Two Extra Pages In This Edition Late news and sports are covered on Pages 1-X and 3-X of this edition of Hie Star, supple- menting the news of the regular borne delivered edition of Hie Star.

Closing N. Y. Morkets—Soles, Page 16. 89th YEAR. No. 35,457. THREE CENTS. NAZIS CAPTURE TWO KEY CITIES IN CRETE Late News Bulletins Former Nazi Eden Outlines Defense and 'Essentials' Get Steel Priorities The Office of Production Management late today issued Britain's Aims an order designed to give defense requirements and all “essen- Diplomat Held tial” civilian needs first call on all forms of steel. E. R. Stet- tinius, jr.. defense priorities director, said he issued the order because the general demand, including defense and civilian In New York In Present War orders, “is greater than the apparent capacity to make de- liveries of certain of steel and steel products promptly.” types Seizure of Suda (Earlier Story on Page A-47.) Rieth, Reportedly Bay Gives German Forces Carol Due in Havana Tomorrow Here on Oil Mission, Island HAVANA (/P).—Former King Carol of Rumania and Mme. Taken Into Custody Bridgehead Elena are expected to reach their home in exile Lupescu By the . BULLETIN. here tomorrow afternoon instead of Saturday, as pre- NEW YORK, May 29—Kurt Hen- UP).—More liner America. The CAIRO, Egypt viously scheduled, on the rich Rieth, German Minister to than 100 German planes on United States Lines here explained that the America’s Austria at the time Chancellor the beaches of Northwest cruise schedule had been revised to prmit only a brief stay Engelbert Dollfuss was assassinated, was taken into custody today and Crete were successfully at- here before she goes to New York to enter United States naval KURT HENRICH RIETH. hurried to Ellis Island by immigra- tacked Tuesday night and service. tion authorities. Wednesday morning, the R The Justice Department at Wash- A. F. announced tonight, in Davis-Kaufman Case Goes to Jury ington said he was being held with- 11, Is Drowned, out bail for deportation proceed- the wake of British admissions PHILADELPHIA (A5'.—Criminal charges against retired Boy, ings. of the loss of Suda Bay. Sev- Court J. Warren Davis and Mor- seizure United States Circuit Judge Tire department said his eral fires were started and a were to a Federal court jury today Sailboat today was on the ground that he gan S. Kaufman given Capsizes number of explosions had come to this country for pur- resulted, after a trial lasting 10 days. Judge Davis, 74, who rettred poses other than that stated in his a communique said. and Kaufman. Scranton, Pa., attorney and two years ago, application for a permit, which was to In Sudden Storm former bankruptcy referee, are charged with conspiracy listed simply as personal business. (Earlier Stories on Page A-l.) obstruct justice and defraud the United States. Dr. Rieth's presence in the United By the Associated Press. Little Rain States was revealed last Falls Saturday by With newly-arrived Italian the New York Herald Tribune, which Reds in Plants As troops striking from the east end Vigilantes Reported Ousting Mercury Drops said he was here to buy American- of the island, Adolf Hitler’s aerial Testimony that "100 per cent Americans” working in vital 21 to 74 owned oil properties in Eastern Eu- Degrees rope. invaders Crete’s defense industries are organizing vigilante groups to purge captured prize The Herald Tribune said Dr. was heard by a special BULLETIN. harbor of Suda Bay on the west their plants of Communists today Rieth used the name of Walter C. and Candia, in subcommittee of the Dies Committee amid several dramatic A colored boy, about 11, was Teagle, chairman of the board of today occupied j Central as the British incidents precipitated by witnesses and spectators. drowned in the Potomac River | the Standard Oil Co. of New York, Crete, when he entered this country. That struggled desperately in the jaws (Earlier Story on Page A-5.) at Thirtieth and K streets and ENVOY INSPECTS FIRE ENGINE—Viscount Halifax, the British Ambassador, mounted to the company subsequently denied know- of a closing vise. a sailboat capsized off Hains him. seat of this fire engine beside Driver J. W. Bunch at No. 16 Engine Company while looking over ing Candia is the island’s British a storm Dr. biggest Capture of Iraq City Reported by Point, when sudden Rieth entered the United the" company's equipment. —Harris & Ewing Photo. States at Brownsville. Tex., on A- ■ city, with a population of 33,000, CAIRO, Egypt (A5).