RESEARCH ARTICLE Synaptic up-scaling preserves motor circuit output after chronic, natural inactivity Joseph M Santin1,2*, Mauricio Vallejo2, Lynn K Hartzler2 1Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, United States; 2Department of Biological Sciences, Wright State University, Dayton, United States Abstract Neural systems use homeostatic plasticity to maintain normal brain functions and to prevent abnormal activity. Surprisingly, homeostatic mechanisms that regulate circuit output have mainly been demonstrated during artificial and/or pathological perturbations. Natural, physiological scenarios that activate these stabilizing mechanisms in neural networks of mature animals remain elusive. To establish the extent to which a naturally inactive circuit engages mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity, we utilized the respiratory motor circuit in bullfrogs that normally remains inactive for several months during the winter. We found that inactive respiratory motoneurons exhibit a classic form of homeostatic plasticity, up-scaling of AMPA-glutamate receptors. Up-scaling increased the synaptic strength of respiratory motoneurons and acted to boost motor amplitude from the respiratory network following months of inactivity. Our results show that synaptic scaling sustains strength of the respiratory motor output following months of inactivity, thereby supporting a major neuroscience hypothesis in a normal context for an adult animal. DOI: *For correspondence: Introduction
[email protected] For the brain to work properly, neurons must employ compensatory mechanisms to retain informa- tion in synapses and to maintain normal circuit function. These compensatory mechanisms are con- Competing interests: The sidered homeostatic if they regulate firing frequency and/or circuit activity around a set-point, but authors declare that no they also may oppose disturbances to neuronal function without being firmly homeostatic (Turri- competing interests exist.