The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective of the Thirtieth Anniversary of its Functioning

Aleksander Cezary Babiński ORCID: 0000-0001-6446-6748 Police Academy in Szczytno,

Abstract. 2020 is another special year in the history of the Police College in Szczytno. The fourth decade of its existence begins in this year. At the same time, it is a good time to take a retrospective look at the past 30 years of functioning of this university. This is all the more valuable because its author has actively participated in its life for almost all of these years, as a listener and then as an employee (policeman) at the executive and management levels. The perspective of thirty years of functioning of the Police College presented in the article concerns primarily its evolution, which is a consequence of the expectations of the police management and the interior ministry. At the same time, it presents its development as an academic centre, providing education at an increasingly higher level. The real dimension of this direction of development is the University’s ability to award further, increasingly higher titles and degrees. This is the result of the involvement of the academic and teaching staff of the university, but also of its management. This article shows the path taken by the Police College in Szczytno from the university, being the resultant of the socio-political changes of the late 1980s and early 1990s of the last century, to the university being the leading academic centre in the Republic of Poland which educates in the field of social sciences and conducts research showing the relationships between the disciplines included in this one field of science. It not only allows the professional staff of the department’s services to be trained, but also to discover new opportunities for providing safety.

Keywords: university, security, police education, science, education

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1577


The establishment of the Police Academy in Szczytno is closely related to the political situation in Poland resulting from the findings of the Round Table delibera- tion1. The creation of the first non-communist government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki after more than 40 years, gave hope for the construction of a new police apparatus of the state, not burdened with cooperation with the communist regime. Nobody had any doubts that the transformations of the police apparatus would also include educational activities. The deep need for changes in this area resulted not only from the significant changes in the vision of the security authorities, but from the under- standing of their social role, however above all from the need to remove ideological ballast from the educational programmes. The reforms carried out quite rapidly covered all educational levels in the Police. They also concerned the training of the

1 Raina P, Droga do ‘Okrągłego Stołu’. Zakulisowe rozmowy przygotowawcze., 1999.

Internal Security, Special Issue 117 Aleksander Cezary Babiński officers which so far was carried out in the subsequent universities in Szczytno, i.e. the Military School of Citizens’ Militia established in 1954, the Officer’s College in Szczytno (in 1972–1989) and the Faculty of Public Order (based in Szczytno) of the Academy of Internal Affairs in Warsaw in 1989–19902. Aspirations regarding the takeover of the role of a university educating officers for the needs of the newly formed Police were reported by the Internal Affairs Acad- emy in Warsaw and its departments of State Security in Legionowo and Public Order in Szczytno. The department in Legionowo promoted its candidacy being aware that with the liquidation of the Security Service, its existence became pointless. The environment in Szczytno, by the voice of its leaders, expressed the will to leave the structures of the Academy of Internal Affairs, and to return to independent training only of the police officers. The competitors which still had a significant influence in the ministry questioned the ability of the school in Szczytno to func- tion independently as a college, accusing it of, i.e. a lack of the appropriate staff. There was also a concept of building everything from scratch somewhere around Poznań3. The determined attitude of the activists of the newly created Independent Self-Governing Trade Union of Policemen4 made the management of the minis- try follow the proposals of the activists from Szczytno. By making this decision, it was believed that, although the University in Szczytno has previously operated in politically entangled structures, it was able to develop strictly professional skills at the appropriate level and to separate the substantive interests of the staff from ideology in the research sphere. The proposal of Szczytno was considered to be the most reliable and substantively substantiated5. In the thirty-year period of operation of the Police Academy in Szczytno, five periods can be distinguished, which will become presented below.

The period of 1990–1995

Formally, the process of creating the Police Academy in Szczytno was initiated under the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 10, 19906 and was coupled with the liquidation of the Academy of Internal Affairs. The Higher Military Education Act7 of 1965 still constituted the basic legal act defining its status. Based

2 Goettel M (Ed.), Wyższa Szkoła Policji 1990–1995. Księga jubileuszowa z okazji 5 rocznicy powołania. Szczytno, 1995, pp. 55–64. 3 Majer P, Od Ośrodka Szkolenia Oficerów Milicji Obywatelskiej do Wydziału Porządku Publicznego Akademii Spraw Wewnętrznych. Podstawowe przeobrażenia milicyjnej placówki dydaktycznej w Szczytnie w latach 1954–1990, [in:] Misiuk A, Goettel M (Eds), 50-lecie oficer- skiego szkolnictwa policyjnego w Szczytnie (1954–2004). Szczytno, 2004, p. 30. 4 NSZZP was registered in the Provincial Court in Warsaw on May 11, 1990, i.e. the day after the entry into force of the Police Act of April 6, 1990. 5 Majer P, Od Ośrodka Szkolenia…, op.cit., p. 30. 6 Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 10 September 1990 on the establishment of the Police Academy and the abolition of the Academy of Internal Affairs, Journal of Laws No. 64, item 343. 7 Act of 31 March 1965 on higher military education, Journal of Laws No. 14, item 102, as amended.

118 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective… on its art. 5 section 2 point 4, the Minister of the Interior issued the statute to the Police Academy on September 12, 19908. He defined Szczytno as the residence of the Police College. On the same day, the Minister provided the detailed organisa- tional structure of the university9. The College of Police was created as a university designed to prepare highly qualified police officers, teaching professional skills, as well as raising in a spirit of obedience to the law, respect for human dignity, and dedication to the security of the homeland. Therefore, the basic task of the University was to educate police officers in order to provide them with the modern specialist knowledge and pro- fessional skills necessary to carry out Police tasks. The Police Academy was also intended to conduct scientific research inspired by the needs of the Police. They were aimed at seeking the truth and were conducted in accordance with the ethics of the researcher. The scope of this research was meant to include: police sciences, law, forensics, criminology, and other disciplines forming the basis of the modern Police. The Minister of the Interior assigned himself the supreme supervision over the Police Academy, cooperating with the Minister of National Education in this respect. Direct supervision over the University was delegated by the Minister to the Chief of Police, which did not arouse any controversy over the fact that the Police Acad- emy was still being formulated. The Minister of the Interior obliged himself and the Chief of Police by means of the statute to provide the Police Academy with the necessary material and organisational assistance to carry out its scientific, didactic, and educational tasks. On September 1, 1990, sub-inspector. doc. dr hab. Mieczysław Goettel was appointed the first commander of the Police Academy, and was even directed to this position by trade union activists. He faced difficult organisational and per- sonal tasks. The involvement of trade unionists clearly indicated that the will of the Szczytno academy community was to build a completely different quality of school, which the new management of the Interior Ministry fully approved. This was dem- onstrated by the first inauguration of the academic year at the Police Academy, which took place on November 8, 1990, with the participation of the Deputy Minis- ter of Internal Affairs prof. dr hab. Jan Widacki. The expression of the new times was attended by, among others Fr. Bishop dr. Edmund Piszcz and the inaugural lecture given by Dr. Andrzej Misiuk on ‘Police traditions of the Second Polish Republic’. It became obvious that the Police Academy would cultivate these traditions, and would recall the memory of the policemen murdered in Soviet execution camps10. Decisions regarding entrusting the mission of a university of higher education to meet the needs of the ministry to Szczytno required strengthening of its scien- tific potential. An initiative was taken to fill the positions of professors, tutors and assistants through a competition. Substantially prepared employees in criminology,

