On the road in with Francis of

Waliking Route

Leg 1 - Città di Castello Start: Citerna Level: Difficult Finish: Città di Castello Height difference: + 630 / -700 m Total distance: 18,7 kms Surface: sealed - dirt Duration: 5hrs Drinking water: no

The first leg of the journey is not lengthy, but there are several climbs and no drinking water is available, so it is physically trying. However the peace and quiet and the beauty of the scenery along the Upper Tiber valley make the effort worthwhile. Citerna is reached from the La Verna hermitage. From the village, the route goes downhill through the countryside. Past the stream, there is a steep climb in the shade of the pine trees. After several ups and downs, at about 4 kilometres from Città di Castello the route reaches the Franciscan convent of Buonriposo, which nestles in the folds of forest-covered Mount Citerone. From here the way is entirely downhill to the plain, where there is a short climb before reaching Città di Castello.

Leg 2 Città di Castello - Collevecchio Start: Città di Castello Level: medium Finish: Collevecchio Height difference: + 400 / -110 m Total distance: 11,2 kms Surface: sealed - dirt Duration: 4hrs Drinking water: yes

This leg is suitable for all, but some tracts are rather steep. The total distance can be increased to about 30kms if is reached in the same day. The route winds its way along pleasant country lanes and sealed road, shaded by pine and oak trees. Past a small chapel, always graced by fresh flowers brought by the locals and pilgrims, it reaches the rather quiet main road, then follows the gentle ripples and falls of the

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 – [email protected] Soara stream. It then returns to the road and crosses the bridge over the stream. From here , a path to the hilltop leads to Collevecchio in less than 2 kms.

Leg 3 Collevecchio - Pietralunga Start: Collevecchio Level: medium Finish: Pietralunga Height difference: + 460 / - 520 m Total distance: 18,5 kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration: 5hrs Drinking water: yes

The route from Collevecchio to Pietralunga winds along ancient, unsealed roads through the beautiful scenery of the Umbrian Appennines. Collevecchio is the start of a journey where silence reigns, where everything is simple and pure. Through the hills covered with thick woods, ploughed land and fields of delicate daisies and dandelions, is the church and tower at Pieve de’ Saddi. The hilltop, at about 600m a.s.l., is a good spot to rest, as drinking water is available at a spring. From here the route goes downhill, then climbs up to Pietralunga, where a relaxing evening walk through the village streets is an opportunity to have a chat with the friendly locals.

Leg 4 Pietralunga - Start: Pietralunga Level: Difficult Finish : Gubbio Height difference: + 370 / - 450 m Total distance: 25,8 kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration: 6,30 hrs Drinking water: no

This is where the Umbrian scenery is at its best. Past the abbey of San Benedetto Vecchio, there are lovely views of gentle hills, woods and pastures. The route runs along the quiet, local road to Mocaiana, then connects with the path again. Old farmhouses and graceful dovecots alternate with modern tractors. The path goes through a wooden gate then down a steep dirt road and along the sealing to the small church of Madonna di Montecchi. The view to the right is over the valley of Gubbio, with its lines of poplar trees. From here there is a descent to the plain, past the Badia di Piazza. The last part, along sealed road, is rather long, but fatigue is forgotten on arrival at Gubbio, the second home of Saint Francis.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected] Leg 5 Gubbio - Biscina Start: Gubbio Level: medium Finish: Biscina Height difference: + 520 / - 500 m Total distance: 22,8 kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration: 5,30 hrs Drinking water: no

Gubbio was the first place where Francis the pilgrim found refuge after renouncing his worldly possessions. This leg shares the same route as the Sentiero Francescano della Pace (Franciscan Peace route). Just outside the medieval city is the Chiesa della Vittorina, where Francis encountered the fierce wolf and befriended it. Along the way is the ancient Eremo di San Pietro in Vigneto, a good place to rest. The hermit living at San Pietro has chosen a life of asceticism and solitude which must be respected. The walk continues to the church of Caprignone , where the tower of the castle of Biscina is just visible in the distance. This leg is one of the most fascinating along the whole way, but if the weather is wet, suitable boots for the mud and a raincoat are a must.

