Episode Guide

Episodes 001–045

Last episode aired Thursday August 31, 2017 www.nbc.com c

c 2017 www.tv.com c 2017 www.nbc.com c 2017 gossipandgab.com c 2017 celebdirtylaundry.com

The summaries and recaps of all the The Night Shift episodes were downloaded from http://www.tv.com and http: //www.nbc.com and http://gossipandgab.com and http://celebdirtylaundry.com and processed through a perl program to transform them in a LATEX file, for pretty printing. So, do not blame me for errors in the text ^¨

This booklet was LATEXed on September 2, 2017 by footstep11 with create_eps_guide v0.59 Contents

Season 1 1 1 Pilot ...... 3 2 Second Chances ...... 7 3 HogWild...... 9 4 Grace Under Fire ...... 11 5 Storm Watch ...... 13 6 Coming Home ...... 15 7 Blood Brothers (1) ...... 17 8 Save Me (2) ...... 19

Season 2 21 1 Recovery ...... 23 2 Back at the Ranch ...... 27 3 Eyes Look Your Last ...... 29 4 Shock to the Heart ...... 31 5 Ghosts ...... 33 6 FogofWar...... 35 7 Need to Know ...... 37 8 Best Laid Plans ...... 39 9 Parenthood ...... 41 10 Aftermath ...... 43 11 Hold On ...... 45 12 Moving On ...... 47 13 Sunrise, Sunset ...... 49 14 Darkest Before Dawn ...... 53

Season 3 57 1 The Times They Are A-Changin’ (1) ...... 59 2 The Thing With Feathers (2) ...... 61 3 The Way Back ...... 63 4 Three-Two-One ...... 65 5 Get Busy Livin’ ...... 67 6 Hot in the City ...... 69 7 By Dawn’s Early Light ...... 71 8 AllIn...... 73 9 Unexpected ...... 75 10 Between a Rock and a Hard Place ...... 77 11 Trust Issues ...... 79 12 Emergent (1) ...... 81 13 Burned (2) ...... 83 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Season 4 85 1 Recoil (3) ...... 87 2 Off the Rails (4) ...... 89 3 DoNoHarm ...... 91 4 Control ...... 93 5 Turbulence ...... 95 6 Family Matters ...... 99 7 Keep the Faith ...... 101 8 R3b0ot ...... 105 9 Land of the Free ...... 107 10 Resurgence ...... 109

Actor Appearances 111

II Season One

The Night Shift Episode Guide


Season 1 Episode Number: 1 Season Episode: 1

Originally aired: Tuesday May 27, 2014 Writer: Gabe Sachs, Jeff Judah Director: Pierre Morel Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Es- odie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Rick Vargas (EMT Hernandez), Alex Knight (Bradford), Antonya Molleur (Convulsing Woman), Beth Bailey (Anes- thesiologist), Carlos Telles (Co-Worker), Chase A. Fox (Matthew), Christopher J. Buzzell (Large Man), D’Nette Wood (Matthew’s Mother), Dan Moseley (Husband), Darlene Hunt (Ms. Palmer), Frank San- doval (Naked Butt Guy), Harry Zimmerman (Surgeon), Jason Henning (Dayshift Doctor), Jeni Reed (Kara), Jim Burleson (EMT #1 Victor), John Trejo (Fireman), Kevin Wiggins (Deputy), Lauren Myers (EMT #3), Marc Comstock (Dwayne), Matt Greene (Tree Trimmer), Peter J. McK- ernan (Helicopter Pilot), Robbie Washington (EMT #2 Carlos), Stafford Douglas (Teenage Boy), Stephen A. Eiland (Security Guard), Victor Tal- madge (Ophthalmologist) Summary: Whilst on his way to work, a former military doctor has to deal with a life-threatening situation. Elsewhere a clash over business unfolds and someone is after the night shift’s top job.

TC Callahan, a renegade ER doctor who started his day in a jail cell after another bout of public drunkenness and fighting, is commuting on his motorcycle to work. He spots an emergency scene at the side of a country road. An EMT crew is in over its head, working in vain on a vic- tim whose midsection has been impaled by a large branch. The victim is clearly in shock and can’t be moved, with min- utes to live. TC, a combat vet who’s used to improvising in the field, identifies him- self and helps the first responders remove the branch, then proceeds to clamp off a severed artery and instructs the EMTs to start recycling the victim’s own blood back into him, preventing him from bleeding to death on the scene. It’s strictly nonstandard protocol, but in this case, it stabilizes the victim so he can be transported to the hospital. An amazed paramedic asks TC where he learned the trick. ”Afghanistan,” the doctor replies before heading to work. Drew treats a gunshot wound (GSW) victim who seems to continue bleeding despite being sutured up. Dr. Alexander grabs an ultrasound and spots the problem: a bone fragment has punctured the patient’s spleen. The doctors treat a 35-year-old female who’s unresponsive; they diagnose an overdose from anti-depressants. She’s intubated and stabilized.

3 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Topher and TC medevac to the scene of a multi-car accident. A young boy with a severed spinal column is trapped inside. TC must treat him while hanging upside down through the sunroof. Along with Topher, TC sedates the boy and fashions a stabilizing collar so the kid can be transported. Firefighters cut the car open, then load the boy onto a chopper back to San Antonio Memorial — just in time for TC to be fired publicly by Ragosa. Jordan talks to TC, telling him he must apologize to get his job back (he is her best doctor, after all). A neurosurgeon’s been called to operate on the boy, but he’s stuck in transit. TC jumps in, proceeding with the spinal surgery himself. Ragosa knows he’s opening the hospital up to a lawsuit if TC botches the surgery, but lets him go ahead with it. When TC reaches an impasse and the patient looks to be dying, Ragosa suggests a cutting edge procedure of grafting a chunk of rib bone to hold the boy’s skull in place. It works; TC’s grudgingly impressed. The night janitor’s daughter arrives in pain from a mass protruding from her abdomen. Since she’s without insurance, she hasn’t seen a doctor yet. Topher wants to order some tests, but knows he’s going to run into an administrative wall. Kenny reassures the girl while Topher wheels and deals (convincing Krista to go on a future date with a plastic surgeon who then agrees to perform a future liposuction procedure on the lab technician who then agrees to perform the test on the girl now without authorization. We learn she has a condition known as fetus in fetu: she was born with the remnants of a fetal twin inside her. As it turns out, the condition is benign and extremely rare. A local med school will pay for the operation to correct it. Drew and Topher are summoned to treat two victims of a motor vehicle accident (MVA). A drunk driver has struck a car carrying two brothers. The drunk driver has only modest injuries, but the teenage boy doesn’t make it, despite Topher’s best efforts. A furious Topher enters the drunk driver’s recovery room and disconnects his morphine drip — a tiny stab at justice. Hospital Administrator Michael Ragosa’s been brought in to try to stem San Antonio Memo- rial’s financial losses and fend off a threat to close down the facility. He needs a new chief of staff for the night shift; Doctor Jordan Alexander is lobbying for the job. She knows how to handle the rowdy bunch of doctors and nurses, many of who are former military. Ragosa’s not so sure, but he gives her the job on an interim basis. First move: implementing the use of tablets for doctors and nurses to track their work. A newborn baby suffering renal failure spins TC into action. When it appears the baby will need dialysis, Ragosa tells TC to send the baby to another hospital for treatment. TC refuses, instead admitting the baby. In an early test of authority, Ragosa orders Jordan to override TC’s diagnosis. Jordan notices that the child is responding positively to dialysis; TC called it right. Ragosa pulls TC into an office to explain how the chain of command at the hospital works. He tells TC in no uncertain terms that he won’t tolerate insubordination. But TC’s not used to being told what to do; he can’t help himself: he decks Ragosa. When Ragosa comes to, he informs Jordan that TC’s fired. Jordan pleads with her boss to let her try to turn him around; Ragosa’s not having it. Still Jordan persists, talking to TC and convincing him that he shouldn’t let his job end this way. After a harrowing night, Ragosa runs into TC in the men’s room. Ragosa punches TC in the jaw. ”Now we’re even,” Ragosa tells him. Somehow they’ve found a way to keep working together, much to the staff and Jordan’s happiness. First year intern Paul Cummings tries to impress fellow resident Krista, showing off his jug- gling prowess. Paul can juggle anything, but in this case the box of odd objects he’s tossing up in the air are from this month’s box of objects the doctors have removed from people’s rectums. So much for first impressions. Landry de la Cruz, attending psychiatrist, teams up with Dr. Alexander to subdue a rambling middle-age woman who’s obsessed with Matt Damon — and violently demonstrating it. While Jordan distracts the woman, Dr. de la Cruz pokes her with a shot, sending the superfan into dreamy unconsciousness. An irate patient who’s been waiting for an hour loses his cool and starts screaming at the staff. He wants to be scene NOW. When the duty nurse tells him he’ll have to wait, the guy loses it, punching out the security guard. Dr. Drew approaches, trying to calm the man down, but receives a fist thrown in his direction for his trouble. In a flash, Drew drops the guy with a knee kick, then puts him in an oxygen-starving headlock, causing him to pass out. Mixed martial arts training to the rescue. Drew and Kenny pull off a perfect prank, leading Paul and Krista to a hearse parked outside the hospital. A deceased elderly person lies dead on a stretcher inside, covered by a sheet. Drew

4 The Night Shift Episode Guide informs Paul that he most go inside and verify that the body is dead; a little spooked, Paul cautiously crawls inside and peels back the sheet — only to have a very much alive Kenny scream and sit bolt upright. Paul’s fellow residents capture it on their phones.

5 The Night Shift Episode Guide

6 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Second Chances

Season 1 Episode Number: 2 Season Episode: 2

Originally aired: Tuesday June 3, 2014 Writer: Gabe Sachs, Jeff Judah Director: Bill Johnson Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Braden Fitzgerald (Anthony), Derek Webster (Nick Woods), Helen Slayton-Hughes (Mrs. Franklin), Katherine LaNasa (Dr. Flannery Mills), Shinelle Azoroh (Debbie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Rick Vargas (EMT Hernandez), Sam Quinn (Junkie), Aimee Dale (Ankle Sprain Woman), Al Goto (Deputy Sheriff), Alex Minsky (Luke), Austin Rising (Wedding Party Guy), Catherine Haun (Junkie’s Mother), Cyd Schulte (Mother of Anthony), Grant James (Charles Knight), Jean Effron (Older Woman), Julia Thudium (Paramedic #2), Ryan Jason Cook (Best Man), Stephanie Rhodes (Bride), Travis Hammer (Groom) Summary: T.C. calls in a specialist when a sheriff’s deputy turns up critically injured. Paul finds himself challenged. Kenny has to help keep his injured groom’s secret from his bride.

