Patented Aug. 19, 1952 2,607,794 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE PROCESS OF PREPARING 2,2-DIPHENYL-3- TRILEMETHYL-4-DIMETHYLAMINo-BUTYRONI Earl M. Chamberlin, Rahway, and Max Tishler, Westfield, N.J., assignors to Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., a corporation of New Jersey No Drawing. Application April 9, 1949, Seria No. 86,596 6 Claims. (CL 260-465) . 2 This invention relates to the manufacture of dimethylamino-butyronitrile (compound 5). Compounds possessing analgesic and anesthetic These reactions may be chemically represented action. In particular, it is concerned with an as follows: improved synthetic method for preparing 2,2-di phenyl 3-methyl-4-dimethylamino - butyronia CH3CHOHCHCl + RSO: C1 - cHipHCHCI trile and With novel chemical compounds useful Öso, R. as intermediates in the preparation of this come (1) (2) (3) pound. , 2,2-diphenyl-3-methyl - 4-dimethylami (C6H5)2CHCN no-butyronitrile is itself an important interne NaNH diate in the Synthesis of isoamidone, 1-dimethyl O amino-2-methyl-3,3-diphenylhexanone - 4 and (CH3)NH SaltS thereof. ISOamidone and its salts possess (C.H.)--HCH.N(CH), --- (CH)--HCH.Cl analgesic action and may be used as substitutes CE CH: for morphine. - N N 2,2-diphenyl-3-methyl - 4 - dimethylamino 5 (5) (4) butyronitrile has been prepared previously by The organic Sulfonyl chloride employed in the reacting 1-dimethylamino-2-chloropropane with foregoing reaction can be either an aromatic diphenylacetonitrile as described by Schultz et al. Sulfonyl chloride such as p-toluene sulfonyl chlo (J. A. C. S. 69, 188-189, Jan. 1947). As pointed ride, benzene Sulfonyl chloride and the like, or out by these workers, however, when 2,2-di 20 an aliphatic Sulfonyl chloride such as methane phenyl - 3 - methyl - 4-dimethlamino-butyroni Sulfonyl chloride.
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