Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Vol.44, No.3, December 2014 J. . Soc. Parasitol. (JESP), 44(3), 2014: 547 - 558

ENCYSTED METACERCARIAE OF FAMILY IN INFECTED IN DAKAHLIA GOVERNORATE, AN ENDEMIC FOCUS IN EGYPT By MAI A. HEGAZI, AISHA T. HASSAN, THANAA M. AL-NASHAR, OMAIMA I. ABO-ELKHEIR* and FATMA M. EL-LESSI Departments of Parasitology and Community Medicine & Public Health*, Faculty of Medicine for Girls Al-Azhar University, Cairo Abstract The study re-evaluated the status of encysted metacercariae (EMC) of Family Hetero- phyidae in fresh and brackish water fish in an endemic focus in Egypt, as well as to study their morphological pattern. Seasonal variation of EMC was matched with their preva- lence and intensity in infected fish. The study covered a period of one year from first of April 2011 to end of March 2012. The total percent of in the examined fish was 71.9% and 42.6% for brackish and fresh water respectively. The highest prevalence of the recovered EMC in both sources of water was for heterophyes (57.9%), followed by Pygidiopsis genata (39.7%), other Heterophyes spp. (21.09%), Haplorchis pumilio (19.5%), Phagicola spp (19.5%) and Stictodora tridactyla (6.2%). The highest mean intensity of the recovered EMC in both sources of water was for Pygidiopsis gena- ta (10.27±2.83), followed H. heterophyes (9.45±7.13), Haplorchis pumilio (1.76±2.03), Phagicola spp. (1.59±1.71), other Heterophyes spp. (0.82±0.99) and Stictodora tridacty- la (0.48±0.92). By using ANOVA test, there was significant difference in sizes of EMC of Pyigidiopsis genata (P=0.04) and Phagicola spp. EMC (P=0.03) in comparison to cor- responding ones in all fish species. By using Student T-test, there was significant higher size of Haplorchis pumilio EMC in Tilapia species in comparison to the corresponding one in Mugil species. Monthly variation showed that summer was the season with the highest prevalence and highest mean intensity of EMC in both brackish and fresh water fish. Also, undifferentiated EMC most properly of genus Centrocestus was demonstrated. Key words: EMC, Heterophyidae, Heterophyes, aequalis, dispar, Pygidiopsis, genata, Haplorchis, pumilio, Phagicola, longicollis, ascolonga, Stictodora, tridactyla

Introduction taichui, Ha. yo-kogawi, Stictidora tridactyla, Family Heterophyidae (Odhner, 1914) Phagicoal longicollis, Ph. ascolonga and includes a set of over 50 genera having simi- Ph. italica (El-Sheikha and El-Sahazly, lar morphological features (Waikagul and 2008b), H. dispar (Mürrell and Fried, 2007), Thaenkham, 2014). The main zoonotic gene- H. nocens, H. katsuradi (Shalaby et al, ra are Metagonimus, Heterophyes (H), Cen- 2006), Haplorchis pleurolophocerca (Berger trocestus, Pygidiopsis, Stellantchasmus, and Marr, 2006), Stictodora sawakinensis Haplorchis and Procerovum (Chai and Lee, (Witenberg, 1928), Centrocestus cuspidatus 1990), Stictodora, Heterophyopsis, Di- (Bowman et al, 2008), C. formosanus (El- ochitrema, Phagicola, Appophalus, Crypto- Tantawy and El-Naggar, 2002), C. armatus cotyle, Plagiorchis, Brachylaima, Cotylurus (Ibrahim et al, 2009), C. unequiorchalis and Carneophallus (Berger and Marr, (Saad, 1994). The first intermediate hosts of 2006). In Egypt, the recorded genera and family Heterophyidae are different species species of family Heterophyidae were Het- of snails while second one harboring EMC erophyes heterophyes, H. aequalis, Pygidi- are different species of fish (Witenberg, opsis genata, Haplorchis pumilio, Ha. 1929). Definitive hosts are fish eating ani-

