№ 24 April 2011

№ 24 April 2011

AnnаНОНСыoаНОНСыuncements 1 May.20-24 Farmers’ февраля. familiarisation Поездка клиентов trip to На карусели – буренки German«ЭкоНивы» cattle наselection сельскохозяйственную stations and the Bulls’выставку Parade SIMA-2011 On8On февраля состоялось farming,farming, официальное открытие первой очереди современного Venue:Место Bavaria проведения: Франция, Па- молочного комплекса ООО «ЭкоНиваАгро». Событие значительное как для Organisers:риж EkoNiva-Semena LLC «ЭкоНивы» и Лискинского района Воронежской области, где расположен May.Организаторы: John Deere ComexposiumFodder Procurement inкомплекс,in aa так иcommoncommon для молочной «копилки» региона languagelanguage в целом. SystemsМарт. field Информационный day семинар Venue:«Современные EkoNiva-Chernozemye агротехнологии» LLC AЮлия delegation САЛЬКОВА of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Agriculture and Food servicingМесто centre,проведения: Zaluzhnoye г. Новосиvillage,- Supplies headed by Minister Mikhail Rusy visited the Voronezh region. The talks Liskinskyбирск, district, сервисный Voronezh центр region ООО «Эко- resulted in the signing of an agreement for cooperation in the farming and food Organisers:Нива-Сибирь» EkoNiva-Chernozemye LLC processing industries. Юлия САЛЬКОВА May.Органи Johnзаторы: Deere ОООAMS Precise«ЭкоНива-Си Tilling- By Yulia SALKOVA Systemsбирь» training session Venue:Март. Vladimir Обучающий Machine семинар Test Station, по тех- townнике of Pokrov, John Deere Vladimir region Organisers:Место проведения: EkoNiva-Vladimir г. Богородицк, LLC 18-20сервисный May. центрSecond ООО AGROPROM «ЭкоНива-Тула» 2011 InterregionalОрганизаторы: Congress ООО «ЭкоНива-Тула» Venue:15-18 VETA марта.TPP VO Exhibition Международные Centre, cityспециализированные of Voronezh выставки Organisers:«Мясная индустрияVoronezh region’s– 2011» Chamber и «Мо- of лочнаяCommerce индустрия and Industry,– 2011» Voronezh regionalМесто administration проведения: Россия, Москва, Мay.ВВЦ John Deere 6130D tractor demonstrationОрганизаторы: Минсельхоз России, Venue:РСПМО, Agrofirma Мясной союз Pakhma России JSC, Yaroslavsky16-18 district,марта. Yaroslavl 5-я агропромыш region - «ЭкоНива» открыла молочный комплекс на 1900 голов Organisers:ленная выставка EkoNiva-Kostroma «АгроСезон-2011. LLC Aleksey Gordeyev, Governor of the On state support June.Современная Fodder Procurement техника и технологии Equipment в Voronezh region, believes that cooperation “State support is a three-faceted seminarрастениеводстве и животноводстве» in this area is very promising indeed. effort. First, there are interest-free loans for Venue:Место Krasny проведения: Mayak Collectiveг. Воронеж, Farm, Экс- “Here we have a lot of reserves which nine years. Loan repayment starts a year Markovoпоцентр , «Агробизнес Rostovsky Черноземья» district, we may use to mutual advantage,” noted after the facility comes into commission. YaroslavlВГАУ Region Aleksey Gordeyev. It takes a year and a half to two years to Organisers:Организаторы: EkoNiva-Kostroma ГУ «Воронежский LLC “One item under consideration has build a facility. Another year is spent on 7-9областной June. Tenthцентр Internationalинформационного Sugar been the feasibility of creating joint optimisation, after which the facility repays Forumобеспечения АПК», Экспоцентр «Аг- ventures, for example, an interstate dairy the loan over a nine-year period. Today Venue:робизнес Kurskaya Черноземья» Korenskaya ВГАУ Yarmarka production company. Our government Belarus farms get 14 rubles per kilo of exhibitionАпрель. centre, Информационно-обуча Zolotukhinsky district,- supports establishing such a company. milk. The profitability is around 15%, which Kurskющий region семинар по зерноуборочным is not bad. Organisers:комбайнам Russian John Deere Sugar Producers The second facet Union,Место Kursk проведения: Regional г.administration, Богородицк, involves subsidies which Russianсервисный Sugar Industryцентр ООО Research «ЭкоНива-Ту Institute- enabled us to reduce the (Kursk),ла» Russian Ministry of Agriculture cost of mineral fertilisers to 17-23Организаторы: June. Presentation ООО «ЭкоНива-Тула» of new John farmers by 33%. The third Deere14-15 equipment апреля. Выставка сельхоз- facet is the state’s refunding Venue:техники Lisbon, «АгроВятка-2011» Portugal of 50% of the cost of energy- Organisers:Место проведения: John Deere Corporation г. Киров, об- intensive equipment for 23-26ластной June. выставочный Kurskaya центр Korenskaya «Вятка- farms engaged in pedigree YarmarkaЭкспо» 2011 interregional fair of whole- stock breeding. The state andОрганизаторы: retail sale «Вятка-Экспо», Вят- addresses these issues Venue:ская торгово-промышленнаяSvoboda village, Zolotukhinsky палата directly with lenders and district,12-14 Kursk апреля.region Международная produce suppliers. So Organisers:специализированная Kurskaya выставка Korenskaya жи- the farmers get a loan for Yarmarkaвотноводства exhibition и племенногоcentre, Kurskдела construction and purchase regional«АгроФерма administration, – 2011» Kursk Chamber agricultural equipment or of CommerceМесто проведения: and Industry г. Москва, ВВЦ During the visit, Mikhail Rusy visited mineral fertilisers with the state’s aid, all 28Организаторы: June. John Deere Министерство fodder harvesting сель- the EkoNivaAgro LLC cattle breeding farm of which saves them from a lot of rigmarole equipmentского хозяйства demonstration Российской Феде- in the Liskinsky district where we agreed and red tape. The proof of success of this Venue:рации, Sibirskaya Правительство Niva Москвы,LLC, Paivino OAO with the Minister over the role of the state sponsorship is the fact that major crop village,«ГAO Maslyaninsky «Всероссийский district, выставочный Novosibirsk in farming and learned about the know- producing farms decided to launch some regionцентр», Немецкое сельскохозяй- how of the Belarus dairy production and his cattle breeding projects.” Organisers:ственное EkoNiva-Sibirобщество (DLG) LLC impressions of the trip to Voronezh.” Continued on page 2 2 № 24 April 2011