Leg 6 Biscina - Start: Biscina Level: medium Finish: Valfabbrica Height difference: + 520 / - 500 m Total distance: 22,8 kms Surface: sealed- dirt Duration: 5,30 hrs Drinking water: no

A well marked path descends from the lonely castle of Biscina through hornbeam woods where light hardly penetrates. The remains of the castles of Coccorano and Giomici that can be seen in the distance still have the warlike atmosphere they had in Francis’ times. The descent continues to the sealed road , where the dry water basin behind the Valfabbrica dam can be seen. The route continues on sealed road beside the Chiascio river to Barcaccia, where large boats were once used to cross the water. Here the remains of an ancient hostel and the small country church dedicated to San Benedetto and Beato Paolino da Coccorano can be seen. Just a little further ahead is Valfabbrica.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]

Leg 8 Valfabbrica - Ripa

Start: Valfabbrica Level: easy Finish: Ripa Height difference: + 90 / - 50 m Total distance: 10,5 kms Surface: sealed Duration: 2,30 hrs Drinking water: yes

This part of the journey is along flat, sealed road , starting from Valfabbrica, a medieval village on the banks of the Chiascio river. The village has an ancient medieval castle with walls from the 13 th century and an imposing tower. Inside the castle is the church of San Sebastiano, originally an Oratory, whose interior was renovated in the 16 th century. Outside the castle is the small church of Madonna di Foce, built between 1634 and 1636, which has a large terracotta rose window on its facade, and the modern church of S. Maria Assunta, which has stained glass windows and paintings from the 16 th and 17 th centuries. The route continues along the road, passing through Pianello, and ending in the historical centre of Ripa.

Leg 8 Ripa - Perugia Start: Ripa Level: easy Finish: Perugia Height difference: + 320 / - 170 m Total distance: 16,5 kms Surface: sealed Duration: 4 hrs Drinking water: yes

This flat stretch is ideal for resting a little after the fatigue of the previous days’ walking. It starts at Ripa, amidst fields of sunflowers and the gentle hills surrounding Perugia. The ancient Etruscan hilltop city of Perugia is reached after a steep climb where care must be taken of the local traffic. At the end of the climb up the old Via Eugubina is the large Franciscan convent at Monte Ripido, which has a beautiful library containing precious volumes and one of the best views of Perugia. From here the route goes through narrow medieval streets, once full of bustling merchants and now lively with university students.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]

Leg 9 Perugia - Assisi Start: Perugia Level: easy Finish: Assisi Height difference: + 350 / - 355 m Total distance: 27 kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration: 9 hrs Drinking water: yes

This leg of the journey partly follows the route of the Assisi Peace March. It starts at the Maggiore Fountain, set in one of the most beautiful parts of Perugia, then descends to Ponte San Giovanni and joins the path running along the Tiber river banks. The commercial centres of Bastiola and Bastia are passed through along the way. The road from Santa Maria degli Angeli to Assisi is the historical Franciscan route that connects the two main places of the Saint’s devotion. Today, thanks to the “A brickstone for Assisi” project, thousands of pilgrims have donated the brickstones used to pave the road you walk along . There is a deviation along the way because of work in progress.

Leg 10 Assisi - Start: Assisi Level: difficult Finish: Foligno Height difference: + 690 / - 885 m Total distance: 21,8 kms Surface: sealed - dirt Duration: 8 hrs Drinking water: no

Assisi is a starting point for discovering the less well known places where the main events in Francis’ life took place. The end of the leg is at Foligno. From Porta Perlici the route goes to the Eremo della Carceri, then continues along narrow, stoney paths through the untouched Monte Subasio Regional Park. The climb requires walkers to be rather fit, but when the endless hilltop plain appears above, after traversing places of noise and silence, sunlight and shade, an idea of the Absolute can be sensed, that will be left as one of the best memories of the journey. The path then leaves the wild and descends towards the plain through olive groves to , then continues along sealed road to Foligno, where the locals will provide a sincere and cordial welcome.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]

Leg 1 1 Foligno -Trevi Start: Foligno Level: easy Finish: Trevi Height difference: + 260 / - 90 m Total distance: 12,4 Kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration: 3,30 hrs Drinking water: yes

From the plain around Foligno the route goes up the hill to Trevi. After a short stop to fill up with fresh water at the imposing fountain at S. Eraclio, the walk continues along a farm track which gradually without being too tiring. There are cafès along the way where the locals can be met while enjoying a short stop for refreshments. The route then leaves the path through the olive groves and follows a scenic unsealed road, which is the last climb of the day. At the top of the hill is Trevi, with its convents and monuments, where there will be time for pleasing the palate with the excellent Dop olive oil made in the area.