547 mals or and human consuming raw or in an endemic focus (Dakahlia Governorate) incompletely cooked fish (Dzikowski et al, in Egypt 2003). Heterophyiasis is commonly found in Materials and Methods Far East, Palestine, Mediterranean Coun- Mugil (M) and Tilapia (T) fish species (spp), tries, Hawaii, Ukraine, Canada and Al-aska the common intermediate host of fam Mugil (Seo et al, 1984; Chai and Lee, 1990; Dixon, (M) and Tilapia (T) fish species (spp), the 1997) and a zoonotic problem in Egypt common intermediate host of fam ily Het- (Shams El-Din, 2011) with H. heterophyes erophyidae, were collected form the Nile high infection rates (Chai and Lee, 2002). In River at Al-Mansoura City as fresh water Egypt, coastal regions inhabitants showed source and Al-Manzala Lake as brackish highest incidence of heterophyiasis (33.8%) water source. The later one is heterophyiasis than other helminthes in El-Meaddeya an endemic focus with high transmission (Abou-Basha, 2000) and 13.3% in Northern rate. Fish samples were obtained from local Egypt suffered from heterophyiasis (Lobna fishermen twice monthly over one year from et al, 2010). They added that infection rate the beginning of April 2011 till the end of was 22% in brackish water and 42% in March 2012. The total number of fish was fresh water fish Besides, between 79.2% and 887; 385 Mugil spp. (M. cephalus, M. capi- 100.0 % in all fish in Manzala Lake (Mugil to, and M. auratus) and 502 Tilapia spp. (T. spp. and Tilapia spp.) were infected with H. nilotica and T. zilli). Fish samples were heterophyes EMC (El-Sheikha and El- transferred in ice-box to the laboratory and Shazly, 2008a). Also, in fresh water canal in screened for the presence of any EMC by Ismailia Governorate T. zilli (95.37%) were the naked eye or added by a hand lens infected with heterophyid EMC (Ibra- (Mahdy et al, 1995). About 30 snips of each him and Soliman, 2010). The rate of infec- fish were taken from different parts mainly tion with heterophyid metacercariae was from the head, dorsum and tail regions as 37.9% of Mullet, Liza auratus fish in Lake well as visceral organs, fins and gills. The Manzala (Ghobashy et al, 2010). In hetero- EMC were identified microscopically phyiasis, noticeable symptoms of diarrhea, (Elsheikha and Elshazly, 2008a). Different abdominal pain, loss of appetite and nausea types of metacercariae were separated into 6 occur in the final host as result of inflamma- groups according to their morphology (di- tion due to worm attachment to the mucosa ameters, shape, thickness of cyst wall, and of the intestine and releasing of eggs. Sus- pigments content). Separation of EMC from ceptibility of children may be more (Parija et infected fish by artificial digestion method al, 2003). was done (Yokogawa and Sano, 1968). The Eggs released in the intestine can be digested material was filtered through a trapped into the stream and embolize sieve and washed several times with 0.85% in various regions of the body, particularly physiological saline. Different types of EMC with tissue reactions in the valves and were collected from the sediment and segre- myocardium causing cardiac failure as well gated using a binocular dissecting stereomi- in the central nervous system (Schmidt and croscope. Each group of 50 EMC was given Roberts, 2009). Eosinophilia is often present orally to 5 puppies (healthy, aging two in heterophyiasis (Parija et al, months and weighing about 3kg) in 10 ml of 2003). phosphate buffered saline solution (pH 7.6) The aim of the present work was to review by using stomach tube and mouth gage. One the current status of encysted metacercariae week later, infection in puppies was con- (EMC) of family Heterophyidae in brackish firmed by stool examination. Infected pup- and fresh water fish as the intermediate host pies were anaesthetized and sacrificed after 3 weeks post-infection (PI). The intestine

548 was taken in one piece and opened. The mu- alum carmine then identified microscopical- cosa was scraped gently and the contents ly on morphological basis (Witenberg, were collected and transferred to clean dish 1929). The prevalence and mean intensity of containing warm saline to prevent the con- different EMC in fish tissues from different traction of the worms. The contents were sources of water were done (Margolis et al, transferred to a conical flask. The superna- 1982). tant fluid was removed and the deposit was Statistical analysis: Data were computed washed several times in warm saline to re- and analyzed by using SPSS for Windows move any debris. The parasites were collect- version 15.0. Student T-test and ANOVA- ed and preserved in 70% alcohol. The col- test (F-test) were used for comparing data. P lected worms were stained with acetic acid value ≤0.05 was considered significant. Results Table 1: Percent infection of total examined fish with heterophyid EMC over one year in different water of Tilapia and Mugil fish

