Working Through Partition: Making a Living in the Bengal Borderlandsã
IRSH 46 (2001), pp. 393±421 DOI: 10.1017/S0020859001000256 # 2001 Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis Working Through Partition: Making a Living in the Bengal Borderlandsà Willem van Schendel Summary: Partition, the break-up of colonial India in 1947, has been the subject of considerable serious historical research, but almost exclusively from two distinctive perspectives: as a macropolitical event; or as a cultural and personal disaster. Remarkably, very little is known about the socioeconomic impact of Partition on different localities and individuals. This exploratory essay considers how Partition affected working people's livelihood and labour relations. The essay focuses on the northeastern part of the subcontinent, where Partition created an international border separating East Bengal ± which became East Pakistan, then Bangladesh ± from West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, and other regions which joined the new state of India. Based largely on evidence contained in ``low-level'' state records, the author explores how labour relations for several categories of workers in the new borderland changed during the period of the late 1940s and 1950s. In the Indian subcontinent, the word ``Partition'' conjures up a particular landscape of knowledge and emotion. The break-up of colonial India has been presented from vantage points which privilege certain vistas of the postcolonial landscape. The high politics of the break-up itself, the violence and major population movements, and the long shadows which Partition cast over the relationship between India and Pakistan (and, from 1971, Bangladesh) have been topics of much myth-making, intense polemics, and considerable serious historical research. As three rival nationalisms were being built on con¯icting interpretations of Partition, most analysts and historians have been drawn towards the study of Partition as a macropolitical event.
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