A middle-aged woman with a severely sprained ankle refuses to leave the am- bulance until she’s given pain meds and a wheelchair. After Ragosa tells the EMT to grab a wheelchair, the ambulance is T- boned by a runaway car. The bad news is that the woman sustained multiple frac- tures in the accident. The good news (for Ragosa at least)? Because she refused to leave the ambulance, she wasn’t techni- cally on hospital grounds when she was struck; she’ll have to sue the city, not San Antonio Memorial. Drew examines a boy named Anthony who has ostensibly suffered a broken arm from falling off his bike. But something doesn’t add up: the boy is reluctant to speak and it appears that both he and his mother are hiding something. Drew asks Dr. Landry de la Cruz to give the boy a psychological exam. An X-ray reveals a history of fractures and healing; Landry suspects abuse, but needs time to run a background check on the boy’s mother and family. Drew conveniently diagnoses a possible concussion to allow them to hold the boy for a few hours. Landry is probing the boy further when suddenly the child starts speaking in a girl’s voice that claims her name is Gracie and explains that she’s a friend of Anthony’s. The child has a multiple personality disorder that his mother has been covering up; she’s got the scars to prove that she’s the one who’s been abused. Staging a scene to force Anthony’s alter ego to emerge, Landry tells him his mother’s being arrested. The boy goes ballistic, screaming and breaking objects around the room. Drew subdues him while Landry sedates the boy with a shot. Landry apologizes to the

7 The Night Shift Episode Guide boy’s mother but explains that they needed an event like this to admit him for treatment and to get him under the care of Child Protective Service. Anthony’s mother sobs. A stabbing victim is wheeled in, blood spurting from his neck. He tried to rob a liquor store and was stopped cold by the storeowner. Police officer Nick Woods, a close Army buddy of TC and Topher, is inbound with a gunshot wound to the chest. Making matters worse, Nick’s a heart transplant recipient — in fact he has TC’s brother’s heart. Nick received the heart after TC’s brother Tad was killed in action in Afghanistan. Working urgently to open Nick’s chest and get his heart restarted, TC also pages Dr. Flannery Mills, the heart surgeon who performed the original transplant. Before the heart spe- cialist can get to work, Ragosa informs her she does not have surgery privileges at San Antonio. TC starts to go off on Ragosa, but Topher defuses the situation and implores Ragosa to get the hospital board to grant the necessary privileges. Dr. Mills does her best, but Nick’s heart is too damaged; she can give him a few weeks to live, but no more. He needs another donor heart, but it’s unlikely he’d receive one in time. A drug-addled man wanders into the ER, looking for whatever drugs he can wrangle. Topher’s seen him before and quickly tells him he’s not getting any pain meds and that he needs to get into a drug treatment program pronto. Meanwhile, Krista gets pranked outside at the food trucks when she’s duped into sitting on a chair covered in super glue. Laughing, she simply removes her scrub pants and proudly gyrates for the crowd. The levity is destroyed a moment later, when Topher’s junkie comes crashing onto the food truck; he’s hurled himself from several stories up. Now he’s brain-dead and no longer breathing on his own. TC’s gambling habit seems as strong as ever. Topher spots him on the roof in the Tailgate inflatable pool, placing bookie bets left and right; he already owes Topher $800 from the last bets that went south. We see a heartsick Drew at his notebook, reading email from his boyfriend, who’s still deployed overseas. Drew quickly closes the laptop as other staffers approach. TC struggles with the idea of losing his close friend Nick — a buddy whose life was saved because TC gave permission for his dying brother’s heart to be transplanted to him. Sure that he could persuade the family of the brain-dead junkie to donate the heart directly for transplan- tation, TC runs afoul of hospital protocol — and Jordan’s authority. Jordan pulls him aside for a little counseling, explaining that she understands TC’s pain, but that it all has to happen in steps. TC meets with the junkie jumper’s parents, who agree to take their son off life support. As the team begins prepping his body for transplant, the junkie jumper miraculously begins breathing on his own — a spontaneous recovery. Apparently he’s getting a second chance. The jumper’s recovery means that his cranial swelling must now be dealt with and in a pro- found irony, TC and Topher will be the surgeons to take care of it. The surgery is successful. The junkie’s parents are overjoyed. TC has the unenviable job of telling Nick’s wife that they can’t save her husband. Later, Nick visits his brother’s grave where Topher and Jordan join him to offer a little comfort. Prompted by Landry, Ragosa opens up about his personal life. His wife and kids left him three months ago; he’s heartbroken, confused and unsure of how to go on. That may explain the source of his anger a little bit. An elderly woman complains of genital pain; it seems she’s been getting around at the re- tirement home. Paul draws the lucky card of examining her. He initially believes he’s being put through another resident practical joke, but when Mrs. Franklin lifts her gown to give Paul a closer look, he realizes this is no joke. Ew. A wedding party is involved in a multiple-car accident. After some quick work by the staff, everyone’s stabilized and both the bride and groom are expected to be fine. When the groom’s buddies sneak into his hospital room while he’s sedated to play a practical joke they’ve been planning for a long time — shaving the groom’s full beard — Kenny and Drew give them the okay. A few minutes later everyone is horrified to discover what’s under the groom’s beard: Nazi tattoos! Guess the groom has some explaining to do to his new wife.

8 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Hog Wild

Season 1 Episode Number: 3 Season Episode: 3

Originally aired: Tuesday June 10, 2014 Writer: Matt Partney, Cory Evett Director: Sanford Bookstaver Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Robb Moon (ER Orderly), Sam Quinn (Junkie), Billy Fuessel (Cowboy in ER), Desean Terry (Mike), James Ellis Lane (Drunken Alamo Re- Enactor), Todd Terry (Day Shift Doctor), Greg Serano (Steve), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Todd Anderson (Henry), Jade Kammerman (Amy), Wray Crawford (Hunter), Marc Comstock (Dwayne), Caroline Patz (Gun Woman), Argos MacCallum (Charles Knight), Roberto Earlywine (Dayshift Orderly), Royd McCargish (Army Soldier), Derek Webster (Nick Woods), Abby Brammell (Ginger Brown), Jeffrey Pierce (Todd), Nikki Hahn (Kylie) Summary: TC and Paul race to the chaotic scene of an after-dark hog-hunting event that has gone nightmarishly wrong. Meanwhile, a 9-year-old girl arrives for treatment in a case that turns complicated; Drew injures his hand; and Ragosa seeks family counseling.

TC and Paul medevac to a remote, hor- rific scene: a drunken hog hunt, with multiple injuries including a woman im- paled with an arrow and a hunter whose hand has been bitten off by a boar. There are drunken hunters everywhere shoot- ing automatic weapons, revving their quads and triggering some very unpleas- ant flashbacks for TC. The victims are transported back to San Antonio Memo- rial and a search party is sent out to re- trieve the hog with the hand in its belly. In the trauma center, Jordan works to re-inflate the impaled woman’s collapsed lung, but the pain is so intense that the victim yanks the arrow out of her chest, starting a massive blood loss. Jordan must open up her chest and operate immediately to stem the bleeding. The surgery is successful but in recovery, the patient goes into anaphylactic shock; her blood was mis-typed. Topher spots a young girl wandering down the hall. She tells him she’s taken the bus to the hospital and is suffering from headaches and nausea. Topher examines her just as her dad shows up; there’s something not quite right. As a precaution, Topher orders an MRI on the girl. As the imaging begins, the girl starts screaming. Finally she confesses her real problem: it’s her dad who needs medical help, not her. The father falls unconscious as he’s storming out of the hospital after refusing to be examined. Topher calls on Drew to perform a tracheotomy, but Drew punts it over to Krista. The distraught little girl pounds on Topher. ”You’ve got to save him!” she

9 The Night Shift Episode Guide screams. In the ER, Topher cuts off the man’s jeans and reveals a large chemical burn on his skin. Topher quickly goes to work. Mixed martial arts aficionado Drew proves his prowess in the cage at the local military base, working Krista up into a romantic frenzy in the process. Unfortunately she still doesn’t know Drew’s gay, so Krista’s cruisin’ for a heart bruisin’. Tough guy Drew didn’t just knock out his opponent, he also shattered his face. Fortunately there was a doctor in the ring, although Drew suffered a serious wrist injury himself. Keeping it hidden from Jordan doesn’t last long; Dr. Alexander restricts him from duty, knowing an injured doctor is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Citing numerous liability and code concerns, Ragosa closes The Tailgate, the lounge where the night shift staff blows off steam. Based on the staff pushback, he might have been better off announcing he was cancelling Christmas. Later, Ragosa opens up to Landry about the latest difficulty with his wife. She tells him he needs to stop ”being a dick” and try to show people respect. She cites closing The Tailgate as an example of a situation where he could have respected those affected and tried to find an alternate solution. Ragosa takes the advice to heart, working to get a new Tailgate built, one with less liability. He announces the good news to the staff. But Ragosa being Ragosa, he feels the need to extract something for his efforts; the staff will have less time to spend in the new Tailgate. He explains to Landry that he couldn’t be seen as a pushover. The hunting victim who lost his hand to the wily hog has kept a secret from his wife: he was out hunting with his wife’s sister — the woman who was shot with an arrow and is now in immediate need of a blood transfusion. However, her blood type is so rare, only a family member can donate it. After a delicate conversation with the wife that reveals a longstanding animosity between the two sisters, the woman refuses to give blood to save her sister. TC tries his persuasive best before forcibly sedating the woman so he can draw blood from her and save her sister’s life — whether she likes it or not. In a move right out of his Afghanistan playbook, TC transfuses directly from one sister to the other. As a favor to her boyfriend, Scot, Jordan tries to set up Landry with Scot’s friend, a surgeon. Landry is reluctant. Pressed on whether she’s currently seeing anyone, Landry tells Jordan ”not at the moment” and agrees to a double date. What could go wrong? Krista pulls Drew aside for a little tender loving care. Working on his fractured wrist, she works her way up to a kiss. Drew stops her. She jokingly wonders if he’s gay — oops. Drew explains that despite Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, he needs to remain private about his sexuality so his standing in his Ranger unit isn’t compromised. Krista agrees to keep his secret. Kenny stings intern Paul with a classic practical joke: he sends him to a storeroom to retrieve their Resusci-Anne, a mannequin used for CPR training. Paul spots the mannequin but has some trouble lifting it up. Cue Krista, wearing a Resusci-Anne mask and gown; Paul jumps about three feet skyward, cursing Krista as the staff rolls with laughter. So much for first year doctors sticking together. The hog that ate the hunting victim’s hand is brought into the hospital on a gurney, apparently dead. Except that it’s not. When Ragosa spots the animal and give it a slap, it bolts off the stretcher and runs around the ER. Later we meet the animal again — he’s been given a home in Ragosa’s office. Paul decides it’s time to get back at Krista for the trick with Resusci-Anne. He tells Kenny to send Krista to the storage room, then puts on the training mannequin’s clothes and waits. But it’s not Krista who comes in but Doctors Callahan and de la Cruz, looking for a little on the job nookie. Paul’s too terrified to do anything but watch and listen. It’s all in a rookie’s shift.

10 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Grace Under Fire

Season 1 Episode Number: 4 Season Episode: 4

Originally aired: Tuesday June 17, 2014 Writer: Dailyn Rodriguez Director: Kevin Dowling Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Scott Wolf (Scott), Robb Moon (ER Orderly), Kenneth Mitchell (George), Matt Angel (Pvt. Charlie Pearson), Desean Terry (Mike), Diana Gaitirira (Tammy Fraser), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Barbie Anthony (Chris- tine), Ricky Catter (Ricky), Jesus Mayorga (Chef Tony), Gregor Manns (Heavy Man), Matthew Sanchez (Paramedic Price), Tatanka Means (Paramedic Gonzalez), Roberto Earlywine (Dayshift Orderly) Summary: The staff are tested with injuries sustained from a Alamo re- enactment. A disorientated patient receives care. Drew helps a soldier who has been severely wounded. Jordan’s boyfriend appears.

The paramedics bring in a male musket wound victim who has no memory or ID except for a ”Do not treat” bracelet — he’s a Christian Scientist. One paramedic tells Jordan that they can’t legally treat him. Jordan cuts off the John Doe’s bracelet and takes him into surgery where she and TC find that he has a bullet lodged in his lung. Realizing his life is at stake, they remove the shrapnel and get him stabi- lized. When Ragosa finds out, he hits the roof. The only legal way to bypass a ”do not treat” bracelet is to declare the pa- tient mentally incompetent. Since Jordan operated without getting a psychological evaluation first, the hospital could face a major lawsuit. TC sticks up for Jordan but Ragosa suspends her. At TC’s request, Landry is brought in to evaluate John Doe. Landry shows the patient a series of photographs to jog his memory and after seeing a picture of pancakes he has a ”eureka” moment! Er, sort of. He remembers a diner and a girl named Christine. That narrows it down. Landry and Nurse Molly head off to call every diner in the area. Meanwhile, John Doe’s not doing so well. He has a rising fever and he isn’t responding to the antibiotics. TC and Landry are stumped. Landry finally locates Christine who informs her that John Doe — aka George Collins — is bipolar and recently quit his lithium treatment abruptly. This is key information for Jordan. Going off mood stabilizers too quickly can have a disastrous effect, namely neuroleptic malignant syndrome, a condition marked by fever, confusion and delirium — basically all of John Doe’s symptoms. Jordan and TC promptly treat him accordingly and save his life. It’s Jordan’s birthday but her long distance boyfriend, Scott, can’t make it to San Antonio to visit.

