Volume 1 • Number 1 • 2015 East European Journal of Society and Politics Mainstreaming the extreme political factors, social conditions and cultural perceptions propelling the far-right and neo-nationalism in Europe Editor-in-Chief: Margit Feischmidt Section Editors: Margit Feischmidt Peter Hervik Copyeditor: Chris Swart The current issue supported by: PUBLISHER: András Körösényi, General Director Centre for Social Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30. E-mail:
[email protected] intersections.tk.mta.hu Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics is an Open Access peer-reviewed electronic journal. When citing an article, please use the article’s DOI identifier. Table of Contents Editorial Introduction MARGIT FEISCHMIDT AND PETER HERVIK Mainstreaming the Extreme: Intersecting Challenges from the Far Right in Europe 3 Special Section TAMÁS CSILLAG AND IVÁN SZELÉNYI Drifting from Liberal Democracy: Traditionalist/Neo-conservative Ideology of Managed Illiberal Democratic Capitalism in Post-communist Europe 18 SINDRE BANGSTAD The Racism that Dares not Speak its Name: Rethinking Neo-nationalism and Neo-racism 49 PETER HERVIK What is in the Scandinavian Nexus of “Islamophobia, Multiculturalism, and Muslim-Western Relations”? 66 GIORGOS TSIMOURIS From Mainstream to Extreme: Casino Capitalism, Fascism and the Re-bordering of Immigration in Greece 83 DOMONKOS SIK Incubating Radicalism in Hungary – the Case of Sopron and Ózd 100 GABRIELLA SZABÓ AND MÁRTON BENE Mainstream or an Alternate Universe?