8 Ordinance No. 90 of the Minister of the Interior of 12 September 1990 regarding the stat- ute for the Police Academy. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior, No. 4, item 50. 9 Ordinance No. 89 of the Minister of the Interior of 12 September 1990 regarding the detailed organisational structure of the Police Academy. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior No. 4, item 49. 10 Wider: Fałdowski M, Zagłada polskich policjantów więzionych w obozie specjalnym NKWD w Ostaszkowie. Szczytno, 2016.

Internal Security, Special Issue 119 Aleksander Cezary Babiński international law, and issues of human rights protection, psychology, ethics as well as social pathology and police law were sought. As a result of this search, a large group of young specialists — graduates of civilian universities — was employed. Universities were nominated by prof. dr hab. Jan Widacki, academics for the posi- tion of associate professors of the Police Academy. The university also received spiritual support. By virtue of the decree of the Warmian bishop, prelate dr Edward Wiszowaty became the chaplain of the Police Academy. Searching for the best, right way to achieve the goals and implement the tasks set for the university required changes to its statute and organisational structure. The first amendment to the statute was made by the Minister of the Interior in June 199111. A bold and important change in the organisational structure of the Police Academy was the establishment of the Independent Department of the Basics of the Border Service within the structure of the School in Kętrzyn12. Thus, it became clear that the Police Academy would not limit its activity to the needs of the Police only. Officers of almost all services subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior would be educated at the academy. At the beginning of the existence of the Police Academy, it was dominated by two classic teaching modes, typical for universities — stationary and extramural13. Refer- ral officers from field units studied there. In view of the problem of recruitment of such candidates14, and in order to recruit new officers who had not been infected with the Polish People’s Republic’s past, measures were taken to enable the recruit- ment of people immediately after the final exams. In the academic year 1991/1992, recruitment for universities modelled on general principles was introduced. From the very beginning, studies at the Police Academy enjoyed great interest of high school graduates. Every year, a dozen or so candidates for one place applied for admission. As early as 1991, the first recruitment for such studies was accepted. In the years 1990–1997, the basic form of education were 3- and 4-year full-time studies15. The first of them were officers with at least 3 years of service experience, while the 4-year ones were civilian candidates. For them, the first year of study (the so-called zero year) covered basic police training16. The graduates received a diploma of completion — first degree professional studies in administration in the field of security and public order. They could obtain a master’s degree by complet- ing supplementary stages at civilian universities. An important role in the preparation of managerial (officer) staff of the Police was played by vocational studies organised at the Police Academy, which are a kind

11 Ordinance No. 55 of the Minister of the Interior of 7 June 1991 on the amendment of the Statute of the Police Academy. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior No. 2, item 53. 12 Ordinance No. 89 of the Minister of the Interior of 12 September 1990 regarding the detailed organisational structure of the Police Academy. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior No. 4, item 49. 13 Goettel M, Wyższa Szkoła Policji — 5 lat doświadczeń, [in:] Goettel M (Ed.), Wyższa Szkoła…, op.cit., pp. 55–64. 14 Pływaczewski W, Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie. Dziesięciolecie kontynuacji. . Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2000, No. 1–2, pp. 7–8. 15 Trzcińska W, Adamiak G, Album Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie. Szczytno. 16 Siemak Z, Geneza Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie (10 X 1990–), [in:] Misiuk A, Goettel M (Eds), 50-lecie oficerskiego…, op. cit., p. 38.

120 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective… of post-graduate studies. The so-called officer studies were addressed to people serving in the Police, and possessing a university degree. Its listeners were directed to Szczytno by the Police Headquarters: lawyers, economists, engineers, IT special- ists, and representatives of other specialties17. The activity of the Police Academy was not limited to the organisation of voca- tional training at the higher level. It meets the Police demand for in-service training and has become the organiser of many courses, such as staff commanders; spokespersons, and managerial. Courses were also organised to improve the level of command (e.g. courses for heads of road departments; courses for patrol service organisation specialists) as well as the quality of education — teaching workshops for police school teachers. From the very beginning of its existence, the academy did not shy away from satisfying the needs of basic training for persons admitted to service in the Police. The new political conditions of Poland caused its opening to the world. The Police also used this option18. From the very beginning, the Police Academy ben- efited from this boon. The first contact with the organisation and functioning of the West European countries’ police was in December 1990. There were contacts with the police of France, Great Britain, and Germany, and in particular the Police Leader- ship Police Academy (Polizei — Führungsakademie) in Münster.19 In the first years of existence, the Academy was mainly focused on the help provided by Western partners20. As a result, the experience of foreign partners was used to modify police structures and training programs. Looking ahead, the past was not forgotten. The truth was discovered about the policemen murdered in the east by the NKVD. Employees of the Police Academy participated in exhumation works carried out by a Polish-Soviet expert group in the pits of death near Miednoje. In recognition of the achievements of the State Police of the Second Polish Republic, after 52 years of break, the publication of the ‘Police Review’ was reactivated. taking over the burden of editing it. The rank of scientific exploration of the police past was evidenced by the organisation of a conference on ‘The fate of Polish policemen after September 1, 1939’, which was attended by families of policemen murdered in Kalinin in the spring of 1940. It was accompa- nied by the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in honour of the victims of the Ostashkov camp, funded by the families of murdered and missing policemen, under which to this day policemen light candles and lay flowers. From the very beginning, it was understood that the didactic and research sphere requires publishing activity of the Academy, which was emphasised in its statute. It was to be facilitated by the Publishing and Printing Department created in December 1991. The new statute of the Police Academy issued in 1993 by the Interior Minis- ter21 did not introduce revolutionary changes. It clearly emphasised the security

17 Siemak Z, Geneza Wyższej Szkoły…, op. cit., pp. 38–39. 18 Trzcińska W, Współpraca zagraniczna Szkoły, [in:] Goettel M (Ed.), Wyższa Szkoła Policji..., op.cit., p. 90. 19 Ibid., pp. 98–99. 20 Pływaczewski W, Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie. Dziesięciolecie …, op.cit., pp. 14–15. 21 Ordinance No. 45 of the Minister of the Interior of 26 March 1993 regarding the statute of the Police Academy. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior No. 3, item 44.

