Review Dendritic trafficking and plasticity

Mala M. Shah1, Rebecca S. Hammond2,3 and Dax A. Hoffman3

1 Department of Pharmacology, The School of Pharmacy, University of London, London, WC1N 1AX, UK 2 Seaside Therapeutics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 3 Molecular Neurophysiology and Biophysics Unit, NICHD, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Dendritic ion channels are essential for the regulation of also activates intracellular signaling pathways that modify intrinsic excitability as well as modulating the shape and dendritic ion channel activity, local excitability and, per- integration of synaptic signals. Changes in dendritic haps, cell-wide excitability or ‘intrinsic plasticity’ [8,9] channel function have been associated with many forms (Figure 1). Often these activity-dependent changes in den- of . Recent evidence suggests that dritic ion channel function are stabilizing and limit the dendritic ion channel modulation and trafficking could extreme neuronal activity (spiking) that might otherwise contribute to plasticity-induced alterations in neuronal result from sustained synaptic efficacy. This ‘homeostatic function. In this review we discuss our current knowl- plasticity’ [10] provides negative-feedback control of edge of dendritic ion channel modulation and trafficking Hebbian synaptic plasticity. Moreover, during synaptic and their relationship to cellular and synaptic plasticity. plasticity altered expression and function of dendritic We also consider the implications for neuronal function. ion channels, through their effects on membrane polariz- We argue that to gain an insight into neuronal ation, can also influence the threshold for further induction information processing it is essential to understand of plasticity, or [7–9], providing a local the regulation of dendritic ion channel expression and mechanism of control over cell excitability. properties. Some of the activity-dependent changes in dendritic ion channel function described above are likely to be a con- Dendrites and plasticity sequence of altered post-translational modifications as Dendrites are extensive and elaborate processes emerging well as of dendritic channel trafficking (Figure 1). Recent from the cell body of . They occupy a large surface evidence suggests that selective targeting mechanisms area and receive most synaptic inputs [1]. Their predomi- determine the distribution and properties of dendritic nant function is in processing and transmitting synaptic ion channels [11]. Specific molecules are involved in the signals to the cell body and axon initial segment, where, if transport of ion channel subunits from the soma to den- threshold is reached, action potentials are initiated. This is drites. In addition, mRNAs encoding ion channels can be an active process because it is known that dendrites pos- trafficked into dendrites and locally translated, a process sess an abundance of ion channels that are involved in that could be activity-dependent [12]. Indeed, dendrites receiving, transforming and relaying information to other contain the necessary machinery for local protein synthesis parts of the [1]. These dendritic ion channels often [13]. Hence, expression of ion channels can be dynamically differ in their biophysical properties and densities from modified in dendrites in response to synaptic activity. This those present in other neuronal compartments. Moreover, active modulation of ion channel function could present a ion channel expression and properties can also differ sophisticated mechanism by which neurons regulate infor- within the dendritic arbor of neurons – for example, hyper- mation flow and thereby neuronal output. polarization-activated cation non-selective (HCN) chan- Here we review recent reports on dendritic voltage- nels are expressed highly in the apical, but not the gated ion channel targeting mechanisms and plasticity, basal, dendritic tree of layer V cortical pyramidal neurons omitting ligand-gated ion channel trafficking and [2–4]. This adds an additional layer of complexity to plasticity because many recent reviews have addressed neuronal information processing. this topic (e.g. Refs [14,15]). We begin by presenting an It is now evident that dendritic ion channel expression overview on how ion channels affect dendritic intrinsic and properties are modulated by induction of Hebbian excitability and synaptic integration. [including long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD)] as well as homeostatic (non-Hebbian) Role of dendritic ion channels in regulating intrinsic forms of plasticity (reviewed in Refs [5–7]). Hebbian forms excitability, synaptic integration and plasticity of plasticity are input-specific changes in synaptic strength 2+ Dendrites contain a plethora of ion channels including that largely involve postsynaptic Ca entry through vol- K+ channels. In many central neurons the densities of tage-sensitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR), 2+ most voltage-gated (Kv) channels appear to be known as NMDAR-dependent plasticity. This Ca influx uniform or lower in distal dendrites compared with those at the soma [1]. One exception appears to be the Kv4 Corresponding author: Shah, M.M. ([email protected]). subunit. Immunohistochemical analysis first showed a

