Boeing Frontiers Takes a Look at Some of the People from Across the Enterprise Who Also Say They Have the Best Job in the Company
December 2006/January 2007 Volume V, Issue VIII GREAT JOB! Mike Duffy, an aerodynamics engineer in Philadelphia, says he has the best job at Boeing. Look inside to read more about him—and TECH’S ‘CHALLENGE’ others who say they have Warming to an important Boeing’s best job. program, amid Alaska’s chill. Center pullout, after Page 34 HOW YOU CAN HELP Jim McNerney: 5 things you can do to make Boeing better. Page 6 It takes an excellent company to do one thing well. It takes an extraordinary company to do many things well. Which is precisely why Boeing values its partnership with Cobham. A partnership that produces state-of-the-art results on projects ranging from Unmanned Air Vehicles to Future Combat Systems. One of the many things Cobham does well, is being a good partner. ` 1" = 1" = 1" Scale: 114803_a01 B & C F 11/17/06 PH This is the seventh in a series of new ads created to build awareness of Boeing and its many valuable partnerships in the United Kingdom. Boeing, the largest overseas customer of the UK aerospace industry, currently partners with more than 300 businesses and universities around the country. The advertising campaign has appeared in The Sunday Tımes, The Economist, New Statesman and other UK publications, and complements current Boeing business and communications activities in that nation. JOB NUMBER: BOEG-0000-M2457 Version: C FRONTIERS CLIENT: Boeing PRODUCT: Corporate Communications DIVISION: None Date: 11/17/06 4:39 PM Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, PDM: Scott Simpson File Name: m2457vC_r0_Cbhm_Frnt.indd Black Editor: Pat Owens Media: ADV Mag Fonts: Helvetica (Light Oblique, Light; Type 1), QC: Yanez Color Sp: 4C FRONTIERS Agenda (Light; Type 1) Images: m2457CT01_PgCbhm_HR_r2.eps (339 ppi), Print Producer: Kim Nosalik Scale: 1=1 Boeing-FNF_rev_ad-StPg.eps Traffi c Supervisor: Kelly Riordan Bleed: 8.875 in x 11.25 in Headline: Boeing and the curious..
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