ balsmce of the grant will not be one bedroom. CentEd air-con­ tricity Included. $160. J. D. posEd, bEisement laundry Emd Cape, original owner retiring, praised in mid 40’s. 647-1886. 180 FOOT frontage, secluded of $116,427 from building grEmts, cal work, wiU be in charge of manent position, steady Apply 233 Center St. second- pandable REmch, Edl rooms fireplace, aluminum storms,' tures modem kitchen -with received until all bills have work, first shift. AU com­ ditioning, cEirpetlng, formal Uv- ReEd Estate Associates, 643- storage Eurea. Adults only, no very large, 2 fireplaces, 2-CEir IH baths, rec room, breeze- lEmdscaped 'wide open country­ state reimbursements Emd inter­ office.lVping essenUal. Salary floor apartment. MANCHESTER — TV) settle es­ screens. 4% per cent mortgEige built-ins, 2 fuU baths, 20’ mEis- LAND —Louis Dlmock Realty, been paid by the board. GARAiJe SALE ing room, family room, IH 6129. pets. $140. per month rent. way, double garage, flowering est-on bonds will give the board according to ability. CeiU 289- pany paid fringe benefits. garage, screened porch, $22,- tate, older 6H-room 2-story side, plastered walls, lovely assumption possible with Uirge ter bedroom, fireplace, garage. Realtors, 649-9823. Therefore, an additionEil $660,- Apply in person, or cedi 289- baths, private bsmement,. bal­ $140. leEise security. CaU trees, $29,900. Hayes Agency, 6-room Rsmeh, attached gar 8211. 900. Phllbrlck Agency, 646-4200. home, centTEd, quiet, con­ _down payment^ or conven- Call quickly on this prime the $1,221,781 approved in May 000 will be necessEiry on a short 6811, ext. 285 for appoint­ cony, carport, heat, hot water. jEimes J. Gessay, 875-0134. 646-0131. rE^;e. $25,000. Hutchins Agen­ Liquidated inventory of Mc­ NICE GAS Eind gEis stove, $26. venient location. ExceUent 'tional finEmcing avaUable. Mr. value. $24,900. PhUbrick Agen­ ALL CASH for your property for their operating budget. term . loEm the original note SER'VtCEMAN, eTcperienced oil ment. AvEdlable ImmeiUately, $200. Business Locations MANCHESTER — 6% - room cy, 649-6824. In other EicUon, the boEurd ap­ Bride’s Sport Spot. Shoes, CaU 643-2201. HEIBRON — 4-room apartment, MANCHES'i'ER — 7 room Co­ terms to quEdified buyer, $26,- Zinsser, Belfiore Agency, 647- cy, Realtors, 646-4200. within 24 hours. Avoid red is due on Aug. 14. burner Emd heating man, full­ gym trunks, mEirlne sup­ J.D. ReEd Estate Associates For Rent 64 REmch, 60x120’ lot, on bus tape, InstEmt service. Hayes lEdce privileges. Immediate oc- lonial, 8 bedrooms, 1^ baths, 000. J.D. ReEd Estate Asso­ IMMACTJLATE 6%-room REmch 1413. time poslUon with excellent plies, pEdnt, some fishing Inc., 648-6129. line. $24,900. Fleno Agency, FULLER BRUSH CO. OFFICE SPACE, exceUent lo­ cupEmey. Strout Realty, 1-228- fireplace, closet space gEdore, ciates, 643-6129, 648-8779. ANSALDI BUILT 7-room Oo­ Agency, 646-0131. salary, good working condi­ tackle, Vespa parts. DOUBLE BED and chest of 646-0191. with rec room Emd garage, SPRUCE ST. — Older four-fam- loniEd with 2M baths, 2-cEir at- Protestants at Canterbury 88 Long HUl St. ATTRACTIVE 4-room apEirt­ cation, pEurking, first Emd sec­ 9116. 2-car garEige. Numerous ex­ three bedrooms, kitchen hEus tions and limited night service. drawers. CaU 649-7089. $22,600 DOLL HOUSE, dead-end Uy, 18 rooms, needs work. tEiched oversized garE ige. Coun­ EEist Hartford. ment, pEU-king, yard, working ond floor av^able. Electric MANCHESTER — Autunm St., tras. Morrison ReEdtor, 648- Blue Cross, CMS, Major Medi- struct, 160x150, trees, 6-room buUt-ins Emd diiiing Eirea. Im­ Business zoned too. Comer try sized kitchen, forniEd din­ Wednesday thru Satur­ FIVE - PIECE blond bedroom couple, no chil^en or pets. CEdl heat, Edr-condltloning Emd Janl- 3-bedroom ColoniEd, like new, 1016. CEd, uniforms, bonus and out- An equEd opportunity employer, Resort Property Rsmeh, breezewE^y, 2-car ga­ mediate occupEmey. Assum­ property. ReEisonable mort­ Break Up Catholic Service day, 10 to 4:30 p.m., 33 Per­ set, twin bookcEise beds, lEirge 649-4319. toriEd service avEdlable. As low fireplace, beamed celling Uv- ing room, huge flreplEiced Uv­ standing profit sharing, and rage, Hutchins Agency, ReEd­ able mortgEige. $23,500. Wolver­ gage CEm be EiTTEmged. $26,000. INVITATION mirror, bureau, cheat of draw­ EU $100 per month. CEdl 649- For Rent 67 Ing room, deep wooded lot. RA'YMOND RD. 9-room Garri­ lng room, first-floor fEunily CANTERBURY, England He waved a banner lettered pension pisms. CaU 563-0131. kins St., MEmchester. LOOKING lor anything in real tors, 649-5824. ton Agency, ReEdtors, 649-2818. VfiU leEise, build or seU. Csdl room. Two firepUices. Practi- ers, $70. Call after 5 p.m., 6334, ask for Meix GrossmEm. CO'VENTRY — Lakeside cot- Helen D. Cole, ReEdtor, 643- son Ctolonial on one-acre lot. (AP) — Protestant mUitEuits ‘Jesus saves—Romes enslaves.” SUMMER and PART-TIME estate rentals—apartments, 649-4622 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. caUy new WEdl to wall in sev­ T O BID disrupted a Roman Catholic The Rev. Mr. PEdsley wEisXtho 649-9984. tEige for rent. CEdl Mitten Agen­ 6666. Four baths, 4 bedrooms, lEmge GREEN RD. 8 or 4-bedroom MANCHESTTBR — 4-famUy plus MECHANIC — GENERAL Jobs, $60-$120 weekly. Apply ______homes, multiple dwellings, no MAIN STREET office space, forniEd dining room, 24’ living eral rooms. Truly pEirkllke service today at CeuiterbutV leader of thei demonstration, For modern plEmt. Vacation, cy, Realtors, 643-6930i Cape. Fireplace, weiU to WEiU restaurant rentEd, large gross, MANCHEISTER — 4-bedroom Sealed bids wUl be received Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs­ ALUMINUM sheets used Eis DESK, chairs (set) file cabi- tees. Call J.D. Retd Estate As- lOO per cent locaUon near MANCHESTER — $18,800 clean grounds. Owner will help quEdi- Cathedral, shrine of the Church mounted by protestants Atho pension and other benefits. room, screened porch, 2-CEir carpeting, large kitchen, sun- exceUent return, prime loca­ CtolonlEd, IVi baths, 2-car ga­ at the office of the Director of day, at 10 a.m., or 8 p.m., 270 pr.nting plates, .009 thick, 23x nets, almost new. 'Whirlpool sociates, Inc. 643-6129. banks, air-conditioned, auto- COLUMBIA Lake — waterfront older 5-room Colonial, 2-CEur ga­ fied buyers with finEmcing^ of England. saw the CEmterbury Mans n oV ^ Growing Company. Apply at: gEirage, beEuitifuUy lEmdscaped. porch, patio with fireplace. tion. Frechette Realtors, 647- rage with patio, aluminim sid­ General Services, 41 Center Farmington Ave., Hartford. 36” , 25 cents each or 6 for $1 refrigerator. self-dpfmstlmr------^ 1 maUc fire sprinkler. Apply cottEige, Edl faclllUes. Openings rage, secondEiry finsinclng. For further information CEdI Raised terrace. ExceUent con­ 9993. Bblfiore Agency, 647-1413. Cathedral officials said 12,000 a sign of w6rld ecumenlcEd pr HAR’TFORD FREEZER ■4%-ROOM apartment, second Marlow’s, 867 Main St. ing, fenced yEU-d. Mid 20’s. Street, MEmchestei*, Conn., un- t)»3-2711. Whirlpool washer-dryer, ad' Aug. 16 on. 649-0498, 228-9862. Helen D. Cole, Realtor, 643- PhUbrick Agency, ReEdtors, dition. Must see. Austin A. Catholics turned out for a Pon- grress but as a gEimblt of Rome 241 Park Avenue, — GARAGE foreman for truck floor, heat, hot water, appll- -______MAINCHEISTER — BrEmd new Morrison ReEdtor, 643-1016. WEST HARTFORD — 6 - bed­ tU July 17, "1970 at 11:00 a.m. most new. Household goods. ances, parking, cellar. $175 HARTFORD RD.—2,000 square 6666. 646-4200. Chambers, Realtor, MLB, 648- Uficial Mass in the AnglicEm to dupe ProtestEints EEist Hartford leasing company. CEdl Motor DARK, rich, stone free, loam, custom center-entTEmce GeutI- rooms, 1^ baths, flreplEice, for­ for: Ebccllent condiUon. 