0166-2236/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2010.03.002 Trends in 33 (2010) 307–316 307 Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.33 No.7

are more efficacious in the apical [18–21], radial oblique [22,23] and basal [4,23,24] dendrites than at the soma of several types of central neurons. A-type K+ channels play an important role in determining the amplitude and width of back-propagating action potentials [18,19,25]. They also limit the propagation of local dendritic spikes generated by spatially clustered and temporal synaptic input [23] and curtail dendritic Ca2+ signals generated by synaptic input or by back-propagating action potentials [22–24]. Thus, these channels affect forms of plasticity that depend on back-propagating action potentials or the propagation of local dendritic spikes (i.e. spike-timing-dependent plasticity) [23,26]. In addition, in hippocampal neurons, altering Kv4.2 channel expression leads to an activity-de- pendent remodeling of synaptic NMDAR subunit compo- Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the reciprocal relationship between ion channel sition and consequentially the ability to induce synaptic modulation/trafficking and plasticity, illustrating the possible mechanisms plasticity [27], suggesting that the regulation of these underlying plasticity- induced changes in ion channel expression and properties. channels could act as a metaplasticity mechanism. Note that dendritic-trafficking mechanisms include processes such as local translation as well as endocytosis. In contrast to Kv4 channels, neuronal Kv2.1 channels conduct delayed-rectifier (IK) currents that have a high threshold of voltage activation and slow kinetics [28].Kv2.1 predominantly dendritic localization of Kv4 channels [16] channels are found in many mammalian central neurons (Table 1). The Kv4 subunits form a fast activating and including hippocampal and cortical pyramidal cells inactivating current in heterologous systems, reminiscent (Table 1) where they appear to be localized to the soma- + of the A-type K current (IA) in neurons [17]. Consistent todendritic compartment [28] (but see Ref. [29]). Delayed with the immunohistochemical observations, electro- rectifier currents typically have the primary role of repo- physiological data together with pharmacology and larizing the membrane after action potentials. However, + calcium imaging have shown that A-type K channels the activation and inactivation properties of Kv2.1 suggest

Table 1. Molecules involved in dendritic ion channel trafficking during plasticity Channel Dendritic localization Role in dendritic excitability Type of plasticity Second messenger Trafficking Refs Subtype required mechanism

KV4.2 Apical, oblique and Determining bAP amplitude LTP; chemical neuronal PKA activation Clathrin-mediated [81] basal dendrites of and width; limiting activation (AMPA, KCl, endocytosis several types of propagation of dendritic glycine) central neurons spikes; curtailing Ca2+ influx due to bAP and synaptic potentials.

KCa2.2 Apical dendrites and Maintenance of membrane LTP; chemical neuronal PKA activation Clathrin-mediated [88,89] spines of hippocampal potential; limiting NMDA-R activation endocytosis and amygdala lateral activation in spines neurons

Kir Hippocampal and Maintenance of membrane Depotentiation (KCl, PP1 activation Membrane insertion [92,93 ] neocortical apical potential glutamate, NMDA, via recycling of dendrites and spines glycine) endosomes

KV2.1 Somatodendritic Regulation of membrane Enhanced neuronal PP2B (calcineurin) Lateral dispersion [74] compartments following activity activation of subunits as well as AIS APs

KV1.1 Hippocampal ? Reduced neuronal mTOR inhibition Enhanced local [94] dendrites activity protein synthesis HCN Hippocampal CA1 Regulation of resting LTP induced by CaMKII activation ? [99] apical dendrites , EPSP theta-burst and Spines shapes and integration stimulation HCN Prefrontal cortex Regulation of resting a2-adrenoreceptor- cAMP inhibition ? [59] spines membrane potential, EPSP mediated shapes and integration HCN Hippocampal CA1 Regulation of resting LTD PKC activation ? [100] apical dendrites membrane potential, EPSP and spines shapes and integration

CaV2.3 Hippocampal spines ? LTP CaMKII activation ? [80]

NaV Apical dendrites Boosting bAPs and Intrinsic plasticity CaMKII activation ? [110] generation of dendritic spikes The table summarizes known mechanisms involved in plasticity-induced changes in a variety of dendritic ion channels. Question marks indicate unknown mechanisms. Abbreviations: bAP, back-propagating ; AP, action potential; EPSP, excitatory postsynaptic potential.

