Her College Populu 1at1111111na .Elpert Include 'Wesffield ctates .Method In :Plans ; Di "Dimout'� For CanSalv age For Jersey Coast THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 Pap Twenty om i te on rid es, ·ing home demonstration ngcnt of the requesting the dllferencu between his Repnaort or m t e c Hom� Economics P. S. Army comJ>cnsn tion amt the com11en- rni CFlood Control, Br cgom- I1 Program Blackout Affects 1m y D o nnd Home Economics Extension Service, t on r c i d ount �Jorie, was mendingg the sum of be pald to l e e vetho ns C the Town $9,600 o developed reterred to Ii'lnnnco Committee. of '\Vesttlehl a contrC lbu­ The Union County Extension un. says the program hns been q s n lnelnl- n rd s the JmprovementlU:I o tho cil economics C day of Over n pei·iod· not much longer thnn Doro of Cnrwood, r e u ti tlo tow1t in home will hold its an. to lrring a full most bcneficia.J e e y ewas gr eferred strenmcrossing Lind en Ave.,... near Oak the time It will read this story, In.lionof t l t p 8yt1tem, ar lnden A\•c- taketo to tho Flnnnce Committee.e A enue, Oak Ave., ne nual meeting on Tuesday at 12 :46 help in these uncertain wartimes. The a v . o d J BUY. committee as the electric load on the Public Serv­ Su11t. e nsure ner onth was re Aas't Home Dem. r of Westfield.A Said sum to be con· I I theat SUO r un Agent•, Public P op- trlbutlon towards the a ferrall to Finance Committee. G o ds lluUdlngs Commltt construction of - ' · County Clerk, he has been ertyArlnual & st rm sewer, as on roll call u anl.:...... ,. advtalnl' report Judge Fr.ank: o ed w n · .... d d n or 0 ej. am u a TDR.LYON�THPOWDERS Ill• cma' ' · · - V' l�� Jr ��ttiz�:n�:l c�':.�1 dw:'. �::!1�.l�:.i h e b���� rio --&� "',Bl'l!I,'!"· ..,..l!L...... n n t al a e om �m L':. t!: r.��·rd re d 9�air".� T �� o further businessudley; and v n4 o • ftled. · upon motion f )'reehol der D ��ll� �l� e��e: ; : �f;r:, ::� lll:a�r�c�h�l�1:t::• :� � � � � duly secon ded and caried, the Direc- . �=� e are ar d ou e t ====��:L�ln�d�. �� ; ��� �=����=�: tor d cl d the Board rn d un il ...... ;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Thur&day, March 26th, 194j 2, at two ...... ll!l ;;;1 ') .. � � ...... ;;;; P. M. CHARLES A· FLECK, ,,�.. �"'�� �� .. .. I F C erK -Adv. l , 24c PROBAf" O" BLADES - eiciie.SODA 4'•


FRIENDLY FINAICE C 231 EAST •GAD st. Kitchen C abinets

PaintPaint-Sprayed spraying will restore your cabinets to their original lustre - inexpensively and FOR Y<;>UR CONVENIENCE quickly. Phone today for an estimate on refinishingus the IN SELLING REAL ESTATE. cabinets in your kitchen. Du­ Pont paints. \ CALL WE. 2-4050 FOR INFORMATIO�

HarrySTREET Van Reekum 26 PROSPECT WESTFIELD, N. J. - ---, �:==;:+---- -.- the Telephone Weat&eld 2·2871 --- - The Perfect' Jln1wer to Needa of the Modem, Smaller Room ia · thia · PIANO SPIN�TYou for M Griffith• Can Purc:ha• It Onl7

Give Mother PIANETTE$g4g� ¥9DEL - '!�� ���· Why not make your home and Candy ha'li the .• lift that music brln11 •. Delicious candy' m a wide assortment. definite to u1 theM 0J1,1 You're fo find her he sure favorite · re. Fines� quality. All home mMle on the prenuses.


JUSmll'-moet • YOOI beautilul �t-thll Step out _... in our new BalanceM�tioa in f�e ihoee llCienoedealgned u an aid to anoe •beauty. Th• 1hom are made to OPENTONIGRr mL' _,.,, im-ur--11. They are IJClion.fitted for. the actift modem w0111111.See the many ..W;mocJeJa in allthe m��,-"ncluei1e colon ,,. • Ii.then.&om Priced too .� IOQ. .

* "'--"' ill •Cail •La11oto1ory I• ,_, Urtitltriilly. . * A...,,,_ fJr lltJdialu "'-n:la. ONLY . .• �...,.,,,.• .., JIGlaMe "' Jl°'"1fl.... .-ONELESI SHAD


· q -- · . FltESH POGJES.. 50¢• a. I& WEAKFISH ••, n,, 21c HemeCat FILLET a. lie ••,. .._.._,, •1 "Maril Cnu". HAUBUT SAl.MOfif, •••,

VANl3'1 ARSDALE'SWEST FRONT ST . BIVONA'S SI� 'ti>OD W Now ••• :Weldadae .. ..,...• .r ...... _ C. •tre" ....,, r..tiel ST. Tine a...ehOW·-� .PLAOfFIELD, N. J. II TEAST WE.· aaOAD - te QllllJ ·. ... a.IOl2 ...... 1·· . fOLD' t;BEAM • · 18 O...C.• 69' ' · *SHAMPM an . men ' , . Men J W ! American Citizen1/ . . . •.• . ·�·' - o c, ' • .' ' .� - . PINE BATH Oil. '

TRAIN FOR WAR FIODOCTION JOBS cheet and cheek Look fn yourmedieine yoursupply theaof three America essentials. The:u replenish yo111' supplies hont these Oliff new,· Need• You Now our ...,. ..,.. "-iea• • fr7iq .. w .... ... ., ...... ,. .... Margot. products just added to stocks. Oold CieuD,.a biJ . ...,. at ' ·'*Clfaofet ti: : = wifl ... ..,, Y- wlto I 111 W ... llew,.. .. poond Jar, and it's "d()uble whipped", too. Sllampo&,,ai.; ot ...... OiYtOfl j• .... if, ,_ ...... ,. ;.lie . e:rceptio:oal quality, and, delightfully fragrant bath OIL : ; ...·• Aircnlt ...... Dnf••·...... ouu•Oll tj'�·, :; •·-;c•-...... eitherone, or all three, you'll always uk for � 811n.tli'*t�/t,.:: , Arr... 17 .... lladtill• ...., etc. tlten on. You'll enjoy the smooth creamy quJitiel of IUS SERVIC E TO D00a. �m Oi:2��_:·c: flouble wbipped cold eream, the foamy lather Gf the. 'f' . w""'8 · · ·· ·,Rahwa,.Trainlnl -·,. . ... _andOle relaxation createdby a bath in-pineoil KUI· w PIMlii:-:z� · , . . ·�, mlenfilled. Pbone PIAinfield 6-3100.

·� . · · ·>··'''' '-'··'··· ,. ,,.cc_ ,, ,-, _ . ..,.>., � •. . . , ,:�,�, . \(·. <: ,, -,;;: . VJ' _,>u:-,, •' ' -� �·· llUl f.IJQlll� ·comD p p 30, 1942 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL I Displays, ' s LiggettOpen5 Ta_lk Mar� . Na�� CoiirVf eel 11 ' · One Cent Sale Westfield activities . --- of National Coin pite of w ar time complications 21), spons \Ve m l'ecugnjUot. In s - cd by tlie Pnt 19 �·1 and h ages in the merchandising ma�e Assocfot � s rt ion, ar met1ea Ntt Drug nt!J field, the 10,000 Rcxall ofOT the Junior c lln o Stor rcchon f:'· der the in the , including morese ciety. Qi.: . NumismaUes., than Liggett (Rcxallt Drug 400will celebrate their semi- an- Wot n Stores, Displa ' 85 afollh ows: ·C. cent sa e ns usual. and Quimb � bts · o e am B nual n the �� r rat The nowl on, r.ontinues until Excha "e �stre Odd Saturcfay. 2ff0 En;t o 1ee tTos; sale n � wn Service Liggett store manager, P. lie B 1 a · 8 A ,G enera� cki, urges y for Ruzy• se- st · . arl shopping ' et Librn;o nc.,re Bro; ad Her�ttp�: �·: ec ions. "While we ha e our usual CentralSmith & c U1 l t e •lreet 1:4:. complete llne-µp of hundv reds of 1 Th ave�'n e. Cfub items," he s id, speaking of or ,,, D �.Chll�c<;torshoof met the \\I cent sale ata the local Liggettth e rugone horn o Mon u field �gD day ,1 �,! store through Sat rday, "there are E ..,. uc d avid S. Ringoi l'tatn,127. p c on which was impos n, l!Oflle rodu ts it - the the · �� b�v�nure gathcoerinllecg.Ullf. sible for us to get la'rgo a s upply u Jcc 0 . C Speakers ns in. year. So,as in the words of Boy Scout visitedTroops Sc:bOoj General Nathan orre t, 'The way to Grant past alks n coin collecti and win is to g t thereF firstes with the � ? 7ng.7 27 s be stationed Al!a mostes !' Ea ly shoppers will not at 7 I e Library on l\[ny 1, th disappointed rand there is no "so- itr Will and be n s to an e 4 0 in many-only to a customer' limit on !ng w ques lls, ete. Therer any item. (NG a d al of s will be no s les to ers, bibut can lea·rn course.)" He emphasizede th val111 a com�evotees a d where to sellthe it. fact that all alsoc nt sale merchan-e n dise is fresh newone stocke specially or­ ; ' dered for this occasion.

Mrs. Trenchard The annual luncheon of 82 cal Club will held th be p. m. at the Echo akWe eCountdnesd y Mrs. Adelaide Trenchard, 318 East L � Broad street, was 82 'years old on Tuesday. Her daugh e , M·rs. Fred Gray, te t ined her motherr and her en a ' t card club rat the Cannon Ball Inn Chatham. Guests played cards late; at the Broad street residence. .

to Meet . PEO 0 PEO, Chapte E, will convene at the home of Mrs.r M. M. '' Cooledge Jeffer on avenue, Wednesday 102 s at G. F. Dodge will aBBist8:15 p. and m. MrMrs.s. conduct the program.Gordon Graham will



IH W.lTVHU1'G .\Vil.;! .


formerly as known Friedel ettaey, Hairdressers I: B,

W,ill now be located at The Swan Beautr Shoppe . estfteld, 854 Mountain Ave. •, W N. 1. WE. 2·08154




BUT _. . ca.ta D C....O...M-.. . JIDOO.HIGHLANit ..-.. -- ...... _. . ..._ .....;·-.... ,· SUPPLY LEHIGHUNION COAL I MEW Of COU!ftt, JEJt51Y ROBERT C. THOMSON, J>reS!dent

WX.-9600 • TEL. 11 NORTH AVE. .£.. .-::::::=-�======r====;ffi• n PlattDies at 78; Joh Turbm.e Introduced Steam To Navy, Merchant Marine Woodland avenue, h Plutt 632 Mon ay ied d Hospit J� 0 engin�er,in St. dBarnabas (Aprilal, He rnal'l� k nfter brief illness. e, �Z) n d had Jived here 27N w��1 an old of was r'yearss H e was the husband '8 Platt. ��e :i.rary Bourne Bartlett e England, native of Gloucester, Un ted" Sta s diA l tt i � came to theopened , P a in m and 1891· of offices �Lisss as member TYPE FOOD a ee g s. YorkCo., engin rs and Thorpe,a ent � & the firm na. e was changed pt::t1906 Platt Co. m Jn n was& credited with in�o­ Mr.Joh Platt . ta the marine steam turbme in. t tes Navy and mer· ducitheng United S a tohant marine. Before the World War en i es were Installed by cont(!"ranct a scout �he turbine m . . . underb�ttleshl p and in several pas­ � him cruiser \ . 8 )lners. ' l'OOD MC)HIYI and r nt at PRICES ROCK-IOTTOM LIVIU llCAUSIOf A .. TIMILY ITOln• •• W..underOMrool ...... VfATGll YOUI , LAiGDT PAIT Of senge Platt was a stude Uni­ AT POOD )fr.ty College in Lon on and prac· · AVllA• Piltll.Y'l INCoMI GOU POI . •• • ersi d , SUPER MARKETS' LOW-COST WA.Y OF DOING lllSI· plete deputmienta , •• everytbfng you need for your as cons lting engineer for lhow1 that of evel'J Never before h ve been demands bl . every deputment m Bunau ol Labor Statlatlca 33�% v ced yearsa before coming NESS.,. a there such ta e And pries In low. l'ew made bJ average worker goes food. IlU1'o veral u the 1 for States, specializing into by· made on your pur e. this problem is beingmet m ch at a tiny proftt each dollar th• s But, suc­ stores sell 10 u food auch on the A•P'1 latest coat-saving et!iciencle1 nitedli and shipyard , lut au millions of home-makers • • sale. No other 1tort1 backed by IUCh a nation-wide ln1 year, c ofmachinery. the American smart ; by cut­ mad suceesslve reductions the was a e ber c2ssfully by are po11ibl� three in m and by filling their haw e ocietyHe of Mechanicalm Engineers their procure·the best foods a l}>read what at farm factory and ting their biggest expense, FOOD.,, all organization to t IO\ll'GI foodlcost or oci ty of Naval Architects and between be S food Super Markets. bring h m y such saving1. pay for •. a e t ou at what you them arine Engineers. n.eedsi.!l_!_�• thrlftv A&P and e direct to Th t 1MAlllbl1 11vin1t»tor you! Surviving a daughter Mrs. Platt Warcol fs sons,, John UdaRobert and Hugh, three Pla tt and four r., , randchildren, Barbara and MaTy and Virginia ••• latt.o!Cs, HughFuneral Platt e Jr.vic, es will be s r pri­ PROTECT YOUR HEALTH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES te. .

We rulh Laura PROTECTare YOURthat helpBUDGET you well ·FRESHER"our fruit. 11114 .,.,.. Diea; "Protective Foods" the ones to keep "HOURS awq �. �. Erel they're particularly proteins and tabl• to market, do l Once Active Club Worker ••• becaUBe richIn vltamim. IUll1 1111n� ·--· Meat one f the best protectonl meatl help With In• • • Egel of 219 Elm 11 o And AlrP'1 to Mrs. Laura Koch protectyour bud et, tool betwlm 011111'9°0 That'I \ treet widow of Dr. Chauncey M. F. g Yet weekly we aell IO many thou· ' w� 7Cll lllJOJ lllMInatur­ died Mond'ay (April 27, 1942) of at small a profit that gel , sandl tom 10 per pound you 11et •V· an,l v lllDla·rich frultl ud Muhlenberg', Hospital, Plainfield, Good Meaf' '°'1a1l r velllabltl lloun.. frllllll', n illnen. . inp plorel Trr "A&PFamously ;:::.- bit N\'lql. · , fter lingering .f ....,.. and M naa tive of McKeansburg, Pa., . A Egel l ved in Westfield for rs. i about ...... orly years. Dr. Egel died In " ··1r miler, She was an ardentSep. .... ,...... ·· · ·. 1934.worker CltN11tll .. .· . Cross during first . l edodd An honarary ethembe r 29 .. War. ot PRIME RIBS �F BEEF .. �;.,.1_.c_...... ''· arden Club, she had beem n, until �.1�,_,tWlr .... _, he M ,._, ..-. ..., • 11111 ,_ ..... 11·A·l.C. G prominent· In the Worn· ··;'··FOR FRYlll 110 ROAITlll · • ··· · . ' ntC lyears,ub . ,_,, Y1111-llDI4\i '* IL and District Nursing As· . 2k15i. . iifriPEAS11111 n'1 Treasurer 9 •.1 lation. of the Chll· 2 •�1. ... .i o g CHICKENS C untry l .. ·. ren'a o w s, atHome her fordeath, a na vicepe· · ·•·• �-, Clllll llAll, THiii •· . 29 rlod, she a · 0 ident. was a m of ·1,·. She e ber the .� OF ,� � �· ··�· · abyterfan Church. m 'LEGS 29 OES�,:�I ,.1 f yuu LAIB . w the last e · POTAT preventedIUness duringh from participating in er IOIELEll. CllCI . •. l '• . ..., ...... Iub functions.. .., Rev. A. Karnell, aSBlstant min· '· • • G. POT ROAST . . 29.· \:· ) ·,· of the Preebyterlan Church, con• ...... ;., r,7 · "' .. - -.5• funeral 11rylces thia aft«· · iatAir ...... ,_,i''" ,,.,,, noon at G ray a Funeral Home, 318 ... ,.... ,_ •. • r a al was ill · B o d atreet.' Buri ' , • . l?View Cemetery. SIRLOIN ·STEAK 35 OI• -... a TEX.U 2k1'5• are no lmnaedlate 1ul'YIVOl'I...... There Cllllk Pit R1ut 21e EDWIN Q. TOSTEVIN .a·. MRS. Cl'lli·ll Pllllllt, · Mn. Martha Colby T011m!n, " rs old, wife of Edwin Tottnin, 1.- Pit R1i1t·.-. .:)le Q. Friday (April 24, 1942) at her e, ll"(ing nenue, ' ...... ,.., ...... 2 Jira.801 . Toatevln wa1 In Brook. .. and had llYed hereborn twenty-111 'Platl•IM'lllf =a' 11e !Jn A member of the Flr1t Bap­ Fl.Church, ahe waa also active In lta lrllklt IHf, ..:.\':II. �lh friendhiptllt Guild, and was a. member .. Atla1 Chapter, OES...... :=;2- �: .. Buidee her husband she Jenee two B. and . Donald C. ,...... ,...... ,..11e --- 1111111 Toetevln:Franklin a 1i1ter, Jin. lnin1 B. Fred .. ohnatone, and two A. Fnlll IHklfll 121. • • llld Frank B. brothen,of We1tlleld. YAll ...... Colby, all .:· .. G. of the Fl111l1n ,,... ._ '" Jley,Church Eupn oftlelattde ,Xlntl Monday after.Bap­ u.tnaon at f11iler1l ...... ! ,,.. . Home, 818•nleel Eut Br oaInd Gray'•street, '1meralBunal wa1 in Fairview Cemetery. ,,...... ,. ��'' ..... B, l'BEIHAN BA.MUIJLF eema of 1'77 Harri­ Samuel r aon avenueB. died Sundn ay (April 2t, at !tome of hl1 nieee, Mn. 1942) theBeatt,.. l'ree n Frank a L. o d JIT. m W-.wu lllAlll 91�Id Jeara for l ud had liftll In llYlllAIRYBld the laat yean, with thil'teen hill lects, Mrs. Otto Carpenter of n � and Frank Beattys of � - Mn. ••u-natiye1"9111. durinA: i..e, •-·• g muchof hia later life)le Wi1· J'llll.W eonsln. Mr. ofFreeman wH aIn descendant of Edmund Freemdirectall who amon1the founders of Sand­ wasMass ., in 183'7.the wich �id, ! st.ehia nieeel, . r, Jin. Elwardhe ia aumYed Wilaon, bJ a bis SJ dda g David Tucker, rran u hter, Iha. d Bradley •fn � nlephew,eton, C Dr.onn. 0 M 1 dd