Water Sources Prevalence (%) Intensity (cyst/gm.) Manzala Mansoura Total L. N. Manzala Mansoura (N=887) Total (N=636) (N=251) L. N. (N`=564) EMC spp. (N`=457) (N`=107) 71.6% 0.0% 57.9% 1 H. heterophyes 0±0 9.45±7.13 (n=327 ) (n=0) (n= 327 ) 3.23±4.56 Other Heterophyes 26.03% 0.0% 21.09% 1.15±1.005 0±0 0.82±0.99 spp. (n=119 ) (n= 0 ) (n=119 ) 38.9% 42.9% 39.7% Pygidiopsis genata 2.95±2.07 4.16±4.103 10.27±2.83 (n=178 ) (n=46 ) (n=224 ) 15.09% 38.3% 19.5% Haplorchis pumilio 1.41±1.60 2.62±2.69 1.76±2.03 (n=69) (n=41 ) (n=110 ) 19.7% 18.6% 19.5% Phagicola spp. 1.55±1.56 1.70±2.07 1.59±1.71 (n=90 ) (n=20 ) (n=110 ) Stictodora tridacty- 7.7% 0.0% 6.2% 0.68±1.03 0±0 0.48±0.92 la (n=35 ) (n=0 ) (n=35 )

Table 2: Grouping and morphological characters of recovered EMC Fish Fish spp. No. of examined No. of infected % of infection Water source Mugil 385 294 76.4 Manzala Lake Tilapia 251 163 64.9 Total Mugil & Tilapia 636 457 71.9 Mansoura 251 107 42.6 Both water sources All spp. 887 564 63.6

549 Table 4: Total prevalence and total mean intensity of different spp. of heterophyid EMC infecting all fish spp. from fresh and brackish water sources along one year Source of Groups of EMC water/fish sp Pyigidiopsis Haplorchis Stictodora spp. heavy pig- spp. few pig- Phagicola spp. genata pumilio tridactyla ments ments Manzala L. Manzala L. Manzala L. Manzala L. (T. Manzala L. (T. Manzala (T. & M.) (T. & M.) (T. & M.) & M.) & M.) L. (T. & Morphomet- Mansoura N. Mansoura N. Mansoura N. M.) ric character (T.) (T.) (T.) Shape Spherical Spherical Spherical Spherical Spherical Oval Color Yellow Yellow Yellow Transparent Yellow Yellow Cyst wall(µ) thick (5-10) thick (5-10) Thin (1-4) Thin (2-5) Thick (25-30) thin (2-7) Pigments 1or 2 masses few none none none none Common muscles mainly muscles ma- muscles ma- muscles mainly viscera viscera and gills sites in fish near tail inly near tail inly near tail near tail and gills Presentation Single Single in groups Single Single or groups Single N.B.: T. =Tilapia, M. = Mugil, L. =Lake, N. = Nile Branch Discussion erophyid EMC in fish spp. in Manzala lake In the present study, Mugil spp. was ob- as the following; M. cephalus (29.7%), fol- tained from Manzala Lake, while Tilapia lowed by M. auratus (29.1%), M. capito spp. was obtained from both, Manzala Lake (23.2%), T. nilotica (17.6%) and the lowest and Mansoura Nile. In Manzala Lake the prevalence was in T. zilli (16.4%). Also, total percent of infection was 71.9%; 76.4 % Ghobashy et al. (2010) recorded that the to- for Mugil spp. and 64.9 % in Tilapia spp. In tal percent prevalence of heterophyid infec- Mansoura Nile it was 42.6 % only for Tilap- tion in Manzala Lake as 37.9% in M. auratus ia spp. The total percent of infection in both and 7.9% in T. niloticus. Lobna et al. (2010) sources of water was 63.6%. The percent of reported nearly the same overall prevalence infection with all heterophyid EMC in the of infection (42%) for fresh water fish but present study was higher than that of much lower percent for for brackish water Ghobashy et al. (2010) who reported that the fish and (22%). Even in comparing between rate of heterophyid infection in M. auratus Tilapia spp. from the two different sources and T. nilotica was 37.9% in Manzala Lake. of water, the total percent prevalence of het- Also, Lobna (2010) reported that the overall erophyid EMC in Manzala Lake was higher prevalence of heterophyid EMC infection in (64.9%) than in Mansoura Nile (42.6%). The Tilapia spp. was 32% in the same location. higher percent of infection in Manzala Lake This may be due to more pollution of water for the same genera of fish could be ex- at the timing of the present study. The pre- plained by the fact that Manzala Lake is ex- sent study recorded higher percent of infec- posed to higher pollution with parasitic tion in brackish water fish (71.9%) than in pathogens due to sewage and irrigation fresh water fish (42.6%) with EMC. Rifaat drainage from the major surrounding gover- et al. (1980) reported that the prevalence of norates in Nile Delta (Mageed, 2007; heterophyid infection of the fish spp. from Barakat et al, 2012). No sanitary facilities Manzala Lake was higher than that in fish for many fishermen and their families living spp. from the Nile in Dakahlia Governorate. around Lake Manzala with frequent water Also, Mugil spp. attained higher percent of contact make all excreta pass into the lake infection (76.4%) than that of Tilapia spp. with additive pollution (Azab et al, 2013). from Manzala Lake (64.9%) and Mansoura Pollution of Manzala Lake water leads to Nile (42.6%). In accordance to the present endimicity of many parasitic diseases in- result is El-Sheikha and El-Shazly (2008a) cluding mansoni. (Taman et recorded the total percent prevalence of het- al, 2014)

