Fourth Amendment Implications of Police Use of Saturation Patrols and Roadblocks
Walking the Constitutional Beat: Fourth Amendment Implications of Police Use of Saturation Patrols and Roadblocks I. INTRODUCTION Crime seems to be an inevitable part of the American existence. Few citizens, if any, remain unaffected by crime. Generally, police departments have attempted to deter criminal activity by having a regular shift of officers patrol a neighborhood and respond to radio calls for police assistance.' However, a new type of criminal has emerged on American streets. Armed with uzis and AK-47s, gang members and drug dealers are descending upon formerly "safe" neighborhoods with increasing frequency. From 1985 to 1990 alone, arrests for drug abuse violations rose more than twenty-three percent. 2 Moreover, this figure does not even represent the drug-related offenses 3 committed in order to buy drugs or to maintain drug/gang territories. Unfortunately, traditional crime control methods seem to have little impact on 4 these problems. I George L. Kelling and David Fogel, Police Patrol-Some Future Directions, in THE FUTURE OF POLICING 156-60 (Alvin W. Cohn ed., 1978). 2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, U.S. DEP'T OF JUSTICE, UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS 165 (1985) (702,882 total number of drug abuse violation arrests for 1985); FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, U.S. DEP'T OF JUSTICE, UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS 165 (1986) (691,882 total number of drug abuse violation arrests for 1986); FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, U.S. DEP'T OF JUSTICE, UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS 165 (1987) (811,078 total number of drug abuse violation arrests for 1987); FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, U.S. DEP'T OF JUSTICE, UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS 169 (1988) (850,034 total number of drug abuse violation arrests for 1988); FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, U.S.
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