Beginning on page 1 EVENTS OnOn farming,farming, inin aa commoncommon languagelanguage On big stakes only farm workers, but also About “We haven’t rural teachers, physicians, Russian destroyed the Soviet and librarians.” colleagues era’s collective- and Looking ahead “Upon state-farms. We have “By 2015 we plan to visiting the preserved and updated produce 10 million tonnes Voronezh them. We put our bets of milk. Each year we are region, I am on big cattle-breeding building 150 to 160 new once again complexes. Last year, breeding complexes with convinced that the farmers supplied 800 to 3,000 animals in and 5,000,100 tonnes of them. In the foreseeable Belarus can milk, of which only 380 future, shortages of food learn a lot from tonnes were contributed will become an acute each other. by the private sector. problem for mankind. Today, Aleksey Our programmes Russia and Belarus Gordeyev seek to ‘stir up’ the have fairly large farming noted that we farming areas in every areas, which affords a use a common language the vision of EkoNiva district administration way. Along with farming fine opportunity to when we talk agriculture. president Stefan Duerr and EkoNiva company’s development, we create increase the production I couldn’t agree about the development of management address normal living conditions of foodstuffs and make more. We apply the same stock breeding and dairy social issues. They have for people. A young family good money.Given that technologies, build similar production. Of course, profits arranged living conditions will never settle down in consumption is growing complexes, and work don’t come quickly, but once in the village properly and a village without schools, by 13% and production similarly hard on fostering the products reach the created a sophisticated kindergartens and a by 3%, our countries have our agriculture. market, the business starts infrastructure for villagers. suitable shopping centre. an excellent potential for I wish to corroborate to pay off. I unreservedly We, too, treat our farmers We have supported not filling this gap.” the correctness of like the way the Liskinsky in a very similar fashion.” Land to farmers! Where do The congress of the Association of Farming Enterprises and Cooperatives (AFEC) discussed the development of the agricultural specialists farming business. come from? The focus was on land provide financial aid to farmers ownership. According to Valentin wishing to formalise their land For nearly 20 years Russia and Germany have been cooperating on Denisov, chairman of the State ownership and to give them the educating agricultural specialists. Over 1,500 Russian students and Duma Committee on Agrarian right to buy out rented land by young specialists have undergone practical training on German farms. Issues, it is necessary to ensure granting them a long-term loan By Yulia SALKOVA that the land belongs to those at a low interest rate. who actually till it. Agricultural It was pointed out at the producers must acquire land for congress that the legal status of 15 to 20% of its cadastral value farmers is obscure. Today around without bidding. 90,000 farming enterprises have According to Vladimir the status of a legal entity. A re- Plotnikov, AFEC president, today registration date was set for them, many farmers work and live on and it was extended to 1 January land without owning it officially. 2013. The problem remains Twenty years ago nearly 12 unresolved and little time is left million people received for tackling it. Vladimir Plotnikov certificates of land ownership. submitted a request to the However, in actual fact, the Government that the re-registration Among the recent trainees Kulagin, chief veterinarian of documents were formalised period be prolonged till 2020. are current political figures and Sibirskaya Niva LLC and a recent and validated for less than Prime Minister Vladimir Putin executives of large farming trainee on a farm in Bavaria, noted, 20% of land shares. Only the offered a package of measures enterprises, for example, Vladimir young specialists often have to to support Plotnikov, president of the struggle single-handedly against farmers. Association of Russian Farming stereotypes that took root 20 to Starting Enterprises and Cooperatives; 30 years ago. Aleksandr Petrikov, this year, Yelena Gerasimenko, DLF Agrodelo the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Rosselkhoz- publishing house director; and agreed with him. bank will Stefan Duerr, president of the “We must change the thinking significantly EkoNiva Group of Companies. The of domestic farmers, pushing them simplify loan prospects for advancing practical towards modern technologies and issuance training abroad was a subject innovations,” stressed Aleksandr procedures for dealt with over the round table Petrikov. “However, without small farms held at the Russian Ministry of pioneering trainees we won’t borrowing up Agriculture, Moscow. get anywhere. We also need to to 15 million Practical training abroad restructure our educational system rubles. provides a young specialist with which has remained cocooned According unique knowledge and experience. since the 60s.” to Vladimir It’s important to find a place in Russia In conclusion, round table state who can set things right Putin, the farmers should receive for applying the newly acquired participants pointed out that the in the farming business. For grants for starting a business. skills. By far, not all enterprises progress of cooperation needs this purpose, it is necessary Also the construction of family are prepared to embrace young more active involvement of Russia’s to monitor the use of land, to farms will be continued. specialists with cutting-edge ideas farming business and agricultural about agriculture. As Yevgeny education organisations. № 24 April 2011 3


