
Nature Vol. 289 22 January 1981 221 A new from South Africa from Alwyne Wheeler ICHTHYOLOGISTS are accustomed to the regular description of previously un­ recognized species of , which if not a daily event at least happens so frequently as not to cause great comment. Previously undescribed genera are like­ wise not infrequently published, but higher categories are increasingly less common. The discovery of a new stingray, which is so different from all known rays as to require both a new family and a new suborder to accommodate its distinctive characters, is therefore a remarkable event. A recent paper by P.e. Heemstra and M.M. Smith (Ichthyological Bulletin oj the J. L.B. Smith Institute of 43, I; 1980) describes this most striking ray as Hexatrygon bickelli and discusses its differences from other batoid fishes. Surprisingly, this remarkable was not the result of some organized deep-sea programme, but was found lying on the beach at Port Elizabeth. It was fresh but had suffered some loss of skin by sand abrasion on the beach, and the margins of its fins appeared desiccated in places. The way it was discovered leaves a tantalising question as to its normal habitat, but Heemstra and Smith suggest that it may live in moderately deep water of 400-1,000m. This suggestion is Ventral view of Hexatrygon bickelli supported by its general appearance (small eyes, thin black dorsal skin, f1acid an acellular jelly, while the underside is chimaeroids Rhinochimaera and snout) and the chemistry of its liver-oil. richly supplied with well developed Harriota, and there can be little doubt The classification of Hexatrygon . These ampullae that it is an adaptation for finding food in presents some problems, the most are known to be electroreceptors and the soft-bottom ooze of deep water. obvious of which is that it has six pairs of assist in finding buried food organisms in One final point that Heemstra and gill openings, whereas all other batoid shallow-water rays. The combination of Smith note is the remarkably small brain fishes (, rays, skates, stingrays characters persuade Heemstra and Smith of Hexatrygon (it is about 31170 of the and electric rays) have only five paired gill to erect a new suborder cranial volume); in shallow-water openings. Another striking feature is that (Hexatrygonoidei) within the order stingrays it is about 80%. As they point the spiracular openings behind the eyes to contain this fish. The out the , Latimeria are closed dorsally by a cartilage­ order contains the other stingrays, eagle chalumnae, has a similarly small brain (as supported flap to form an oblique slit. It rays and mantas, most of which, like does the basking , Cetorhinus seems that Hexatrygon may be able to Hexalrygon, have one or more serrated maxim us, according to Scott J. Fish BioI. shut its spiracles down externally, dagger-like spines on the back of the tail. 16, 665; 1980). This may also be an something that other batoids cannot do. The interest of this fish is not just that it adaptation to deep-water life. Internal features are as strikingly represents a novel group within a well If nothing else the discovery of different from its relatives, and the shape known order, but that all the other mylio­ Hexatrygon off South Africa, as with the and structure of the snout are also batiformes are shallow-water bottom­ first coelacanth, reminds one of the tag­ unique. The snout is elongate, of uniform living species or surface-living fish. ex Africa semper aliquid novi. thickness (16-18mm deep in the fish of Hexatrygon seems to be the first deep­ 103 cm total length) and flaccid . water stingray known. Its elongate, jelly­ Alwyne Wheeler is in the Department of Internally it is supported by lightly filled snout richly supplied with electro­ Zoology, (Natural History), calcified rostral cartilages and filled with receptors is similar to the deep-water London. sediment (apparent agerv8,OOO yr)IS . For In addition to the uncertainties microorganisms within thc tissues of some the advective contribution to vent associated with the two initial hypotheses of the macro-fauna. Hence, the basic nutrition, however, the appropriate for vent nutrition considered here, a third problem of how the hydrothermal-vent comparison would be with the 14C content hypothesis has now entered the scene. fauna gets enough to eat remains an open of suspended particulate organic matter Recent evidence (G.N. Somero and H. and challenging question. ordinarily present in near-bottom waters, Felbeck, personal communication) We are most grateful to the many which ought to be somewhere bctween indicates that significant bacterial chemo­ colleagues who have shared their ideas with these extremes, but again, appropriate synthesis may be taking place outside the us, as well as those who have given us access measurements are not yet available. warm-water vents, by symbiotic to their unpublished data. U

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