308 Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.33 No.7 these channels are too slow for the regulation of single dence shows that the dendrites and spines of hippo- action potentials and instead influence repetitive spiking campal and cortical neurons contain an exceptionally [30]. In support of this, knockdown of Kv2.1 did not alter high density of the hyperpolarization-activated cation the shape of single action potentials but did cause hyper- non-selective (HCN) channels [47,48] (Table 1). There excitability after repetitive (1 Hz) stimulation of hippo- arefoursubtypesofHCNgenes(HCN1–4) [49],and campal pyramidal cells [31].Kv2.1 channels could HCN1 and HCN2 channels are predominantly present therefore play an important role in dendritic integration in dendrites [47,48]. These channels have very unusual by suppressing hyperexcitability as repetitive signals biophysical properties in that they are permeable to both approach the soma, and potentially contributing to homeo- Na+ and K+ and are activated at potentials hyperpol- static plasticity. arized to -50 mV. Hence, they are active at rest and are Dendrites and spines of several central neurons also involved in maintaining the neuronal resting membrane contain calcium-activated potassium (KCa)channels potential (RMP). Their effects on dendritic excitability, [32–35]. Intriguingly, KCa2 (small-conductance calcium- though, are complex. Block or knockdown of HCN chan- activated potassium, or SK) channels are located in close nels causes RMP hyperpolarization but results in signifi- proximity to synaptic and extra-synaptic glutamate cantly greater numbers of dendritic action potentials, receptors, suggesting a synaptic function (Table 1). slower excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) decay Indeed, these channels reduce dendritic integration by and enhanced EPSP summation [50–55]. These effects restricting compartmentalized Ca2+ spikes (plateau are due to increased membrane resistance [51,54] as well potentials) triggered by strong synaptic input [33].In as to alterations in the biophysical properties of other ion the [32] and the amygdala [34],Ca2+ influx channels such as low-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels + through NMDA receptors activates KCa2 channels, [56] and delayed-rectifier K channels [57].Hence,in hyperpolarizing the membrane and promoting the NMDA spite of the RMP being hyperpolarized, loss of Ih in distal receptor Mg2+ block, limiting further activation. This hippocampaldendritesgivesrisetoenhancedLTP[58] KCa2-mediated negative feedback on NMDA receptors and elevated neural network excitability [51,59]. therefore impacts on the induction of Hebbian plasticity. In addition to HCN and K+ channels, immunohisto- Consistent with this model, pharmacological downregu- chemical studies have demonstrated the presence of the + lation of KCa2enhances[36], whereas the genetic upre- Na channel subunits, NaV1.1, NaV1.2 and NaV1.6 in gulation of KCa2impairs[37], hippocampal LTP induction dendrites and spines of hippocampal CA1 and cortical and encoding. pyramidal neurons [60]. In agreement, electrophysiologi- + + Inwardly-rectifying K (Kir) channels are another group cal studies have revealed Na channels in the dendrites of of K+ channels that are expressed throughout the CNS these neurons [60] where they play a role in potentiating including the apical dendrites of neocortical and hippo- action potential back-propagation [19,61] and the gener- campal CA1 neurons [38–41] (Table 1). Kir channels are ation of dendritic spikes [62] (Table 1). Action potential characterized by their unidirectional inward rectification back-propagation and the initiation of dendritic spikes are that is gated by an intracellular cation block [41]. There- crucial for the induction of some forms of Hebbian fore, at membrane potentials more negative than rest, Kir plasticity [9,62]. channels pass an inward current, returning the membrane The initiation and expression of many forms of plasticity to resting potential. However, at potentials more positive also often involves Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2+ than rest, cations prevent an outward K+ current from channels (VGCC). To date, ten VGCC primary subunits hyperpolarizing the cell membrane. These fundamental have been cloned [63]. Immunohistochemical as well as rectification properties of Kir channels are essential in electrophysiological studies have revealed the presence of maintaining neuronal membrane potential. Of the seven all subtypes of VGCC in dendrite shafts [60]. Further, Kir subfamilies, Kir3.x channels are unique in their acti- multiple subtypes of VGCC have been found in dendritic vation by G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Specifi- spines in numerous cell types [64] (Table 1). VGCC opening cally, Gi-orGo-type GPCRs, such as g-amino butyric acid is enhanced by synaptic potentials and action potential type B (GABAB) receptors, activate Kir3 channels [41–43]. back-propagation, sometimes leading to the initiation of 2+ The particular GPCRs that interact with Kir3.x are poten- Ca spikes and plateau potentials [60,65,66]. These prop- tially mediated by their spatial compartmentalization. For erties allow VGCCs to regulate the induction of synaptic 2+ example, GABAB receptors have been observed in close plasticity [60,65,66]. Indeed, Ca entry through dendritic proximity to synaptic Kir3.x channels in spines, but less so VGCC is necessary for LTD in entorhinal cortical cells [67] in the dendritic shaft [44,45]. Consistent with their synap- and hippocampal CA1 neurons [68], as well as for LTP at tic localization, Kir3.2 channels mediate slow inhibitory hippocampal CA1–perforant path [66] and hippo- postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) [46], that are potentiated campal CA1– synapses [69]. Moreover, 2+ 2+ following low frequency (3 Hz) stimulation in hippocampal Ca influx via CaV1.x (L-type) Ca channels in dendritic slices. This phenomenon is mediated by GABAB receptor spines contributes to induction of specific activation of Kir3.2 channels, and is both NMDAR- and NMDAR-dependent LTP in hippocampal neurons [70]. calcium- dependent protein kinase II (CaM- Hence, the presence of voltage-gated ion channels in den- KII)-dependent [44]. drites plays a vital role in determining their intrinsic Clearly, K+ channels play a significant role in shaping excitability as well as shaping synaptic inputs and integ- dendritic excitability. Dendrites, however, also contain a ration and thereby the induction and maintenance of number of other ion channels. Interestingly, recent evi- plasticity.