Leg 1 2 Trevi - Poreta Start: Trevi Level: media Finish: Poreta Height difference: + 430 / - 470 m Total distance: 12,4 kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration: 3,30 hrs Drinking water: yes

The walk between Trevi and the castle of Poreta has a distance suitable for everyone, but the numerous climbs and descents through the hills require a constant, slow pace. From Trevi the route is all downhill to the scenic path, then it climbs again through the olive groves and stone-walled terraces. At a spring, it turns onto sealed, then dirt road, towards an ancient Franciscan hermitage. From here it goes down a narrow path towards the castle of Campello, whose white walls stand out from the surrounding countryside. After a short stop for water at Lenano, the path continues past little shrines lovingly dedicated to the Madonna. After a descent along sealed road, the leg ends at Poreta.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected] Leg 13 Poreta - Start: Poreta Level: difficult Finish: Spoleto Height difference: + 520 / - 500 m Total distance: 15,9 kms Surface: sealed-dirt Duration : 3,30 hrs Drinking water: yes

The first part of the walk to Spoleto has a few climbs to be tackled slowly, but it is then all downhill or on the flat. From Poreta it climbs to the ancient castle at the top of the hill, then continues along a narrow path through the woods to Osteria, a place near a former inn for travellers. After a short, flat stretch, it climbs up, sheltered by the thick shade of the woods, to Bazzano Superiore, where refreshments and fresh water are available. From here the path goes downhill to the castle at Eggi, where it is possible to see the frescoes painted by Spagna in the church of San Giovanni Battista. The walk then continues to Spoleto, ending in the beautiful square in front of the cathedral.

Leg 1 4 Spoleto - Ceselli Start: Spoleto Level: Difficult Finish: Ceselli Height difference: + 490 / - 680 m Total distance: 15,9 kms Surface: sealed- dirt Duration: 7,30 hrs Drinking water: yes

This route is entirely through the natural environment between the Valley of Spoleto and the Nera river and its valley. There is a rather steep climb to the summit, but the peace and the spiritual atmosphere of the Sacred Wood at Monteluco will leave all fatigue behind. Following the path to the lookout at the Rocca, walkers will exclaim just as Saint Francis did: Nihil iucundius vidi valle mea spoletana (Never have I seen anything as beautiful as my valley of Spoleto). After crossing the Ponte delle Torri, the tall acqueduct linking the town with the Monteluco wood, the path climbs through a thick cover of holm oaks, a place loved by Francis, who founded a convent there. It then continues to Forca di Castel del Monte, the highest point along the way, then descends to the valley of the Nera river to Ceselli, through thick vegetation and past secret hermitages.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]

Leg 1 5 Ceselli - Arrone Start: Ceselli Level: easy Finish: Arrone Height difference: + 130 / - 180 m Total distance: 14 kms Surface: sealed - dirt Duration: 5,30 hrs Drinking water: yes

This leg winds along the flat beside the Nera river. It begins at Ceselli, where it crosses the SS 209 – Valnerina highway and passes over the bridge leading to the Nera River Park (Parco Fluviale del Nera). The path is at the foot of the mountains, through farmed land and wild woodlands. Past a gate, which must be kept shut to respect local wishes, there is another spring of water, and soon after, Arrone is reached. Being close to the river and the famous Marmore waterfalls, this village has become important for water sports, such as canoeing and kayaking.

Leg 1 6 Arrone - Piediluco Start: Arrone Level: medium Finish: Piediluco Height difference: + 180 / - 20 m Total distance: 13 kms Surface: sealed - dirt Duration : 6 hrs Drinking water: yes

This part of the journey is suitable for everyone. It starts at Arrone, on the banks of the Nera river, whose water is refreshingly cool for walkers during the heat of summer. In less than 6 kms, all on the flat, it arrives at the spectacular Marmore waterfalls, where walkers will naturally stop to admire the beauty of the scenery. From here it climbs through the woods and away from the Nera river towards the Velino river, reaching lake Piediluco without being particularly difficult. The village of Piediluco can be seen in the distance, marking the end of the last leg of the journey in Umbria, before entering the Sacred Valley of Rieti that leads to Rome.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]