i ^flmulUvat. T poetry. ——■ Calendar of Operations for Tho Snow Port. April, 1861. A rorM FOR THR BOYS. [We note down nun-lry kiwi* of work to be done during the month, to call to mind the Various op. In tho happy days of boyhood, era ions to bo attended to. A glance over a tablo of Five and thirty yenrs Hg« like this will often suggest some piece work that otherwise bo or neglected. Life’s golder. ngr of joyhood.) might forgotten are more to tho built earth's of the snow, Our remarks especially adapted latitudes ui 3d to i.» deg.; but. will be equally ap- the drifts we quarried, glittering to further North and .South, by mansion work was rare plicable points And our due allowance for each of Tkrmsof Advertising.—Our square or less, making degree lutitudw, Aa those mansions many storied, one when l ! T*s*s. Ten copies, 110,00* copy three insertion*, *1,26; each suhftcqtteiitinser- that is, earlier for the fcnmUi, ami later lor tho out of air. within six ; at the hfmihood fashions paid month*, $1,50 expira- | tion 2ft cents. One square one year, $6 00. Nuitb. !• te n of th*‘ year, |2,00. No paper diacotiliuu made on advertise- iu not A liberal discount lonjr the wi until all arrearage* are paid. These Terms 1 £ioc iu Pccbs, uotfaears; Exri.AJ»ATIC!i8.—-f indlcatei first ; m, tho onr “lUc Brcatljs.” A lOliucs and fosses SLIjougljts, ments. *<|uareis Xonjuiriel. ramp.irts will be adhearrd to. middle and the last of the old Vatiban, strictly J ; I, month.—doubling pusaled the letters thus /, or mm, or II, gives particular tne urchin we, bosses, emphasis to tho jwriod indicated Two letters rule and r play placed together, a*Jm or ml, signify that the work were the queerest Al’RIE 1801. 81.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE may be done in either or in both |>enod* indicated; by human skill, VOL. VII. NO. II. EEESAVORTII, ME.. FIUDAY. 5, tlm work marked lm, iutiieales that it is to be

ing ; and guard and AND OTHER ITEMS. News. against chafing galls. Report of t'nc Superintending Political Items. Desperate Attempts of Vir- LOCAL Thursday's Train young horses to a fast walk ; and he flic ti^llsiuoitb tinman, School Committee of the Disunionists. "f 1 *»* n I"'1 r careful not to overwork them, (live ginia __\t n r. g'il if nnillng i’t ni.isiiKi) KYKiiY ramr >toknin< ; Till' »•} poll- ills t" •MVr.-siofi ill tilt' \ ll We ic .im a* w p> t<* pnw Hint l-.u. m’’ hrood mares sod town of Ellsworth. tli" Suit "I ry moderate exercise, \o ion ol oilirr Foi ls I>jvi-i X 111, »f '•VmjxMni-i gitiia Convent! mi have *•> II, l b .nn.., *n« v stalls, wltcn near foal- AT rETl'RS* HLOi'Ky There have twenty majority, ril -4. tlv l-’H ’« i"g K«| npi.'inUii t'.,l|(rt.,rofB| roomy especially been Schools taught during Ilian Foi l siimtrr. .■n riening, A| the 7V duuv. Tmwlny Uluru Mo. says li- Kri'iii *iniiin Ii '.v.'H lay of l.u>t we. ^ ing. KlihSWOUTH, the past year in etch of the Twenty Dis- •ffir-rt iui-tulkii It r the enduing nil leicerne thrives host on limestone lands of s/.oi Nf.w York, -■!. into which the II Journal — I'an linn tricts the town is divid'd. In jyrrRm says ter Hid new 'iivermiK-nt Idyii |s. Si nr * A *1 h t<» 7 a* l nu< .< says deep leant, and Is well Pu’ l‘s!ier9 Proprietors, The warlike of the rhl- r Blair is Washington tlj o.i-’H * -'ll. " sandy adapted U p. kk‘’ most of them the Schools have been divided p hey gain- or- 1!. Mill-lull, \v. r the g t ci nt. '|u \ is r« d that Pawnee has hfr'n XI (eii, hill* aat'ragii l- More for or ami while it j»«»rr. tl|e soiling cutting feeding into two terms, in two there have but no wt 11 informed be- »r \u- |; S. Mill ’ll s k- w.id N. K. SAWYER, Editor. districts ing ground, pcopL* dered t • Fort Sumter t »take off M «, \. ,1. |). liirli.ir.l.-. wild nff'ltil tlmn ndvertinwl f, it is Worth Sow on well green, trying. lieve that Fort can he saved. Southern 1 I ; A. Iren three terms. In the three dis» Sumter derson j»nd ••'Mimrtnd. 11»»• other A K S ) \ Betliiit. S- n at the lirm m. largest with, ir r. |,:n tveiigiv kly. prepared 1. S >1. A j ground, PtTTKNUlLL CO.’S Adwrtsini: Agency, 11' t Fort* are not to he disturbed. : " »> *• triets the of has liecn I’ ■ N i«iih Sfp-‘i. N>w ) *rk. and 111 Stm** Sir».vi. R«**t-*n principle I'lrwifiention Maine \V. t'l.irk.T flmrli-Liring. \ ,irl t -'.‘t llio I'nw batten fut' Manure—Draw out from sheds and Appointziinii** a^rml vrpou. The Southern coma >m 'tins have advised S ,nv ready S. M P. A Co., ur* |In* agents for tin- Amkkkas, am! more or less 1. s an evacua- \ ; J Juwph *4 1 leave in small in the tin- nioMt influential and larjri^t N- r- perfectly applied, by dividing Dt. U*(T Havis that Fort Sumter will l>c Klilriilg", Kogg, r\ ice. yards, heaps rircnlatinij w-tj.ap 1 W.\sinNUToN, April m tin- I'nited St atm and Canadaa. are aulImi'U u district No. 1> int two and lield until to it for They schools, districts The Maine with Vic Presi- ted lids week. ! O S. I h V w N ‘k ready spread plowing. to contract for u< at mtr loirrsl rule*. delegation, Joy, ■ the seiv—iouist* Cover lint with soil to retain ammo- No. d and 1’» into thrrr, '1 he dent II nnlin, hav the distribu- \dv»c*s Irmi Virginia say I>i\ iti- n i. ll M-ire •f* heaps S K. N I I.K to V. R Palmer.) New«papn aggregate agreed upon 'j|,i, mrieliing fuely. r mv". (njC'-cssor H irnetle, Mason and 'jwii'hnt > tion Ii'd Hunter, i ^ nia. A id to the the con- Avi-rtinin^ \.' o'. \ 1 Sc ll.n'n RuiMin.- Court St nuinlHT of terms in all the districts would of offices in that State. Senator Fes hy Floyd, were at the last ma ting, compost heap el iiii'IiiIkt* present kit nil tl)-’ l\mnee .. / Ro-t >n. m uullmi i/<-d to r*-o ivc a«lv* rtwicnmnli lot I>en .McCulloch are sciid'-n elaimed the to till the Portland making superhuman 'iMfl |f, tents of an 1 sink drains, the « thus amount to mV Overall these Soho »ls right hack. C.m- privies thi« paper, at tin- ■*.«»»«• rj»|. .%* r**'jn nal hy us. forts to out of the I nion ‘than have N*en I t some months nfiiees. Mr. t'o ulwin, Ih-pres.Mitative elect, rally that.State T1h> tr 'i* ”ii K» of the house and wood C unniittc > have endeavored to exercise a s s < >/ !' will h* at c\t — il' cleanings poultry your from the First 1 such a 1’he 1 »tt«T that mm p ,|i !at« are initiate! almost y regular >i>triet, denied right iy p inl- rce Fort I’iel with whatever else eau be turned to e »11 shed, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1861. watchful supervision, and they arc to hut to the of the res •rt' d t-> ns in the ease- ol IV.vis, it tlm happy yielded '• majority delegation, meeting. laiidi 1 tn'* ^arj^ account. Reduce manure to as di- * v» nti n tails to this days* ajf® finely a commendable in most they ha\e a::r d upon this murs**. T cut carry point. report very progress the I vided a state as an 1 mix thor- VOLU.VIK VII. NUMUKR XI. oil outsid. ih. Mr. re- Fiio W; of into the store of <>rl»Ts have Nvi|,n? possible, of them. There lias been and Feasenden has put his shiugton correspondent, Nrw (. od>.—We called harmony in the /runt snys Hrn. Scott has assurances N irtl t” tit tin with the soil by repeated ltarrow- quests writing, giving Collectorship given MeK-rs. Kohins ui A Harden to Wedn«*- N'.ivv oughly with but in : nev er entertain- day. good order, trifling exceptions, t-» \\ Willis, his old law ; the Post that the. Administration has Mal«- ol Willin'. partner full of New iH-a f. rt!i>\ ith. ing. Fort M mr > and dav, and found their largo store <. all of them. In but a single instance lias a < Mice to M ij.*r Dole ; and the office of ed nnytfdeu of abandoning >, out till stock from the ExKfrnwR iH.rahtvkvt. > Phy- Nt w > rk II Meadows—Keep nt that the aim an iced in the maugu and ail hands in waiting upon The a Augusta, March 1'.*. 1S61 ) school been seriously disturbed by insubordi- sician the Marine Hospital, to his brother, principle* Good*, busy j Remove brush, or h>- young growth. grow- An adj >urned on of the Executive Council, will C l.D. F.-sscndcn. Geo. F. T.illxd was : ral will not he altatidoned. an 1 if military Their stock is well *’leot- >rte 1 that nation. The teachers have we believe. customers. large, J Major Scatter the cattle h 1.1 at the Council CIi .ioNt. in Augusta, on Wednesday all, it ing hedges. District At- lie ted as to Fort Stunt* r. V*. droppings tin- *< vcntecntli of next. unanimously recommended for necessity aeeej »d the late-t We would ad- be ut ff tine- In day April Urn and faithful—most 1 ed and left in dress bare with diligmt of them will lor reasons which will not be held t styles. lumps. Top spots Attest Joseph b. hali*, Sec of suie. ('has. Clark, C. S. Marsha! .-- ap torney t<> sure \ i.-it their The I' st * d it* so. elsewhere. \ ise the ladies be and Cloak,1 Wanliinjton patch fine manure, sow grass seed liberally and eminently ! I*»ng. Collector at Fast port ; L G. Cowan, ply A to Tht World the Adminis- and see the iion of the rein: r < un ut of Fori Sum roll or borrow it in. For several there lias been a P “t M istcr at Bid lef rd : William P. Win- dispatch says Cape and Parasol Department, ,|w. The School years past ! Superintending Collect »r at True tration discredits the r »rted of an la- t« r i** -till «i. ami i’» i* itiformueni »»* (hits—Sow m. 1. about II bushels constant and decided in the gate, Bang".; Harmon, j sailing Large and pretty assortment of the very "j* Dot per improvement French ilet f»r ear oo-t. Committee's Collector at Belfast ; J. M. Pst Anglo 1 iis acre. make a succession to Report. a During. test la>hi..ns there exhibit* I. firm c- *iit*iroln?m Master at Saeo. These and other appomt- I he til schedule provides last Wo call attention to thU satisfacto- to their customers l*r t >r 1 of the n^w 1 n season’s hoed crops. liighh or new ones been built* an hour and a takes iins j £ | years six seven have uicnta will probably he made this week. I shall leave Washington r N C. : Da>il L Mar- with trains l *r ll-ston direct and ensuri ng is evident Nt w \ ri*. particularly the scholars and to order and use- [Marshal Phillips, that their effort* are the good ol I appreciated and ashes ami rake off ail stones ested. The of the shal, and Lawr.nco Dis't for the prompt delivery mail nutter every liberally, suggestion Committee Weldon, Ally I tom tlie numbr m.- fulness of the Schools. The most marked Ii Kirs. large eonstantly visiting M mkkv. \jril 2 and Sow /«, /. in drills oue foot Northern Illinois. lumps. that tlie two districts should unite to < ullage in this Uvn in dis- their store. S«v Advert Cement. \\. II. W ild rdit.ir of the kt V of t!w 4 lbs. of seed acre. Cover improvement rcs|iect,ha* | apart. per establish and support a High School should -The new tar i IT rates a fo lower than the (.nit, ha- arrival Ir an IVv-irola. IleMatr* trict N *. .‘I. tin* a sehool- A. 11. the Vice Presi- weed as soon as the rows can be During past year Z'jJ' Hon. .Stephen!*, arriv'd on tin fiUuneTHriier.il Ku»k hud arm lightly; be taken and acted at once. That tariff of 1> I'J and are about the same as the —The Western mail here that i up ujH»n d an of hous has been at ( delivered •m U teen. complet' expense dent of the Southern mfederaev, u l had ird nt Wiat, March 21 a movement should lie made in this direct- act of 184<». The North Amer- alvout u'cloek t\ 'I he traveling k*y fc», aKiut which does honor to the dis- Philadelphia Tuesday Plowing if well done, savos mu h after 5:1,000, a ami well consul red at Savan- jim) tr «m|~ for Tortngn*. and its advant ican arc much below long sjH*ceh was so had that the stage came through ion many iges urged upon says they the average >:».um r Hrm.i !rr ha 1 r* i•' *! culture; in wet or soils turn a trict and lias increased its school v. K*y W»n clayey immensely nah, ti i., r n’ly, in which he says East- the of both districts. This m itt r of British believe that with six horses, and on wheel*. The d rl m. 1« r ifo.* .»( wide furrow slice and each the parents accommodations. As the first fruits of those duties, though many with r*. t’.j^ lap upon The new Constituti »n has put at r* >t, van lie without the cost scri Great Britain has an established free trad- ern mail arrived here at about the usual, Craven, w ith marin w. next to allow room for partial drainage. arrang'd living increase J facilities, has for the forever, all the opportunity agitating question* plating 1 Hr > -L2\ii v\a- *4i■ lot K* \S -t n ;uvd a It : time. j j y in narrow with dead ously felt, ftrenuously urged as fatal policy. says to our institutions Alriean slave Plowing ridges deep first time been given for initiating the sys- peculiar y thr 2' th, and th« r- i- in* uo»i*t uhc I- it htj furrows between, is advisable for such to the scheme. But fails to details in as it exist* us—the r objection tom a of the space compare expo- amongst prop- : * it F‘ »rt nt*. of schools, r* 1 D.ivC r iVk \ thorough grading sure id the oud and the in our f*r.n of civili/.itim -The H.trdwar St of J. land-. If sward Is- One of the serious hindrances untruthful pretense of negro I green cross-plowed, against which when will lw of utili- perfected, great that the enactment ot the tariff is This was tin* ilium liate cause I th< lat .v is Weil iiiie vrmi all *i-*ir.i >»•; to not present g-hi# * do it very lightly, disturb the sods. our a location, to that tf tr-* ; *«•!» the «* iu rnl Kusk elm' making village permanent 1 tv. There has also l*vn an addition of more extreme and unreos rebrll- him n \.inm *n uen n- ii. mablc, justifying rupture present m that 1 in I fir;.! i* «!»**♦ *f a 1»’• Deepen the soil an inch or so at each is the lack of School houses and run; b' Ui. !* i ;il N*w > rk li e eoiiiinurilj many, good than cent to ion in Kngland, South Carolina* and New in his force.b»t. had this, us the the attendance, anticipated ■ < j per average «ral *1 .»-■• * tr and we !i h rc I t! bn-* !i.;;uin‘ n b »r»i m/iij plowing. Schools. Not a lias since York alike. The tariff of 1S40 U»- “ruck which the old l nion \v ujd j mage. p good year passed t'.iinf.rf order nnd rr i'»piiks Imvc nil ln*«*n averaged upon ■ document * \-’!i* tatil*/ the • 'A t-i 111 Potatoes—Plant, m. I. on rich mellow ••'•n _♦ _ » it. | we lmve l**en a resilient of the nl.irv. but ;uiu percent on me aggregate Jle Was What was cu eci\ing *' split." right. r tr in ! r < it sire other districts in steam all blatm J« | it soil. Procure seed from a distance every promoted. There of dutiable goods, and whatever turo with him, i- now a redi 1 fact. But some Pater has made the of judging by familias inquiry »w -\V. n out selecting place ed will the same, while truth which that r ».