—Capture of Khanuqta. Iraq, half way hit the city late this after- March 22 after flying from Mexico about 55 miles east of Suda Bay. » between Fallujah and Baghdad, was reported today by the noon, sending the temperature 1, City. Previously he had been in British military headquarters, con- British Air Force. down 21 degrees to 74. There South Royal ; America. /anks ceding that the heavily-reinforced He 'Great Lord Nats, (Earlier Story on Page A-4.)- was little rainfall. *The drown- entered the German diplomatic Show/ Says Halifax, Leading Germans had scored major gains, ing victim was believed to be service in 1918, serving in Rome and declared that violent hand-to-hand Paris before he went to Austria. Held Calvin Peters, 210 block ol As Firemen Demonstrate Skill as Time Is fighting was continuing. Relief Request Approved Seized in the midtown area, Dr. 7-2, Called N.W. The Later, German planes raided Brit- A House Subcommittee was said by an Newport place boy Rieth was permitted to visit his ish Appropriations District firefighters staged an im- made an informal statement to re- troops concentrating on the President Roose- fell off a sand barge. The suite in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Informed source today to have approved porters. southern coast, D.N.B.. official Ger- and obtain his promptu demonstration today for Due to Rain in Sixth wind a of 39 personal belongings man news velt’s for $886,000,000 for relief during the year which reached velocity "We in London have had occasion agency reported. request before taken to Ellis Island. Lord the British Ambas- miles an hour. being Halifax, to learn the value of efficient equip- begins next July 1. B. E. Sackett, in Buildings Set Afire. special agent sador. ment and the value of the people Masterson charge of the New York office of Replaces Buildings were set afire at Sphakia A sudden drop in temperature was Lord Halifax had dropped in at who work it,” he said. Park the Federal Bureau of Investigation. and two British bombers and two President Off for Hyde welcomed in Washington shortly "I am immensely grateful, as are Sundra on Mound disclosed that the G-men had the engine house, on Thirteenth ; British bombers and two fighters President Roosevelt left today for a week-end visit at after 4 p.m. today as a “cold front” the people of England, for the help in from northwest. The ‘'known about'’ Rieth but declared near K streets N.W.. at the invita- in Wash- For were destroyed on the ground at as far as moved the which fire establishments Washington his Park (N. Y.) home. A fellow traveler his office had to do with tion firemen who are airfields near on Hyde Weather Bureau forecast was “cloudy nothing of District ington and elsewhere in the United Tympakion the I. Rosenman, who his seizure. Gulf of Weehawken, N. J., was Judge Samuel and cooler” tonight and tomorrow. raising funds for widows and or- States are giving to the widow's and At 5:30 o'clock, more than 45 Mesara, D. N. B. said. his of Tuesday night. The thermometer had soared to "I can't comment about Rieth,” i phans of their comrades in England. of firefighters who minutes after time was called, , British news agency, re- helped Mr. Roosevelt prepare speech 1 orphans English 94 at about 4 o'clock and then cool I Sackett said when queried on his de- He and Commissioner Melvin C. have lost their lives.” play had not been resumed. ported a DN.B. radio claim that (Earlier on Page A-l.) 1 Story tention. “All I can is we’ve in sun "The British are winds sent the mercury tumbling 10 say Hazen watched the blazing Lord Halifax was introduced to making every prep- BURTON HAWKINS. degrees in about 15 minutes. known about him for some time.” while the firefighters attached to Capt. J. W. Kay, in