11 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Drew is at an all-night training mission as part of his army commitment. He and three sol- diers, Javier, Mike and Charlie hop into a Humvee and head out on their mission through the bush. Soon the bro-talk about hot chicks and Ranger School evolves into a debate on gays in the military. Charlie’s against it — he doesn’t need ”the guy that’s supposed to be covering his ass, checking it out instead.” For the most part Drew keeps quiet — why rock the boat? The con- versation is cut short when Javier swerves to miss a coyote and the Humvee flips over. Charlie is badly injured and needs to get to the ER, stat. Unfortunately the radio is broken and they have no cell reception. They’ll have to carry him, on foot, through a live shooting range to the extraction point. After getting Charlie to safety, Javier pointedly tells Drew that he supports gays in the military and says Drew would make a great Ranger. Kenny, eager to watch Topher perform a surgical procedure, dismisses a female patient’s stomach pain as the flu and puts off reading her EKG results. When the patient suffers from a heart attack, a furious Jordan reminds Kenny that, ”it isn’t all about the flashy procedures.” Kenny feels awful and sits with the woman all night. Meanwhile, the John Doe case has stirred up drama between Jordan and Landry. TC asks Landry to declare John Doe incompetent. Landry says the patient is still unconscious — she won’t rush to label him and risk her license just to get Jordan off the hook. Landry tells TC that she must wait until the patient wakes up to conduct a full evaluation. TC apologizes, taking her hand. Jordan catches this intimate moment. Later, Jordan confronts Landry and after a moral debate about John Doe, gets to the real issue: Jordan totally knows Landry’s sleeping with TC. At The Tailgate later, Landry apologizes to Jordan for dating TC and not telling her, but Jordan’s not having it. When Landry finds out John Doe has bipolar disorder and that the ER doctors saved his life, she feels relieved. And now it’s Jordan’s turn to apologize to Landry. She explains that the John Doe case hit close to home: her father, a religious man, died because he refused treatment for pneumonia. Landry and Jordan agree that while they might never be best friends, they can at least try to be work friends. With John Doe in the clear, Nurse Molly informs Jordan that the paramedic changed his story — he can’t swear that the patient was wearing a ”do not treat” bracelet, which means Jordan is off the hook. It only takes a look from Molly to know that TC had something to do with it. After a long, emotionally draining day, Jordan calls Scott to vent but as she’s leaving the hospital she finds him waiting to surprise her. But Scott’s not the only one who remembered Jordan’s birthday. TC, holding a small wrapped gift, walks up just in time to see Jordan in a passionate lip-lock with Scott. Ouch. By the look on his face it’s clear he’s not quite over Jordan. Unseen, TC slinks back into the hospital. Ragosa has a splitting headache and finds some aspirin in Landry’s office. Unfortunately the ”aspirin” turns out to be Ecstasy from an old experimental study on the effects of MDMA on soldiers with PTSD. Ragosa’s not a happy camper but being high as a kite gives him time to think and helps him get in touch with some much needed empathy. When he comes down, he opens up to Landry: he’s getting a divorce. The entire night staff finds out that Topher’s getting a vasectomy. They surprise him with a suggestive soccer ball-themed cake and a stirring rendition of ”Taps.”

12 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Storm Watch

Season 1 Episode Number: 5 Season Episode: 5

Originally aired: Tuesday June 24, 2014 Writer: Bridget Bedard Director: Eriq La Salle Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: A Martinez (Joaquin De La Cruz), Raymond Ochoa (Ernie), Scott Wolf (Scott), John Trejo (Fireman), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Marc Comstock (Dwayne), Rick Vargas ((EMT Hernandez), Miguel Martinez (’God’), Je- sus Jr. (Ike the Bookie), Rene Reyes (Ear Dude), Anthony Leon (Cow- boy), Al Goto (Deputy Sheriff) Summary: A violent storm pummels San Antonio, sending numerous patients to the emergency room. Elsewhere, TC and Dr. Scott Clemmens rush to a mudslide disaster to treat a mother and her son; and Topher braves the storm to help his stranded wife, who’s going into labor with twins.

When a car accident takes the paramedics out of commission, Scott Clemens volun- teers to accompany TC on a search and rescue mission at a nearby trailer park. There they discover Shannon, a 36-year- old woman with a pulmonary hernia and contused lung. They’re about to move her to the OR when they realize she’s not alone. They find her son hiding in a cup- board but he appears unharmed. Once they’re in the OR, TC and Scott place Shannon on a ventilator and work together to get her stabilized. When her oxygen level and blood pressure crash they discover an air leak on the right side of her lung. They have to divert the ventilation to the left but there’s no time for an intubation. TC knows what to do — a Texas Twist. With Scott’s help he proceeds to rotate the lung. The procedure works — one point for TC. Later, Scott calls TC over to ”watch and learn” as he repairs a tear in Shannon’s heart. Mark that one point for Scott. Meanwhile, Paul is watching Shannon’s son, Ernie. The kid complains of moderate shoulder pain, but Paul realizes he may have a much more threatening condition: internal bleeding. Paul orders a CT scan, but during the scan Ernie loses consciousness. TC arrives and finds shrapnel in the boy’s kidney; he’s in renal failure. They get Ernie on dialysis before it’s too late. TC praises Paul’s quick thinking — he has a gift for pediatrics. But the relief is short-lived: the power goes out in the hospital again and the backup generators won’t last long. TC doesn’t miss a beat. He puts Ernie on peritoneal dialysis, a procedure that doesn’t require electricity. Topher’s busy stitching up a patient when he gets a panicked call from his pregnant wife. She’s been in a car accident that’s left her and their daughter stranded — just as she’s gone into labor with twins. Topher heads out into the storm to find her. While searching, he gives his

13 The Night Shift Episode Guide daughter Lynn a cell-phone crash course on how to perform a cervical exam on her own mother. Ew. Topher finds his wife and daughter and quickly delivers one of his twins but the second baby is in breach. They have to get to the OR, ASAP. After finding a cell signal, Lynn calls TC for help. TC in turn, calls his bookie, a man who will apparently do anything for cash, including drive his monster truck through a raging storm to bring Topher and his family to the hospital. Uncle TC delivers a healthy baby girl. Ragosa, clearly professionally smitten with Scott, is trying to convince him to take over the San Antonio Memorial Trauma Department. Scott wants to observe the night shift before making any decisions. What better night to observe the action than during a mega-storm that intermittently interrupts power to the ER? A stab wound victim arrives and refuses to be treated by anyone but Landry. It turns out it’s Landry’s father — but she wants nothing to do with him. He wants money again — five grand to be exact. He explains to Landry that he got involved with the wrong people and now he’s in trouble. Landry’s heard this all before and she’s not having it. He abandoned her a long time ago and now it’s her turn to walk away. When TC tries to comfort her, Landry shoots him down too. She knows he has unresolved feelings for Jordan and she doesn’t want to be his plan B. She just wants to be friends and she doesn’t want to talk. When Landry’s father refuses to leave she offers him five hundred dollars to get lost. If only it were that easy. If he doesn’t get the full five grand, the thugs he owes will go after her mother. A panicked Landry says she doesn’t have it. She’s two hundred grand in debt from medical school. At a loss, she finally opens up to Ragosa who insists on loaning her the cash. Landry’s touched. No one’s ever done something like that for her. Back in the OR, the competition has been heating up between TC and Scott as they try to save the woman from the trailer park. Scott assures TC that he’s fine on his own — TC has other patients to attend to — but TC doesn’t want to give up control. Jordan warns him that there’s a pecking order and if Scott comes to San Antonio Memorial they’ll have to learn to work together. Later, while performing a procedure to repair the tear in a patient’s heart, Scott tells TC that things are going to change at San Antonio Memorial — he’s decided to take the job as head of the trauma department. After a long day, TC and Jordan find themselves alone in the locker room. Jordan takes the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart about Scott coming to work with them. She and TC are finally becoming friends again and she doesn’t want anything to change that. TC says she’s always been his friend and apologizes for messing things up between them. As he says this, he suddenly takes her hand. Jordan, nearly speechless, tries to walk away but TC impulsively grabs her and kisses her. Jordan doesn’t resist and the two proceed to steam up the locker room until Kenny walks in to tell her that Scott’s looking for her. Awkward. Dwayne from radiology has a crush on Krista but she’s definitely not feeling it. Meanwhile, Nurse Molly is trying to get Drew to date her niece and he’s out of excuses. Krista offers to solve both their problems by pretending to be his girlfriend. Drew thinks better of it, but Krista kisses him in front of Dwayne and Molly — done and done. Later, Drew tells Krista some good news: his partner Rick is coming home from Afghanistan. Krista is happy for him but clearly a little heartbroken about giving up the fantasy.

14 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Coming Home

Season 1 Episode Number: 6 Season Episode: 6

Originally aired: Tuesday July 1, 2014 Writer: Janet Lin Director: David Boyd Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lincoln), Devon Graye (Pvt. Wilson), Mandy Levin (Marcie), Scott Wolf (Scott), Manny Rey (Mariachi Guy), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Catharine Pi- lafas (Nurse Bardocz), Rodrigo Rojas (Julio), Erik Gonzales (Soldier #1), Kenny Miller (Seated Soldier), Rebekah Wiggins (Paramedic), Melanie Johnson (Nurse Joanna), Darlene Hunt (Ms. Palmer) Summary: A shocking crash sees dozens of soldiers, including Drew’s boyfriend, to the emergency room, where TC and Scott fall out. Topher attempts to diagnose a soldier’s sudden illness.

Drew’s boyfriend, Rick Lincoln, is brought in with a crushed leg, putting a dis- traught Drew in a tough spot: how can he be a supportive boyfriend without outing himself? Luckily TC’s got his back. Scott, the new head of Trauma, instructs TC to get Rick stabilized and bring him to pre- op for an amputation. Once in the OR, Drew begs TC to save Rick’s leg. Against Scott’s orders, TC decides to do an emer- gency external bypass, a procedure that directs blood flow to the foot. Despite TC’s efforts, the leg becomes necrotic and eventually has to be amputated. Krista is treating a sweet, young sol- dier named Wilson who’s in the midst of asking her out when his nose starts bleeding. Topher examines him, finding a rash and a very low platelet count. After consulting with TC and Jordan they diagnose him with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and put him on steroids. Later Topher and TC notice lesions on Wilson’s torso. This isn’t typical for ITP. Dismissing the lesions as bug bites, they put him on Benadryl. But when Wilson starts running a fever, a look of dread crosses Topher’s face; it’s not ITP but visceral leishmaniasis, a disease caused by sandflies. He’s seen a similar case in Afghanistan. Wilson needs anti-parasiticals not steroids. Just then Wilson starts to flatline. Krista, Topher and TC fight hard to keep him alive but it’s too late. As they carry the boy’s lifeless body out of the OR, Topher is racked with guilt. The steroids he ordered took down the inflammation but suppressed Wilson’s immune system. TC says they acted based on the information they had - Wilson was a dead man before he left Afghanistan. The tension between Scott and TC began the moment Scott saw TC arrive at work in Jordan’s car, right after TC told Jordan he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Jordan lies to Scott, explaining that TC asked for a ride because his bike was in the shop. She gets her story straight with TC but feels horrible about the lie and the kiss.

15 The Night Shift Episode Guide

When Scott finds out TC performed an emergency external bypass instead of bringing Rick to pre-op as instructed, he’s furious. TC was trying to save the leg but according to Scott, the procedure may have only made it worse. Scott tells TC that his ”kamikaze battlefield surgery” won’t fly anymore — the amputation is happening. The fight escalates and ultimately leads to blows. Ragosa breaks it up and tasks Jordan, head of the ER night shift, with finding a solution by the end of the shift. Once Scott and Jordan are alone together, he admits that he doesn’t like TC and doesn’t want her driving him to work. When Jordan comes clean, explaining why TC was really there, Scott calls her a liar and storms off. Meanwhile Topher sees what’s going on and urges TC not to screw things up for Jordan. Poor Paul is having trouble being taken seriously by Pirate, a soldier with an eye patch. Ragosa tells Paul he’ll have to earn their respect. Later Pirate has an accident in the whirlpool room resulting in a retro-orbital hematoma (bleeding behind the eye). Paul must get him to the OR before his optical nerve is permanently damaged, but when they try moving him he loses vision. This is Paul’s chance to gain their respect, which he does when Jordan talks him through a successful lateral canthotomy and he saves Pirate’s eye. Rick is struggling to cope with the idea of losing his leg and the fact that Drew refuses to acknowledge their relationship. Krista urges Drew to man-up for Rick’s sake but Drew is not going to be the ”gay doctor.” When Landry counsels Rick, he says he’d rather be dead than have his leg amputated. He fears his platoon won’t respect him once he’s an amputee. Drew tries to comfort him but Rick rejects his phony bedside manner and nearly outs them both. Alone with Drew, Rick admits that he’s scared and reaches for Drew’s hand. Even then Drew doesn’t take it. Krista can barely stand to watch as a terrified Rick is taken into surgery. She urges Drew to go with him — his tough guy act is meaningless if he lets Rick go through this alone. Drew is unwavering at first, but when he sees the look on Rick’s face, he has a change of heart. In front of everyone — his platoon, his co-workers — he professes his love to Rick and kisses him. Meanwhile Wilson’s death has had a profound effect on everyone. Scott forgives Jordan for her white lie but she’s not quite off the hook because TC refuses to give up. He’s not sorry about the kiss but he promises to keep it a secret — that is, if Scott is really who she wants. Drew, Kenny and Krista find out about Ragosa’s online dating profile. Kenny secretly offers to help him spice up his profile in exchange for two Saturdays off. As Ragosa describes his ideal woman — petite, smart and professional — Kenny starts to notice what’s suddenly become very obvious. Ragosa has a big fat crush on Landry. Landry is busy dealing with an old, recurring patient, Ms. Palmer, a woman with some serious issues. This time she believes she’s pregnant and that she has been for two years... with Matt Damon’s baby. Her family doesn’t believe her so Landry humors her, taking her for a pregnancy test. To Landry’s surprise Ms. Palmer does appear to be pregnant but Jordan’s examination finds that the false positive was caused by an ovarian tumor. It’s treatable and Ms. Palmer finally has proof that she’s not crazy; something was growing inside her even if it wasn’t Matt Damon’s love child.