*k st > -1 ami stand* 1 ,t it .1 K Marshall '# Ph *t about four eyes to a hill. needed—tspixially is this true of districts. average very nearly upon haling I'l'iauMi, V| as to our We tie free list wiil he much en- of residence, school facilities. than Indore. be doubted. The ideas ti ’*« t» ■ n liberally with and 5, au- u*r Poultry—Feed grain I Of course our manufacturers will feel the tertain- 1 ! and m >t ot the 1 a list smart busi- oding .r u n r. r< ei\. .j '> p occasional bits of meat. Collect can now numl*er quite id* by t ■ that I p- t J \ 2 t chopped the room the school if> of this tariff more be- st.it--hi m at tii- time of the formation ol gallery place. occupied by primary advantage decidedly, *r and .1 -• I!v-w r 1 Set the for ness men,—men of some have May ; (dein ) eggs daily. hens, /f, early capital—who unfit for that With such cause are in better to ecotiomi/. the old w re that the enslave, entirely purpose. tiicy position -•nstitution, II \ te -t w • ,fywilt on Mur M'Tcf if*t- are in tr y.ir (r»p ) ‘2*<7'2. w':-1| chickens. Provide clean boxes, turned from Ellsworth, the in : but the not the was getting nesting away merely order, comfort and sue- production llritish have merit ot the African in violation of \ 2 j-. arrangements, good <• lb-ward (firm |-.nnd« hr.,- not reason .-t.n k -f Mil-, and i»h *w *»m? \ and movable coops to receive young neeount of our lack in this particular. But least to complain that we have rest >r- laws of nature ; that it was wr *ng in prin Spring ry ! cess are almost oat of the luvn h«*ard from, but thev will ppJiuMv re- entirely question. ed the rates which, from 1>40 to Is‘>7. ai.d It s broods. without this we have scholars gave eiple. socially, morally, p-lit mally. pretty atyh duee t lie ilia : Tltv a trill, I lit* p an urging point, The time is fast and we trust will •j-u’-'.i* around going by. us adequate revenues while affording moder- was an evil km w not w- 11 how t deal Roads—-Repair your premises in these two districts to form such a they majority, 17 Hut y ,r the dvm r.iti enough be soon forever, when w ithout ate with, hut the n of the men of ---Tin; ieo loft our firer on l.iM gone regard protection. general opinii Sunday was .11. as as to majority The lave early practicable. Keep sluiceways school and these scholars are entitled this j was or republican# w that that somehow other in tin* \ came to ■ to fitness, ill l»e day the.list ult. enrols up the wharves elected -ut f t e 7 alh rtuefi aid 1 » to lead the road into the any place regard**d good From tin? lla aid's : nut open washings at our hands. I/‘t us all correspondence order t f the institution w -uld pi ivilege agitate Providence, on the ill p'UiK ilmen. as f r a schoolroom. It is an insane econ- of fields manure. enough The forts at and West hav- Ik’ us Monday. adjoining the subject unt.l it shall lx* conceded a Tortugas Key ivancscent and pass away, i idea,t ho’ pub- that would crow dour children intuincon- l*cen Rye—Sow Spring variety, /». /■ using* omy ing already reinforced with troops from not ine-rpirati d in tin* t’ -n-tituti n was the Kev. Mr. I’ -ter of llidd. f.rd. will < mi< « tn iif Eln iloit. lic neas ity. much to the the Commis- about two bushels acre. It does ventilated rooms at the l-ms, of idea at the time, i’lie (’onstituti n w •' well j venicnt,ill warmed,ill surprise prevailing *» ■■■ * per | pr ach at the V m m in- H •. nn 1 sioners and other see. Hedonists now here, it is true, secured essential .pti-t -tingh-au.- \pril on when a hoed of tlnir every guaranty r \ w good land, following crop expense comfort,improvement,health ’I be *te in t1 t *1 »\ t* j Life Insurance. the Administration seems to lie to fol- to the iii-lituiioii while it sh nil lay. policy last, and — of the year. and lives even. It lias been a decided Mr 1» t i: r Hum kiftgbaBi, previous long low this work into ci- no can (iktiublx id) but a few since up throwing lien be used * It is years by troops argument justlv agiiii-t -S. A 11 A. r< -1 '**.* I mu* !■* l u. rat l r t*, ewes from ; comp natively of some of Committee that Dutton leave [ 1’ M* Sheep—Separate breeding | conviction your Fort Pickens at Pensacola, without the Constitutional s thus s » .ired, to is delay, guarunt b- M : — l»a the remainder of the and eomnauies were lirsi chartered in coun- reived a full ’»f <• 1#. Dive _*r !. I -ni.i* (H* j flock, give a union of the two districts, would which will he done at whatever cost. becaus « ! the c unm-wi s« ntiuient •*! the supply Spring village l majority. always pretty th >t ra s. I'his w.is an err-r.— -I.-inin 1 Crahtri ha.-* !**>*n With the shears remove the b in in for a time iu Kir equality F~p, nj lambing. operation long that the forts in the are to at Hart; r 1 .u\\. ad I e held s y pposed, rge It Was a loun lati »n. and tlic id* a of a « filth which have accumulated around ly .ndy P Mma-t- r *.f ilane k. mi 1 lias en- • may As an the social >rt panted n an ’lit ,;:H id k ,i Institution, bearing upon w a all hazards, the and F "j.4lui’',i, 1 it We ill however venture sug- including Tortugas built it. w hen th rm the and u or the lamb further. governin'-nt upm ;• ter'd m t!*e duti- s f th Hi thighs Her, may interests and welfare of the if is wor- Pickens, the tw which are the most up M*iuii.1 7.-1's public whom it concerns. impor- came and tlie wind blew. it !'• 11." refuse to suck. Watch ewes at lambing gestion tj fbvse especially tant. The orders have not liven issued, and l lb J i* v <* have i ! v e trr 1 of all commendation. A thousand rea- Our new is found- 1 :i « x y thy ^ government up -We learn N season to afford It must ubvi to every intelligent friend will not be executed until certain war \esels that II. 1’uwers, K# t*.- Mate tu'n. t I v an i, r> *--d n»aj any needed assistance. be the *»iU* idea ; it* 1 mmlali ns are riiy sons cun be man, actly opp given by any thoughtful School for the Vil- which are arrive. A number of ha# !m n int d IVtiaupt* r of Oilu i. •■'er last vur. i y hav-.-'.'th llama-- 'i Sorghum has proved a remunerative' of education, that a expected, laid, its corn- r-stone re-t- t :r-it a| j are and are des- i7;J?h i:p>n 'he I ! I. why they highly beneficial, them have Wen ordered home, and should -ui $ crop at the West, where corn is is of the first b>no well ar- truth that the negro is n-t to the in this ly. j cheap necessity, cfual eaiu!} hit- f f (' r « n tined to an in lage have arrived before this. That tlie nr r t*».- him th-tro t and molasses high. the land as occupy important place public l*u‘ Tortugas white man. That slav-ry- oil- rduuti >n t Prepare would be all that the JK*ct'o^lj and Fort Pickeius will be h Id there is no i» Uditud to U c.i t d .»'« ut 2*4)0- ma- ranged tiie rae •—is his by for corn, and the last of estimation. No prudent business man will superior natural ami moral I. N. Pr .it. r -f th.* Faria plant April, case demands. some d >u!»t. What course will be w ith j Could not cqu/'ble pursued c .1 .diti.-u. rify. risk bis bis or bis ( ) < where the soil and weather will admit.— 1 buildings, goods, vessels, tiic others is not settled and is doubtful. Applaus mgt a a- !: in np] n.ted 1* plan be adopted hy w hich the two dititri t> It all the season it can unless be is a man of abundant means, with- ^ linu-t r at F.iriim Me. neq^s growing gt *nf ■-\» 1 .•* ti.n Imhi .uj»M*at# r a could so far unite their resources as to girt■ Nkw York, April 1 The f/ondjn .V .< v, speak** f the ra w c »n- have. out insurance. If be docs, and the tires des- H-e lit r ah i IT I' ll understand* that ord rs '-|"n Mi-dv«i| J*l * one School an efficient ? 'Ihi?* lComrVrcial and its ;h:. t •• High ->: lair M w' > f.d p first -x Swine—Allow sows to run in or the tl K>ds drow n waste bis support fed'Taey, ruling spirits rgai. I he total valu- Id:, .. v. I breeding troy and pro. have been received fit the Custom House to would all the in tlx* who If hn< if' :«>l the r,aac of r / .* < s a field or for ex r iso. give youth village sled at the Mar of th W. was kili l in r INlO.IHH*. largo yard Keep be rec ivos but little Colic* t dutit's oil f merchandise arriving M, party, public sympathy. -reign a confederation which men are not desire it, all the of a thor- already callin') iluel at p. i. the pens clean and littered, Utt too He is blamed lor bis want of and might advantage from in the Conledemteu .States, wheu n.-aeul cel' tlv. prudence porta ,\ J).iho.-n- 'i tj Missis--.- -—J. f* >* ripjo. j,; .r ,.f t‘„- I in, freely, or the voun" pigs may be overlaid' ough education in the higher branches of the .f u! 04unot ; l’ur- his n“gb*et to do, wh it most all careful and pr previous payment tor s chi f. and a hand of /■- /» *»♦,/ due />. «, /u!«'k, l,.»^ h[|- | 1* »»' r .* and killed. at ui?hcd. 1 uiii 'untvf Fishing ll unti s which have hitherto !>ecn obtainel r,«, sharks ant? u paid < ft n.;> in considerate men think a to attend study ,,, J,otturi yuh y!und>rcrs for hicajjo. print- l d* t l-/ r.i’b high duty The Co/nirumal also states that there Is ut nt t'.- P. "-annua Auetom il -u.v Tools—Have a full of a burdensome Bad as th >• i*h is r -v d t k idy J. > • ■ supply your' to. expense. ils l ,i j dinp.iteh ri| j a -sure of d at the ■ flic** of pr ;poeitors we ,v was > >221, Id. own. Examine harne—, chains, hinders the of quit he 1 v t:»e ,-*t of it- slavery, m U* plows, > Nothing px***-j rlty our, I In\ With f-rce d these reasons come the l >. Assistant Treasurer, an 1 the in li- T- | .1 > -\VifV r, tl r e etc., and all it, at once.— greater sure tiat ibe W glalls. >!id.!!-f Van- repair needing schools more than the i.regular atte ndance cations arc that at least double the whole .put'* home to man with moderate ~%i 1 .i if ;! i;im «*f th n c n Jay# lant w,vk ri^hc-in Th->u#nnd bahi of Procure A man every means, I eevs and i.virly rej r suit, j* ; improved implements. of the tcholurs. An advance has amount wanted will lx bid for. I nc current B.’iijamin^ eott .n I. 4A.. of many f "tat >,a ii.-o. 1> throiijrf, Ih flaio, rn r *uf* Sbii tisl udcnt families. With this tiller its or it- j i rat Mat as ckavn tin ia-t < .nsus |KW-.f and team, costing for and food ikp such, m-ra!icy hy for ml HI. wages a is that the government will the > U I he. i-r ,( II r been made in some of the districts in re|*ort accept \- > 'bv -ut'i right1 1 lies men c aid tel t I- »■* 1> i ,i»oi* ■-< 1 tran*p»rLiti P a twice as much ruatbr is one of to those ones. m is only than lie State •*! New York month, may do good duty dcj*cndcnt best bids 02, and the impreN-i o!- fi *m M* t 1’. |.’ > l. pi. J direction—still it is ail evil of beyond h *e.iu.-e are n -t rmilted t * I t the inj, great j »■ * m 1 work with a Slid. a- with A small sa\ of a more than need- magni- that there will be no bids than that » they p and '2 M 1 than IVnnw,Uania. " eh- r than it -• m plow costing iug, daily, higher North it tim* is them aj- ijj. i via N-- tude—it is a and any longer, and. given »*r! one that can be for S4 or les* will secure a perplexity discouragement absorb the whole. nn**, nnd the Jiff r tie** in time j? .ili-iit f bought expense life which will xhau t and th SI iv state* Policy who A from that Mr. they disgust --The P Pinaster (Cncral las dceMrd is the ? to the teachers—a hindrance to those dispatch Washington says thirty dnTi iu t.»v r f tl*,* North* rn roui Which plow cheapest will render th«>se interested,com- just a- th y latve w ari d and aggravate i th-- immediately Adams.the n**w Minister to Rugl an i, r«*e iv- ilia'.1 l’wtmaster must l#;* d from Trees—Plant for fruit at least at tend and a source of constant tree. Tle ir mini'- and ant• 1--:.t- ar a npjiointc safe from fears lor regularly, I 1. w s enough paratively harassing the »*d iii? instructions and left vc>- .df.*n J>urn iv« that m Washington are at •-{ the wh r the office is located, and not to the household ; also for sha le disorder. It is not an uncommon to ! that while t!.<* le ad af- pi a* supply future. thing He w ill sail for the pl*-lgc they Ilf term- *t rlt# «P- -rnd-tallv but sipi. t'*rday. Rnglaud during fair* the cure r uf the Con Id r.irv will be tr in and adornment of the lawn and road find in some of the schools one-fourth or one- any other section. i*iv ihviii- indi We have availed ourself of the present month. atm/ that ••o.ifid«nce it advantages one at turbulence, had faith and ,r intrigue, lutuie of tii x. sides. third of the scholars absent. Monk; •werv, Ala., 1 pr.*-j«irity i.np.rUvnt r-^tab offered the Massac huso it.- Mutual Life In- April cont« >t for the extension ol 1!» ir F.x-< ;nef Justice Shaw of Ma*-i i;u fi a by slavery. 1 nhin* i« r -uUi-le Water—Where bring The lished ndeut of Com- Active • (forts arc to tin- h.iiy .1. At t! practicable, to ranee aceoiisj .Suj*erint* making eouipl-1*‘ is that of men wh> f.l that th takin out a language setts, full ol honors and died nudden- Hr *k*T 1» ar i. I» -f. > > into the house and out Company, having policy to to facilitate the truns- years, n. iturd iv. \ -1 mon lor this the evil railway Pensacola, of their ass i. *j ,r:-cuts th in supply directly Schools State, regards very principle #bar eot the Hill * wine three since. We w »uld not cease of to the Gulf. It will be ut hi* residence in llo-t »n on Saturdav %t k 11 at DM Cement laid below the years jM»rtition troojis off fr *m a n hie future. Fr »m b < t ly buildings. pipes of such tiiat he suggests iu his ing j»irt >ur connection with the for doubb* magnitude, c »mj !• ted in a few hist. II was in the M*t ur of his life. reach of frost answer a good purpose. company d.,ys. a gl ri jus nuti *n they have Ur m> a | out y >r loui*. ril 1. the of from the j of iriauce has irM at \| die if no other n**j»ort propriety excluding Notiiing trail-} stock corn -rati >u f r and xt nd- American cxjN*nao« opportunity offered imp uphi Ming The inuni- ij a! 'i ),r* ,\t J jn t! Agriculturist. all scholars who arc Pensacola. It i* lieved that arc I.ieut. Schools provision* -w in a. -The Chillis who hi# » if a like character. This is one habitually irreg- ing the enslavement of th-ir I !! reigned bvtiori f ffi1 \rit: it lir.iri Tompany scarce at Fort Pickens. llej tieket, t»y ular in their «■ untili*--i* m in the to a t * oiM*u »f most attendance. army take CoFs com- jihhi I Iw uneonJitioti.il ox the successful ones in New F Tro und ammunition arc flow- majority A Frank Confession.—What Secretary igland, *ps provision The whole South boast* of ne litera- 1 Your Committee have on only mi.— n i.i t' •* m»us w ards. i- s t the teachers and scholars the of bers und Two thousand trout* is a native of Si th.V n/i lienefit of the seceded States, in ublie favor and in its assets importance quantity. m. This orm !c of .Southern wis- Fi-tport. way* faithfully i product! Tw„ C. nr.aim were killej l ii> are at this The y forth the Southern CunC ran/. publish- more thoroughness in the studies. cxp-etid Montgomery week. dom and literature, called the **n*m/hern n '. Hi.- father was Den. Th ina* Child#, li^l.tnin by It* all is 0,00 elementary T-*-tri|av. Ga. an I gur»nttt* Capital, paid $in0.0 rumor of the reinforcement of Frt Pickens ed at Atlanta, Such overwhelming scholars and are too to lat'rary M ha* the lolh»wing defi- f r \ .r> *t.iti .ned ut Accumulated irurpiua 2*2,142,22 Teachers, parents apt sonyerf' many Fort Sullivan. Two Iri-'im^n n, r-.tnlilxvl in a sense of as is here exhibited is as is unfounded. nition of an .1 ditionhf. 