Detecting t¯ala Computationally in Polyphonic Context - A Novel Approach Susmita Bhaduri1, Anirban Bhaduri2, Dipak Ghosh3 1;2;3Deepa Ghosh Research Foundation, Kolkata-700031,India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract the left-tabl¯a strokes, which, after matching with the grammar of t¯ala-system, determines the t¯ala and tempo of the composition. A large number of In North-Indian-Music-System(NIMS),tabl¯a is polyphonic(vocal+tabl¯a+other-instruments) com- mostly used as percussive accompaniment for positions has been analyzed with the methodology vocal-music in polyphonic-compositions. The hu- and the result clearly reveals the effectiveness of man auditory system uses perceptual grouping of proposed techniques. musical-elements and easily filters the tabl¯a compo- Keywords:Left-tabl¯a drum , T¯ala detection, nent, thereby decoding prominent rhythmic features Tempo detection, Polyphonic composition, Cyclic like t¯ala, tempo from a polyphonic-composition. For pattern, North Indian Music System Western music, lots of work have been reported for automated drum analysis of polyphonic-composition. However, attempts at computational analysis of t¯ala 1 Introduction by separating the tabl¯a-signal from mixed sig- nal in NIMS have not been successful. Tabl¯a is Current research in Music-Information- played with two components - right and left. The Retrieval(MIR) is largely limited to Western right-hand component has frequency overlap with music cultures and it does not address the North- voice and other instruments. So, t¯ala analysis of Indian-Music-System hereafter NIMS, cultures in polyphonic-composition, by accurately separating general.