16 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Blood Brothers (1)

Season 1 Episode Number: 7 Season Episode: 7

Originally aired: Tuesday July 8, 2014 Writer: Zach Lutsky Director: Martha Coolidge Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Steven Bauer (Milo Osbourne), Megan Stevenson (Candy), Robert Hoff- man (Thad Callahan), David Gautreaux (SWAT Team Captain), Derek Webster (Nick), Daniela Bobadilla (Nina), Max Barsness (Eric), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Marc Comstock (Dwayne), Melanie Johnson (Nurse Joanna), Mark Holguin (Fish Eye), Monica Sanchez (Nina’s Mom), Phil Luna (Nina’s Dad), Rick Vargas (EMT Hernandez), Julia Thudium (Paramedic #2), Jon Kristian Moore (Paramedic #3), Jeremiah Bitsui (Soldier), Ben Skorstad (Helicopter Pilot), Royd McCargish (Airforce Airman) Summary: TC and Topher treat the lone survivor of a plane crash while fend- ing off an intimidating law-enforcement officer with a secret motive. Meanwhile, Paul is smitten by an injured exotic dancer whose condi- tion takes a turn for the worse; and Krista cares for a teen with an eating disorder.

A small plane crashes in Government Canyon where there’s no road access. TC and Topher head to the scene via heli- copter. On the way, TC flashes back to combat duty in Afghanistan with his big brother and Topher. Once at the crash site, they rappel down to find the pi- lot DOA, but another passenger, Eric, is alive, mumbling something about a golf trip. TC and Topher get to work — Eric’s chest wall is collapsed and he’s got a sternoclavicular dislocation. The doctors pop his clavicle out, allowing his lungs to fill with air. When they attempt to move him something falls out of his pocket: two packs of heroin. Some golf trip. Back at San Antonio Memorial, a spangled, string-bikini clad woman, aptly named Candy, gets rolled into the ER after falling off her stripper pole and hurting her neck. Paul can’t stop staring at her, so Drew puts him on the case. Her x-rays are normal, but they need to wait for lab test results. Candy is eager to get back to work, but Paul offers to pay her to stay, in exchange for some advice. His girlfriend will be staying over for the first time and he’s kinda, sorta... a virgin. In the supply closet, Candy tries to help Paul the only way she knows how — by giving him a lap dance. While shaking her moneymakers, she asks Paul if he can get her a prescription for her urinary tract infection (UTI). She usually has to get them from a clinic. But before she can utter another word, she starts convulsing — the stripper’s having a stroke.

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When her MRI comes back clean, Jordan diagnoses her with a Vertebral artery dissection — a tear in the wall of the artery that blocks blood flow to the brain. But the usual treatment fails, and Candy’s vitals start to crash. With everyone stumped, Kenny draws some blood that comes out dark brown. Weird. Paul suddenly knows what’s wrong. She was taking over-the-counter UTI meds without the supervision of a doctor. An overdose could cause the blood disorder, Methe- moglobinemia, which would explain all her symptoms, not to mention why she fell off the pole in the first place. TC and Topher rush Eric back to the ER where a man who identifies himself as Agent Milo Osborne of the DEA is anxiously awaiting their arrival. He says the FBI was tracking the plane; the patient’s a suspected smuggler. He needs to question him ASAP. TC tells Osborne that he can talk to the patient post-op, then rushes Eric to Dwayne in radiology for a head and chest x-ray. Meanwhile Ragosa is dealing with the San Antonio Police Department. They want to talk to the DEA agent on the scene. Osborne suspiciously dodges the call and, even more suspiciously, steals Ragosa’s hospital access badge, then sneaks into radiology where he demands that TC and Topher get Eric to talk. When they can’t, Osborne pulls a gun out and shoots the technician, Dwayne. Milo means business. TC and Topher are now hostages. TC warns Osborne that if they don’t get Eric into an op- erating room he’s a dead man. Osborne refuses, and they’re forced to perform some serious MacGyver tricks to get him breathing and stop the bleeding. Who knew binder clips had so many uses? Meanwhile 16-year-old Nina is brought into the ER by her parents after swallowing a fork! In one very realistic game of operation, with Jordan supervising, Krista removes it from the girl’s throat. But how did it get in there? Krista already knows; she’s all too familiar with the telltale signs of bulimia. Krista admits that she too had bulimia as a teenager. Nina agrees to in-patient psychiatric care, but her parents are outraged; they demand to take her home. Krista pleads with Landry to put an involuntary hold on Nina, but the most Landry can do is offer outpatient care. When Krista tells Nina that she won’t be staying for treatment, Nina takes drastic measures to get help — by swallowing a scalpel. She’s bleeding out. After working fast to save Nina, Krista gives Nina’s parents a piece of her mind. Ragosa catches a very busy Jordan and asks where TC and Topher are. There’s been a chem- ical factory explosion nearby and burn victims are on the way. When Jordan goes looking for TC, she ends up joining the hospital hostage club. Luckily, security caught Jordan’s abduction on surveillance, and Ragosa calls the police. A SWAT team arrives just as the burn victims are flooding in. Back in radiology, Topher and TC are still trying to revive Eric but unbeknownst to Osborne, Eric dies. They have to keep it a secret, or they’re all dead. They try to distract Osborne, but he grabs Jordan just as the SWAT team throws a stun grenade into the room. TC lunges to shield Jordan. As the explosion goes off, it triggers yet another one of TC’s flashbacks, sending him into combat mode. He attacks Osborne, and a fight ensues. The SWAT team breaks down the door and subdues Osborne. But something’s wrong with Topher — he’s been shot. Jordan finally notices that Ragosa has a thing for Landry. There must be something about the night shift that brings out passions in everyone who works there. Kenny admits that he was a little hurt that Drew hid the fact that he’s gay. He thought they were better friends than that. Drew apologizes and they’re best buds again.

18 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Save Me (2)

Season 1 Episode Number: 8 Season Episode: 8

Originally aired: Tuesday July 15, 2014 Writer: Gabe Fonseca Director: Vincent Misiano Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Daniella Alonso (Landry De La Cruz), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Kristy Wu (Janet Zia), David Barrera (Detective), Derek Webster (Nick), Scott Wolf (Scott), Jeremiah Bitsui (Sgt. Martin), Jacob Browne (Secu- rity), Jennifer Cortese (Patrice), Steven Bauer (Milo Osbourne), Wade Williams (Susan’s Husband), Robert Hoffman (Thad Callahan), David Gautreaux (SWAT Team Captain), Jonathan Hubbarth (Police Officer), Robb Moon (ER Orderly), Danielle Sapia (Susan), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), John Trejo (Firefighter), Michael Neal Powell (Injured Factory Manager) Summary: A shoot-out at the ER leaves Topher badly hurt. TC attempts to control his Afghanistan flashbacks. An explosion at a fertilizer factory leaves burn victims being rushed to the ER.

Will Topher make it? They are rushing him through the hospital as the nurses are trying to get all of the victims in or- der. Scott is on his way to help with To- pher and they know that they have to get his wife, Janet on the line. Sadly, as they are working on Topher, one of the doctors gets pulled away by Ragosa because they have to help the shooter. Jordan does not want to deal with this man and lets his boss know that there are people way more important, who need help. Dwayne sadly, did not make it but there is still hope for Topher. As they are operating, TC starts having war flashbacks again and it is dis- tracting him. Everyone has to cross reference other hospitals to see if they can locate all the victims. Ragosa reminds Jordan that she has to treat the shooter like everyone else, against her better wishes. Krista is having a hard time focusing, especially after Dwayne and Topher but she knows that she has to do her job. Jordan is operating on the shooter and says that when she is done, she wants him back in cuffs and in prison. Topher has made it through surgery and TC is so happy that he kisses him. They are still shocked that Dwayne is dead and he asks how Jordan is. TC tells him that she had to go work on the man who shot him and cannot believe she is in that situation. They both talk about their war flashbacks and how could they not. Janet arrives at the hospital and TC just walks away, saying that Topher will explain every- thing. He just cannot handle the flashbacks and the memories. There’s another explosion but they are spread too thin at the hospital. TC and Jordan both think that they should go home but neither will and now the word has to be spread about Topher. When TC leaves, Jordan makes

19 The Night Shift Episode Guide sure Drew goes with him because he is like a ticking time bomb. Scott comes to see Jordan and tells her that she should go home but she says no and then they exchange I Love You’s. There has now been a fourth casualty while Jordan is working on the shooter. She has no sympathy for him and he knows that and I completely understand why she could care less. Telling the families about their deceased loved ones has become an almost robotic action at the hospital. At the chemical site, there is a possible gas leak and everyone must evacuate but it scares TC because he keeps having flashbacks. They are trying to put a catheter in Topher but he’s like ”hell no!” Then they lose TC in the building as the gas is leaking. People are coming in and out of the hospital looking for loved ones but at the same time, Scott has demanded that Topher needs a catheter. He refuses and says that he will pee in a bucket if he has to. He still puts up a fight but then gets put in his play because if he does not urinate, it could cause a problem. A man has come looking for his wife Susan whom has been badly burned. The only reason that they could identify her was from her badge. He feels so guilty because he usually brings her lunch at a certain time and did not do it. But they is no one’s fault. In the ambulance, Drew is trying to talk to TC who is still in the midst of flashbacks. Jordan admits that she is having a really hard time being in the hospital after what happened. It is suggested that she leaves and no one would think any less of her. She says that she feels so bad for TC after all that has happened. Krista comes to get Jordan because Susan’s oxygen levels have dropped. Jordan then gets pulled away to deal with the shooter and it looks like he may be dunzo. His boss is blaming her for a poor job having been done with stitching him up and I feel that she did what she needed to. He must have done something or someone else interfered so that he would not live. Either way, Scott is left to pick up the mess and it turns out that they lost the shooter. He tells Jordan that from here on out, he needs to be called if there is an emergency surgery that needs to be done. Drew comes to get Jordan because TC is hearing voices and in a panic so she goes to check in on him. She tells him that she will take over operating because he cannot focus. Ragosa has to handle the issue with Jordan and the mistake she may have made that killed the shooter but he tells her that they will use their lawyer. Ragosa goes in to the room Jordan is operating on and they quickly realize that the man looking for his wife Susan was guided to the wrong person. The burn victim was not his wife, she just had the wife’s name tag in her pocket. In the bathroom, TC is getting worse and worse with what is going through his brain. Topher finally pees in to the bottle but it is red then he cannot breathe so everyone must rally. TC gets in to the operating room where Topher is and has horrid flashbacks of having to save Topher. He starts to flip out and Jordan is forced to step in to keep Topher alive. During all of this, Ragosa learns that he has a tumor behind his eye and is thinking what kind of a night it has been. Topher will be fine and will not be paralyzed as feared and they have located the burn victim’s family in New Orleans. Her name is Mary and they have her mom on the phone as they watch her pass away. The shooter’s boss in on the phone and he wants Jordan investigated because he thinks that she did not do everything she could have. Then Jordan goes to see TC and finds out that he is handcuffed. She has the cuffs removed and then he tells her about how he got his brother killed in war. He hesitated and a sniper of twelve years old shot at TC’s brother and killed him. He has tried to bury it but he cannot anymore and keeps apologizing to Jordan. Scott walks by the room that they are in and sees them having a moment and walks away.