Internal Security, Special Issue 121 Aleksander Cezary Babiński of citizens as well as public safety and order as the primary educational goal of the Police Academy. The police’s challenge to the changing structure of crime was the fight against organised crime. The statute assumes a special organisational unit be dedicated to this, which has become the Independent Department of Fighting Organised Crime. This statute has been significantly changed in connection with the delegation to the Chief Police Commander of certain powers of the Minister of the Interior provided in the Act on Higher Military Education22. The Chief Police Commander obtained extensive competence in the area of settlement of key posi- tions at the Police Academy, and modification of the Academy structure. The Police Academy was involved in more than only scientific activities from the very beginning. Taking care of the didactic and professional aspects, the ‘Police Training Bulletin’23 was established in 1993. The quarterly published materials aimed at familiarising readers with current and significant problems of the Police. It became a forum for the presentation of many initiatives taken to improve the Police, both in the sphere of improving the professional qualifications of officers, and improving the effectiveness of specific services. In the mid-90s of the last century there was also a noticeable change in the foreign contacts of the Police Academy. These relationships began to evolve towards partnerships. A significant proof of this change of roles was the acces- sion to the Central European Police Academy in 1993 (MEPA — Mitteleuropäische Polizeakademie)24. The activity of the Police Academy at the international forum in those years also concerned the Conference of Rectors of Police Schools in Central and Eastern Europe25.

The period of 1995–2003

In the mid-90s, a meeting of the parliamentary Administration and Home Affairs Committee was held at the Police Academy, at which the assumptions of the Police training system were presented26. To meet the expectations of the police leader- ship in the field of accelerating the training of officers for vacant officer positions27, it was decided to seriously increase the limits for extramural studies. However, this mode of education turned out to be less effective. As a consequence of its criticism,

22 Ordinance No. 69 of the Minister of the Interior of 21 November 1995 regarding the transfer to the Chief of Police of certain powers of the Minister of the Interior provided for in the Act on Higher Military Education (Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior and Administration 95.4.63). 23 Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1996. Szczytno, 1997, pp. 68–69; Report on the activ- ity of WSPol. in 1998. Szczytno, 1999, pp. 108–109. 24 Established in 1992, its founding countries were Austria and Hungary. Currently, it also includes the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany and Switzerland. 25 Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1998, p. 90. 26 Babiński A (chairman team Eds), 60 lat szkolnictwa policyjnego w Szczytnie (1954–2014). Szczytno, 2014, p. 150. 27 Siemak Z, Etaty w polskiej policji, [in:] Kędzierska G (Ed.), 85 lat polskiej policji. Szczytno, 2004, p. 39.

122 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective… in 1997, the form of teaching changed to alternate studies28. Four-year full-time studies were abandoned in favour of three-year vocational studies. These changes were fundamental to the future of the Police Academy in Szczytno. They were related to the adoption of the new university statute29. It introduced the term rector, which was significant for universities. The function of School Commander — Rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno was entrusted to the superintendent. Edward Pietkiewicz. The changeable form of education was to enable students to simultaneously acquire knowledge and use it during internships at the local Police units. This form of study was to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary for proper functioning in a job position after graduation30. In this way, practice became an inte- gral part of the training program, and the field units of the Police were included in the education process. At the same time, it was considered a way to improve the graduates’ professionalism while deepening their professional specialisation significantly. Two police services — criminal and preventive — were used as the specialisation criterion. These changes also concerned post-graduate studies, which also adopted an alternate mode and a specialisation was established Despite such significant changes, the Police Academy, aimed at increasing the professional usefulness of its graduates, did not cease to care for scientific devel- opment. Research continued in many areas related to combating various forms of crime, police interaction with society, organisation and management of police units, as well as in the legal sciences31. Such a wide range of research was possible primarily due to financial resources obtained from the Scientific Research Com- mittee32. As part of the scientific and research activity, university employees, e.g. in 1997 implemented 22 projects, in 1998 — 25, and in 1999 — 31. Conferences, publications, as well as active participation in national and international scientific life have become an excellent forum for their presentation. The research results were used in the process of obtaining subsequent degrees, but also in shaping the surrounding reality by government and self-government bodies, as well as interna- tional institutions. An important element in the school’s activities was the effort to raise the standards of the teaching base. The success in this respect was the commissioning in 1998 of the Command and Control Station for Operations and Police Forces33. The position was the first professional didactic complex of this type in Poland. It allows not only simulation exercises to be conducted on almost all modes of education, but also the processes of planning police operations for the needs of local Police units to be supported.

28 Siemak Z, Geneza Wyższej Szkoły…, op.cit., p. 37. 29 Ordinance No. 19/97 Chief of Police of 19 July 1997. On the statute of the Higher Police School in Szczytno (unpublished). 30 Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1999. Szczytno, 2000, pp. 78–79; Report on the activ- ity of WSPol. in 2000. Szczytno, 2001, pp. 70–71. 31 Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1996. Szczytno, 1997, pp. 51–52. 32 The Police Academy was awarded the second category. Wider: Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2000, No. 1–2, p. 11. 33 Piotrowski M, Otwarcie Stanowiska Dowodzenia i Kierowania Operacjami i Siłami Policyjnymi. Policyjny Biuletyn Szkoleniowy, 1998, No. 3–4, p. 52.