FRANX W. EDWAllDI ldwll'l'ds, old therFrank W. ' 86 Young -,ears , of Mrs. Katharine of · �. died Tuesday (April t!tfield, 28, lNz) in lfelroee,for: l'la. Jlr. at1wardll liYed here about 1 He twenty-bentiTed reara 1llltjlNew 927. York had heoen from the Police Deparfaunt. ,.., 111111•

_., .i lIl IUEllTERII UH• . CHEESE 1:·I . I: :+ I 11111 CHEESE !r LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 80, THE WESTFIELD 1942 ce , file In tho ott f th l p r c t n n terdny at Bound Brook, the YMCA. G. Vnn art chair- on l o e Townpnr tEn- of sb x ren" eweaJ1 i'r�mP�fm: r��lm� � ��� Un glneer nnd are hereby mnde e u or li ton, nn4 the e 62%-59%. 'l'. H .- LEGAL NOTICF.s nce. a mitation hr nt7 The Goodrich quartet of D u Pari­ man of the sports committee, prom- :-:- this ordina to nd within the llmltatlona Pr&· ornctln n or 4a N o g T nt ant e . n l>roc w�V•tn Which ------�. ­ n h i y i L w w V zeau, John Pollock, Bob Shurts and is d golf tournament with cup S t o nll of aid work scr be d b sa d n All rnatt ers Ith t or l Per04 B S ut ,..·oTIC"' ..... ec 3. esn ra resp to said no est not de erml ned lldl y such•i 3 EMERGENCYoy co SERVICEe CORPSws c n n given i c t men Bob in h ne H Ken­ I sha l n a n s g e · h t · ced !!I. Lowe swept home t e final for the w n . Director C, . Pub It! Notice ls ht'r('by that l be u dert ke a a or 1 1 m by t i s ordinance ehnll be det ermined hasas oti At l\londay's meeting of eade s i r I nn ordinance cntitlf'cl follows b 0��� �li� by e h er af r Lawl bPreg vtde'dn Iii a s to e ad d lHi o r event, the p in Telay, to sett!� the aston said the finan­ s d ndo ted us councilwas R����m:,��� ��n!»aa : ��aft e t resolution b e t opte . ' e first tc � the l , r organization's pas ed n or · wa m r gf� bll at of the Eme'rgency Service Corps meet. A slows ttrack affected times. � hr tho tt uted b» the State H l h Note s o e than 1500100· of e t. cial condition is good. l t 1 n g g b e Department Sectionm e. h s 'plans were completed for the assign- !��r:O�w�e � .• • n ���e'i!"el?nt�g��'i���� n��a� nf:� \� b t Pollock, a sophomore, is improvi i:.. u R n::;,������ Jaa� �o ��:��= Director Heath of the Plainfield A\,C,�'{it fi2l"\7L,' 1.!.,��;:1• . d n s:rd n .4 various emergency- ng H A '- """ " the Westflold,iia.t an which i��otere st oblt t ona Issued to fi · ·30-tt ClL\ItLJ;:s �Jt constantly. Vun Snevily took both .'Clerk.�; o of or lwh n C Old his membership as nnd MayorT wn g et r ment of scouts to Town are he y nu· ancc purpose, e -- defense units. This includes Guard gave • •· and Clerk r of such h tempo a y T"o� hurdles, while Lowe grabbed the 100, A 1" 30 the e eb the permane t. or t nnanco r r --:--_.. Cl.�tk, ninety. .Plainfield b oken all II Ul• execute on th part or n o engineering . sixteen thorlzed to p ... _ �.. ,�. comp tent first a d r to the Red 220 r Town by general tanllon. or lnopectlonco•I• and • gnl ne s wir e e and shot. Frank Jones wa the membeTship c r has o e n c r •f s ec _:...e , XO'l'r,_o l s e o s Next Thursday SPEClAL OllDl:'i,\X-.,...... x • 9%1 Is ereby d er e d or to tln n e t ho cost o th e seua e, La llolyle tt Hb lon 'fi�CEn ', Cross, with other competent scouts s 440. r Section h t in ll on n g rny e Brurtner · mile winner, Shurts claimed the John H. Verlendend . will speak on I. It a d m t ot s�ch0o� ·f!�l . ,:l t: l'J':oj�6�,d d l l on he ed a da� ht 1- the motor corp , air raid .L1"11�R���1�gt1ElfJ:l�:IDJ�G ��� ��·��':::�n;�:!.!�; L oc 1 B d t d 1rer d responalbl s i r n e �v'l:· l cont act ""f"ll.1.,,: u1 •· "Our National Anthem." BR e f�1h':! :: se�t� ':i': Statutes of Jersey, R e d e by or to headquarters, headquaretc. Bob­ OAD STREE'l' llESURFAOJNG l so r s or aid u p s Is 9 N w 193t. r ho . • anr 4e11 defense . E ni u ! p r o e $2 ,- Section hereby de term r ters; AND WIDENINGRT THE PR S· nc t::�d��s er:,t�r;,�t��c':.'.:'s';1 u and 7. lth Is the period' ine d ROBERT S. with the mbtor corps, while additional r � � d"tclnred at of Bl!� · Saturday E P A l ��c.°�n� �1 t rll Ha111on was appointed junior leader Cotton Ball TIXOTN. O : � :s�J:rEoli; y ssued !or said o e o e n use- t�0 30; 1942 19i � -'••1111� _, �:�N:j;� � I purp so la 127,550.00. t !�f P����: ..r : r.: bn ������ . -3t . Review. AND 'SSUANCE Therbe e s h ereby appropriated to said �i·r::��o� d r , e eo�•1'.N� adult lead rs included Ray Corcor n The Cotton "Ball, Ninth Grade Girl for Troop C TRER•�FORFl · I I I d t e o t e n ye • om u t d f rom . a •rHFJ '1450 00 of which o a p ....__ e h t h t"hea p atr o of sald on rd .. c• e and F. G. Smith. part of the Reserve dance, will be held Saturday th! ��� �! ;uoo.oo as e t o b e No•rrcF' TO Troop C, r y State Guard, i�n "��8:11�i'if�tN°1J0:0:,FNT.J� �;:[J'.:'�� e S l n It Is r b d.,t rml ESTATE y · ' As e s mad• iwallnble !or said purpose Inb tenhe gd e l 8. he y e ned �OF -M.\1t 'Ji&iT'As emergency set up, scouts in emergency night in tlie YWCA gym from 8-11 e wonK. and ed that the Supplemonlal :!��Ki •ceaoed. (mechanizedNew cavalry) J uhich C t. ' c nr Pu n f �he E service who are not under the direc­ o ap BE IT ORDAINED h» the Council ob urdog •e0t o!e "a ll pTt�!l'�o��\:': Debt ir said law o !.l�l!.i p. m. Carlton Ransom of Rahway f 'Vee.-it�el1l, th t r b n a o ,f'.�1 h:;:; Statement redqu ed' byflied tho A. O'I O '' Of the Town In e t ha been d mn e and1 T JR., • ur order ot John Ludlow is or e t ti e t ly o In of Uni ronte o will not wear will prnvide.'the mu�ic and parents County or Uni n: n.m��� ,, 1 f°:r olflcs h u t· a Town, ' n of L. commanding offi­ o �:1:PC�'d':.t e Town Cl erk A l, ot cer, will Str !�•�2�ig.Jg �� lmpro thoft auch te n s l rl �'!,._t1he b!l ti of scoutn leaders East Brond e t• •n nd a s a me so 4 abow11 f X�b.:"f;1.�u t sco u_ lf _orm officers anil the s cial chaii:man will from That F i e dow payments on cap Ital ve· ta r t t e s • e _ _ __ in be reviewed toni:�hta at 8 :30 Secflone J.s u Street a vi e ments, and ol wh hat th g oss d bt sat•filed � the nd l n t the r . --- o the Wei;tfield ATmory federal eh tn t to the r w ich amount the al; e 40'e ot1 estate r e ...!!:.' ...- ....,,ll,.• 1 Ex e e Miss ns C ur h CemetCr)· entrnnce, i p b dell d In i le or Town, as or � d--� , d h c l;y o ved ance ot 750.00 a been m de avail· e StatutesT t aala 801� io ' ano official. b reaurfaclng be m-0r t ot 1s i purpoh ss e trom a v se� • 1n�rfiased'Ml th,;R by g ven t the ttedlto�, o a patrlotlc natUre and th y the prese t o able for d the reserve t n ts by c.eased to exhibio W n at Extensions,e ve a it i us c onc- foa r down ayme ts o di a c by '27,650,00, tier a t Westfield e re­ p a men t with um n n rete ac count n th& note11r authorizedn e and said t th atrtrma 9 \ om of "suga less" as possible. b o said Town p bI this enltnaneethat will o or tot freshmentii"'as �i�uu�;. l� �"r:!r uc;:n� d !or the o a year DY r otn�c�v���f; �f , r:4 l�et ot ll c b e withni all d t pre- The siiciiil committee is planning the Sha Re-Elected . m dl fted tne ot itumi ous macadam t s l eb ltmltatlona �=�::!'kanw�i:'����t m Scout n B Mrs. y o u concb eten top havinc Sec n llnnnce purpooea b b k 1 ate or sa da ce, wlth'Phyllis inkman as gen­ with umin s r 1 o t c� �1o y9 shall t v Retieaal ParleJ r t o d 181 there •halli 5. be To pusaidu to the efte�i e t"\!:1�a;dlaancatt .. ll'fst p':,� o e r barredid order o�n Crosby, commissioner, in l bi �· ,;> :�: o" :�� - Local d rs an of t n tt."e rero re from p D. eral chairman. Mrs. Henry D. Shay of Westfield �':,�� �� i:rr�� ; c n t o ls•ued,or h Stat l c ;thereoy dllyat after llnalr passage. in . 1 :: B n Law t e e New l tlon cri ve g oame •ga l\lrs. G. Alice Richter is c er o! th uarn.e oa ed and adopted April be the l Mrs. R. Sanford, deputy commis- chaTge o refreshments; Marion Wal­ In all neceosa nt e r e tl n , storm J sey, In anticipation e ss •. g ry la s irt P 1942. sc r. .. 0. Mrs. E. N. f r o o 1 2'1: 1ioner, Poole, program stead, decorations; Jane Dens, pro­ u n �o"i�·n���.::f;i ��3 ::,c,,i�."n"� HAROLD v. Mceom:: :� "":L�::t� .. c , · I O dln:�!n;.i::i�ed consultant, and Mrs. M. D. Slocum, Parker, music and County Home� Econonucs nsion e o That all the said m- or n l'msThe r her&wlth M DONOUGH llcDONOU ... grams; Jllarilyn ::� ��-:��= ��:ti��ili;;i::e � ti n of :�t/r:i��:��1��:r�r��:'27 550.00. Bald ot s •hall In- b finally pa s & � "' te ��� s c 2. , e � een by 1 tors, ot executive secretary,r a representing ,_.. x prove e t• shall be an om terest a rate •fl:=�bear s the Council 1 9 Fron Proc8 e Pat Brunner, uncil in Eli beth, m n made d c - which ball not h Town ed h County t·33·6 w' t Plain Co Tuesday, Mr s t d under the h at o •XCfftl of t e or Weotfteld, t e t field, Westfield Girl Scout Council at the clean up. za . pla e sI ervl l n o e In t., H. Kazmar, " o n "d Engineer upn accorda.nco f witht l!.1. u ta st e, was Town.p ns n nnd o e been l:==== ''' Girl Scout onal Conference for J. 'I m· l a a d specifications that ha e ======J'eti WalkAccorded chairman of the day. prepared tor the sam e arev n w ======:=:'===�·====:== Region RegiAlbany. The conference which o Ir ===== ;; · 2 at Bird 11 ------= ;'�l liegan yesterday and will end tomor­ EnthasiUtic Retponsel======;...... ;::::======row . Mrs. Crosby will The first early morning bird-walk 1ion group on "In lead the discus- a Framework of of tlie season Teceived an enthusiastic A e d " Mrs. Auster, ,,. War We Look h a response from members of the Bird former Westfield co .miss one , is up m i r Club alld their friends Sunday morn­ ·' for Te-electi n as secretary and treas­ l n­ ing. Under the eadership Do • o of /\ urer of the regional committee. ald Maxwell, seventy-five participat­

ed, aese blin at a. m. in Echo Decision Lake Parkm atg the 6:30Birches. SprintMe1D1Relay .Track Win WHS Old Guard . ;, . Bob Lowe 's points, almost a , , third of the Westfield1!114 High School ' total, featu a · track victory FILL"'YOUR·COAL red ye8- BIN BEFORE ,J : '> PRICES ADVANCE · ..· Protect....,. Starckyour own wo011 t Tel Wat ...... Wh, Next Winter? clOsetsfor rare Cu· : the Situtioa .Ma, Be d:.Z.':1!. : . eyer a • • • "• for IHn Ile atorap woolenl Arrute � �. ta •adset p.,.eata ' of Mtractlft -- n...c1• .- , .....amt , . m:/",,' honor . periH ...... -. i.a9e carel•olr •W.. ·•;!t�)·�'f .fer iry ...... , •• -ri...... J ••• .. . •• ..... ,...... ,,._... . r .... . Mother'1. Day , ..... r ...... r ,.,.. -····· . - . 1 . c..�· hed .....,. lie Pbo". _ ··-WMtMr laJ.n- ... « � r...... ,., • ...... , ...... _ ; ...... _, ...... _..,. ,... . '. ...l'l(,...... ;...... ; 'l;,.tJS ...... _.. ... � ...... ·3' ...... for 'I! ...... °"' "' . •J.lliftwl.- . . S4i...... =.... · ....."-- neen I I · AH !'H•l'lll• . . . ' lfrJC ... lllA' SIUIJO, nrr• noo11 1s . · , . G...... 0. �El p..,...... _ Call117 WX-11•<• T.a).LER, � C...... ANI. Pufl Aw. PWllnELD, N. J. a--. .,...... � ...... !!!!!!:.:� -- ·-

;'1% Off Every Shoe ··m Stock



...... lleck • •· ,...... at 33 .. ... llrice4 1·3% ...... o., ...... llen'1 ,_ clime le ntl1 ·rt ,......

�- THE BOY'SWESTFIELD SHOP. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 Sugar Rationing Rules in Brief ales are now frozen until Mny s s 6. . 4, REsugarGIS TRATION : Householders e t May or 7, at nearest your r g �r 5, 6 elementnry school home betweeni 2 a d m. ONE the _ 9 may register for a h member of the n p. p s e c e'r o ATION BOOKS: Will be reA"ister, One for issued when ember of the household. Each book s 28 stamps. Each �m a mpb s or a mo nt of sugar withinh a time. So amounts have beenu set only for the first four stam s ::r dati goodand f fixed fixed t e s 1-May 6-10; 2-Mny 17 to 30; 3-1\!ay 31 to u e 13; a ollows J p f unc 14 to 27. Each stamp d in this period' w l be goodn for : ra i n onc-hnlf poundur gper i l one pound (a week per pe1·son). � t 11 No book wilo ofissued to any erson if the sugar on hand in P the amountsl be per person. Up to two ounds a owed, but one stamp will be removed at he time of family to more than six pounds t is ll po d y u have excess of the ermit . . . ­ o pounds.for ea chSp ectnlu rations because of illness, etc., mny be �e gistet ring n o on hnnd in p atedppl iewd for at the of the ration bom·d, 135 Centrul avenue. You must takeoffice books with you the store. The st mps must a oe torn out there. Any mcmher ofto th housel1old may tnkc the for nll members of the home �thee store,· when purchasing books to sugar. You have su ar delivered, and tear out the stamp the nn ence of thec delivery gman. pres in DON'T LOSE YOUR BOOK. If yo do, to the u Rationing Board for a new one, underyou the may law, apply you will have to wait from the datebut, of our before a Iocnl two merrlnc low Wednes a at G:30 . • supper p. lbs. ::! sweet .at· a mmUDlle in the homeon of Mrs. ank m. price Serve now! . al Dodors t I 0 . d y r t'J.Y� I them 540 Elm street. BetweenF 40 and A�co COFFEE 2 4 9C , : . Williams, And Examine Westfield 50 expected to nt Following. aM ten. . We supper, t a ni pe- lch Gr d ape Juice ����. 22c 1 · YOUJlllrl g �t��! 4 c -- riod willa becouncil-leader held, led r i nM. D. P esident Roosevelt p aim r has �ocl ed Slocum, who has returnedby Mrs. fl"om Fresh · / PEAS ow Child morr National month's training course for profes-a program i Westfield En n ill stress riched Flour sional le ders City. l9c Health he Day. '::!1 · he following pointll : w must tis ed return unusued portion end receiveany other absolutely free! .. · " , . a in You sa or be fi 3��b. bra"42�: · 93c Tender, Immunization against diphtheria 1. full·podded,lbs. lol"lll eweet peos.. �.c. • pay more? ll pox. New Teleph•ne ,)irectory· .KRISPY CRACKERS 17C Standard Stri g 2 '!.123¢ 1 n nd a examination CL--- d Type f ICe of every ffII --.e � 22C Beans 2· · 1 S· ild,2. Health regularly, in of Win-Crest Coffee Spinach 14' h either doctor's - . I · face and hstmgs slight- ' ce or at baby c onference. A type --. , ·� PreP111d ·�� c e u c e ly farther apart grace the ne e t tel- Coffee 29C '!.* 2 ( c re,..s-' te d f h 1 new Slandlrd Tomatoes 3 7 • 11111 well or w I e b erg L tt. ephone directory for Union, Middlo, ext3 N e0a r hild noret been 1 BC s Acme v-:;:.·-:.� who has · mmun-00 Apple Juice y o ri I Mott's 11- farmdlle Tomatoes 12( sex, r s and Somerset counties ..... MIs beginning to make ap. SC Co-operation of 1sc ":..1 District whiche an e week. The New Jersey I My-J-Flne Desserts 3 Larae Sweet 15' 6. an , Crl.*P, extraHUda Aasoclatlon and Board of HeNurs-alth p a·r T ethis .... II Bell cel p ne expects co I Peas ··= ":..1 fanly, IOWicl hlacll!c . ---.- e t local - -:...'2Sc =CORN 2sc 2 15 l of chll p h Co.more than to143 ­ standardFruit tocktail 2 protecting the h lete deliveroy of ,000m ScKA'ICI h a copies of neew book e r in 1 '::ta :..· · n. 27t ·HEINZ 2SC : a C t · wel baby ati n, copies of the new book earlyy In May. Choicefruit oc a �ps ·TOM.AYO. ··ES l May. i SeleeNd boX . c The s . •0 8 .· . · ·, the Westfieldl Medicalt Society and i k -:.. : 2 !: o GrapefruitSections -=;-2 25' Seuee 1 . DNA, hold two 111!111lon1 a month "rookie" dollars. :: Chili 9' s l ,...... 11r 19 the Col School There are no Fresh J�rsey RADISHESJ with an aver· Sencl front. BuJ' U. S. I : .. · 1 Standlrd Pears 2 att.endaneeumbu of ten babies. rounSa'finp to the Bonda and StamP1I '"'..! " 20C S.lad Dressing �2 -�35' i 1 n -. \ ...... SCALLIONS, DafanM 9' ,.2 21C RHUBAR�,. 3 ...... Fluff Cltsup ·. · , . U' Marshmlllow - Our Best = •::. i• . . . I Ass't. 10C Cr - i 62C· : Educllar CrackersCook ies = 21t eam Wh teShortening -24' ....:!'-6 7C r • NBCRITZ Wheat � 11• Crisco,PRESTO Spry Cake Flou r ::- 23' NOW ia the ·Time to Store r • KelloggNBCSllredded 's 5' Toilet 3 Soap .... 19' Your FURS Com Flakes:; '!:'5' k SweetheertDutch Cleanser 2 -..13' [ ..... · ! TOIStedCorn Aakes MCO .... 19¢ 6MertOld Films :: ::. , 22t ... 'llaeJ're Sile r· ,. ia·ou CHEERIOWHEADESAIS ":::;.: 2 23' HersheySoapGranules Cold Sterile Vult ! "-::' 2 2-. 27t W1xtex Wax Paper 2 =- 21C29' Owr 2% OfT••r . '::" cu..,. " .Owa ChoiceSiring Beans '=- ':;! •• v ...... BUTTER De;7:;:�::�' 41c � lb. 43c tr �;7� �J!,�' �TI" � 1739t c Cheese ...... 43c EGGS · IUGS CLEANED ..... lea_,. Bicon, 1.-, Sliced ShlrpCheese ,._... ,,. .. 1•-,•!r •••H.1 ... ..,. will a. ,.. , will ,_. .. . ., ...... t -· We'll Ila .... I• :r. n• OfeolnlrglrN r:= nc Loef ...... call 1 .... Y" 27 ..,1•. .. ' Glenwood " Miid Store ':: Wlsconsla Umbarger . Call us today to call. F1ncy I:.' D1a.a..1i.. ci...1., , ..Dleerla i..11., ...... Apple Sauce :,:9· c: BrownCLIANERS and A Keller's Long NBCGinger Snips ..:.... DY&llS Fresh ·Killed Island WUTFllLD IRAMCH -- bridled .Breed ST. Jllice DI L UoAD 1 TEL WE. J..ooM Or1n11 & ..... Plaat, PlalahW, Preml• ...... llU. Mal• Oflca ... N. J, Ducklint• h!P. Miik = famou. 1 .. nuine LOne l1lancf at. a record auc CLL\MINC COU» ITRAC& this week-end ·· Farmclale Evaporated low prlol. Serve one for a choftte, o·u ·cKLI NG· S with fC111icy uo,acf. A'� Apple $oiM. Yov ( lb. · your money back. mulfl.e t0ti1flecl « all , 2· 1 Milk 3::� . UNITARIAN CHURCH PAJll( A1'1iinrlll ••i•- ln ..t• ... lllfsM• ..._...... 1b. ALSON H. ROBINSON, ' llEV. Minirter k Roast or.Steak 23c jeet: .Chuc 1 lt:Ge A. M.-llL •OlllNSON. S .. GREAT PROPHETS OF All!alCAJI SUaYIVAL: RALPH WALDO EMERSON FRYERS Fresh Killed 1b. 29c lb. FllltST CMUNCH SclENTt CALAS Smoked �:,� 31c• 0,. CHRIST. ST. • nAJNftlllLD. NIEW JE"SEY Rib tm Chops ��� Beel U. Selected 31' AHNOUNCO " · • A ftltl:I: L£CTU"E ON Crlllnoss Sited Pot BlcGI ,: 33'111 Veal •m 22'19' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Rib Rolst • Filll of Sole .. . .,. • 1tc • 17 . Breastof lamb ..:.. Sliced Coclish C OW. HEN�HttK J, � ot LANGE. C. S. B .. • . ,of' NEW YOltK CITY Skinless frakflltlrs �J� Frts.'t Jersey Mlcbrel '3' -·- � THC R-.•O 0, LtCTU•t•MTP 0, TH• MOTHlt" CHUft'CH. THI Pl"9T c;;MuwcN CW_ChlWT .. IC:twfffra. IN •oS'fON. MAaSACHU•CTT• THE HUBBARD SCHOOL W1!ST ...fffH ST-�. Shad P'LAINl'lltLO ;;::-...,...,= .:�= �� ·"'it MOND ..,, ...... AY EVENING, MAY 4, 1942 . AT 8:30 O'CLOCK , l'Jil!; PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND r� :�;:;�;\�:;<:: WFSTFIELD LEADER, APRIL THE THURSDAY, 30, 1942