20 Season Two

The Night Shift Episode Guide


Season 2 Episode Number: 9 Season Episode: 1

Originally aired: Monday February 23, 2015 Writer: Gabe Sachs, Jeff Judah Director: Eriq La Salle Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Brit Morgan (Tricia), Jack Yang (Craig), Brittany O’Grady (Alicia), Adam Rodriguez (Dr. Joey Chavez), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Tatanka Means (Paramedic Gonzales), John Trejo (Fireman), Nico Dean Fulgenzi (Injured Immigrant Child), Trine Christensen (Motorcycle Woman), Lonnie Lane (Crazy Person), Richie Gaona (Father), J.D. Garfield (Charlie), Mary Sue Evans (Neurosur- geon), Nancy Schmitt Farkas (Jordan’s Unattended Patient) Summary: Topher takes over as chief of the night shift in the Season 2 opener. Also: TC is temporarily suspended; Jordan is scrutinized for her mis- handling of the man who shot a recovered Topher; a father is trapped under an elevator; Ragosa returns to the ER.

Since we last saw the brave doctors of San Antonio Memorial, a lot of things have changed on the night shift. Jordan is still under investigation for Milo’s death at the end of last season, so a fully re- covered Topher has taken over as chief of staff, while TC has been suspended for his OR breakdown and subsequent at- tack on Milo. Ragosa took time off to have brain surgery to remove the tumor be- hind his eye, and the Psych Ward was shut down due to budget cuts, so his pal Landry won’t be giving him free ther- apy sessions anymore. There’s also a new doctor on staff, Dr. Joey Chavez, whom Topher’s already nicknamed ”Dr. Granola” due to his OR yoga sessions, new-age musical prefer- ences and meditation techniques. And it wouldn’t be the night shift without a healthy dose of drama. Jordan broke up with Scott to get back with TC. Well, they’re not exactly back together... it’s complicated, as usual. Now the three of them have to work together, which clearly isn’t going to go well. Kenny and Krista are hooking up, and Drew is concerned about his boyfriend Rick’s growing addiction to painkillers after his leg was amputated last season. Now that you’re caught up, here’s what went down on The Night Shift this week... Paramedics, including Jordan’s best friend Gwen, burst through the hospital doors with a husband and wife on side-by-side gurneys. A six-foot piece of rebar flew off a truck and shot through the husband’s head — and his wife’s throat. Drew and Topher are on it, but they wish TC were there to help...

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But it’s not like TC isn’t working. While on a search-and-rescue mission in the desert with Tricia, a veteran pal from his therapy group, TC comes across a boy who fell and badly injured his leg. As they pull him up the cliff, he suddenly starts choking and TC has to clear his airways by making an incision below his throat and snaking a tube in — all while suspended in midair on the side of a cliff. Back at the hospital, Dr. Granola takes on the rebar couple, Craig and Mary Woo, with Krista and Jordan by his side. Scott comes in late and curtly informs Jordan that it’s a surgical case now and she needs to leave. Suddenly Mary’s condition worsens dramatically. Scott and Joey manage to stabilize her, and the couple is wheeled off to their respective surgeries, while Joey practices yoga in between procedures. Both surgeries go well, but as Craig comes to, Topher realizes he can only speak Mandarin — the brain injury must have injured the English language centers of his brain. Luckily, Krista has a genius solution and downloads a Mandarin-to-English app so the doctors can communicate with their patient. Meanwhile, it’s Ragosa’s first day back and he’s acting pretty weird, as in he’s being upbeat and friendly. Apparently surviving a tumor behind his eye has given him a new lease on life. As Topher and Drew discuss how odd Ragosa is being, TC bursts into the ER carrying the little boy. After the boy’s condition stabilizes, Tricia reveals to TC that she’s been trying to get a doctor’s appointment from the VA for months for a sore neck, so TC volunteers Topher to take a look at her off the books. Jordan heads to the break room, where she finds Gwen reminiscing over college photos of the two of them dressed as Spice Girls. They were obsessed with them - okay, maybe they still are. Jordan reveals that Scott is still being a jerk to her, which, to be fair, makes sense considering she dumped him for his rival. Just then, Jordan and Gwen learn there’s been a major crush injury at the courthouse, so they race off, with TC right behind them. He’s not supposed to be working, but he just can’t help himself. At the scene, they find a man trapped at his chest between an elevator and the ground. The man can’t breathe, but due to his positioning, they can’t intubate him, so TC suggests a battlefield solution: going nasotracheal. The plan works — now they have to get the elevator off the man’s chest. Back at the hospital, an unnaturally enthusiastic Ragosa tells Topher he wants to be more involved on the floor and get his hands dirty. He promises to stay out of Topher’s way, but Topher is beyond confused. At the crush site, the paramedics gently lift the elevator, but when they do, the man suddenly starts bleeding out. TC yells out to lower the elevator again as the man’s teenage daughter looks on, terrified. It’s crazy, but the elevator is actually keeping the man alive — its weight is stopping him from bleeding internally. He has severe injuries to his heart and aorta — what they need is an ECMO, but that’s never done outside a hospital and they’ll need Ragosa’s approval. Shockingly, they get it — what is going on with Ragosa?! The only issue is they need a surgeon, so it looks like Scott, TC and Jordan are going to have to find a way to work together. Scott is furious that Jordan and TC called for an ECMO — it’s a Hail Mary and Scott doesn’t trust their judgment. He rips into TC, who tells him that just because he’s pissed at Jordan, he shouldn’t let a man die. Scott finally agrees, and while he does the procedure, Jordan sits with the frightened daughter. Her mother died a few years ago and she can’t bear to lose her father as well. The two bond over losing a parent at such a young age. The docs then race the elevator man back to the hospital, where Scott and Joey immediately operate on him. Against all odds, the surgery goes well and the man survives. Things are looking up, but not for Ragosa, who gets an earful from his boss about approving the ECMO. But instead of just taking it, Ragosa dramatically quits in front of the whole staff. He has a new lease on life after undergoing surgery that should have left him brain damaged, and he’s tired of being the miserable person this job has made him into. Later that night, Topher finds Ragosa in the break room flipping out about his rash decision to quit. Ragosa admits he’s been studying to take the boards and get his MD, which is why he’s been shadowing Topher. Topher then has an idea — while it would be a humbling experience and a huge pay cut, there’s an opening for a physician’s assistant, which would be a great learning opportunity for him. Ragosa is interested, and decides to think about the offer — and his future. Meanwhile, Drew and Paul tend to Tricia, who has started coughing up blood. She gets scanned and it turns out her neck pain was caused by a stage-two Pancoast tumor at the top of her lung, likely caused by exposure to hazardous chemicals while on a tour in Afghanistan.

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The docs are in a bind, though — Tricia can’t get into the VA hospital for months, but by that time the cancer would be so advanced, she wouldn’t survive. Since she doesn’t have insurance or savings, she can’t pay for the surgery, and since it’s technically not an emergency (yet), the ER can’t treat her. The only hope is to convince a surgeon to help her pro bono. The news hits TC especially hard, and he confides in Jordan that Tricia was the first person to really get through to him about his brother’s death not being his fault. Thad was reckless and put the entire platoon at risk by putting a medical officer in jeopardy. Finally, TC is learning to stop blaming himself. After an emotional discussion, TC tells Jordan not to make any plans until two weeks from Friday. But why? Just then, TC gets more bad news. The surgeon can’t do Tricia’s surgery pro bono, but he would cut his fee in half. It’s still $15,000, and neither TC nor Tricia has that kind of money. But TC has a plan: he sells Thad’s motorcycle to his bookie and uses the money to save her life. He knows it’s time to let some of the Thad part of him go. But that’s not TC’s only good deed for the night — his big surprise for Jordan is two tickets to the Spice Girls concert for her and Gwen. When Jordan finds out, she decides she no longer wants to take things slow with TC... she’s all in!

25 The Night Shift Episode Guide

26 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Back at the Ranch

Season 2 Episode Number: 10 Season Episode: 2

Originally aired: Monday March 2, 2015 Writer: Bridget Bedard, Dailyn Rodriguez Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Sage Boysen (Blake Maynor), Lisseth Chavez (Ana), Leedy Corbin (Abby Maynor), Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), M. David Gonzales (Hector), Martin Palmer (Drunk Man), Eric Steinig (Officer), Justin D. Moore (Hospital Visitor), Amy Stack (Patient) Summary: TC returns back to the hospital following his brief suspension. Also, Ragosa starts his new job as assistant to physican. Elsewhere, TC deals with a woman who was accidentally shot by her husband who was later pronounced dead upon arrival. Drew has complications with his relationship, also, Topher and Jordan butt heads for Ragosa’s job, Meanwhile, Krista and Joey continue to connect.

The night begins with Topher stressing that Jordan may want her job back. His wife wants to stay home with the kids, so they could really use the ex- tra money. Perhaps Topher likes being boss so much because he gets to tor- ment Ragosa with endless paperwork and pointless errands. His latest is sending him on a wild goose chase for a medi- cal device that doesn’t exist. He even gets the whole staff in on the joke. Luckily for Topher, Jordan isn’t interested in her old job, so he’s in the clear. Sorry, Ragosa, you’d better get used to being hazed! Wait, why is Drew at work on his day off? The former army medic needed a breather from his boyfriend Rick, so he signed up for vet duty. Since his leg was amputated, Rick’s been nothing but negative, and Drew is nearly at his breaking point. He’s especially frustrated that Rick’s VA doc won’t call him back to set an appointment. Drew’s a fixer and he just can’t fix this situation for Rick. He’s now concocting crazy plans to show up at the VA doctor’s house in the middle of the night, or call him and pretend his kid was in an accident. Luckily, Kenny talks him out of both bad ideas, and advises him to take care of himself first, or he can’t be there for Rick. Suddenly a rancher bursts into the ER carrying his bloody wife, Melissa, in his arms. He accidentally shot her when he heard a noise in his barn and thought it was cattle thieves. TC does his best, but even with Paul and Jordan’s help, he can’t save Melissa. He doesn’t take it well — TC hasn’t lost anyone in a long time. But before he can sulk for too long, he gets a call from Gwen about a high school ranch party gone awry. Tons of kids are injured, including a patient the paramedics can’t move, so TC heads to the site. There, he finds a teenager named Brian impaled on a barbed-wire fence, surrounded by drunk and injured kids. Apparently when the party got busted, two kids piled on an ATV and crashed

27 The Night Shift Episode Guide trying to outrun the cops, launching one of them into a fence. TC and Gwen get to work untan- gling Brian’s intestines from the barbed wire while the driver, his football pal Terrence, looks on, devastated. The two of them were out celebrating getting football scholarships and now Terrence has a dislocated shoulder and Brian might never play ball again. TC and Gwen manage to detach Brian from the fence, but Brian can’t hold off till the hospital — TC will have to start surgery from the ambulance. Back at the ER, Kenny catches up to Krista in the hall and asks why she left so early that morning. She explains she had to run back to her place to get gym clothes, prompting Kenny to offer her a drawer at his place. ”A drawer is never just a drawer,” Krista responds, walking off to surgery and leaving Kenny feeling foolish. As soon as the ambulance reaches the ER, Joey and Krista take over and perform bowel surgery on Brian. During the operation, the pair grows closer, with Joey learning Krista wanted to become a doctor ever since she lost her mother to breast cancer, and Krista learning Joey used to be an army doc. Throughout the shift it becomes increasingly clear something’s brewing between these two... but what about Kenny? Meanwhile, TC and Topher fix Terrence’s shoulder, but not longer after, Terrence pukes and collapses. Turns out the star football player has second-impact syndrome from not fully recov- ering from a concussion and then getting hit again. Drew and TC drill a hole in his brain to let the blood out, but he’ll need neurosurgery. Sadly, while Brian will make a full recovery, Terrence is devastated to learn he’ll never play football again. Kenny tries talking to him — he was once a football star as well, until a fractured back took him out. While recuperating in the hospital, it was the nurses who took care of him and taught him to walk again, not the doctors. The injury turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him because that’s how he realized he wanted to be a nurse. Across the ER, a Hispanic beauty queen, decked out in her evening gown and sash, stumbles through the doors and collapses. Sandra’s blood pressure is off the charts, but Jordan can’t fig- ure out why. Could she have taken diet pills or diuretics for the pageant? Jordan keeps changing her medicine, but can’t figure out why Sandra’s heart rate won’t stop climbing. Suddenly Jordan notices Sandra’s chest is soaked in blood, so she and TC quickly cut away her dress to find blood oozing out of two hatchet-job breast implants... and something sliding out of the sutures. Bags of cocaine! The cocaine has been leaking into her system, explaining the crazy vitals. Once the cocaine baggies are removed, Sandra starts stabilizing. Jordan explains she’ll have to speak with police after the cosmetic surgeon repairs her sutures, but before she can be operated on, she disappears. Jordan finds her collapsed in a bloody heap and learns it was her boyfriend who put her up to the drug trafficking. It’s the end of a long night, and Krista and Kenny are heading out when Drew races over, nearly knocking Krista over with a bear hug. She pulled some strings with a guy she went to med school with and got Rick a doctor’s appointment. Drew couldn’t be more relieved. Unfortunately, there’s no relief for TC, who holes up at his favorite bar to quietly obsess over losing the rancher’s wife that night.