1166 West monthly. Adults only. 649-4864. feet with overheEul door. Ideal Wantod To Ront 68 2326. church at the Invitation of the The Meiss, commemorated the 289-2708 — Mrs. Caesar Truck & Trailer Co., Route 6, five-yards, $20. Sand, gravel, MANCHESTER — Deluxe cus­ NEW RAISED RANCH in High­ son OoloniEd, aluminum siding, mal dining room, 2-cEir garEige. ASPHALT & CONCRETE Middle Tpke., Beacon HUl for manufacturing. etc. 649- Lots For Solo 73 dean, who called it “ a friendly 8(X) Einniversay of the “ Murder Columbia, 228-!s?49. stone, fiU, mamure, pool amd ’THREE-BEDROOM house, id- tom 7-room Garrison CtolonlaJ, land PEurk Emea, 6 rooms on MANCHESTER Suburbs, 6^- 23’ fit^laced Uvlng room with WeU built home, conveniently CURB MACHINE. J MARRIEID MAN with some Apartments, C-1. Evenings af- WE HAVE customers waiting 7296. ecumenical gesture.” In the Cathedral,” the martyr­ patio samd. 643-9604. clnity Manchester. Harold 2V4 baths, 2-car garage, eiU first floor, modem kitchen, room REmch, tip-top condition, bay ■ window, lEirge eat-in located. Needs redecorating, dom of TTiomEis Becket, the 12th route e7q>erlence amd good with FULL or paut-Ume help, with ter 6 p.m. tor the, rental of your apart- ’TOLLAND — % acre building Bid forms, plans Emd specifi­ The ProtestEint milltEUits, led ment or home. J.D. Real AVAILABLE August 1st, space Goff, c-o Watkins Brothers, aluminum, private treed lot, large Uvlng rooifi with fire- 15 minutes to MEmchester cen­ kitcljfien includes built-in nmge, but weU worth the effort. Im­ century Eirohbishop of Canter­ flgures to learn egg business, mechEmlcal experience, top SCREENED loam, processed 12 ”” p a n portable TV black lots, $1,500-$2,500. Hayes Agen­ mediate occupEmey! ReEison- cations are available at the by the Rev. Ian Paisley of Estate Associates, Inc. 643- suitable for retail or service OrgEm DepEirtment, 648-6174 plush living in the finest of plEme, 3 lEirge bedrooma, 2-CEir ter. Acre treed lot, $18,000. oveini, hood, dishwasher, stEiin- bury. inside and outside work. Must wages pEdd, apply 270 HEirt- gravel, bank run gravel, sand, neighborhoods. Hayes Agency, cy 646-0131. ably priced in the mid 20’s for GenerEd Services Office, 41 Northern Ireland's Free Pres­ Emd white, needs minor repair. 6129. business. One 16x36’ and one or 622-7201. garage. Priced below market Hayes Agency 646-0131. less steel sink with disposEd. Becket WEto murdered in the be responsible. Ceill Miller ford Rd., MEmchester. flU, stone. George H. Griffing, quick SEde. Call Dick Martens Center Street, MEmchester, byterian Church, first demon­ Call 646-3786. 30x35’. Large 10x10’ doors. 646-0131. value. PhUbrick Agency, ReEd­ (4) count ’em! King sine bed BUILMNG LOTS, c ity ‘^sewer cathedral in 1170. Both the Ro- FEirms, 643-8021. Inc., Andover, 742-7886. THREE - BEDROOM apart­ MANCJHESTER off Porter St. at the Paul W. Dougan Agency, Connecticut. strated outside with chants of Broad St. location. 649-6644. Business Property tors, 640-4200. t^drooms, formed dining room, Emd water, A and B zones., niEtn Catholic Euid the AngUcim CLUB MANAGER, capable of ment in newer 2-famlly, 2 MANCHESTER — Huge L- deluxe custom buUt REmch 649-4636, 646-1021. Town of Manchester, “ No popery! No popery!” Then WELDER—for fabrication shop, handling variety of duUes in­ FOR SALE — Men’s rebuilt MANCHESTER Green ground ■ For Sole 70 1% tiled baths. Crane colored PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, Church consider him a saint. Musical Instninwnts 53 baths, appliances, bEisement. Ranch, family room, play RANCH — 6 rooms, large living home, 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, Connecticut some moved to the altar during top WEiges, long hours, all cluding restaurant and bEm- and relaust shoes. SEim Yulyes, ______floor 900 sq. ft., front portion fjlktures. Spacious cloeet spsMie 646-4299. Becket’s martyrdom resulted Garage. Heat, hot water. $250, CXINVALESCENT home, long room, dining room, three lEurge room with fireplace, pEmeled 2-car garage. The very best. TOLLAIfD — Spanky deEm, Robert B. Weiss, the service shouting, “ Betray­ benefits. Steady employment. quet facilities. Answer to J 23 Oak St., MEmchester (a few UPRIGHT plEmo for sale, needs carpeted. Second floor, 1800 sq. bedrooms, country kitchen, th^ughout this oversized non - development, five-room General Manager al!” Police said one of them from the bitter fight between 0 lease Emd security. M.H. PEdm- established business. Always family room, air-conditioned. Hayes Agency 646-0181. OOVENTHY — VaUey View, 6 Apply at yard in person, until Rleder, Personnel, P.O. Box steps ftom Main). to be tuned, best offer. 649- ft., suitable for light manufac­ privacy. $28,900. Hutchins hdpe. ExceUent residential REmch. One-car attached ga­ threw a aUver chalice into the himself Eind King Henry .n of 5 p.m., Manchester Structural er. Realtor, 643-6321. full, great opportunity for right lEuige master bedroom, attrac­ neighborhood with easy Eiccess- acres, 328’ road frontEige, ex­ 808, Manchesteer, Conn. 7644,1 649-6986. turing. Also second floor, 3 ad­ Agency, 649-5324. ASSUMABLE 4% per cent rage. Lovely one-'acre lot. air EIS police grabbed hlipl EnglEind, who was trying to Steel, Mitchell Drive. ANTIQUES — lumd made early ______joining offices. Will rent to­ person. For more information, tive y£md with privacy, $26,900. EiblUty to schools, recreaUonEd cellent area. Possible 2 lots, mortgEige. Seven-room Cape. Owner leaving state. Only $21,- A security force escorted var­ break the Church’s hold over AmerlcEm gifts, bottles, fruit HAMMOND Sectrlct Spinet NEW two-bedroom duplex, car- gether or one or two sepEirate- call Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ O'VERSIZED 7-room Cape, PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, facilities, shopping and bus. $10,900. Hayes Agency, 646- peting, appliances, Emd dish­ Three or four bedrooma, mod­ 900. R.L. Gardner, Realty, 876- ious ProtestEmt demonstrators British legal machinery. jEirs, etc. Expert refinlshlng. organ, 6 months old, originally ly. Call 649-2741 or 649-6688. tors, 646-4200. large Uvlng room with fire- 646-4200. Buyer now ham choice of in­ 0131. INVITATION washer. Private bEwement. em kitchen with all the buUt- 0604, 876-6807, 872-9288. From Eicross Britain Eind from Reasonable. Trash & 'PreEisure, bought at Watkins Bros., wal­ plMe, modem kitchen with terior decoration. Low 30’s. from the scene without arrest, $215 monthly including heat. PLEASANT office, IdeEil loca- RESTAURANT business show- ins, wadi to wall cEi^ting, MANCHESTER — B-zone lot Europe Catholics came for the WaU St., Hebron (Route 816). nut wood, bench included, ex­ bullt-lns, 1% baths, 4 bed­ JUMBO SIZE Colonial in execu­ Builder, 648-0609. T O B I D including a mEin waving a Bible TOOL MAKERS Open evenings and weekends. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- tion Emd pEirking, neEU* hospi­ ing exceUent net profit in high- finlEihed rec room in basement. of record, $8,000. Frechette Logoi NoHcos and shouting. open Eilr Meuss celebrated by cellent condition, $460. You rooms, formal dining room, tive neighborhood ,6 yeEirs old, Shed dormer, fireplace, ga­ 4535. tal, PersonEilized Floors Bldg., traffic count location. Es­ Realtors, 647-9993. NOTICE R e n’e w e d demonstrations Msgr. Cyril Cowderoy, arch­ U.N.C. Is currently seeking experienced tool makers and SEIARS Coldspot refrigerator, save $200. Telephone 644- tablished over 20 years. Price full shed dormer, on a treed modem kitchen, lai^e formal rage. 16x20' screened porch. 288 VERNON ST. A well buUt LIMITATION OBDBR bishop of Southwark, Eind six 386 Main St., 649-9258. AT A COURT OP PROBA’TE., The Board of Education, broke out eis the Catholic arch­ flrst-clEiss machinists for second and third shift operations. 3’ tall. Portable oven, hot 2198 Emytlme. MANCHESTER — One - bed- includes all the reEil estate, \ acre lot. $27,900. Phllbrlck dining room, family room 'with, Deep lot, 224’ . Phllbrlck Agen­ six-room REUich style, home held aX Itenchester, within Euid for Manchester, Connecticut, in­ bishop of Southwark began a other bishops. AppUcants must be able to fabricate Jigs, fixtures and gages plate. Call 646-3786. room GEirden type apartment. GARAGE — 8 Griswold St., restaurant fully equipped, plus Agency, ReEdtors, 646-4200. fleldstone fireplace, lEirge cy, ReEdtors, 646-4200. with rural setting, yet a stones Resort Property the District of Mancheetef. on the Four members of the Church L with minimum supervision. Job shop experience preferred. nth day of June, 1970. vites bids for BEmd Uniforms sermon; on church unity. $166 per month including heat i^ioo squEire feet, oveihead a house. $65,00Q. Owner will front-to-bEmk Uvlng room with throw from Buckley School. of EnglEind’s evangeliCEti council Contact J. Gemperle, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., or J. Kurtz from 4 ELECTRIC typewriters, origi­ Office and Store MANCHESTER — 6 room Colo­ LARGE first-floor, fireplaced Oversized lot of 400’ depth is For Sole 74 Present, Hon. John J. f.Wallett, * tor the ’ MEmchester High Prlesto who arrived in proces­ Emd appliances. Paul W. Dou- doors, office Emd rest room. take back mortgEige. Phllbrlck' fireplace, hEilf bath. Second Judge. ' attacked the ceremony in a pub­ p.m. - 10 p.m. 1-848-9226. nally $199., sacrifice $85. Also niEd 'With 3 bedrooms, country floor turn 6 bedrooms, 8 fuU famUy room in this 