��.·:..--- ·· hold i annual cake an


" ' .


Liggctt'i :.00Drug Sco�esjpin with 10,000other llenll agents inbrift8"11·,

.' you thiJ lfelt semi·annual �venr. You can depend on IJgen't-if we· Expreaa Your 1.2' uy an item alb for � 7,c or every daJ-7U11'an be llUl'C chatit itp Mother's Day aelbfor exacd7 chat. YouraU7 doget Z for ,dieprice of l plus le. THURS. FRI. Ir SAT. ONLY

Wiahea .••

------�------. \: ..------. . 4fc ASPlllN TAILITS U. Ml 11 Mo...... w ltf IUNzOANTISIPTIC \·f {i_ fl , H.. that Puretnc, of count.Sopure A nfrtlllia&aacUep_dc Tbe red zinc mouth wash. they di-.1"' ...... di­ rcfrahift1. chic in :Z so 7 lflUl llllOUllt Ever 111wash The """" ., lop1161. ...Wida .. mourh diar tutugood � . .... ftd ""''· " ...". '°"'' . 12 ' .ss .

. You can•t· Mother prettier p�y . . 2t•r 60• :a complimentrift 2,., •;. .�an with a of '' • . .Otn ethins • pretty to · several ' 'Wurl We'v-e · Twit iD IO lhelmll Radio91Cea Showlllttia Murray, Meredith Willson IOftly ,detailed, co&I, a l ud HitHarlow OKbacn, Wilcox AND JUDY CANOVA• Tum to your latteriq h t .. jut: hdreuea t lldJo'11Cdonfot lillllICMiaoor llMl ... IAJ ....-rfor details •'.' 'c>_ t e, thine ·an - ' ,. 1. I J.igea•ore i l•c Z f• 111 11·11 l E == JtJ• Zh'CIElll .. l�tl·IEI · l l T==: I wll• ._..f::: I ter lll ·· , eh1ater*»ed neck­ pl.. t- W. .din; epulet. hart 1ho11l- IOil . . � ,trect , '" ·' '' l:;. _ 111 11111111:.,.. ; 11.rllf •tLl,11 :lll lLllOL ...,.• -II l••rl_, ,, ..... I ,, PITIOFIL � : , z,.,.. ' 1..r111 ...'"' ' ... :::. Ill T� lter 2'9' N'!'lf:- .. ,., . Sizu 11_1"" II• r.:r:;r... z 18%.- 24JA S.IEllLL ::i:: 1.21IE ll llll 36 - 44 =. l1er1111• Olll = . .. •lllTIC PIW •• I 1er _, l.. � ·········=-\ 111·uunn =..· •• lwlll l(ellLlll t=l:' ·.. lf9rllt ... . , .•� .... I wl11 '-'��l.1!141.J _�:��' �I� ······ =-...... l1erl,!!

c...... ,. C."'94 «• ·� fl!!fltlfl ·fl.OIAL SOAP lllScW . ' CHllllUtl (...,..,� ,. .. llll"J.i.,,, > ' ,, "' " '

� ...... limr. c-....., ...... ' ...... 1 • they are recorded according to " · llfllSES. ' : "'

of he Voorhees Scholarship, one of the la e :SUGAR FDR ALL t rg r grants offered by the . col­ lege. She is a member of tho M usie Guild and the German Club nnd on the conservation committee !01le IN SWEETS THA T ARE NOT RATIONED! defense. � ... ••• * - ta America. It " Shirley West, Middlebury ..... • "'8 natlcn'1 "all out "44, par. phGM af ticipated In the modern dance recital effort" ta win thll war. Uncle Sam held hell doclcnd 11 "SUGAI!. HOLIDAY" on the campus last week. She NOT £01 � mldnlQht April 27th until M"'I h s been elected to 5M1JRb,RA 1ION a serve presi­ ARE aa lHAT...... S-- , ••1here dent of the Modem Dance Club next * Thoreno It Sha

..... • ALF • HAMS m. :!:: •. 351· ·$22.95 • OF ::;;.:,� BEEF anflo ,0 1111 •·291 11uper RIBS We ate thrilled j:o able to offer coatl of such AU. woor. at a beprice ae low JOU . With taUot� FABIICS ••• u 19,961 the pme emari fnr and careful workmanship that alway11 identift41d :Roenbi• 9 hat • • Putel Sports coat& • FOWL l� ··2 � P1rk a& IH A Dtesay models . . . casual types • • • .&••· eoatl. Plamle1' Bots Coats In a comprehensiYe lize ran1e for and women. Opell ' milleel Filiiniia •·331 ,..,.._, Eveodap Tiiit TOllUES ..... MACXlllL •·31; iiOii WGl-llUll IOI SHAD mSH • • • • lllAD · � ,.ESH • 1 • I 0% Off EYerJ Suit In Stocll fLOUNDll aeason ...... °' Fl!SH " Right at the height of the suit •••we otlet redue· tions on suit.I for juniors, misses and women, includinr half and large sizes. Every sqit included, (including Natutal 18 UabardineaJ. 'JllAllML JAIJA. V11f.W.ll.4 _ KJUS . 111. H.tS s.ut.-aew U.ZS FllM- 111>-LUSC STRAWBERRIES 111. 11.tS W.--..W n.ts 111. ZZ.tS s.ilt--llew z%f�S ' .... szs hilt·... • . ·� ZUt . . ... n.tS w. ... •·-. ••

t QtilMIT sr� �;;r' w...... W E ;;D;A Y�, �A;P�R�I L�3�0,�19�4 �2�=:.;:== ==FOR ======-= ::::======�f: THRENTE�W ES .�T�F�IE�L�D LEPERSONALADE�· R,�T�H�U ;RS i LOST AND SAJ,.E ·���q�h�' == FOR, SALE j FOUND =r�== ����======r � � REAL���������������� ATE REAL ESTATE FOR FOR� s� : EST �� � HAm i U � Y �� �1 E Htor� UA.V CUTI" or Hldcwalk, O FJl'llll that. doesn't j RAT E S l A CURL You are atwaya 1,tHi'l'-111 su111c on n e VE1R•Y• 111lN lllooVm' 08� ozo b o.Lt�R $PO�����r'1 r,t�:�J"ft?t�Jsrlef.1;t!�c�i��cl�: "DRUSll wl h v� �Jth the as l� g �rotect Y u" 1 n r " n 8 u0 tn••1•!!- •0: well groomed w ith our Juvcly brush the h t � wulh- ��� : 1��1�1 ¥����?: �? l� ;: : PAl t!\'T o h 0 - d 11 g . tihmt of a owl fauce1 1 h s ""l� li;, H u door.0 •1 curl cut melhodl An coifturtito t'r ser \¥ ln3el'tet'L 'F'\n� er fl etui:eT n- UH.Gilli4K ox1 1 e" t� ot prr!.,tTit ne-C ent - A W Qf tblrd 'lartha K 11p, ;?U . ...Xorth,. An�.. r• c•usy e fol low .John ha - that assuros good results nt no extra Jloor; mald'e quarters or u: o 3•00 ct> flattering ton feu.tures !orm the In : C. dt e, ea bv, sell 'VestUcld - " . tor, e nH g \\'eNttfol , co t to ou. M a, r 1 "fl B �_Yt 6"SI1 nnd � . SPRca1L �.-.,._ Oil heat; 2-car rarage. Rent Z-.fiS7U (.)f WE i-lS-3t nnd Trv It h IPet your cher, 767 FnlraC"reN A'·"-· �• y Vest old 2. white ' •. AI I regu1i trns II •ge•. w you 3 O Soutll1 Avc., { loto-1�had,. . Ch arge 25 Write or tolegraph lllllle Renlt7 p;;.m anent at Marlo's• Beauty '11hone \\'R 2-lo2f,, • flllASS 8EE�ga,l ifi:' Jr.tifli'1Jttm C lg d ue, DUDLEY AVE. Ll,lng next� �. J. ; · Accepted b:r •Phone . room, �� tn:i'a �3 Boule- LOST-A pril lllng, ---- 3• .�� "Ad•" �K:i':l."'tJ: ;,uT.!t. w:i� a-ts\�� lM w ��S."·P:�� s� � ���. gold, ame- Every �:h�n� �':.� dining room nnd kitchen; e .. .. 111-1 HAINWEAR For GAiln . three cent• 4-2-U Ubrn.ry, tt thy1;t, 2 dh\mondH. Hewnr·-Pair of DEER IN KEGS-�, l SOit .. r ���s1 tft'c 1��:5!��. J 1,os1•-tu Danie • T P .....e s-t4tr_... nnd store miles to good commut- •• a s11n in brown 'Vlll finder next% O fi $6,500. op•n porcb, ;·c•r garnge. t!Avall��� y c �-�Jt glat18es cnt1t>. with coolers for �. party. iucuby 81tle-11tu;-- · •• .,A. " A.eee•tM After • p.K. 1ng train&. Price Integrity 1. pleuse call 'VE. 2-0507�!\t.. YOUT the load Sta· J uly. 9o. er mon t-30-tf AT HE.\UTY t25 - Call Liquor Spirits, Inc., 309 South Springfie Jl'c ••1 Well•-1'• Real Estate Agency, Whitehouse u,, • p Y...JO SA.LON, '"""=== - oslte ld Ave �e ICtllarl B:uoii::' NASC $1.oo. ��¥F ., • '' County, J. b�"!"z�'�l 2·25Di-M., Summit Ave. Shmpoo set. �'Jll:2 Railroad Stn����l eld l·ll l FOR ����t:!,u�������. N. nn•I HELP WANTED . i l EsTATE SALE D S BOOKS, framed AUTOMOBIU:S REAL DEF ILE YO(f HllY OR RE NT cheek · RI E O ."'�nt�l'� hl�h r*m�y�1�1·� 1i'."·.�� g� : DA.DY DOOK! B ... JIEYllJOl,D8 l ��:·:i!n•t•:· ..�i:.'d r� e , .i •. . on op d o .: � Sl�CHBTAJU' u n tt lso mp . llUILDING ., RIALTOT D. A N 1 h�m�� e i;����E�iibB� uir lTH f1�! r�: 'bu �ri �:� u:t u'ii°ci l��; LC. TJI EA.TJ1• n�� u� aer �ci�!�:'t!�iionN�'; s W.It co lnl". xt s WESTFIELD t Bldar;. �•tfiel• Z-:GIO r� 1· ou xec11the St"t'rt'tnrr 1 �. homes. nl o A �iV.�f·��t1°!� E lncr tor ladl s and men. el...el' l Denson Place. '6000 complete Bt _T lteatre • PARENTS - lntt!n•t�d2 In Snlu Nrrd"' wlth Ta. a e M s 13 u:1d ���C�.\ 1 l>rLux� .. :Z-1010 A.BE u cul- l o t�� Had EasUy ftnanced. Florham Park Home • SCARCE industry. Appll- Ehn St. .fi 2·t � · lo. he 3·1!_3lS. R.EH•i TALS Iea.\·lng your ch ildren '"'Ith heavy experience In 5 35 e 9fi00 ater Dul!dera, Tel. Orange G OOD n t lcnRt ycnrs e j," · c de�� · " tured, understanding woman while cant should have Ei.. 3-5071 • t :rl o '·2-tt ".<" N w a arc C�1pable of ss N r e wecn 1910.0� r��'. I \Vhltf' o good 'I-room, 3-Je,·el you away? Cull 'Vesttleld 2- responsible11 experience.1 oi1:�sPi r·- v::.�;t�� � ��:;;: p, m. 1:30 and f:il Uou•e only M D£ :'i Ha..-e � ri n .Lew, B.a5 111bUft11Jul d. (' OMMt11'ER'S NEW HOME u wlth at l a e . t:�: �:d �Wt�1:�ra�t�J�n HP b Dc�Jgned an lllll•, O R '"' 1 ta�!•d 1r �1!f�· ��r!1':�d us .J t well known makes ot Corsets and llMt C V .. a out yeurti by T•e 1t�ont to w1 80n 1100 . 0 �fl� 1ti:ck: de'1J!�l E:�I CLUB archJtect, llnder owner's ttupcr­ a short distance from GEXTLEMAS ad... in Echool or bu::ilne��.t Corselettes at The Economy DrySt., o .L l � tor buUt Jn t�ansportatlon. R('nt>J$65.00 . .A\'ntl- "' 11.1. who answered ground Box Eaet clac ndlt vlaion his awn occupancy. lt h:a.s to•n, walking dl•tance to depot. child's piny 405, !,ender Of!lce. Goods Store, H7 Broad 'i re• like no �,., cen .. n n 1 H vertlsement regarding -t the many feo.tures you like-a s . t ou h a E. 2 . WE. M r �$!�Fi�·��� ��i!f��t'�.';��:l�� ��·:/:;�: fig� �;" � � �fl ��i i-P-• n_c_ Fm T::�•. r RE H!l 1 l -D u_w____- t_i 1_s______,T c,121.s�, .}l'��uy' 'l;e�o �v�����: I RE !:!1 fl.a �oo� J�v��':, yft si • I_H _ _ Dl•tlnetlve sa r 111:10 d 2 �r,:'� 1��� r rd J In<"- E Gift• good 1 tll For spare. c:��:Urnt o�9·�· nd stall shower ELK IT, T HATS - Impart 2-2��:�Y' er aoor, baths upstairs. Open screen­ 1 lly b ti a JI. u. JJc:'\'OT, 3-1 1n les nnd nre becomi g. o t c I I j�1b,d A Una•aal Balde•• From a Fn;:1 new e" ed e\•en IuxurteS " •� 8Tl<'"IELD :..ootO so n Y u �:i; �i��: 8ire�\�lf �h�1� P �� ro.ttlo to baUtlnette. Beautiful e. GoOd � porch. Insulation. 2·car garage. J1�ulJ)' fn sul:te1d, · .. ..-0 -ra -:-...-:--:- n-- ri e r 18 11 lea a tv:, ��5f4� cond�r��;:o"�.�\ Attached garag . l·l!-" l-li-. --1-0-111-E-l --N-- t 1 stork loaned tree for showers Very nttrncuve grounds. l�nsl' walk weren't forgotten. e E 1 -,-,.-1,.-n-.- .- �� /�r�"�hlr;: �a�·� :�d8t'j��}!0;1�i;;: apply Emll'R llenuty Salon, 111 . .station schools, and stores. l �: Quimby St., 'phone Westfield 2�0178. OA R 8 1:0 , a� �hr�:[i\!! =�dc b'i�dr nu�· h a fr� cred trlm hats and anllor.s tn every BR D �:N ::f� .N Wlil. YOU 2fti!i:3 e rl���-;vf!;:� na :' t �h� � :�f fQg 1 CADDIES Ti �• a � WAjVT •• P wne J u . t At SERVICES � A.CTIONl -1ns ct o 11� �1i � .J •• O r c GOt.F All " 111i;;lli11:'4.. �.·• 3 F R t ����: t'r t��s i,J_t95 fc!1 uiJ�95, \\'n11trd m 4 .. 2 .. AOR , · pec SL �E!::r ,..;;. Countr)' Club. Fee Jl.t.R'l'IN'I llHOI' ..t 'l"••r Pro or ·1o""IEI 'Vralght°s. 58 Ehn SL at Shackamnxon s FULLER BRU8HEl-Wearlnir 8 l R •t l'll TUPt"n��ti.i.fL11-JAl:1T 0 '· N ' ' at Pro out a L r•tea for a e e ' ' ASKl·�·G 'l ·-A. '·�rr Lo,·••r c01• l�======""I will be Increased, APPIY Ill ftar ;--- 'With us. Clients are walt1n to buy l3ll 4 23 3 �� •" 1 r.a ShO[l. 4-2 - t ln eco ..';.�b� ft::i�c• rep11r."'s::::. d u ====:-====--::='='==;;7,0;;;;". ,.-t 0nl .11 hou ln Tang1e oo< ne. 4 3 S �'i:i�. �i·i\"� gr,v��rn:la n- �,:': AND I n 1�-aN. o .�';i'":O.t��fact��·�:iul�11y- FORGET R E PR I IT E bedrooms,"'011 ;, bath•. ma"gld'•rage roonl. nncl 4·2-tt uono4 btcyclos ��gi:a, ELJI T UBB R OR S bath. he at a Avail- APARTMENTS WHITE MAX, For 1'4lt;llt WntcluHn, . !ira ��:J'r4" S ,can ; 2�2.fi20, or see FOR RENT a A Jae. In decorate an , B, () JleVOY,WESTFIELD -ll4 thlR homo, Just g t able now. Owner, w·E. .t. also" n1 or rden dcyleuenmlnp��y/:i�l�tt WELL RO'rrED M URE • F • en•.. r g" ' N G 4•Z•tf alnted l and o t. A labl Ia E TI Roanuc an1t Sup • r l nt r1der1t. Sten A.. N screened913 PIA!lrO T I 11 c n u ''a� b• y t' your own broker. B T etudL'L 2o Hntll fur- .n I N:-�--- f.1-tl, pal ousn llvlng room . reaktias i cxclu- -good working conditions. I top soil r d f Y I h E t ;;;;:;--;:;:;;-;;;;;;.::::;:ll . Your plan� .. �og:ih��S Jo�tT!1 bedroo s ntshcdh i 1a apartment.1 1 Jn r , E st PP y: Broad St�P d�, l WE��.'d"s�s· or HlghlJ' apeclal11ed •otll. ' ' --- , m . �: : 8ec�Wo�. 8�11Jr� 1{�:-lt�n ���n1J1:-1�n°eJ�i, � a Belcher, Chatham. Eitablilbii:,\ DlllAIJTJFVLWew-Slx. lll!lTTJNG rooms and eun :�;:��. � 11��ts�e:i?o�1�r"{J�!�ft:1<1�'T:a-;�: t �l;i M���:�: 4�3��� 24-2-tt Tel. 1·23H. tflli1 V.lealal Lt•e H£RDERT co., enclosed') p cket f1dn '-•e - b n 1 e. T l A'M'RACTIVE SPENCER COBSETll. -16i7. 'porch -- attic - air cond ltloned heat 1��1 A l•c. hb � 4 i�h /!4 �J'{a t .Av e ���3.'t� GIRI, 21 years I!� 111.uo 8! 1 a �1ee��·n:1�s age) s {over We create a T•eatre 0111.-. We11tAel• 2-:000 t:� 'ito�. �rot�0°s�n ":ind of tor waitresses at Shacka­ sp ut 1 e tU OOO.oo..-GRAND l O!IE Fnnkll• h�r�s. 0� OX - .Set'ond-Floor b"�!�u7e u"� ::r1° it�·�� ··n .. �v!�; blo619 uses and slips. 1-1410,Edith Hill, Street Mountatnslde; 'phone WE. 2�34:;9, Eaot Broad V•••••Dr53 l eat W 8th A"•rf•••t St., WE. Open Attraetbe In I•. Monday and Friday evenlnKB.. exclusive residential section. JIAI0-.8ltt"P own room and bath. • 1-2-tt £ .,.. loHI with aeveral Small fnmlly, Heferencefl necessary, Tea t 3 RM•• 940 Kimb ll Ave., 2-2903. CIN'DERI It.. • fire lace• - bath• - 2-car garage. a \H]. -· Cn1aelltruck Bin for Spaclouap grounds. Rent .'150. H d Dump and driver for 11 KITC E:.MA.N e at nearby hire the hour. NEW JERSEY Country Club. 'WantLive In or out. R. P. Tnwn•end, Ca.II 241 North Ave. Telephone WE. Newark-Jf••k•IREALTY CO. WE. 2-2112. 2- t c ed u ­ U64. t-Z·tf OPPGRTITltm ff a - •- HIGH 8CJIOOI. BO\' Over-- " 11J11J111.U. f0,000 ca ab1 • II., a.- IJIABT, .. on tllUlledl&teJy, to Htl� e -�-��-�--�-�-�� 8-t 'f er l'eneaal b • - p ltatle � Prhltell BICTCLE-la•oer ..tate. •-room well- uilt nou•e-- -ICK Al'lllJ JIRA•I!: t31 CRAl'llPORIJ la with your name ancl addreu-200 e BROOKHIJE PL., �t��a���'k�� rl�er8�ta�:r8Rou"'�� 2Jr. n Parldor-tl.U COl,OIUA.I, - gas, 1 es, month. Open 2t houri. � =�n,".c1r:.:��tf1� t"nih���:� old. 6 rooms. tile batll and 3-room modern apartment, bath, slto Somerset Ilus, Mountnln- :�::!rv: 'l.:P:t:�e�8 ff J;; :g· Hel'J}u o 3 yeaTB · hot water, sarage, �f/e� e I!:: racks, Special JnsuranceTall CO\' Mil - attractive living r m kitchen, 1avatory on first floor. 1 heat, Ellertrlc, t · o with Screened OWNER Gol.,r I• tele11hone. Pr1vnte home, eeparate n �����n4"°t Mall or Sensbach Bros. Semee, llreplaee - deolrable nelshbil:,hoodllll· open open porch. automatic heat, wants S42. fe�: n;� :mp?r; at o. North Wost (near ftre Worth df We•ltleld-eeen Attached tenant t•e l•nt•e Pntrance. Couple. Telephone WA.NT•m BakHJ- Ave. •Ide ·� ftrepla.ce. t.:at"age. Im. good tor a.lmost new house. WE. 2-3 llAl.l•l8LAUY Fo•2-2250. t-2-U mediate �cupa.�cy. fG,500, 3 bedroom•, tiled bath with stall 651-J. Part time. Tel. WE, FENVE T.. Dlff Net Pal•tl•a. rr:::m�� ::r. �:·Le���k oir1tt B•r1r11l• A .. tt l 1d cJIOOIUI ••t•-Ga.rage, 011 BEAUTICIAN, To ' t both!Ir- ,... f'aMlly T��:f��Y. �ep� nk !��=�n:J p:::� . ••II heat, 2·2132-M.Work Jfon...... Heasc-nable. Have """-No.. tnncy A Fer Sound1 construe. fl�,�� 3 gas and electric. Avttllable 15th el, WE. hurdle and gadgets. attached garage. automatic1 heat, May T ran fence. Limited quantity. f·23·2tBox toom1, baths. ·automatic 1d c o n r care Leader. lion. 1 3 o x ��iiM\b1! J°u neg���: ;9 r �e���!W� ��n. 'Tr�io;-�.6��J sf:�a.1 �� J{'. sl�: !OZ, f��·,:wn� t,,��� agg;;; Elm St., e lion. llLEVTROL(f.K tlLlllA!lr&a•. ���t,.�;�� U,000. Frankenbach,2-t.700. 2 phon We•t- !lrllW now VQtch. Junior Hll'h "ectlo . field _l-___ll_ l!l______------le . n I ·A 'ART NT A"•ll••le .1•lr a.t at t�8c0a 1 HAYE Ji'BlllND to k t· �:���:/�:: P�J:ho�ffJ>J ;ep•r�� tile w tlns $46.-\nclutles 2 l'ODlTIS, bath. l eentatlv•. Call Weetfteld New ce1-1a1 2-l"ailllllJ' n-.... "WOU • of ne�Y cbenette, garage; heat, water anart time coo 1er man. . Mr•. H. B. Vall, 8hadwolawnto paat &ii tlol

