8 . 4 . 97 I EN I Official Journal of the European Communities No C 109 / 5

Publication of an application for registration pursuant to Article 6 ( 2 ) of Regulation ( EEC) No 2081 /92 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin

( 97 /C 109 / 04 )

This publication confers the right to object to the application pursuant to Article 7 of the abovementioned Regulation . Any objection to this application must be submitted via the competent authority in the Member State concerned within a time limit of six months from the date of this publication . The arguments for publication are set out below , in particular under 5 ( f), and are considered to justify the application within the meaning of Regulation ( EEC ) No 2081 /92 .


APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION : Article 5 (X ) Article 17 ( ) PDO ( ) PGI (X ) National application No : 75/96

1 . Responsible department in the Member State :

Name : Direcçao-Geral do Desenvolvimento Rural Address : Av . Defensores de Chaves 6 P-1000 Lisbon Tel .: ( 1 ) 357 9276 Fax : ( 1 ) 353 5872

2 . Applicant group :

( a ) Name : Carnovina — Agrupamento de Produtores Agro-Pecuários , SA

( b ) Address : Prolongamento à Rua de S. Paulo 36 , Armazém das Lãs P-7800 Beja

( c ) Composition : Producer/processor (X ) other ( )

3 . Type of product : Fresh meat and offal . Class 1.1

4 . Specification :

(summary of requirements under Article 4 ( 2 ))

( a ) Name : Lamb from Baixo Alentejo — Geographical indication

( b ) Description : Carcases which , when classified in accordance with Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1278 /94 , weigh between 8 and 10 kg in category B and 10,1 and 13 kg in category C , have well-developed , firm and compact muscle with minimum adhesion in the fibres and connective tissue . The carcases should be graded as E , U , R, O and their fat should fall in classifications 2 , 3 or 4 of the Europ grid . Covering and cavity fat is white and firm and the flesh tender and very succulent because of the presence of fat within and between muscles . It has a unique flavour .

( c ) Geographical area : The geographical area of production within which lambs must be born , raised and slaughtered comprises the municipalities of , Almodovar , Alvito , , Beja , , Cuba , , Mértola , Moura , , , Viana do Alentejo and and certain parishes of the munici­ palities of Alcácer do Sal , Grândola , Mourão , , Portel and Santiago do Cacem . No C 109 / 6 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 8 . 4 . 97

( d ) Proof of origin : Only carcases from animals born and raised on holdings within the geographical area of production which use a properly updated system of registration (stock book ) and identification of breeding animals , comply with all feed and health rules relating to the animals and accept the checks and certification provided for in rules on checks and certification of Baixo Alentejo lamb , which also includes rules on the slaughter, cutting and presentation for market of the carcases and meat , may use the geographical indication . ( e ) Method ofproduction : The meat and offal are obtained from the slaughter of lambs from the local breeds Merina and Campanifa and their crosses with other breeds derived from Merino at the age of 3 or 4 months . The animals are brought into the slaught­ erhouse 12 to 24 hours before slaughter and then eat nothing , although they have free access to water . They are stunned before slaughter . The carcases are chilled at a temperature not exceeding 15 °C in a very strong current of air . The carcases and offal are chilled immediately after the post mortem inspection and kept at a temperature of 7 °C or less in the case of the carcases and 3 °C or less in the case of the offal . Cutting and packing may take place only on licensed premises and at a temperature not exceeding 12 °C . Baixo Alentejo lamb is placed on sale after refrigeration for at least 24 hours with an internal temperature of 7 °C . ( f) Link : The specific characteristics of this meat as a whole result from the nature of the pasture , feed and woodland in the area , the breeds of sheep used ( Merina and Campanifa ) and the production techniques developed on the basis of regional pref­ erences for consumption and principally the plant cover, relief and climate in the region , which has a long tradition of stock-raising . This was the way of life of the people who lived here long before the Arabs and Portuguese arrived , as is clearly shown by archae­ ological remains . Excavations in the area have revealed a large number of artifacts used in weaving . Classical authors (Avienus , Pliny and Polybius ) mention the quantity and quality of wool from the ' Conventus Pacencis', the region which includes the Baixo Alentejo . The Arabs developed this way of life , as can be seen from the many words of Arabic origin concerned with sheep raising and cheese-making . Local customs still reflect the longstanding presence of these animals in the Baixo Alentejo , particularly , in haute cuisine, where roast leg of lamb Alentejano style and local lamb stew are only two of the traditional dishes .

( g ) Inspection body: Name : ACOS — Associação de Criadores de Ovinos do Sul Address : Rua Cidade de S. Paulo , Ap . 296 P-7801 Beja Codex

( h ) Labelling : Compulsory indication ' Borrego do Baixo Alentejo — Indicagao geografica' and numbered certifying brand showing both the name of the product and the name of the certifying body . Specimen labels and brands are included in the specification . ( i ) National requirements : Order No 94/96 published in the Diario da Republica , No 189 , II series , 16 August 1996 , which lays down the main production rules and features of lamb from the Baixo Alentejo and defines the area of production .

EC No : PT0032 /96.09.16 Date of receipt of the full application : 16 . 9 . 1996 .