7-room attractively landscaped. Rec­ School. SeEded bids will be re­ sion we're greeted with shouts of Equipment 54 gEm, Realtor, 649-4636. IdeEil for storEige or smEiU non- Agency, ReEiltors, 646-4200. COVENTRY — Log caUn sum­ Elstate of Josephine Hinlekl aka lic statement. They held that portable electrics, $76. Never sized kitchen, dining room, baths. Two-car gEiTEige, beau­ Cape. Garage. Oversized wood­ reation room, screened porch Jozefina Mirucka, late of 'Manches- ceived until July 16, 1970 at "Down with the Church of automotive business. Call 646- mer cottage, fireplaced living ter In said Dlatxict, ^decesAed. mEiny persons might regard' it used. Call 649-7798 after 5. GREE3TING card , CEises for MANCHESTER — Two - bed­ FIVE-ROOM RANCH, attached baths, garage, $24,600. Wolver- tifuUy lEmdscaped yEud. For ed lot. Central to shopping, and garage Eidd to UvabUlty. On motion of John Mlnipki, 166 3:30 p.m., at which time they Rom e!” Etnd “ Get bEick to UNITED NUCLEAR CORP. 0022, 640-4425. room, completely carpeted, EIS AngUcEtn approval for the sale, remodeling store. Miller room duplex, half of two-fam- garage, acre lEuidscaped lot. ton Agency, ReEdtors, 649-2818. further detEdls caU PhUbrick bus. $22,900. Meyer ReEdtor, To inspect this fEdrly priced Oak SL, Manchester, Ciibie^ctlcuL will be publicly opened. The Rom e!” We don't WEint you KEEP CARPET cleaning prob­ enclosed porch, exceUent con­ administrator. < Roman Catholic doctrine of the Pharmacy, MEmchester. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. home, please CEdl Robert J. right is reserved to reject Emy here!” 67 Sandy Desert Rd., Montville, Conn. lems smEdl — use Blue Lustre ily, $190 per month, including 637 MAIN ST. — 640 square feet. CommerclaUy zoned^ceUent MANCHESTER - Custom built 643-0609. diUon, treed lot. $9,000. Hayes ORDERED: That three ittenths Mass. heat. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ business location. $21,900. R.L. Smith, Inc., 968 Main St., from the 29th day of June, and all bids. Specifications Emd The mEtn who originated the Citizenship required. An equal opportunity employer. wall to WEill. Rent electric newly paneled store, pEirUtion- Ranch, two years old. Five Agency, 646-0181. 1970, be and the sEune are limited tor, 649-4636. ed. IdeEd offices or Gardner Realty. 876-0604, 872- 649-6241. bid forms may be received at idea of the M elss weis the Very shEimpooer $1. P eiuI’s Paint & Antiques 56 business. rooms with gEirage Emd patio. and allowed for the creditors within 629-0618. 9283. LAKE BUNGGEE — year which to bring In their Halms the: Business Office, 1146 Main Rey. lEin Hugh White-Thomson, Warrant Based Wallpaper Supply. THREE - ROOM apEUtment, CentTEd vacuum, air-condition­ Picture Pretty MANCHESTER ' — WendeU against sidd estate, and said BIRCHES ANTIQUES, 44-A, Old-Fashion ’round home on waterfront lot, administrator Is directed to give Street, Manchester, Connecti­ deEin of Canterbury Cathedral, heat, garage, security deposit. OFBTCE for rent, August 1st. ers, many extrEis. Upper 20’s. Reed custom buUt overslsed 5- HANNAH’S husband Hector Ashford, Conn., open only Sat­ Investment Property 6 rooms: 872-4988. 'Ic notice to the creditors to cut. who said, ‘"I)ie invitation weis On Informer’s No agentSk by owner. 643^7180. bedroom REtnch; half Eicre .1 In their claims within stdd RICHARD P. RITA hates hard work so he clesins urday, 10 a.m., to 4 p.m., dur­ Call 872-6917, 668-6974. 600 square feet, on Route 88 in Douglas E. Pierce, made as a friendly ecumenical Vernon. Heat and electricity For Sale 70-A wooded lot in exclusive rural time 'allowed by publiahlng a copy the rugs with Blue Lustre. ing July Emd August. Resume of this bMer In some newi^per Busincs* MEuiEiger gesture. Wo believe we did the W ord Is Upheld ASSUMABLE 6 per cent mort­ Etrea, buUt-lns, f|roplace, 40’ Out off Town having a circulation in said pro- PERSONNEL SERVICES Rent electric shampooer $1 regular hours September. included. 876-6716. MANCHESTER close to shop­ right thing and we have no re­ FOUR ROOMS on second floor, gage, monthly payments $90. heated fEtmUy roo^, double gi^ bate'district within ten days from HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Olcott Variety Store. ping, 4-family with 4- room ^ Sole 75 the date of this order an and d rreturn grets.’.’ adults only. CaU 649-6810. AIR-CONDTTIONED o, f f i c e small three-bedroom Ranch. rage, 2 baths, t trem endous moke to. this court of the notice The state Supreme Court held Are you looking for your first job, unemployed or space avEillable. Inquire HoU­ apartments, 4-car gE irage, new Modern kitchen, new furnEice.- Scores of Catholic school chil­ YOU SA'VED and slaved for Wanted— ^To Buy 58 VEdue at $81,900. Meyer, Real­ VERNON given. today that the rights of a de­ ready to make a change ? Call us now! Many posi­ LOVELY two-bedroom apEirt­ day Lanes, 89 Spencer St., heating systems Emd roof. Mid Cali Emd see this cutle. Mitten JOHN J .WALLBTT, Judge. dren, shepherded by nuns, filed fendant in a narcotics CEise were wall to wall carpet. Keep it ment, second floor, appliEmces. tor. 648-0609. PICTURE PRETTY past the demonstrators. tions available within commuting distance and na­ Manchester, 643-2125. 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Agency, ReEdtors, 643-6930. ImEigine a large six room LDOTAHON ORDER not violated by a Judge who ac­ new with Blue Lustre. Rent HOUSEHOLDS lota — Antiques Immediate occupEmey. PEdmer “Don’t let your children go to 68 SOMERSET Dr. (Custom L shapped REmch with AT A COURT OP PROBATE, NOTICE cepted the word of a “reliable tionally. electric .shampooer $1. The bric-a-brac, locks, frames, Realtor, 643-6321. OFFICE SPACE for rent, held at Manchester, within and for hell,” shouted Paisley, the Free built, immaculate 7 - room stone facing Emd a two cEtr the District of Manchester, on the Informer” in issuing a search Sherwin-Williams Co. glassware. We buy estates. VU- Northeast Shopping Center, TOWN OF COVENTRY 'PresbyterlEm minister who Raised Ranch. Heavenly pri­ gEirage set on a beautiful 30th day of June, 1970. WEUTEmt. WE NEVER CHARGE AN APPLICANT A FEE lage Peddler. Auctioneer, 420 ATTRACTIVE 5-room ^ apart- RockvUle. Includes carpeting, Present, Hod: John J. WoUett, TAX COLLECTOR’S leads the hard-lihe ProtestEints YOUNGSTOWN sink cabinet, vate wooded lot backing up to high Emd well treed lot. Bet­ In a unEinimous decision up­ Lake St., Bolton. 646-3247. ment, ce n t^ ly located, stove. heat, electric, Emd Edr-condl- Judge. NOTICE of Northern Ireland. excellenl^condltlon, $36. 649- Nature Center. Two fireplaces, ter yet, come see this cus­ Estfde of William J. Remlg, late holding the conviction of Fred parking, Eidults, references, no tlo n ^ . Immediate occupancy. of Manchester in said District, de­ Notice Is hereby given to the 7644, 649-6686. WANTED — Antique furnitore, 2-ceu* garage, buUt-ins, thermo­ tom home. CEdl Mr. Bog­ Harris of New Haven for eU- 63 EAST CENTER ST. pets. $160. Sept. 1st. 649-6324. CEdl J.oe MertEm Agency, 875- ceased. tEixpayers of the Town of Cov­ glEiss, pewter, oil pEdntings or pane windows, natuTEd trim, 1% dan. He has the key to your On motion of Russell L. Remlg, entry that I have a rate blH and TOWN AD'VBR’nSEMENT leged possession of heroin, CSUef KODAK movie outfit, mEmy ac­ other Emtique items. Any quan- 214-ROOM first floor, heat Emd 6798, 872-4289. baths, huge rear redwood deck. housing needs. 649-6806. 81 6th Ave., OoUegevlUe, Penn. 1949s cessories, rollawdy bed, sew­ and Janice R. Kelley, 380. Main SL, warrant to coUect a tax of.0682 NOTICE Justice HowEird W. Alcorn ruled tlty. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, hot water, stove, fuU bath, 668- j.qt, r e n t _one single room One minute to new Route 6. South Deimls, Moss. 02660, execu­ mills on a dollEtr on the Gnmd that a waiTEmt affidavit lEU*gely MANCHESTER 646-4040 ing machine cabinet, record 166 Oakland Street. 0838. ^ tors. office, Eind one corner office Helen D. (tole, ReEdtor, 643- B (Sl W ORDERED; That thne months List of October 1, I960, in Etc- OF THE COLLECTOR depends on information supplied players, barbell set. 049-0020. 