Internal Security, Special Issue 123 Aleksander Cezary Babiński

Sport has always played a very important role in the didactic activity of the Academy, both in mass and competitive sports. Students could improve their physi- cal fitness in sports clubs operating at the School. Academy athletes have been successful in national and international sports arenas in athletics, but also in such disciplines as pentathlon, karate, judo, jujitsu and volleyball34. Honouring this area of the Academy’s activity was granting the Police Academy in Szczytno the right to organise the world championship in police pentathlon. This involved the construc- tion of an indoor shooting range and a full-size swimming pool on the campus35. In 1999, there was another change to the position of commandant of the Police Academy. This time, it was associated with the Academy insp. dr hab. By Wiesław Pływaczewski. From the very beginning, he emphasised building international relations and the role of scientific research. In 2001, the University implemented 96 research projects36. The exploration of new research areas as well as the search for new and more effective ways of presenting them, especially to the police community, resulted in, among others transforming the Police Training Bulletin into the ‘Police Executive Quarterly. Police’37. This was also served by improving the Library of the Police Col- lege supporting the proper implementation of the course of studies and scientific research. An online workshop was created in the Library and the implementation of the computer database in the ALEPH system was started, reflecting full informa- tion about the Library’s collections available through alphabetical and material catalogues of compact and periodical publications. The Police Academy, realising the need to raise the qualification of the personnel reserve for managerial positions to a higher level, resulting primarily from systemic changes in management38, launched a Management Study. It constituted the development of forms of improving the police management staff implemented so far at the Academy and supplementing higher vocational education. In 2002, the Management Study obtained the ISO 9001:2000 quality certificate. In the same year, ‘vocational studies’ ceased to exist, which were replaced with ‘Higher vocational training for university graduates’. The nature of the studies and the recruitment rules remained virtually unchanged, although the training took place on a full-time basis.

The period of 2003–2005

In 2002, the concept of a total change in the education model arose in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its main direction was to take away the status of a university and the education of senior staff from courses in the Szczytno Acad- emy. The school in Szczytno was to prepare only for aspirant and officer exams39.

34 Wider: 50-lecie sportu policyjnego 1954–2004. Szczytno, 2004. 35 Babiński A (chairman team Eds), 60 lat szkolnictwa…, op. cit., p. 159. 36 Report on the activity of WSPol. in 2001. Szczytno, 2002, pp. 15–16. 37 Wider: Majer P, Od redaktora naczelnego. Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2000, No. 1–2, p. 2. 38 Kielin B, Kształcenie w ramach studium zarządzania — Report (unpublished). 39 Prais P, Degradacja WSPol w Szczytnie. Electronic source: /1,48726,1161856.html, accessed: 12.12.2019.

124 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective…

The process of extinguishing the Police Academy as a university began with the appointment of the commandant in July 2003 by young inspector. Ryszard Drożdza. As he admitted, he was sent to Szczytno to carry out a deep restructuring. It was to deprive it of its academic attributes40. The introduction of the announced changes tied the network not only to the change in the position of commandant, but above all to granting the Academy a new statute, which took place in August 200341. According to this, the commandant of the Police Academy was to determine the organisational structure of the School modelled on other police schools. So, guided by the new requirements of the statute, but also the guidelines of the police and ministry management, the academic division of the School into institutes and factories was abolished. The reorganisation of the school’s structures was comple- mented by personnel changes. As a result of staff interviews held in August 2003, the teaching and research staff of the School decreased by several dozen people, including a dozen with the title of doctor and habilitated doctor42. It was assumed that the School would operate under its name until October 2005, i.e. until the last student of 3-year vocational studies leaves the university43.

The period of 2005–2017

In a difficult time for the Police Academy, efforts were made to prevent higher education from leaving Szczytno. An opportunity to reverse the changes appeared with the outbreak of the ‘Starachowice scandal’44. As a consequence, changes were made to key positions in the Ministry and the Police. These circumstances favoured the efforts of people postulating the keeping of the university in Szczytno. As a result, in May 2004, an inspector dr Wiesław Mądrzejowski was appointed as com- mandant of the Police Academy. This change stopped the existing activities. The new management returned to the best academic standards, conducting scientific dispute at organised scientific conferences. Changing the situation of the University — blocking plans for its liquidation as a university — was also favoured by the fact that work began on a comprehensive regulation normalising the higher education system in Poland in connection with Poland’s accession to the European Union. The Bologna Declaration assumed the creation of a common space for higher education in a united Europe45. The newly designed education system provided for the repeal of the law on higher military

40 Majer P, Komendanci Wyższej Szkoły Oficerskiej Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych w Szczytnie oraz Komendanci – Rektorzy Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie, [in:] Grabowski S, Majer P, Misiuk A, 40 lat Policyjnego szkolnictwa wyższego w Szczytnie. Szczytno, 2012, p. 145. 41 Ordinance No. 420 Chief of Police of 6 August 2003. On the statute of the Higher Police School in Szczytno. Acts. Office. KGP No. 16, item. 42 Siemak Z, Geneza Wyższej Szkoły…, op. cit., p. 33. 43 Majer P, Komendanci Wyższej…, op. cit., p. 145. 44 Wider: Electronic source:, accessed: 14.12. 2019. 45 Wider: Misiuk A, Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie (1990–2012), [in:] Grabowski S, Ma- jer P, Misiuk A, 40 lat policyjnego…, op.cit., p. 50.

