
Lonquich amazes: perfect interpretation! … (Ruhr Nachrichten)

Both as pianist and as conductor, Lonquich created something incredible: his charismatic musicianship, his evocative personality lifted the musicians and the audience into a higher sphere – the unfathomable realm of music. (Harmonia Humana)

Alexander Lonquich performs worldwide in Japan, United States, Australia as well as at the most im- portant European music centres. He is regular guest of prestigious Festivals, such as Festival, “Mozartwoche Salzburg”, Piano-Festival Ruhr, Schleswig-Holstein Festival, Lucerne Festival, Cheltenham Festival, Edinburgh Festival, Kissinger Sommer, Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, Lockenhaus, Beethoven Festival in Bonn and Warsaw, a. o. He played under the baton of , , Phil- ippe Herreweghe, , , Emmanuel Krivine, Mark Minkowski, , Sándor Végh a.o.

Alexander Lonquich’s performances as soloist & conductor are hailed by the international media and au- diences. He regularly appears with the Camerata Salzburg, the , the Orche- stra da Camera di Mantova, Münchener Kammerorchester, the Basel Chamber Orchestra, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Stuttgart Chamber, the hr Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt and others. Lonquich has been most successfully soloist of the , the Royal Philharmonic Orche- stra, the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, the Düsseldorf Sym- phonic Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, Slovenian Philharmonic, to name a few.

He is also profoundly committed to and plays with partners such as Nicolas Altstaedt, Vilde Frang, Nils Mönkemeyer, Joshua Bell, Renaud and Gautier Capuçons, , Heinz Holli- ger, , , Isabelle van Keulen, , , Christian Tetz- laff, , Jörg Widmann, Tabea Zimmermann, the Auryn Quartet, the Carmina Quartett, to name a few.

His recordings with oeuvres of Mozart and Schubert for EMI received outstanding reviews and were awarded with prizes, such as „Diapason d’Or“ in France, „Premio Abbiati“ in Italy and „Premio Edison“ in Holland. Various CDs have been released by ECM RECORDS, among other “Plainte Calme” featuring French composers and recently featuring Schumann (Kreisleriana) and Heinz Holliger (Partita, as well as a CD together with the violinist Carolin Widmann dedicated to F. Schubert.

The most important projects in the past season were spectacular concerts at the Salzburg Summer Fes- tival as Soloist and Conductor of the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, Beethoven Cycles with the violinist , various successful tours with the Camerata Salzburg trough , Spain, Italy and Switzerland, stupendous performances with the Orchestra da Camera di Mantova in the whole of Euro- pe, tours with the Orchestre des Champs-Elysées and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra.

Beethovenstrasse 30 -|- 5020 Salzburg -|- Mob: +43-(0)664-3302268 -|- Tel: +43-(0)662-425091 Fax: +43-(0)662-425091 -|- [email protected] -|- www.cadenza-concert.at Highlights the season 2014/15 will be Residency at Musikverein Graz, a tour through South America with the Austrian Hungarian Haydn Philharmonic as well as a CD recording of Schumann’s concert pieces with Heinz Holliger and the WDR Symphony Orchestra. In 2015/16, Alexander Lonquich will be Artist in Residence at the NDR Symphony Orchestra.

Born in Trier (Germany) Alexander Lonquich studied with Astrid Schmidt-Neuhaus, Paul Badura-Skoda, Andreji Jasinski and Ilonka Deckers and started his international career winning the First Prize at the In- ternational Piano Competition „Antonio Casagrande“ in Terni, Italy at the age of sixteen.


Beethovenstrasse 30 -|- 5020 Salzburg Austria -|- Mob: +43-(0)664-3302268 -|- Tel: +43-(0)662-425091 Fax: +43-(0)662-425091 -|- [email protected] -|- www.cadenza-concert.at