6666. from the 80th day of June, — WANTED — Good second hand BX>UR rooms, second floor. suite. House $b Hale Bldg., 963 BARROWS and WALLACE cordance with Sec. 12-142 of the OF REVENUE by Em informer constituted "sub- 1970 be and the same are limited Ail persons liable by law to HelpMaip WontMl— Help Wanted— STAMP.collection for sEde, over sewing machine. no dealers. avEdlable July 15. Inquire 233- Main St. CaU 643-4846. MEmchester PEirkade, MEmch. u d allowed for the creditors within Qeneral Statutes of the State stEmtiEil bEtsls for the Judge to CAPE — 6 rooms, modern which to bring In their claims pay Town TEUces are hereby 30,000 U.S. and foreign st^ps, Write Box F, MEmchester Center St. 649-6306 of Coimeoticut, Etnd raXe bUl conclude that heroin weis prob­ MoU or Femai* 37 Ma!e or Female 37 kitchen, dining room, fireplace against wwm sEdd sstate, SMM*and aald «***ex- notified that I will have a Rate $600. for entire collection, 13 Herald. in living room, t h ^ bed­ ecotora are directed to give pubUc Etnd wsirrant to coUect a tax of ably present in the premises Edbums or so much for each FGUR-ROOM apEUlment, sun- BOLTON —New 8-room cus­ notice to the creditors to bring In 10 mills on a doUEir, in acconl- BiU for the list of 1969 of 46.86 described.” BOOKKEEPER — ExceUent CENSUS TAKERS, Manchester WOODLAJiD Who are fhe professionals SCr-t rooms, interior recently de­ their clolim within said time al­ porch, stove, refrigerator, tom built Rfdsed REmch. Four mills on the doUu for the Town A Jury convicted HeutIs in position for top notch book- School Department. StEurt Oct. album. 643-9410. I v corated. Ihcterlor pointed Ifmt lowed by publishing a copy of this ance with Sec. 12-96 of the Gen­ venetiEm blinds. For cleEm, re- bedrooma, double gEU*a^, Etcre order in some newspaper having a eral Statutes of the StEde of of Manchester, of 4.39 mills on New Haven Superior Court in keeper. AbUity to perform 1st. Applications now at Youth Rooms Without Board 59 MANOR in fhe Real Estate Field? year. Built in 1962. Large lot. circulation hi said probate district the dollar for the Fire Depart­ April 1968 Etnd Judge Raymond ' varied bookkeeping functions Service Dept., Board of Educa- fin ^ , middle aged working Assumable 6% per cent mort­ treed lot. $81,500. Hayes Agen- within tm days from the date of Oonnectlcut, Revtslon of 1968, wlthout detEiUed supervision, tlon, 1146 Main St., 649-1691. Boats and Accossories 46 THE THOMPSON House—Cot­ couple or lEidy. No chUdren, APARTMENTS ' cy, 646-0181. this order imdid return mtdee to this as amended by Sec. 12-96 of 'the ment Taxing District of the J. Devlin upheld the conviction gage. $28,900. Phllbrlck Agen­ court of the notice given. Future potentiEd as Office MEm- tage St., centraUy located, no pets. References and se­ Town ^ MEmchester, Emd of 6 on appeal the following March. GERICH’S Marine Service — HomesteEid Street cy, Retdtors, 646-4200. JO H N J . W a L l ETT, Ju d g e. 1968 Supplement. Eiger. Rol}ert J. Pue A Co., 9 lEirge pleEWEmtly furnished curity. On bus line, phone 648- VERNON — Owner trEinsferred niUls on the dollar for the Spe- In his appcEtl, Harris Euigued Evinrude motors, SEdes and Manchester, Conn. SEiid tEUC becomes due and Elm St., Rockville, Conn. 876- Situations Wantod— rooms, parking. CaU 649-2868 REALTORS MANCHESTER — ConstEmce out of state, must sacrifice this ORDER OF NOTICE cisd Parking Authority Taxing that the Judge who issued the 6627. payable on July 1, 1970 and service. 1082 TollEmd ’Tpke., for overnight Emd permEment immaculate 8-room CtoloniEtl. AT A (»U R T o f PROBA’TE, 7 District of the Town of MEm­ 1 6241. BucklEmd, Conn:, 643-2363. W(X>DLiAin> MANOR offers Dr., 6-room Rtmch, aluminum held at Manchester, within and for januEiry 1, 1971, and any tax of wammt had erred by not cro^ Ftm al* 38 guest rates. FOUR R(X>MS, second floor, Four spacious bedrooms, mod­ the district of Manchester, on the chester. the ultimate in convenient STding, fireplace, garage, treed 25th day of June, A.D. 197(1 fifty doHars or less Etnd ail mo­ examining the officers who ap­ centTEdly located. Front Emd WHY? ern kitchen, heated rec room. EXPEMENCED babysitter ALUMINUM boat, 11V4’ with 6% 6wSx5RTABLY f u r n i s h T d prestige Uvlng, 'with schools, lot, flowering shrubs. CftU now. Present, Hon. John J. WalletL tor vehicles • regEutUess of Each such lax is due Emd pay­ plied for the WEUTEmt. But the would like to care for your rear porches, stove, refrigera­ $24,900. Hayes Agency, 646- Professionally landscaped. Judge. able, one-hEtlf on the first day COVENTRY SCHOOL h.p. outboard motor. Best of- sleeping room, for older em­ shopping ai^ religious fa­ Because a Realtor is a member of the National Associ­ EsUUe of Susan Lucas, late of Eimount shall be due etnd pay­ Supreme Court sEiid that since chUdren while you work or tor. 647-1771. 0181. $31,600. Louis Dimock, ReEilty, of July 1970, and one-half on fer. CaU 643-6846. ployed genUeman, parking, 272 culties nearby. Man'e^ester in said distrint, de- able July 1, 1970. After August the Edfldavlt for the WEirrEmt was vacation. 647-1877. ation of Real Estate Boards. 649-9823. the first day of JEmuary 1971, SYSTEM Main St. 1, 1970 SEdd tEix becomes delin­ submitted under oath, it vraa 16’ LYMAN, 46 h.p. Mercury, A’lTHACnVE 6-room flat, sec­ BIMEDIA/TE OCCO«*ANC!Y NORTH ELM St., 2 fEimlly du­ Upon appUcEUkn of Dorothy H. provided, however, that any tox A Realtors’ Qualifications? VERNON — Manchester Line Lucas, praying that eui Instrument quent Emd Interest wlU be acceptable els long els the Judge STAFF VACANCIES traUer, $276. CaU after 6 p.m., ond floor in 2-fEunlly house. T W O spEUilous bedroom plex, 7 lEtrge rooms each side, purporting to be the last will and Eimounting to not more tium PLEASANT room for gentle­ 8 5 0 0 4-bedroom (Sarristm OolonlEds, charged from the Due Date of believed the officers, which was Situations Wantud— 643-0448. Sunporch Emd gEirage. Adults apEUlment Include refriger­ nice condition, 2-car garage, testament of said deceased be ad­ fifty dollars shEill be due and man, PEirking, linen service, Must be approved by other members o f the local board One Sin Eduminum siding, 2Vi baths, mitted to probate, ju per application July 1, 1970, at the rate of up to the Judge’s discretion. • Industrial Arts TeEuiher only, no pets. May be seen ator, stove, dishwasher, dls- lot 100x160. CaU Peg aeszyn- on-- file, "*-,, u li payatoe in one installment on Male 39 references. 644-0248. and subscribe to the rigid code of ethics of the Na­ first-floor famUy rooms, ga­ three-quarters of one per cent The defense also Eiigued that at 43 Elro St. posEil, air conditioning, ahd bU, Broker, 649-4291. ORDERED: That the foregoing July 1, ■1970. tional Association. Little girls will look ‘pic­ rage, $83,700. Hayes Agency, application be heard and determin­ per month or fraeijon thereof. the trlEil court erred in refusiiig • Special Education Teacher EXPERIENCED students wiU Housahold Goods 51 A’TTRACTIVE sleeping Capture the charm of Failure to make first payment fuU carpeting. yesteryear with this old- ture pretty’ in this dainty PTVH!-BEDR(X)M OoloniEtl, two 646-0131. ed at the Probate office In Manches­ (See Chapter 204, Sec. 12-146 to compel the state to diacloee genUeman, shower bath.TTe dress with its tie-on-the- ter in said_____ DirtricL on tiiftthe 20th by August 3, 1970, renders the • School Nurse. p ^ t , No s in g e r touch and sew with apEU-tment, Just redecorated, O N E bedroom avEdlable Do your business with a Professional, consult a Real­ fashion sunbonnet and yefurs old, aluminum siding, day of July, A.D. ' 1970, u . two of the General Statutes of the the nEune of the informer. Job too big. CaU 648-0066 or 649- parking. Apply 196 Spruce St. shoulder straps and bias- whole tax delinquent. Second cabinet. Monograms, hems, heat, hot water, parking, con­ July 1, 1970. tor who knows... apron set . . . perfect to 2 ^ baths, formal dining room, NORTH COVENTRY — Newer o'clock in the afternoon, and that State of Connecticut, PubUc But the high court held that 4844. wear when gardening or tape rose appliques. No. notice be given to all persons In- payment becomes delinquent af­ Contact: Laurence O’Connor, embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ LIGHT housekeeping room, all venient locaUon. Adults, no 180/has tissue-sizes 3-4-5 first-floor famUy room, mod­ OH-rooms Raised Rtmch, lf(ige tereeted in sidd estate of the pen­ Act No. 64, 1969 Session.). with certain exceptions, the etarOag at M’TB monthly 1. Bujring Trends picnicking. No. 8500 with pEtneled famUy room,, f l ^ ter February 1, 1971. Interest is *TWO COLLEGE bound stu­ lent condition. Guaranteed. uUUUes furnished including pets. $126. Call 649-7644, 649- inclusive; hot-iron trans­ em kitchen with buUt-ins, 2- dency of s^d a^licatlon and ' the Payments may be made at prosecution is ” privUe$;ed to Box 866, Coventry, Conn., 06238. PHOTO-CUIDE i? in One place, garage. |did 20’a. Own­ time and place of hearing thereon, figured from due date at the dents anxious for summer Full price now $66 or 7 month­ linen, stove Emd refrigerator. 