Internal Security, Special Issue 125 Aleksander Cezary Babiński education. In the course of legislative work, it was decided that the Police Academy in Szczytno would become a university of state services. The adoption of the Act - Law on Higher Education in July 2005 resulted through revolutionary effects for the University. It has become an integral element of the universal higher education system. It was subject to academic control and assessment of the quality of education implemented by the Polish Accreditation Commission. Despite such revolutionary changes, it was not decided to give the university full autonomy, following the example of civil schools. The departmental authority over the University’s activity and its attribute in the form of key positions were retained. This solution was not different from that used in other departmental schools, although it had various modifications The coming into force of the Act - Law on Higher Education46 was coupled in time with the departure for retirement of Commander Mądrzejowski, who after almost a year was replaced in this position by the Superintendent. Kazimierz Szwejcowski. The new act gave hope for the University’s development. It became clear that it had to start functioning to meet its goals and priorities. Therefore, work was undertaken on the use of new opportunities resulting from the fact that the School ceased to function as a military university, and civil university standards began to apply to it. It ceased to be a budgetary unit, like other Police units, but a unit receiving, like other universities, a subsidy for statutory activities. It also obtained a legal personality. Despite this, the University did not focus only on matters arising from its role in the new dimension of higher education, but also on the training needs of the Police. Entrusting the post of commander-rector to Superintendent Kazimierz Szwa- jcowski coincided with the granting of a new statute to the Police Academy47. The university standard was adapted to the requirements of the Law on Higher Education. They provided the opportunity to launch fields of study for civilians. In December 2006, the first meeting of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szc- zytno was held. Its first resolution determined the main directions of the University’s activity. In the new academic year, civil studies in administration were inaugurated at the University of Szczytno. The University’s development towards meeting the needs of not only the ministry, but also the external environment was initiated. In June 2007, the Minister of Science and Higher Education granted the Police Col- lege in Szczytno the right to also conduct first degree studies in the field of internal security. The university could therefore teach in two fields of study. In March 2008, the Minister of the Interior and Administration entrusted the duties of commander-rector of young inspector dr Piotr Bogdalski, in connec- tion with the appointment of the current rector to the position of deputy chief police commander. In August, the position of commandant-rector was taken over by Inspector dr hab. Arkadiusz Letkiewicz. From the very beginning, the new rector focused on the development of the Szczytno University. The first step was to expand the education offer with second-cycle studies. This became possible thanks to the resolution of the Presidium of the State Accreditation Committee, which issued a positive opinion on the request of the Police College for granting

46 The Act of 27 July 2005 — Law on Higher Education. Journal of Laws, No. 164, item 1365. 47 It was an attachment to the Decision of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 14 September 2006 reference number: DP-I-0232-1233/06,

126 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective… the right to conduct education in the field of internal security at the master’s level — in full-time and part-time modes. As a result of these efforts, in 2008, over four hundred students (policemen and civilians) started their first year of study in two fields — administration and internal security. The university also began recruitment for second degree internal security studies, which were interrupted a year later. Post-graduate studies dedicated to specialised issues of organised crime were also created in the field of internal security. The development of the University as a university was accompanied by its recognition in police circles in the country and abroad. This is evidenced by the number of projects in which the Police College organised or participated. It is worth mentioning even closer cooperation with the National Center for the Train- ing of Staff of Common Courts and the Prosecutor’s Office, the European Police Academy (CEPOL), and the Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC). Caring for professional and scientific development, sports, and cultural activities were not forgotten. The staff and students of the Police College were awarded the highest laurels at national and international events. The importance and position of the Police Academy certify number of coopera- tion agreements to which various domestic and foreign institutions have willingly joined, as well as conferences and seminars. Caring for the scientific and didactic development of the University, its didactic base was not forgotten. Efforts for new investments at the campus, which had been made for many months, resulted in the signing in March 2009 of agreements with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Devel- opment in Warsaw for co-financing of the University’s key project. It became the construction of the University Library and Police Library and Information System and the Police Analytical and Research Center, which was to consist of a number of specialised laboratories. In May 2010, the cornerstone was laid for an investment worth approximately PLN 72 million48. An important event proving the University’s recognition was the granting of the Erasmus University Charter by the European Commission, which entitled the School, among others to participate fully in the projects, and to support initiatives to develop cooperation between European universities. The opening of the Univer- sity and its achievements to foreign partners may also be evidenced by the fact that the College of Police has become the publisher of the fully foreign language49 Inter- nal Security half-yearly. In October 2009, its first issue appeared. Internal Security has become, next to the quarterly ‘Police Review’ and the ‘Police Executive Quar- terly. Police’ another periodical published by the College of Police Publishing House. Ensuring the development of the Police Academy required its statutes to be adapted to constantly changing needs and challenges. This necessity was indicated by a team of experts from the State Accreditation Commission, which visited the uni- versity in May 2008. The new statute of the University was adopted by its senate in June 200950 and approved by the Minister of Interior and Administration51. At its meeting

48 Wider: Babiński A, Już się mury pną do góry! Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2010, No. 2, pp. 77–79. 49 Essential content in English, and summaries in Polish and Russian. 50 Resolution No. 128/2009 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 22 June 2009. 51 Decision of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 17 August 2009 (reference number: DAiN-II-0232-2697/09/TS).

Internal Security, Special Issue 127 Aleksander Cezary Babiński in March 2010, the Senate of the Police College in Szczytno adopted a resolution to establish the Faculty of Internal Security and Administration as the basic organi- sational unit of the School in the field of scientific, didactic and research activity52. The establishment of the Department of Internal Security and Administration as the basic organisational unit made it possible to apply for the faculty to confer doctoral degrees. On September 26, 2011, the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles granted the right to confer doctoral degrees in the humanities in the discipline of security science. The beginning of 2012 brought changes at the highest management level of the University. The current commanding officer-inspector dr. hab. Arkadiusz Letkiewicz was appointed by the Interior Minister to the position of Deputy Chief Commander of the Police53. The minister entrusted the current deputy commander-rector dr. Piotr Bogdalski as inspector-commanding rector. The ceremonial act of appoint- ment to the position of Commandant-Rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno took place in March 201254. Looking for even better organisational solutions ensuring further development of the University, it was decided to separate the Administration department from the existing Department of Internal Security and Administration. The university sen- ate took a positive stance on this matter55. As a result, since June 2012, the university has had a two-faceted structure, created by the Department of Internal Security and the Department of Administration. This change was also accompanied by the establishment of a University-wide organisational unit under the name Institute of Research Coordination and Assistance Funds56. These events clearly indicated the azimuth of the University’s development. The university continued to focus on developing its training offer. In July 2013, first-cycle practical studies were started in the field of administration, and a year later in the field of criminology. From 2016, the offer of the Szczytno Academy was also enriched by the opportunity to study in the field of management with a spe- cialisation in management in available groups. The above changes were accompanied by the search for the most convenient statutory solutions. In May 2014, the university senate adopted a new statute57.