1/ t our j.ilitiral gratitude estimate the of a scholar the authentically pronounced Northern melr n progress by S,iUnlay nigAl an,I l,a?e •nuv ,lu-J. uncommon as it is uslouisbing : Capital and Surplus 743,33 San Fran* im o. March 21. doughface* study it * Boston rtlcle on — ov r rather than the thor- carelully and firmness and ground gone hy Steamer G 'Men Age nailed f»r Panama to- “An ah«diti >ni*t i* man wh dare- m t the dit- 1.1 i-ci >m : vO But for the foresight any I'r of >lave l.al»or” whieh t 1 ’i< k \. —Tlio nrmv Any oue wanting any further information of the cultivation. pro-- ,nw Vurk t, 1 patriotic providence the of Life or \«ry clearly un jmi. upon subject Insurance, stitution who ii t as wlutt stress anJ peri! Wuuld the Cotton States upon scholars are apt to make superficial men and sjRvie. does Worship it tic make. tl,.. l.ilUwini; nuiL.ni.-nt 1 and that t!;e Smth’Tfi < •uf*-i r saw Lite of this will Mr. was elected Senator hist corn-r stone nf eivil li!» ; w ho d s-s not |»r-•!:f.ih!e. be floundering in this day. He the in- standing particular company, women. McPougall rty w« Go of the 111 votes ad -re it as th- -o ie s »ciahle .- .ndi- aev *11111 t t * sustain an iud* in-udcnt evitable doom ul the Union, or tlie d >ni of call at this Office. one evening, reviving --lily p- <\th)r .mi iimrin*- people. a vast of |mi! n i- ir*4 t‘ «* an of our schools, amount good has tificate of election the Governor, but il>- crninent in U* ti-eti-l ; and who d -■ n t. from his he had rxpmdrd by '! w-»f unU'-r stand-point, data w hich to make an as to is*miii4inl tiin i-l >r* s. c u|*on up to and more the clerk made an affidavit that in his inmost desire to see it extended -It i" ?,ll l that I'.c Ilf t1l<* l ist 11-*’* t-> field of vis.on which enabled him to the opinion !kx*u secured—enough se*|U«.*ntly soul, lire justify •(•■rjt.-wt. .Mailed t-> lm. i at fort the of thi* as well a# the ll;i voter* were cast, M one and tuatcd over tin* wh >lc us a * which thre tened us. but which standing company, than all the interest and that leaving Dougall pTp esirtii, which ir *ii i-* ut t >, i" t make c »l!.»r^ and .it a great danger justify expense j signal (root Lieut 5.. nituer was tid below tiie horizon Iroiii the of of Life Insurance. vote short of an election. An investigation in ins .1 inim.in p rm.n n -l a .; eyes importance have been bestowed them. wric-liund.'. This fwms aim «t imp-i^iM* upon >4 I. V 4 4» 4 114 V 44*. 4 '*‘41 4*4 4 4 4 >rt iTi<- and sacrr I ness a! me t to- most of us. When his faithful loyalty to | V/J- J JU nity. imp. Ms, schools are the but cant » m n manufacture ,,r’ «• fi, *t« a;«; Ci its labor- in Our public justly pride Christian Jh* who .1 «•- n »: 1»\<* ingenious per*. I3 r»e ti-. ; his own began Doctors bisi- F > th' S ufKrrn religion. persecuted people (.{tnlantr, (Fi.) ('■■•I'fhrary. • .: 1 inJr v*it were the and of N w African with this 1., is an u’» •!!- then* article* -f inlia ru'-’ *j- and make tlie .•* our defense. in what a condition glory Kngland. slavery , “f• I' ui» gmin:. We must take the ground never dreamed onist.” Milin^ r. rti jir Southern States ? The North hadthehcavy ^ir n iiiiaiu one oi me buttons of iron ? 1 -:u iiaallcr Mr II ... rl .a /*■«r.. iHTKi'y, (any of tie* men r»f ’70. that African Slavery craft, al ii« 1 ra P’.'T.- *l‘ii»- B ing-r t on- -(Irt.W. T. Ul. Justus everything Presidency lact of the matter is this : Dyer Fc| Representative ter the of that wrote to preserved. The cert and of A. to the common < «uv rument. JI-»w that tiie had i SI lie -11 d ,wn. founding Colony, Quadrille Band, e.nsbting ir m < to the <•! M tielonged Republicans Mr. < ideas ol the of man alai-, r-pIU* attack the All those rroneous rights I.. SiN*n*vr. an 1 H were men shifted fr*>\n uur s- il who thus 1 thank Gad there are no B. p-.ik**-, on \iolius; quietly Breckinridge, the other candi- Kngland uud the • of the we derive from tToix Jl’iaid w ith and abil- distinguished quality races, lh 11. G-olale, i’or. nti.-t, and 11M Cro- upon him, spirit have been here t> inurd r us at nor rcs^-s and I NEW might to-day free schools j here, our of the PUBLIS. date, in to Mr. said j riming ancestors revolution. \ ioloif are lli." \ indn ati >n of his course tii Abraham Lincoln's order, How slender the reply Douglas, they,the well, llbt on a air eastward, ity. up-n we shall have none for a hundred n vi in Southern which not backed d >wn. We find hope years That is candid. M who discard the and will it Cherry!:. Id. Machius, Bi.-l M i- Aro »sf.* ik Kailr a 1 bill and the garrisons became furts, Republicans,had districting I»t.A- KWoOD H MaGAZINJ to Had this been the mind of the of the Fathers at the same chias, un i on th ir re- J fur and to tin* that come.” f’ui.jQ should, Pembroke, of the State seems to us were made us, belonged n»body papers worshijicd Mr. Breckinridge, Kastpurt, t*« bo complete and ^ nt« t'ie ideas.’’ Our ances- and w ill coneert- r>e full-win* Cf but a now chafes Fathers of New how different time, discard their turn, Mil-worth, giv io els*\ which savage enemy and him new ai Kngland, sati>1.1* No one with Mr. supported throughout, ling tors the revolution” had the wisdom to followed dances M shi*. and tory. acquainted Strrvi.o**; fi /lace. and rages to of. \N fio Hunt would have boon iu> and fame. We of hy Spencer lMijrtic.il get possession as if lie was to history can his not !«.' boli 'Ved, fir to enforce, the l'eakc- arc ku »wn in some of the doubt and it to'ius Li s stand of arms to H w they say oneeive, and the pluck favorably Dyer utility f the 37 JUKI Georgia? owe it its a tribute to their History I'hunWO the R- bat : back' d down. Which grateful memory •• idea” of a Free In Mr. Go .dale will our strange that his should he earns 60,1)00 more prime death-dealing rilled publicans Republic. working jalxne places. give efficiency" ques- Iron < iaj of to foster and < : the estab- *• eastern iriends a Shi|* War ai..J t ? And, in these prut system they <.ut this idea,” felt the ineonsist fiue exhibition of Corn t tioned. Thu II raid must at Jackson, Missiesippi short, of prophets will the believe they ney have been bent N 'riuau democracy and arc Sinclair, have we at all in tin* S >utli t lished. We owe it to the children God has of demanding for themedvt*s wlule execution, the ,k., Wilson’* ij. the hands of the s #ns of the us— hope orchotr.il rnian mail strong given to society—to our and to they *• Cant], country, t u a of into** Mr. aifd the r with at this when heart th.it iin would up door escape from and their elections are among the best com- pitched Dyer Iking nn.| the C hina South hour, every the that we send forth to the conflicts War of Is,*) March 27. world, were of are need- PiX'iusc.iT, the dilemma in which tlie new and air and head, and arm la*r children they plac'd.— p.^itioiis, including p »pular Leonard Scott A PajixnStw vEK —It n .w and of lif* n> t is vras a which is now >t “Dixie.” Is* ,v>., \,.w y„lk ed in her defense ? Truth demands it of us, liss bi.-n t»" responsibilities manly youth Rut hope heresy, That- they will well receiv- weeks since we seen • wo an hate the 11/ieei'(1 a. Can in virtue and In idiat* 1 as a crime is ed win rever go, their x cllencc as niu- Tii.. to drtcUre that owe to John 11 Floyd undisciplined knowledge rj “Slavery right they Kl.n share of the stock of the Hoi out ,u. J..t ttxu r.,r Mi tell us if it has or what has be- in itself !** M. iansaiid character as tribute of lor all this, llad you seceded, we gentlemen nresuffj Is-wist-on Gas were eternal gratitude behulf of the schools, would thank the Company, sold at tho fore us. This l.tis come of it. If it lias me Soulii no- I cient jsi|«-r just Uvo lie been less the than ho was, we g please guarrunty.—[ffanyor Tunc?, Brokers'IVtard, Boston, on at 7',.t pitrlut town for their and would — Saturday and us here in Penobscot of the fact So that I past liberal.tv, Tub Nfcvv Mimstkr to England. Wt iuit.roved—tin. t might now fiav*' been disarmed, and at tlu* tify —pur value $100. j jspectus we need not look fur it. I J. li. commend them to its generous have already spoken of the selecti n < f Mr. A Till\t; oi Brw tv is \ Joy >u e\er arc not able to mercy of a nation of cut-throat# and plun- patronage. jnj^c, this Charles Francis Adams, to be Minister to An ornamental article f household furni- derer#.” We assure our at the S. Tenney, \ Superintending -Tho FI .rid has declared numler we have seen. We corr.spondu in our un if legislature may If M.Mitcbel, Shooi England, as, opinion, appoint- ture, also useful, gives double it treason to hold office under the A> i- rtcan has been mailed every tt, k, pleasure.— Federal Ogam if it is regu- II. J Committee ment eminently fit to be made, witti refer- This is the eas* with Grover A regularly received ns.—Soldo of the Consuls of the Macomher, ) especially Government, after any actual hostile collis- Come and before the mail left I re. ence to its own merits. Mr. Adams’ larly, We do j merely Baker’s Sewing Machine, which is u beauti- iou hub occurred. "c under United States at foreign ports are paid by education and talents him in the obligations to not think the lault is at this J’ost Office — -1 be Tribune says : ‘*Our gar- qualify ful jsirlor ornament, and is a g**ntle and in- S. ( Poster but the salaries of those who arc Chicago fur c ]4e» of the C Us##, pud for that station. Within the dustrious that will do in >re The ners are full.’* in store is highest degree seamstress, work ——The • fixed amounts, widely uccurdiug to the postmaster informs us that lie is sure The grain 1,050,000 fir-t Methodist sermon ever ■lulie lur ls-VJ—(si. vary ranks of the Republican j«arty, certainly, in a given time than a d >zen of hands, to be VVe have out that 1 ft his bushels of bushels of corn, pairs preached in .Maine, was at Saco, Merit, llltli. duties performed space they office. We cannot tell wheat, 1,000,000 we can call to mind no individual to whom and do it U*tter, too. It sews a seam that hv Klder mure than a few of tbe leading om s, viz 1793, Jesse Is**, ol wl,o for where the lies, but think it lie and from to a hundred thousand bushels the interests and credit of the government, will not sews it than Virginia, difficulty may J sixty j rip; stronger by band, hud been the instrument in London and Rio Jane- at that could be more is principal form- Liverpool at Ion chill. Tlwre bus been a are received. There is not room for imj»ortant Court, ap- and in order, and g.*>*l deal of daily easily managed kept tho soci li b of t1 ia order in N w Fn > Havana and Havre, ^OtMXi ; Paris and or entrusted. ing iro, uuless propriately confidently Rut, what is more important, give* leisure for th- Special Notices Canton, C»t. complaining,and so, about another week’s receipt, navigation land. Calcutta, #5000; Shunghi, justly somebody's ; in addition to the intrinsic merits of the up- cultivation of health out-door exercise. : hy Thomas. Montreal, Melbourne, Honolulu, The Tribune there arecircmetancee which ren- >r negligence. open*. says p.intment, Offices of exhibition and sale 4'*o Broad- IV The Scnat from Morgan. Mr. 1 an Vera Cruz, ; tt(inu Kong, Panama, 00 bushels to th der it felicitous. We allude to the N*w r dors one of the on #4000 Allowing nearly jieeuliar way, York ; l* Siiium- street,Boston during debates national Notice to Alexandria^ Callao, Touel ua, jy.i >00 ; Mo- District of Maine i what the farmer** team and it in our and no les* affairs at the late " Attorney double fact—remarkable history, and 7JU Chestnut street, session of the Missouri « make the Ml it and if Philadelphia. sing I.Ural ..ffer, t» rocoo, Tunis, Tripoli. Valfmriso, Amoy, The would take 71,000 teams to druwr ; so, in the of the world—that made the • papers that Geo. F. Talliet i»erhaps history legislature, following effective and ubscriWr., and !Uch Labuiua and say Esq. take .,ld ^ wi„ Uingpo, Glascow, r'rankfurt, each team occupy twenty feet, it would lather, son, and grandson h.ive been called -During the conflagration of Canton higlily Itemoctatic speech : of Mac bias has received the rsarages and ea» appointment of them of fill a Mr. I’r.sidem year iu Coostantoople, $5000 305 miles of road to give standing from the wulks private life, to place caused by the bombardment of the British The Republicans want — tan: are the leading District for Maine. distance between w we The foregious places Attorney We are pleas- room. This is exactly the of such high distiuetian. The father and the extensive modical warehouse of our coun- ilt. If don't noneeas, the government a number at salaries of 2500, it will re- One Thorn are lar>:e ed to record the appointment of Mr. Talbot, Chicago and Cairo. And again son who are honorably associated with our di- tryman, Dr. J. C. Aver, of Lowell, (the de will dissolute, und w e ll have wah .' c^pv. payment in $500, Ac Ac.,— 2^7 vessels and to clear out were at othe of his Cle Ti’lt C’-'Isjof at St #UMJ0, — Pectoral and Cathartic $3900, #L50*t, aodthiuk it one lit to be made quire propellers plomatic history, representatives pot rry to a reaideuae in the eminently one take a load of One imry pleasant adjuncts Mr. our warehouses if eaell Court* well as that of St. Jana*. Their Pills, for China) was tota ly destr-yd. II. No More Thrrit.ikiks —There copy and a eo.*y uf ialbot is a man of tine a remains, 1 but an induce- talents, ripe And all we have here in lives furnish also the further and now makes a our not a foot of Mn c .py arui a countries designated, scarcely 15,000 bushels. yet political demand up>n Government now, unorganized territory in copy of if, j number of who scholar, and is said to be a able not a tithe of what our farmers will elevation to tor ss the One copy aud ;l ment for the great patriots very lawyer. store is happier coincidence of their the indemnity from the 1 of his property Republic. The orgm.izati >u during the ^ the income from official His forward the'season if satisfacto- office in the of the the and w ill another nut last s.sooii of Ojkc .py and a dasire to live upon appointment will be appreciated by the send during highest gilt people ; lienee grow to crueii Congress, of lbe three new c'ipytr these will not all Oik copy and a position We ho,* speak of Eastern ry prices are realised. j father having enjoyed the singular f otuu with our elder brother Johnny, buck toil territories, to wit Colorado, N.\adu and Republicans Maine and the off- Oik arc true, the President son to the our lia- copy and a at once, fcr if reports ice of seeing the raised Presidency Doctor ; and if Government maintaini Dacotah out all the so filled Geo. f. will C. ex-mem her of wij*.d unorganized Oue to death bv tlie ably by S^llun. Stephen Foster, after he had 1**mi our wherever are Terr it copy and a ,11 but worried Shepiy Esq. years hitnseif rights yo„r Pills sold, w. .ry. These the on tiro T. r j, patriotism suffer no twenty night overspread burl Journal detriment while under man- the Sixth is said to as n tonal 4>fhiilato the Congress from District, call-d to that post, the immediate shall only lie unprotected on tracts that ar< realm. The whole numlier of i, supporter#—JStw 1 high Terri- agement of bis successor. a candidate for Consul to »successor of Boston Courier. Trenton, .V. J. 1 tonus of the l tilled SUUo 1. M.UU. ‘,l tff Cooufbtrcr. be Tungiers. Washington.