28 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Eyes Look Your Last

Season 2 Episode Number: 11 Season Episode: 3

Originally aired: Monday March 9, 2015 Writer: Zachary Lutsky Director: Eriq La Salle Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), D.B. Sweeney (Denny Sawyer), Shantel VanSanten (Chloe), Phyllis Somerville (Marilyn Capshaw), Claire Hinkley (Taylor Sawyer), Jason Douglas (Mr. Harrison), Tris- ten Bankston (Ryan), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Ines France Ware (Mrs. Hampton), Challen Cates (Mrs. Harrison), Marty Lindsey (Mari- lyn’s Son), Terry Dale Parks (Deputy Sheriff), Daniel Grochowski (Mr. Simpson), Tom Schuch (Chaplin), Ron Weisberg (Tom), Cara Ovis (Scott’s Girlfriend), Jack Caffrey (Mr. Howard) Summary: A serious car crash puts a pair of teenage newlyweds and a young pregnant woman in the hospital.

It’s a quiet night at San Antonio Memo- rial and the doctors and nurses are goof- ing off with wheelchair racing. That is, until Ragosa mutters the ”Q” word and jinxes the whole thing. Suddenly Gwen’s team of paramedics smashes through the door with two teenage car crash victims, Ryan and Taylor. Ryan has a deep gash to his thigh and Taylor has a dislocated jaw and chest trauma. When they pop her jaw back into place, Taylor immediately asks how her husband is doing. Wait, her husband? The girl’s 16! Turns out their parents wouldn’t let them see each other, so the two lovebirds ran off to get secretly married, crashing their car on the way back. When Taylor’s dad, Denny Sawyer, finds out about the marriage, he loses it, bursting into Ryan’s OR and confronting his son-in-law’s parents. He even gets his cop buddy to arrest the 18-year-old for sexual assault of a minor. But the arrest doesn’t last long; Texas has something called the ”Romeo and Juliet” law, which allows consensual intercourse with a minor within three years of age, so Ryan wasn’t doing anything illegal. Upon hearing this, Denny loses it. He’s an army veteran, but since he came back home, his wife left him and he can’t get a job. TC commiserates with him — he knows what it’s like to be a mess, but he also knows the only way not to drown in anger and self-pity is to ask for help. After TC’s pep talk, Denny goes to see his daughter, whose heart rate spikes as soon as he walks in the room. They start arguing about Ryan, and suddenly she starts screaming from chest pain — her aorta is tearing in half! Scott performs emergency surgery, but while he does his best, Taylor’s brain was deprived of oxygen for too long and she’s comatose. There’s still a possibility

29 The Night Shift Episode Guide she can come out of it, but it’s not looking good. As Denny cradles his daughter, Ryan comes down the hall, begging to know what’s wrong with his wife. That’s when Denny loses it, grabs his gun from his ankle holster and points it at Ryan screaming, ”He killed her!” TC, positioning himself between the crazed father and his son-in-law, tries to explain Taylor isn’t dead, and still has brain activity. There’s still hope! But Denny doesn’t listen. He takes one last look at his daughter before he turns the gun on himself. Scott and Krista try to save him, but it’s no use. He’s gone. In a bittersweet turn of events, just hours later, Taylor miraculously comes out of her coma. Her father killed himself for nothing. Across the ER, Scott and Jordan handle Chloe, the woman whose car Ryan and Taylor hit. She has abdominal trauma, and it turns out she’s eight months pregnant. Chloe asks Jordan to call her fiance,´ Tom, who’s stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, but there’s no record of him there. Turns out, Tom is actually serving in Afghanistan and lied to Chloe so she wouldn’t worry. Suddenly, Chloe starts going into labor and freaks out — she can’t have the baby before she’s married! She made a promise to her father, who recently died. Luckily, the hospital manages to find Tom and set up a makeshift wedding over video chat, complete with a veil, plastic tiara and bouquet. TC stands in as Tom’s proxy groom while he watches from Afghanistan, but just as the hospital chaplain begins the ceremony, Chloe’s monitor starts beeping. The Reverend quickly wraps up the vows as Topher, TC and Jordan race Chloe to an open trauma room. After an emergency C-section, both baby and mother are healthy, much to everyone’s relief. Meanwhile, Paul lands an important patient, Marilyn Capshaw, the matriarch of the hospital’s biggest donor family, who just happens to fund his residency program. Ragosa warns him that the family is a bunch of pain-in-the-ass hypochondriacs, so Paul’s in for a rough night. The elderly woman is acting oddly and unabashedly flirts with Paul when he tries to examine her. All her tests come back normal, and Paul’s at a loss until Topher comes over and takes a look at her eyes — she’s high as a kite! Marilyn wanders off to sneak another smoke, but Paul follows her to a supply closet, where she makes fun of him for not thinking an old woman could get high, despite exhibiting all the telltale behavior. She gives the newbie some heartfelt advice: ”Don’t try so hard to please everybody. You’ll only end up with regrets.” That’s when Marilyn tells Paul that his father, a world-renowned brain surgeon, called her up about his internship last year, but rather than helping him get in, he wanted the hospital to keep his son out. Paul admits his dad keeps calling him to get him to quit the ER and join his practice in Chicago, but he keeps refusing because he’s terrified he won’t measure up to his superstar family. ”You figure out what you want to do, not from fear, but for the right reasons,” Marilyn advises. ”And they can go to hell if they get in your way!” At the end of the shift, Paul sits in the break room reading an email from his father pressuring him once again to join him at Johns Hopkins. After a moment, he takes Marilyn’s advice and deletes the email. It’s been a long, traumatic night, with a father taking his own life and a baby being brought into the world. Jordan’s mother is in town, and she’s been struggling with whether to tell her that she and TC got back together. Jordan’s mother loved Scott and was never a fan of TC, so she figures the best option is to wait till she leaves, then break the news. But after such an emotional shift, Jordan decides it’s time to bring TC home to mom.

30 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Shock to the Heart

Season 2 Episode Number: 12 Season Episode: 4

Originally aired: Monday March 16, 2015 Writer: Ali Laventhol, Tawnya Bhattacharya Director: David Boy David Boy David Boyddd Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Isabella Day (Isabella Hinojosa), Raleigh Cain (Lorelei), Adam Rodriguez (Dr. Joey Chavez), Patrick Ar- rellin (Firefighters / Paramedic / EMT), Maria F. Durand (Maria Hi- nojosa), Andrea Good (Hospital Patient), Jesse Luken (Frat Boy), Luke Macfarlane (Capt. Rick Lincoln), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Clinton Valencia (Roy Hinojosa), Akshay Patel (PV) Summary: An injured skydiver is rescued, but there’s more to the case than meets the eye. Meanwhile, the night-shift staffers treat an electrocuted jan- itor, then scramble to save his wife and children when they fall ill to life-threatening symptoms; and Paul learns about his limitations as a doctor.

The night shift begins with a major mile- stone: Jordan buys TC a key to her place! Okay, maybe she didn’t buy it... it was the old one under her flowerpot, but still — this is huge, guys!! Okay, maybe not as huge as a base jumper crashing onto the windshield of a bus after his parachute failed to open, but you get the picture. On a more serious note, Will, the base jumper, has pretty severe injuries, so Joey and TC rush him to the OR. His girl- friend Kim arrives soon after, with Will’s dog Max in tow. She’s terrified and begs them to do whatever they can to save him, but the news only gets worse. When Joey and Krista open Will up, they find multiple metastasized cancerous masses in his abdomen. Apparently he had cancer a few years ago but is in remission, but before they can remove the masses, Topher rushes it and demands they stop operating immediately. Kim isn’t Will’s health proxy, his brother is. And will signed a Do Not Resuscitate Order three months earlier — he knew his cancer was back and didn’t tell his girlfriend. Kim begs the doctors to save him, but they’re legally bound to respect the patient’s wishes, so she storms off, vowing to sue. While she’s gone, Will suddenly starts to crash, and against orders, TC decides to intubate. Topher is furious but eventually acquiesces, helping his buddy keep the dying man alive a little longer. Gwen brings Joey some of Will’s things found at the crash site, including a note for Kim indicating he didn’t open his parachute on purpose. He wanted to die on his own terms, and TC should have let him. As Kim sits at Will’s bedside, Joey joins her and tries to offer comfort. He reveals that his nine- year-old son spent the last few weeks of his life in a hospital battling cancer, and the hardest thing was realizing he was holding on for himself, not his son. His son was ready to let go. Joey

31 The Night Shift Episode Guide then hands Kim the note from Will, adding that maybe Will chose his brother as his proxy so Kim wouldn’t have to make such a hard decision. Kim knows she has to let Will go. As it turns out, she also has to let Max go, as her son is allergic. Luckily, TC has a solution, and at the end of the shift, he hands Max’s leash to Jordan, who has bonded with the cute pup all night. First a key, now a dog? So much for taking it slowly... Drew bursts through the ER doors with a night janitor who was electrocuted in front of his wife and kids. Ragosa goes to speak with the man’s wife, Maria, and children Roy and Isabella, and learns the kids help their parents clean offices at night. Ragosa bonds with the children, whose immigrant parents barely speak English. Suddenly, Isabella gasps for air — she can’t breathe! Moments later, her brother starts puking uncontrollably, and not long after, their mother starts seizing. What is going on with this family?! The doctors wrack their brains, trying to find a diagnosis that explains all the family members’ symptoms, but they just can’t crack the case. Finally, Ragosa checks out their car, where he finds farming tools — pesticides! It turns out the family just moved into a farm’s storage trailer where illegal pesticides are kept, but with a new place to live and the proper medicine, they’ll be just fine. Across the ER, Paul and Jordan take care of Lorelei, a pretty coed who came in with her RA complaining of flu-like symptoms. Lorelei insists she just has an epic hangover, but when she tries to get up, she collapses to the floor. Upon examining her, Jordan thinks she has a gynecological infection and instructs a painfully awkward Paul to do a pelvic exam. While RA Kyle waits outside, Paul and Lorelei suffer through the uncomfortable situation, made only worse when Paul discovers a tampon lodged inside her. He also discovers a rash on the bottom of her feet and determines Lorelei has Toxic Shock Syndrome. While Lorelei is relieved the issue is treatable — as ”Death by Tampon” would be mortifying — there’s a bit of a complication: the lab finds semen on the tampon. Lorelei is horrified — she hasn’t had sex in months — how could this have possibly happened?! Paul, getting more embarrassed by the minute, pulls Jordan in to speak with his Lorelei, who swear she’s not lying. She does admit that she got drunk at a frat party the other night and took what she thought was molly. Everything after that is a blur. The tox screen comes back negative, but when Kyle returns to pick Lorelei up, the missing hours start flashing back to her: Kyle raped her! Suddenly, Paul snaps — he wants Kyle arrested, but they have no evidence of what he did. He confronts the RA in the waiting room, who claims the hookup was consensual, and when Kyle tries to leave, Paul tackles him, starting a huge fight. The other doctors pull the men apart, but when they find out why Paul attacked Kyle, they tell the litigious RA they didn’t see anything. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Drew, his boyfriend Rick has stopped by the ER because he sprained ”his only ankle.” He begs Krista not to tell Drew he’s there, and Krista agrees to patch him up in secret. However, one of the nurses spills the beans when Krista calls in Joey to take a look at Rick’s infected leg stump. When Drew asks Rick what happened, the former army captain admits he’s miserable being unable to do even small things for himself, and especially hates that Drew has to care for him all the time. Rick’s not the guy he used to be, and while he loves Drew, he doesn’t love himself. As Drew chokes up, Rick tells him he’s moving out. They’re over. At the end of the shift, Kenny asks Krista to breakfast, but she declines in favor of a yoga session with Dr. Granola. Kenny’s a nice guy, but he’s been growing more suspicious of Krista and Joey’s relationship by the day, and her flippant snub is just another red flag to him. Maybe he should join Drew, who’s spending the morning drowning his sorrows at the bar...