with wool ai a

••• see

, · keeping pr1ees• low

' .•. ,• •• i.• ••••• ••• ··:·:·:·:·:·.. ...�. . . ·.· · • • ·• • ••••• • ••• • • ••• ••• . .J •• • • •.•w;J • • • ·:·:·:·:·:·:• • • •.rs. •·•·•· · '4 ··:·:·:·:·� · · · · ';�:.',:t,-.0-��� :·:< ··· · · · · ·•· � •·•·••·••· •• ·•·•· =· �•e a Fl'MTrip ie •• • ••• • • •• ••• • ••• • Tiie •tgelew Mlllsl ·•··•··•··•·� �··=·=-:·: ·1GEI.OW dQplay like it i11 •• • • • There ill no other the entire • • • .s•.• • 1tate. Visiting Koos of . • RO.ADQjjJHl31� • • Bros. Gallery Broad· •·• •••·•:t•i lo ms is like visiting the Bigelow Here ..�·!a .� o Mills. ·· .-:···•· ..··,� e riant rolls them · , • , ·=-····�··�� ',�� YQll ee 100 Gf I Hundreds ···> ··� of smaller roll• • . practically every • • • . pattern · 1 •. color made by Bigelow. It's all .....•, ,..·�. flJT TO iiFIT" l!OIJB and here at • � .-., • • .. •• Q o•r.. Kooa Bros , your ehoiee is WIDSI 1,..11�"·• ·�•,..4 ROOMS

. -cg=-� ... . . GOOD · ROOMS ·EXAMPLEr s .. w•••ra ne ni;', A.cu11&c;m.made onl,, %� I ta • C.r1eetSID a•11 11.e9.xl2 . . ,•.} --"• l,'-" too .,, ,,; ::-_i:, ' A rns that iii •mall for a room will make

a room look 1maller. While the BIGHT me - n a lurer, t •• n1 will ot only make room appear 1111t will add to the l>eauty ancl ehmn of your hrnilhinp. Nobody e:speote a aiu H drell to every ez. It woman, and, it'• jmt • futile to peet a to It every :0You've broadloom advertiled in · leadint' s rn magazine.. You've Ileen , theee ' � - -· ·�·;:<- "� 9 12 1 rooa. Tell • aeen ' em'a' picUt' ..�� tie . .,_tt · 1our meuurementa 111d we'll ,tell JOU me pricee. •ll!llD.en decorate exhibit' homee. e . thia_ i hi •• y 'v ame broadloom n eleewhere at rq 7ouneed , our areall flltol'J· �u tell 1 aher .. • leen . I v-.·�·��� trained 'broadloom aperta. hoped could afford .· BIGELOW'S • , thecarpet you've you / this is. FAMOUSBROADLOOM • IOllle"mjft Now, Koos Broe. brinp it to at .pricee low re inwetmental l•urioul you IO they' truly Deep, piJ. 1&\::;, 12- oot width1. Hundred. of yards riaht here 9 in atock, ··· for immediate deliver:y. Eftlf . and f � ;1,( t ll perfect And, what wealth of patterne conventional iand - -� : for modern, . a • lettinllf o quality. period "°,;.:;:,:;_;: ' ·�{ the for particular ·'We'll make anyone of them up into rup cor rect mze your room. Scan the lW'W little will to reRoor entire ho� Efldence,, you an idea it cost your .� how KOO. Brot.' foreaight buying ii keeping price. low lt t 1 even todatl

· . .· 4 • .ld • ..... hi••• ...... lhl9'," ...... • .... hi• • .. lhl•

..... • ..... hi• • ·T•" llxl8 ' • .. h9 • ..... tldl ... lh91 Jllgh� 2_7 ST. GEQllG'8 AVE. KOOS BRo·s. Pap THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 Ten s future but for now. Final Tableau in Physical Fit11e s Program Obse"e Youth Week Topics being discussed in the school Parents Note "Youth and the Com· Band Nntionnl Youth Week, being ob- this week al'C: the War." munity" nnd "Youth and throughout the nntion April _ Anniversary served Fifth to May 2, started in Roose- velt25 School Jlfond"nywas with speech by St. Paul's G uild Altenburg u Excluaive Repreaentative Women of Original A. Philhower, supervising a Two Charles Group Attend Annual principnl. The annual meeting of the Wom· in Union County Mr. Philhower said youth must con- Guild of St. Paul's ChuTeh will en's at guild Dinner tinue to develop fnith, life, love, lead- be held Tuesday 2 :30 in the Birthday er hip and loyalty not only for t he , room of the parish house s , The Band Parents' A ociation dln­ ss net• Thursday evening in Roosevelt · Sch�ol celebrated the filth birthday of the organization, which each year entertains band members. Three par - . ents of the original group, Mrs. F. pcit J. Bartholom w Mrs. William B. Johnston and Mrs.e , R. Shellenberger, �1 are still active members. - ANOTHERSAT BIG DAYU RDAYOF All joined in singing, led by has. C A. Philhowe'r, supervising principal. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS IN Words of the birthday song were I written by Paul Gesner and sung to the tune of "The Band Played On," HIGHER GRADE MILLINERY a pop Westfield Hich s�hool 1irla-Photo rue by a Henry mau L. Jolmson. a always ular number at band demonatr•· We pass these economies on y-0 u at savings so great th t tionMore Saturda,. than 350 afternoon at Re •:reation Field before aenral hundred to. their tire parents' dinners. This was the sec- entire family an BUY and KEEP ithin BUDGET! 1Jnd year Paul composed lyrics for a apectalor1. The pre1ent aporta pro1ram, emersenCJ' lint aid need1 c w · · dinner selection. aad· a patriotic finale, 1hown above, were included. aa James S. Wroth, toastmaster, in- traduced Frank Neubauer, WHS -�---'------h Church ·principal, Dr.Mr. Philhower, William MOt er y Fanwood 1I Da it Dedicate Warner and Anthony Ingram, for By ElbR' OnaaJ May short talks. Mr. Warner was sue- 10 A servi e based upon an ancient c �00 ceeded by Mr. Ingram as band direc- liturgy o� the Ch�rch of Scotland - The annual Mothers' Day ritual . $ tor. was used m the ded1cat10� of the en- services will be held on Suncfay May . Oftlce'rs o l , larg hu h were elected as f l ows : at by We tfield Lodge, ed Fanwood Prcsbyternm C rc President, Mrs. p i . lO, . m. �nn?ay. Delegated the task of ded­ Wroth ; v ice res - B8P O p E, at the Elms street clu b- 1585 1catmg the nlarg d str�cture were dent, Mrs. J.; recording rooms., The tr b te mot e will be i u li r Re . Wilham. c. Kc of h Mrs.:W. S. Hmman ; cor re- to v Dr. • McKmney t e T. orated by Abel Ro s Miller, PER of . aposecretary,nding secretary Mrs. s Westfield Presbyterian Church; Rev. Robert Wil- L a in Mich Jo eph L. Ewing of Rahway and 'eon ; treaaurer, Wallace Hlg- ga�ist John J, Harper will offer s , gins. · Mra. Rev. Du can S. Cam ;on of �est- · the� musical p'J'Ogram assisted by Mi s Dr. � c · � s field. Wilb�r E. SPORT ND DRESS REGULARLY WOULD Parents adjoumed the. au. Marcelle Vitagliano. The Ladies' Col ille, ch1urman BE then to of the building committee,y presented A ine Strawa OVER $:t.OO ditorium to hear a 'concert. Gold Auxiliary will co-operate. Officers · F ll AND the keys of the church to George L. Fine eManJ'a • .F Othera HEADSIZES \'lm:r1 were Presented to ll third-year will appear in regalia The public is . a . Goudy, president of the ard of 21 %--2>& . The band program was invited. George H. Riley Sr. is chair- bo m bers. r trustees, who, In turn gave them .to FOR . ,:ftftlvedem favorably by pa ents and man of the commi.ttee. ' . THE BEST LESS AT - Dr. McKmney who ac epted them in ·trienda. Eli Musser, alted ruler, has ,,�-, ex he the, c 111. for year. Presbyterian Church : appointed committees the t name, ?t r of the United States of Ame ica• . ' um • ,... .. Witla Knabe'• priceleu llerila6 e/ "Tone,.;{ ... MlLLINERY mak s this great piano. exquisitel� y :j · e ninth grade W1m111'1 Clab KNOWN OUTSTANDING STYLES . appealing.'( �� - ... Jane DeJu of theR.JHS MIRACLE Akin human voice. this tone · ., of eighth have The 1prlng concert of the music E. FRONT ST.FOR PLAINFIELD, any ;': ·.and. Janet Reeh the U• • • to the endows '.·:•triel in mety poater conteat department wUI given during Na· 142 N. J. melody heard on it with special beauty. the be for ; tional Music Week, on May in the those :; '·� , fi SA 1 'VE w...... who love play the piano .JIDdlJ.Juw/1 pollfar depict. "Afety'' from Methodist 8:15 p. m. Ma­ to the Knabe brings an> • ', . ·a•: . patrlotle ansle. Janet'• ahowa two dame IrmaChurch Rae Biagini at will sing inspiring musical companionship. aev­ ,, ' J1111lor lllch rlrl1, one explaining eral of songs. Club . mem- . ·,; . ,.. - Knabe you CO'r• groups ,...2-040 today deligliting:\ · TIRF.S ; are I vited. ' .tntlc and friends n 2 And the "" rula to the othu. hen ll��;;;���E��ll buy wilt he your ehildren grandchil�reo years from f and DDW, for: .> :.� Knabes SO old are still glorious instrument& - : years ' ' only the materials Le..'·. · ; For SPRING PLANTING cause choicest � into its making.'( : -%: Viait The GARDEN MARKET VERTICALS GRANDS Tov a.van,•'11'111'1 l.ocatlcl · lu)'Parldnf 7 on· from s4 0 frl)lll What's the Dope . CON'.VE!llE!IT TERMS WHl!L"f DESlllU. LANDSCAPE · YOUR ·OWN GROUNDS l'LOWDDIG·ID Vll DllOllDI sti41,-��·�.:�·-'; FUEL OIL' 50c.. 90c 90c v, \',- am nmm PIH DOGWOOD (I ft.) �lNe�tten burg Piano1110E. Ho StnilluN;'[· "' '.-f· ··".t[!..';'; Riis 11a�trw Jer.., .. : ''q� '••. "¥: · ELI.Zit.BETH 75c 90c 95c . · Pin• M ...... 25 RED •;�·:� �-i'.-�1 to ft.. . so MA.PW 3 4 an.. t • ' 11• I .,..• ...,...... uu . · MOTHER'S ... 1.., � ...... DAY ...... Cllill ...... AND .a.No. na. CARDS, Gln'S Jft. l for No.I 'ftnllt for Ht. I for .-t.. for � .a. CANO, Price ..nce curnatl,. f.,.... at 1110 ceah Here you 'will find unusually r..a .U a...... _. .,.O. P, A.� 7 cardsan . .�.... ' - ._... . &JfD MD- utorlment of fine and . . , . aomr.m 1m.10110• or ful gifts, ·J=-. •- ... DeHverie9 • .... . :=....::::!•� A-:::.-. i.::.:. now for early Dllhwy.,f•I ,...... _, , ...... • Al•H•.. , , ..• , .,,... . w_... Cane in ...... vna "'"•'" · .u ..l ...... ,._.. • .,._..._ 'lr-•rt .,. wi ..._ ...... -- • A.-- , •• •.,.rll , Caltlnt.,. l II t• S/4 .r ita tuk · ...... ••- le111 (• . y....,.taak -.�It,.. .,._ ...... , · ElSTATIO SENER L' S OU· sumer\ ln8tallationa . • ...... , .. 4'tlanal ... All4I M W. P. 8 .r-.. llllita • f� el .,_, . �:ae:...�n.F.11.'»i. Wf.STFIELD ....IWte ...... ,...... hel ar:r= ST.. .u. ., I llN''II J7 ELM� mW491!• ---.•· 1111111...... •1 - Convenio...... na...... ••••••I ...... CMI N. ,._... . wia1 ,...... ck .. eeal. -urner Repain W•l·Don a.,.in ...... _ AN ...... t• ...... ""rat• le,_ ...... �. · . ·Concrete Corporation THE DIPFUINCE Kiii' fOlt YOOUELF! for meats poultry here from WHAT YOU CAN DO theSub tractprices what ha your1ed pay elsewhere. Theand differenee is your TIA.NSIT lllXID CONCHTI _.. •" a ... f•I eil, imcnaM cem- e -Y• ..-....u,.UMI at the,... t . el tM "profit." save plenty cash on values thelle : ...... _ ...... You of like ...... _ ...... , f91tt M ,._ la war •.rt .,...... ,...... � ...... w...... � ...... , , . , IMlllale atU. ...,. will ... ,_,. , 'lllle Is-...... FRESH lHJ.m fOWL <�:.:.> I. ... t .. ... _...... 27¢ . OPl'IC&1 2. ffawt ,._ .... IUll.DlflC, ant wiat.r.-... ltW with ,._ I• - LEGOR RUMPOF �':VEAL •. aJALTO ...... W&ITPlllLD, If. I......