—f ‘very barren.—Rrjonmr, ■'4V.it J BB—'mmrndw. fmttwuomm r»-.. I FORTS. Public. Ay CAI1D. FOREIGN .f Notice. A Card to the |w»( ifully tender Ii « m)ii|. Ar at Havana March 22, brig Charles Heath, ible. and it «r therefor© of th« utmost importance 11 hop •• i>v *rtici attention 1 under the name and style of o. F. FI IT ELD * Isold. it least and most trifling ..f tli Bucksport. ’Ol. but strict attention to ilie malice 'ir cuernn. 7d. 7\ 77. ,t Co., for tin; of carrying on the the * At Nuevitas March 21, Kossuth, (ioodinir, 4, purpose be bad for diseases ot li*AAC FH 7.1 HR, ship April tidily ailments should ; fm > F 1‘ A1 lltf from Havana ; brig Ocean Traveler, Sargent, EDWARDS' I’AIN I’ RESTORER. ! iodv invariably affect the mind. DR. M< ( f > in in Nnv York ar ITtli, for do big. EDWARDS’ PAINT RESTORER. Sail Making |v 1; A RLE LIKE M K! H11N ES every j 're is more Ar at Cardenas March where have been tiior* used, anything 21.brig I'mrire.Higgins, EDW ARDS' PAIN I’ RESTORER. business in all It* branches, at the oil stand on tanco they wghly than Ins >f or if in almost ly p, Boston ; 22. brig Anna D Torrey,Griffin, N* York ave TRIUMPH ED OVER DISEASE oftencr ti » to other Sld 21st, barque W'illiain. Rord. N York. WATER STREET, ELLSWORTH, II its diversified lorww. The, salutary e fleets ©I lone ha* ! ti< iwov.-r, or Ar at Buenos Corns, Anne, tender their thanks to old cus- he Life Medi-ines have, in fact, been so nnive.i- j ■dl I’liysi•'•|.. ;|«t, is not to lw) Ayres Jiyi 2», brig F. !\ R. take this occasion to and to n*k for a con- that have become es- j xpcrinuMj of thousand* an Machias. tomer* for their patronage, ally experienced, they fully EDWARDS' PAINT RESTORER mode n and still He Aral't Thomas March l,*ch Palmetto, Mitch- of the same under the new ablished as the mos* easy, “life and jxTfoct they ready — FOR— tinuance arrangement. NervousHeadache 1 •f the friends f th*- pr**pri- ell, Maebias (and sld 8tb for St Johns, I’ H). The note* and accounts of the old firm of f treatment ever offered to the public. I t! C'iotl* to He (VtVer* 1 '* th Ar at GOODS are in our hands for 1st, teh NEW .S'. /•’. FI FIELD *V Belle, GnpUI, Eastport; f'n‘t I nut H»* without it This & Glass. nd-j Tremont. Paint and we notice that must, be THESE MEDICINES Sfee advertisement, and Proctor, Clark, Cleaning just incut, give they f is IX EVERY HOI'S affair* of the old firm. Will Imll nil, E, settled to close up the a i!<> 'fare n or hern before. the public for period of DISASTERS. from nil such as accounts remember this I-'**! removing dirt paint, doors, »*il having unsettled a tears, mill durttrj that Irate have maintained hryh Sell Juno, of Newman, at window... glass, marble slabs, minors, .tc. thn notice. Orland, Providence, .dy harartrr in almost every port <>/ the %lohr fa tin Ejiitoiiclocl, N a violent from IS We assure the that we intend to merit n ! from Orleans, experienced gale .lust Ef II, IS EVERY STORE, public j raordin.nr a rmatin rehir/t thry prisse. of Btckness.> entire of the and properties NNK l »th inst, during which lost an suit Opened! For show-cases, tturrors, steel liberal share patronage, by promptness >■*. cleaning goods, unsettled charge* th*- wo and the Ia Thousands against of sails, forehnom and gait, small anchor, hra.'S, and all fidelity with which answer orders, M.rny r* m* I jibhoom, paints. A*a McAllister, ar «pi our work. Please cal have tvrn tisiUil and -tove Bulwarks ; aI*o lost f»!> bids of m"lasses It will remove the dirt with little trouble, and workmanship displayed in )f certified instances, they sufferers Tor settlement -. and **II that ar* owiny >d! m- and the had three fret of on us. I FI FI KLI>, ram lhi very virni af an veuve, after use of these Pill* the to settle the «:nm* ’•* f .r* the fll>t under deck, during gale will uot injure the paint as the old soap and sand untimely Jly the periodic the off GEO. 11. BUOnlvS. hr nosh am* the have tnvnriU faded S or Sk k II i.adachk may l*« ill H !• t: with a l»uw for ridkTtion water in the hold. On 23d, Hatteras, process. A package will clean a whole house. deceptive nf day y k’^ of N| KVof nm sesi.uo i.i:. I boarded sell of St from New Ha- Ellsworth, Jan. 1, 1801. hull >,» indeed, has their efficacy invaribiy and taken at the commence- A,„nW. Victory, George, t* great, and if t* r« • I’lH ‘2» Fnilv ■ prevented; k, > ven for Virginia, and obtained Irotn her a jib and utallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely of immediate relief l>om 4S ment an ftttftrk pain IS,IS 1. S0BIN3QN & HARDEN For sale by nil ess than miraculous to those who were ted half a barrel "f water. acrpiari mol sukii'hs will he obtained* Sch Kelley, of Calais, at Boston fm Santa Grocers, Druggists, and Country Stores & Co. villi the beautifully philosophical principles upon the a csf t (* Owners. Mary have I. M. GRANT Thev seldom tail in removing wa* Hatteras 12 I I AVK returned from Boston, and vhich are and which Cm*. Cuba, off Capo days, ship- ( just throughout the cuunln/ they compounded, upon they are eo sub- ,K 1.1NI SI KNT Kill! lini:>K>i whPh inform the public that they are cn- and mil IIkaiiachk to which females several seas and shifted cargo. I I opened a large st**ck of New Goods, W/01L1> ■onsequently act. It was to their manifest • Hews*-* ol Lnmei an-imf prd 7 7 in Vessel and are Barnard, at Philadelphia, from hey will offer to the trade at astonishing LG\\ gaged building prepar- cnsilde action in purifying the springs a d rfinn- ject. '••whinfT. it4 tT«- *1 is manu al Brig Velona, all the stern MUCKS. their stock be found a lull CAUTrON! ed to do kinds of ami them with renewed tm « art the bowel*.—remov- (idle If.ill*. Scratches. Many***, Calais, report? no date. wn« struck in by Among may icla of life, enduring | They gently upon after- of fashionable for ti e of the wore lor their name. ing Costiveness. y. rfpiivln and Illni'Hotie may a sea, which stoic boat, broke davits, Ac ; ino tTTI.onk signature Proprietors, md vigor, that they indebted A on each Fe- din their incipient stair** sea which carried off FbUIJH, RAY Co., package. For I.tternrv Men, Students. Delicate wards shipped another part ( YliSSHI, WORK, ■•nd tin* f a riuh- |M**thiiity of dock load and filled cabin partly with water. WUol.FSAl.K agents: MOFFAT'S LIFiS PILLS !! male*; and all persons of 8t denlarv habits, ind, h.isv* v*w, I* -a desperate building or bopairing, in the b* «t manner. Molunkns, of abandoned, \Vf:i:ks it 1 >1 T»n<»ton. V> table. f(t< as are valuable a* a I.axativb, impiovinjt vUtcd Hy tin- Liniment, .and Brig Kastport, passed j PRESS GOODS, Potter, Washington street, Hard W. .d Timber and all kinds of Shipbuild- ,!/♦ composed of ye ingrcdutUs lusivcfy, ihey '■ di- 'll* S ** illlrn* sch Norfolk eld 11th inst trum ft. JSaiinf.s .t 15 A 17 Park New York. a*> ertauthl tests. Their tone and to the ils» IV th I. by Bucket, George- I>. Row, Mater'nls on reasonable terms. in h* by chemical piomi- the appetite, giving vigor uch as Silk Borages, Twisters, Valentias. Camel's ing furnished 1 I with <*< case, t-.wn, S C for Boston. She w»? built at F r sale all are those of an active and the natural tins- inparative Kastport Pclaine-. Silk r.nd Rueu by New BOAT3 on Imi1, or built to or- itmt qualities searching, gestive organs, and icstoring tltis at HairCloth. All Wool constantly hav-* p'lneiiy hand, In 211 ton*, and rated A2. The wreck of and w sis'rm. 1*.>3, GROC IK.'. PHI G-.ISTe «t FANCY GilOflft DC. A I. r.lift. n Also mild detergent, u v and of tlo1 hole s* Goat's Rama Cloth, with a good der, and old on«* at short notice. (hough perfectly agreeable it strength appear «t **f l.ainen* will bit 30 b n 72. No one Poplins, Hair, pairid the brig was seen l'.'th, it*iit, of a suporific, promoting the in- AMD Pli.LS are the result of ii la'*', die-a-.-* mentioned, assortment «*f Goods, PeBages, 2000 I llicit, DAY A i o.. and Ash Oars ipei gentle The CKiMI aboard. Gray Prop’ll Oukum, Filch, Tut, Superior ol a in- »nd s*'-"di render so Ac. rensiblo prospirntinri ; pleasant diuretic, j and conducted ex- many from yds New Dclaiues, Prints,Ginghams, Gw JO MASS. for sole. long investigation carefully w* -•*. Sch Flora of Trenton, Partridge, BALFM, the and bladder and of a de- arly rthlt King, figorating kidneys ; ha'e bfen in use many years* dur- C-wly2tT St Domingo for Boston, put into Holmes’s A part of tl»e new SCHOONER, soon tube tonic the ; periments-, Aquiiw Z'if’ igutlul cardiac, exciting appetite by tune have and ■ ing which they prevented Hole ?fith, has experienced very heavy weather launched from ur yard, ft.r sale. h.-mauds of active digestion, and cheering the j relieved a vast amount of and suffering Dr. H. 8h l**a. Kclitcti during the : !*t7i inst, in a gale from the sense of renovated health pain O. I’hysican, pnssage I. M. GRANT. I 3. C. Ml*.\3*. | J. U. II MG 138. niial with that grateful in the I* sitn ular -i .lis* .i-• of « mlii-unni’ y or South. lost deck load of logwood ; 15th, in a gale of our from lleadaihe, whither originating lHGl. which is one of the most felicitious feelings j Ami * pee > 1 I- .*f won •!. .- .adverti** incut Ellsworth, March I4th, CtnS a slate of the 9 an% fr-*in KNK, lost /oreyard, bad deck* swept, split uiture. nervous system vr from deranged n telBc-dump. -ails, stove bulwarks, lost cutwater, sails Ac, ! stomach. J «*.!»«.> ly20 split Black and Dress Silks. FOR SALE. unWKM»I Till; PIUEXfx HITTERS’a They are entirely vegetable compo- We have a assortment *4 Pros- story Vh-HOFSE, | Brig John Steven*, "f Bltiehill. at New York very large Fancy snd he taken at all times with Plai and Al- fttaim pleasantly situated on the coYncr of So denominated from their of sition, may A Friend in Need. it. from Cardenas, bad NW winds all Silk-, of the ts, Stripes Figured astonishing power of Try strong nearly ami Oak in 11 < et without change *•• Black Silks. streets and as it were from the Iu safety making any B- eot’a I ii full able Liniment j»rrp.**r>-d saw a fore and aft so rich, doublo-fac*', figured Bridge Uucksportvil- new life health, Dr. the pa««age ; March 21. -eh. Treating ol taste the r* 1 i—t. «•< r*‘ii'**** •**nt, Silks. In Bhrk lago. constitution*—are 11if, and the absence any disagreeable Cram ip*'* 1"*« of mainboom ; March India and Foulard isites ot the most delapidiited -tearing SW, with 22. is well to children* we can show a out Said liotae is new, has a good cellar, all t n*c and more renders it rasv to administer them a furious W N W, Silks every nore strongly immediately invig- tr « n th*- m*'*t »«•. lfit :*r. 3d, |.>ii 7'*, experienced tte far lit* last year- >0. finished, and has a well of soft water within twehe the same choice ! OF l Ot'NThUFKlTS ! a sea from 1V2 cts to $1, than tbe ; containing UKWAKK ial fi-ineds o t- wul>* o' a rani hI which lasted *G h"iir«, and ship} 1 which grade up orating pills feet.. I will sell ten or twenty rods of Ian 1 with extracts ns the in a different ci<• nutni'»*s fit llenrv C. sp.r It than am nth* pr*-para- stove lifted mainsail, Ac ; 23d. bit vegetaido latter, bulwark*, the as will -out the X- i» r• 11 i- ii il v house, purchaser. less than and NT. I• l» b>n a vessel’* and A SAFE AND SPEEDY REMEDY FOR uodificution. Although really catharic, Spalding mi each Box. 43, 7.», passed large topmast one to a ■at « *■• st \\ otiTids, .-pr nos. Any wishing procure good home, pirn-*- the Li n Ptf.i «, nevertheless to cleanse all ether Dealers in with rigging attached, aj j ireut- C they begin j Sold 1>\ Druggcsls and ii h* alius and werf il i^th- topgallantmast, situated, at a low are to call Atthma, Whooping »ugh. |- nntly price, requested Cct.ghs, Crcup. he alimentary canal much sooner ; generally Medicines. tie* ju-l woiider and H«tnntsdtiiie»it and examine. It will be sold at a Sore 1 ■ ... of M'ahlohnrn, at New York from great bargain. Throat, "r11" mail on re- ven a trid. iH't frmr hmulresf Hrij* Alinare, to ..; .* A Box will be sent ny prepaid B_ For further information a decided flense of relief t>* the head •• li »u:m. I apply all of the Throat and p-i'i I'k* ", r;u1 'i Port an Prince, experienced heavy gai.-s, lost an And diseases Lungs. [producing of iho ! T. O. AK MV. ir.d and the even in i ceipt Atlrit tins (act. split -ail*. Ac. stomach, exhilarating mind, c tr t, Feb I4tbf i!>6i. css T’RXCtt a.~ CENTS. lj33 Urig John Shaw, of Much hi*. at N Y-rk from hirity which this reon dy has attained in one short time than this. ! All orders should be addressed to | P 11. exj***ri'need heavy weather has venr, w ul I <-m t>- l».- a snfli. ient guaranty "t it* TAM' rort.MAi.fe». (iuayama dolin' of ForcrloMtrr. MOFF.-T’S LIFE PILLS ! ! ! 1 Il.itter.i-, with N W .- xcelleiiCe. It one J* ubts it let such il been II davs North of heavy le w»- have made it a regular branch any give HENRY 0. SPALDING. In ♦hi* iirti' V. A r.f n w-j, n HU Y, I'r-oklin, I,.. the sick hnvlarhr or nervous and NE gales, split ail*, washed away boat. Ac. and have fitted a b.oik De- one trial. In affections of head, New-York CHEESEMAN’S PILLS, >1 our busiim.s?, up the Gth of ls*»G, his deed 48 Cedar Street, J M of fold, at New York fOITX clay February, by i;ead Tin: i »Li.u’.vixx;. 'irtido fi '< I*ills nil tie found to the most .nM ( V /* Urig Sawyer, Cherry ami have .-ur Cloaks ami di- hr, pnssis# f, hm+man, partment, Cup-.* if of that rec- rded nt Hancock Or to WEEKS A POTTEK, Hiwtnn, ! from Cardenas, wather, and 1,-t.ih- mortgage date, mint \ *nr \ K I "if experienced heavy re.-t from om- uf the largest t’loak * ary effirary. v c 1. Solo Wholesale Agouti, for New England. rudder head. I Registry. 102, pngu 1."»(), having Conveyed •:i -.f |nrrc«|i»*Mta ill th*-a* P l!« ir«' the r**- •prung Ii.-hment in the nit-t .'tales, and shall q -n l>< ! S. a certain tia- t or lleub K. ■■ <* Ige dgwick. \r. *»nl ..•*■ v* j.r.i* Th- milil in be I the sca«»n with ttio i .1 //•'!. L'l: I 'litry .-1, J.iiul. Gov. <>f OF snpplio through of land in and Hi Mat's IMiuuiiv Hitters. Till; FOLLOWING LNDORSKMKNT ■■ lying Sedgwick bvuudcj *i,.l e-ftalno rrrrtin/ all imviilaritiea. N MW \\ this day parcel .Messrs. F. II. Mag"011 A Co. —I have used your j patterns. opened viz:—On tho on the Mrn»!f'i » *. r--«»i..».»S *P. Tj' llona. w!i lh* i' M A KKI K 1 ). follows, t'.C south hy street, i' severe s ire flare tarn used for the cure luirr and a great variety f new pa ferns Weeks* M gie mpound, f< r Colds and happily of Arjw e*i|>att proved remedy. «.f tin- V-.trl. li'tarbeU sleep the north on .-i-tbv lot the trv t, the .upied ii t » of fur i SPALDING'S U v. U. At. Mitchell, to by is valuable ftoce-.-i*>n the list remedies on **f nature. EU-worth—April 1*1, by $•'.!,m) up $D ,00. AND A MODE MAURIKP LAW CP Mr. tfe. ige li Treworgy to Mis* Abby Moore together Colds, c-ughs, am, Ac., Yours, with the building* thereon. " t 1 “'*‘■0. Lkvi 1'ndi.iiwv-od. OF CURE !!! Ch«*e#*>m*n‘a IMIa «rv mv**u*|.,-, a* thry ">•! Knit* both of Ellsworth. Furling n, S CEPHALIC PILLS, one otlier tract or ! In w 1 arid ofbile ■ »' Also, of laud ] \ 11 regulate proportionate quantity «itlif uioni-i.v |--i '. r- -inr,,! I-»•!'•«» ?