6986. 2. The true Market Value fer for motifs; full di­ CEU- gEirage. $48,960. PhUbrlck by publishing a copy of this order the Town HaH, Route 81, Mon­ t^thhold from an accused the Siz^. Sunbonnet . . . 1% er, 742-6246. . . . _ py L______rate of % of 1% per month or work, any Job, anytime. Jer­ ly payments of $8. 522-0476, 801 Main St. 643-6071. 8. Financing yards of 3B-inch; apron rections. Agency, Realtors, 6464200. In some newqmiier having a circu- day through Tlumday from disclosure of the identity of an dealer. SENS M6 Je cell* hr e r t jwl- lEUlon In aaid district, at least seven fraction of a mcaith. informer.” The court sEdd that ry, 643-8641, Mike, 742-7290. 4. Zoning laws' . . . 1% yards. tera is IscM t flrt^cMs m IR days before the day of said bearing, 8:80 AJH.-12;10 p.m. and 12:46 AND COUPLES. Earn ^ per CAPE OOD — Five rooms SOUTH WINDSOR — Attractive SEdd taxes are payable at the one case cited by the defense hour, spare time. Visit us at 47 SINGLE room for rent, reason­ PRESIDENTIAL VILLAGE Pofferns available only 6|i room-Raised Ranch with to appear if they see ca u seat_____ w d 12:46 P.M.-4:80 P.M., Friday lli^ORSE portable deluxe sewing able, shower, pEirking. 649-9167 Bujring or Selling Always Call a Realtor in sizes shown. E v e U M A T E . down, flreptoce. One finished time Emd place and be heard rela­ from 8:80 A.M.-12:ie PM. and Office of the Collector of Reve- in which the prosecution had . Cottiige St., Manchester, Room APARTMENTS YORK, good assumable mortgage. tive thereto and by mailing on or Dogs— Bifds--Pots 41 machines, originaUy $309, now Eifter 3 p.m. ' SUM ta etiM to *>di n b up. Basement garage. LEirge nqe in the Municipal Building,— been reqiiired to furnisfi the B. Evenings 6-8. Three bedroomSi VA baths, before June 30, 1970, by certified P .M .-4:80 P.M., Friday $160. Dealers welcome. CaU tos IS Isbtft linbetot anlOsg. treed lot. $24,000. BraiUnraite mall, a copy of this order to Eldna Monday through Friday name of Em Informer was not Now ren t^ .on e and two bed­ Prist Hsaw, ARRreu eritli ZIP kitchen with stove Eind dis- HeUI WlU be closed July 8, 1970. 649-7708 after 5. ROOM for genUemEm, quiet, NANGHESTEIt BOARD OF REALTORS CODE isR Stfit Nnsker. Agency, Realtor, 649-4693. Hahn: 396 Highland St, Manches­ 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., except appUcable.- room apartments. C a s tin g , posad-, carpeted Uvlng room ter, Oonn.; Miuvarrt Lucas Kramer, Dated at Coventry, (Connecti­ KITTENS! AU beauUes and aU convenient locaUon. 224 CSiar- OF_ The Spring & Summer 26 Scott Drive, Bast Hartford. Thursday—July 28, 1970 The state Supreme Court also conaidar part-time. Experienc- CoU-649-6647. CLEAN, USED refrigerators, complete G-E Utchra, 2 air- U & R PRIVACY — Trees, 7-room cus­ and dining Etrea, famUy room cut, June 24, 1970. ter Oak Street, 643-8868. Only a Realtor may E .T . ______”70 ALBUM is 60^ plus 16(! Conn.; Ferdlntuid Lucas, 600 Cold 8:80 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., and rejected a defense contention mL Excellent commission ar­ ranges, automaUc washers REALTY C a . INC. Prbrt ftoWi M *wsw— zir - for postage and handling. tom deluxe home, fsunUy 'With fireplause, large lot. Con­ toring Avenue,' Springfield, Audrey M. Bray, condiUoners, IH baths. CaU e t l i , su it Mtokcr m i tb s. Charlesweswe* IdF Lucas" Jr.," 46" Ridge Circle, Saturday—July 26, 1970 that the prosecution should not rangement. Ask for Mr. Pasek, PEKINGESE puppies for SEile, with guarantees. See them at 90 SIAST CENTER SntEBT NEEDLEWORK PRIMER . . . ever room, dining room, 2H baths, venient to stores, bus Etnd high- Tax Collector Ftances K. Wagner, Rmital display this emblem. The Spring & Summer Storrs, Oonn., and return make to 8:80 A.M. to 12 Notm have been Ediowed to introduce Pasek Realtors, MLS, 289- paper trained, AKC registered. B. D. Pearl’s Applismces, 649 iCANCHEBim, CPNN. 100-pM im sa# RiresMeat-to-^ ' brick front, doable gEtrage. wayD. $30,600. PlilUipe Realty, this Court. Town of Coventry, Manager, 646-2823 or 643-1028. *70 Basic FASHION Book ksN, iMDfil«»iv sad creebet JOHN J. WALLBTT, Judge, Ernest R. Machell Jr., evidence that HeutIs used nar­ 747B, 742-82tt. 649-9629. Main St. CaU 648-2171. 64S-96U or 648-9602 tittelwtl D0$,.add 19$ to pen- Hutchins'Agmcy, 64941824. 872-8214, 649-0268. Qonilecticut Read Herald Ads is 50f plus 15(1 for post­ co; George C. Leesner, Atty. Collector of Revenue cotics. age and handling. age sad biadlisf.

I \ - -V I l , r ^

t*AGB SQCTBEIf TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1970 iKanrli^Btfr lEwntog 1§wali> Avenge Daily Net Press Ron Warehouse Point, W illiam IBen,- Vqr n e W eA Haded The Weather TowiTOpens Bids son, Grandview Rd., Tolland; Jane ti, leee Partly cloudy tonight, chance About Town weatlMr St. SMUted at the 80th Junior Women -^1 ^ ^ wedding ^aanlyeraary party o t Jeanne Gipson, Hany Lane, Pa- More Seeerfty With ^ ot showers, thunderriiowers, low In the 60a. Thursday, cloudy Mias Miriam Sdettler, d a ^ hla fraht^renU. Mr. and Mrs. Get Citation On Project Parts tri.cla Twohlg, .Hartford T ^e., 15,610 cooler, chance of showers and tar o ( M r. And Mtrp. R e b e ii Copeland o ( 1S2 HH- Wyatt CSteney, Dally d r., all FALSE TEETH H.R. Prescott and Sons, la c . thundershowen. Sohettler oC SI FItnrinC St., has ^ name was omitted ' The Manchester Junior Wom­ Rockville; Marcy Thompson, Manchester^—A City of Village Charm of West Boylston, Mass. Is the Main St., Manchester, and Mrs. A t Any Time been named to the dean’s list ^ ‘‘b account o t the event In en’s Club recently was award­ Don’t be so afraid that yoiir falsa' apparent low bidder on 71 ------^------for the second semester at BYlday’s Herald. ed. a Certificate of Appreciation Ann Carmody and son, Rock­ teeth will come loose or drop lust at pieces o t equipment and 800 feet ville. _ the wrons time. For mors security VOL. LXXXK , NO. 236 (THIRTY-SIX PAGBS-^TWO SECTIONS) Geneva Ooliege, Beaver Fails, by the National Association for and comfort, sprinkle FASTUTHS MANCHES'TER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1970 (daasitled Advertitliig on ftga M) PRICE TEN CENTS P a. of tube to be used in the in­ Birth Friday: Son to Mr. and Denture Adhesive Powder on your Retarded Children. Mrs. stallation of the water main at lates. F A S m T R holds dentures —— The Manchester 'Redevelop­ Mrs. Domld LaBonte, Regan St., Srmer longer. Makes eating easier. Charles Carsky, president, ac­ Center, W. Center, and Pine Rockville; daughter to Mr. and FAS'TEETR la not acid. No gummy, A service of Holy Communion ment Agency (MRA) wlU hold Sts. gooey, pasty taste. Dentures that lit will be held tomorrow at 10 Its monthly meeting tonight In cepted the award at a meet­ Mrs. Robert Pagan, Rockville; are essential to health. Sea your ing and workshop of the Con­ The bid was $0,874.49, o r $6,- and daughter to Mr. and Mrs. dentist regularly. Oet easy-to-use a.m. at St. Alary’s Episcopal the agency office on Main St. ^6 from stock within 10 days. FASTEETH at all drug counters. Pollution War Church. beginning at 7:30. Members will necticut Federation of Wom­ Elmer Welts, Wlage St., El­ State Shoreline Other bidders were Water discuss the extension of con­ lington. Soviet Fight Seen en’s Clubs at the Mansfield Works Supply Corp., Malden, Iim ovation tracts for Garrity, Walsh and ’Ihe testimonial for the Rev. State Training Center. Mass., $6,889.11; Connecticut TOhRANCB, Calif. (AP)— Plana, attorneys; and George Kenneth J. Friable, former as­ The dub initiated several Waterworks Supply, Inc., West 1116 Los Angeles County dier- Kanehl, an accountant. Pollution Studied sistant pastor at St. Bridget projects this year to assist Hartford, $6,899.43; PubUc iff baa Introduced a small in- Church, scheduled for Sunday, those who work with the re­ Works Supply Co., Inc., lynn. NORWALK, CJonn. (AP)— A. public health professor novatitm In the war on pollu­ Possible iii Israel has been postponed 'until Sept. tarded. SotUh Windsor Mass., $6,804.16; and George A. f r ^ Yale said today that the urban poor su^er dispro­ tion: A smelting furnace. By THE ASSOCilATED PRESS 20 due to .summer ' vacations. The projects included cdlect- Caldwell Co., Southington, $6,- portionately from the ability o f Long Island Sound to M ore than 7,600 idstols, ’The testimonial committee will ing used postage stamps for the 966.70. spread disease. brass knuckles, submachine Israel's army chief of staff declared today that there meet on Aug. 17 in' St. Bridget j Woman Enters Southbury Training School and Salon Portrait photo MORNING SPhciAl guns end other weapons were School cafeteria. 