` Rev. Fr. George Gabet, FSSP, Pastor Mass Schedul e 140 South Findlay Street (Corner of 5th St. and Findlay) Sundays (Low Mass) ALL Dayton, OH 45403 (High Mass) MASSES telephone: (937) 938-6098 email:
[email protected] Monday & PUBLIC Fraternitas Sacerdotalis web: www.daytonlatinmass.org S a n c t i sacramental emergency: 937-329-4944 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday LITURGY Fridays of Lent SUSPEND Holy Family Catholic Church is a parish of the Arch- Saturday ED diocese of Cincinnati entrusted to the Priestly Fra- ternity of St. Peter. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass & LOW SUNDAY/DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY all the Sacraments are celebrated according to the Traditional Roman Rite of 1962. We are blessed to Today, the Sunday have a wonderful Schola/Choir who know Gregorian after Easter, has been chant. If you wish to learn chant please contact: traditionally known as CHOIR DIRECTOR: “Low Sunday” since it Amanda Gulick : follows the highest
[email protected] and greatest feast of Sacrament of Penance the liturgical year. No public confessions during the time of the Pan- The Resurrection of demic in order to keep social distancing to prevent Our Lord Jesus Christ spread of the coronavirus, However private confes- at Easter is such a sions can be arranged any time by appointment! great feast that all other Sundays seem Mass Intentions for the Week “low” or “less festive” During Covid –19 Pandemic in comparison. Apr 19 LOW SUNDAY/DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Today is also Sunday A Plenary Indulgence is granted for praying “Divine Mercy Sun- PRIVATE an Our Father & Apostles Creed before an day” as promulgated image of the Divine Mercy and ending with Pro Populo praying : “Jesus I Trust in Thee” by Pope St.