• Swan*- I-land—Mar. 21, Mr. Winthr-• p It. I.ane pr.ro- Jy'ng W ILL CONY INCH ALL WHO SUFFER FROM tin- -ai l and boundc la* ipon the «toin tch i* always requisite f->r tie* promotion Tk*-h iliU|-in'tril i-i ti-*- «i«* "( Pill*. HI plv of I*eer t Mi-s of Swan’s ■'cdgwick billows, viz.—being Isle, Uueretia Turny, i.iitud li" il'h—It s'.'iiiulaics ami th*’ C‘Uirt*!* in*. m hr » h* ■•-•‘tHau'i* i’lii d ail tU»l the southern-tern «»f bd N Il of first digestion keeps Htni-Mi, *tu£ part the •. St :h S'n t'r ■>! \t. 1 land. /•’; iin I* iiiefltiiml'M.ial free from all obstructions. When there Ui in' t»> *1» division of on the ustai tly costive.— THAT A v o r i ( r wick— nt the south. astern corner of -aid beginning t s and ha*.*• m i;:.d so ili -.'her hand, an overahund iiie of bile cause* fro ■ Hev I»r. Pond, Mr. Artenms P. Harden, of Tre- mv 'v, 'W.y remedy he is*-! ir-.n Prt aa a n-. \r- They f (the marsh.) ,■ if tuai in and sore thr-at, d oili- pi promote, w Mi- ! •*•■r' » 'It t!.* t*T nt.nit, Miss Augusta Matin, U*ng*>r. curing e-ughs trii'S- of tire w st \ eiatta vs uf which sometimes cuds in death, \ 1 assortment comprising every shade north f rty degrees by heirs of disea-— «d' the JoSKfll l’--I.ANi-. disease, j I.- WITHIN Til KIR REACH. \V,irT»-;'"i| -. i-k*" er lungs. j.'.:- -x Brown ’■ All Wo.,I and .Mi l lie-, t’loth*, land, one hundred and fourtc-n rods to 11 >i |U j nr’ mi* i. « SaDbttry M--;.fnrlier, t. !, 1 'h ■ '>• *" iiel Black Water Froot. thence north m-t fourteen r»* i> and LIFE MEDICINES ! wttm<>nmln litre unsnlt- ihd Mr •h -'ini i*e r*-.ui. •» "i- *- I’ f 1 mixed. Hrj*cllnnt, Fancy j thirty degrees JR. MOFFAT’S these Tt by Spald- i > i i: i >. ki mail <*n me 1 •.••;* 1, Cot111n Cloths. Also h great vari- link- to a .-take* and stones, thence south r >( thi Warp twenty V Sh ■!,’ /if taken in the • art y stapes of Bih"ils Com. ing, they unjurstwnnbb j/roof rjffica• « I ! t- lh u »* ji «ta in r\ > l of .f Black, til of which an* warrant- west ouo hundred and tw rads '■ ci,i this snmt'lic dm ety grades titty d-gier* fifty i’rnm Hun. 'I n t V /*• H' and in accord u!/ to ill- I truly overy. O P t V {>" if prmTercd shortly %) ck. Kil-w*'rth—Mai eh Ji. Hannah t'miii. », ed f > h-1 All ami lteal Herman Cloths. At-, to tin- tirat mentioned fourteen young- WI, bounds, containing \V.ck-' Mag mud a short a li P* Ill l. IlIVl.-v fly using your Cotnp t m. will positively affect cure. ••'t t Uei a:. l Saiah > •an b<* found in ir Cloak Cloak' acres more or less, l*aid ru been Feb. 1801. T j. PhL-.t, Department, rtgage having wan 1 of ,io of the severest Conn, 5, /. nr*aJ Jtjrnl th* n't ft Slat laughter aged time. T entirely cun MaSonville, •• * o to mat.- 1.5 v*-.u .ad 2 in th-. Primming*, .ii» ds. Buttons, Ac., to ine the said Reuben i'. on ••• ev- 1 ,**«» \ Y -igm-J by Dodge a;id most obstinate !- ir-m my lung- that I Filial Filial! Files!!! Mr. Spalding. Sir: ■. I J -th Fllxwith—March Samuel Smith cloths, b th black and e-bo*. .A full the 12th of and reo rde 1 vol. 110 -- T »u ail Wh S 2dih, uny fancy day July, lsV.», er ex I. 1 ki: -w of to it ■ e t. and 1 like erieu remedy e-jual As a r< m**dy fer this most distressing ami I have tried your Cephalic Fills, »1 out Mb -t-'Ck "f iflovesand II" icrv; Linen lld’kf*, fr-on ; page 122 of the Ham: ek and tin condi- ! aged Registry, for and lung coin; lint* generally. i.,'.,i|v. the VKOKTAKI.K UFK M KHICINKS d.-w-rv- (loin so ml/ that 1 want to send me two < Ivu- coughs you J /• R> Vr pur-.i *■ »',. j;.. ot a ! tluU t j■ r iI 2 1. Mr-. Fanny *ti re' I t f th*- | ct.*. to $1,00; Table Linens; Xapkin-; tions of -aid tin rfgage b-ing broken I h'-p-by Timothy I*. litoi ir.LD. distinct and recommendation. It is emphatic well-j mere. -f ,-« 1 .. '>-i d liars worth Jo.; I »!*• J. "t 1 j f ;■ ng* i >• a:s. -se.| Table Cover*; I. II aril 1 utm!>-. claim a foreclosure. JAMES A. DODGE, Oct. l mi. \:i e.vn t.* hundreds in this city, that the former pr.pri* • in 1J, Anmi oi.r. 'I! N V •* Montpelier, was himself all! "-ted with the n< to whom I ; llwi' M ip*', ."'th. Mrs Martha S P ilinoral Skirt.*; 1 »0 i \ Ivet Bibb-uis, all March l-'d. 10 of tli*— valuable Medicines Fart of these are for igldiors, *' ; j .'-dgwicl:. lath, I T ! f of tiiirtv-kivk ykaus: nod that tin * .■••.plaint ,r upwards from wile of U Hii viu takes, ag* 1 l.t years arid 11 lays. width-; d<> l 4 Black Silk Veixets. 1 gave a few out of the first box l got you. «r p r-n *■t H ti e d in am every remedy prescribed within the win b- S —lath uit Mr- wit** of 1 *• >helhuriie. N. Kate, -• u1 h Sjm.d the Fills and »|ai. loo Wolrh **|ni»i'!: skirls. At a Court of Pro' ate hoi len at Ellsworth wit' i cimiT. i. ■: the Materia main' lie r. hy mail, oblige '' » ‘.I--* wa- «tt r.->l him *> /ohn S- .-iniib, about 40. Air.Smith former j C on fust :.ii'd the Me Iiein- vvlmhis now -ilT i! t.. tie and ob’t servant, and 1 the unfy of Hancock the A short time since my chil l was attacked most public, Your ©f .•.*•■ '• f Mae', i i* v was cured in a very short tune, after l.is recovery had ly Wednesday « f I oruary, A. 1>. 1"• 1. with the \hi -he could JAMES KENNEDY. tit M Cm ■■■. li eri-up. thought 0. -en not lcs: im- .. u i-1 w severely only K Ma diins—2-th utf iL-cim ml. flite EREF-'\ named Ex cutrix in Weeks pronounced improbable, absolutely -1 FHIPMAN, not five minutes. A d<*sO of hi* ». »h live single I'os.'i.dc, by any human means. Jam*-- Hudlry, aged -J years and 6 ni *s. [Uan- t-> he the last thml <•? 1 I- ; % certain i i-trm* nt purp -rting • r-licved her at one -, and she hud Have! Fob. 1801. u r- lea v Magi ‘.-iiijM.iiud ford, Fa., G, M '•« a « g pa; j J J Will and T'-sfaineiit of late •*! Stephen Fhiprnan, no attack of i? fdu :o. I : ik no i imily Mi iFKAT'.S •f » -I I M.u ■>!.field — th uit.. Mr. J• hn Croekcr. ag ! Mr. Sir : Pu'*k«p >rt in >aid County, ib-evaded, having pre- he without it. M. A ^ \k'« .v, Lif Pills and Phconix BTters Spalding. Imp tr t h 7 f v. nr- and no n»h*. wish v-u to send me one more !x»x of AATOOEEINTS, sented the same f-r flriuc’. si Mi- i \ 1 1 1 V nl f.U‘ proba*.-: alley Academy. hi' i: — rrtir Dvseerju v. bv thomiuhlv cleansing the first and Last Maehia- Feb 2*Hh, Oren a, wife of Wm. «.-iid ChIonian ver. your / unit rival a ■ 4' OrtlrrrH, That the Rebecca g \ r. 1 1 1 >•-<>. Fills, ll. 1 1 * \. tl » 4 1.lt. ! ,i i.r mv.i Cb»th*. loimcrnt and Doc-kin*. X iti; Ti »v. stomat a bile, Cephalic great s Palmer, n.*• I 26 lecond healthy 4 yarn ■ tic t all n* il.ti a o} Co tit in. • I, p!.iiii :i;,d I’r;n"c fan n ID /. i.„. hi t fullv. M .: tuicnt f Cloth :• r tr. -y, i’roj .Ip/oflti Yours, respect .! 11 s Aaron Uleii. aged about 27. n M> arc ly in the Ell*w »rth American printed nt EHsw .rth. f ,,r. tni tv. I.nntjour and 'nneho'i/. which the j MAllY ANN STUlKID>KSE. A * *. A i»• .i Mm* 2 -, M uihi V. A v* i !. eld s’ 'ins of w hi ;n a natural that they may appear at a Pr b-ato F> urt t■« he flenernl Agent*—XI. !’>1 lilt A Co., Tre- .•■•neiai sy111p?• !»\-j.ep-,a, vanish, \ of its cure of Mm. Aver ill, aged 1- v*ns. F. on consequ|., held at in said the first * A II and 1- i « -. Jlucksj- rt, uiuy, monf .'•t-. and tie**. tlvodtvin Co.. «\»f .i* I Mi. Mr-. M u;. w.t. f Jam* > Creek, Huntington Co., Fa.. I V* \\ cdn olay of .May next at ten -t the clock in Marshall St., Uo.-t.-n. ly Xv-U THE LIFE MEDICINES Spruce Snlltvan. > ■! > » 10 runutbji and 20 I ■*. ai P»- r- a * a, years, »_> the f..r* noon, and shew cati«c, if a have 1 •. Flisw oh. wi D, i‘Gl. { hey why ale C. fllv’K, w January ■ jyi by de-j g .r bib us a d liver <•>mid us. h tl» ir many well- -• Mill' id Alai eh 2 t, P. I Ml! t « n. 1 U rg< the sai l instromont should not he i A r. F. II II. < ’. >ir : proved, approv- •ale uni K* tail; «’}lr flunk, Franklin; known attendants •> u a- and .sn*A htmiack,. pom unit S| aiding, JTr.M J hy I»ft J < \\. t' > I. •* C ). Ma t. W varan. 1. { d vears and 10 month-. will ed nnl allotted us the last and tcMoinent of Wrt, do and d »1 in medicine everywhere. aft it meals. ijiihJmeUi. m •.«.«. in nrtburn N m v\ ill si •ml tw » box s (•!’ Ce- r i.y oppression please your Lib ill* 111. -Feb. 26, H n 11 tee Uutlr ■sn nt am t»e rty FLANNELS, -aid deceased. fippetit(, ^now!• d-icd to vastly superior ! Fills. Send them To i I fs. son the lat*- lion. J aiab of Yellow and White H in- b< f.*re ntf T*d immediately. of lJulb-r, l»eerli«M, 1, Blue, Muo-mi.t. d, j PA I KICK TCCIv, any l!an; ever to the public phalic Judge. B < yours, T !»*rt.a.r hn N. H tm Air- Deuiiu*,- — >j- tfully aged i,el-. Ticking*, -tiipc*, Shceliugs, A t: u ny : Attest, ileal t ii a ii i Secured ! •» -..»•» a v ■ % ll JNO. B. Tiem« at—.March IS, Charles Mitchell, ag- 1 11 A. A. R ARTLEXT, Happiness MKRfTKIAIi IUSKASKS. MMONS. >-»r. k tii * *r* Rcgister. YOUNG MEN 1 if from the eft F. S.— I haL'i vsul ottf lux ■ years. whose con-Mu'ions have b*>,- .me d Tills, n»< • i* i:n |.. mil j red by Persons impair by of your w r..i m I anil Uro. Mitchell was a rtl»V i ill il.its anti Boats Sliof*. j !l ills U.-e .f M I: I!tt'i li tilld tll'S" .» dlritics 1 <4 iff-' 4 ?t,l- Cop*. At a Four; -f Probate held at Rucksport. within Uljnde ami find limn u-nibut. w a i*»--rnii- ver to era ite » ■ » »# in de/r g**t a ure. a* e fail '.•• from th*’ S- T ili *. !• «.r- .t. h exemplary high and for the County f Hancock on the third perfect they -y V fi e* It *i. A-* Arc Tho Concentrated Cure ! t>-m all tie* tl'-ets of 'Irni'y, sooner Ilian lit* -i ii4^.| fr*-** .if r'l.ir; .1 is life w i- marked by in ta! X irtu*-, and Arc., &*., &t*., ti A. I*. 1 Gl. infitufly Junnarv, w f in si *ns ••! Belle Yernoti, Ohio, Jan. 1851. a it* ih< <■». « w h. -. f a cert-un and bn f -r ;h powerful preji.irati Sarsaparilla, 15, 4a* *4 if r ••-*? cornajoii emus ami vie v ui-t ll’II.KAKD DEVEREl'X, Administrator of pow.-i n.edy H"' < ■» »— .*-»* » •*- < ni> ft* i* e*i mate the AH th*'-e element' ORGANS. F.s»j | youth. v the r.-tate of Wilson, late of Cas- PROCREATIVE Henry Spalding, 4-t.j-.-i »» Ik** a*4vrru* la i«*i •*- .*• I « .ii-tuxt |« Joseph w natural I* »* u.* t render a j-ersot: o I I’l-a*e Pud iuelos.-d cents, for rw".v t«- itiieie.1. an*l *p % ! :»»t. ;.»t >th- l**p tillo, in lid county deceased, his twenty-five haring presented The m..-f ho t..,; -• ..f .s in which -• 1 l.le an I were inherent of hi- ny which s- nd tut: another Imx of i«r* to Iw Im» »Ui »IH .1*1 ) I p v f. » agreeable, | rnetjde- nl.t- mt ot administration up -n said do Tins irv. your n IVjihalio wa- a 1 an I mi a!le.-- •.. h •' the lace, bon and limbs of the victim hud b.-cn 1 ». 4 retwr Ijr a* it * ill at.-! vfy.'.ul. lie kin i hu-b d estate I And has 1 Fill*. Tin an tin best Tilts / have pjobito: »N y truly .1 t-i •*! /. (ii *t*- lather and a m m— Til: I.V UKMlil'Y upon by the insatiable disease, are | eiupnaticully pea Or '•'•••'. i'liiit the iid Administrator give noti -e preyed proved < n r trod Direct 1 «4 vr .-• > 1. o Pot « W; ik- />« Ur a ill- ut-* That undeniable <•( the suthuers thcuisi Ive.- u v« r Iraki *g been known to have or r- by authority « of t<* all int causing a «>t this :■ -. .V I t.l'ft \ A W (I I'. getl r a : a full a«* utnvuit almost every persons sted, by copy state -.1 II- dlh in-l \ r. P- uk. i.e-l t-y A. STOKER, F. M., truiu ai.v in*livi iual in h « life. 1' th •** t have been Completely cured by these purely h 's, with ** • order to L»e 1 three Weeks -licet *.-ivi-1 in or U imaiior-. »rtob* I*. ».,* .ii" in a fi ela Dry i >-d* '0*r -. publishe y !>y Belle Vernon, O. * « II* ot traits of eliara t*-r u- re rul l* *-;u' v in Vegetable .Medicines, after all others had been Co., < it at N \ irk *1, the Ed w »rth A iieri at Ellsw.-rth.tli.it r,.t ,-v’t/ uth. Wyandot IjSI Kinji til of which w- -11 a 11 «•••! i* as can be bought '-n, printed The lnh.f y t ie ev •• T-nee cheap P-uicl in re than useless. Lie, grace and f tli* at a Probata Court ? > be held at This i- n--t a but heavenly in Boston or any other they may appear j preparate-n MiiiniVut, — place. ciiri-tian the duties of >' ; Muss., Dec. II, 1$G0. Mr*. WINSLOW, religi**it, daiiy practical Ellsworth in -aid unty, on the i-th Wednesday A Medical Remedy. B-vcrly, .- purely whi eh In del Utly executed l*m k II-••«*• IColtiiiMin A Ifiinlrt:. of next, at ten of the el k lurei. m. and i I. C, An 'v*i>*-i» l nor- *<• f- *!/ April The afflicted o< f. -1 10 try it. Spalding, F> '.i.- (•o*'i.*;ipri very pa- .-In w eau.se, if ha. an allow- I.Y Cl I. I w isli I'T some i-iul.irs or show bills ttl,* mi1 hr cnil*lr«t lK'b;:-i! r»*-Vly Eli worth. April 4th, lstil. 11 just any they why I r V* III. rtl UK ( large '• cod in and l. *l**^tti .1 yTURi iSIa HR()M< 1. OR tlte *••* „( I* -;t,».i.- m* «, I'll- tient, c "if ’» Can be sent I »u» v ial w Tlie*e d If eases, which anon:; »i.e HP .-t of th** kind. nd to me. > « 11 A. \. RARTLETT, ptili- thing pleas. .4 llegxter. n me uv ♦Vrfri .- *o(-- *! 1 '* ii »!.;.- \i.; u. r mi. \.\ :.11, mid, ranf trc at, the ui. -t i 11 r- aU* iaii.uage of J’aul 1 h.no h ugbt tUe. g**o-] I*;, ign. One of iny custom* rs, vim is subject to IS. 1 KI I-1 K. isf. at ■ t v»hi- .i is ure eur- I h ue finished < I i aie k* f the ; : \kr* fullering humanity liable, two tight, my ur-e, j Ac a F urt f Pi !»• Id at I to -l f s»*\.-re>irk ifeadache, lasting N. Y. c-i. v and v >d. a (usually llencet- rth there i- la'*l f* r m** x the CiHitiir of II -Xu, on the Ural Wedm lay f Broadway, d \ *.) tuts rim'd of’ an nttruk in urn hour Bills of n n 1.1 -Iir-e II era. ly Tax Town ■>' tot S.i.r V [)' ;l ..f tilO I. I’:.A and /' I’ot t i.g'-.t*-* iH.'-s. which the /.* i*l, the right- *!- Bills, Orders, f. tiroory. \ 0. I l. * ntr which I nt la r. v s, ■ > * !I MINI Y. wnl of ib. rgs II irrev. bite j II ge shall give in** at t t lav and «ott.> m 1 b &c at this oflice. I»•-—r I si-. ■ 1 -. •• is !. > iiv- t to th- j»rov-- M'>111\T S 1’ILI.S AND iii i’i’KKS •etfnily yours. hut unt*i all them ai-o that I**v•* fe pear- iding, printed EXPOSED.’ I’csj- |*.n« i.i oh' )i In th will .»f her said hiisiitnd and m ikes QUACKERY* W. B. W C*M. w I it to the iimnv ILKES. »ng" ■ •*- val in I* M. d T .t ...*■ h-m and akn- Jut i unnecessary enumerate »|i|.|i«wti.iM to me for an allow a *t .f th‘* |»T* nil A | ; \ N' v a n-s ill which these v ne-d **■ lit S To the Inhabitants the Town JJ/s- late ,.f Said dee.-a- I a’so that « i--i eiers may be r the >r;\t \i. Jill !y egetable of oj t > Tin: n>»i'u:. to out h -1 -w-rr 1.1 s.(l I ..-ta a PUiEND 1. avu been s*uce« s>lul ; but Jet us inquire V* by j B ddsburg. Franklin Co., Ohio, ) appointed ■ yn I *r. v. F-r d. b l- ».u. '* worth, and liable to be ass esse! O’.Urt.t, -Th it the I |* !!y II give n-.l are so universal in t!»< ii e beets CLOAKS and CAPES. jtersons »«• I -W they happy J, 1 >f»1. n- ‘n'-Tes! it-mg a -.f this FlmoM read January f Th»* n e-lteinr- > a ! th**re«»( I*" all |“-r* d, l-y fi>| > > because l’l ldl V Till-. bl.ouL), nml thu- -- » o.-c s* I.-U Klls- (Mi * ..i -r i. i- v Me. they i fnr a«»4 cor: ■; a ., (It therein : rtrd-r to l«- j-ui.li-heil tl.r in the |Vel». Henry Spalding, IraiHtK rt ;u «• cauieof disease from the sv -lein. Kit- v I1 lofU. I*^ all "hapr *if« /■•hi" ■>. New Cloak E-tab!'