out the award. “This area of legislative support of the OnOn farming,farming, inin aa commoncommon languagelanguage graphically shows farming industry. young people’s Before the awards ceremony, On March 25, awards were given out to the winners of the interest in life in the village.” Yelena Skrynnik, the Russian All-Russian AGRO-SMI 2010 competition. For the third time, the Yulia Salkova is genuinely Federation’s Minister of EkoNiva-News journal was a prize winner in this contest for interested in working for an Agriculture, held a short press All-Russian agricultural journalists. agrarian publication. In her view, conference at which she thanked the agrarian mass media are journalists for their concern about among the few which are today one of the most complex branches free today from artificiality, inflated of the economy. rumours and mudslinging. “Thank you for being a sort “These journalists talk about of a bridge between the state real life in the village, about the and the farmers,” said Valentin difficulties, joys and hopes of Denisov. “Accustomed to relying ordinary farmers,” says Yulia exclusively on themselves, Salkova. “I’m pleased all the more domestic farmers do not to receive the prize knowing that a always trust the state-issued newspaper article reveals the fate programmes. But thanks to your of real people and shows the hard work of farmers This year more than 1,100 Her writings about young workers and their invaluable journalists and over 400 editorial of EkoNiva who have dedicated expertise.” boards of regional (territorial, themselves to farm work (“People In the framework republican and district) do it! Whatever the age!”), and of the event, a seminar newspapers and TV/radio an essay about children of the was held entitled companies from 62 regions of kindergarten in Shchuchye village, “Russian Mass Media Russia took part in the events. Voronezh region (“Tomorrow’s first as a Sponsor of In the end, 15 newspapers, TV / graders”), took the second prize in Innovative Development radio companies, internet portals, the “Young Village” category. and Modernisation of and 40 agrarian authors of the “It’s very pleasant to see Farming.” Also, a meeting was articles telling us about their best works on the subject of a young face precisely in this conducted with Valentin Denisov, successful implementation on the farming were awarded prizes. category,” noted Olga Platoshina, Chairman of the Committee on farms, the farmers start to believe Where do Among them was Yulia Salkova, a head of the Russian Union of Agrarian Issues, to consider the in and long for involvement with correspondent of our newspaper. Rural Youth, when she handed work of the State Duma in the those projects.” social Joint efforts will fix vernissage the housing issue sphere Root Runner autopilot system, parties. Paris Lack of housing and low salaries are the two received a golden medal, SIMA- reasons why young specialists are reluctant to “We’re Innovation Award. In harvesting work in rural areas. That is what Tatiana Kuzmina, happy to see sugar beets, the autopilot our workers presents director of Kaluzhskaya Niva, believes. While the precisely and independently first problem is resolved at her enterprise, the state settle down steers the tractor along the substantially aids in addressing the latter. in their new EkoNiva arranges a track. The unique Plug & Play homes and trip to the SIMA 2011 turns the trailed beetroot By Yulia SALKOVA organise their international agricultural harvesting device into a self- Since 2007, Kaluzhskaya everyday life. It’s pleasing to watch exhibition (Paris, France) propelled, all-purpose combine Niva has been actively involved in their families grow and households for its customers. harvester. the state-supported programme expand,” says Tatiana Kuzmina. There they familiarise The LEMKEN Company “Social Development in Rural Areas For three years, seven young themselves with the came up with a number of by 2012.” Under this programme, specialists who started their novel products, among them a latest achievements semi-mounted Solitair seeder each employee aged under 33 is career at Kaluzhskaya Niva right in technology and able to acquire accommodation after graduating from agricultural combined with a Heliodor using the following scheme: 30% academies have been getting equipment manufacture. short disc cultivator. Its chief of own funds plus 70% provided benefits provided by the governor’s By Anna BORDUNOVA advantage is the ability to operate by the federal, regional and local support programme for agriculture. at a high speed in fuel-saving budgets. The amount of benefits grows mode. Also This year, as many as four from 30,000 to 75,000 rubles presented employees of Kaluzhskaya Niva depending on length of service. at the have acquired accommodation of This is a hefty addition to a young exhibition their own. Last year, 12 families specialist’s profits. was a new celebrated their housewarming Compact- Testimonials: Solitair KK Anastasia Popova, Kaluzhskaya “While still at the university I seeding Niva LLC accountant learned about the governor’s young system “They say, my house is my specialists support programme. combined fortress. I’ve long dreamed of In 2009, upon taking a degree, with a having it. That dream materialised I settled down at Kaluzhskaya Zirkon thanks to the programme ‘Social Niva, where I got my first benefit. It rotary Development in Rural Areas by became a substantial contribution harrow. 2012.’ In just two weeks, I gathered to the overhaul of my house, which, The the relevant documents, sent them incidentally, I’d bought using the system to the Ministry of Agriculture in programme ‘Social Development features Moscow and half a year later my in Rural Areas by 2012.’ I have a higher application was honoured!” son, but now that we enjoy a house producti- Aleksey Shapovalov, chief of our own we’re going to increase At the exhibition, Grimme vity and a capability of working veterinarian of Kaluzhskaya Niva our family. There’ll be enough room and John Deere companies’ on all types of soil. LLC for us all!” novel product, the ISOBUS Continued on page 6 4 № 24 April 2011

Prompt servicing Servicing: assured The hectic spring activities are at their highest customer satisfaction pace both in the servicing and farming sectors. Not to be caught unawares, the EkoNiva is our top priority servicing department has expanded the range of services offered to farmers. By Anna BORDUNOVA