550 In the present study, EMC of Heterophy- The videos of the present study were up- es spp. with heavy pigments, or with few loaded on line on YouTube for scientific pigments and Stictodora tridactyla EMC benefits. were found only in brackish water source; After sacrificing the experimentally infect- Manzala Lake. This may be due to presence ed puppies with grouped EMC from differ- of Pirinella conica as the first intermediate ent fish spp., the following adult worms of host of these EMC in the Egyptian Lakes family Heterophyidae were recovered: H. (El-Gindy and Hanna, 1963), while, Pygidi- heterophyes from EMC of Heterophyes spp. opsis genata, Haplorchis pumilio and with heavy pigments, H. aequalis & H. dis- Phagicola spp. EMC were found in brackish par from EMC of Heterophyes spp. with and fresh water sources; Manzala Lake, and few pigments, Pygidiopsis genata from Mansoura Nile. The first intermediate host EMC of Pygidiopsis genata, Haplorchis recorded for Pygidiopsis genata and Haplor- pumilio from EMC of Haplorchis pumilio, chis pumilio is Melania tuberculata found in Phagicola longicollis & Phagicola ascolon- estuarine waters and the bottom of fresh wa- ga from EMC of Phagicola spp. and Sticto- ter (Farahnak et al, 2005). The snail host of dora tridactyla from EMC of Stictodora Phagicola longicollis is still unknown tridactyla. (Macpherson et al, 2013). In Egypt, other species of the same genera In the present study, five genera of heter- found in the present study were detected. ophyid EMC were detected in Mugil and Among these were the H. nocens, H. katsur- Tilapia spp. They were Heterophyes, Pyigid- adi by Shalaby et al. (2006), H. katsuradi iopsis, Haplorchis, Phagicola and Stictodo- by Mürrell and Fried (2007) and Haplorchis ra. EMC detected in fish muscle tissue es- pleurolophocerca spp by Berger and Marr pecially tail region were Heterophyes spp. (2006). Witenberg (1929) recorded Sticto- with heavy or with few pigments, Pygidiop- dora sawakinensis spp. In Egypt, another sis genata, and Haplorchis pumilio. The genus of family Heterophyidae which was same genera of heterophyid EMC were de- not detected in the present study is Prohe- tected in Egypt (Makhlouf et al, 1987; mostomum vivax (El-Sheikha and El-Shazly Mansour et al, 1987; Youssef et al, 1987; (2008a). the authors considered it as a mem- Gillespie and Pearson, 2001; Mürrell and ber of family Heterophyidae, while Müller Fried, 2007; El-Sheikha and El-Shazly, (2002) and Macpherson et al. (2013) consid- 2008a; Ibrahim and Soliman, 2010; Tara- ered it as a specie of family Cathycotylidae schewski and Nicolaidou, 2009). The tail which was recovered from dogs, cats and was the maximally infected region with het- rarely in man. erophyid EMC in Mugil and Tilapia spp In the present study, the size of different (Shalaby et al, 2007). Trunk or head of the spp. of obtained EMC from different spp. of fish are considered, by other authors, the re- fish in the different sources of water did not gions with most affection with heterophyid show significant difference in size of H. het- EMC in T. nilotica fish followed by the tail erophyes, other Heterophyes spp. and S. tri- (Mousa et al, 2000). dactyla EMC in comparison to correspond- EMC detected in fish gills and viscera in the ing ones in all species of fish. By using present study were St. tridactyla and Pha- ANOVA test, there was significant differ- gicola spp. recorded. The same EMC was ence in size of EMC of P. genata, and reported in gills and viscera (El-Sheikha and Phagicola spp in comparison to correspond- El-Shazly, 2008b; Hassan et al, 2012; Mar- ing ones in all fish. By using Student T test, torelli et al, 2012). there was significant higher size of Haplor- On searching for viable heterophyid EMC chis pumilio EMC in Tilapia in comparison on the internet, no videos were available. to the corresponding one in Mugil fish spp,