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Plasticity-induced post-translational modifications and nel activation occurs when Ca2+ binds calmodulin (CaM), membrane trafficking of dendritic ion channels that is itself constitutively bound at the channel C-termi- Cellular has been hypothesized to underlie nus [76]. Also associated constitutively with KCa2.2 are experience-dependent behaviors such as and casein kinase II (CK2) and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) memory and drug addiction (Figure 1). Uncovering the that regulate the phosphorylation of KCa2.2-bound CaM cellular and molecular mechanisms of the acquisition, [77]. Whereas CaM phosphorylation by CK2 leads to faster storage and recollection of is a major topic of channel deactivation and reduced Ca2+-sensitivity, depho- basic and translational research because sphorylation by PP2A increases Ca2+ sensitivity. Interest- alterations in these mechanisms could contribute to ingly, phosphorylation of CaM by CK2 is Ca2+- and state- multiple disease pathologies, including autism, epilepsy, dependent, only occurring when the channels are closed. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. For the most part, The net result is a system of bidirectional modification of regulation of individual synaptic input strength (synaptic KCa2.2 channel activation, where during low activity (with plasticity) has received the most attention with a focus on infrequent Ca2+ signals) activation is reduced by CK2, and the trafficking and properties of the neurotransmitter during repetitive stimulation or synaptic activity (with receptors themselves [aÀamino-3-hydroxyl-5-methylisox- sustained Ca2+ signals) channel activation is enhanced azole-4 propionate receptors (AMPARs) and NMDARs]. by PP2A. However, a confluence of recent evidence indicates that, As with Kv and KCa channels, the resting state of HCN subsequent to receptor activation, synaptic responses are channels is also likely to be regulated by phosphorylation. regulated by dendritic voltage-gated channels and that Several modulators including 3’,5’-cyclic adenosine mono- these channels themselves are targeted for modulation. phosphate (cAMP) and phosphoinositides have been found, To fully understand how these channels contribute to and all shift the activation curves of HCN channels [49]. different forms of plasticity is it crucial to determine Hence, variation in the activity of these molecules by how their biophysical properties and subcellular localiz- GPCR activity or synaptic strength would result in altered ation are modulated. gating of these channels, leading to changes in synaptic- potential shapes and integration, thereby augmenting the Post-translational modifications intrinsic excitability of neurons. Indeed, an elegant study Because many forms of cellular and synaptic plasticity by Wang et al. (2007) demonstrates that, in spines of result in altered activity of kinases and phosphatases, it prefrontal cortical neurons, activation of a2 adrenorecep- is perhaps not surprising that activity-dependent changes tors leads to a reduction in cAMP activity and HCN func- also affect dendritic channel expression and properties tion (Table 1), thereby potentiating EPSP integration and (Figure 1). In distal CA1 dendrites, protein kinase A elevating neuronal firing, eventually causing an increase (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular-signal in working memory [59]. regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK/ Many forms of plasticity involve depolarization of den- MAPK) all downregulate A-type K+ channel activity, drites leading to opening of Ca2+ and Na+ channels. Na+ resulting in enhanced action potential propagation channels located in dendritic trunks are present in a [71,72] (Table 1). In addition, LTP induction in hippo- phosphorylated state in some neurons [78]. An altered campal slices shifts the voltage-dependence of steady-state balance of kinases and phosphatases caused by changes IA inactivation leftwards [73]. These modulations both in GPCR activity might lead to a change in the activation have the effect of increasing local dendritic excitability and inactivation curves of these channels. This would and enhancing action potential back-propagation, and this affect the initiation and back- propagation of dendritic would lead to a change in the ability to induce subsequent spikes, and could thereby alter the threshold for certain potentiation (metaplasticity). types of plasticity, such as spike-timing-dependent Moreover, Kv2.1 channels have a fascinating profile of plasticity. GPCR activity could also regulate the resting phosphorylation-regulated activation. Not only does state of Ca2+ channels. Indeed, in hippocampal spines, dephosphorylation of the channel by PP2B (protein phos- activation of PKA by stimulation of b2 adrenoreceptors 2+ phatase 2B – also known as calcineurin; Table 1) cause a has been demonstrated to facilitate CaV1.x (L-type) Ca hyperpolarized shift in its voltage-dependent activation channel activity [79], thereby priming the induction of [74], but it does so in a graded manner. Using a proteomics synaptic plasticity. Interestingly, these same pathways approach, 16 phosphorylation sites were identified on the could also cause depression of other Ca2+ channel subtypes Kv2.1 channel, seven of which are dephosphorylated by and block LTP [80]. Hence, the phosphorylated states of PP2B. The more sites that are dephosphorylated, the voltage-dependent ion channels in dendrites are crucial for greater the shift in activation, with complete dephosphor- the generation of plasticity. This could also affect the ylation yielding a large (35 mV) hyperpolarized shift [75]. maintenance of plasticity. and thus metaplasticity. With their slow kinetics, such changes in activation would Throughout this section we have focused on the regu- probably lead to more Kv2.1 channels being activated lation of ion channels by protein phosphorylation. How- during repetitive stimulation, and would subsequently ever, it is probable that future research will uncover other suppress spiking during instances of neuronal excitability, forms of post-translational modifications (e.g. ubiquitina- providing a mechanism of [29]. tion and palmitoylation) that contribute to dendritic ion Despite its lack of voltage-dependence, KCa2.2 (SK2) channel sorting and localization and are therefore also channel activation is also regulated through the phos- potential sources of activity-dependent regulation of den- phorylation state of its multiprotein complex. KCa2.2 chan- dritic excitability.