results is the guiding principle of our servicing work.” “This season we are offering our customers an essentially new training programme,” says Anastasia Nikolayeva, EkoNiva-Tekhnika servicing coordinator. “The programme is tailored to the The optimum solution is best we can, doing our utmost specific needs of each farm, with a subscriber agreement for to please them in every way,” due regard to the equipment Vladimir Maryin, servicing. This provides a says Dmitry Fetisov, head of the it already uses. The farms’ Oktyabrsky Stud Farm chief scheduled comprehensive EkoNiva-Tekhnika LLC servicing engineers can improve their engineer, Kumensky district, check-out of farming machines department. “Achieving excellent professional skills and insure Kirov region before the seasonal work starts, uninterrupted all of which resolves the farmers’ and trouble- “We are old friends and problem of equipment idle time free operation partners with EkoNiva. The during field work. throughout specialty of the company is It is also possible to acquire the season. its professional and prompt the so called “Family doctor”. If a customer servicing. Mobile servicing This is your personal assistant, so wishes, the teams take their work i.e. a servicing expert who can, training can responsibly and respond at any time, give you first aid to be conducted promptly to our requests. So, repair inoperative machines. at one of the when buying equipment, we In an emergency, a technical servicing don’t worry whether it will last support engineer will come to centres the season or not since we the rescue. He is a specialist located know for a fact that in case of in solving complex engineering nearest to the emergency a servicing specialist problems. farm or at the will come along to help at any “We treat our customers as farm itself.” time of day or night.” Reliably protected New project For over 10 years the EkoNiva Company has been Phenomenon, and Falcon. “We wish our customers supplying the Russian market with highly productive The operation of weed and would get everything from a single varieties of agricultural crops. This year, its EkoNiva- pest killers will be shown on source: machines, seeds, and demonstration fields that will be weed and pest killers,” continues Semena division launches a new project to supply and sown at one of EkoNiva farms, Anatoly Durdyev. “This enables us monitor the effect of Bayer weed and pest killers. namely, Zashchitnoye LLC, in the to achieve the best results and also This initiative has been against root rot, smut, and other Kursk region. saves time and money.” undertaken for sound reasons. crop diseases. The service is in high Weed and pest killers are demand since the seed treatment is an important component of a mandatory agricultural procedure agricultural technology and whereas many farmers do not largely determine the seeds’ have dedicated equipment and potential and the crop they personnel for treating seeds. eventually produce. The Bayer Company is an “We offer well-proven Bayer acknowledged leader in the area preparations,” says Anatoly of crop protection. Its product Durdyev, EkoNiva-Semena LLC range has passed the test of time manager. “They feature superior and helps in selecting the most quality and efficiency.” efficient preparation. At present, EkoNiva supplies Many farmers have understood seeds of spring grain crops. At the the advantages of such preparations customer’s request, the seeds as Sekator Turbo, Sencor Techno, can be treated with a Lamador Betanal 22, Prestige, Puma Super preparation. This protects grains 100, Puma Super 7.5, Sektin № 24 April 2011 5

Technical Inspection John Deere

John Deere equipment enables farmers to harvest fodder thoroughly and on time. Novel decisions and developments help them increase efficiency and productivity.


High quality silage and hay- making necessitates a number of procedures. These include crushing the vegetation mass around a certain stalk length and putting it fast into trenches for optimum storage. John Deere offers the highly efficient series 7050 (models 7250, 7350 and 7450) fodder harvesters. The machines have a crushing assembly with a variety of different blades and an extra maize grain crusher, plus a range of reapers and pickers for harvesting all types of crops. By virtue of such capabilities, the work is done fast and efficiently. The series 7050 combine harvesters are powered by new Tier II PowerTech Plus engines is a smart device! with operating volume of 9 to 13.5 litres. The new engines along and across the rows 660 mm, the width 710 mm. switch of a two-step mechanical are specifically designed for regardless of the inter-row The crushing unit consists of a gearbox for continuous farming jobs and high loads. spacing. The reaper coverage multiple section drum, which, adjustment of high torque They feature increased power width varies between three and depending speed. and high torque. The significant seven meters. It is on the crop Only series 7050 combine reserve of the engine’s torque being treated, harvesters offer an exclusive assures a steady operation harvesting capability of determining of the combine conditions and the moisture of fodder being harvester requirements procured and automatic in the event applied to adjustment of the cutting length of abundant the crushed depending on the actual amount crops, on fodder of dry matter and moisture of hilly terrain quality, has the mass. A HarvestLab infrared and during 40, 48 or 56 sensor for monitoring dry matter transporta- blades and is installed on the silo delivery tion. This assures line. This supplies information to Reliably protected enhances high cutting the AutoLOC system concerning its cost quality. the moisture content of the crop effectiveness F o r being harvested. The system and increases harvesting adjusts the cutting length via its the torque at low fodder in optional IVLOC device, thereby engine speed. adverse assuring harvesting with The combine condi- optimum dry matter content harvester is tions, and cutting length. fitted with a John The combine harvesters are three meters wide Deere offers fitted with integrated systems picker, making it the innovative ProDrive which supply information in possible to operate transmission, which integrates real time mode about the size using two or three a powerful hydrostatic transfer of harvest, cutting length, dry rolls depending on possible to additionally fit the control with an automatic matter content and fuel saving. the amount and type of harvester with straight grass mass. The repeat frame and cutters having an operating Testimonial: gauge wheels help to follow the width above three metres. Aleksey Sirotin, The reaper and picker terrain and thus pick up the deputy director-general for transport of Zapadnoye LLC, rolls cleanly. The Quik-Tatch operation corresponds well to Klyuchevsky district, Altai Territory connection system makes it that of the crusher. The crusher output precisely agrees with the “Four Series Seven John grasses. They feature excellent possible to replace a picker by Deere fodder combine harvesters productivity, power, reliability and a reaper within minutes when machine power. The pressing rolls tighten the picked mass work on our farm. They are doing steerability. We are very pleased harvesting maize. a fine job! Those multi-purpose with the operational results of the Combined with Kemper and feed it to the blade drum. The crushing drum rotation is heavy duty machines can treat reapers, which are fast to mount maize reapers, the harvesters grains and pulses, as well as and assure excellent cutting.” efficiently gather maize both 1,000 rpm. The diameter is 6 № 24 April 2011