.jhra>'ot oper.eil. w-irtll Am-re i.-, pr.iit-d a! nh, May ap- March, l.\ No. T> ('edar st., X Y., jr.st \ are th. t the suh-criher.* • -• it I -.v- mu I bn use act wet n tin.. t i. L aixl eh. *< !W 4-U T'.«- rUl hereby notified lit a Probate urt held r-h. in I they | fully up Ittngt *• I >ea r >ir > ur Pfoak U if. can be fu* I all **f th -.1 M In V -. at : tie and remove all at ■ Po k, af .t, Ki'.w.iih i'-v 1 will be ,ijj i; -lay body, imptnities -»•• SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS! > IN >PH I N«» VIA UFA of r|* iik- m I fre.u in -aid from the 1 *t to the luth f *e|j .-< the ci s-W in th* f r* n n, an 1 •* i. if any llre ause do not reduce tin but i11- Incf d find rents. for t'.i;w*, town, * tliey system, twenty-five (L’>) April, »••• hi \i»i v.« Ii n m M. I». V It .- IV *r •>( il s. .!.«• »' y all alf.ov.;i.« -hoil'd **t mad : '2,f«M $H "0. ii v f u ti»L- of receix true and they have, v Mte i1.— t.'itis Mo restraint fiom purj. mg perfeet PARK bit 111 k, Judge. requiring plia.-- o. A HAKHKN. '* — Printing done at thi.? tMla KPUINVi.V t the and estate* y. u were .t( ... ’ll d A|-rii Kll.-W'Uth, day A. A. flAHTI KTT. l'lcg Franklin t ’<•. ( )l»i<». *• < I'*•■!, wiii-'h account are re t female e-.i c Tin >iv man; ni>:: Apnl, you ju--ted ( N ),.ur Fi.'is tr •••■/. 7' 11 chnrm—run H< nd- bring in. At • Fourt of Probate hell at KMaW-.r* w.i n Hod br For Sale. n .1 Iwtssi-m. S rrmic wrf,«-a. \ I ip-levy and <■,/•’ irmo*( Trulv vniirs. > the of IU -A, mi the lift Wednesday ef j trv nrr .i xiahi.i: posi: op tiii: instant/r, j. \***-* m r.amt> ■ "no ilt-*lr1, ..ml and flivs ii l»-n !. |*ur"'i4-ia^ II. JMV, of I'ebruarv, \ I* JS'il • \\\M. C.’FILLKi:. mine Journal. "■ \NYI’inD'1 1 ■-rl«\ r*. w■ «l lo a. a * t £ 4 J LIFE PILLS1!! II. S At \ DKIl', Ell-wortU. •'■! ineiistmt *i II »r:t « nv'thin/ *•> b>i a •< in .is Uiboo. S 1 «»\ *l \ «* {uinu^ * ... I ■*• V r-•ilu'i* I * rit t" T' ii fra hex of :• I I: rw Ur Mass. 1*7 r.r.i\ rn. Ordered, 1 I r’ft Qo Ceu'ocl! A t’ f r the cine <*f tf»o NflVoua CAUTION. r- r.t. '•••!. e iwi f if tbni order to bt phn'ic Pills —. , b) | -• IMIEI'A I! K[» UV April Uti * k ...... i.'r rthAi (Matiw ric. nml j' ec ivtil the ISAAC Fit 4Z IKK, persons are hereby cautioned against pur- published Headac he tui«l *, Cmndn*. -• vt 11 * Ui » y ■:il | \1.I.chasing u certain duebili, or note, dated at m im .| IR. VVM B MOFFAT. the same, ami had o un 11 ivas X .Mary, Lord, 1 *.4t n. !. ite foijrt t< He h d \t KP-w.rt'*, u ill C Untv t» it"* tiny good (f}> SIGN k ORNAMENTAL li n«c.n. 1> HOUSE. SHIP. pay fourth W-lu *d.iv of tpril n- .»t t* « th ink Broadway, tndvt rd to nd f or more. ihl ■■ lemuel Crabtree T r f-r d> I Seventy->nc i:i t f ,r*oi.v cm- if a y tiny have, why Ami for sale I*v nil ainl Medicine to FreUu/hU' m;u, 'abburj. I)rug'_ri.-ts J'lease semi hv mturn mail. T>irert in fix month* tr*uii date and vtii** in- allowed r», therc"t, j»ign**»| th.- th.-uld in>1 I>ealera. Price—Pills, '» c ur- b ; Bitter? Holt. i» \ i \ t i: » A. K. Mich. \i, a.- wa- PARKKll Tl K, Jj Irc. Ypsilanti, y me, said nde given with-.at due Curifid- :l ,00 per Pottle. 1 VVlipiLKli. Tate. A tPte c — Att' -t I'mM I'.n l l /not. Hi /‘Vs rlh rati n, the «ub*crit»er being sick a» the time, >py Fr>'ii the h. ii/mni r, \ l -r i ,i- forms. ——— cuted in th« beat Style. Particular attention paid .t>.r Hanc. March l^' l. 3w'J ary. V I* 1 "'hi NO'l MhlllN lUYCil OF All. F.rnni ill. t<» ck, lSih, From llr "rr, A rfrik. rr tiraiuthg. Varni.-hing. Polishing, Ornamenting PHINKW VTKP.. Adi .-.r u ir -f tic .-state <>f i.EA have been tested iu uioic than a thousand and Knntuelmg Ship’# Cabin* and Parlors. They Thu- ih»i* held *t a■ t \h C of Pr Rn'-iupnrt. within f<>r •• G ROY K 11 \ 1! A K K US wi.b entire success. d<*c ■•.»<• d, having ).i* tirst a- unit of adimu;-- cuses, « "I or pro-••tit.-1 i*stu». ('aniiiKt1 and raliiliuu. t!i* .tv Hancock, the third VV of Jan- •* -dii-slay tra n <11> n sai 1 d »- -r P >H* u«-v A I» 1M1 CELEBRATFD NOISELESS ■ I* d no on a* nnhle t-rri:*. 0/ «i* r* U—That th*1 •art Administrator give noticcth- F lh< f'lm t, St, ('i Minn. every description, I Tl 1%N f.K Jr ;i!i ..i.stratur f f POUTS. AM the date of this ■ rd-T DOMESTIC stri- t attention paid to order# tr tu out of t wo. fit to ail |HTS4/US inter.-bai, by causing-» «'••*•> GIN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. SRU7.XR .17.1(7//.YES', If you are, or have been tr< libted w itti the head- »I -u ■■ »9i\ ,v in the hd.-a >rth toll.! d. died Uifee < 31st, *h Aliaa Qdlio, Frao'n*. K!l« worth. 4. ltJfil. lltf tir«t pu THIS If !.!■ IMl S PMC -PM! I.WT, ache, «< nd !• a t »o that you April '•**•*■ f#r* ii«l \ li. listrnbr •. •• Especially -. /-' a •. i: / llnmilx I’atrut tsthI forenoon, and shew cmiX**. if any they hate, why diuretic) which the follow card* of Fu IB «!•:., and 1 h. , ng to «• il> -tn | PAIIKKU TI CK, Judge. and/ciT effective mini v f* r the In a« hi aial Ot ''I tl *eh Korenui-, Staple*, •at* '"iirt U» la* held at Hucktpor!. in sxl.l c >unt.v, on the < cndop,«,in«-nt of >>i ■ u th •• and A true personal /»/»»/<.*- vi 11 c w) J- copy—Attest A Cara From the Graver & Bakei -t la 'i'll \ iu ul t — (’ l»v !' .1*1 Vt diHsd.il ‘f IK vt. at tell of Iht ••lock ill the .plait Ar 27th, pri^ Aujrnrt*, M.iy 11 A. A.l.ARTLi:*! r.il „>o-p-v, Mh. C.-t- r the- Hon. Parker r •. of IV .ate, within and All*oti-»j».- of the Kid- < 1' : > » ler, MtetiHpnit. Inviu.-.M., PARKER I Judge Suppression of the Menses, (Kir Patents being m \\ t ’. ! 1-y !l:e m ►i.mle t.otik i I* M.PLXtl *Kl> i* ii i.** the Tt’CK, July. of il mcock. ,^-A ■. liar. by g*«*d jal0' f tin.*« mnty < *v •: B»lfa.t. Mill, Piriknim, k .. c etc. we are enabled to tarnish the * i:» i. A Baker hu ti l.L’E a «• ti u tim« it- "Stanru- Tjrpl.ot. .py—Attest H tur'. .m *d A'ibi**, [ noys. will. Ar VCKNoWl.ED.mi beat pump m use. .Manufa MltLY sh-wr Mart W.lur.n, II, cheapest \ I BAR ;• ■ Put in nnd and sold all v« nient-. at For.rt. fair, Cherryfeld ia to W il- u. tin rs up qnnrt pint bottles, by MuvLiuc, with rt ; bng «r Mirv J t’h trh 1 Ki ’). \ important iui; greatly oel. ■- tured and l>>r f-olu at wholesale retail by H\ nnd Town —, ,*;.m and children of Jo- pli W >n. bit** of f.niiue, in asnl lJrujfgLts Agent*. SPALDING'S 1 JIKPAKED CLUE! kt a P rt t |*r»b.i'e I old. ii at Ella worth, within and for 2Hli, n:. >r- a;.- .1 i' '« •cli-/.ia IlfadburT, Hnrt*n. & county, V 'oinati, dec-.t If t'. -aid inter- \. M. BENIN*.Kit Proprietor*, mini (7.7; I RICKS. J. E. ATWOOD Co., the ■! v If thtt lii it Wednesday of York. l uion, Libbv. e.sted in the al estate of said d-c- i- d. uttd in Pe- In 177S ) N Ill Hm.ul f-ir "t, V V. ice at which Mahing F<>«i.r, New Mtb, K 1 Ill l*. 1 vi 1 s..r j (Kitalillihed The moderate pi Muclaiiu-, SPALDING'S FiTepaIIKD GLUE! At Bl> 'k F'i f .Stun Atrest, c of about live l> ■- Streclscr’t nobscot iu said insisting -acres, > a .. KKRN Af.lt. kdnmnstratnr of the estate of Smith county, Fnrwab in Ro*i..n by C» F. (i XH'WIN CM.. V-. the (ipa vu: A Baker ?titeb, cun m w be Ltd, *> * calle', an I thet an 1 W mg a part of the Dunbar l"t. nr, \V .v I’mIITU. .-Mil K Trent"' UUCksFURT. .-purling, late .| 'rauberry Id.-, n. -aid an y, 11 12 Marshall 't\ KKK'. them within the reach of all, and n mh r GLUE! JOlb, w'l Flora kin;:, of :l.*r h is been made th -r f -r f fifty I *rs cm brings SPALDING'S PUEPAIIKD 1 ids first account of adiui.ii>- advantage.,us |*i:< Khlt. I». .V tt., KKl'H.C’l TI.KK \ i< -John Ellsworth. bavmg preow.ii.id t only ho sure to buy Hill, Shut., -d of, and the thereof put out, and secured to A' accident? will v< ii in well rejru'at* IStil. ©o»3inll at that a po* proceeds happen, H Hr Cl..r, Mattbea*. I>«• Bucksport, April 4, jrino-d Klisw rih, they may appear at I’rnbati t'.s’ Machines making the tiimvEit A Baker stitch, FilwLJ, an.l ll them n yor.r AGENTS WANTED. and convenient way loi repairing Furniture, vilay * tame to a law f this i-.. such undvr C’br and C •- < f lit i.\s II iw:, Jit. I. pitoimi: !\ot|4 E. sh--w same accordingly, agreeably patents ind canse, if any they have, why the should M Cmekory, »Vc. CMMCfl made arid provided. MART 1. A TO MONEV' t:t.T K Yobb.—CIU ■; Caattoe. J ui. a. i>. 1W1. 1 l’ARKKR TI ltjlh, 40 > llr (tthcfiys ,Yiic ) 'k. can the 21th of April in>t »l ten CK, Judge. race!' all such iio r_i ucics, and no household Wednesday day A true copy—Attest and Lube. ; E Saw alto uue at ou the At a Court "f Pi Irate held at Brn within ftnd'for the Liberal a id to be without it. It is re ady up MiP.illcn. clock, A- il■ ; aud Bucksport ll A. A HAKTI.KTT, Register. kiport, Arrangements always W at of Hancock, ou the third Weduusday ol A Card From Elias Howe Jr Oani iv, lii.tport ; third Wednesday of May next—loth day— teu County Will be made with “mart, energetic men, to intro- : to Ibe ftiukiu^ point. January. A. I>. IS*» 1 •* K” CM Hablwin, tllor.r A. A! iu-tead of the days heretofore At a Court .f Probate holden at KlUworth, within and for duce and sell All persons are cautioned not lu make, deal in, rsh.n t. r\ /. vfi:y jiffs o’clock, On the foregoing Orderri,~ That the Petition- cc Oamler,- the ot ou the first >d petition, or use Machine# which sew from two N. P>.— A JUrueh bottle. Fi William L"r I. named. PAKKh’K JTCK, Judge. County Hancock, Wednesday a any Sewing i.ecompauits uciy er give notice to all i»ersons mb sled !•>• causing copy THE February. A. I> IHiil. COSMOPOLITAN 1 '■ 18ul. ami order of court to be -oiiol# and •*> ihe -*»i***li V.i"-wn as the tiiu.\»-:u io cents. Addii t*, Bucksport, April 3, N I KL MARSHALL. Admimstrn of the estate of of the petition thereon, published in the Kltaworth American, that A PakVr m \ #b the Same arc rurchi sed liKMiY C. Fl’AT Ym Carroll, Cbip- Jacob late of Boston. hiving three week*, successively siiteh; pINC. h\ Adoersnu, d-ceased, to fw at at a Probate (h»urt h"id Kll.s- ft ■ -in A Baker Macuiut Coin- Xu. IS Cedar Xew York. u (L YIO^EEEV A 4 i‘ S’ntcd his first account of admioistratiou upou said they may appear SPRING BED BOTTOM thu'lIuoNER Sewing iticct, ui *i t con on tic fourth of April l i.-d’s estate for worth. my. Wednowlay uriv. nr their A gen's, or LiCuns< and Abbott, commission mkiuiiantj*. probate: and ah-w cau.-»c if statUpeu ,■Light, the said Administrators notiet tli**r» ic-.t, at teno cim- k A. M., any they 4 OMiHMNO 1 IMt;. r ACTION. toi the sale of [Ordered—'That give !»e u.idei mv of S^ptvniher <». have, why the pravt of raid petition should not grwot- S r) potent > arc •f to ad person* interested, t.y causing a • .py of this <>r- I f.i t sncit r. a i:a t.x b s. It Cli.1 m li As c r'.aii: unprincipled p« op* ptlcttipling PARKKU Tl CK,Ju !ge. .waoi Company, and thgi. Lieem-v- ui oc, are E >thcu, Conley, l-r to be published tJircc w vks Micc Old K, I would onutio* all A true of the and order of court thereon. A lull with .-aid the extended term tln n -l, my I* ar al a Probate Court to la- holdeu at KlUv rth, u the copy petition i Circular, containing particulars, my patent, during WOOD, BARK, rir.ES, &c. Atf-• — A. A. Biuh.ktt. 1 to* amine before uaii g,ttud Dec that fourth Wednesday of April next, at ten of the clock iu 11 price.*, seut on application. Price at retail for a to make and .-ell tin* kind i- ■« liny- of on for ness, and be taken children ami persons (Formerly 16 Long Wharf,) K*•*'!>* constantly hand and sale at may by i’"1"'1'1 • AIR* wholestrie and a full the most delicate with safe- HATHAWAY. > retail, xapply oi constitutions pertecI >■■■"■ to .. ! JOHR H. 12 *7- Ad !9orsc and Female Ph> "ician, presents ■’ LARODOR, $ BOSTON Dikk*. cxpcrlenced .1 It 11 >* ,'*'V "I’ FURNITURE Teatimonialiu the silent ion of mothers, her 1 nriilcini’*, j i„.| .|, .1.1 I- ■*>«<'■'! “Gardiner's Rheumatic and Xcnra>gr« Com- I.I, .I I'"' 1 R. FOOTER & IVrfiimory, I ever 'I of Rramfkw, CO., pound is the best medicine for the disease SOOTHING SYRUP | trf*rrj< *t« pf.i'tk*’ a.IulC^ralinp Soaps, saw.—CU AS. A SMI 1 Old State House, |..r..n-.- *•• mwt»>n that a 111, No. I. 11- ti-' I’llK u M f • »'*/ S|»U-e*. Boston. For Children ^ " epti. 11. important 31, TJ M I? Jl Teething. ( 111** ll' of U*» 4)hI 1: tbat it Traits. *Bls ve rs, which facilitate* tlx- process teething. »•) soften* 1 ’* inu'y valid*, After suffering with Rheumatism twenty greatly MliKtr.1 «" »*' I oiiimlMlon ill ri hiiiiK. ALL mnit ,:. « ftk it last the reducing nM iufUmatiou—will allay ilr II- f'l”» *' I ary. WAREHOUSE. and confined to bed several weeks ing gums, *j |,. .. iMil ^ being my \S \t> w t" and is ■ !(?'•% mootinp Xo. ’.IT STATE PAIN and spasmodic action, »• >' '**!■’" lVluu!, STREET, 1 was cured the use of one bot- f in- " • • ,'V spring, entirely by | •" abk i» it* in >*' tl- *' •'* llrandy. 1»12 BOS Toy. s Com- TO REGULATE TIIE ROWELS ti* *! v. | -l Ac. .Ac., Ac. tle of Gardiner Rheumatic and Neuralgia SURE .1 n *. folly ft x rt- Ac., Ac.. Ac., -i' •*■ j-'intf it rest to at»d ||,r *' 75 Franklin it. ,• rs, will give yourselves, ■ f:*nr>' n-riu bdby He a Assortment pound.”—NORMAN T. AYRES, Depend upon •: 'A,*-fla. keep* general of Medicines used by mi- -.. aP * AltHOI l A HEALTH TO VOI R INFANTS. ii....-, .,,nm ihmulmt *V-n StllRIM. Physicians, together with In Lord’s street, Boston. RKLIF.F AND ;■1 oth^a| jj v. II" ("nr'""" «« P ** n a^'tiab ? Building, been a constant sufferer from Neuralgia We have put up and fldthis article f-r tv. year* tr.Ki» ... «uttliiik- and >|tJ| Having we ...n .i fr*«tn one t»f lb' and cam sat, im rosrrikitMwK AMD mrrn of it, what ...... -I., »i, imj-'rUtKm. r>n*» Patrnt & for months, and been driven excruci- -i^C' e Jlrtlirinrs, eighteen by her medicine N KA In- ing «l •i unef ai*! known at Wholesal Grocers, Thompsonian the Ellsworth have nevertHvn able lossy of anyot f (Opposite House,) pain to the trial of numberless remedies affect ^t The Smith's Razor ating K.R II AS IT FAILKD IN A?INe*k inthis matter .r«».--i—,.•.«»•' tnd one ilofon quart* and l* *>W by pleton Block, Lowell, Mas ■ new of the what we kmow,” after ten year's experience, amp tJroeer* aixl T *0 Ks.ruia. Just received, per Express, a supply 1 have Salt in its been afflicted with Rheum rkh tatiom r« a m> ri i.hi.mkmt or what ab-vr ia al«< f ,r **1* in DI KIIUI. MIH.IM A most Patent which are rLKpria or* The urlpiw^ Cos popular Medicines, among worst f- riu a more than I for long time, and suffered m iiKRg pm'i ark. In almost every instance where tin an*! Quarter Caaka. 't BURNETrS Blood for Liver Ihghtba ^ Commission Merchants and Receivers Preparations; Food, can be those afflict- i* stiff- ring from and relief will » A os. 0 and 10 LfV’S Wharf, Boston. House, Boston, the most l.\ PKRI KNCKD and SKILI.FI L NIRSK? in i|«l iitle*i F> aak hyt»l.'> Jf*, ; C«k1 Liver Oil; Jayne's Wistar’s *• J on*. J*tr-^ '! 1*1 HR ft <’•» VT Expectorant; Gardiner's Rheumatic and Com- » rAU.tM» arc a><» Y1 U*r*hr*, J. J. DIRHAM. d. M. BABORKT. P. W. PITCH KB Neuralgia N- England, audhas been used with sky** 1 | | Wild Cbcrrv Balsam; Fowle’s cure for Piles; Dr. f 51. 