charge of the! By aration for escape across the sea.” Only light showers—if any—the No. 3 Truck Company and No. 16 truck and engine house, by Fire The Washington Nationals and Casualties in the Crete fighting out the were Weather Bureau said, are expected Engine Company drove Chief Stephen T. Porter. New York Yankees tied in their were heavy on both sides, the Bnt- Greece House Unit District's new ladder truck this afternoon. Nazi Gliders Over North to accompany the "cold front,” but Approves $16,000 Capt. H. P Harding, general game here | ish said, with New Zealand and lad- 7 2 tonight it may be as cool as 60 de- and raised its powTer-operated chairman of a drive to raise $6,000 to The score was to when time j other imperial forces fighting bit- Bill on Oil air. Firemen on ! grees. Pipelines der 100 feet into the $7,000 in Washington for the fund, was called in the sixth inning terly east of Suda Bay. Attack the Associated Press. j 2 Weeks Before Crete Two By scurried up and down the ladder, a benefit account of rain. 1 Overcome by Heat. explained performance by j Amid the losing struggle in Crete, Prior to the sudden break in the The House Interstate Commerce swung into position by one man stage, screen and radio stars would If the game were called the score DANIEL DE LUCE. broken-down planes at an ; British Foreign Secretary' Anthony By parently two victims heat Committee today a bill operating the controls from the be held June 7 in Constitution Hall, would revert to that of the fifth in- feet. Then I heat, of prostra- approved : Eden gave the first War Correspondent. altitude of 12,000 got j comprehensive Associated Press were treated at local urgently requested by President driver's seat. The will include motion' ning, which was tied, 2 to 2. field and discovered it tion hospitals. program I statement on Britain’s war aims and 29.—The my glasses was a ANKARA. Turkey, May Overcome while working on an Roosevelt to give the Government “It great show." Lord Hali- pictures of actual firefighting in i FIRST INNING. was a glider convoy. I declared: German Luftwaffe towed a huge at Bethesda, authority to build oil pipelines. fax told Commissioner Hazen. Lord London during an air raid, shown threw ■'Each transport trailed a cable engineering project ! by NEW YORK—Travis out “We must never forget that Ger- fleet of gliders across Northern Lawrence Morland. 34. of Pis- Under the bill the President could | Halifax posed for photographers and three London firemen. Sturm. threw out Rolfe. Hen- to which the gliders were attached. Md„ Myer many is the worst master a before direct a Government to build Greece fortnight opening slender fuse- cataway. Md., was admitted to Prov- agency rich singled to center. Di Maggio I has known. Five times in the last was The gliders had long, the aerial invasion of Crete, it idence such lines, or aid private corpora- flied to Cramer. No runs. lages with tremendous wings, and Hospital. deep century she has violated the peace. by a neutral mer- tions in their construction, and both reported today able from 10 Mrs. Mary Blanchard, 23, colored, WASHINGTON—Crosetti threw She must never be in a to the possibly were to carry President Roosevelt position chant stranded in Salonika by 519 New avenue N.W.. was public and private builders would out Case. Russo tossed out Lewis : to 20 men apiece. Jersey Price Ceilings Studied play that role again.” German have the of eminent domain occupation. continued brought to Casualty Hospital after right in Cramer singled to left. Travis sin- British Se- “The astonishing sight Gets for “If remnants of the at the market at Fifth if the President declared the pipe- Big Play to Cramer tc Bridgehead Landings. for hours, the convoys flying in three collapsing gled right sending cret Service still operate in Greece, K ! lines were “for national third. Archie fanned. No runs. sections. Altogether I counted 200 and streets N.W. required For Oil Nazi Seizure of Suda Bay gave the should have been able to defense Industry, Funny Papers they Drought Sets Record. purposes.” Washington. 