Volume I Covering the Period from 1928-1945

Chapter 0 REPORTS ABOUT GERMANY IN 1916 The Situation and Several Upcoming Problems of the Country in the Third Year of the War

by Herbert B. Swope (The World, New York)

Chapter 1 REPORTS ABOUT SWITZERLAND IN 1928 Negotiations About a New Peace Concept and the Various Points of Dissent by Paul S. Mowrer (The Chicago Daily News) Chapter 2 REPORTS ABOUT FRANCE IN 1929 The Reparations Problem and the Struggle for Its Solution

by Leland Stowe (New York Herald-Tribune)

Chapter 3 REPORTS ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION IN 1930 The Russian Economic System and the Situation of the Population by Hubert R. Knickerbocker (New York Evening Post) Chapter 4 REPORTS ABOUT THE SOVIET UNION IN 1931 The Soviet Policy and the Personal Impact of Stalin by Walter Duranty ()

Chapter 5 REPORTS ABOUT GERMANY IN 1932 Germany Between Radicalism and the Hope for a Better Future by Edgar A. Mowrer (The Chicago Daily News)

Chapter 6 REPORTS ABOUT GERMANY IN 1933 The Germans Under Fascist Rule and the Heralds of Destruction by Frederick T. Birchall (The New York Times)

Chapter 7 REPORTS ABOUT THE IN 1934 Centers of International Crises and the Ways They Might Develop by Artur Krock (The New York Times) xiv Contents of Past Volume

Chapter 8 REPORTS ABOUT ETHIOPIA IN 1935 An Underdeveloped Country as It Faces the Menace of Imperialism by William C. Barber (Chicago Daily Tribune)

Chapter 9 REPORTS ABOUT ITALY IN 1936 Italy Under the Mussolini Rule and the Reasons for Her Turn to Militarism by Anne O'Hare McCormick (The New York Times)

Chapter 10 REPORTS ABOUT THE UNITED STATES IN 1937 Problems Facing the President and Discussions About Their Solutions by Arthur Krock (The New York Times)

Chapter 11 REPORTS ABOUT GERMANY IN 1938 Hitler's Sudetenland Campaign and 's Attempts to Avoid War by Louis P. Lochner (The )

Chapter 12 REPORTS ABOUT GERMANY IN 1939 The German Situation in the First Weeks of World War II and the Nazi's Interior Policy

by Otto D. Tolischus (The New York Times)

Chapter 13 REPORTS ABOUT FRANCE IN 1940 The Situation of France Under Nazi Occupation and the Mistakes Made by the Vichy Rule

by Percy J. Philip (The New York Times)

Chapter 14 REPORTS ABOUT CHINA IN 1941 The Political Situation in Far East and the Special Importance of Free China Chaptebry 1Carlos5 REPORT P. RomuloS ABOU (TheT THPhilippinesE SOLOMON Herald)S IN 1942 The Pacific War Theatre and the American Plans and Operations

by Hanson W. Baldwin (The New York Times)

Chapter 16 REPORTS ABOUT YUGOSLAVIA IN 1943 The Partisan Organization in Yugoslavia and Its Strikes Against the Germans by Daniel de Luce (The Associated Press) Chapter 17 REPORTS ABOUT ENGLAND IN 1944 The Allies' Invasion Into France and the Important Contributions of Her Various Formations by Mark S. Watson (The Evening Sun, Baltimore) Contents of Past Volume xv

Chapter 18 REPORTS ABOUT JAPAN IN 1945 America's Fight Against Japan and the Consequent Way of Finishing It by Homer W. Bigart (New York Herald-Tribune)