vernissage Paris presents promising innovations Beginning on page 3 Nikolay Slauk, Niva LLC have been using the Optima first time in my director-general (Voronezh Kverneland seeder non-stop on life, I saw cows region) believes that the factory our farm, and this prompts us to being milked by visit provides knowledge about buy another such machine.” robots!” says the latest achievements in “Progress goes on,” says Valery Shkurin. agricultural engineering and German Byzov, director-general “Our farm sets benchmarks for introducing of Pizhansky Stud Farm JSC (Kirov specialises modern technologies. region). “The exhibition proves in animal “I got interested in the new this. The JD Company has offered breeding, which Kverneland seeder for seeding a range of improved tractors. They is why I found out mulched seeds of beets, are really good machines, which this system maize, and sunflowers,” says is why we prefer this particular particularly Nikolay Slauk. “We know about company.” interesting. The the quality of this company’s The Russian farmers visited unique milking machines firsthand, not by farms where they familiarised system operates hearsay. For several years, we themselves with animal keeping independently and care. As and successfully performs its process enhances the animal’s Valery Shkurin, functions without monitoring comfort and thus improves the director of by a human operator. This is quality of the milk and its yield.” Gigant JSC an essential advantage, since Colleagues and partners (Novosibirsk it reduces labour costs. The unanimously expressed their region), computer registers the animal’s genuine gratitude to EkoNiva pointed out, readiness for milking, and then for arranging such trips, which the automatic the process starts. The robotised help them find new approaches milking system system treats the cow udder and to farm management, use impressed pumps down the milk. In addition, foreign peers’ expertise and everybody. the system monitors milk quality. introduce new technologies ”For the It is pleasing to note that the entire into their work. John Deere tractors “Second bread” The Agrosezon 2011 agricultural exhibition kick-started a new farming year for farmers of the Central Black Earth Region. comes first By Yulia SALKOVA Special attention was given to agricultural machinery. EkoNiva- Vyatka showed farmers a complete Over 500 experts from range of Grimme machines 28 regions of Russia and for growing potatoes and John representatives of five Deere series six and seven foreign countries have come tractors. to Cheboksary to share their “Grimme GL potato planters expertise in potato growing. are highly productive and cost “EkoNiva presents highly effective,” says Denis Shishkin. productive varieties of potatoes “The machine performs several from EUROPLANT,” says Denis operations in a single pass, i.e. Shishkin, Sales Manager For four years, EkoNiva- functions and supervision by a of EkoNiva- Chernozemye LLC has been single touch of hand.” Vyatka LLC. displaying John Deere agricultural The JD 8295R tractor will be “Thanks to its machines at the Agrosezon ideal for work with sophisticated very early tuber exhibition. As EkoNiva-Chernozemye and heavy tilling tools, as well as formation, the managers have pointed out, tractors with multi-role seeding systems. Colette variety from this company are always Its big advantage is the domestic produces two popular with Russian farmers. assembly and, hence, the subsidies crops per year. “This year we are featuring provided by the state for Russian- Jelly is the most the JD 8295R 295 hp tractor of made equipment. productive the updated Series 8,” says Yuri EkoNiva-Chernozemye was variety in Maslov, EkoNiva-Chernozemye awarded the golden medal of the Europe and sales manager. “The operator exhibition for its active promotion Russia. This sometimes spends over 12 hours of the JD 8295R tractor on the is the variety behind the steering wheel, which farming market. However, the best on which the highest stakes introduces fertilisers and pesticides is why comfort and convenient compliment came from Mikhail are made in potato production. and carefully plants potatoes.” visibility are no less important to Kondrukhov, head of Zarechye LLC, Rosalind is an early and highly According to Denis him than tractor power. The cabin one of the Company’s old customers, productive table variety. It differs Shishkin, such sessions help to space has been increased by 10%. who said that after an operator has from others in that it forms large better learn about the consumer The right-hand control panel is used “the old eight model,” he can’t tubers. Vineta is the best variety demand, find new buyers and moved over to the controls on the be talked into changing it for an MTZ in terms of taste. Its special agro- successfully sell products. armrest, which improves visibility machine, since the comfort of the technical feature is resistance to For its active involvement, on the right. The improved control 8295R beats even that of a warm drought. The varieties presented EkoNiva-Vyatka was awarded a panel facilitates monitoring the and cosy home. interested the local farmers.” diploma. № 24 April 2011 7

Customers say JJCCBB Cost-effectiveness The efficient telescopic loaders from JCB have long become popular with Russian farmers. Fast and manoeu- vrable, they can do any Sergey Shabelnikov, job on the Kabanovskoye-Agro LLC, farm. Ust-Kalmansky district, Altai Territory. The farming By Anna BORDUNOVA enterprise is engaged in crop production and animal breeding. Also, it specialises in growing grains and pulses. “A cost effective and means quality quality-oriented approach to work is one of the advantages JCB telescopic loaders the jib, thereby reducing stress. of the machine, such as rolls, of JCB equipment. The feature their traditionally strong The length of the connection gearbox, hydraulic pumps and telescopic loaders, of which points, like high productivity, on the jib inside and outside engine are simple to maintain. we have two (nine and seven “Second bread” reliability, and design solidity is around one meter, which Thanks to audio and video meters) on the farm, save our combined with safety. The wide prevents damage. The cabin sensors, the operator instantly time and leave us the money range of loaders on offer makes design provides maximum space receives information about the to purchase other machines. it possible to choose the right and comfort for the operator. The condition of the engine and They do any job we have. comes first model for various applications, low position of the control panel transmission. In spring, they easily load including those in a constrained and the large window assure JCB telescopic loaders cope seeds, while in summer they space. excellent observability, making for well with such jobs as fodder tackle hay and in autumn the The JCB 531-70 loader is easy monitoring of the machine’s transportation, manure removal grains. In winter they are a fine special in that it has a reinforced performance. The transmission and loading of grains and organic alternative to bulldozers. They jib. The machine is designed angle arrangement is ideal for fertilisers. They are indispensable quickly and thoroughly remove so that it spreads the pressure accessing components during for making silage clamps and snow from roads. Using them throughout the entire length of maintenance. The basic units stacking rolls into boxes. is regular enjoyment.”