0; New York, 0. Germans a for well motorless craft and couldn’t help By the Associated Press. | bridgehead landing notify general headquarters The rain deficiency for the first SECOND INNING. sea-borne and ex- this thinking what soft pickings they’d BERLIN. May 29 —President j troops military in advance of the attack,” five months of the year was 7 inches NEW YORK—Keller flied to Case said it be if the R. A. F. contacted them. Henderson Roosevelt got into the German : perts may prove to be the source said. —the worst for this Policeman Found Says Gordon went out the same way to me how shortage period Guilty turning point of the front “It remained a mystery funny papers tonight. j struggle—the “I looked up from my porch in Weather Bureau records, which Dickey singled to center. Crosetti of another the Germans got the gliders into the Of Drunken 'Gasless and The comic weekly Kladaera- beginning British one morning and was dumfounded have been computed back as far as Driving Sundays' flied to Lewis. No runs. S debacle. I datsch a June 1 See 2-X ) prepared issue — to see a big transport towing ap- ~GREECETPage 1910. Even in 1930, when the country Policeman William E. Bracey of WASHINGTON Myer took a Hitler's command Curb on Electricity which will regale its readers high reported went its worst in No. 12 precinct was found guilty by third strike. Evans was safe when that Nazi mountain through drought with cartoons of the American j troops, striking recent times, there had been more a Police Court jury this afternoon Use Seen Ickes Gordon fumbled his grounder. Evans on Suda by President. j beyond Bay, reached Al- rain in the first five months than on charges of driving while drunk took second as Rolfe threw out myro to the east in One cartoon shows Mr. j Bay pursuit on 4 at and By the Associated Press. Roose- Bloodworth. Sundra walked. Case Aluminum Pots— there has been this year. March Naylor Good I of the "defeated” British. Buys velt putting on King George's fanned. No runs. Army road S.E. the (Earlier on A-l.) The The mercury had reached 92 de- Hope Following ! Story Page German communique said crown and remarking to the New I verdict, June 6 was set for imposi- i Leon Henderson. Government Washington. 0; York, 0. Nazi forces had taken a num- grees at noon today, just slightly British monarch: j large to Build Bomber tion 6f sentence. administrator, told Senators “Something THIRD INNING. ber of prisoners. Enough Big lower than at the same time yes- price like that will fit head beau- j Policeman has been under ; my NEW YORK—Russo fanned. Sturm terday. The temperatures yesterday Bracey today what officials were investigat- j Fascist press dispatches reported use Aluminum Utensil Co., since the the ! tifully.” lined to Archie. Rolfe to Defense officials, busy urging Cooking were above for suspension day driving ing recent gasoline price increases singled also that hundreds of little Greek 16 degrees normal 1 Another j wher- New Kensington, Pa.—$380,438. while drunk was shows him shearing right. Rolfe stole second. Henrich ©f substitutes for aluminum the day. charge preferred. with an eye to possible price ceilings sailboats, loaded with German to thousand aluminum water a flea-bitten British lion: still flied to Lewis. No runs. J ever possible and preparing Fifty ! for the petroleum industry. | troops, had been safely escorted to Products Washingtonians were prepared to another has him Uncle launch campaigns in two pitchers. Aluminum Co., setting WASHINGTON—Russo tossed out Crete under the of public the baked ; The statement was made shortly guns Italian war- to collect dis- 111.