7.ouu. /*>• ImiTTFU ^ IT ft » I’Ft KEK I' «bw* <■, pound" lias entirely cured me of sufferings of sev- I* A ft Is* ft Co tar, not relieves the child from but ',,v l,u‘* "TF.I'H IN 1 I.KS n«n. Hannibal llumlin. M<* Tl-*n. I-1 me ing paint, grease. Ac.; Cumming's Aperient; Old State Boston. It only pain, invigorate* ,vn. ... 1*.Him Ilnni|»rien, House, < 1 i',1. Dadd’s and Miller’s Condition Pow- the stomach ami l*owels, ri*rT»Tts acidity, and give* tone Il'T lit 1' dll IV 1 d At KIMfKK Waahbum Jr Or«»n«, Me Gen. Samuel F Horsey, Pres- tiargling Oil; son, ten of has been for three ,f H|*n|| My years age, will 1 lkcrtnl'er etwrly ident Market llauk, Hanger. Me.; Hon. T. Cushing, Lath- ders; Cheesi man’s, Clarke’s ami Du Female and energy to the whole system, it almost instantly .. pence’s years a great sufferer from Salt Rheum, his hands n *’ ley Rich, \Vi,,o rj«»n. Me.; II'Hi M in Pitcher, Hel- Con- We keep constant!/ on baud relieve i»alv nl)!i •f-il W.th 1.1 -.lrhrtP.,.l |*ii»i|»l-'* Ew] l’ills, for female obstructions, Ac ; tJrugor's one bot- ■•»»• covered with sores and in constant ; (1RIPIN0 IN TIIK HOWKI.F, AND WIND COLIC, Ni«• our rliil-l « tun-l. i*»t, Me ; Hon. Jacob Slee|M r. Bouton, M in. M. Stedmau Cure for pain |,. l,.«r. centrated nervous weakness; Hem bold’s tle of W. 11AM* convulsion* whkh if remedied, k Co.. J»me« Tin ker. Ksq Messrs. «**•<’ L. Thayer A Co., your compound cured him.—J. and overcome notspeedily ..ur nib. mnl tl.*> fa>’« c«r*l Fluid Extract of for d»«*as« s of the l»lad Rr.-T ^ ^ )KUBllKiK. )l. Ij. Hall A; Co., Boston, Mas**. 41 j Burchu, j MOND, J*’.) Milk Street, Boston. end in death. We believe it the and 81 rkst Rtvuu dcr, kidtieys, Ac; Maynard's Coladion for burns j in all ease* ..f DYSENTERY AND 1 > IA RI HE A IN CIIIL »,f* Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Com- At it Fnmlly !**»> and tJardiner's Rheumatic Peru- DRKN, whether it arises from teething or from any othei cut#; Compound; ha? cured me of .\*» Orf'rtn» par*- ★ JushUt the Peace and Solvent, *r‘ * »'»• * of Quorum. reut'dy; Magnetic Mass. LKT Tin R rKXJTDtCKS. MoR TIIK rKlJlDtriC* of OTRVRS, mth.iM-w »•' p Boston, in »'it■nrp.V"* viv for and Jeffries’ '■ Balsam, rheumatism of stand t>etwe»*n vur child and the relief that an I rfl In «l m !!•••" "' ll LONG ISLAND. MB. neuralgie; One half bottle of your Compound cured mo suffering mill » lit V- ri C-rf .'ll DR SWEET'S I Panacea of Life, a sure cure for Sore Throat and • be M UK— to follow lo u- m »»»*• •* — ill A IU*ULCTKLY SC * llwiu iu*Altmbltf Notary Public, Commissioner on Wreck* a severe attack of Neuralgia. FANNIE S. KK-ye*, hi- .-U. Mtitrfi nuki the use of this if u#ed.— Full direoti<*ns Bronchial St tie’s Elixir, for bronchitis; medicine, timely H ill Ill-lit -f iMhiw. Rod ofliccr. 1 affections; THOMPSON, Pearl Street House, Boston. Qualifying for using*ill accompany each bottle. None genuine utv Infallible Liniment I that friend Win. T. (Hidden, Ultra dacha, Fnnl Sloniarh. Cooeland s sure core for Bed Bnga, Carp certify my Esq., less the f«c-simile of ( I RTIS k PERKIN?, .Vw V«>rk, Ilcadarhc.SIc thk w ith a Rheu- ii /1.v*/. !*•' WILLIAM SOMERBY, presented me bottle of Gardiner's is on the outside wrapt-er. /W* I'r I-iivi Peck’s, Har- •* BITTERS—Oxygenated, Hoofland’s, •. v-.«rr * rvri:i«> u. ick^ii matic Compound,” in 1856, when I was suffering S«-ld to Druggist* through iut the world. P’inr.r-1 Aim I »i.m liu: it TRIAL Brown’*, Clarke'* Wine, l»-n- linn •■*'** JUSTICE, ELLSWORTH, dy's, Sherry Langley's with a attack of and Rheuma- Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar St., New Y->rk Ihip r-irrl m Itli lir I’TJi* Por Hh*-,imati«m. Cbmt, n-yralftm 1 imi*uipn, Mff jwiinful Neuralgia '• Root and and •» >*• 1 !•'■ I w Herb, Abbott's, other*; and that to be benefit. ti* >t •••iA /»•« and J mta >] a •. !>.; * nta and Wcun.li, on Main Street. tism, it proved of decided !• Office Price 25 cent» per Bottle csii -in if- I'l.tf stlunti ir» nn Hood only I it j Itk*, Head •<-»**■, a> d aP Hhramattr *1*4 •our first and third of each at LINIMENT—Tobias’, Samaritan, Mn«tang, —ALBERT Ex-Member of pmii « d.ii Saturdays month, PAPER HANGINGS &C. SMITH, Congress r (', PECK, Agent Ell,Wurth. S. g. II Ull.mV.Ban- !,. «1, I I-Ii.mi.j I >1 th.r ( Jlrr*-a* l»i'* r»rr< and Liniment* and Ointments of all *»«lock A. M. kind*; from Maine. ~ c ii» n» l.i. < 10 1 | g-T. ly -J7 »; ««•.■ U.iv1 i«f a:**»*5*i- i> I »H of whk-b it t« h *j'*'oi| and o» *ia|n remedy,. ; The that have SARSAPARILLA —Bull's, Sand'*, Shaker’s and undersigned hereby certify they PlTTnwfno. I*a Mar 1. Iv'S r-nef f4»U. Tin* l.iuune :« J-r- par'd fntn t’»o-irvm 11 all other nnncinal kinds. I used Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Coin Pn A f. Arm. sir T li.n» Wn r* ■«t J < fuir-l f |»r Stephen of CVrtViectiCUt. the ftm“U» Dr. r. ii. 4 In a s ’» Mr me Mioi.rs, « .ini I-h!» ran I bo«-nnwl in f> «**ee It 110 M.4XTS MUXFI! Tke twhseribeni hare received * new and cure oi nneuinaiism ami .veuraigia !n. lor, and baa hi«i*T.*rtke sugar Prandreth's and just *«• PILLS—Ayer’s coated, ami iu immediate and I I|. M«. It •"••’fl* tO ■!!»« II A ty y>*an* »rh m it »■* r>>»W*:• i>- »n>-v»** collected and satisfacto- Indian large assortment of the articles’ found, every case, perma- promptly Wright’s Vegetable. following ECLECTIC IN FIRM Ad vbudi < mu*" at on™. .4 » n .41.1 t * A TOH or I'41.' t I. relief. heal Y, ... I Books Accounts drawn off and nent We have full confidence in its FT* w IT’ t DEMANDSrily, posted, Weaver’s canker and suit rhrerr. Ar- Sofas, ; Extension, Center anti V ui« with crval iv*r*ct. any pr* I ar.»Si«*n b* J- io the pn* b«. «•( aft* Also, Syrwp; Lounges and recommend it to all who 127 COURT *< v adjusted by the subscriber. Patronage solicited. ing qualities, would STREET, fl. P k w I nold's Vital Fluid; Atwood's Extract Dandelion; Card Tables Stuffed as one ; Chairs, Fancy arc afflicted with these disease.-, MASS. * il ruir and n J. U. OSGOOD. harassing BOSTON, — Tt-ii Lh.InM-iit rapidly ! Brant'.' Extract, Blood Pari tier; nillona Disorder* I.lver CamplalnO. of Fire A Marine Insurance Co. Purifying Gay’s Chamber Setts, Cane Wood of the safest and best medicines ever offered to given my undh idl'd attention for the f:l*| M ATH DISOWUKS <•' ry kind, « Agent Springfield Scat, »' J'r' <’ Medical Morse’s Yel- r f'r. JV-Warr « « u** ft. Dec. lbOO. 4t> Kennedy's Discovery; Syrup the public.—S. HANCOCK, Jr., 20 So. Market St. lift* «n years, t-- the treatment f thn'mary i(ra« wU it h.i» » ♦ ha* fn ro ?'■ EUGENE HALE. ker Extract Balm of a Thousand Flow- world Las yet diso.ivervd. ?><• l.i«*r every raar. f*- »*»• di»tre»*iuy. Valerian; •• •<» e "» TOWNSEND, 4.'» A 47 Pearl Boston. CAPT. <• ». 4 im f -r tin* > nr* ! * Alio a assortment of St., I Lave l**cn advised of our best mrd>'-.»| men t. | ».« rlWHua! It wiMr* «»«■»<• tli* nian f HE AD AC HiT in thre < and at Cold Flesh largo liy many OUNSELLOR ATTORSEY LAW, or?; Cream; Balls, Liquid Rouge; G. SAMUEL • »/* rraw-l* I can in*‘iiln». ! m ™r, !j CHAS. D0LL1VEK. Boston. to ad w-rtisc my remedies for the people gem-rally, from than at»r nuiqtra ai.fft i« ■ .rranted to d it. ••! •• **»r Pectoral; Brant’s Bal .1 «- hue ..t 1 -m„ » 1«". *!<** *»l will ELLSWORTH, ME., Ayer’s Cherry Pulmonary WALES, Jr., City Hotel, Boston. C. KIR.MI>. the fact Mo re uha w<»«f nerd wy irrvicet dart n- t u*l a j. TOOTH.D HI al«*' « mre m«unt>y. Balsam; Clarke’s Bachelor whirr to 'trrtrt thim Urn Cvabdi uc* u( Ibtf ri *u»l tin i*- |d«- *<•* >» mors Ornc* on M.m Stkf.t, over Geo. N. Black's raonary Cough Syrup; 21.» Washington St., Boston. HENRY D. GAR- friend l.i/ DEHtUTi iyt> arirmt ami Harrison's Hair Mask To THE IMPOTENT AND DEBILITATED. >. I fv>/7’f PI a* *"•* frs>ni tmpniilnce «r r\er\t, tore, in rooms the Hancock Dye; Barney’s Cologne; WOOL, HEMP, COTTON AND DINER, Webster St., East Boston. GEO. H. | P* U.TMI1T or Ttl» I'Trri > formerly occupied by ;n n«>f*tlt Cream and Verbena Dntcher's V, a-h a. P th I l.i- rut |*f-jr and jr r*-m».iy After* Bank. Shaving Water; PLUMMER, 1 Maverick Ea>t Boston.— Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal I .^t V., 7 ) Sp, Weakness, n the n*n ■»« t»«w**». it Mrenrthco* a. J i*. Dead shot for Bed and all other articles divide into tim e * Fif I bar- n- t'tll* ilirretlj cj» The business of the late Thomas Robinson re- Bug6; ABRAM Webster St.. East Boston. "tap WEEKS, tin n», an I »'i*i 1 »!«!*-« the iTilfm, and r*»f.-#»* « Iff* rt*»l>cy and r.f*i in a Store. 1st. NiwHTLr Ewtssnuw, which my Eclectic life Prof* |>n IV(- Ilf kin'" V'l|llia>,i been — mains with the who will attend to its usually kept Drug The Rheumatic and has «< I. F Off /*// I S A* an external rrm^r *■ rUin undersigned, Arur/i/gox ('ompmmd will cure in a very short t»in» wgh-ut failure. mi th*-* aru th* •«•»! a'liiili in| J iba •••* wr* at named office. com- taken hundreds llumors -n > n tli* li*ri i« a I it i« the fcrof ktww n, and chal'at gr tl* w.ildW.p** settlement the above Physician's Prescriptions carefully *0il Cloth by of persons far Scrofulous ‘At. 1UII.T IMsciusi.m There are more c,vo of this luti -i'li Carpets. 1 ■' an } Dm tht« ■! »lr «»i dene tli- at* an ad.mi*: ;* n »•«*-«* Joe*' very f -g •‘•wipUi*. 1 EUGENE IIALE. 1 uitn great fit. than the world is aware of. t*ome of the \vu>p*f.n« are jiitivJl/ rtjuv pounded, n a *»* *e a •!. t* • At i> la to aff .nl high-colored and scanty evacuations fr>» the bladder, id tint g*u I fid- ed I liir -n I ih l-.!|l>4tr tli4t It >1. I * 'I at* and in a *•< ra*ra will rC-* a mdutl Principal Depot, KilLj St., ith a smarting attending it, soaietiaw-s with a rrlkf, rntj-erty CHARLES them. k nr*, AU'^/ lxl-i. d rn n* HAMLIN. Wholesale for New York, turbib sediment, and at others a milk-like apjwarance. 1 lautuall/ > Agents K uH .. J/. # // 90RT THRO 4T art Mmeti^n n have analyzed many of this nature, and in all i' i^l iysT AMD COUNSELLOR & ATTORNEY AT Alto a MACY A JENKINS, t>7 LIBERTY STREET. specimens LAW, large stock of cases have found Imre* of Semen and Ir >*'iful and l4ai.^»-r»*»i«. ‘nd a tin.ny u-t * Albumen, which i« *rnt< Piarr IM«t. Worm*. Parker A and F. K. rj !» A J'*sh ... IK J <, are * *,*t ihm *k at and attention to all M. I)., Bucksport; Hancock Co., Orland ; checked by medical treatment, >l’R.ll.SS » mi :n mi pi m* *f the y .ta i» i**!- '• if f TV* to him. 1 oopor, ; Co., LOOK AT Torn CASK IN TIMK. <1 Ells li -M tin in in -t- *m mi- I t! :* l .»« w r*t eft** R4j 1- o-^ j-rfi f.y u.'» Ltmtr.ebl in lw tine ; John Stevens. Bluehill, ; C. Peck, 3d. Loks or Mr*tlx* Powkr Such raw* may r-f» f"imd. Tin n aiieia.iT. :; •«• > ihr*-* data worth, and cured by similar means tf the |«c hi i-th« rwive U4 by apothecaries generally throughout patient tin HI atl rxviu lit r» Hi. d» at. ■ Ripis.ct r* iror >/v >ou#>. i erable health. i/. r«. Vi the United States. None unless I. •» »• <*'• 1 « ~c.celli\ u7~ geninc signed btii'it i/y*en «!•»/ "fill 11- Iff *.>> I v/r St .1/ /is. ... ! ’» If. - s7Ji7 ROOM Best French Preventative* at low price*. PAPERS, by CHAS. F. GARDINER. Iy44 c 1 I .. I'll I N I A I.I.II'U t 1N IIIIYSICIAN AND i*«-e my advertisement in the Boston and SURGEON, Herald, yea at Wi-nirn and clufc.i -n. IMF NT *' *■' v .!,)•• *«»»» t can learn a n ore full description of such eases. 1 PE ironsrOT ME. Hll.HI 11 s .s I ROM ID I I 1 /•, IS D I.SSL' r Addres* • |i« |>«In. Impurity of fl»e Klnm!. FWMIE undersigned take this method to inform c. H. SHOLES, M. D., 127 Court IH I I S AM* >/'/>(,> —AND- »» V. /' f .l «.M /. *' 1 the citizens of Ellsworth and vicinity that Street, Boston. /’, H mtl, GKO. * I u*. •»: 1*1.1* i* A. WHEELER, have fitted for the Boston, Juno, liyiO. 3yi0 I*n At»K liU» Horse Owner they recently up maebiuery ■ « I- »■ Every in •-* in >u» f mi v. I*' -i; I manufacture of •h'ltlM have ti. .* -Ii at l.ai d. t ■ ly rjwe it iff and -•I di»tr*-«. Tn r- n’#ti- tli* n Physician Surgeon. flrv. a|.jw*ra *• flit-.* -•*• *f<-< toaily |.rm't ihw |>ll If* til* Id--1 ft.. If »i. f. I- -» » .*•»! I I 1 ORGAN ME. r»*» B7 formerly -iccupied Dr. Nathan Emerson. fit. nla. 1 i, J. V Ill'll.* nearly DOORS, in/ • rri, «. FIRE PROOF SAFE SASH, IV.»* »w. V> n.lf.c T' \ Y .1. I t».*rf >ir :relr^.! lo’ tari l>-*r iti- ...d« the w w»«l**rfa 1 I»KlR S I 4 1 N..I.- U I... Cura. r* f t'. « » I ».« .* < ! P H HARDING, M. D. Manufacture is divided into two vix: j*er’f classes, Of tke latest and Fashion? from Xew York in f » ."i >! if » Style* li*. i..| p’- w '. |. i, «i ii<4 1 iVb It w jaie * A BLAND one THE M PATENT—as class; Al?o Window i* ’*».* •>. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Shades, Tassels, Curtain Fixtures, •/•triu i*n-l i-m t /-••*» Bi tiff*' hiftti’ at fai.ka U life i ALL OTHER DESCRIPTIONS OF MANT- Ilair Cloth and Damask for covering Lounges, J- *11 > i.. 'll '« I \'t M. f» | ELLSWORTH, ME FACT'l KE—the other class. 4 aulittM. Ac. Door*, Jiasb, Glass, Glass < o^tlt u -n n- « Office and Residence at the house ol the late Looking onaflpntlnn.f run*. p T" i»i,M imp »it»n, >-« t. ;». j- vfwrw l..» Thrae two classes in ont n differ vitally important Plates, Wooden Ware, Children’s lYindowFramrs It ll ii tu 11* m. t.'.iit, lit n Dr. McAllister. 1 Putty, Nniral^ii. Uft ■( l»r H» I*he rwrrt y !*'«!. **h1 i»» ! ii*. »!t«. etc. pant. Cabs and Wagons. Jute Floor .Mats, a/, I'aral) ‘•Mff-|h*-n .'■rrl'i! llifttilalik h'»ns M" '> »n 'I and mechanical skill have « / r » Experience produced lied Cords, Clothes Lines, Clothes Ac., Ae. / In J v 1/ 5 1,'Um vf MCb Untie, w>th**■ U I n «h le»al* and retail dealers iu only five out of the six sides of the Safe. ities, Ac., Ac. Also, mickincry for r- *ii Ifi-t f mtr )n 'uxa. N h, t'l. ... .«* I bar*. tit * •!■ 1 h *ai«h| II. I! Hay 1' a Experience has also shown the cause, in the nu- tft IRON AND ina tt f Hi.* b. n- fit f ll.- tii-dtit.* f f' w Jy .d HARDWARE, STEEL, i mere us cases of this class of safe been having tl.at .•''lilplaifit |*1|M I. ..if.1 ..I ;h bad 48 No. 4 Miis Ellsworth. We also manufacture and on hand Lumber, Cloths, Street, burned, to be the heat conducted Planing ■ being by keep eonstantly Clothing, l!i«? |»r«i« 11 U a. in a assortment of the iron, indispensiblc the construction of large hard or Soft, Planing and Fitting Clapboards and hrr;ttt I. 1 th „• J Mi iV .«>: II i the door and doorway, directly upon the inside preparing Mouldings of all descriptions. Wc also '/in ac-l c |!« ..-I--. hrr \ ■ Anot Now Lot F. A. wood casing f the safe, thereby this class a JIG SAW in ■ ■ DUTTON, proving BEDSTEADS, keep constantly operation. FURNISHING GOODS r m r r r unreliable in all emergencies. In connect! n wtih the above we still ever offered in business, Ellsworth, at I ftl I !■■■ f * wholesale and retail dealer in THE MARLAND PATENT has to proved be continue to manufacture the celebrated ^ ; WIioIpmiIc siikI r I ii *1 .'ul'*s- r* i.a e -t r> turnul fr> tu I » as in the or door as j fire proof front side in either FENCE Keciil, -. ali.il V ... I ('Am anil Fine Feed, POSTS, 1 tun w iin a lar,;.* #t*n V «•( Ffoar, one of its other sides, by so constructing the door PREMIUM PLOW. and at prices that tt * tl..* | and e *. »- j PROVISIONS. and door way of non-conducting material in place We wish it understood that all work entrusted tre « ii.ii/-t, fl,— jd. •( l,4i ii «! 