Manoeuvrability Versatility of applications Productivity Reliability Sergey Sukhoterin, Aleksandr Astapechenko, head of the Sukhoterin chief engineer of Krasny S.M. Farming Enterprise, Oktyabr Limited Partnership, Shipunovsky district, Altai Starodubsky district, Bryansk Territory. The enterprise region. The prime business grows crops and breeds is pedigree and milch cow animals. breeding. Specialises in “We’ve got two JCB Agri growing grain seeds and seven-meter telescopic loaders potatoes. working on our farm. They “We’ve been using the are as busy as bees! What JCB 541-70 Agri 100 hp loader manoeuvrable and fast things! for four years. This is a highly They move quickly about the efficient machine. It’s second to warehouses and work even none in loading and unloading Nikolay Bornusov, in very narrow passages. operations.” chief engineer of The machines load the silo Chernozemye LLC, Rylsky just fine. And not a single Sergey Bensler, district, Kursk region. The complaint in maintenance. director of Kolos LLC, company is engaged in cattle We are very pleased with their Loktevsky district, Altai breeding. performance.” Territory. The chief businesses “The JCB 531 70 Agri are crop production and telescopic loader is a reliable animal breeding. and convenient machine. “JCB loaders are multi- Its design provides for the purpose machines. They are lateral position of the engine, ideal for use in warehouses, which is convenient for storage rooms and live stock maintenance and increases barns, as well as on the fields. the loading capacity by moving The machines easily distribute the jib backward. It’s been a fodder, carry bales and load permanent help to us for three hay. They never stand idle on years. And we never once had our farm.” a problem with it.” 8 № 24 April 2011

New technology Milking machine:

from classics to modern The bulk of working time at dairy complexes is a modern dairy complex with sites. With cows arranged taken up by milking. Pondering the choice of milking a herd of milch cows varying side by side, the length of the equipment, many specialists believe that the process parlour is reduced and this, can be accelerated by increasing the number of naturally, reduces operator milking units. This is not true since they omit the cost travel. of labour in the milking. Advantages: • Relatively small By Yulia SALKOVA size combined with high throughput capacity Saving time machine has shifting pipes. • Fast entry and exit of Cutting working time When the cows are let out, the cows depends on following several pipes swing out. The groups of • Clamping of cows to rules. animals are changed still quicker the edge of milking pit • Cleanliness of cow stalls if a frontal limiter is used (quick • High efficiency cuts down the udder cleaning exit). The cows leave the milking • Compact stall layout time, thereby increasing milk site simultaneously, thereby • Safe design yield. reducing change time by 8 to 10 between 240 and 1,000 animals. Carousel is the • Sometimes colossal seconds, while milk yield grows The product range is suited to optimal version for large dairy efforts are expended on moving by 15%. serving precisely this cows into the milking section • Abandonment of the number of livestock. where the stalls are in front of conveyor type of operation (first, Advantages: milking machines that “attract” only cows standing on one side • Convenient the unmilked cows. The problem of the machine are prepared, lateral access to udder is resolved by a pre-milking site while the milking machines are • Modular design that accommodates all the activated “at the second stage”) of milking station cows of a single group (around also reduces the time. • Individually 1.5 sq.m for each cow). It is necessary to evaluate adjustable chest • In a straight line. This as precisely as possible how support is exactly how the cows must much working time is spent per • Electronic gate enter the milking section and cow. The guiding principles for control leave it in the same way. If evaluation are given above. After • Reliable and entry and exit are arranged that, you will be able to choose functional design complexes with a herd of differently, the animals move the optimum model of a milking Parallel is a version for milch cows numbering more more slowly. Fix up the lighting machine offered by GEA Farm than 1,000 animals. issue. Remember that cows Technologies (Germany). Rotary type milking equipment. Advantages: • Highest throughput capacity, optimal animal position • Efficient milking at smooth and low operator load • Best vacuum distribution • Modern automatic milking of a herd of hydraulic drive that combines move slowly in the darkness. Choosing a machine more than 400 animals. The smooth start-up and noiseless • A quick change of the Herringbone is a system is installed in various platform rotation herd is assured if the milking classical milking parlour for options for 2x6 to 2x24 milking • Durable use № 24 April 2011 9 Focus Photo exhibition Please, send your photos marked FOCUS ON US! to: 305004 Kursk ul. Radishcheva, 79a OOO EkoNivaMedia or email them to: [email protected] on us! Please, feel free to contact us on the telephone: +7 (4712) 39 26 60

EkoNiva continues a ‘FOCUS ON US!’ photo 1. Russian Field... (You can send photographs fea- turing fieldworks or pictures of beautiful landscapes competition. We invite the participation of featuring fields) anyone who thinks that the best moments 2. Field Machinery of the XXI Century! (We are ex- The best pecting photographs of stateoftheart agricultural photos will be from the life of a village and of the machinery and equipment required for implementation published in peasants are moments worth capturing as of advanced agricultural techniques) EkoNivaNews history. The photos will compete in one of 3. The Renaissance of Livestock Breeding. (Send us pictures of livestock farms) and awarded the following categories: 4. Farmers of Russia – we expect portraits of your prizes. neighbours, friends and relatives... and any other per- Moreover, sons who work on the land most JCB acrobatic sketch 5. My Native Village and My Home (Send us photos Field Day at Zashchitnoye farm featuring the most interesting moments in the life of interesting your native village) and attractive pictures will be demonstrated Whose HP is more powerful? at the exposition.

The race in the Novosibirsk region Let’s talk it over! At the Vysokoye animal farm I study thoroughly What’s wrong with John Deere. Come on! Come on! The fault must be cured Let’s tug hard and we will make it! And high yields procured.