—$61,373. desert thoroughly city by Sam’s hat on the globe and Lewis. Rolfe threw out Cramer. American localities Lagrange, after Secretary of Interior Ickes ad-1 ships. To make 60.000 aluminum coffee the thousands late today to seek re- murmuring: '"How can I man- Travis was safe when Sturm fum- carded aluminum pots and pans, Late Races time on a Among the German casualties in at beaches over the holi- vocated daylight saving to a late defense authorities said, alum- lief nearby age get the globe under this bled his grounder. Archie were flabbergasted today by pots, Earlier Results, Rossvan's, Other Nation-wide basis and suggested tripled j Crete, it was reported, was Max contract inum sufficient to manufacture a day. They were fleeing a hot spell hat?” off the right-field fence, announcement of Army Selections and Entries for To- that this country might have to scoring I Schmeling, the former world's bomber is which has seen the mercury rise to Travis. Crosetti threw out awards. big four-engine required. morrow, Page 2-X. to restricted use of electricity Myer. heavyweight killed while a record of 97 resort champion, Included among recent Army Defense officials refuse dto com- May degrees. j One run. Record. ! and institute “gasless Sundays” to attempting to escape from British on the but 97 Yesterday Is contracts are: ment awards, expressed Charles Town of and oil. White Sox FOURTH INNING. troops who had him. The high of 97 was reached twice j meet shortages power Sign Chapmanr captured Fifty thousand aluminum pots, hope the contracts were to be filled FIFTH RACE—Purse. $500: claiming: A Nazi the afternoon. for and Charles Town Mr. Henderson told the Senate NEW YORK—Di Maggio singled parachute soldier. Schmel- aluminum coffee filters from out of existing stocks. yesterday during 4-year-olds up: fi.000 course. the to left. Keller flied to Case. Gor- ing was said to have been killed after The record for May was : Agriculture Committee about Released previous Vendor’s Lien (Ch’chill) 20.40 10.60 6.60 by Washington to break for freedom « established in and the old Pomary (Kelly) 7.00 3.60 after Senator Gil- don flied deep to Lewis. Dickey sin- trying when 96.8, 1925, ; gasoline inquiry By the Associated Press. Red Idol (Hernandez) 4.60 of Iowa said thte gled to Di to other Nazi ’chutists dropped from record high for May 28 was 93, set in Time. 1:16. lette, Democrat, right, sending Maggio | CHICAGO, May 29.—The Chicago the skies on his 1916. Also ran—Scullery Maid. Apron j motor fuel price had gone up 1% third. Crosetti beat out a grounder captors. 2 Strings. Noon Step. Clocks and Marandan. White Sox, battling to defend their to Di U. S. Indicts Georgians The drought which accompanied I cents a gallon In the Midwest and Travis, Maggio scoring and Jury slender hold on second place in the the heat wave was causing fear that SIXTH RACE—Purse. $500: the Cham- ! 2 cents a gallon in the East recently. Dickey stopping at second. Blood- for 3-year-olds and uo: Charles American League, the East would suffer the most se- bersburg: today signed worth threw out Russo. One run. Town course. Opposes Rail Pay Boost. 'Terrible Blow' 'Slave Labor' Outfielder Ben Chapman, who re- WASHINGTON—Russo On Charges vere crop failure in 10 years. A Din (Palumbo) 6.00 2.20 2.20 The- increase. Mr. Henderson said, tossed dh Wale Signal (Hernandez) 2.20 2.60 cently was released by committee of farmers to “diversion of Washington. out Evans. Bloodworth fanned. So Bj the Associated ment which guarantees freedom representing dh Clay Hill (Grant) 2.20 2.20 was attributed To Minors Seen Time. l:182v Chapman went to the Nationals did Sundra. No runs. from patron-members of the Southern tankers for carrying oil for the j CHICAGO, May 29.—Two Georgi- slavery. Also ran—Blowing Rock. Zacpam and from Cleveland. He started his 1 States Co-operative called on Sec- Glow On. British account.” FIFTH INNING. an A statement from the district at- ; In ans—William T. Cunningham, of to dh Dead heat for place major league career in 1930 as an Ball Ban retary Agriculture Wickard in the oil in- NEW YORK—Sturm flied to Night torney’s office said the indictment “If the tendency infielder on County planter, and give “all possible Federal aid” to with the New York (Earlier Story Page A-l.) Oglethorpe that “for Cun- Belmont Park dustry to raise prices continue— Lewis. Rolfe went out the same charged many years Yankees and was shifted to the out- By the Hamilton McWhorter, Lexington farmers. levels— Henrich a ; Associated Press. had enslaved Negroes on EIGHTH RACE—Purse. $1,500: claim- either at crude or refined field two way. hit home run over and former of the ningham The was made an years later. He also played lawyer president to request by ing: 3-year-olds and up: 1,’« miles. we will set ceilings unless we the right-field fence. Di Maggio CINCINNATI, May 29.