Birds of Nakusp, New Denver, And
Wildlife Afield 9(2):115-200, 2012 © Biodiversity Centre for Wildlife Studies Birds of the Nakusp, New Denver, and Burton Region of Southeastern British Columbia, 1975 to 2012 – Part 2: Passerines (Flycatchers through Old World Sparrows) Gary S. Davidson PO Box 294, Nakusp, British Columbia, Canada V0G 1R0 Abstract from the nonpasserine species accounts. Between August 1975 and December 2012, 266 species of birds, including nonpasserines and passerines, were recorded in the Nakusp, New Denver, and Burton regions of southeastern British Columbia. Accounts for 146 species of nonpasserines (55% of the total number of species) were published (Davidson 2011). The following and final component treats the 120 species of passerines. Accounts for regularly occurring species usually include six parts: status, ornithological history, descriptions of non-breeding and breeding habitats, occurrence and migration chronologies (i.e., early arrival, peak movement, and late departure), specific breeding information, and comments. The latter provides clarification for taxonomic decisions, noteworthy regional and provincial distributional information, relevant literature, and a summary of Nakusp Christmas bird counts from 30 consecutive years. The passerine species accounts have been Figure 104. The first half of Birds of the Nakusp, New prepared primarily from my personal database of Denver, and Burton region of Southeastern British over 40,000 individual records. Columbia… was published in Wildlife Afield 8(1) in 2011 as a 101-page article. It contained details for 146 Introduction species of nonpasserine birds. The format for each species account follows Species accounts are organized within families Davidson (2011; Figure 104). The Literature Cited following the latest taxonomic order and scientific section pertains only to passerines.
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