_ ' · , . ' .•. P...U.sS.-­ . ;::l�oDUCIUNGS ('ta!.e) OF UQU0U BEST <�Oil--· Heat Service Inc. BONDS!! AND 191?¢ FlNEST MAJllDS 225 E. BROAD ST. llACE TO\Jll MO!fEY FIGHT-WITH WAit ' ' . ';


on the One l;,.,ks baCk . histo� of the founding of Mother's Day, it ·seems 'only. natural When . ' that flowers should be selected as the perfect symbol of the occasion.

Terader ·sentiments " which often cannot >be ex· pressed any other find tation m way, manifes , � . , I their in.flow�r1. "Mother's Day," by its �ture, is a associated the minds of �y. that is in· m�< of us · with flowers.

: ·,Flowers joy to are alw�y1 .a receive.. Blt.; this them . yelr they bring with .a f� deeper m�ning ever before� Flowers, tlaan besidesbeing. a IJID· of love, reaped, ue silent bot admiration, . and

. the lailltop sentinels thatstand high. on u 11111· 6,ht for - home, boll of the.thins• men coun�, freedom and�:

.,.,. , Iii , . . \ ·•LOWSa

. ' . . , .. · Motlier ud the American no matter where tile •1 be, . . ..., ., ••• •• •&'I "',;,��H� �e, al

. · . OID' ... . . ' Day :with 8owert. Y1111 w11 find � and ..r:- . :;tM ...� · �· aelfm. � . Wied, · , , · . . to - �. meet JOar indmdaal . ements. :m jriced�j:/-_•< - reqaii

DOfJUtER i B. McEWEN IL L Florist.. c . . . . . '.c��:{s. . , VANCE, . ., SoNS .., . Ill . Ill GIOVE ...... ,lt7... rrilrr . S1llD Ul IOVlll.. Aftllll...... ,... ., ......

· FLORAL FAIM iEsmFJ.DuWER stlUDllMa clowDs. WIWAllSAVE. ; Off. .. lflJIGnEl.D UHO WI .....WI A... • Tll...... I-MIO ...... THE WFsTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL SO, 1942 Scattergood Married in Northampton Church Mrs. William E. ABOUT TOW N PEOPLE, PLACES and P SALLY ROGRAMS That's an Intriguing program Mona f�r Parker ( S.) has arra ged daAnon ther party dlera · a d Col. and Mrs. William A. Ross of ce so1 N ws of weddings n F.the Cross, Tues. to b give at t P b e hes ue will entertain for the benefit.of Red n Country Clube S n lain plans are c m n from nil weddint e Westfield aven aturila � o i over mes day, May at. m. the Wood· ders Club, days-:... rom armyg camps and collegge friends of Cnptain and Mrs. Jn 26 3. p.. in an e f I e row Wilson. School. lll1:s. Parker will young wome And all these range blos- Hoag of Evergreen court,. at a b uff t n of w 0 eampiisea. o trace stocy of m sic from orgahichnfuti 1a1·!nth e e for supper p arty Monday evening. Cap· hi vocal u Westfield the a r are responsibl Renaissancetha Ui Essig of shortly the time of Mo· A do is IOa lllBhellp in o f gayety. tain Hoag is leaving nated by i for mili· zart, beginning with thes m e 'really love­ r ds.ilver cup v1�8 ...... tary service. � 10 star, t f the ulevud ...... ly music from the firsto opera ever wdl be and sponsor Kiof Grace Simpson o B , for a Waltz be D bride and room are written. Following a short talk The guestsa prize will to onald oM. Pol- Another army on be cl� who la engaged and Mrs. Walterg R. Kit­ each. period,. sha present groups Fort Dix. fifty lock, al!o of the Boulenrd, was given Lieutenant will menCOii frot; ' rp ise lln&'!lrie shower Sunday at son Jr., who visited Walter's pa1·ents, 1. of Italian, English and Ger. s r French,. 1l a u B rc avenue, in their ew ' man son s, including some very old John Nobl....e the h m of Mrs. Theodore Hellman, formerly of i h n g M�s. of Carlet-On o e York. home on land av ue la t week folk songs preserved only In ta ttered acquired another b e&b!rd 1111 Par avenue, New H h en s jo Y IDl{k k end. Lieutenantg Kitsona nd his bride·, old manuscripts. Fifty Westfielders was elected president � i c Mrs. Fred . Gray-+- Jr., crest the former Miss Mary Gore, daugh· prominent in musical circles have r.on. dren's Sen ce CommitteEof H of H i th:' avenue, herself a recent bride,ill gave ter of Mr. Mrs. John of sented to act as patronesses. Tickets County, at a meet of and Gore · i at the U miscella eo s shower last S. C., will be on sale at the d r. Mrs. John K. g n u Columbia, on oo Brigdenn 0 in bo111e 11 surprise daughter of February b were Alv&married Gregg Seve l other Westfield F for Paul& Pierce, 6 y Chaplain ra wome ·week r Lieuten· Mrs. Georgt .....P ierson of East the commit and M a. P. Pierre of High of FOTt Jackson, where the W. tee, which give W Mr. H. h Broad street, was a member of the children in :: land avenue, whose engagement to· ant stationed. He as just been or-UnderwoOdmer & Underwood. homes broken u t'. was The f Paulin who was refreshment commtitee for the senior n s , n, U• N., son transfe ed to F rt Leonard Wood, Gracee ts' home Satur­ e s death, poverty, or "· William Berryma rr o her par n cruelty, .S: mothers' card paTty held at the Pin· Walter Lee � � ;;: of and Ml'll. S. Berryman Mo. daymarried to Bordentown in man. Jr., of South Mr. R. :Jubert gry S hool Friday at p. m. Her v nu J. Trinity place, recently an- c � e e w�s chairman of of s 2 the " nounced. Betty Davis,was sister of the Mrs. Walter Clark-+- of Gallowae has ------I son, Harold, is a enior at Pingry. mg·comm1ttec. Mrs. William lyric .... m te &nd Dorothy Jean Ludlow, as her est Harriet Renders, of Su mit is the retiringl "'' h01 ss, gu To Mrs. L. F. Tellin of Sherwood !'lane were assistant hostesses. soprano with the Metropolitan Opera Alberta Rosendale Be 1dent. Co., who returned recently from a Lieutenant parkway is a . member of the ticket · · Bride of or the twenty-second an. , There'll be n&val-+- uniforms aplenty mid. concert committee f tour. eo vntiio New NEWS ON EVEIY '· at the wedding tomorr w R. Graham (the o m r Anne Clark) n LOCAL ,PA o night of -+- Lieutenant and Mrs. Roland f r e M. n1111l n of the Jersey .. Barbara Derge Ensign John W. Mrs. Lee Parsons of Tutt�e par - Rosendale, daughter Women Thursd&y, _ . k after their wedding Friday. Miss Roberta League Qf Voters to. R., as m ng way w ll leave Saturday to Dr. ------of . and Ts. Roberta W. R sen- May 14 at Essex Hous , which this ,c U. S. N a o the i Mr M o e Ackerman, arsons n Was in n whJOmch will Ch stnu street, will be strlmmlined to a one be Lieutenant (J, G.) P i h , i • , e d'ay mhers gto dale of North t wilJ year Rem will and Ensign Peyton be the family's f uture home. Their Anne Semor, Kittleson-UnderwOod be married next Wednesday aft'air closing with a banquet. " " Merry Clark, Smith to Lleu- daughter, Mimi, student at Smith tenant C.) W. Robert ...... 1.eutenant nVItabons s u Seaberg, You m&y see buses l&den with men MOBB, College, will join them at the end B Of L' J • • J ed Navy,(J. son of and Mrs...... of n'de s Mr. v. and women in ening dress rolling Navy orders are for the semester. Walteru. s. Seaberg, of Deal nd East ev a towal'd next year for the Rolendale's weddingresponsible Miss Anne Merrell Clark, daugh· Mr. and ll!rs. C. of Orange. " Robert date be- and -+"'.Jo n a ey y n C. Underwood Cranford-Westfield concerts. Or the adv nced Wednesday. She Mr. h H rv Br � ter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clark Parkview a venue have issued invita- The wedding will .take place at 6 ' ma a t.o of ulllrs.dle a tnp music lovers may have to take Will .nextto Lieutenant W. West � avenue &.re on of 734 Forest avenue, becam the tlons for the marriage of their daugh. m. in the Church of the Trans· to 1'. be married at G rgia,� sit thei son John e p. trains or street cars. In spite of the . Seaberg S. home to eo vi � bride of Lieutenant Gra· ter, Miss Mary Elizabeth Perrine Un· fi ration, New York, wilii the Tec­ :�'-Robert , U. N,, a r atto Benn g. gu i tin gas shortage, however, interest in the moment from sea duty, in the H rvey J ., m ham of Westover Field, Mass., son derwood, to Lieutenant llan R. Kit- tor, Rev. Randolph Ray, offic a , '':tthe Roland R. A g concerts, for which subscriptions are maurch Around the Comer, � of Mr. and lllrs. Russel} Graham, tle8on, son of Mr. and Mrs. harles A reception for the families &nd a t;Llttle . · Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Valentine of C now being taken, is high, the commit. Fore t avenue, Frid&y after. G. Kittleson of Iola, Wis. The cere. few close friends wilJ be held at the "N� York. Colonial avenue are visiting the lat- ,also 00f s tee tells us. Piobably because in noon in No thampton, Masa. mony will take place Friday evenin , Hotel Brevoort. W. ·Anderson· ...,. of. Raymond ter's son, Bill �eiland, who in the i: g t mes like these, the really worth· Kn T e d n a e at p. May 16, at o'clock, in the First Miss Pauline Seaberg of Allen. i ;:. :. < . F. y Mari P a;8 � we di g J!l e m s Saturda ne Corps at arris sl nd took 0 8 the bride- while things, like good u ic, seem In· l\r ttreetentertalnid at t.ea to I ' s. c. m. in St. Ep1acopal Church,4:3 Bapt t Chul'ch, and will be perform- burst, sister of prospective Mias . John'• is will &t- creasingly important. ,,:;imtroduee lier aon'• fianeee, ..,_ of the Rev. hen F. Ba111e, by t he pastor, Rev. Eugene G. r o , be the bride's only _Burh111 na d her moth- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. raft Step g o m . .... C st. torwith of the church, 't'ee•re- ed'Mfotz, a d Lieutenant Colonel C. P. endant snd Mr. Seabe"rg be Fort t>:';\'er;.ll•ri!JnnMn. .Arthurlrellt Busbea av nue ha e olllciating. n t will his I nvas1on of ancock tomor· Cranford Marb e their house i n e HAouse, Newton, Post Chapla n at Fort Dix, son's , H of , Jllrs Craft'sv mother88 , rs Geo. ce t on was held at lum a best man. row night. A bus load of thirty friende."-Mn. . . p a w s adu ted �;'tii:taer.W..tfleld Wllter guest of M Sm!th College, whereA Anne a a riend of the familiy. A · reception Lieutenant Se ber a gr & Westfield matrons, laden with ridge and Paul of H. rs Auburn, N. is f be g b �'.:'1>1111 Pieree Bee Y. will eld at the Underwood home. from the Tome School &nd the Uni- s Jin. West- senior. h cards and u cious chocolate . cake, ..,_ a by Miss Josephine Gro se versity of Pennsylvani&, where he l �:ilAt JIOUl'ed. : for :Ma: rilJDn Mra. Ray Force, former Westfield- The bride, given in marri ge Holmes of s under the leadership of lllrs. Cum. of Mich , ma as a member of Beta Theta ra· 1'.: •. ::!'_: . Lnla. � ven e who d' y, Mr. Gutherie best man, Fetzer Jr, . Oak u , of Satur a anotU. and :;: .'poro&hT cif a ber Peg's friendl at tea at.ep� of us ers will be willW bel a m ...... Butler Phil- and M rs. a buft'et supper Hauer Stamford, h il i il ,; :.l!I t.o O.Orp of Fox Mllla Barbara Ba n Thomp1on,Wll­ . Marry mi. her i\onor S uravenda7. Peg Conn., roo m te the bride, Lew n on and Ma yn Hughes, . � In and m of was Fred Tennent,y r Richard Miss Barbara t;,,•delphla, Wll . si-at -herlllll'P ownrile hom e are now llviq Washington, D. only attendant.a She ton Li dsa . The engagement of In Rac.r her wore grteit n Temple Ja uith Albert Charles o:e.llllllOllSl'fOllP dowift marquisette in boul!ant atyle, Betty w&s gr&duated from Grosse q to -1 ,llJ,: a of�Wednelcla r. with An

(C..tinM ...... l: f 1t) ji RE.W.5 D .. •s •10 WE MODERNS t £. MOAD rt. a CIN'l'llAL AYL , ...... , ClllNA t)• SllRTS •z •3 •4 - UIHO:& · .t GIYE Hut A LCWlLY ·. . Piii& OIL .JIWUY SUITS . ,fJ2 �ts PEllllANEllT WAVE szo •••e,. .. SJLftaWAU ;} t ,...... y_.. y.... , WATcnm 00 GAU. a UMaa,·a $3. .... � GI fAI& AVE. M ••I• ...... · .emuter . · ... · · W• r 'P ...... �I�� ...,. ... r I ...... •• ·�z:·,;n 1B � ,..,,... .;'f'll. ..-•Jil'llt'-1'• W!JTflet.D-M<.1 nffAlit...... _ ... .-, ...'"" '" • .

hrl 'd er Issue ncdy. Printing was directed by !Inr- al OIJIR old Brooks, and his assistants: Jack · Another Load of Paper for Uncle Sam . ountamsJ JVeS Literature WalthC'r, Calvin Henry, o er "de pec:iExcl usively on R b t M • c· . Bailey, B�b Garretson, Bill Pet rson ave Press Tomorrow und e 0 Le Brager, Nm" Tons of Paper T ContrMnrvmibutors of e poetry were : Jack __ of s ecial ---:--""edition Roos�velt Walt�er, Nancy Barker, Dick Cha p m- ' • E d £ W A newspaper, the berlam, Win Sowell Jack Br o Lisa IrSt r1ve XCee Xpecta• IF You Have the ill,· h ' Ro11ghrfrler, o k F D I I Sagam re-Ro11 hrider, will Mintz, Hubert Tuo�to Sandy Parry ions M n he o g , . , t ; Will ea $100 all�e : B rbar Carol Sanford, Bill the r ss tomorrow This is a a Arntlt, Rankin, Jeanne Luft, Ma y Colap ie T 8oro COUDCI f devoted literature: r - 0 'I eav� c rc t h to'school's ex- ro, John Leeming, David Gaskill, We Hive the ue IS ce of e . ��/ t ir el Ab ut nin tons of was pa11er, a literature magazine. Fa fi d Wooclbu1:y, Vilma Lee � M1chinery ar �nd o te I ts;kes Wheeler Mary St11lwell and Joan wor h npprox1mntely ath- cnsive poems, sh rt s t or- g Contribubonsi° : arc o Clements t . $100, were. . . . . ered Sunday by the Mountainside De- an P•tter by the pupils them- . d • . C ontn'b utors of short stories were: . You will want to respond to the request th at es ar Miss J. Claire! Gi. ft, fe n e C un . l in its rst paper col- ye Joan Spach, Peg Calloway, Jack Wa - � o c'. � Ives. Each a o l c on Hoy 1s ch irma of everyone use ten per cent of his or her ponsor, Sagam re board, ther L is Minchin Mar o e le ti Me1rl a n income, selectsmade up of pupils. Their o j ri Rost' the council. and F. ct­ hich is Jack Beierle Que�tln Armstrong H. Stedman dire received, to buy War Bonds. e material for the S cd the pickup. ns ob is t s lect aga- George Denny, Derrel St. Clair, Jen� o . Ogburn, John Fell, M ari n Walstead, Members of Boy Scout Troop 70, nort. o - This year's boa�d s folloiys : Don Barngessel and Alis ell led by Scoutmaster John Keuler, Rus For that purpose we have a VICTORY CLUB ' w�s a as st t c Petitt. s E. a a ' ilitor-in-chief, Abee si Patter was contributed by: Tom ll Knapp and Charles. W d s, set up waiting for you. r.R.1cht�r;Me s, C - ane and John Fell, Ma ie ig nth- Jones, Caroline Carver, Bob And'er- d Mayor John W. Moxon, lltrs. nil nts; rnet , Wallace Higgins, Jon y rin Ba t son, Anne Hart and Leona Baker. Hoy, Grover Baldwin, Wesle Mc- Janet Alpers, Ed Belcher, Couch, Russell Wilcox, M Wadas, It r. oper tes almost ex:actly like the Christmas etchcr,e H amilton, Betty Broback, Gor- Rol1ih ndrew Schneller and a lair Spruce T Hill, A �lub. on Craine, Rebecah Lambie, and Ali- wii Mr. Stedman manned four trucks telle Petitt. The make-up for the Spruce Twig will convene Monday by Winfield Rau, Wallace here the membera the Thinl loaned Picb1red i1 1roup o Ward Political aper was done by the in the home of Mrs. W. H. T. C mp, Winckler, Herbert Gibbs and Fl'itz Club, headed bJ Dominick Capone,f unloadin1of paper from the col• t Mi s .RRuoughth r Ken-idllT o pe i place. a Honecker. Co. Garwood. TheH ou pay a fixed sum each week and receive tatf, assis ed by s 1,1 1 C w rthwa te leetion trucks at the Sunoco Products plant in men yolunteered their oervices aid the fifth 1al ..1e collection of yourt War Bonds at stated intervals. the Weotlield Defense lo 19th. $2,705.74 ha• been realised lo dale. Council, SundaJ, April Resolve to begin pay day. The Club Is next Tho aggregate attained exceeded Leader Deliveries Slow across the plaza the It is Mr. S edm n s expectations. etn J just from station. a ' A m l open nt and Monday evenings-:- drive twill in ten be conducted about subscribers requested 8 A. M. on· a Inter nnother p pc pickup · o'clock. days nd a r Leaderuntil mnil m o hnve stop­to will be held. wnit curricrs 6 to 8 their homes before calling tho ped nt olllcc Thursday afternoon leader to Be regular on the home front rc1iort 11011-tfolivo1·y of . the a I \m pcr. Make regular p11y-roll purchases of Scve-rul substitutes arc handling U. S. Defense Savings Bonds 11nd routes and dcllvcricR are being made Stamps. as quickly as possible. . PEOPLES BANI ' TRUST COMPANY

WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY O,,•llallnd ....