Sometimes even servicing needs a service! EkoNiva experts will get to the bottom of anything! 10 № 24 April 2011

MMasteringastering KvernelandKverneland Regional news John Deere’s workhorse The training session held for farming machinery sell- ers in St Petersburg focused on John Deere 6D trac- tors. At the session, EkoNiva specialists familiarised themselves in greater detail with advantages of those advanced machines. By Anna BORDUNOVA Specialists of the EkoNiva service department paid The new Series Six need only infrequent servicing.” a two-week visit to the Netherlands and Germany tractor, the 130 hp 6130D The JD 6130D tractors are real learning about Kverneland’s agricultural equipment model, was first presented workhorses. The reliable three- in Moscow at the Agrosalon point mount and the vertically manufacturing facilities. 2010 agricultural machinery offset towing/coupling device By Anna BORDUNOVA exhibition. Russian farmers superbly cope with overloads. The are eagerly buying these tractors can also do any job both The first training centre machines,” says Aleksey reliable machines for their on small and large farms. The was the town of Nieuw- Priskoko. “Those are designed farm jobs. 6130D is an all- purpose tractor. Vennep, the Netherlands, the for high-precision dot seeding “We have sold four John It can be integrated with seeding, home of Kverneland’s factory of beets, maize, rape, Deere Series Six tractors,” tilling and hang-on equipment manufacturing vegetation sunflower, and soya. Precision says Aleksandr Zuyev, Sales as well as with balers, mounted protection and fertiliser and uniformity of embedding Manager in the Kemerovo sprayers and loaders. introduction equipment. EkoNiva are indisputable advantages branch of EkoNiva-Sibir LLC. According to Aleksandr specialists paid special attention of the Monopill seeder. The “And this is not surprising given Zuyev, operating this machine to fertiliser distributors and peripheral velocity of its sowing that they are more powerful and is a real pleasure. Fitted with sprinklers. disc, which corresponds to the cost effective machines. They a pneumatic suspension, a “RAU Explorer Kverneland machine’s movement speed, are fitted with an improved comfortable seat and an air- sprinklers are fitted with high assures precise seed planting. 4.5-litre PowerTech engine and conditioner, these machines technology control systems The Optima guarantees high a powerful hydraulic system. assure extra convenience for an (FMC flow regulation system), precision sowing due to a The machines resist wear and operator. including improved systems for compact sowing centre located tank washing and filling,” says deep in the coulter. This adjusts Aleksey Priskoko, EkoNiva-Tula the minimum height of seed fall, Company’s servicing engineer. between 10 and 15 cm.” “The chief advantage of the The engineers also device is its cost effectiveness studied Kverneland machines’ and productivity.” electronic control systems as The second training session well as their operating principles took place in Soest, Germany. and basics of programming the This time, the servicing engineers electronic control units. were mastering Kverneland According to Aleksey seeding machines. Priskoko, the training proved very “At the training sessions, we successful. Upon completion thoroughly studied the operation of the training session, the and operating principles of specialists received qualification Optima and Monopill seeding improvement certificates. Sights set on sowing

Aleksandr Mikhailov productive varieties of foreign- pointed out that this year the At a regular session, the Kursk region’s Governor selected potatoes, such as Jelly, farmers will have to overcome directed farmers to do the new season’s field work Rosalind, Vineta, and Colette. the impact of last year’s efficiently and on time. Adapted to all freaks of weather, drought and to harvest 3.2 By Anna BORDUNOVA these superior varieties produce million tonnes of grain. There high crop yields. are high expectations for Also, this year a new potatoes given that this crop enterprise, EuroNiva, a joint is always profitable and the venture of Russia’s EkoNiva and market demand for it never Germany’s EUROPLANT, started flags. In 2011, the plans call working on the Zashchitnoye LLC for harvesting around 900,000 farm. This will grow and sell seed tonnes of this “second bread.” potatoes. Anatoly Durdyev, EkoNiva- According to Aleksey Bibikov, Semena’s Sales Manager, Director of Zashchitnoye LLC, this said that the demand for seed year’s plans call for sowing new potatoes has grown markedly. varieties of potatoes on 100 hectares EkoNiva offers farmers highly and harvesting the first crop. № 24 April 2011 11

Our people

“Now I feed 400 animals, not a big herd. I request building a site for another 200 heads!” These are the Titles don’t words Nina Tyutyunnikova addressed workhorse to the EkoNiva management when she received a certificate of appreciation from the Russian matter much Ministry of Agriculture. Even on this festive occasion the head of the fattening section of the Zaluzhnoye farm could not help thinking about her work.


daughters, Yulia and Oksana, and two granddaughters, aged 20 and 14. Recently, the female kingdom got a streak of virility in the form of Andrey Andreyevich. This is how Nina jocularly refers to her newly born grandson. Nina was recently awarded the title of Labour Veteran. As her colleagues say, the award has found its hero. “To some, ‘Labour Veteran’ is a title of honour. But to Nina this is the way of life,” says Vladimir Frolov, chief veterinarian of EkoNivaAgro LLC. “She is a skilled specialist with 40 years of work in this area.” Nina acknowledges that she was pleased to receive the title. But Nina Tyutyunnikova has addition of 1,200-1,300 grams per that they can manage another 200 this is not what matters most to worked at the Liskinsky district for animal. Nina is sure that current bull-calves now that the work is her in her profession: “I’m pleased over forty years. Her impressive production, as compared to the organised quite differently. with how the management treats professional expertise is an Soviet and post-Soviet periods, is Just looking at Nina raises our workers on the farm,” she says accumulation of the knowledge of at the highest level. one’s spirits. Her eyes are glowing, with a smile. “As you know, the an entire generation of domestic “We didn’t dream of 800 she is bubbling with energy and bosses are not always interested cattle breeders spanning three gram weight gains even when her face is beaming. It seems that in how employees get along. Here eras: the Soviet period, the period our farm was among of decline and the present time. the best!” says Nina In 1971, right after graduating Tyutyunnikova. “The from the farming high school, she upper limit was 500 started working as a veterinary grams. But what attendant at the advanced was the silage like Krasnaya Zvezda collective farm. back then? It used After that, she headed a pig to be made of green breeding farm. She recalls the maize without grains boundless fame of the collective whatsoever! Now farm across the entire Soviet we make up energy- Union, thanks to superior milk balanced rations yield, weight gain and grain individually for each production. And then the roaring age group of animals! nineties rushed in… The cowsheds Back then, Nina worked are restructured, as the collective farm’s deputy based on a German director. She fought decline technology. They are and demise. She remembers spacious and well those hard times with pain and aired. A separate sadness. feeding platform is “With hardly any fodder, we provided; there are were ashamed of looking into our no conventional cows’ eyes, to say nothing of the troughs that need to people. Our salary was a mere be filled and cleaned, pittance. But even this we could a procedure that takes time.” she can do anything, whether the farmers’ work is treated with not afford to pay.” The 450 animal feeding catching a boisterous bull-calf or respect and is paid well. Since In 2004, her farm joined branch is run by a staff of two calf- establishing a friendly atmosphere EkoNiva took us under their wing, the EkoNivaAgro group where tenders, a cattle-farm worker, a among the team. Cleanliness, our salaries have grown ten-fold. Nina has been working till now tractor driver and Nina, who is a order and discipline reign supreme I am at retirement age, but I can’t in the horned cattle division. specialist in feeding and caring, in the place she oversees. quit working. My colleagues have Today, her bull-calves are among all in one. The staff fully supports A man is as old as he feels. asked me to work for at least the best “weight-gainers” in Nina’s idea of increasing the This fully applies to Nina! At her another year, which I’m willing do. the district, with a daily weight livestock. It goes without saying time of life, she has two grown-up What shall do if I retire?” 12 № 24 April 2011 20 YEARS LATER… Stefan Duerr on national features of doing business in Russia

