September 18, 2007 Contents News Pg. 1 Training Opportunities Pg. 3 People Pg. 3 Exhibits Pg. 5 News University Libraries receive $824,226 from OSU’s Trademark & Licensing Department: The funds represent a portion of the revenue the university gets from the sale of OSU-branded merchandise. OSU Libraries will receive $642,896; the remaining dollars go to the Moritz Law Library and the Prior Health Sciences Library. The OSU Libraries’ allotment will be used for acquisitions. New Help for OSU Records: The OSU Archives is the principal source for information and guidance in matters concerning the retention, management, and disposition of University records. Its website includes the OSU General Schedule for Records Retention and Disposition, a list of departments with approved unique schedules, and procedures for destroying records or transferring those with enduring historical value to the OSU Archives. Now, the Archives has significantly expanded its website with a new records management main page, where faculty and staff can find answers to their questions and guidance concerning e-mail, transient records, and electronic records, along with enhanced information regarding the basics of records management. For questions and comments about electronic records, please contact Dan Noonan, electronic records manager and archivist (
[email protected]). Tamar Chute, associate archivist (
[email protected]) will continue to answer questions about traditional OSU records retention and disposition. “The Sky is Not Falling!” OCLC Distinguished Seminar Series Presentation, Thursday, September 20, 9-10:30 a.m., OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., Kilgour BuildingAuditorium, 6565 Kilgour Place (formerly Frantz Road): Mike Eisenberg, long-time library and information science educator and dean emeritus of the Information School of the University of Washington, will set the record straight regarding library education and the information school movement.