551 without significant differences in size or of EMC in both sources of water were in morphology of all EMC in all collected fish summer, lowest in winter and in-betweens in (El-Sheikha and El-Shazly (2008b). spring and autumn, with direct proportional On comparing the prevalence and mean to water temperature. El-Sheikha and El- intensity of different obtained EMC, H. het- Shazly (2008a) recorded the highest hetero- erophyes in Manzala Lake showed the high- phyid EMC prevalence in summer (38.2%), est prevalence (71.6%) and mean intensity followed by the spring (26.6%), autumn (13.23±4.56 cyst/gm.), followed by P. gena- (19.3%), and lowest in winter (8.7%) in ta (38.9%, 2.95±2.07), Heterophyes spp. Manzala Lake fish spp. Lobna et al. (2010) (26.03%, 1.15±1.005), Phagicola spp. reported that the prevalence of heterophyid (19.7%, 1.55±1.56), H. pumilio (15.09%, EMC was highest in summer (46.4%), fol- 1.41±1.60) respectively. The lowest preva- lowed by spring (37.5%), autumn (27.3%) lence and the lowest mean intensity were and lowest prevalence in winter (15.4%) in 7.7% and 0.68±1.03 cyst/ gm for Stictodora Tilapia fish spp. in Northern Egypt. tridactyla respectively. This agreed with El- As regard intensity of EMC in infected Sheikha and El-Shazly (2008a) as H. heter- fish, El-Sheikha and El-Shazly (2008a) rec- ophyes was the most prevalent spp. of heter- orded significant differences in the intensity ophyid EMC followed by the P. genata, of heterophyid EMC in different brackish Phagicola spp., H. aequalis, Haplorchis spp. water fish spp where the highest seasonal and lowest prevalence was in Stictodora spp. intensity was in summer, followed by El-Sheikha and El-Shazly (2008a) recorded spring, then autumn and lowest intensity was that the highest prevalence of H. heterophy- in winter in Manzala Lake; fish hosts were es EMC in all fish in Manzala Lake 79.2 % massively parasitized in summer with low and 100.0 % in Mugil and Tilapia spp, re- level in winter. Abou-Zakham et al. (1990) spectively recorded that the highest intensity of the in- In Mansoura Nile, highest prevalence and fection with Stictodora tridactyla EMC in mean intensity (cyst/gm) was showed by Py. Mugil sp. and Tilapia sp. collected from genata (42.9%, 4.16±4.103), followed by H. Manzala Lake was in summer. Ibrahim and pumilio (38.3%, 2.62±2.69) and Phagicola Soliman (2010) detected three spp. of EMC spp. (18.6%, 1.70±2.07). This agreed with in T. zilli from Ismalia fresh water canal. Makhlouf et al. (1987) who recorded highest They were; H. yokogawi, Phagicola asco- prevalence and intensity in Pygidiopsis ge- longa and Pygidiopsis genata. Summer was nata EMC in all Mansoura Nile Tilapia fish the season with highest intensity of the three spp; (26.6 %, 6 cyst/gm) in T. nilotica and spp, followed by autumn and lowest was in (16.9 %, 6cyst/gm) in T. zilli. In the present winter. But, they recorded significant differ- study, prevalence of heterophyid EMC in ences in the intensity of Phagicola ascolon- Mansoura Nile were lower than that record- ga being higher in summer, but H. yokogawi ed by Ibrahim and Soliman (2010) who rec- and Pygidiopsis genata intensity showed no orded that the highest prevalence for the significant response to seasonal variation. Phagicola spp. (93.64 %), followed by H. Mansour et al. (1987) reported the highest yokogawi (47.4%) and lowest was in Pygid- intensity in spring and the lowest intensity in iopsis genata (21.4 %), in T. zilli from Is- winter in the study of Tilapia spp. infected malia fresh water canal. with H. heterophyes in three brackish water The seasonal pattern in heterophyid EMC Lakes; Manzala, Borollos and Idku. infection could be of considerable im- The present study showed a harmony be- portance in planning for parasite control tween total percent prevalence and total (Sithithaworn et al, 1997). In the present mean intensity of different spp of EMC; the study, higher prevalence and mean intensity higher prevalence was almost accompanied

