75¢ COLBY Monday July 28, 2014 Volume 125, Number 117 Serving Thomas County since 1888 10 pages FFREEREE PPRESSRESS Challenger emphasizes voting rights By Sam Dieter Kris Kobach. Since taking office in 2011, law requiring just a sworn statement that said, he hears stories about the difficulties found no proof of that illegal aliens keep Colby Free Press the current secretary of state has become a voter is a citizen. people have had to go through in order trying to register to vote. The figure Ko-
[email protected] known for his support of conservative- “It’s as much of a cause as a campaign,” to register. His own daughter was reject- bach gives, he says, involves just 70 re- backed laws, such as the Secure and Fair Morgan said. “What I’ve found is that it is ed by the states’s computer system after ports of violations, of which 18 involve The Kansas Republican primary elec- Elections Act, which requires voters to on more fertile ground than I expected.” having sent a copy of her passport, which immigrants and five involve immigrants tion features a challenger for Secretary of show photo identification at the polls and The voter law, which Kobach helped was lost by the system. who may have voted. State. for new voters to provide proof of U.S. to draft, has created two or three classes “All this confusion has been created “As a Republican, I got very weary of Scott Morgan has been campaigning citizenship. of voters, Morgan said, depending on and there was no problem to begin with,” the idea as though we were afraid to com- for about a month and a half for the pri- Morgan says he hopes to reverse much whether they use state or federal forms Morgan said.