James Madison University JMU Scholarly Commons The iF xer, 1969-1973 JMU Special Collections 10-21-1970 The iF xer, October 21, 1970 Madison College Press (Free) Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.lib.jmu.edu/fixer Custom Citation The iF xer, October 21, 1970. Harrisonburg (Va.): Madison College Press (Free). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the JMU Special Collections at JMU Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iF xer, 1969-1973 by an authorized administrator of JMU Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. <**«You••***Y0u contendcontend' that ""the* the' decdecision la loir i ri r». ...stripstrips awayatray from any.'qoan; ciollege liege t, administration the right jtoJto mete a out punlahmbhtpunlshmerit to throseithosei vmo vio- late its iules."tujles," All thjeth^ 'decisionpeclslon sn snca srsca did vras..was ptohitltpi oh it it. , this ..particular particular c n administrationadmlnls'trat^on from enfenforcingior i S thbsethose YOU HAD particular ^ules.rules. The rb^sonreason for 0 this decision-declslonr is that thejse rules^nles- deprived sltudentsstudents of rlightsrights which U|U are guaranteed'guaranteed'to to all cdtjizens;citizensj Itit isIs NOT the!thel college's "rjlght"right to en- GET YOUR, t force rules which vlolajte the rights of itsits students.!students.; There is nothing, hqwdver,however, thatthat, INDIAN SILENCED:\S.IIENCEDs\ Frank James,, k&f \i prevents artyar^ ;administrationadministration from j Is an Instructor at the-the Nauset \ \enforcing.enforcing ahyarty rules thatthat(are are proper Regional High . SSchool'\inr chool' \ In Orleans, \ \ahd\and legal,legal.