'. , \- 522 Ave. � FrH DtliH'1 • Tel. Z.IJM.5 LIBERTYCentral PRICE ��o� wed. NEWQUAUTY WW 00UCY PLUS AJID SERVICE. COIE MEA T DEPA RTMEN T '/'HIS W•BK·BND ONLY -YOUR CO11pplieaAL c1ae1·& IOI! TIOS ISWAR : ud int. ITM .. leu CHICKENS-Rout:�. ••Yins •P wu t• . .. "· c� to kHp home utl flllilJ wilter .au. ,.. Med r••c •- 1••) free fna PRIME . 35¢ coke RIB ROAST ila tlkt Uade Sl.'1adft:e ud erm JI• er as .. 31¢ llllirec1al ..,,a,fro. CHUCK POT ... · TODA1,t ater truaportatioa beinr to ROASY-=:· ' Deia'talDI •fallllld aeet Yo1 oeGol To Hale A anilaltll . 31¢ cm11...... u ill ...... -AndGOOD the wiseROOF peraon NAVFJ.FRANKFURTFJtS� · .... 31¢ 11 I having th Is work done now. .A1k . us fnapeet WECORN BEEF .. 21¢ withoutto oblir•· .. . CAMY RUH PISH .tyourlon. roof FIWHBONEl .ESSSHAD ... Don't Walt Too ....., 39¢ -P•- forEeti.r. ... . SHADROE . pair 39¢ CENTRALII PROIP!CT. HOME.. . ST . VlauatlfCPROY- '"�··�':· pre1ent ,,._. •OOf'ING . : 'Tll;i.t·w.--', · Tak• ad•anta1e of callll llDING -GWllATICllf . "7 arran1in1 financin1 :: ElecU.eGROCERIES Ualil Ma1 ltla, :: MIAllGID . · ol the ceet (Pricn irlcluift.) PIRAMC- lllG - . 1. " coal throurh of ,_.. or coke rour KELLOGG'S FLWS local a..nk at nr1 mocleat cott. ,11,. CORN , . . . � BRAN Fl.AKFJ Pkw· --- .OPEN , M, 9 P. M. MONDAY EVENINGS. � 7 P TO DAL GRAPEJUIC E. ,u:!1 NEW PICTURES BORAXCHIPS 2t¢ The framea atyled rlrht for them. The · i • · I for-plllcecl rl1ht. llllflnte•klncl tUID dffGo W :!. r&tOHbe on hunt11111• bail• 11f co1t wI one1 rear aro. 21¢ "price eelllnra"the needed here-taxu tlleWIJlt, ... Ne We1tfield 2-3030 It.. &t pr nt, toll. COFF£E���. FreehGrOUTMI . For your home-or Weddln• Seleet PANCAKE ..ttle 2� many onlJ one ehaneeGlttl. to duplle1t1 ti..;aow, EVAP. SJR(JP-0•A..';. , I� of a kind-no PICTUH PIAIHNG Ii MILK-1L:'.!' . . . 3 eau Dependable, tuteflll, framlns alw11o11. .l.SAIRVI COMPAr�Y. SPANISH ltoCtle 2� Rt,JldJa1 P•lntlll&'I Zlr)lfl'tly Reatoted. ..OllTN AT OIN'UIA"AYI. WllfrtlLD, NIW .1r•H' ouvr.s-':-··�. . JUNKET ... 2Q¢ - POWDER-�� . SWAIN'S ART STORE 2,. 19¢ nONT ... anJ GETABLE:S 317 w. ITllEl.T PIAIJtnlLD, '· FR UI TS THIS w••K-•NDVE ONLY ...... 17., .. FRF.SH SPINACH"i::b... MUSHROOMS. 2 ' "' 9¢ PUREWHITE ...... 23¢ TERMITES NEW CABBAGE 3 . fer "Swanm" "Fl1ia1 Aat1" that , 10¢ 1Jin1 .... Watch ..... PINK.GRAPEFRUIT -w•·: for of � , 1arehN tlMtir .... 3 ., U- lliea,...... Thete wood fftlrofinl iatectt are ca-. eee· ...... propertf throu1heut 14¢ •klenW. te Hew JffWf. LARGE LEMONS�:.. • at ... time comtructioa ... later. We .,.. LARGEJUICY 10,. 23¢ BaiWilap _. ,...._.... of ,. nq1lire it ...... _, 11..- .., after dependaW. 1MtW.. ORANGfj tect 1 c_.tnct'-, -. llaDI l'R IPICIAUIO ,.23¢ We IJ Traiae4 ...... , dieir fall time --.a. a T..._. Sta• le tM � apiut ... alMI attack pnMea ...... · �wlltuluCUT ·:::. C... :t el ..iltliap ._.,• we the ,.._ an COllN ...... lie .. �-..... - .. ..,...... w . . .. s-cf"'· ww1r ...... table. ... reapect. E •..,. .•,, Ow i. aa11 1uarut ;.a, ii - . ftfl!l'iellee4 teellllicall1in ...... ,...... - ., ...... � , J ,.,.. .. . �· , ".. FottUIOfHI Stone Cra1lein• ,,,,,,,,, •ntl °"""' Company GM: WE KUE TRAP FREE ·INFORMATION c&USHED aocw; FREE . lNSPECTI ON OF PROPERTY ,., ...... ".... DdNt. .. BU1LDINGS. GUA.IU.NTDD PROTECTION OF • ...... ,... TERMITE CONTROL BUREAN. U ROH:LLE • J. · PARK, ff. J. ELIZ.A.BETH, llroa4 8' l'b t•el Telephaat RO..U. 4-1492 Weetaeld : MANY LOCAL REFERENCES ARE AVAILABLE. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 ' . . on wil e held n ers of the ri sl , l b . Wl � hat th li to homesick soldiers in camp C w h Photograph e st o serving coffee art g t Janu ry table top competition should t f BUbJects A I d ' a hnuste d n is a'bou others into their homes s t prints. d nsks canteens, and taking • ma teur Ure ubmi i n n t Q R w pp au s w·IDS A La I 5 . suggestion ton that THE WESTFIELD LEADER are studying eVIe er -- d s gh metnbera .._ for a touch of "home." They 'ate shows Drake ings will de v 1 Futu Pomt summary to te rnort. ""11 C t pirit of picture tak. en by DeLanoy in the lead with o nt discussio e first aid and auxiliary nursing, are joining GI Cl ll S p i s n a le b o 1942, a of l ed d 17 nd ss spt!etnakee ee ncer F ank Cartwr ght 222 Moun- low by Harold Sto dm·d, 11 an IQ rs 11'! _... All& raid warden groups. � _ d �. motor corps and air • I. i fo , ta iew avenue, Scotch 1'.hu�s, a John T. H opkins N•WI•-· win the war, it is well mv 8. 1 Whether You p In all this effort to Spring Performance Rated employe, won first rize the Russell Paynter pr ident' feels -Read -::--- Leader m LEADEWR ant Entered at the Post Office at We fiel , J., as Christian principles, to be USIC y monthl photos by ' ca C!aaatoi B or Bil s d to reaffirm a few "O O f M Ost M . of New 1IJ Second Class Matter. t N. De all J erscy y amatselectioncma, conducted by the fitd Ail.. i emphasized by the May lu cheo this year, Season" at Westfield, n n f t Ory of Newark Sunday � by TPublishedhe We.�tfield Thur Lendersdays Pu New Jersey, pledge to avoid bitterness and revenge, S8 f IS BC Call. Printing and blishi g in The shot is of his dressed in pany, An Independent .Newspaper. n Com­ a refuse to wife, · to overcome race prejudice, to LESTER ROBERTSON ovemlls with n h oe her shoulder � Official Paper for W cstfield and Mountainside. By J. of the Westfield over e suspect the loyalty of German, Italian or The spring �oncert typifyi;g the victory gnrden them . ' IOCK WOOL �-- Subscription rntes year in advance. a Glee Club which took place lust Sat- _!NSULATION $2.00 a alone; I - Established 1890. Japanese because of racial background urdny night nt the Roosevelt Junior r ��• OFFICE: Elm Street. Tel. 2-4407-2-4408. to support free speech and freedom of wor­ High School, was one of the bes at- Me t o . t Minicams e T nigbt · 50 most musically satisfnc- Low Coat onal Advertising Representatives, New J e sey tended and ' N� Nati · ship. ' ers, Inc., New York. r tory events of the season. To one uarter dgmg Summer Comfort New.pap pf an Q I J Y U ' w. RAU Winter Ec""· , Westfield church women will meet for who had' not been ab e nttend for l ...... , to in J urvis' Drug Store, Elm ln1ulationiat their May luncheon tomorrow, and a particu­ the past few years, there wns no Tonight NATIO AL EDITORIAL Fr n be host question of a very decided improve- street, k Cartwight will larly stimulating program has been arranged. a CHATHAM, SSOCIATION ment in he tonal balance achieved. to the Minicam Club. The print sub­ N. J. attended MATERIALS 6-6161 It will undoubtedly be largely Frank Scherer,t the conductor, is to ject will be natural science. --' Summit . ----- · be particularly cong ratulated. Q uarterly judging of winning I !Iii 1111 1la s s- The benuty of the ev ning was in- prints, 11oslponed the last e I e from Honor for Heroes of Another r troduced by the l\Inrk ndrew s ar Chapter,Wa Sons of A ' - 30, The plan of West Fields t·rmgement of Sibelius' "Finlandia" -----·--- ·----· THURSDAY, APRIL 1942 ===:::::=::::'.:· '.:::'.:'.:��������������� the American Revolution, place in the and while the progrnm was generally :;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;:;:::I to l gh and etery bronze memorial planned to be i t "Springy," Revolutionary Cem "Silent and Girls' a the unusual and more difficult Boys' Week tablet bearing the names of veterans of the Thls week is being celebrated in West­ Strings" by Bantock and "Spanish American Revolution who lie buried there, by George Mead proved to field, and all over the nation, as National Lnd'ies" the interesting is one that should meet with the approval of be most effective. In Boys' an Girls' Week. arra n ment by l\Ir. Sche e of the d ge r r all W estfielders. Franz "Go, Fetch to Me Pint In Westfield a group young people took a 0' of The remains of fifty-one of these veterans Wine" there was some l vely accom­ .over the reins of government by acting as o are buried in the churchyard opposite the panying done by Mr. Jenkins, mayor and councilmen for an evening at the he club accompawork nist. The Jugo-Slav byterian Church. It is not an easy thing, t High school students substituted Pres Folk Son , "I Won't Kiss Katty," · Town Hall. individ­ pl'O ided Mr.g Sche1·er with eh c Club at its regular as the ·committee points out, to keep a v i le for oft'icers of the Rotary whichv showed his nd­ ual markers for their graves in place. Yet it control to best Tuesday luncheon. vantage, and in which there give them the com­ was some with Boys' and Girls' is the wish· of all of us to shading. The choice of · Also in connection very effective memoration that their sacrifices deserve.. In a group college songs was happy Week, the high school physical education de­ of n these days when we are all bending every one nnd apparently enjo�ed by partment gave a demonstration last .Saturday.· the singers ns,much wnsas the audience. effort in another struggle for freedom, it is Girl Scouts will hold a supper meeting to dis­ The guest soloist, Dorothy Sandlin, encouraging to look upon their strug­ is a young and particularly charming cuss Scouting in connection with present day back gles, to consider the odds they fought against soprano. l,Ier tw o groups of songs, problems.· one e ch and one English, showed for eight long years, lacking practically every Fr n This year Boys' and Girls' Week takes an interpretntive abili y usually equipment but faith and But that found in one so young. t Also,not her dic­ ARMS-the fute11, hard- on a new significance. Now, as not in sev­ courage, ti to e­ UNDER ng de en faith and that courage triumphed. on and' pitch left nothing d ILLIett•hlttlngONS iptlng maehine the world hu eral generations, :we are comi . er s n s be to p d If the town responds t the cha ter's sug­ sired In h two o g with the Mever That the America'• youth upon our young people for real and pr actical o p Glee Club there was much power and known! 11 p .., a• ralliea to the •• , · hurryln1 fm.m fal'lll9 they gestion, the plaque, mounted on a granite considerable istry evident. Mr. aervice. The time will long before art eall boulder, will be de dicated on Independence Stahl sang with Miss Sandlin in the' towm, and .eltie1 the way from Mune to will be aaked . take up adult all c.n'. to duties. Thi! Miserere, from II with fornl., f m the Great Llke1 the Gulf. wi l Day, uly Travatore, ro to foretaste of what dult probll!DUI are like l J 4. the ease and clarity of tone which we a Tom, from down block • • In 111ing adult attention h ve come to expect trom him: The1e'1 BIU, do aood. focu a who leftthe good .Jobi , lllld them · .. .. ; .. S r So b Victor •• on the problema of youth it will do the The Italian t ng y George, and Jn, , yom, , Kia" Herbert closed ta eewell-balan ed pro­ frlendl, nelpbon, brothen, IOU country This headline,'"8,110 ScrM.iqover a news dispatch from c . 'They'ie ..,.._ gram-and a too short musical eve­ • • e.prly that �merlca, our /ree .aood. w " plnf IO New Brunswick, follo ed quickly on sim­ ing ,.. a n • America, remain forever free...... ilar story for Newark. In the New Bruns­ will who'd 'Uke to join them, , , • · · And Clll wick incident,. chool children, re­ wlaatYOU, about You emhelp by and em't r One way . whichP�lrillic houaeh�lden ...... may in· the 8,000 s working hlll'de j. In leased from school to attend a war savings youP . •ulre their fnatinct. for h�ardln1 against a tUa ever 1111d by 611yin1 bond rally, broke ranks to get the ·autograph bef°" Bo..U lo 11.e "''1 · ai this case a mowy) day in the Dedication of a service flag · o/ yolll'pornr1, . . r 111 (lo ia of a favorite movie star, and broke up the for lbrdl matter of coal, :which your 1ovemment en­ mO're t an 200 emp oye of and ana-r eaUwi every Jut dime is 1 h Solet'a all the .. ad meeting. In the Newark incident, ,700 young­ Co., Inc., avel entereds .Merckthe armed even . treatiq you to Jay in now fo� next winter's who h · dellar dm ioinlwilliout forces tookplace last week main we ea, iiJI 111a111 sten1 In a Youth ictory Rally, whic featured tlalnp • • • inhering that we V h Westfieldat. the re- will p witlaoal Wit h, plant, Rahway. men in ourcherilhed f--., swing bands and s c caused an which Francis d . .The · reluctance of householdera thus far u uproar service include · BlUTor .-,.llnf,lneladlq ii die r 8. not for time required the soothing influence of the olice. Jr., Martin R. Cree, Cur­ cruelled, ·.. com ly. with the gove men request is p Axla la aow and aD I \o p ley, Eg•ieker,Jame• P 'B.Losick, genenlrn t panic over What's wrong ? our children really au . . ·. batrlin1-c;onaiderln1 the Are HowardAlbert M. Lounsbery l'B ernard so lacking in patriotism that efforts to interest Jr., : . orta191 and that. Nobody ln1 L. Meyer Jr., Kenneth V. Uhrenholdt. 4h of .thla is go them in the war saving program can only lead •tJJns.91m es enjoy ·�blver,n1 fn a. heatleu ne From Garwood, F. R. Rosendale. t ·to house xt them hyateri ? Are t ey so frivolous that many will be doing just that, to a h Bonds Stamps TH ADS "1nter, yet if their enthusiasm can be roused only or movie READ E LEADER c*fley do not .take ' dvantare of the excell8 · f a SUP· klnp? �!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� now and buy while rettb11 good. stars and jive 1 1 r the is We think not. The trouble is with grown­ .. ,1,.-. lnereued .Production ·laying an enor­ 'i� Ja ,.... �r dema all fuel BOurcea Next ups · who do not g ive the children credit for . illou1 nd on, •. wln­ the good sense they have. Must people, Thu· 1pace hi•contr•bution to America'•.ir-ou& . war production atepped up 11till our with the young or old, have pills chocolate coat­ nre.lart by •·< �r.Blore, thel'e'Jl be an even fl'eater demand. their ed? Must they be lured to do their duty, to · .Convenlon'of many oil burnen pouible ---- ... I Company u aa their count The Weatlietld ·Truat . will the need. And over­ ry by the cha inll' o ice ap. ' . . . ' . ' coal · increan rm box ff � peal of film sta , by t e hot wail of swing? il1111u1t11'1t . . Wettfield, New Jener crowdlnr tnnaportation line& :will make rs h ...... of We doubt it. Stronr, straight from the ,. probl m rettinr it your coal shoul· ...._____.. . " ._ · tll e to bin e . of der stuff will do better. .For youth, ------�------itlll more acute. call slm� 1-Annual Spring Lu:ljcheon, ' Get coal now. You'll make your gov­ seriou minded, straight forward meet. :W stfield Council o1 Church your pie, s e ll'bment happ7. You'll make your coal dealer inp. Let them be addre ed by peo le busy :Women, pti t ChUTch. 1 sa p M. Ba s - P. bappy, can rejoice in the prospect of a in our defense effort, whom they admire. And You of home next winter. baak in the then watch their response. That roes for BS,5-6-- BenefitPirat e1of Pena11Croa1ee, War RJ - · warm . And Priaoner1 Fund.Red 11ow of nrlateouanet. adult81 too. Maybe the ol.d ballyhoo is some­ . · and patrlotlam. 8-Preebyterian Men's Tri­ . thing that should cu out for the duration. Check e Di ne Up be t an n for ·the Duration ...... P.glM. .Bible Cla11 r. 6:45 your l ric repairl needed 1111 .. 1111 Look OYtr e ect appBcmee.carefully. The ...... 9-College Woman's Club An· wealth muaie ia ,planned for the en. Ma1 3-P ...Cwtit•iea ual Lake. may only minor onff-CI new plu9, cord mended, .'·• 'A of May be a a ICl'tW 3rd means to oles what Dayuly 4th n 11-RedDance, · CEchoro s Blood Bank, · fo1ment of·Weatfleldel'I in connection P J e tightened. Get them all in anufacture with eans mericans. On May 3, 1791, the St. House, 2 to 7 order. , • m Kuaic Week. m to A Paul's Parish workinq , The )fationl Thhl IA appropriate; Diet of Poland ado ted emocratic coMti­ P. M. of eiectric to , Westfield hi, in a aense, the cradle p a d 11-Independent Club Y appliancet curtailed , owinq : for of tution, which ahowed the influence of the at 11 beinq or 11opped , .��atlonal llualc Week." To a Westlielder, MCA, P. a r e T. m 8:30s Tumulty. M. Spe ke .tenalTe production, old appliance1 do. Xeep French and Am rican Revolutions. This con­ war 10make your emaine, l'Oes the credit for the orig· e 15-CollegeJa e Men's Club Din­ : C. M. Tr · stitution .was short lived. a l It n n i ed, invaded, ner, Club. them goodCOndition and year.of19i'Ylce from them. inal is hard e vi o Ass Echo Lake Country In you'llhan id�•.· . tO si the vistas partitioned, Poland by had ceased 22-Westlleld High Bcllool this wlJe-apteading movement baa opened 1795 to Jr. �at e ist a nation. The Jieroes of this period Prom. ',llp,the musical and cultural opportunitiesthat x as 27-Bonnie An­ it should remembered, were tihe sam Brae Farin come other towns, large and small, be nu l Bridge at Suhleriber's Jiave to· heroes who aided our American Revolution� Homes.a ove countrr, the all the as result of thJI fine -Kosciuszko and Idea. r Pulaski. During the Jo ng century · . and a quarter of Poland's captivity, -. eat eld p cularly well equipped W fl. 18 arti do national observatio May 3 represented the dr am that · thilll n. to patriots e to honor to It P land gain a nation. HUT'.ONf' GfN[Y the of many fine musici ans, of o would rise a 1!1 ""' -· .,... fa home sev­ Poland did rise again, by virtue of the tnuaical organizations of mo e than local ...... �a l r Treaty of enai le 1919. nty yean ...... , ... of a citizenry more than average V l s in Twe ��me, and �"lilitive �he beauty and culture of music. later, Hitler marched, and once more Poland to 'Was submerged as a nation. But throughout . "-" ,, ""' ,.. '"'" : · ·. 8tartinr ahead i e with the MN · a little of t m tlHtb "'""'" �; the world, Poles stiIJ hope and fig t, still Ilve lo JMP .. Club'a concert Saturday evening, local h ,_.. "lt1111flim1 P11us"l' and die, for Freedom. �1!• for eek costume l•l'uilrl•INol ,,,,..'ilw1r l Jim MU8ie W include a ow the Club, a spring con­ • • .. for •I of Musical prIMs "ti11tl " . �heon Woman's Club, and 8peeial . '""" ""' dNstl ,,.'I"'": ""' !� !'d, Of ,tire pr(). , · churches, school• and other · P,otid • .a "Jit\ ?�=� organi- ' .,.,,., hshtn1 _," � ,.,.� t. 1"7 . Yn tMll ""iw ...... \"'"'"'ils '*"·,_ · j <.� . . "lllliet T.... llae" theme for the annual 1 (i ·,:�o - k. this year's .... � • ' ·TlliiJ···late� of Q !\ .. ofthe United Council CJmrch . . . ;; \ . � ... . church women over lt;mwhfclt all the · ren w tn eir fellow- W& meetin.s to e realfirm their ,._� one another and to Of�e•. ehlll'th are serving 4-:vs. women .� They are knittin& ,,.,._. than ever. are setting up . _ • _ _ . · t!1ef ..... :�. .PfOIP ia=· e-;ae nees, tney are THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942