Over 20 years have passed since Stefan Duerr, a student at Bayreuth University, arrived to undertake training in agricultural practices in the Soviet Union. The country changed, making it possible to launch one’s own business. Today, the EkoNiva Company he created successfully operates all over Russia, from Novosibirsk to Smolensk. It produces milk, grows grain, and supplies farmers with modern agricultural machines. Stefan Duerr told our correspondent about how the company was established. By Svetlana Weber

“What difficulties did you run into do it precisely as he is instructed. A Russian is Contribution to the Development of while establishing your business in sure to do something differently and then say he Russia’s Farming’. How do you feel Russia?” was doing his best. It runs in his blood! about the decoration?” “In the early 90s, a foreigner could not do There are positive points in doing business “This is my favourite decoration and I’m normal business in Russia. Back then there here as well. Once a complex problem arises, a proud of it. As a foreigner, I feel that no matter were no rules for transacting business. From Westerner stops still and says it’s a hopeless how you work, you won’t be ‘one of our boys’. I among the Western companies, the only ones job. But the Russians never give in! They seem think that all foreigners have this complex. So, here were those which could work without to know how to get out of any predicament. It this medal is a sign showing that though you are rules. That doesn’t apply to me. The times looks to me that the Russians take their jobs not yet ‘our boy’, you at least are not an alien. It were really tough for farmers back then. The closer to heart. If something goes wrong, they was very important for me to realise this.” state did not provide any support at all. What- work till midnight, over weekends and on holi- “What do you make of the German ever was left over after the Soviet era was ru- days, and no one will quit work at four.” medal ‘For Service to Germany’?” ined. All thought it was better to sell gas “Russia’s image abroad is not the and buy food abroad. finest, which I find wrong. Any state When Putin came to power in 2000, and any government can and must be rules began to be established. Russian criticised. Russia, however, is often Minister of Agriculture Aleksey Gordeyev criticised for the sake of criticism. There played a major role in this. I think his pol- are a lot of good things in Russia which icy aimed at supporting expressly strong many also choose to ignore. I feel sore farms was absolutely correct. At first it to see this and I want to change peo- was very difficult, but step by step farming ple’s attitudes. In Germany, I argue with started to develop. Since 2005, support many people since I wish to convince has become quite substantial. Today, one them that not all in Russia is as bad as can work in Russia successfully without some try to present. The fact that I am resorting to corrupt practices. I know that decorated shows that in Germany my not everyone will agree with me.” attitude to Russia and efforts to foster “What surprised you about do- and enhance the Russian-German rela- ing business in Russia?” tions are acknowledged and appreci- “In the West, a deal is considered suc- “What have you achieved in these ated.” cessful if both sides profit by it, even if one years?” “If you could return to the year side’s profit is slightly bigger. This is not yet so “Step-by-step, actually from scratch, we 1989 and make a new choice, in Russia, where somebody must win while have built a big and steadily running enterprise. would you go to the Soviet Union somebody else must lose. A deal is consid- Of course, we have experienced the so-called again?” ered a failure if a partner wins a bit more than growth problems. Greater stability would do us “Of course! By all means! And I recom- his counterpart. The win-win notion has just no harm. However, as milk goes, we are among mend this to others.” struck root in Russia is beginning to develop the best dairy producers in the country. And we “Why?’ gradually. are determined to be among the world’s best! “I think that many would find the heart- Also, there is a great difference in how What will stop us? Nothing! Just give us time.” felt atmosphere here very pleasing. As company workers perform their duties. If a “You were the second foreigner to for opportunities in the farming business, German is commissioned to do a job, he will be decorated with the medal ‘For there’s no place like Russia.”

EditorinChief: Ms. Svetlana Weber The journal is registered by the Federal Service Translated by the Kursk Translation Bureau Address of the editorial office: for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Media, www.kursktb.ru, email: [email protected] 305004 Kursk, ul. Radishcheva, Communications and Culture Heritage Security. The journal was printed in OOO Mechta 79a, Registration Certificate for Mass Media Russia, Kursk, Souznaia 71, tel. +7 (4712) 319292 Publisher and founder: OOO IA EkoNivaMedia tel. +7 (4712) 39 26 60 ПИ № ФС7734820 of 23 December 2008 Registered office: www.ekoniva.com, Signed for publication ______305004 Kursk, ul. Radishcheva, 79a, email: [email protected] Distributed free of charge Circulation: 750 copies Order No.______