Distribution of Agrobiodiversity in Home Gardens along the Corrientes River, Peruvian Amazon1 2 ,3 MATHILDE PERRAULT-ARCHAMBAULT AND OLIVER T. COOMES* 212, rue Thibouméry, 75015, Paris, France; email:
[email protected] 3Department of Geography, McGill University, Burnside Rm. 705, 805 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, PQ, Canada H3A 2K6 *Corresponding author; e-mail:
[email protected] Distribution of Agrobiodiversity in Home Gardens along the Corrientes River, Peruvian Amazon. This paper examines crop species diversity in home gardens of traditional communities along a remote tributary in northeastern Peru. A large-scale survey was conducted of 300 gardens in 15 villages along a 150 km reach of the Corrientes River. Study villages vary notably in community size, ethnicity of residents (Achuar, Urarina, mestizo), and proximity to the regional town (Trompeteros) as well as to oil wells. Gardens were inventoried and interviews conducted with garden tenders to provide data on socioeconomic characteristics of the household and contextual conditions. Multiple regression analyses identified the determinants of species diversity. Results indicate high crop diversity—the highest yet reported for sites in the Amazon basin—particularly among the Achuar people. Garden species dive- rsity is greatest in larger villages and, surprisingly, in those villages located nearer to the oil company. Within villages, households with larger land holdings (and gardens), more in-house labor, and garden tenders who are older and female tend to have more diverse gardens. A small number of households (15/300) were found to hold exceptional diversity, often older and land-wealthier households located on the outskirts of villages. These farmers held, on average, three times the number of species as a typical village garden and 60% of all species encountered in the study.