52 Resolution No. 165/2010 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 31 March 2010 regarding the application for the establishment of the Faculty of Internal Security and Administration. Electronic source: php?fDocumentId=6154, accessed: 14.12.2019. 53 Electronic source:,Nowi-zastepcy- komendanta-glownego-policji.html?search=353816400, accessed: 15.12. 2019. 54 Electronic source:,Nowy-Komendant- Rektor-Wyzszej-Szkoly-Policji-w-Szczytnie.html, accessed: 15.12. 2019. 55 Resolutions: No. 100/II/2012 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 25 April 2012 regarding the opinion on changing the name of the Department of Internal Security and Adminis- tration; No. 101/II/2012 on giving opinion on the establishment of Department of Administration. 56 Resolution No. 102/II/2012 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 25 April 2012 regarding the opinion on the establishment of a university-wide organisational unit at the Police Academy in Szczytno — the Institute for the Coordination of Research and Assistance Funds. 57 Resolution No. 203/II/2014 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 6 May 2014 regarding the adoption of the statute.

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The lack of its acceptance by the department’s management prompted the senate to put it forward for acceptance again, with the expected changes. In June 2014, the statute of the Police Academy in Szczytno adopted a resolution adopting the new statute58. The Interior Minister approved it on June 25, 2014 by decision DN-BK- 0762-27/2014. Another significant step demonstrating the good direction of development of the Police Academy in Szczytno was obtaining the right to confer postdoctoral degrees. By decision of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles, the Internal Security Department obtained such powers. At the end of November 2016, the Police College in Szczytno — as one of the three uniformed universities in the country59 — could award post-doctoral degrees in social sciences in the discipline of security science. Thus, the Szczytno Academy joined a small group of universities with such qualifications60.

The period of 2017–now

The joy and optimism of the staff of the Police Academy suppressed the uncer- tainty caused by information about the directions of work on the new law on higher education, but also reports of further getting rid of the structures of the Police of those who began their service in MO or ZOMO61. In February 2017, junior inspector dr Marek Fałdowski, replaced the commander- rector of the Police Academy in Szczytno insp. dr. hab. Piotr Bogdalski. The reasons for the dismissal of the commander were not officially known62. The new com- mander noticed the need for the University’s statutory and structural changes. He also promoted the concept of returning to the training of officers over 4 years of studies, for which recruitment would be carried out among civilians. To this end, he set up a team whose goal was to develop proposals for legislative changes in connection with the launch of such studies — learning about the Police. Uni- versities did not focus only on new proposals. In pursuit of its intentions to date, the Academy senate adopted the launch of the ‘Management’ field of study at the second-cycle level of practical studies in full-time and extramural forms at the Faculty of Administration of the Police Academy in Szczytno63.

58 Resolution No. 211/II/2014 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 18 June 2014 regarding the adoption of the statute. 59 There was also the Academy of Martial Arts in Warsaw and the Naval Academy in Gdynia. 60 Electronic source: uprawnieniami-habilitacyjnymi, accessed: 15.12. 2019. 61 Karierę zaczynali w MO lub ZOMO. Teraz zostaną zwolnieni. Electronic source: https:// hztg, accessed: 15.12. 2019. 62 Electronic source: nie/01321646, accessed: 15.12. 2019. 63 Resolution No. 97/III/2017 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 21 February 2017 regarding the launch of second-cycle studies in the field of ‘Management’ at Department of Administration WSPol in Szczytno.

Internal Security, Special Issue 129 Aleksander Cezary Babiński

The implementation of the new concept for managing the Police Academy in Szczytno required statutory changes. The University Senate agreed not to accept the new statute in June 201764. The Minister of the Interior and Administration approved it in September 201765. During the period of waiting for the new statute, the name of the Administration Departments was changed. On October 1, 2017, it changed its name to the Faculty of Applied Police Sciences. To meet the needs of the department, the following were launched: engineering studies in computer science with a specialisation in computer science in security; postgraduate studies in the field of internal security management at the strategic level; postgraduate studies in the field of public document security; and post- graduate studies in the field of control in public administration, management of an organisational unit in public administration, and recognising, detecting and preventing cybercrime committed to the detriment of banks66. New challenges for the Police Academy appeared with the adoption in July 2018 of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science67. Once again, it was necessary to optimise the structure and adapt the university statute to the new statutory requirements. In the spirit of these changes, in 2019, the Department of Internal Security and the Department of Police Applied Sciences were transformed into one department — the Department of Security and Legal Sciences. After less than two years of its validity, the necessary reconstruction was made by adopting a new one68, which was approved in September 201969. In this new reality, the Police Academy in Szczytno remained a university of state services supervised by the minister responsible for internal affairs. Its mission was defined as discovering and disseminating the truth of social sciences in the disci- plines of security science and legal sciences, in particular regarding security and public order, by conducting research, training academic staff, doctoral students, students, course and training participants, and its dissemination. However, it was clearly noted that the Academy refers to the glorious traditions of the Polish Police, emphasising the role of ethos in police service. The Police Academy in Szczytno preserves the memory of the dedication of Polish policemen and their involvement in the fight for Poland’s independence. The enormity of work that had to be done to adapt the academy to the new statutory requirements did not nullify the efforts to launch a new field of study,

64 Resolution No. 119/III/2017 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 27 June 2017 regarding the adoption of the statute. 65 Decision No. 203 of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 29 September 2017 regarding the approval of the statute of the Police Academy in Szczytno. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, item 60. 66 Statement of the Press Team of the Police Academy in Szczytno from 5 April 2019. Electronic source:, accessed: 15.12. 2019. 67 Act of 20 July 2018 — Law on Higher Education and Science. Journal of Laws, item 1668. 68 Resolution No. 53 / IV / 2019 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 10 September 2019 regarding the adoption of the statute. 69 Decision No. 54 of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 27 September 2019 regarding the approval of the statute of the Police Academy in Szczytno. Official Journal of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, item 39.

130 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective… the science of the Police70. Recruitment was carried out all over the country, and in October 2019, first degree studies on this profile were launched. The organisational actions taken to maintain the academic status of the Police Academy completed the efforts to qualify the periodicals ‘Police Review’ and ‘Internal Security’ published at the Academy to the ministerial program ‘Support for scientific journals’. Consequently, they were qualified in the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences as periodicals, for publications in which the authors receive 20 points. The academic character of the Academy is also favoured by research and development works. Their coordination was entrusted to the Research and Development Institute71.


