Annexures of Report No.2 of 2017 - Revenue Sector Government of Meghalaya.Pdf
Annexures ANNEXURE-I Evasion of excise duty (Reference: Para 3.5) Name of the Period Quantity of IMFL produced ENA requirement in bulk litres ENA utilised ENA No. of cases Excise Duty Bottling Plant in cases in BL concealed (in terms of 750 Payable 1000 750/375 180 5.35 BL 4 BL per 3.85 per Total ML) (in ```) ML ML ML per case case for case for 180 requirem for 1000 750/375 ML ent ML ML M/s North East Apr 14 to -- 3,09,747 2,32,959 -- 12,38,988 8,96,892 2,13,5880 21,41,940 6,060 1,515 8,34,765 Bottling Dec 14 Jan 15 to -- 1,15,105 76,720 -- 4,60,420 2,95,372 7,55,792 7,84,031 28,239 7,060 46,80,780 Mar 15 CMJ Bottling Apr 14 to 13,574 2,77,598 1,89,780 72,621 11,10,392 7,30,653 19,13,666 19,44,859 31,193 7,798 42,96,698 Unit Dec 14 TOTAL 13,574 7,02,450 4,99,459 72,621 28,09,800 19,22,917 48,05,338 48,70,830 65,492 16,373 98,12,243 Annexure-II Licence fee from outstills not realised (Reference: Para 3.7) Sl. No. Name of the Chief Number of Period Rate of Outstill licence (in Total amount (in outstills ```) ```) 1 Syiem of Sohra 17 2014-15 & 2015-16 4,000 1,36,000 2 Sirdar of Marbisu 8 2014-15 & 2015-16 4,000 64,000 3 Lyngdoh of Sohiong 35 2012-13 to 2015-16 4,000 5,60,000 4 Syiem of Khyrim 83 2012-13 to 2015-16 4,000 13,28,000 Total 143 20,88,000 73 Annexures Annexure-III Revenue not realised due to non-renewal of licences (Reference: Para 3.8) Sl.
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