2 EGGS (any style) It is the poor, said Eric Mood, who have no other are about 8,000 Soviets in J^ypt, 3,000 of them sol­ Speaker coupons for the home eco­ place 'to swim than the city harbor beaches where pollu­ dumped Into a furnace and diers, pilots or experts operating: weapons and missiles. Guilty Plica T o nomics department at Mans­ C hoice o f melted into a metal block Architect Arnold Lawrence ot Engaged Rockville O P E N tion IS worst. The rest are advisers and instructors, Lt. Gen. Haim ‘n>e Sunset Club will have a field Training Center, and do­ HAM-SAUSAGE-BACON iMood made his comments at weighing four tons and worth Embezzlement Lawrence Associates, architects nations to Camp Kennedy T.nd The engagement of Miss Su­ 6 A.M. $240. Bar-Lev told the semiofficial newspaper Davar, picnic ’Thursday at 11:80 a.m. Hospital Notes TOAST 6 COFFEE tlte second day of hearings on Bar-Lev was quoted as saying and planners of 67HP orter St., to the National Association of san L. Bentley to James H. But­ "While the former method in Section 1 of Wickham Park. Mrs. Unda C. Daly of 121 pollution of the Sound. O il Slick his army now faced the pros­ Those planning to attend are re­ is a faculty member for the Retarded Children. Other gifts ler, bc4h of Manchester, has Hbni« Cooking AT ITS BEST of dumping this material Into pect of having to fight the Rus­ Maskel St. pleaded guilty yes­ to Mansfield were decorated been announced by her mother, Sen. Abraham Riblcoff hailed minded to bring silverware, special two-week institute on Admitted Friday: Thomas El- Mood’s tostlmony as "among the ocean produced minimal sians. terday In federal court to a bibs, stuffed animals and ac- Mrs. Laura L. Bentley of 163 ^T. 44 - COVENTRY-BOLTON Line 6 4 0 - 8 2 3 0 pollution to the"'environment, Soviet Arms bevcTipc^^^ chairs, and playing well,. Woodland St., Tolland; the most Important' to be pre­ “ But we wUl not be deterred ‘"rhe School Administration and coustical baffled, all made by Highland St. Spreads Off our new method reduces pol­ cards. Reservations may be charge of embesxlement while Marjorie Gates, Pearl St., Ver­ sented before this subcommit­ from any action which Is possi­ the Handicapped Child” now club members, and a donation lution to nil,’’ said Sheriff made by contacting the club employed at the Ws^pln^ Her fiance is the son of Mr. non; Bonita La^nte, Regan St., te e ." ble and necessary for our con­ being conducted at the Newing­ to purchase sleds for the chil­ and Mrs. Joseph H. Butler of Rockville; Teresa Le-wis, Village Peter Pltchess. In M id east president. branch of the South Wlndso^ ONE COURT STREET "You have to weigh the prob­ tinued hold on the cease-fire ton Children’s Hospital under dren. Articles made at Mans­ 338 Spring St. St., Rockville; Joseph Piader New H aven line” he said. Bank and ’Trust Co. i i^e Joint auspices pf the hospital field were sold at one of the Roekvik, Comwctkiit lem of slum. explosions against The home life and youth com­ Miss Bentley, a 1969 graduate Sr., South Windsor; Arine Weirs, The Jerusalem state radio The amount involved was ,^ d Central Connecticut State club meetings. the problem of dlMase," Rlbi- NEW HAVEN, Conn. (A ^ — Worry U.S. mittee of the Manchester Junior of Manchester High School, Is Village St., Ellington. OFHCE SPACE said that the Israeli Embaany In $1,476. ’College. coff observed. A leaking oU tanker o ff New Women’s Club will have a cof­ The club’s one-act play, “Con­ employed as a secretary at Discharged Friday: Marjorie Washington has warned that So­ Miss Daly’s guilty: plea was ' Tlie purpose is to acquaint TOLLAND COUNTY'S NEWEST Another \ witness, author and Nixon Edict By FRED S. HOFFMAN fee tomorriow at 10:80 a.m. at solation,” was perfcrrmed for Newport Associates, Inc., Hart­ Gates, Pearl St., Vernon; Ed­ Haven continued to unload its viet pilots are likely to fly mis­ to only one portion of the in; school administrators with the the Young Adults, an area ford. ward Westover, Napanaug, N. OFHCE RUILDING editor Norman (Jouslns of New AP MUltaiy Writer the home ot Mrs. Gerald Canaan, warned that unless cargo into barges today while an sions In the Sues Ckmal zone and dictment returned June 10- in problems and needs of chil­ group of retarde^young adults. Mr. Butler, a 1967 graduate of Y.; Roberta L. Tyler, Russell even beyond the waterway Into Brines, 149 Oak St., Wapplng. • Near Ooarts-Baaka-Ho^tsd-a Uallnalted Paridag steps are taken to stop pollu­ oil slick spread around it In WASHINGTON (AP) — The UB. Dlatrlct Court in Hartford. dren with physical, hearing, vi­ Club member^^aked birthday Manchester High School, is Dr., Vernon; Israel Quinones, Ends Stpike^ Israeli-held territory. Boainesa Aiea • Eleivatar tion of the seas, within 40 years Long Island Sound, recent downing of three Israeli One part. Involving $800 was sion, perception, emotional. In­ cakes for st^^hospital patients serving with the UB. Army. He West Main St., Cary Crandall, a Carpeted a CUmate Oeatral These Soviet flights 'WlU occur Miss Deborah Clark of 800 dropped. tellectual, speech and language in its annuM "Operation Deep­ was In Vietnam for one year Green Rd., Lee Taft, Burke • Solar CHaaa a Soand^root the microscopic organisms that The Humble Oil Co. tanker unless the Kremlin’s . Involve­ Jets by Egyptian-based antiair­ Center St. has been ntuned to No date foi^ sentencing was handicaps. freeze.” /rtiey also acted as and is now stationed a^ Ft. Ben- Rd., Stephen Von Euw, Law­ produce wygen wiU gcraped bottom near Block Is- Trains Run ment In E gypt runs up against craft missiles marks the first ef­ the dean’s list, at Kearney set. Miss Daly is represented by Lawrence's subject is “Over­ hostess^ for the Instructors of rence St., Anna Casatl, Earl ALCO PROFESSIONAL CORF. no longer be able to do their , j _ . 8 nlng, Ga. “a real response” from the Job. ' ’Tuesday, its captain said, WASHINGTON (A P ) — fective combat use of imprqyed (Neb.) State College, where she Atty. Jerome Wahdi of Man­ coming Architectural Barriers the Hwdlcapped open house The wedding is planned for St.; Noel Kloter, Hartford Tpke., 87S4>789 or 237-8056 West, the broadcast said. will enter her senior year. Cousins, udio Is editor of The the Trains of three struck railroads SAM-2 batteries, U.S. milltaiy chester. to Special Education.” last/M ay. ! Jan. 9, 1971. all Rockville; James Houlberg, Tile warning was Included In Saturday Review, Is chairman way down the Sound to Nbw moving again today after sources say, and carries omi­ President Nixon acted quickly a document circulated by the Is­ of New York Mayor John V. Haven, \riiere the leak was dis­ nous Implications for American to end the surprise walkout by raeli Embassy in Washington Undsay’s Ta^^orce on Air covered. 1 Tuesday night, the radio said. planes flying over North Viet­ Pollution. United Transportation Union nam. In an attempt to avoid spread­ m em bers. The document claimed that Americans are stealing oxy­ the Soviets have complete The trouble could come, these 6% . 53/4% . 51/4% . 5% . @% . 53/4% . 51/4% . 5% . g% . 53/40/^. 51/^0/^ gen from both the wqter and ing oil through New Haven Har­ Invoking emergency provi- three stages in their .military sources salc^ If the Soviet Union the atmosphere at dangkrous bor, the ship stood out several sim s o t the Railway Labor Act, aid of Egypt—establishment of makes the same improvements rates. Cousins said, by replac­ miles from shora, where emer- the President ordered the strik­ SAMS surface to air missiles in North Vietnam’s SAM-2z in g vegetaticm With highways gency unloading operations be- ers back to work for 60 days near Egyptian citfes, operation­ sometimes used against U.6. re- and by poisoning the plankton tsoa. 