—Appli- his plantations, inducing them Kahyrite (McCreary) 6.00 2.60 2.20 price with the Boston Red Sox. Georgia Senate—were named in Fed- emergency committee, headed by P. Henderson tes-1 fanned. One cation of restricted use of elec- come to work by promises of wages Silent witness (James) 2.60 2.20 are stopped,” Mr. run. eral indictments today charging con- C. Turner, president of the Mary- Bonzar (Madden) 2.40 to — tricity baseball night games and by getting them out of jail or Time. l:442s. tified. WASHINGTON Rosar now spiracy to “hold Negroes in a con- land Farm Bureau Federation. The would be a “terrible blow to the off of the chain gang. Once on the Also ran—Detroit II. Gentle Savage In earlier testimony, Mr. Hen-1 catching for New York. Crosetti dition of peonage and slavery.” group recommended that special and Aluminio. Other Games minor leagues,” General Manager plantations, the Negroes were no derson said he would oppose a sug-1 League threw out Case. Lewis looped a The rare action was brought under seeds be made available to farmers Warren C. Giles of the Cincinnati longer free. They received no gested 33 per cent increase in rail- AMERICAN LEAGUE. single to center. Cramer singled to the civil rights statute and charged in the affected areas, that special Suffolk Downs Reds said today in commenting on wages and Cunningham instilled in road wages if the increase could At Boston— left, Lewis stopping at second. the defendants conspired to deprive grants of aid be made, that freight EIGHTH RACE—Purse. SI.000: claim- a suggestion of Secretary Ickes. them the fear of running away by ing: 4-year-olds and up: 1,« miles. be absorbed only through increased Travis forced Cramer at second, six Negroes, now in Chicago, of their schedules be adjusted and other 3.40 Philadelphia 000 012 001- 4 9 1 Lady Roma (Young) 10.40 4.80 costs. Russo to Crosetti. Lewis taking j "The major leagues, I am sure, civil rights under the 13th amend- (See PEONAGE, Page 2-X.) emergency steps be taken. Stable (Hettinger) 3.20 2.80 transportation B 3.40 Boston. 012 000 21x— 6 10 0 third. Archie to left, would go along and do anything There has been little rain this MaJob (Snyder) He had been asked by Senator singled scoring Time. 1:51 *4. and Hayes; Lewis, Travis stopping at second. necessary to co-operate with the spring, and the fields in nearby Also ran—La Perla. Discobolo, Druco Ellender, Democrat, of Louisiana, Prtlak. Syska and Butter. took a third strike. One run. national defense program.” said and are baked. whether he had made any effort “to Myer Maryland Virginia At Detroit— Mr. Giles. “So would the minors, of labor.” SIXTH INNINb. to Move Much of the hay and produce crops ! fix the price for but abandonment Refuses — that matter, Stimson Lincoln Fields Cleveland .. 010 131 0 have Deen destroyed. Appearing before the committee NEW YORK—Keller walked. Gor- SIXTH RACE—Purse. $1,010; allow- of night games would practically The heat was blamed for one he was asked Senator Ellender Detroit. 000 — beat a bunt the third- ances: 4-year-olds and UP: 1 mile. by 0Q0 don out down close them out. death and a number of Eouifox (Mills) 7.60 2.60 2.20 whether he had made any effort' Batteries—Feller and Hemyley; base Keller at second. Into New War prostra- 2.20 Bridies, line, stopping Department War Minstrel (McCombs) 2.20 of labor.” Giebell and Tebbetts. "There aren’t enough people tions here Last night 3.00 “to fix the price Case allowed Rosar’s fly to fall yesterday. Timelul (Farrell) from work the whose Asked about the War Time. 1:38V». Henderson At a away during day- Secretary of War Stimson, Depart- hundreds of persons sought relief _ When Mr. replied neg- Chicago— safely in front of him for single, Also ran—Saint Andrews and Cherry time to patronize their day games,” offices in the Munitions Building are ment’s moving plans at his press by sleeping in the parks. Park po- atively, Senator Ellender mentioned the bases. Keller scored, Trifle. St Louis.... 