was suddenly deprived of his share Nmfie, Wnltcr G. Fer1·is,Morehou Wse,n lterHnrry I. of the celebration by neAs which Green, Jordon Hl o r , d P. Condit--- --·IOS - President confined h' Hugh Cl two t y D. Carl 1 Fred th e h ospi a • A te!C· Green, h Will Sell San est- urer and Im to · t I Henry Pierson Condit of W secretary, respectively. gram of ecr e t h1m and Hi1rold Thompson. Frederick f th , a mem er, s e ected e members were goo ch s n to the charter b wa . en o and tonsts his healthwns to l 'f e "ourteen cha p to In Town Tuesday a S u l � s �t Gluc�, ion health of e o t s andn e e tld,idcnt of the IO Cl b .for ife c . John �· m th her ab e te s w re School Spellers at i eyc l1st at any d tance th '90 drunk guard your furs versary h is e 's, golden anni dmner mc nt . Lincoln s Designate Five Stations . in the York, and unsurpassed as a ra o eur in • Bow to Dilys Jone Salmngundi Club, New Tho se H. H. n a ia , F -- Ie · Condit succeeds a y ge, came from M mi ' . la Moodv Jliesent Wwere ar: A. u Busineu Section For Dis· week Mr • Robert • H den, J dgc t to ega me s a pe l g bco'of e • • from the destructive moth ·Ta ggart, Colonel of r mber with stock Tl d ck The annual in th Lin- 1s . new Fre eri P. Con. coin s l tr1bution d rick Sutton ya s LI y i c c1ompson, School heh! the audi• 1 3th gim nt in the 44th New d' • Hoffman, . Re e of rn . Rob rt N. a l of West- i st week.wns in re . d' d . uising 1 ld l tol ium n Dllys Jones, c DJVJslon wh a year ago . e: ; Theodore Bushnell, New Ro. ' 6-1: 3 For Safe Cold Storage � , 0 1� A Few JI'ere lit fi won the match by the word, On Tucscl'ny between nnd 6 ersey in he ear- h le art r member, chelle; Humid Beam, M ple d ; p. m., Cond t was t C ar G. Rice, ch a wo correFnitctingh Bockius or the next dsy, should the wcnthcr "i d c�ptasidentm fctr a bs k e Jo oa 1·evcrcnce, missed by Mr.a rs pre several now an er in Worcester, Mnss., h D. Gluck, Miami; William B s· ' be for Phone R.J.Goerke ye an n going to quality. snnd incendiary he turn of the century. He was unable be present his let. table, Brooklyn and Eugene Jones and on spell lnckmcnt, i a for Co. nns nt t to but G-3, bomb protection w ll bo avail blo champion r prc ent d of regret the Ne nn art'. Dilys will rcpresc11t wnnis e reminiscent of w York City Mr. Jones, nt distribution the zone 5 . and s was '. the s11elling her school in �uslness nrcn, Fashion Centre l�ng baseball and d°:ys of the R�c[ League, when he was ist of note, Is a re ident bee to be held in the club on the bow ,

BICYCLES· "IW A ltl8UILT SIMON TONIGHT til 9 . GEORGE L OPB� (Thpn.l .... A.,.., �v 111 N PLAINPID.D

" •••that number i8 '2435''· tnftlPOritdoli .... people lln new • __ fteilldel, entitled to bay ....,., · automobile1 under Government farmt, J...., mU.., military •• n1"1 doneor • • or I'll try ORE fthbll...... ,when .. work is it 2534? Mnd«Hlin• regulationt than may have been tuola of 23�" in pl...... ,lormnt i1 eaeendal, pnenlly realized. cHreetly or hidlNltlp, to._prOMGudon ol the •r. "tti'°"'...... ,_ areeliCJ'ble to _bay•new mU tlall Indeed,you if w, Telepho•_,;,..n eontinue drive old and lneMtnt ... mind" I I I and " and to u .... as,ooo .,.,,., more.... •t7ery tlt11 In N• 111 J•,,•1• model, you may aduallybum up eonneello111 oline, comumeoil more and wear e out tlt9 wrong nwnlier li�,tilittle thing..• you ooa­ A eeema until fUter than detinbleis In theintenlt of · of multiply it 35,000, •l add in the repeat eaDt lel'Vlltion critiftlmaterialt ad by original, ...,,U... , needed to do the workof the e1ll1. .... Theprincipal ...,. e&pble far ,.... Guarding against "wrong numhe11 in mind" would new can followl: or -... of an• when a real 11'1 ng-f the for r mean Clllen, thote they ,. ,, , , .. 1'1r11u...... UlltlnM1 ,,.,,,,.Jd,, die operating , . ft w •. in switchboard time, and m ,,, ,.,,, ..,,...... ,.,..., ...... ,,.,,,.,. i1 for whol11aletlelivery call in error, . V me 0 ..... - ....""""'"' of DOW 10 'fital to the ot a rel;,ioul ldll, •n IN telephone equipment ,,..._. ,.,,.... TiieInt ltep in,.uinga ell' a to fill out nation'• .... for proper ·wldeb war effon. the appl.__ form, we will ...... � .... dauk ...., ,. . .. �.. . ,,, .. , ...... to obtain for you. ,,_.. ..,.,..,, e . ,.Ue• 1ervieet,IH.ltfe ,-Ue -..ion, -"' '°" MIL ...-. or e#Hlltn#tlH 1841 -"""' then nece11..., '-Jore lltl_,, when It ii .tr to demollltrate to '!'"'' f'depllorN. Directory ,,.,,., •I ,,,,,,.,,,, ..,. .. _. .... Joeal your - ... line ntioninCm.rd thet need for of...,.. a NEY JEaSEY BELL TILEPHONE COMPANY Clir ii to,_hana .fide • ".nileate of pur ..... ,.,.,., , , c:luue J8U immedMte ,, . ,,.,,,,.,.,.,.,.. to .. . " entitlin& to delivery ...... ,..,..... i. Nq1lindUs .. model }'Clflll' awnteleccion. - ...... , ., ,..._ •W, 1841 mwwi••· CHI the of ·. , ' 1- "THE TELEPHONE HOUB" •....,. ., 8 have tihout Nilt' 9 1'tW • • S.JY ·- .....- hi ... •#f' HfftiM •/ tit• Ifyou 11DJ .....,... your eligi­ «- TE;'-' will .,.,_ ...... , or�.� ...... hility after� the aboYe lilt, we. SoloUI, M"!4,GRACE MOORE ...... ,., ...... -' 1'0l"Urt. them JGt1 best stMi'BONIC be _.to8111Wer for IQ the WITH DONTOOIUIUS OR CBE8Tti .o ... .,...... ,... � ...... ofmrtbility .. •

•• • ••••••• ••• *··••••II'•· · u, •·· ··········-···· ••••• •••• � yo • ·· •#. . 're•• ·· ·--· ···········�j:-• • 4' · · � ••t••'·-� " help� yOu * ff eligible let us UNrONCOUNTYBUICKC»f OMPANY £., JIJOll'nl .ROAD n .. 411 ROaTH AVE.. IUZU&'hl, •· J• 1'. J. · .•.•• •••...... , .. • WUTFIELD, · ··•t••·•···�········ ··· ····,, • • • •• • • •••••• ·-· · ········ · , ••, ••••.•••• • luy 811111 Buitkl Sb.teen THE WES'fFfELD THURSDAY, .. "'Pase LEADER. APRIL 30, 1942 Rev. Dr. ington, Mrs. John Judson Fairbanks ville, Pa., will be best man, and ush-' anburg stay while her husband completes h s summer home in Danvers. G Th e i Grace Paulin Married of R selle Miss Ilelen Coleman of ers will be Robert J. An erson of In t s W�dlng army service. Austin Rice of Wakefield, Mass., per­ ? he Fir�t Pr took bet J seyo Elizabeth Corso Montcl�ir! Arc�lbald Williams Jr., the �p Mrs. Roy La Clair of Bradford n arents' ome formed the ceremony in the· presence er City and Miss C SALiftlmLY Pap H and Wilham Tice of Westfield, Rev. � .hurch J p fr ends. of Orange and Miss JA. W an _ (Cenlinued 1Z) avenue will ente tain nt luncheon to- of the families and a few i oyce L�indie llill . Smythe. S " , oftlclllof Ung, ther Ju iliary jorie French was her sis­ The honor attend nt wore pale pink Mr. . C., the a d Mrs. ard G. Bourns of morrow before nior Aux Miss Grace Paulin, daughter of M"r. l\liss Mar b d Y Gl'luJ!il\ n taffeta and the abridesmaids wore Miss Blackwell is the daughter of and was . Dr. :Et; re­ bridge and fashion show. ter's maid of honor and only attend­ ' South Euclid avenue registered and Mrs. Willard R. Paulin of l\Ioun- Clayton Black ll r� 08 only•tten -4- ant, and Parker Ward of Boston, for­ frocks with pink tnlTeta skirts and Howard we Herbert W cently at the a marrie Saturd of Mont- was t f \V tnin avenue, w s d ay blue bodices, and they all car- clair and Mrs. M. Lambert Lee of ,. Cornhis broth ;• es o Chalfonte Haddon Hall Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Royer of merly of Westfield, was best man. lace ell Is statieo e brneIJ Atlantic City. afternoon at o'clock at her parents' Washingto . d at Campn P� in Stanley oval are on a trip Spring- The bride, given in marriage by ried bouquets of pale pink sweet peas. n llla , ...... Willia5 m E. Scattergood, son : Cra field, to skirted frock The flower girls wore pale pink chif- schools. Lieutenanth Scott a grad- - ft. Henri etta W. Roberts ha re­ Mass., and land, Vt. home to her father, wore a full S e attended Montclair II of Mr. and l\lrs. Eugene uate of Blair Academy is Mrs. s i mousselinc de soie and lace, fon and carried colonial bouquets, and Lehigh Alb ert W e turned her � good of Bordentown. Rev.R. J. Scatter-Wesley of wh e R imers home on Hillcrest ave­ M and M rs D Pruitt and t length veil falling Paulauskas of Elizabeth was J]niversity, and a membe of Beta fromto New York where she spent . First st and a shoulder Justin 111 ve Lord, pasto'r of the Me hodi Theta Pi, r · f 11m1 y. o f Stanmore p ace• will lea a denias. She his brother's best man. Ushers in· Omicr�n Delta Kappa and , On � thenue winter. ;1 • · 1 d t from a cap held with g r " Church, c1ate • Kappa Psi. w...u:._ -+- tomorrow for Philadelphia where . . . a bouquet of garden as. eluded Walter Pike of Matawan and Alpha � e 0•rffi e, · given marrm e y carried Tiil Mrs. Kenneth H. Van Th b id g � i Vivian of Westfield. Miss _ 'I Mrs. Russell H. Tandy they will live. m The maid of honor wore hyacinth George . . Eleanor Chr er father, , wore a gown of w�1te istin · Jr.,parents, spent alk en b urg f N rth Chestnut street h and carried a bou­ The b ride is graduate of West daughter : week-end with Russell's. h blue marquisette · Ruth K. Lopaus Enga ed of llr. and v te tnl 0at luncheon 0 Fn or v lve ay wit sweetheart neckltne a g , en the a d Mrs. Carle Thomas of en r n!d "da y , quet pring flowers. After a re­ field High School and the Washing- ll_ se of 123 Ludlow n W. f acnd ar finger:tip tulle veil fastened of s Mrae Mr. Mrs. Pruitt. Lak ood for Secretaries. The bride- 'T' R bert N . Calk'ms r1ed Wednes ay 549 Birch avenue. Mrs •. Tandy will to ception, the couple left for ew ton School d place · a halo. She carried a bouquet of , 10 0 m rn n A .... , pend nextweek-end at a p Croft, -4- O., where th will live. Mr. Bag groom was graduated from Newark the th o i . llM!i s C m w ite oses and lilies of the valley ey e Presb A da ghter, Mary Dorothy, was h r ­ College of Engineering and Is a m m rol Albertmanse W.of where her husba d is now stationed. u ger Is a marine !lnginccr in Cleve­ e - Mr. and Mrs.--- Ha d Bentley Lo- I R mer Pril . Miss Dorothy Bliss Paulin was her, to eon� ...... born Friday Mr and Mrs. Harry a gr duate of Westfield her of Alpha Kappa Pi fraternity pa us of 11 Beech street, Cranford, do1ph Reimer oeif n of n r. land. He is a G. Geetlel ofto Longfellow avenue In sister's maid ho o She wore a C I Rev Wi Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Brown of n High School and attended Rutgers and the American hemical Society. announce the. engagement of their · lliam K. 6S ca:i Hospi- frock of aqua velveray and carried : 7 St. Marks avenue had as their Margaret Hague Maternity · He will be inducted into the Army in daughter, Ruth Keating Lopaus to rnlmster of the llleKinn . a l>ouquet of mixed spring flowers. University. , church o week-e d guest ta!, Jersey City. om t May. Robert N. C lkins, son of Mr. and the ceremo y :;o' n their daughter-in-law, -+- The Misses .Mary Scattergood, sister The bride· was graduated fr he a n in the iira'enc�e · last A. the m Harold G. Brown Jr., of Rack­ Plainfield" High School and from Mt. Mrs. Earle Calkins of 329 Canter. i mediate families "'· Mn. Mr. nd Mrs. Willard Bull of DOTi- of the bridegroom, of Bordentown , _, enuck, whose husband is at Camp a n 1940, he t d bury road, Wychwqod. 1. Miss Doris Bense Ho oke College i t hir w� a in - i ge and Virginia Cornellier of Westfield, ly Lt. William E. Scott Weds road entertained d ner br d ­ l\lis opaus, a gra uate of the m id Croft. generation of her family be grad e L d a of honor and o l her cluban Friday evening. were '.ribbon bearers. y 1 uated from the college, andto also grad­ Tomorrow in M ontc air Cran rd High School and a st11dentI and Carl Reime -+- _.,_ Norman F. Scattergood was his I fo r wasn his Mrs. Charles E. Finken of Stone- from Katherine Gibbs Secre­ of Pace Institute in New best man. Due a Mrs Th as I. T ngley nd da gh- best man, and J. Ellis - uated . death in h!D . lelgh park entertained a club at . om a u brother's Pau to i tarial School. The wedding of Miss Beverly Eloise is employed by the Irving Trust Co . . family, the wedding !ht ter, Miss Catherine Ti ngley of Hyslip Jin, brother of the bride, and Howard York City, I b luncheon and bridge yesterday. Blackwell of Mon lair, and' Lieuten­ of New York. postponed until reakfat avenue are In California visiting Ser- French of Bayonne, ushered-. Miss 1 Thursday .... ant ill am Elliott Scott, son of served the who is re- Roberta Fleming W i tc Mr. Mr. Calkins upon graduating from at Clara II Mr. a d Mrs. H; G. McBurney Jr., geant James F. Tingley of Hackettstown, Miss Bedell Married and Mrs. F. Raymond Scott of Clark the Westfield High School, enlisted in' Immedi ate families aLoubend for of Normann pl ce are leaving spend Camp Cooke from a re cousin of the bride, played the wed- a covering nt · street will take place to morrow eve­ the Aviation Corps of the United party. tile 11everal weeks B cent appendectomy. cling music. In Methodist Church in aton ning t 8 :30 o lock in Union C n­ State y and is now located at ' The co e ef t -+- A i a c o � Ar upl l t Sa tma, .... fter a trip the couple will live n ' � . 'll R. s gregational rch Re . MacD1ll Field ampa, Fla. New E?gla d trip; I Mrs. Roy T. Can eld of Kimball Mrs. H. Bickett of Lawn ide Bordentown where Mr. Scatter ood d ng Mildred Lois . . and g The wed i of Miss V ncChuent, , Montclair.w ill v m � turn will hven fi lace a ne ghb h od dessert- i n g r a George i the pastor, of­ Their plans are mdefinte. at Carlelo!ltlleir avenue entertained a br dge club at p gave i or s ma a e of dairy. He is a grad- Bedell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. on · o fic ate, and a reception will be held Both young people768 e her J'tlonday afternoon.i bridge party Friday. uate of Westtown School and Rutgers of Hanford pla r Abram Bedell ce at ithe :Montclair Athletic Club. West�eld High School,a l!flduall! home .... � University and a member of Lambda ul us as, son toof Robert Cornell Weds Emily and Mrs. �rthur B. Lielson of Shad ow· Stanley Raymond Pa a k Miss :Margaret E. B ackw l mer ts p Mrll. Alexander Simpso n of Al· Chi Al ha nd l ha Z ta frat r- l el a a rolman in the llr, 1 - p a A p e e Mr. ancl Mrs . Lawrence Paulauskas will r . t den nenue entertainM.e d a small group 8\m drive served as matron of ho� . her siste1.. s maid of honor, and U man partan urg 1ice department. lira. lorai . . nities Miss Paulin was graduated of Elizabeth, took. place Sa urday aft­ S b heTs ! te l be __ID R� of friends at tea yesterday. or ye�terday. for s s e bridesmaids will include Mrs. Robert . 1 formerly seC'retary the r, Miss E i from Westfield High School and noon in the First Methodistt Church, J at .... Sibley of Montclair at her wed- er Anderson and lllrs. Karl W. School. Ii'. ! Southern Seminary, Buena Vista, Va. with the pastor, Rev. John Wesley Miss Emily Jurman, daughter of · Mr•.p lcholas Zelmas of Lenox · R b J. N dmg to o ert A. �ichel, also of terdahl of Montclair, Mrs. ChaYes·rles William J. Jurman of Matawan, . ; and studied at Columbia University. ord, officiating. Miss Olive Driscoll avenue was hostess to a bridge ontcla1 . The weddn g took place L Wyatt Smythe Jr., be­ club !'f x: � the staft' of the Pub- of Plainfield and came the bride of Private Robert Cor· . last night. e Co gat onn Church. She has been on of Bloomfield sang, and George J, th Fmt 1 l Miss Betty Joan Taylor of •Short nell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Th weekly visit of m lie Library in Roselle. Keevil played the organ. · � = Hills. Cornell of 821 Harrison avenue, Sat- lAadne will keep yo11 1111flt 1J ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Johnson of Mr. and l\lrs. Charles Bills of lllid- Tile bride was given in marrlag.e Victor Wilson Pershing Snyder of Miners- day, April 25 at 8:80 p. m. in Spart- all the local to dill Mountain avenue are parents of wood place and he latter's mother, Bru e Ba er ed Miss by fa h 'She wore a ur news. iff t g gg W s her er. gown of Subecrlt., a dtughter Thursday, April 23. Mrs. Gl!O'rgeBills of Western Springs, white strnchedt chift'on and a finger born - been nam d Linda Eleanor. atte nded graduation exercises at oce renc tip veil of illusion a p Bhe hu e Ill., ADD )yn ca ;:==:;=:;=:;�::;=:=:;=:=;=:=;=:=;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the officers' training school at Fort F h Her bouquet waa fastenedof gard ento.ias and. ;;;::;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;��� -=c ;;;;:;;:;=:;;:;:j ' . Mr. �Earle P. Merrit J and Kn. t and Va., last ,eek-end. lllr. Bills' The wedding of Mis1 Anne Jocelyn white sweet peas. 1nd Paul, formerly of Elm Lee, . brother, Haven'Bills, com- Fr$ich, · daughter George W. Illies All�n Bedell as her slater's IOlll1 Phllare in their new home at 209 w etreet,. mission. . received' • Fren h Jr., of Hil s ofe avenue, Plain- maid of honor, and two · ,.._ c l id othl!l' sisters, · TiaUle pvkwa1. . field and Danvers, Mass., and oan and Jean Bedell, twins, were .... . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hixson of the J :•· llr. Sta!11ey T Wa gh late Mrs. French, Norman Brue• ftower girls. Mies Lorraine Paulaus­ . East Broad· street had as t heir guests to :.o1 . Clarkand. •tree$ lfra; as u Bagger, son of Mr. and Mn. William kas, elater of the bridegroom, was had eek-e d r e · gueata last n and Mrs. Ge

