14 September Minutes
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New Rose Cottage Chapel Lane Hillesley Gloucestershire GL12 7RQ Clerk Mary Leonard 01453 844659 [email protected] Minutes of a Meeting of Kingswood Parish Council held on Monday 14th September 2015 commencing at 7.15 at the Village Hall Wickwar Road. PRESENT Councillors: Chairman Cllr. David Rockey, Vice Chairman Ken Wood, Cllr. Paul Hemming, Cllr. Norval Hawksworth, Cllr Toby Phillips and Cllr. Jean Simmons and Cllr. Sue Evans. Clerk Mary Leonard Stroud District Council: District Councillor Paul Hemming was in attendance at this meeting. Gloucestershire County Council Cllr John Cordwell was in attendance at this meeting. Public There were no members of public were present for the meeting. Press: There were no members of the press present. Police There were no members of the Police at this meeting. Neighbourhood Warden - The Neighbourhood Warden Peter Gleed was not in attendance at this meeting. 14734/15- T o receive and note apologies for absence. Cllr. Jean Simmons had advised the Clerk that she may be late for the meeting due to last minute problem. 14735/15 - To receive and record declaration of personal and pecuniary interest from councillors in matters on the agenda. Kingswood Parish Council has an Appendix A pecuniary interest in the item relating to the proposed development at Chestnut Park as it is adjacent to land in its ownership. This is in respect of ownership of the playing field which the parish council holds on behalf of the community. 1863 Kingswood Parish Council considered this interest in line with advice. The Proper Office and has granted a 6 months dispensation to the parish council to enable the council to vote and take decisions on this matter or any item relating to the proposed development. Kingswood Parish Council has an Appendix A pecuniary interest in the item relating to the proposed development Charfield Road as it is adjacent to land in its ownership. This is in respect ownership of the playing field which the parish council holds on behalf of the community. Kingswood Parish Council considered this interest in line with advice. The Proper Office and has granted a 6 months dispensation to the parish council to enable the council to vote and take decisions on this matter or any item relating to the proposed development. Cllr. Sue Evans has an appendix B interest in the Crest Nicholson application as she is on the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr. Sue Evans can discuss the issues but not vote. Cllr. Ken Wood has a personal interest as a member of Kingswood Village Cricket Club but is not on the Management Committee. He is able to discuss and vote on the matter of the Crest Nicholson application. Cllr. Paul Hemming has an appendix B interest in the Crest Nicholson application as he is on the the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr. Paul Hemming can discuss the issues but not vote. However Cllr. Paul Hemming is a member of Stroud District Council’s Development Control Committee, who will take decisions on planning applications. Due to this he will leave the room and take no part in planning matters. Cllr. Jean Simmons has an appendix A interest in the matter relating to the Clay pigeon Shoot application and is unable to take part in the discussion or vote and is required to leave the room during this item. Cllr. David Rockey declared a personal interest in the item relating to Victim support. This is a personal interest only Cllr. David Rockey is able to discuss and vote on this issue. Cllr. Sue Evans and Norval Hawksworth both declared a personal non pecuniary interest in the planning application for 12 Chestnut Road as they are personal friends of the applicant. Both councillors are able to discuss and vote on the matter. 14736/15 - To take questions and concerns from the public. (This session is for information only and no decisions can be made on matters raised in this meeting unless the issue is already on the Agenda. If not on the agenda the matter can be brought to the next meeting) There were no members of the public present. th 14737/15 - To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10 August 2015 and the chairman to sign on behalf of the council that they are an accurate record of proceedings. 1864 It was proposed by Cllr. Ken Wood to accept the minutes of the meeting on 10th August 2015 as an accurate record of proceedings. Cllr. Toby Phillips seconded the proposal. All councillors were in favour and the matter was resolved. I. Councillors to review the list of decision taken in previous meetings and the progress made on achieving them. Councillors reviewed and noted the list of decisions taken by the council up to August 2015. Councillors asked for the clerk to adopt a traffic light system on the list to show outstanding decisions. 