552 by higher intensity and vice versa. This adults were found in definitive hosts’ intes- symmetrical fluctuation of the mean intensi- tine and rarely implicated as risky (Cortes et ty and prevalence agreed with El-Sheikha al, 2010). Martin (1959) Crewe and Ash- and El-Shazly (2008a) who recorded that the ford (2003) and Bowman et al. (2008) rec- variation in the intensity of heterophyid orded the presence of C. cuspidatus EMC in EMC in different fish spp. runs parallel to Egypt. Mohamed et al. (2005) reported C. the fluctuation in their prevalence, and that cuspidatus EMC in crayfish and shrimps these results may be due to the fact that both collected from Sharkia, Ismalia and Port the intensity and the prevalence of hetero- Said Governorates. phyid EMC in fish are affected by the same Conclusion factors. Makhlouf et al. (1987) recorded The outcome data showed high incidence that the prevalence and intensity of hetero- of Heterophyidae in Lake Manzala fish and phyid EMC infection rise and fall in a sea- in the Mansoura Nile River. This threatens sonal pattern explained by the temperature- the health of citizens in surrounding areas dependent release of cercariae. An increase and makes the fish retrieved from there a in the prevalence of parasitic infections was source for the spread of infection among related to the reproductive and breeding sea- consumers. son of both snails and fish (Bello et al, 2000; Recommendations Simkova et al, 2005). The decreased level of Directing sewage and agricultural drainage EMC during the cold season may be ex- water away from Lake Manzala and Nile is plained by of the cercariae and EMC powerfully recommended to prevent the in- (El-Sheikha and El-Shazly, 2008a). flow of eggs found in feces with recurring In the present study, some undifferentiat- infection of the snail and subsequently fish ed EMC were different fish spp. were found by cercariae. This will prevent the spread of in few numbers and weren’t regularly pre- heterophyiasis, as well as a lot of parasitic sented in all months; and their differentia- diseases tion experimentally was difficult. Among the undifferentiated rarely detected EMC, Acknowledgment To Dr. Atef M. El-Shazly soul, Professor there were two remarkable cysts obtained of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Man- from the intestine of the examined fish in soura University whose memory remains by Mansoura Nile T. nilotica and T. zilli. The his valuable publications. first one showed an X-shaped excretory bladder which was very similar to that of C. References formosanus. The second one had a V-shaped Abou-Basha, LM, Abdel-Fattah, M, Orecch- excretory bladder which was very similar to ia, P, Cave, D, Zaki, A, 2000: Epidemiological study of heterophyiasis among humans in an that of C. cuspidatus. Reda et al. (2010) rec- area of Egypt. East. Mediterr. Hlth. J. 6, 5/6: orded the presence of EMC of genus Cen- 932-8. trocestus in gills of T. nilotica fish in Egypt. Abou-Zakham, A, El-Shazley, A, El-Ganay- C. formosanus EMC affect the skin, mus- ni, F, Romia, SA, Abou-Shady, AF, et al, cles, gill cavity, gills, eyes, liver, spleen, 1990: Seasonal variation and incidence of Stic- kidney, bladder and intestine of fish. It is todora tridactyla in fish from lake Manzala. J. considered as a cause of death in T. nilotica Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. 20, 1:117-21. cultured fish within 30 days post infection Azab, MM, Darwish, AA, Mahmoud, HA, (Cortes et al, 2010). This may explain rarity Sdeek, FA, 2013: Residue levels of organochlo- of finding such EMC in examined fish in the rine pesticides in some ecosystem components present study. El-Tantawy and El-Naggar of Manzala Lake. Environ. Monit. Assess. 185, 12:10257-68. (2002) reported EMC of C. formosanus in- Barakat, AO, Mostafa, A, Wade, TL, Swe-et, habitant H. bloyeti fish. C. formosanus ST, El Sayed, NB, 2012: Assessment of persis-