32 The Night Shift Episode Guide


Season 2 Episode Number: 13 Season Episode: 5

Originally aired: Monday March 23, 2015 Writer: Tom Garrigus Director: David Boyd Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Nikki Donley (Denise), Paul Walter Hauser (Oren), Adam Rodriguez (Dr. Joey Chavez), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Kieran Sequoia (Laura), Rick Montoya (Det. Moreno), Daniel Pattison (Zombie #1), Bruce Holmes (Trucker), Steve Corona (Sales- man), Akshay Patel (PV) Summary: Gwen, T.C. and Drew race to the scene of a multi-victim car accident; T.C.’s sister-in-law visits.

It’s not the night shift without a healthy dose of crazy! Paul has a patient named Oren, a welder at a local refinery who hurt his thigh when a pipe burst. When his X-rays come back, Topher discovers Oren was exposed to radiation, meaning not only is Paul at risk, but the whole hospital could be contaminated! Topher immediately puts the ER on lockdown. The stakes are high: under Topher’s in- struction, Paul has to remove all the con- tamination from Oren’s leg, and if he mis- handles the Cesium-137, he’ll turn the entire hospital into a nuclear wasteland. No pressure or anything! Luckily, Paul does a bang-up job, and now they just need the antidote, Prussian blue. They can’t get it until the morning, but suddenly Ragosa remembers something from studying for his boards — Prussian blue is the same ink they use for blueprints! Paul injects Oren with the ink, but suddenly Oren can’t breathe and starts crashing. Paul calls for help, but the hospital wing has been evacuated. Trying not to panic, he begins shocking Oren, who finally sputters back to life. Paul’s first solo save! Before he can celebrate, Paul learns that, despite his efforts, there’s nothing else he can do for Oren, who has only two weeks to live. Devastated, Paul vows to stay with Oren in the hospital till the very end. As if that’s not enough, a car crashed into the crowd at a local Zombie 5K, sending a frenzy of injured zombies to the ER. TC and Drew head to the scene, where they discover the driver is an undercover cop with a stab wound and a bag of heroin beside him. They rush him back to the hospital for surgery, and when he starts waking up, he calls out for ”Mikey.” Soon his wife and partner Denise arrives looking for her husband Pete, who told her he was going on a run, and instead went on a bust without backup. She explains his old partner was named Mikey, but he was shot a few years back. Is Pete talking to ghosts? Suddenly, Pete starts crashing — a tip of the knife blade he was stabbed with is lodged next to his heart. TC and Jordan perform emergency surgery, working perfectly together to remove the fragment and save the man’s life.

33 The Night Shift Episode Guide

In the parking lot triage, Gwen brings Drew a patient who OD’d on tainted heroin. Drew treats him and tells him to get help, but doesn’t turn him in to the cops, saying everyone deals with pain differently. Later that night, the guy returns after OD’ing again, but this time, it killed him. As Drew and Gwen head inside, a drunk trucker starts yelling at them, calling Gwen a bitch. Drew snaps and punches the guy in the face, knocking him out. Guess that’s how Drew is dealing with the pain of his breakup... Later, TC’s sister-in-law Annie shows up out of the blue, demanding to see TC. She’s been calling him all night, wanting to crash at his place, but he’s been avoiding her calls, especially since she and Jordan do not get along. At the end of his shift, TC lies to Jordan that he’s not feeling well and goes to meet up with Annie. He finds her at the bar, where she tries to convince him to get drunk with her. He says he doesn’t need to get wasted to celebrate Thad anymore, but ends up giving in and knocking back whiskey shots as Annie makes snide remarks about Jordan. When Annie goes to the bathroom, she asks TC to watch her purse, which, unbeknownst to him, contains a baggie of the same tainted heroin that killed the guy who overdosed... As it turns out, Jordan’s been keeping a secret from TC as well. She keeps getting threatening calls from a prisoner who was a former patient, but she doesn’t want to tell TC because he tends to get overprotective. While the stalker was supposed to be in jail for another eight years, Gwen finds out that he was paroled last week. After work, Jordan is freaked to find her tires slashed, her window shattered and her car trashed. Then she gets a text that reads, ”I WARNED YOU.” Just then, Scott pulls up and, acting fast, calls the cops and drives Jordan home to safety. Rattled, Jordan finally decides its time to call TC, but he isn’t picking up. Scott puts Jordan to bed and stays with her, perhaps hoping this incident could rekindle something? Meanwhile, Joey gets a call that he got a field surgery gig with Doctors Without Borders in Haiti. Krista feigns excitement, but she’s devastated to lose Joey so soon. He tells her she should do Doctors Without Borders after she finishes her residency, and advises her to stop getting in her own way. She’s an incredible doctor and she needs to know that. Later, Joey goes to say goodbye to Krista, and now that he’s not her boss anymore, he goes in for a passionate kiss. As things start to heat up, Kenny walks by and sees the whole thing. Uh oh...

34 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Fog of War

Season 2 Episode Number: 14 Season Episode: 6

Originally aired: Tuesday March 24, 2015 Writer: Matthew V. Lewis Director: Jason Priestley Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brian Barela (Police Officer), Steve Corona (Lumber Salesman), Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Jetto Dorsainville (Police), Daniel Pattison (Zombie Runner 1), Kieran Se- quoia (Laura), J. Nathan Simmons (Hospital Patient) Summary: T.C. discovers his sister-in-law’s complicated history after he treats her for a fall down stairs.

A thick fog engulfs San Antonio, causing TC, Jordan and Paul to crash their car. Stranded on the side of the road, they no- tice a truck hit a guardrail and toppled down the embankment. Inside the truck, they find a group of human-trafficking victims, most of whom scatter into the fog when they see the doctors. Four, how- ever, remain in the truck — two teenage sisters, Carla and Ana, a teenage boy, Oscar, with a head injury, and a man named Hector lying unconscious in a pool of blood. With the fog ruining any chance of getting the victims to a hospital, the doctors improvise, setting up a makeshift clinic in a nearby store and communicating in broken Spanish. Carla’s having trouble breathing, so TC uses a bait hook to fix her tongue in place so she doesn’t choke on it. As Oscar cowers in the corner, Ana confides in Jordan that Hector is a coyote who kidnapped them from El Salvador and begs her not to revive him or he’ll kill them all. She tells TC and suggests maybe they don’t work as hard to help the dying man, but TC says they don’t get to pick their patients. While Paul is out looking for supplies, Ana cries out that Oscar isn’t breathing. Paul is confused — he was stable a few minutes ago! But there’s nothing the doctors can do. Oscar’s gone and Paul blames himself. But there’s no time to dwell. Hector is losing a lot of blood internally and needs more. TC recalls an old army trick to determine blood types and realizes he’s the only one who can give blood to Hector. Despite Jordan’s protests, TC rolls up his sleeve and starts a makeshift blood transfusion. He plans to give blood until the helicopter comes, but who knows when that will be, and TC is putting his life on the line. TC has less than an hour before he loses too much blood and dies. As time passes and no airlift arrives, TC grows weaker and weaker. To distract himself, he tells Paul the story of how he and Jordan met. He was an intern who ran into a burning building to save a man, only to be dragged out, unconscious, by the same man. When he came to, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen was standing over him: Jordan. TC’s story starts trailing off as he loses consciousness, and Jordan makes the decision to cut the IV line. Hector

35 The Night Shift Episode Guide stars crashing, but they can hear the helicopter arriving. They just have to hold out a few more minutes! Suddenly Carla wakes up and starts panicking that she can’t speak because of the hook in her tongue. She pulls it out and cries, ”Ana is the coyote!” That’s when Jordan realizes Ana is nowhere to be found, and Hector, the man whose life she wasn’t interested in saving, isn’t the monster she thought he was. When the group finally makes it back to the hospital, Gwen reveals that the FBI has had their eye on Ana, a female trafficker. Cops found a track mark on Oscar and he tested positive for heroin. Ana must have injected him when Paul was outside. They also found a car abandoned near the border with the body of a young man shot to death nearby. Jordan, TC and Paul were very lucky to have escaped unharmed. Back at the hospital, Gwen rushes in Abby, a 12-year-old girl caught in a flash flood and her older brother Blake, who dove in to save her and is now suffering from hypothermia. Drew starts to warm him up and thinks he’s improving, but Topher realizes something is very wrong: the kid is dry drowning! His vocal cords are seizing up from being underwater. Suddenly Topher has a flashback to Afghanistan, where he worked on a war prisoner he saved from dry drowning, only to have him tortured for information. The officers then bring the man back to Topher, but he is already dead. Horrified, Topher asks one of the officers if he was Taliban and if they got what they needed. The officer just shrugs. Topher did what he was told, but he’ll never know if he did the right thing, and it haunts him to this day. Luckily, this time Topher could save his patient. At the end of the shift, Topher scrolls through his emails, reading a chain of messages going back years, all from the family of the man who was tortured. Topher’s been sending them money for years, and after a painful day of flashbacks, he wires them another $1,000, hoping to somehow make it up to them. Meanwhile, Krista and Joey operate on Abby’s broken pelvis and ruptured bladder. After surgery, Krista tells Joey how impressed she is with how calm he always is, even during an emergency. She asks how he does it, and he admits he used to be a stress case, until he lost his son to cancer. He did everything to save him, but nothing worked and he saw the limitations of Western medicine. That’s when he got into alternative medicine, yoga and meditation. He doesn’t tell a lot of people his story, and Krista realizes how much it means that he confided in her.

36 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Need to Know

Season 2 Episode Number: 15 Season Episode: 7

Originally aired: Monday March 30, 2015 Writer: Gabe Fonseca Director: Jay Chandrasekhar Show Stars: J.R. Lemon (Kenny), Brendan Fehr (Drew), Robert Bailey Jr. (Paul Cummings), Ken Leung (Topher), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Jeananne Goossen (Krista), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), Eoin Macken (T.C. Callahan) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), John Trejo (Fireman), Robert Douglas Washington (Paramedic), Paul Blott (Charlie), Samson Snell (Large Guy), Kenneth Connell (Security Guard), Patrick Arrellin (Firefighters / Paramedic / EMT), Andrea Good (Hospital Patient), Amy Stack (Patient / Visitor), Kaelee Vigil (Patient / Visitor) Summary: TC’s sister-in-law lands in the ER after falling down stairs, and com- plicated truths about the accident emerge. Meanwhile, staffers treat a boy who fell down a well; Ragosa’s teen daughter visits the ER; and Drew spirals into a deeper depression.

TC wakes up from a night of drinking with Annie to find his sister-in-law col- lapsed at the bottom of the stairs, covered in blood. He brings her into the ER, where Scott operates on her. After surgery, An- nie starts crashing, and while TC and Scott intubate her, Jordan hears the com- motion and is shocked to see Annie. TC explains they went out for drinks the night before and she fell down the stairs, which he failed to tell Jordan before. Jor- dan is pissed that TC lied, and notes that Annie’s probably having a cross-reaction with the anesthesia Scott gave her and whatever narcotics are in her system. TC refuses to believe Annie was on any drugs, but soon realizes Jordan was right. After Jordan leaves the room, Annie admits she took some old pills she had in her purse the night before. She promises TC it was a one-time thing, but it’s clear she’s hiding something. Later, while checking in on Annie, Scott off-handedly mentions Jordan’s stalker to TC, who is furious that Jordan didn’t tell him earlier. Suddenly Annie starts to crash again and admits she also took Vicodin and lied to TC about it. Meanwhile, Jordan takes a pregnancy test and — surprise — it’s positive! But before she has a chance to tell TC, she’s called out to the field, where a boy named Malcolm and his mother are trapped in a well. After rescuing them, Jordan gets to work on Malcolm, who has a spinal injury, but in the meantime, his mom collapses. What at first looked like a minor scratch on her leg has now turned into an aggressive infection. The doctors soon realize she has a flesh-eating infection and have to amputate her leg. In the end, both mother and son are on the road to recovery and are just glad to be alive.