When the Police was established, the Police Academy in Szczytno was cre- ated, and it was given a leading role in police education. It is a school with a huge tradition and prestige. Since its creation, it has become a university breaking all popularity records. Interest in the Police Academy was also manifested in the visits of personalities from Poland and the world. Visits of presidents, prime ministers, ministers and other equally important guests are significant evidence. The Police Academy is a university capable of adapting its structures and programs to changing conditions and expectations. This is evidenced by the multiplicity and scope of organisational changes undertaken across 30 years. During this time, the offer of vocational studies and training was adapted to current needs. However, this did not disturb the development of the university. Because, apart from didactic activity, the Academy develops scientific and research activity mainly in the field of disciplines related to ensuring security. This allowed the Academy to obtain the right to confer not only titles but also academic degrees. From a school giving a diploma of first degree studies, it transformed into a university conducting habilitation proceedings. The school is still developing contacts with schools and Police units in the coun- try and abroad, mainly in Germany, France, England, Lithuania, and Ukraine, and even in China. The university has gained the recognition of European and World police institutions. Commanders, teachers, support staff and students worked for the current image of the Police Academy for 30 years. University graduates and students can boast of many outstanding sporting achievements in national and international arenas. The enormous amount of work allows the Police Academy in Szczytno to successfully compete in the field of training future officers, teaching base equipment with European police universities. From the perspective of the 30th anniversary of the functioning of the Police Academy in Szczytno, it can be said with certainty that it has lived up to its hopes. It has carried out its tasks with the highest recognition, regardless of the direction and climate of the winds of history.

70 Resolution No. 149/III/2018 the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 20 Febru- ary 2018. On the mobilisation of the ‘Science of the Police’ on the first cycle of practical profile of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of Police of the Police Academy in Szczytno. 71 Electronic source:, accessed: 17.02. 2019.

Internal Security, Special Issue 131 Aleksander Cezary Babiński References

1. 50-lecie sportu policyjnego 1954–2004. Szczytno, 2004. 2. Act of 20 July 2018 — Law on Higher Education and Science. 3. Act of 27 July 2005 — Law on Higher Education. 4. Act of 31 March 1965 on higher military education. 5. Babiński A (chairman team Eds), 60 lat szkolnictwa policyjnego w Szczytnie (1954–2014). Szczytno, 2014. 6. Babiński A, Już się mury pną do góry! Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2010, No 2. 7. Decision No. 203 of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 29 Sep- tember 2017 regarding the approval of the statute of the Police Academy in Szczytno. 8. Decision No. 54 of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 27 Sep- tember 2019 regarding the approval of the statute of the Police Academy in Szczytno. 9. Decision of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 17 August 2009 (reference number: DAiN-II-0232-2697 / 09 / TS). 10. Fałdowski M, Zagłada polskich policjantów więzionych w obozie specjalnym NKWD w Ostaszkowie. Szczytno, 2016. 11. Goettel M (Ed.) Wyższa Szkoła Policji 1990–1995. Księga jubileuszowa z okazji 5 rocznicy powołania. Szczytno, 1995. 12. Grabowski S, Majer P, Misiuk A, 40 lat Policyjnego szkolnictwa wyższego w Szczytnie. Szczytno, 2012. 13. Kędzierska G (Ed.), 85 lat polskiej policji. Szczytno, 2004. 14. Kielin B, Kształcenie w ramach studium zarządzania — Report (unpublished). 15. Majer P, Od redaktora naczelnego. Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2000, No. 1–2. 16. Misiuk A, Goettel M (Eds), 50-lecie ofi cerskiego szkolnictwa policyjnego w Szc- zytnie (1954–2004). Szczytno, 2004. 17. Ordinance No. 19/97 Chief of Police of 19 July 1997 on the statute of the Higher Police School in Szczytno. 18. Ordinance No. 420 Chief of Police of 6 August 2003 on the statute of the Higher Police School in Szczytno. 19. Ordinance No. 45 of the Minister of the Interior of 26 March 1993 regarding the statute of the Police Academy. 20. Ordinance No. 55 of the Minister of the Interior of 7 June 1991 on the amend- ment of the Statute of the Police. 21. Ordinance No. 69 of the Minister of the Interior of 21 November 1995 regarding the transfer to the Chief of Police of certain powers of the Minister of the Interior provided for in the Act on Higher Military Education. 22. Ordinance No. 89 of the Minister of the Interior of 12 September 1990 regarding the detailed organisational structure of the Police Academy. 23. Ordinance No. 89 of the Minister of the Interior of 12 September 1990 regarding the detailed organisational structure of the Police Academy.

132 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective…

24. Ordinance No. 90 of the Minister of the Interior of 12 September 1990 regarding the statute for the Police Academy. 25. Piotrowski M, Otwarcie Stanowiska Dowodzenia i Kierowania Operacjami i Siłami Policyjnymi. Policyjny Biuletyn Szkoleniowy, 1998, No. 3–4, 26. Pływaczewski W, Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie. Dziesięciolecie kontynuacji, Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji, 2000, No. 1–2. 27. Policja. Kwartalnik Kadry Kierowniczej Policji. 2000, No. 1–2. 28. Raina P, Droga do ‘Okrągłego Stołu’. Zakulisowe rozmowy przygotowawcze. War- saw, 1999. 29. Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 10, 1990 on the establish- ment of the Police Academy and the abolition of the Academy of Internal Aff airs. 30. Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1996. Szczytno, 1997. 31. Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1998. Szczytno, 1999. 32. Report on the activity of WSPol. in 1999. Szczytno, 2000, 33. Report on the activity of WSPol. in 2000. Szczytno, 2001. 34. Report on the activity of WSPol. in 2001. Szczytno, 2002. 35. Resolution No. 100/II/2012 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 25 April 2012 regarding the opinion on changing the name of the Depart- ment of Internal Security and Administration. 36. Resolution No. 101/II/2012 on giving opinion on the establishment of Depart- ment of Administration. 37. Resolution No. 102/II/2012 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 25 April 2012 regarding the opinion on the establishment of a university- wide organisational unit at the Police Academy in Szczytno — the Institute for the Coordination of Research and Assistance Funds. 38. Resolution No. 119/III/2017 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 27 June 2017 regarding the adoption of the statute. 39. Resolution No. 128/2009 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 22 June 2009. 40. Resolution No. 149 / III / 2018 the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 20 February 2018 on the mobilisation of the ‘Science of the Police’ on the fi rst cycle of practical profi le of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of Police of the Police Academy in Szczytno. 41. Resolution No. 165/2010 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 31 March 2010 regarding the application for the establishment of the Faculty of In- ternal Security and Administration. 42. Resolution No. 203/II/2014 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 6 May 2014 regarding the adoption of the statute. 43. Resolution No. 211/II/2014 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 18 June 2014 regarding the adoption of the statute. 44. Resolution No. 53/IV/2019 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 10 September 2019 regarding the adoption of the statute. 45. Resolution No. 97 / III / 2017 of the Senate of the Police Academy in Szczytno of 21 February 2017 regarding the launch of second-cycle studies in the fi eld of ‘Management’ at Department of Administration WSPol in Szczytno. 46. Statement of the Press Team of the Police Academy in Szczytno from April 5, 2019.