. . Cha in �: ..r, · p i ;� •n;"'td.rieli at of read 5::,/I� 'aft'ifli 'htlda1 the Tllrlfty Budaliteera the adver· :c; J, tif,Jln.. Cllapta'a Kr. In IAadfl' .,,_, Thun­ ... . Pa,..ttuenta, of U-taaad fA. thrifty SWEET ;'c �..W. lln.•' au\··� Edp- da1 Rad " · ._.... WMH· lln. CJlaplnwill ... •W. Be - tht - . ,--,. _:_;;, - -- - ' . •, ..._ .,, .

_ .-'-�_:r-_ ,. � ""'c�'' :--- _,--. . - - . ', , ' . . _... .._.. t·• IAIT_..,. n. T... . • ,'4 ...., LAWN CARDIN . Sc..Vk:c 11 TUTILE IROS. AND FF.RnUZD . Two formulas rqlltered with Stateand recommended for ·t1a1•. S1vin9 area, · Theee eon�ln orpnle thmaterial1e and will prodtM:e lutinr . 'l'E!-n11WIST . SEED P.-''..· "• ...... "· '· I Sturdy barrow• a. .A,.iql..... Celqe movable aides. --. · GllDLIS, , \ Oe l "'9111 It" •is• •.,... IL 0 . llASSIEIES _. FOUllJATIOIS Gahuiutl, ,_...... ••.,...... AJ.e 12" his• ••. - lllASSI- EllD We alao have an otherI tr .... llYl.Olt types FOUNDATIOIU of take •a.95 ... GlllDl.U care of yourFencing needs. to Al n...... HQES •• r • UIU\U . ronxs •.BAKES TBO m:a&> &nnEN . EDGERS ,: . sPA}!!,;·•'s!.2 . EEDS 0�· ANNE CORSET . •. WA1CHUfllc; Plf•. 1-1212·· SHOP PRUNERS . N . CULTlVATOJIS '�; AVL FENCING .•SEEDS . WEEDERS . ETC • • . - - - - · • -- · - . - --- - 117 Tel. PL\lfl'1ELD . . , . ETC. FLOUR�.t!_:�=·,; 20¢ 37¢ !::: ��·s CORN FWES 5¢ MW A SC1E111 TUT f Test and replacement& your sereens now order .2 � 31¢ We Arw Cloein• o.t today.

f�flllUIT-=t:::: · ..... o1 ••,, ... of y.,,...... Ci :.: ONE DA Y SAU .... FRIDAY ONLY om � 23¢ 81E H� Jlit'. PE HIVE llUL 111£-..11.AND..eoe1--. ...- .'40ie . 1-...... BOTANY. .. l:NITTED.• WORSTED, •

AQUA TONE�1-_10e 2-. ...YAR N. .. Ir. SPORT • 2- abin 50c .... 71c .

P. . . _.. ·"· t:30to 5 M. ..· COAir-J'UBL 011-IOPPhS COD .-.Ji.'' �N' S )(.A.'rRU.1-ILUtDYil &-Alt CJllTEC'fUUL __..,.,-:.�· ::::21¢ UNLIMITED PARKING 405THE PATSYVE. WESTFIELD A YARN SHOPPEWE. 51'0R£ TEL 2-2977 HOURS: 7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. 11. . THE WESTFIELD LEADER. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 Cominr to Rahway WESTFIELD WESTFIELD I 1Let'a .@o to tbe mo\'ies • RI 2-1288 Paramount. Plainfield at ALT O 1111 Cominr to Rialto Now Oxford

-, � ' " THE BODY ..DISAPPEARS " ,l;. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY ROSALIND WALTER RUSSELL PIDGEON •• u DESIGN OR SCA A F ND L " � h�r environment and break into Mem· · S r �� cy an a arm n BETTY GRABLE, -ALIO - pe�le e Evelyn Ankers is hau ted by the phis society of the 1880's, �t�i YeaT" two m VICTOR MATURE, WAKE Hepburn in "Woman of the horror en in "The Ghost of 111 UP n n re on CAROLE LANDIS In SCREAMING" · "Ghost of Frankenstein" L "'Babes on Broadway" • --- ��la s of the Clouds, , ��:�:; !�J io t 'C.ptams la l I� Fay Bainter, Regina d Owen, Mino1· - STARTS WEDNESDAY At Puamoant P infie d l Next for Theatre - -- ' Watson, William Bendix, ladys Empire Riilto's fie w Picture · Year" G "BALL OF FIRE" "BURMA CONVOY" of the Blake, Dan Tobin, Roscoe Karns and and Fourth and most terrifying of the "Woman That amazing young mnn of the dr m h William Tannen complete the cast. Cagney s newest starring "Frankenstein" a as, "T e Ghost At Strand, Plainfield screen, Mickey Rooney, comes to the James ' t i of o s," of com ng r icture "Cap a ns the Cl ud a is Reade's Empire Theat e, Rahway, tomorrow , Frankenstein,"e t e, Plainfield,i to for of Canada s heroes of Paramount T r Appearing roles especially writ. J hnny Eaier" Coming B bes on Broadway." � � in " n tirrlng, isstory s owing today 'at d s beg1nmng a te for in, S11 cer Tracy an " o !======• air h the Ria�· four ay S tu·rdny. n t em en Co-starred with Judy Carland, and be Th tr . M , r H dw h d a a e ea e organ Brenda Sir Ced ic ar ic e Katherine H�pburn co-star T R hW y Th e tr by a large supporth1g cast fen· Dennis w a in ki theis seen n asni a in "Wom-e ' 0 a nidcd arshall, Alan Hale, George Tobias, ne Fr nke_n te n w U - of he Year," which open s a we k s turing Fay Bainter 11nd such youth- Dr. s . o e a t egina d Ga dlne1· d e dmm , which L n haney n n Reade's b ay th time l r an Reginald Den- v rsa) a m C t Strand Thea- Ro ert T lor, for e first ful song-11nd-d11nce artists as Vir- he d th th tr y the i am u monster. . engagtrc ement a pre· p in v l i ou role unrelieved y a e of e new por a s nf o s Plainfield tomorrow with luy a ll a n s g nia Weidler, Ray Mc onald nnd featured cast ne Other members of th cast include v � o h ' by eng me sentim ntality, l h D ieturc, which was filmed by WaT r e u t i t. · s t n e proves Hic nrd uine Rooney nnd his gang n g i t O'l' . Ralph. Bellamy, Lionel Atwill, Bela him d'ramat e s o the eli e Q cvenin of entertainment ros, Technicolor. This is th ir frrst o starring sel,f n i tnr f . v r nn � in e s n y n e c ,, first d with the co-operation of th Lugo i a d Eve n A kers. ' and Miss He b'u rn's- initial filmpie- rank "Johnny Eager, �1th Lann worth anybody's t11uo and money. Made } o ture, p oyal n n ns . G ne Au ry smgs the p pular u ne111 as his co-stnr, coming to the ' Ca adia Air Force, "Captai � � since "1'he Philad'elphin Story. Tracy T r There s 0 killer-diller of hr ll r hit e h Heart of " r t n . n t the Clouds" was filmed against the De p t e Texas�?�m u1. n enrs a r boil New Yor Rahwny Thea re Su day in e H i ee --...... e m d " pp s a ha d ed k th co-feature "No imds on th fut hentic backgrounds of the Cana art of the R o Gran e, th co- 1.·ts a t ...... ONE_ WEEK - "H . � e spo writer and :Miss Hepburn is a V n He111n e s ablishes himself C lock." Someon asks, nt the bcgin­ i North and the RCAF fea uie nt Reade s P ramo t �olumnlst th t � an t . u u Thea- lntj!rnational . e of he of the picture why there n1·0 no BEGINNING Woods tre. Also are Smiley� Bur- sophisticated among topflight net.ors nlng raining eld at Uvlans. Director he cast h staff ot same clatly. The screen with his ehnrnctcr1zatlon of a hunds on the clock. e ause fi t m t on t e th e . B c one of lichael Curtiz, he cast, and his crew ne t Fay McKenzie and Edith Fe]. l te attorney. , t , story was written by Ring Lardne'r disso u gan ster the cast explains, "death Is timeless." f ni i n travelled more than lows. g . tech c a s Jr. and M ichael Kanin met the favor ap- hree thousand miles a spent near- pearsThe asdependable Miss Edward Amold !!!!!'!!!!!!!!! �REVUE TON1... IGHT...... nd of iss Hepburn and as purchased Turnei"s '!!!!!!!� �"""'"""'"""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""'!!!!!!!!!l g tu M 'w father. Hen- :::::____• ••••.-: m kin the p c re. Ox d, Pfain6 ld, S b M ro-G w M : w pr - ry terlin P t a l for e ho s y et old n- ayer ho o g a ric ; .; 'I tour storymonths of. a"Captains. o 1 th e w y O'N

1 l 1• I I Concerts A11oci1tion nEW , . ' ' n._-.n_niW. ! Ill that announces

Membenhlps for the series of 1942-1943 wlll .JOAK •f,OlllJELf,, be from 4 to. No .rOHll WAYlll!I available May 9, inclusive. will be winter. "LADY FOi A NIGHT" tickets available next

Three Concerts Reaular Membership $3 .8S Student hbership l.6S 1n ludedl C'l'ait c

11 Elm Street Assoeiation Headquarters . Westfield 2-026() EMPIRE '"'.... DAILY OPEN

·-· "·-·- NO- C0. ..AT1JA lll HANDS1"lll 01 - THE CLOCI "� - wtt• - TEA CllllftllR ...,...... CAllOUMA ROOM MORRIS Aaae AirleJ' SOITt'Dld' Be•ll C..... & ' t.nenm .. . Dlllf•- - ...... ,...... ,...... "- ...... -...... A.P.- 1734 .U.WY AY&JlfUE • ._, A... ..,. P_. • JfEPTUifE,• If .I. -.-..-...... �...... -

ltctca Sc�!v.. �, •l�.!�.a•, Oke�-I! • • J ��I• SI MUSIC SHOP &: STUDIOS L. LT....._ GIEGollY'S .. ... St.. W. Fll.....()llT ,,.._...... -e -.. PLAINFIELD;:0.--.. W'..... M. I•. 322 sr. M. J. 0.-· 2- '.l'el. Plfd. 6-85-ff • THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, Page Eighteen• 1942 • . . • . • �: Linden Sunday; S. Nine Sphts Contest� Face W. H. sa wks feti in s x Ha i Sports Schedule Place Fourth respecte ivel . Able; School Runners rst s, y .� seven League F) hi� Big Local Squad Ready Softball The ho at Throughout Week mcstcrs h n th oug ed h it had tho an dl I Two Races at Penn Relays with. , bei Beat Macks, With Hits BASEBALL Settles Schedule 11 errors Wr s 15 In one A RIL es\fie) P Athletic honors at ),Vestfield Hi h School for the week are about split but misc . d If sheer numbers count, Linden will9-4, certainly lo e the Westfield om Line-ups : ue ' to The six teams of the C munity baseball and track teams.g Saturepal't11111tt well . varaity G's in aHemblPffffy Fridayllted by ia 1 E rn AAA midget final point atocked funlture 1ou'll aeecl f• 9'1 aate Vietor Leona d, iuperviaor of phyal- witll . . atandlop. r pl•aant ouhlow li•las th la cal education ·Sunmaer. We :;;::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and coach. The team urre you to now while ..·� ======:;: won cOlllll· in 11tock1 are llill'9il•lllflll••------;OF;-f'il 7 games and lost 3. complete. r -&!- boy1 will attend Regional High ...... er lulu The School next year, whl!l'e many for• d..... The women's single table tennis boya have v -·- . ..--__ ... _ tner Garwood played ar· '---'Ill 11•1 championship tournament . at the 1lty 1port1, ineludlnr Ba� Pu1hma11, . "- West.em Eleetrlc Kearny ., •--.lier.a...... ,._... 1ftlll Worka end· Bill Glowacki, Tony En1ll1h, John ed F ,· 111111111 il ,...... riday night with a new .cham· and Frank Wanca Bley, John Za• ••-... pion, Shirley Lennon of Cranford, bielaki, Cree,Art Tom Caaale, Art M ...... Red DAL who defeated Ruth Latim11r of West. DIBattiata, Pete Warchol and Mike llOn field in the llnale 19·21, 21-16, 21-18, Loh. _.. llAllVl8 21·19. Those Garwood I� who recelYed IOY'mrl were Wesley Gill, Salyatore Ma- tera �DU W ri o, Dan Sabio, Emil Conte, Pa l - � Stln Till n u .&8100 Matf!ria, Kalph Cipolla,Del Ed die Pasu· AAIOUS .Nol'th ko is, :Mike Drusek, Mike Castaldo, V The Stars will play the Cen· n tral Hanover Bank of New York Frank Pamck, Frank lloroll, Frank fUTl&.IZllS in Glow�ld, i a practice 90ftball game on Friday, n Kalph Enrlish, M ke . Wa· --=c.i..:r•:L:..- May .at 7 p. m. on :Washington at, and Lammi, anti managers ...... ,.._..._ - - School8, diamond. tile Walt WoSanttklewic 1 and .Alfred Nier- i , !=====•=====--======kerken...... Chefll' the In Bur :W• .. ll&Jm c.,.C.. plele... .. U. S. Ddeue unlteni. DOOGllTON'I GUSS .lllDI Beatll...... , ...... POISON IVY DUllOGIR - Aa ...... practical, attractive adjunct to your·outdoor grill; _ ASturdily constructed table and benches ait 6 GRAIN CO. _...... ,.. ,,_...... wiJJ or 8 ...... eomfortably. Modestly priced. UNION . .. .. ·�d ...... __ ...... , mattress D&llMCIGIN Is a· So.ft 1Bat GOLFERS to r�c.Jm· nluW.J..:::rhy ..... leale ... Flrll back'.ed Lowers bed f)os1tion. AW IUa. Ins l p n arehes. rtne fer s eeseveral rf eolon. There are a variety of lawn Choiee -o.f Play __ Furniture Department.wood Soldat JARVIS chairsin our Come in-see them. S.. cka mllon NEED TOO! HELP WIN THE WAR CAMEllOM'S llOl'EL YOU'LL THESE llllCl.I ...... CJwoceal Grilb,... ,, . , SAM IS IJIGING PEOPLI aARa ... GalLL .,...... Crilla. . •. ...Na...._...... W..,_ Grille,· ro srocr UP ON FUEL NOW CLAllK...... TOWNSHIP...... p.,_ pJate. ... Fork a ._. � ,...._ ...... _ Ill #DDS 10VI HILP. PUBLIC Ek. . . SU.SI PEA Ceny �i(fl'OYI We a r• U.. el • • - • llJCDIEAT . 0J11Ur Hlll!ilw SIOllSCDlll,•· ��J.1' •n. �- w��;if)•-- ... ell.UR flt...... •eTHlm. ... Mail aa4 T...... oa. ar.feraf'ilW.. PHONE . .· - POINT COAL CO. BASf.IW.L wt. 2-1900-2-Jsot , , · DEIJVElllE5 ONCI �ilcH&\llttr ST. ICINILWmnt ''FISHING ...... IQUrmin� .... 12.00Smulays aa4 llolida11. .• au.D err AVAILAIL.£. JI Ull l'l'Mn · PLA N C!ie Gt1A*.ANTEE"i> lEHIC H "· .. c. w.... COAL. Ttl. WE. W442 Ud Har "Weet&eld's OldM l..ureet ....A �- �-.;a. • 125 129El.II · TAYLOSTREET • • • • R'S• > -.