000 000 000— 0 1 2 filling he added. among the few that are comfortably conference today, Secretary Stimson lice estimated that between 500 and the proposed rail wage boost and In Gordon took third and Rosar went Chicago .... 000 031 OOx— 4 5 0 “We want to co-operate, but we air-conditioned, today refused to said emphatically: “I’m not going 600 persons spent the night on the Detroit opposing it the witness remarked to second on a wild pitch. Crosetti costs Batteriea—Caster. Allen, Trotter and don’t w$nt*to be picked on.” move into his office in the new War to move, myself.” grass in Potomac Park. By the Associated Press. that “rising transportation FerreU; Dietrich and Tresh. walked, again filling the bases affect all other costs.” Department Building, now partially That means the general staff, in- FIR8T RACE—Purse. $800: daiming: seriously Russo doubled down the left-field • NATIONAL LEAGUE. C. maidens: 2-year-olds; 4)4 furlongs. Will Notify O. P. M. line, scoring Gordan and Rosar and occupied. cluding Gen. George Marshall, (Flinchum) 4.20 3.00 2.80 Markets at a Glance Epistle He said that when it appeared Crosetti to third. Sturm Home Runs The setting a precedent the chief of staff, will have to re- Countmein (Wallace) 3.60 3.00 At New York— sending Today's Secretary, (Fraiier) (.60 as NEW 29 Tangower Lee that "an unjustified wage increase singled off Archie’s glove, scoring American. for cabinet officers, indicated he was main in the Munitions Building YORK, May (iP).— Time. 0:54)s. Boston_ 200 000 000— 2 5 2 _ _ he "make ran—Miss Lancaster. Straw Flower, would affect prices” would Crosetti. Russo stopping at third satisfied to remain where long as the Secretary holds out. Not Stocks steady: aircrafts, spe- Also Williams, Bo6ton, 7th inning, Lady Peeoo, Swishln BY Billie's Babe. representations” to the Office of New York... 312 002 Olx- 9 13 0 Rolfe flied to Lewis, Russo scoring e is so with the undersecretaries, how- cialty improve. Bonds firm; Petite. fGalelka, fltchin and fTar L. Boston, 8th Eerfectly fLady and the Batteriea—Poaedel, Lamanna. Berrea i Newsome, inning. United Witch, f Field. Production Management after the catch. Masterson replaced Every other cabinet officer who ever. It is understood they will States Governments gain. and Masi; Carpenter and Hartnett. ! Keltner, Cleveland. 4th inning. of Labor. on the mound for has been in the new Foreign exchange narrow; Ca- Secretary Sundra Washing- has had the opportunity occupy quarters building. SECOND RACE—Purse. $800: claiming: Louis— Solters. Chicago, 5th inning. ichute). When Senator Ellender suggested At St. ton. Sturm was purposely picked quick to move into a new depart- Units of the Corps of Engineers nadian dollar up. 3-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs Henrich. New York, 5th inning. B. (Parise) 6.80 3.80 3.20 Mr. Henderson could be — Gay that given Cincinnati .. 210 off first base, Masterson to Travis mental Some of them have been moved into the Cotton lower; liquidation and 4.60 3.80 building. already Skippy McGee (Flinchum) to fix “the of labor National. authority price — the Yankees tried t< have supervised the planning of new building and will take over local selling. Sugar steady: trade Johnny Q. (Kailfman) 4.20 St. Louis.... 102 as apparently Time, 1:13*4. as well as any other commodity,” get out and finish the inning dut i Ott, New York. 1st inning. palatial executive suites, including possession of practically the entire buying and covering. Metals Also ran—Siva. Trace Boy. Skean Dhu, Batteriea—Thompson. Turner and Raymond. fBoJangles, fManeuver, fSmlth the witness said he was "not pra- Lombardi: M. Cooper and Manenao. to a heavy rain. Time then wa; ; Hartnett, New York. 1st Inning. even kitchenettes, private dining building when it Is completed early quiet; spot tin held steady. Wool David. High Image and fVirbet, f Field. called due to rain. F. McCormick. Cincinnati, 2d inning. and showers. in tops easier; general (Daily Double paid (See HENDERSON, 2-X.) (Only ^ooms July. liquation. w .g V', Game^cheduled) \ 4 P^e V I