Internal Security, Special Issue 133 Aleksander Cezary Babiński

About the Author

Aleksander Babiński — Lt. Col., Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of security science. Police offi cer since 1991. Author of several publications on the legal aspects of public order and security, the organisation of the Police, and investigations conducted by law enforcement agencies. Special interest is shown in shaping public security by the legal and organisational principles of arms and ammunition regulation. Adviser — acting academic teacher Institute of Legal Sciences Department of Security and Legal Sciences Police Academy in Szczytno. E-mail: [email protected].

Streszczenie. Rok 2020 jest kolejnym szczególnym rokiem w dziejach Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie. W roku tym rozpoczyna się czwarta dekada jej istnienia. Jednocześnie jest to dobry czas do dokonania retrospektywnego spojrzenia na minione 30 lat funkcjonowania tej uczelni. Może być ono tym bardziej cenne, że dokonane jest przez autora, który niemal przez wszystkie te lata czynnie uczestniczył w jej życiu, jako słuchacz, a następnie pracownik (policjant) szczebla wykonawczego i kierowniczego. Przedstawiona w artykule perspektywa trzydziestu lat funkcjonowania Wyższej Szkoły Policji dotyczy przede wszystkim jej ewolucji, będącej konsekwencją oczekiwań kierownictwa Policji i resortu spraw wewnętrznych. Autor przedstawia również rozwój intytucji kształcącej jako ośrodka akademickiego, pozwalającego kształcić na coraz to wyższym poziomie. Realnym wymiarem tego kierunku rozwoju jest uzyskiwanie przez Uczelnię możliwości nadawania kolejnych, coraz wyższych tytułów i stopni naukowych, co Jest zarówno efektem zaangażowania w proces nauczania kadry naukowej i dydaktycznym uczelni oaz jej kierownictwa. W artykule przedstawiono drogę jaką przeszła Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie od uczelni funkcjonującej w dobie przemian społeczno- politycznych końca lat 80-tych i początku 90-tych ubiegłego wieku, do uczelni która stała się wiodącym ośrodkiem akademickim w Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej kształcącym w dziedzinie nauk społecznych i prowadzącym badania ukazujące zależności występujące między dyscyplinami zaliczonych do tej jednej dziedziny nauki. Uczelnia przygotowuje profesjonalną kadrę służb resortu, ale i odkrywa nowe możliwości zapewnienia przez nie bezpieczeństwa.

Zusammenfassung. In der Geschichte der Polizeihochschule in Szczytno ist 2020 ein weiteres besonderes Jahr, denn das vierte Jahrzehnt ihres Bestehens beginnt eben in diesem Jahr. Gleichzeitig ist es ein gutes Moment, um einen Rückblick auf die letzten 30 Jahre der Funktionsweise dieser Hochschuleinrichtung zu werfen. Es kann desto wertvoller sein, weil es von dem Verfasser gemacht wird, der fast all diese Jahre aktiv an ihrem Leben, zuerst als ihr Studierender dann als Polizeidozent und schließlich als Leiter einer von ihr Abteilungen, teilgenommen hat. Die in dem Artikel vorgestellte Perspektive des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Polizeihochschule in Szczytno betrifft in erster Linie ihre Entwicklung, die eine Folge der Erwartungen des Polizeimanagements und des Innenministeriums war. Gleichzeitig präsentiert er ihre Entwicklung als ein akademisches Zentrum, das Bildung auf einem immer höheren Niveau ermöglicht. Die eigentliche Dimension dieser Entwicklungsrichtung ist die Fähigkeit der Einrichtung weitere, immer höhere Titel und Abschlüsse zu vergeben. Dies ist das Ergebnis der Einbeziehung des akademischen und lehrenden Personals der Hochschule, aber auch ihres Managements. Dieser Artikel zeigt den Weg der Polizeihochschule in Szczytno von einer Einrichtung, die ein Ergebnis von gesellschaftspolitischen Veränderungen in den späten 80ern und frühen 90ern des letzten Jahrhunderts ist zur Hochschulbildungseinrichtung, die ein führendes akademisches Zentrum in der Republik Polen wurde. Die Polizeihochschule, die auf dem Gebiet der Sozialwissenschaften ausbildet und Forschungen durchführt, die die Beziehungen zwischen den in diesem Bereich der Wissenschaft enthaltenen Disziplinen aufzeigen.

Резюме. 2020 год — это следующий особенный год в истории Высшей школы полиции в г. Щитно. Именно в этом году начинается четвертое десятилетие существования школы. Одновременно это подходящее время для того, чтобы ретроспективно взглянуть на последние 30 лет деятельности вуза. Это может оказаться еще более ценным, потому что автор почти все эти годы активно участвовал в жизни вуза в качестве слушателя, а затем сотрудника (полицейского) исполнительного и управленческого уровня. Представленная в статье перспектива три- дцатилетней деятельности ВШП-ол в основном относится к ее развитию, что связано с ожиданиями руководства полиции и Министерства внутренних дел. Автор представляет также развитие образовательного учреждения

134 Internal Security, Special Issue The Genesis and Development of the Police Academy in Szczytno from the Perspective…

как академического центра, предоставляющего возможность получать образование на все более высоком уровне. Реальным аспектом этого направления развития является получение вузом возможности присвоения более высоких ученых степеней и званий, что является как результатом активного участия научного и преподавательского состава и его руководства в учебном процессе. В статье представлен путь, пройденный ВШП-ол от учреждения, действующего в период социальных и политических изменений в конце 80-х и начале 90-х годов прошлого столетия, до вуза, являющегося ведущим академическим центром в Республике Польша, обучающим в области общественных наук и проводящим исследования, указывающее отношения между дисциплинами, включенными в эту одну область науки. Это позволяет готовить профессиональные кадры служб ведомства, а также открывать новые возможности обеспечения ими безопасности.

Internal Security, Special Issue 135