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Chart 1: Monthly prevalence of EMC of family Hetero- Chart 2: Monthly mean intensity of EMC of family Hetero- phyidae in brackish and fresh water sources phyidae in brackish and fresh water sources

555 1- EMC of Heterohyes sp. with heavy pigments in H. heterohyes 2- EMC of Heterohyes sp. with few pigments in H. aequalis and H. dispar, 3- EMC of Pyigidiopsis genata in Pyigidiopsis genata 4- EMC of Haplorchis pumilio in Haplorchis pumilio 5- EMC of Phagicola spp. in Phagicola longicollis and Phagicola. ascolonga 6- EMC of Stictodora tridactyla in Stictodora tridactyla

556 Undifferentiated EMC separated from different fish spp. ×200, (Digital Camera) Fig 7: EMC in Mansoura Nile, Tilapia species (nilotica & zilli) in intestine Fig 8: EMC in Mansoura Nile, Tilapia species (nilotica & zilli) in intestine Fig 9: EMC in Manzala Lake, Tilapia species (nilotica & zilli) in intestine Fig 10: EMC in Mansoura Nile, Tilapia species (nilotica & zilli) in intestine Fig 11: EMC in Mansoura Nile Tilapia species (nilotica & zilli) in intestine Fig 12: EMC in Manzala Lake, Tilapia species (nilotica & zilli) in muscle

557 Table 3: Comparison between mean sizes (µ) of different heterophyid EMC in different fish from different sources of water Fish sp. /water source Tilapia spp., Mansora Mugil spp., Manzala Lake Tilapia spp., Manzala L. Nile Sig. all spp. Sig. Mugil M. of fish & Tilapia M. capito M. auratus T. nilotica T. zilli T. nilotica T. zilli heterophyid EMC cephalus H.heterophyes 223-310 235-340 235-339 231-351 239-342 F-testa=1.38 t-testb= 1.7 ______Min-Max (M±SD) 271.1±26.7 279.3±29.3 283.2±30.8 295.1± 45.2 284.7±30.3 P = 0.24 P = 0.07 Heterophyes spp. Min- 115-221 130-225 129-220 140-225 128-225 F-testa=0.42 t-testb= 1.8 Max (M±SD) 167.8±31.7 175.9±29.2 164.2±30.9 170.3 ±28.5 172.2±32.6 ______P = 0.7 P = 0.07 P.genata 120-204 115-212 120-200 136-215 115-206 120-203 118-210 F-testa=2.18 t-testb= 0.3 Min-Max (M±SD) 167.8±28.2 151.2±31.8 172.5±30.1 175.5±23.2 172.2±27.6 152.8±32.0 168.0±32. P = 0.04* P = 0.75 Ha. pumilio 100-142 100-133 100-150 100-150 100-154 100-149 100-144 F-testa=1.39 t-testb= 2.0 Min-Max (M±SD) 119.6±13.8 111.3±11.2 119.7±17.4 121.1±17.0 124.2±17.2 123.0±16.7 120.9±15.6 P = 0.22 P =0.04* Phagicola spp. 351-450 355-438 351-449 354-440 351-410 351-449 351-409 F-testa=2.4 t-testb=1.6 Min-Max (M±SD) 401.6±34.2 407.2±20.6 388.6±30.9 385.9± 25.5 395.3±18.9 401.2±22.0 383.5±25.6 P =0.03* P = 0.1 130-181 131-181 130-187 131-183 132-171 F-testa=0.34 t-testb=0.12 S. ______tridactyla Length 145.7±19.3 148.1±15.4 152.2±22.8 149.8±16.9 148.5±15.6 P = 0.85 P = 0.9 Min-Max 100-142 102-145 102-145 100-143 100-144 F-testa=0.48 t-testb=0.15 Width ______(Mean± SD) 115.2±13.4 115.3±14.7 120.7±15.2 116.6±15.2 116.9±12.9 P = 0.74 P =0.8 F- testa (ANOVA test), t-test b (student t-test ),*Significant level = at P-value ≤ 0.05