1 it GROCERIES, &c., l. .itber to a? on NEWEL rOSTS and in/ i-t..-:.. j of the iron, used the other class of safes, so to our care shall be ozocuted promptly and in a Competition! 4 Main Ellsworth. Defy 'e* ■ ! Street, that the inside wood case is a- wholly cut off from workmanlike manner. y,vmL\t r l»r 11 *r!\* V *• ; 1 CLOTHS, communication of heat this side as if to out of fWHIE subscriber has rt I’lli-I' II :-r f- I through STAIR BANNISTERS Particular attention paid orders from ! just turned fre m D. -ton, AMD there was no thus it I II * s-r I opening there, rendering town. and ha.* purchased a large stock ■d sca* na- l. n. *.«nr »kill ha* n„ if I hi i. > 11 n ix.aii;177 heat less than to melt hie are ..i.ht and in proof against any sufficient at West Sid• | fr-ids, which well to this market. Manufuctur r dealer Building, of adapted •• \ -! • !: I :i I All of the above article* Shop Foundry the mass of iron and stone. £2T will be told at Union River Bridge. Seven years’experience in the Lusinrs* in Ell*- FURNISHING GOODS. M. B. BIGELOW A ANSON the lowest enables him ■ HARDY’, j very price*. B. F. THOM AS k Co. j worth, to understand the wants <-f this *, | ! 32School Street, Mass., and thankful for < t .Ni h Pat 1 Boston, 1?6I. 1 community; past favors, and the tr rn an fi.ir quality. RON AND WOODEN HOOPED BUCKETS and Ellsworth, Jan. 24, Manufacturers proprietor? of the < continued confidence of the he t«> Mr will mamilaituri at *1, rt r.- >ur still remain? at West End of the THOMAS. H. BA II TOM. public, hopes ^atmrut« tier* ic. Shop Bridge D. r. THOMAS | j. | C. 1I..-M « ii* »i |, r^-iri,i,, ! COOPERS' STOCK, MARLAND PATENT SAFE. merit and receive n continuance of the same. f t..c beat ati l ma** atul at * 'A* in connection with the Steam Mill, where all in Ilia il»* I th.ni. f n » •. i_ quality rial, this stock Planing at short notice, Steam Gristmill. N. K. SAWYER, Agent, Ellsworth. kind? of Cabinet Work and will be done Amongst maybe found the followin'’ Mi iian* a large a.* rtuirnt <.f Turning articled ?»x\»r t’ri.vi rr, | a* «. I' n.-*. I .’-v. 1 Eiisworth,Me. of the above Safes is on exhibition at to order. .. ”2fOne r \v ii- .-i -.- ... '■ (ffcntlrmrn\ Kurnisbiu" FRENCH tlf U 4 Goods, the American Office. Iyl3 ENGLISH, and r. ttm •(. Jsti Mil liir. »W fh-ft I '■ f r tr*. \IM1.NT M.ll l.I.L i wiucli will 1*- ?. in •* -i’tt- ■ WINTER GOODS. portations. Also an extensive assortment ol pit pH. nni that f ’! ...... ; ran br f in, 1 at .*ur at w«• OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ,u. fr*-|i>- **|.*rr, <1 will tuakr nf* nfain tv- ..r n-m- ml *ni*t.*n- * > ©3BD©S33 XX©iIX, marmr/ | smtA in the W IXTKK **TN l.F>. at a«t*.iiiahing I 'W Me 1 STATE STREET, ELLSWORTH, Me. Price, 23 cents per Cox, cr 5 C xos for $1. j-r»ees. have al«> a Urge a**. rUnrut ot Darwin N. Moor & Co. Prop&red by Dr. J. C AY EH U CO L^woll. Msss JOSEPH I RII.Ml & < <>.. VESTINGS, rod sai.k nr of Ucabij-iUabc tLlotljinii, Jan. 24, 1661. consisting Silks, Velvets. Grenadine*.('ashmere* r. O. Peek. KUcwnrth; « II Ha»k- St. u’^n Ellsworth, Marseilles of our own UianuUrturr, on hand. Uiv* a* trail MERC HA A T TAIL ORS, and of all Styles and colors. To- F. (’rthtrw.;r.. Ilanc-a-k J Meveiu, Wo* l.iil. SETTLED! with a J Phi-non, tkmWibufi/, W J Kmrr* N ( aat.r.* assortment and dralnr. in gethcr oomplele of JOSEPH FRIEND & Co. J. II *-|#r. Yailinr, II. Meant, Farr/ HARREYs COIGU BALSAM ! S t •’ MUX CLOTHS, C LOTHING, Ac., Walker k Sou, Orland, and a.l dru/siita mcr 'Tltl.Er, ELIMVORTU. Has been found, to be the Best dhauts. 4i Elliwcrlh. Jan. IS, 1*6 \ 1 Nest Door below Main Street by experience, Whiting’s Store, for the various diseases of the and Ellsworth. 1 Remedy Lung? Throat, such as Pantaloon Goods, Slxlngics and Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, Croup, Influenza Dr. C. H. E. u it< lin.oi?, That the best in town to All of which will he wade up to order, or told b j SHOLES, Pltunsy, Pnruinwa or InHamahon of tht place buy Clnp)3onrd«. Pr •Pa»«i* ft the Putfutfi of and Wh'4«*sale and Itruil Dealer in the piece. lluturii, Manufacturer H«'ir >1 »r «ir vlutl<- Dungs, and Whopmg ('ough- HOODKI.I., ha* Shingle* and -«i>> :»n tilcrtumf ». <'la|>boar<’s 1 CALK. KIl* AND Till' K • I itsms thc?e Medicine hat no \r.for M»le, of all a* low a* cun be Complaint? this suffer- qualifier, M >*■»>. ♦ b< ■*1-1 lal’y ll«- «u(Trrn>c fr m tor and efficacious it is ugUt lur cash in Ellsworth. Call »t BOOTS. IX ; while thus perfectly n»**nt of ih* SMrm Marts Apj ly tahjf in cm | A large Mock of Fall and Winter such 15. E. Ni si >t. re. tb«- misf. nun*-* and foi gait* at reasonable term*. At all timet of the year this Balaam is found use- Clothing IN, .Ag‘t*\ tuany {•*• -.mar u» tV *r\. a# inthe Winter Ov*-rooat#, Frucks, .*'ack« and Burine** Cuata, Ellsworth, ‘JOtb, lotQ. ,V> near ful, Autumn, and Spring; Sept. W Mknp the Pntt Office, HKI'.W b.'Ix, Me. j especially C3r x* oceries l'aul# and ol all NAH Ml XT l KK. and Colds and which, if neglected Nest*, the uio#l fashionable j many Coughs, lea. I might finally provo fatal, may be Cl’KED at onc« sly :nr the V S,rih,at „» :if, | Also on hand a a-* Tlic Coni ! hand.«>mc rtraent of BOYS' under«ign»*d hucing removed from El * i* i* «itU the ui Coal! by a few doses of this invaluable remedy. )car* most *u,. CLOTHING, and a flock of worth, ha* left his note, and account* with K..- PoenetMlali. ti is luicrnt. subscriber keeps constantly n hand all I The Cough BaWam possesses the two-fold advan -AND- large Eugene < JOHN W. Hale, with wh.xn ran b- .«tt|.-.| •'It* *uct • *, i,vni i'i rvi' H.. 1TI1Ekinds ofCnaI for Stove* and furnaces, an-1 HILL, of at once ralunlde as a curative and m Esq they itl.tn tage being t u ll a reasonable time without t.. tl »« >ni*hinj Is "—J >urnui tbe Cumberland Coal for Blacksmiths. resfiertfblly ln**rm the citiens *f F.n-w'Tth and valuable as a of all the diseases of tin m-l. f t, j satisfactory \yOfl.n*' preventive Same* 20. 1 D. cs prompt relief. Bruces, |Ab!ir. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, V u l*.. aud Bnki moria the Stocks, »*ry tktiK.- kb»vn ?•# IV SPECIAL NOTICE. In Bronchitis it relieves ir PROVISIONS and a stock large of ,.r, ,.i~|fuels«(. after nil All indebted t<> the Subscribers COOKING STOVES : H»**e*n? the and a favor 'hr B.’M.e persons (no ritation, Cough, promotes > ,r»lt rmi ever offer*•ertoration. IS AX Und^r-Shirts and Drawers. the j.r*-s will l* ed to eat 1 and settle iramediatelv and ,«nve cost. • In Cr«ti* its are almost Thi la' .»! 1 Cook. Tie s* .^tov* have n**t U-eu cqualk-d iu ihw Bur powers magical. UNIVERSAL !•. ;«• rf*' •'.» **fr al ail inn*-*. A CO. "like a thic 4 '* TI* »N. — V v-r DARV/IN N. MOOR [ ket for economy and durability. insiduoul disease, coming literally |>ur. bn** * * 1 ‘4fn Ala--, the tiejnssee W-w»n»rd. Granite Ftatt ar prepared to make up garment# in the in-- A any <*re. if I- ft Ellsworth, Jan. 2d, 1S61 30tf I Yalhy, in the night,” may be sftedily and effectually ton,II 4knt the Air Boston Wtor tutd Uoatui latest REMEDY. I’lils an4 ar*- New World, Ok>b«\ Tight. rested by a few timely deses of this Balaam. style, warranting good fits, or .Vo do." -ir'-jA •!* >aJ4 keep it in the house, am j valuable, testat^uUAs. may t>« f. cj.l CL TIING done at »hort notice in the form the citizens of Ellswaith atid vi variety *.f Parlor, *‘*hce. Franklin, Cylinder, Itoi and Ait thus avoid the dangerous delay occasioned by send j and in the latc&l |w*mpbb-l*. f*r F .r W a* which «h»U *11 cash hooping Cooeh, and a n cinity, that be has removed to Bogt.'.n, Tight Stove*, all *»f l cle-apci out for the medicine when needed for iuiuiedi We shall on hand a ; style#. fc-dhmr J».rop a assortment .,f Bn- | ing keep constantly large meets every a ant, and use will and ha* taken the and than ever. t'«mstautly »n hand a lar,.’*1 Traders at wholesale by early »a.. the Ui>e»t large pleasantly located ute use. of Groceries, Provisions, 4e., which we will sell QPConctry supplied prices. pro|M>rtiou of ruptures in children tmeled, ltrlta::l«. Japanned and Tin war* /-nr, I*r«‘ which cau b. traced io House, No. 231 lianorer Street, which hav ing been * for a medicine l our slock I/ibI dtove Chain. Cast Iron and ( The let* recommendation good very cheap. Among may be feuna tillllA Wauli^-to work in Whooping Cough. l» -t l*lj)e, Pipe. o|>pei aliop, In repaired and put in the order, is < wrtifiuute, fron ordinary c.m.-ha and thoroughly l*uni| ^. Fire Frutn-s, *ven, a»‘i and Boiler ukhiUi*, an*l fouud in iu use. If til* following bwWCinkMi the ih« row for the of all who desire A.T. ruillKTl >.f ••li..llll|.|K>li, 111 open reception tuay amt all kmda of all article* usually found iu a glove extab ! ha? used does not cod*lrnr JELUSON. .plended * one who it, give you m»k.il not only Ihennwt perfect au home while in the city. Ushmeut. I* of all eiem, wdi‘ , agreeable | in it, one bottle for yourself, and you will Gr^ceriec, Flour, Meal, SugftM “ ASA EDWARDS. try ‘b* *»— ««'■* *tl ptlNINCi Proprietor. JOHN W. HILL. oost but eents Coffee, ‘“ Convinced. It will you twenty-five Kind*, Ten*. Spices, Can- Bemembcr the *U"vN nursery »h uH be without Boston, October, 1C, 37 jy place. should» it, ncr I Ellsworth, Jan. 25th, lbbl. 1 and may save you as many dollars in lime aud doc dles. Keruaine Oil, Fluid, To- parent* f..U to eet a pamphlet, to he found with all arthc tor's bills. bacco, Cheese, Ac., Ac., Store formerly occupied by S. Pad- dcakis, only way to do justice to iu value. ’NEW MU ! MAY MODS! DixMunt, Oct. 29, 1859. IIUNNEWEL’S CltVE STMIS, Dr. Warren : Dear Sir—I have used you elfor d, on Main street. ELLSWORTH MKliUKIB, Balsam in for the am 1 And all the various artiolcs found In a well all Cough my practice year past, usually CELEBRATED and other klndi of be Ellsworth, Jan. 25, I860. 1 can say that it is all that it i» recommended to regulated Grocery Store. Please call and exam- Marblo and Stone Work having never failed in affording relief whenever ; ine goods and prices. TOLU ANODYNE. STOVE STORE. Soap have it. G. H. DAY, M. D. BLACK A FOSTER. given Th.i ere.l Neuralgic Remedy tod Natural Opiate rail, executed by AM BROSE WAKKE? r<*r WHEAT-T and sold aptcial attention tml for Prepared by ~s .s r iuterwat, beta# free m lypiuu, nr and id family tli-dhlui Botanic Druggist, No. 1 Gramto Block, East Mar I .W PORT A XT TO preparation, Opium,ur oftny but lu .Irielly .. .sou- JOI-UNT Davit Lord's Hardtrare Store. FAMILIES. I.k tad medical natural of AIKEN, BROTHERS, 0-rtA.lsrT, ket Maine. Opposite cf prupertiee. y„r Ncur.l|ita,Rheuiirali.m' r|UIIS product tha tu...t Square, Bangor, PENNSYLVANIA Tooth tltd Kar ■ gram recommend* the attention of the to thcii BUCKS PuRT, Me. G. 4m51 Uottl, Aolit, apki.al Cumplamla, llkrali, iUelf a* Would invite public C. PECK, Agent. tl or r«, < assor^iueut ; uud we shall thy to do xo, with all whi Suffering from of habits, usually hard water soft,clean Paint remove M.rbui, It u Unt, good place tt'med splendidly In oot ouly romnvli,, the to Seiv»us Debility, Premature etc., etc Ink from Urease from Kitcheu adapted, paml ,.ul t„, Vltml have an occasion puroeaxe anything in our lint | Decay, Type, Utensil*, Ac. K'“»* M physic, iirent ocnlrtst with t.< IRON AND TIN WARE. One B«»x 0--.U Opium whicli it» dueax. which, in their SHEET of bu si tie »*, if will honor ux with a call. for the benefit ot the « 25 cts. only uuatipato. and drug* the incipient mate- they MANHOOD. afflicted, ay.lorn, but urate, iw a we manufacture out of the very host 4 to lb# refuse worse than onlj gencroua diet, and an which Huckspoii, Nov. 27th, lhbO. ly4o PUBLISHEDpamphlet adapted to every individual* uwt 4^ grease, usually given away, at remedy the diteate. with HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. about cent rr.,m we ».k ishiug rial*; together private use, giving all the nece&sary information £ per lb., say, jpj Physician, attention, ,nd on demand »oe sUmulaiiL^ if, a Seal'd j inuhi. or Trial Uulllut will Ira reel Put up in tdtass and Wart Just Publish'd, hiUttrlaps, for the self cure of and without the ex derelopir., In lira An qufrrt bottle* itt Jupantd every one, an winch Britannia, Pressed, f have OS TIIK NATURE, TRBATMKNT AND RADICA. (! ulytie Opiate hat lra.it been a uni one anti t*>> dozen lllfi undersigned purchased of A. J. MOK* books or medicines. 45 anted, In the to n en | or Seminal »euknr*i pause attending «(uack Thil cts. “ rwt various other article.- too koukmi A their xtuek of ft UK ilk 8PBRMATUKKI19A, entirely ou oue cenlral prm. Druggist*, Urocert and find X KI.'UN Co., Biniakimti work is invaluable to man. Sent un- hnrty-hvr rent*, therefore is the cost of a barre to tin. want* of *».« l-ul-.e. I «< Sexual Uebility, Nerv..u*iieii* and lnToianl*rj every young tlon, adapted and der teal on tf One of first rate Sort So.il*. lr.au InrtlUt we a»W A M aia. foi i iuducuik Impotency and Meulal Phyiteal Incapacity receipt Dollar, by addressing w.rr-tp..njenee Pamphlet. woreo.refuliy «lee*ad, pnrcl.ai.i-d I/. for or explanation, without >ole artiolv. Br ROUT. J. CULVKRWKLI..H. 3m3* J. D. HIXON, Roekland Me. Reaps making different kinds of sen j"'i»t.tge-*raiiips Proprietors, be sold lew lur ea.-h, or ex HARDWARE & Soap, Prmet— Up- b**r sale »Jj.axid will very IRON. Author a/tht Ure'n Book, hrc. free by addressing Cough Remedy, 40 cent, per bottle. in Poston and will ooutiuue the business under the name ol lecturr > changed lor bartur. The world renowned author, in thi. admirable i> EPOT OF COM PA N Y. 11 A \ for W ool bkin. own that the Awful non Tolu 50 *♦ *» * market price paid DAVIS & LORD, dearly poire. frt.u hla rxp.rh.iee Anodyne, ^ Pi >Ue •.•Highest of Belf-bu- mu, be effectually "inured with LKWIS JA9IES A CO. JOHN L. \ and Furs. at the old 4 OATS! HUNNEWJCLXi, ocqu- stand, No. MAIN STREET. out wediciue and wlthonl dauBeroa* .urBiMl operAtlon, Proprietor, store formerly Pull.A OKI.I-HI CHKWl.T axo Kt Remember the plas©,- or out BUSHELS OATS, for sale at \ rr^T, r^“ It is hoped that low prices »n i a proper regard htMtel,-., tn«ru,nen«A. ring, cprdtalr, pointing The effectual, by which err jy SuPoNiEiR can be had of No. 0 Commercial A| "■ r- -■“»* to Sue wants *>f the will wuxuru a lib* im.7. of core »t once certain And 1100 any respecta- Wharf, lioaton Miu W BROTH SB*. community be, ma ble in the 20 no matter wliat hi. condition may 4 F. A. storekeeper Country. eral * ry sufferer, DUTTON’S. Ij24 *“1 «•“ 1 jat'lg my1'1™? '"rU" KllfWnrtb, jaju.s t. 3*1 SkKb lorw. to thousand* and thousand*. C. ■rcl, tare will prove a bo.® Agent f Kllawoih, Me L j| j,' on the receip 1 l»^Peck, l*»rk*^*J p.-M ureter -at a. any poiW, Certificates at EXPLOSIVE FLUID, for sale at Arx* N M.XktrA Wore AtlrfrcM,jpst Hr. Cfl. «• Marriage printed sj. of (wo nostaee stamp#, by ad»lvc$S1ng j^ON fxlku^vort, ■A8'-'-1 ‘ AgiYt.2.% HUS at Pool 4,550 **- * KLIN K, 127 Bowery, New York* Ine American OlGce. 43 BLACK & FOSTER S. AfKnt JJiafir r Pectoral IjMlESU4 F. Gfttcc^Box Vi L. Aldco fc Ayer’s Cherry A. DITTOX’S. Co., Bangor,Qeueral Vi holetuh *1 >

t _l m i