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Figure 2. Activity-dependent trafficking of K+ channels. (a) Illustration depicting the translocation of several K+ channels in response to common forms of neuronal 2+ plasticity. Extrasynaptic KV4.2 channels and KCa2.2 channels located near the postsynaptic density (PSD) are internalized during LTP, requiring Ca influx and PKA 2+ activation (1); Kir3.2 channels are inserted into the synapse during depotentiation via Ca influx and protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) activation (2); and KV2.1 channels de- cluster upon glutamate stimulation, a process dependent on Ca2+ influx and protein phosphatase-2B (PP2B) activation (3). Glial glutamate transporters (GLT) also influence Kv2.1 dephosphorylation through their regulation of extrasynaptic NMDAR–Kv2.1 channel coupling [96]. (b) Activity-dependent internalization of the voltage-gated channel

KV4.2 requires NMDAR activation. Fluorescence changes are plotted from time-lapse images of spines of hippocampal neurons coexpressing EGFP-tagged KV4.2 and the soluble red-fluorescent protein (tdTomato). AMPA stimulation resulted in a specific and progressive decrease of KV4.2 fluorescence intensity in spines, with no significant change in tdTomato fluorescence (inset). KV4.2 fluorescence intensity was not significantly changed by coapplication of the NMDAR inhibitor [(2R)-amino-5- phosphonovaleric acid] (APV) (figure adapted with permission from Ref. [81]).

Membrane trafficking – potassium channels role in its activity-dependent trafficking. The dendritic In addition to post-translational modification of channel targeting of Kv4.2 subunits is dictated by a C-terminal properties, active trafficking of dendritic ion channels also dileucine motif [82], and Kv4.2 is transported by the motor influences cellular and synaptic plasticity (Figure 1). For protein Kif17, a kinesin isoform that binds to the extreme example, Kv4.2 channels are internalized from the den- C-terminal end of the channel [83].Kv4.2 cell-surface dritic membrane during synaptic plasticity (Figure 2). In expression is further regulated by a number of auxiliary hippocampal slices, Kv4.2 channels are internalized after subunits, including Kv4-channel-interacting proteins LTP induction with a pairing protocol, and in cultured (KChIPs) and dipeptidyl peptidase-like type II proteins, neurons with activation by AMPA, potassium chloride DPP6 and DPP10 [28], that bind to the N-terminus [84] (KCl), or glycine [81]. In this study, internalization was and S1/S2 domains [85] of Kv4.2, respectively. An intri- measured by a decrease in membrane-bound Kv4.2, a guing avenue for future research will be to uncover how reduction in IA, and by real-time observation of green post-translational modifications and membrane expres- fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Kv4.2 redistributing from sion are related. For example, PKA phosphorylation of the to the shaft (Figure 2B). These effects Kv4.2 is required for activity-dependent internalization were also NMDAR-dependent, supporting the model that [86]. But does phosphorylation trigger internalization or Kv4.2 internalization occurs during Hebbian synaptic is it simply required for membrane localization of the plasticity. The mechanism of Kv4.2 internalization prob- mobile pool of channels? In addition, how do post-transla- ably involves clathrin-mediated endocytosis because block- tional modifications interact with auxiliary subunits to ing dynamin recruitment to clathrin-coated pits prevented affect channel complex expression and properties? GFP-Kv4.2 redistribution and IA reduction. Auxiliary subunits themselves could be targets for modu- Multiple proteins mediate Kv4.2 targeting and mem- lation. For example, it has been recently shown that Kv4.2 brane expression, and these molecules could also play a primary subunit phosphorylation could be required for the