'While an em ergency board al missions by Soviet pilots In conalasance planes and their es­ that supply the oceans with oxy- ' 'Bie million-gallon., tanker was seeks to settle the dispute over Egypt’s inner cdrspace, and set­ corts. re-emidoyment of firemen on gen. bound from Baton Rouge, La., ting up of SAMS’s In the embat­ Clianges In the SAM-2s report­ freight and yard diesel engines. tled canal zone, 10 miles from if i'ilv ■ "Unea^ Is the public health to New Haven, edly Involve much better elec­ officer of some Connecticut ^ e Coast Guard was cruising UTU picket lines were re­ the waterway itself, tronics mechanism for g;ulding shoreline cities In the summer- along the shore east of New moved from key Junctions In "The Soviets are waiting to th® missiles to their targets. time,’’ Mood said. Haven to see whether, any of most of the 16 states 'udiere rail see what will be the direct reac­ U.S. pilots have had great passenger and freight trafflc "As a professional health of- Number 2 grade heating oil tion to these steps they have success evading older SAM-2s, was halted Tuesday. ficial. he knows that he should was washing ashore, taken, and it Is clear that if this mosUy by flying tight turns In close the beach for swimming. The Coast Guard quoted the But in Pensaccda , Fla., em- New Jersey state trooper and Asbury Park officer check for further trouble af­ reaction la passive, they wUI ter hitting the youth lying on sidewalk in looting spree. (AP Photofax) the air. The SAM-2s accounted "But as a humanitarian he cnptain of the tanker as sailing ployes of the Louisville & Nash- open a fourth stage which la for only about 10 per cent of the knows that the socially deprived ship scraped bottom riUe Railroad remained cm likely to include Soviet fUghto 926 U.S. warplanes lost over over the canal zone and even residents of his city have no Block Island because the strike. It was not clear whether North Vietnam since 1966. other convenient outdoor Southwest Ledge light and beU the UTU members were acting beyond it,” the document W ilk claim ed. Only nine U.S. aircraft have area" offering "reUef from the o® tts position. How- direct defiance of the presl­ Bullets Fly in Asbury Park been lost, none to SAM-2a, since oppressing summer heat of the the Coajrt Guard said a dential order In keeping the The background material was American planes were Umlted released followingIsrael's ■ ■'*. urban slums,’’- Mood said. check Indicated the buoy was trains Idle. ASBURY PARK, N.J. (AP) — sions. Monday. to reconalssance flights Nov. 1, In his testimony. Mood focused were It was supposed to be. Department re- ghotgim pellets wounded 46 per- The city has been quiet since charge Monday that the Soviets J • V Police estimated damage at 1968. ^ have placed the sophisticated on the ability of the 'Sound to Wise, the Coast Guard Parted Tues^y night that uni(Hi Negroes critically— Tuesday night, the spokesman well over $1 million. Some U.S. sources Indicate officer In charge of keeping an members throughout the nation Tuesday after State Police said. SAM3 8 in the canal area and spreEul diseases like hepatitis. 'Violence reached the main the Installation of Improved eye on the oil slick, said the would return to work as soon as turned to gunfire to break up a had even fired some of them at He 'voiced support fo r a bUl pro­ Most of the wounds Tuesday business district about 6 p.m. SAM-2 batteries near the Sues oil should evaporate fairly possible. Negro attfusk and to entofoe a Israeli planes. posed by Sen. Abraham A. RIM- came during one battle In which BD’Tz^’when the ODOlM 'tttoVed Canal may be at least as signifi­ rapidly. ’Ibe department said the Na­ curfew . - an estim ated 1,000 N egroes across an expanse of railroad Left-and rlght‘'wlng Arab coff, IMJonn., to set up a fed­ tional Railway Labor Confer­ cant militarily as the appear­ (Lt. Wise is the son of Mr. Fourteen wounded were hospl- launched volleys of rocks, bot­ tracks from the Negro sector newspapers In Beirut rejected eral commission to stu^ pollu­ ence, the Industry group repre­ ance of the newer SAJd-8, anoth­ and Mrs. J. Jack Wise of 61 taUzed and hospital authorities tles and firebombs at troopers. and began breaking ‘windows. Israeli claims that Soviet mis­ / tion of the Sound senting more than 128 railroads, er j)lU8sian-bullt antiaircraft R ib lcoff, as chairm an o f the HUJtop Dr. In M w ch ester. A listed 92 gunshot wounds treated City officials, meanwhile, Police, some using clubs, herd­ siles and crews were operating rescinded its consideration of a In the cansd zone. They said thiz weapon designed to be fired Senate Executive Reorganisation graduate . of Manchester during three days of racial trou­ scheduled a meeting with Negro ed the crowd back, but at the lockout of employes am) threat was a hysterical campaign to against low-flying planes. Committee, conducted the first School and 1967 graduate ble in this seashore resort com­ leaders to discuss demands for tracks the blacks turned and at­ U to shut down the system. U.S. experts regard the ap­ munity. improvements in housing, law tacked. solicit more U.S. military aid f like you own of three hearing sessions In New ^® C®®st Guard Academy in The UTU ' caUed the strike State Police said their detec­ for Israel. pearance of the 8AM-8S east of. Londmi Tuesday. The third ses- ^®w London, he Is married to enforcement and employment. Troopers fired snotguna, os­ suddenly Tuesday after charg­ tives were investigating wheth­ tensibly as warning shots. Hos­ Aral' papers and radios gave the Nile as significant because slon is scheduled to be held In former Joyce Levine of The city’s Negro police chief, ing the lines 'with refusing to er trooper shots caused the Thomas Smith, said if calm pre­ pital records showed that most prominent coverage to U.N. It means the Russians are edg­ King’s Point on Long Island July <^®*Ty HIU, N.J.) bargain In good faith over the wounds. State Police said they of ’Tuesday’s wounded came in Secretary. General U Thant's ing toward the Suez Canal. 20, The slick around the tanker vailed he might recommend use of firemen on diesel en­ fired only warning shots. withdrawal of some outside po­ after this, although some gun­ statement In Geneva Tuesday. Until now, the SAM-8s, be­ Mood declared that In all the “ estimated 400 yards gin es. State Police said today they shot victims were admitted up Thant said the Soviet peace pro­ lieved manned mostly by Soviet discussion of ecology and en- '” “®> tapering off about 600 licemen, one of t)i® demands Spot checks early today of would stay on In Asbury Park made by Negro leaders Tues­ to six hours later. Later shots posals for the Middle East have crews, have been inatalled near vironmental problems, "too Uttle ***? ®hck areas served by the Baltimore as long as needed. A state po­ were attributed to warnings to "certain new and constructive Alexandria, west of Cairo and was about one-half inch thick. day. Is being said about the hazards & Ohio, Louisville & NashviUe lice spokesman said 150 troop­ Mayor Joseph MatUce said: curlew violators. elem ents.” near the Aswan Dam. L Lt. Wise said last night that that en'vlronmental pollution and Southern Pacific railroads ers were on duty, some bn pa­ The Jersey Shore Medical Coast Guard personnel would "The beach front thank good­ Thant claimed that Soviet per­ The new SAM-3 positions are poses to health, weU-being and showed most pickets down with­ trol and others on stanby. He ness, hasn’t been affected.” Center reported that since trou­ sonnel were In Egypt for train­ board the tanker today to check seUd to be northeast of Cairo, the survival of mankind." in hours of Nixon’s order. said a curfew imposed Tuesday But the boardwalk was empty ble broke gut Sunday night it ing purposes and that Russian the record books and question some 35 miles from the Suez Ca­ Already, he said, there are Southern Pacific said a wild­ at 8:30 p.m. was lifted at 6 of its usual throng of summer had treated 160 injured persons, missiles installed there were nal. harbors In Connecticut so baxUy cat picket line marched today at a.m . visitors 'and Springwood Ave­ 92 o f them -with gunshot wounds, purely defensive. According to U.S. sources, a bank polluted by disease-carrying se that an the railroad’s biggest yard at However Jilack leaders said to­ nue, main street of the Negro the rest with lacerations. Twen­ A leading Israeli newspaper few Russian-piloted MIG fight­ age that they wlU never again from Brook- RosevUle, Calif., in a local dis- day they would ask that the district, was a shambles. There ty eight of the 32 patients tulmit- today termed Thant' "a grave ers are based at an airport >wa Il.x, to survey the sound. ted had been shot. be useful as shellfish beds. numbers of state troopers be re­ were no big fires Tuesday. Most noriheast of Cairo, but they *(See Page Sixteen) "In order to haivest clams, duced immediately to ease ten- stores were burned and looted (See Page Two) (See Page Sixteen) have not yet flown toward the mussels and oysters from these canal. ' ' waters, a reduction of the level Most of the estimated 60 ad­ of polluticm) to about five per G Is Cut vance MI021J fighters flown cent of present values would be by Russian pilots are based required," MOod said. deeper inside Egypt, sources "PubUc health officials must V iet Cong Contradictions Thicken Fog of Viet War said. There are about 100 Rus­ accept now perpetual responai- sian pilots In Egypb some of bUity for the surveillance of By DANIEL De LUCE can participation in combat, generals In Saigon, the war will the 17th Parallel are South Viet­ "We know that if we like to be them assigned to training Egyp­ these shellfish areas in these T o Pieces Associated Press Writer contnulictlons. still thicken the be protracted. But in the end, nam’s shield against “northern free, we must fight. tian air crews rather than to fly harbors for the protection of the patrols. SAIGON (AP) —U.S. heUcop- In Hanoi as well as In Saigon, fog of war. national Uberation forces will invaders.” " I have 180,000 troops and health o f the pel®.’ ’ ters and ground troops caught a Last February in Hanoi, prevail, a few generals may flee a visiting American can find He is five years younger than thousands of territorial pla­ ...YOU Even some drinkable water North 'Vietnamese force near North Vietnam’s Foreign Minis­ to their secret fortunes in Switz­ President Nguyen Van Thieu, toons, the Popular Fhrees, cannot suppoat edible shellfish, the old Marine combat base at "proof” of almost anything he ter, Nguyen Duy Trlnh, gave erland, and South Vietnam wlU his comrade, in arms, and which are scattered tiurough'I Khe Sanh today and in a seven- 'wants to believe about the war. ______(Bee Page Two) me the Communists’ interpreta- arise an independent, neutral reached the rank of lieutenant Corps. hour battle cut the enemy to With comparable fervor of'Ttion of current events: state living in peace. general about five years later “Not one of my platoons has Stranded pieces, U.iS. offica ls reported. emotion and the same assur- The South Vietnamese masses That is Hanoi’s version. than Thieu. He was bom within ‘gone to the hills.’ Not one has The officials said iip to 126 en- ance that time Is on the speak- want independence above all For the Saigon government’s deserted. etoy were killed In the action 20 miles of the Ben Hal River, Famous (kocision of the United States Supreme Court er’s side, warring leaders In else—a country from which all view, Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam the present dividing line be­ "The (tommunists say they Students about three miles from Laos in North and South Vietnam have foreign military forces have re­ Eleven Fires South Vietnam’s northwest cor­ is an able spokesman, dispens­ tween North and South Viet­ will continue to fight 10 more ner. told me alike that they see signs treated—and they 'will continue ing with any Interpreter and nam. He has many medals for years. We 'wlU fight l(»ger—and R etu rn in g U.S. losses were put at two in 1970 of ultimate 'rictory de- their patriotic self-sacrifice un­ speaking directly in EngUsh. valor. w in ." . an institution in the hands of disintorostoi persons, the profits of whieh, after doduotiof spite the war’s painful course. til this is achieved. General Lam commands I "'Why do our people CMitinue Traveling from the chemical­ Hit Fairfield men killed and six wounded. NEW YORK (AP) —The first In this Uttle cockpit of Asia, Because the United States is Corps Tactical Zone, two infan­ to fight? Because they can’t ly poisoned meadows of the De­ Khe Sanh was the site of a 77- batch of 8,600 American stu­ Mponsos of eonduetins hnsinoss, inure wholiy to the benefit of the deposHoHi after a generation of struggle arming a huge Vietnamese try divisions, and five provincial militarized Zone to the green FAIRFIELD , Cotm. (AP) — day enemy siege early in 1968. stand to Uve under Communist dents has returned from Eiuope and five years of majm: Ameri- army under a smaU clique of governments. His, forces near h dividends or in a reserred snhiius for their preatm^ Firemen battled 11 fires —all It became one of the war’s most rule,” said Lam. wonderland of the Mekong del­ after being temporarily strand­ apparent cases of arson—as a famous battles. The base was ta, I met no doubters In the ed by the financial collapse ot rash of early morning fire inci­ abandi^ed^y the Leathernecks South Vietnamese tdficer. corps. the travel agency that arranged (96U.F.388) dents hit this suburban town for In June o f 1968. In North '\fietnam, the troops I their study tours. the second time in a week. No The new fight came after U.S. saw o t the People’s Army "It was bedlam" when the Injuries were reported in the helicopter crewmen spotted the looked smartly trained and ap­ students heard their trips had fires early today. enemy force in the area. Offi­ peared to be pivvlded with the been cut short, said Debbie Seven firebombfng Incidents cials said the enemy’s strength best of the nation’s resources . Monk, 16, o f Newport News, Va. occurrad in similar fashion last w as estim ated at 150-280 men. 8 In South Vietnam, the 18 She was am ong 188 persons 6 4 6 - 1 7 0 0 Thursday morning. The fires A reaction force of paratroop­ months since the Americans’ emergency alriifted from Swlts- early today between 1:10 a.m. ers also was air lifted Into . the policy of Vletnamlzation started erland Tuesday to Kennedy Air­ I and 8:60 a.m. damaged four heUcopter and clashed have been good for the South port. automohUes, five buUdlngs and the enemy. Vietnam Army (ARVN). “Mbst of the students raised two large trash contsdnera. It was the second major battle Good fortune has deluged the money for the trip them­ FoUce also said a udiite car In northernmost 1st Ctoips with­ ARVN with military hardware selves," said Sister Celeste similar to one seen during the in the past week. The other was from American reserves, and fi­ Marie Reichert ot St. Edmund’s firebombing incidents six nights a two-day fight between South nanced an increase o f 100 per HBgh School, Brooklyn, chape­ earUer was qx>tted near some Vietnam’s 1st Division and cent in regular troops, with rone t» 18 girls from that schooL of the fires early today. North Vietnamese troops on American grants. The cost for the four weeks The cause of the 11 fires this sand flats southeast of ()uang There’s no mistaking the elan abroad was $1JK)0 up. morning was not Immediately Tri, some 40 miles to the east of the South Vietnamese officer "They worked after sobool determined. Flrebomblngs were Khe Sanh. In that battle, the and on Saturdi^ and Sun- Savings Bank# of Manchester corps at this time. a possibility but other means by government troops claimed 146 Tt”id m i t k sh e soid. “That’s what’s F 0.1 C which the fires may have been of the enemy killed. sad. It was heartbrMklng.’’ Member namese leaders but among so set were under investigation. Word of the new fighting On Monday, World Academy, some American officials, in pri­ This morning's fires Included came as government spokesmen Inc., which arranged the tripe, vate remarks and casual hints, Sevan ConvenieBt O ffiets to Serve Yen tires ket afire at a service sta? In Saigon disclosed that three filed bankruptcy petitions In that a 'Visitor finds doubts about tion and at a vacant garage, battalions of civilian Irregulars Cincinnati’s U.S. District Court. the ultimate outcome. and a blaze set In trash bcurelz had been withdrawn from Cam­ Four of Its subsidiaries also North Vietnamese leaders do MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH at a restaurant. Two vacant bodia, and the rest of South filed petitions. not have the problem of morale bulldlnga and three automobiles Vietnam’s Mekong Delta-based The firm’s financiei coUapsa Male OIRce, Perluitfo eiiO loHon Netcli Open Set. 9 AJ4. tie NOoa among a host of foreign advis­ also were the targets of arson task force embarked on a new left no funds for further feeding ers, because they are on their incidents. operation In Cambodia. or accommodattoos for the stu­ own. ’Die confidence and deter­ In tile firebomUngz six nights The pullout of thre. battalions dents i but their fli$hts home eaiUer, four trucks were des­ mination In North Vietnam are had been paid for In advance of the ethnic Cambddlans re­ not displayed in an echo cham­ troyed at a tree surgery firm, cruited In the Mekong Belta left with a charter airline company. ■ 5 % ’ '° ■ 5 '/ 4 % ■ 5 % ■ • 5 % % ■ 5 '/ 4 % • 5 % • 6 “''- • 5 ^ /4 % - 5 ' / , % and tires were se$in three bulld- ber of fwelgn doubts. \ "We were stmposed to tour tngs and three cafe. (See Page EightoeB) Bicycles and streetcars fill the streets in an austere Hanoi in North Vietnam. (AP Photofax) (See Page Bl^itoea) (Bee Page Twe)

\ \ ..A ^ V.