14738/15 - To discuss District Council matter and receive a report from District Councillor Paul Hemming. Councillors noted report. 14739/15 - To discuss County Council matters and receive a report from County Councillor John Cordwell Councillors noted the report. Cllr. Ken Wood asked if Charfield station was likely to r-e open as the report has suggested. .Cllr. John Cordwell stated that it will depend on South Gloucestershire County Council. 14740/15 - To receive a report in connection with the Playing field and to decide on any appropriate action which may need to be taken. I. To review and take a decision the quotations received for cutting the hedges and clearing the ditches and reseeding/turfing at the playing field Councillors reviewed the quotes and it was proposed by Cllr. Toby Phillips to awarded the contract for the ditch and hedge clearance to Kilcott Valley Tree Management. This was seconded by Cllr. Ken Wood. All councillors agreed and the matter was resolved. Councillors reviewed the quotes and it was proposed by Cllr. Toby Phillips to awarded the contract for the grass seeding/re-turfing to Kilcott Valley Tree Management. This was seconded by Cllr. Ken Wood. All councillors agreed and the matter was resolved. Councillors believed the higher quote was more realistic for the amount of work required. Councillors asked that the contract be given with a time for completion and that the contractor to liaise and work with the football club. Councillors carried forward the decision on the cutting back of the trees behind the play equipment until the council takes the decision the fence. 14741/15 - To discuss the Neighbourhood Wardens Report and take decisions as necessary. 1865 Councillors discussed that there will be no reports from the Neighbourhood Warden in future and the fact that the scheme was being reviewed. Councillors to defer a decision on if they should continue to financially contribute to the scheme once more information is received. 14742/15 - To review Policing issues and discuss any report received from the Police. review Policing issues and discuss any report received from the Police. I. To discuss and agree on issues and attendance at the Community Safety Panel meeting Friday 18th September 6.30 at Wotton Under Edge Civic Centre. Cllr. Sue Evans has agreed to attend. Councillor’s discussed the objectives and asked Cllr. Sue Evans to put forward speeding traffic and pavement parking. 14743/15 - To discuss Highways matters and to take decisions as appropriate. To discuss Highways matters and to take decisions as appropriate. Cllr. Ken Wood reported that the stile nearest to the Hall Park Farm is too wide and too high. People have to go under rather than over it. Cllr. Paul Hemming reported that a trench is forming at the top of Walk Mill Lane that is becoming hazardous to vehicles. The Clerk to take up these issues with Highways. 14744/15 - To approve accounts for payment, sign cheques and Note Additional Payments Made in line with the Parish Council’s financial regulations. See schedule of payments below. September Payments Payee AMOUNT VAT TOTAL Comments £ £ Leonard 1,057.37 1,057.37 Employees salaries and Expenses £ £ Weeks 293.72 293.72 Employees salaries and Expenses £ £ Sue Evans 86.00 86.00 Public Convenience Cleaning Contract £ £ £ Harris Ethical 550.00 110.00 660.00 Harris Ethical Chestnut Park 2nd application £ £ £ Harris Ethical 675.00 135.00 810.00 Chestnut Park Appeal £ £ £ Viking 51.47 10.29 61.76 Stationary £ £ £ Viking 44.87 8.97 53.84 Stationary £ £ £ Hawkins Playing field cutting inv 00687 Hawkins 826.44 169.96 996.40 07074/07075 The Community £ £ Heart Beat Trust Ltd 1,575.00 315 1,890.00 Community Heart Debrillator 1866 £ £ Weller hedley 460.00 92 552.00 Legal Fees Transfer of land £ £ Cabot 500.00 100 600.00 Movement of Soil £ £ Ecotricity 7.00 0.35 7.35 Electricity Public Convenience £ £ LCR Subscription 17.00 17.00 NALC Severn Trent 24.05 24.05 Water Chestnut Park Severn Trent 75.19 75.19 Water Public Convenience Cabot 319.03 63.80 382.83 Grass Cutting Cemetery and Churchyard Navigus Planning 700.00 140.00 840.00 NDP support Navigus Planning 625.00 125.00 750.00 Navigus Planning 225.00 45.00 270.00 Appeal HMRC 1213.67 1213.67 2nd Quarter PAYE Total £9,325.81 £1,315.37 £10,641.18 It was proposed by Cllr. Ken Wood to agree to the above payments. This was seconded by Cllr. Toby Phillips All councillors were in favour and the matter was resolved Cllr. David Rockey asked what Nalc included in the mileage allowance. An expenses claim for £25.00 has been made to upgrade vehicle insurance to include the car to be covered for business.