From: Currie, Leslie (MTO) [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: December-14-18 12:18 PM To: Katie Bright Cc: Leanna Burgess; Halim Abdihalim; Rupesh Udash; Simon Strauss Subject: RE: Two projects - request for feedback re: potentially interested Indigenous communities Hi Kaitie; Based on my experience your contact lists look similar to what I would develop at MTO As always, the final decision is up to Metrolinx, and should follow the advice of Metrolinx Legal Services Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions Leslie Currie Indigenous Liaison Phone: 416-235-5229 Cell: 647-274-8489 From: Katie Bright [mailto:Katie Bright@metrolinx com] Sent: December 14, 2018 10:38 AM To: Currie, Leslie (MTO) Cc: Leanna Burgess ; Halim Abdihalim ; Rupesh Udash ; Simon Strauss Subject: Two projects - request for feedback re: potentially interested Indigenous communities Hi Leslie, There are two projects that Metrolinx would appreciate your feedback on re: potentially interested Indigenous communities Below are project descriptions and the lists developed to date: Expansion of Milton GO Station, Redevelopment of Meadowvale GO Station, and Construction of the New Station Operations West Facility Metrolinx is currently completing environmental due diligence studies, including a Stage 1-2 archaeological assessment, for the Expansion of Milton GO Station, Redevelopment of Meadowvale GO Station, and Construction of the New Station Operations West Facility Attached is a study area figure – the study area falls within the Town of Milton and the