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auxiliary protein KChIP4a to regulate channel properties eral translocation of Kv channels are also mechanisms by [87]. which their differential expression takes place. In hippo- KCa2.2 channels, like Kv4.2 channels, are internalized campal neurons, local Kv1.1 channel translation in den- during LTP (Figure 2A, Table 1) [88].Inhippocampal drites is upregulated upon NMDA receptor inhibition, + slices, KCa2.2 channels are internalized after chemically- suggesting that activity can regulate K channel expres- induced LTP or after physiologically-relevant LTP induc- sion (Table 1) [94]. Moreover, in hippocampal pyramidal tion by theta- burst stimulation [88]. This process neurons, clustered somatodendritic Kv2.1 channels dis- also requires NMDAR activation and involves channel perse laterally along the membrane after neuronal stimu- phosphorylation by PKA [88].Clathrin-mediated lation and dephosphorylation by PP2B (calcineurin) endocytosis of KCa2.2 subunits has also been demon- (Figure 2, Table 1) [74,95,96]. This dephosphorylation strated in lateral amygdala spines in an NMDAR- and and translocation is accompanied by a hyperpolarizing PKA-dependent manner following LTP [89].Inthis shift in the activation and inactivation of Kv2.1 [96,97], study the authors suggested that there is constitutive enhancing the influence of Kv2.1 during repetitive firing. dynamin-dependent endocytosis of KCa2.2 channels, and Interestingly, this effect is mediated by the activation of PKA phosphorylation of the channel during stimulation extrasynaptic NMDARs, and could be important for the sequesters it to the cytosolic compartment. The resulting regulation of intrinsic excitability of neurons during exci- effect is a reduction in functional synaptic KCa2.2 and totoxic events [95–97]. enhanced LTP. The expected consequence of reducing K+ channel HCN channel targeting and plasticity density during synaptic activity is to enhance dendritic As with K+ channels, Hebbian plasticity at selective excitability and reduce the probability of further LTP synapses results in activity-dependent alterations in induction. But what is the fate of Kv4.2 and KCa2 channels HCN channels. Induction of NMDAR-dependent LTP via after activity-dependent internalization? Are they recycled a theta-burst protocol enhances HCN expression in hippo- back into the membrane or degraded? If the former, is campal CA1 neurons [98,99]. This effect is dependent on reinsertion also subject to activity-dependent regulation? Ca2+ entry via NMDAR activation of CaMKII [99] The spatial restriction of signaling events that trigger (Figure 3, Table 1). Conversely, metabotropic glutamate dendritic ion channel trafficking during plasticity is also receptor-dependent LTD results in reduced HCN expres- unclear. That is, is internalization compartmentalized to sion due to Ca2+ release from internal stores and activation the spine or could extensive spread contribute to intrinsic of PKC [100] (Figure 3, Table 1). Hence, depending on the plasticity [90]? Recent reports show that some NMDAR- source and possibly concentration, Ca2+ can bi-direction- activated signaling molecules such as the guanosine tri- ally regulate the membrane insertion of HCN channels. phosphatase Ras are spread over 10 micrometers of den- One outstanding question is whether the plasticity- drite and invade neighbouring spines [91], whereas others induced alterations in HCN function and expression (such as CaMKII) remain restricted to the activated spine involve post-translational modifications, as has been [70]. Recent advancements in fluorescent protein labeling shown for LTP-induced changes in K+ channels and live-cell imaging techniques could soon provide [81,88,89,92], modulation of auxiliary subunits or vari- answers to such questions. ations in local protein synthesis. All three mechanisms Interestingly, the same neuronal activation that could occur. HCN mRNA is abundant in dendrites reduces surface expression of Kv4.2 and KCa2.2 channels [101,102], and the possibility that synaptic activity could increases the surface expression of Kir channels influence local protein synthesis (as with KV1.1 [94])or (Figure 2A, Table 1). In hippocampal neurons, activation endocytic membrane recycling of HCN subunits cannot be with KCl, glutamate, NMDA, or glycine reduces the sur- ruled out. Excitingly though, HCN channels are actively face expression of endogenous Kir3.1 and Kir3.2 channels trafficked to dendrites by binding to a chaperone protein [92]. This takes place through NMDAR-dependent acti- known as TPR-containing Rab8b-interacting protein vation of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), that dephosphor- (TRIP8b) [103–106]. Moreover, TRIP8b appears to be ylates Kir3.1-2 channels, causing their insertion into the essential for the membrane expression of HCN channels membrane from recycling endosomes [92]. This NMDAR- in hippocampal and cortical dendrites [103,105,106]. dependent insertion of Kir3.1-2 channels could also Multiple isoforms of TRIP8b have been identified, and regulate the depotentiation of synapses, an input-specific most of these enhance the expression of dendritic HCN and NMDAR-dependent form of synaptic plasticity import- subunits [105,106]. All isoforms of TRIP8b also alter the ant for maintaining bidirectional modification of synapses. gating of HCN channels [104–106]. TRIP8b, like HCN In a recent study, Chung et al [93] demonstrate that channels, has phosphorylation consensus sites for a num- depotentiation of hippocampal synapses requires the acti- ber of kinases [106,107] including CaMKII and PKC, rais- vation of adenosine A1 receptors, PP1 and Kir3.1-2 chan- ing the prospect that alterations in the activity of these nels – suggesting that the activity-dependent insertion of kinases could dynamically regulate the expression of Kir3.1-2 channels into the membrane might contribute to TRIP8b activity and thereby influence HCN channel the mechanism of depotentiation. expression and characteristics at selective synapses and Together, these exciting findings raise the possibility dendritic locations. In keeping with this, activity-depend- that the input specificity of synaptic plasticity could in part ent loss of TRIP8b, and thus of HCN channel expression, be mediated by alterations in local dendritic K+ channel has been demonstrated to occur following excessive expression. Regulation of local protein synthesis and lat- neuronal activity [108].

