Prediction of Laminar/Turbulent Transition in Airfoil Flows
PREDICTION OF LAMINAR/TURBULENT TRANSITION IN AIRFOIL FLOWS by Jeppe Johansen and Jens Norkaer Sorensen DTU FLUID MECHANICS H ENERGY ENGINEERING TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK / DANISH CENTER FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Scientific Council Poul Andersen Dept, of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering Martin P. Bends0e Dept, of Mathematics Ove Ditlevsen Dept, of Structural Engineering and Materials Ivar G. Jonsson Dept, of Hydrodynamics and Water Resources Wolfhard Kliem Dept, of Mathematics Steen Krenk Dept, of Structural Engineering and Materials P. Scheel Larsen Dept, of Energy Engineering Frithiof I. Niordson Dept, of Solid Mechanics Pauli Pedersen Dept, of Solid Mechanics P. Temdrup Pedersen Dept, of NavalArchitecture and Offshore Engineering- Dan Rosbjerg Dept. of Hydrodynamics and Water Resources Jens Nprkser Sprensen Dept, of Energy Engineering P. Grove Thomsen Dept, of Mathematical Modelling Hans True Dept, of Mathematical Modelling Viggo Tvergaard Dept, of Solid Mechanics Secretary Pauli Pedersen, Docent, Dr.techn. Department of Solid Mechanics, Building 404 Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Prediction of Laminar/Turbulent Transition in Airfoil Flows Jeppe Johansen* and Jens N. Sprensen* * Ris0 National Laboratory, Denmark and * Department of Energy Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Presented as Paper 98-0702 at the AIAA 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting Sc Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 12*15, 1998 tphD student, Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Department, Rise National Laboratory, DK-4000 RoskUde, Denmark * Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK- 2800 Lyngby, Denmark 1 Abstract The prediction of the location of transition is important for low Reynolds number airfoil flows.
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