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Figure 3. Plasticity induced bi-directional regulation of HCN channels. (a) Model depicting the pathways involved in upregulation of HCN channels following induction of theta-burst LTP in hippocampal neurons. (b) The converse occurs with induction of LTD and is dependent on mGluR activation and thus different intracellular signaling cascades.

Moreover, HCN channels, and presumably TRIP8b Concluding remarks subunits, could be located in close proximity to GPCRs In summary, we have discussed how the activity and at some synapses. Activation of these GPCRs might also expression of dendritic ion channels can be dynamically modulate HCN channel activity and expression and so regulated by alterations in intrinsic neuronal firing and influence the threshold of plasticity. This is certainly the changes in synaptic activity. Whereas enormous strides case in prefrontal cortical neurons where HCN1 channels have been made in understanding how several subtypes of are co-localized with a2 adrenoreceptors [59].Inthese voltage-gated ion channels are selectively targeted to den- neurons, activation of a2 adrenoreceptors leads to a drites and how plasticity affects the dendritic trafficking of decrease in spine cAMP and HCN1 channel activity, these channels, much less is known about others. For resulting in enhanced LTP and working memory [59] example, dendritic Na+ and Ca2+ channel function is (Table 1). This is very intriguing because neither the altered during synaptic plasticity [80,110] (Table 1) but gating properties nor the expression profile of heterolo- whether these changes in function are due to variations in gously expressed HCN1 channels are significantly expression and trafficking of the subunits remains to be affected by acute changes in cAMP [109].Hence,itis explored. Future studies are also required to determine possible that this could be due to modulation of accessory how multiple trafficking events synchronize during subunits such as TRIP8b, again raising the question of plasticity. For instance dendritic ion channels such as whether plasticity-dependent changes of HCN channel Kv4.2 and KCa2.2 channels are internalized while function are due to alterations in trafficking and mem- AMPA-type glutamate receptors are inserted into the brane expression of the subunits. membrane during LTP, creating a potential traffic jam. Furthermore, multiple isoforms of TRIP8b are Are these events coordinated sequentially or are they expressed in hippocampal and cortical neurons [105,106]. independently regulated? Related to this, do the same Interestingly, one of these isoforms inhibits rather trafficking events that lead to plasticity-induced changes than enhances HCN expression [105,106], raising the in one dendritic ion channel trigger alterations in other ion possibility that plasticity-induced changes in HCN channel properties to maintain ? Is mRNA channel function could involve an altered balance in the translation co-regulated for different types of dendritic activity of these TRIP8b isoforms. Hence, plasticity might ion channels? Clearly, much remains unknown, and the not induce changes in TRIP8b expression per se but could answers will be especially rewarding, increasing our un- simply result in increased activity of one isoform over derstanding of dendritic integration, basic biological sig- the others, causing altered membrane expression of naling mechanisms, and cellular and synaptic plasticity. HCN subunits. These are all open questions that still need to be investigated, perhaps using new tools such as Acknowledgements isoform-specific antibodies or transgenic mice lacking This work was supported by an New Investigator Award from the Medical selective isoforms. Research Council (G0700369, M.M.S.), a Wellcome Trust project grant

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