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But the pregnancy isn’t the only thing Jordan’s keeping from TC. She begs TC to set some boundaries with Annie, who she sees as a bad influence on him, but keeps the real reason she hates Annie a secret. While Jordan is hesitant to reveal Annie’s secrets, Gwen isn’t. She corners TC, who has dismissed the Annie-Jordan feud as ”girl drama,” and reveals Annie was and is an addict who stole money from Jordan, wrecked her car and lied to her. She helped Annie out of love for TC and even got her into rehab, but it never stuck. Finally, TC and Jordan have it out about all the secrets they’ve been keeping from each other — everything, that is, except for the pregnancy. TC then goes to talk to Annie, and tells her he knows she’s an addict and needs help. He’s set her up at a rehab center in San Antonio and will take her as soon as she’s recovered. But when he comes back to check on her, she’s disappeared. At the end of the shift, TC and Jordan head home to find Annie has cleared out TC’s apartment and skipped town. While TC struggles to take it all in, Jordan blurts out her big news. ”I’m pregnant,” she whispers, and TC breaks into a huge smile. Meanwhile, Ragosa’s daughter Naomi and ex-wife Vanessa stop by because Naomi hurt her wrist while at a concert Ragosa forbade her from going to. Ragosa and Vanessa get into a big fight, which culminates in Vanessa leaving Naomi at the hospital to shadow her dad and see what her father does for a living now that he gave up his high-paying administrator job. Unfortunately, Ragosa kind of lied to his family and told them he has a bit more responsibility than he actually has. When Naomi walks in on him cleaning a homeless man’s urine off his scrubs, he’s forced to come clean with his daughter (pun intended). He admits he’s just a physician’s assistant, but he’s working towards his dream of becoming a doctor. Naomi is skeptical and thinks maybe her dad should have chosen a smaller dream. But later in the night, after Naomi sees her father save a man’s life, Ragosa finally earns his daughter’s respect and support. Realizing word is getting out about her and Joey, Krista goes to tell Kenny before he hears it from someone else. But it’s too late — Kenny saw their make-out session with his own eyes, and he’s not too pleased about Krista disrespecting him so blatantly. Sure, they were just casual, but he’d never do something like that to her. Later, Krista runs into Drew, who looks like hell, as he’s been coping with his breakup with pals Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. She complains about Kenny ignoring her now, but Drew isn’t in the mood to be sympathetic — he’s got his own problems. While doing paperwork at the nurses’ station, the boyfriend of one of his one-night stands walks in and punches him right in the face. Kenny pulls the guy off of Drew, and Drew slumps off, embarrassed and annoyed. Later, Topher pulls him aside and gives him a talking to — he’s screwing up at work, partying too much and looks like hell. Drew admits he’s still devastated by the breakup — he did everything right and Rick still left him. While Drew is still drowning his sorrows, it looks like Kenny won’t be lonely for long! Things are heating up with Gwen, who’s made it her mission to get a piece of the hot male nurse. After flirting all day, Kenny asks Gwen out to breakfast at the end of their shift. As the two walk out together, Krista checks her phone to find a text message from Joey that reads, ”I miss you.”

38 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Best Laid Plans

Season 2 Episode Number: 16 Season Episode: 8

Originally aired: Monday April 6, 2015 Writer: Dennis Saldua Director: Tara Nicole Weyr Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings) Recurring Role: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Es- odie Geiger (Nurse Molly Ramos), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz) Guest Stars: James McDaniel (Dr. Julian Cummings), Duke Davis Roberts (Mills), Jerry Kernion (Christian Boone), Caitlin Harris (Alex), James Cady (Old Man), Rick Vargas (Paramedic), Tatanka Means (Paramedic 1) Summary: A building collapse introduces the doctors to a mystery medic; Kenny and Gwen’s relationship heats up; TC and Jordan plan for their future.

As the shift starts, Gwen confides in Jor- dan that she and Kenny slept together, but she’s worried he’ll think of it as a one- time thing. Just then, the two best friends turn around to see Krista has been stand- ing behind them. She heard everything. But there’s no time for jealousy — a building collapsed downtown and there are mass casualties. Gwen, TC and Drew head to the site to set up triage, but when they get there they notice a mystery medic has already gotten injured, and one patient tells them he was treated by a Guardian Angel. TC spots a guy wrapping a patient’s wrist across the debris and in- troduces himself. The guy’s name is Bennett, and he’s a former Army medic who’s down on his luck. He’s clearly skilled and qualified, so TC asks him to stick around and help them out. Ben- nett is happy to help and gets started on the walking wounded. But a few hours later, TC, Gwen and Drew are wrapping up with the last few patients when they realize Bennett is missing. Just then, there’s a huge explosion from inside the building — could he be inside? The doctors race in and find Bennett buried under a pile of rubble. They go to pull him out and see his arm has been completely severed from his body! Drew and TC rush Bennett back to the hospital and get him into surgery to reattach his arm. During the procedure, TC opens up to Drew about how he ended up enlisting in the Army. When they were younger, he and Thad stole a car to go joyriding, but when they got busted and hauled into the station, they looked up at the TV to see the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. It was a true come-to-Jesus moment, and the brothers convinced the judge that if she let them off, they’d enlist immediately. Bennett’s surgery goes smoothly, and miraculously, he’ll regain full use of his arm. When he wakes up, Drew and TC give him even better news: they called up the VA and enlisted him in a new program that gets Army medics jobs in VA emergency centers. Bennett is shocked and grateful — he, too, has a Guardian Angel. Meanwhile, it’s Paul’s first day on surgical rotation, and his famous neurosurgeon father, Julian Cummings, has showed up to the ER unannounced. While Paul heads into surgery with

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Scott, his dad volunteers to help out with the flood of casualties. But when Paul comes back to get the next patient for Scott, Julian tells him there’s a different patient who is more critical and should be up next. Scott comes by to see what the hold-up is, and Julian tells him he picked the wrong guy for surgery. He then pushes his way into Scott’s OR, where he argues with Scott over the type of blade to use in the surgery. After incessantly getting on Scott’s case for doing things the wrong way, Scott finally kicks him out of his OR. He can’t believe Paul’s been putting up with this man his whole life. Down in the ER, Jordan has a large middle-aged man named Christian Boone who was found passed out on the sidewalk and is having trouble breathing. When he hears about the explosion he starts freaking out - he owns a diner in that neighborhood and his goddaughter lives there. Suddenly he spots a patient across the room — it’s Alex, his goddaughter! When Alex comes to, she asks how the building blew up. Krista says it was a gas-line leak, and Alex starts freaking out. She was working late at Boone’s diner, located on the ground level of the building that exploded, and couldn’t remember if she turned the pilot lights off. So she went back to the diner in the middle of the night to check, but just as she went inside, it blew up. Suddenly Alex can’t speak — she’s having a stroke! As Jordan races her off to surgery, Boone starts hyperventilating and crashes. His heart is failing! Krista and Jordan do an echocardiogram on Boone and learn he’ll need a heart transplant. Meanwhile, Alex’s MRIs are back, and Jordan realizes she has a carotid dissection that’s sending blood clots to her brain. She talks to Scott about it and they realize the only thing they can do for Alex at this point is to retrieve the clots in her brain with a catheter, which means they’ll need a neurosurgeon... Paul’s dad! Scott goes to grovel, and while Julian has some harsh words for him, Scott manages to convince him to do the surgery - as long as Paul assists him. During the procedure, Julian lays into his son for not following in his footsteps and avoiding his calls. He continues to pressure him to accept a surgical residency at Johns Hopkins and join the family business, but Paul is resistant. Just then Scott walks up and decides it’s time to have a talk with Paul. He tells him that he’s one of the best residents he’s ever seen, so he gets why his dad is pushing him. But he needs to follow his heart. So what’s in Paul’s heart? Meanwhile, Jordan gives Boone an update on his heart, but he refuses any medical advice. He wants to die. Jordan doesn’t understand — where is this coming from? Then Boone drops a bomb: he caused the building explosion. He was going bankrupt so he intentionally started the fire in his diner to collect insurance. He thought it was contained, but now he’s caused the deaths of so many people, possibly including his goddaughter. He can’t live with that. Jordan breaks the news to Alex, who can’t believe her beloved godfather could do such a thing. At the end of the night, Paul finally gets up the nerve to confront his father. He tells him that he’s right — surgery is in his blood. But he’s not going to Johns Hopkins. He wants to do it on his own terms, and he wants to do pediatric surgery. Here at San Antonio Memorial. Scott created a pediatric surgical fellowship specifically for him. Finally Paul’s dad sees his son is capable of making his own decisions, and he has to let him live. As everyone is heading out, Kenny asks Gwen out to breakfast again. She tells him he doesn’t have to just because they slept together, but he reassures her that he really wants to go on another date with her... actually dates, plural.

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Season 2 Episode Number: 17 Season Episode: 9

Originally aired: Monday April 13, 2015 Writer: Dailyn Rodriguez Director: David Boyd Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexan- der), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cum- mings) Recurring Role: Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz) Guest Stars: Joseph Julian Soria (Javier Castro), Mercedes Renard (Gina), Jose´ Zu´ niga˜ (Frank), Luke Donaldson (Marcus), Gloria Votsis (Lydia), Julie McNiven (Marcus’ Mother), Dana Melanie (Amanda), Montse Hernan- dez (Naomi), Steve Mokate (Colonel Lee Roberts), Matt Page (Officer), Tatanka Means (Paramedic 1), Trina Siopy (Paramedic 2), Asa Martin (Veteran), Dennis Price (CT Tech) Summary: A shooting sends two of Drew’s friends to the ER. Meanwhile, a woman’s psychosis worsens, becoming a danger to herself and her father; Paul breaks hospital rules to treat a 9-year-old boy with severe cystic fibrosis; financial problems plague Ragosa.

The shift begins with some great news — Kenny is being promoted to charge nurse! And just in time, too, because the night is about to get hectic... While Drew and Krista attend an Army promotion ceremony for Drew’s friend Javi, a man pulls out a gun on Javi’s Colonel and starts shooting. He hits the Colonel in the chest and Javi’s wife Gina in the head, nicking an artery. Drew im- mediately springs into action and tack- les the gunman. He and Krista then do triage on site before rushing the victims to the hospital. As Drew sews up Gina’s gash, he learns she’s been suffering from chronic headaches. When her CT scan comes back, he learns why: she has a huge spider web of tangled arteries in her brain, and the force of the bullet hitting her skull caused it to bleed. She needs emergency surgery — they have to get it out before it ruptures! Luckily, Gia’s surgery is a success, and when she wakes up, she and Javi inform Drew that he’s a success as well. Not only is he getting a commendation for his heroic actions, but a video of him taking down the shooter has gone viral — he’s a star! It turns out the shooter is the Colonel’s brother-in-law, who was pissed he wouldn’t co-sign a business loan and lost it. Krista and Drew fit the Colonel with a pacemaker, but suddenly he goes into anaphylactic shock — he’s having an allergic reaction to the pacemaker! They immediately remove it, but now have to figure out what he was allergic to, and if there is a pacemaker that doesn’t contain that allergen. They skin-test him and determine he’s allergic to cobalt, and luckily Ragosa manages to hunt down a pacemaker that doesn’t have cobalt in it. Nice save, Ragosa!

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Meanwhile, a father and daughter are rushed in with stab wounds, and it appears the daugh- ter inflicted them. Amanda, 20, had been having a fit all day and then attacked her dad. Frank is at a loss — Amanda’s been having psychological issues for the past six years and nobody can diagnose her. The police officer who responded to the incident is hell-bent on hauling her to jail or the nuthouse, but the doctors are determined to figure out what’s wrong with her. She complains of chronic back and stomach pain, but every doctor has told her it’s psychosomatic. Topher and TC rack their brains, trying every test in the book, but they just can’t crack the case... until Amanda starts peeing purple. They suddenly realize she has porphyria, which causes her psychiatric symptoms and skin blisters, and her menstrual cycle set off an acute attack. The doctors figured it out just in time, too. The cop is back and wants to take Amanda to jail. When she sees him, she starts freaking out, but Topher quickly gives her the medicine she needs and she immediately starts feeling better. Both Frank and Amanda are so grateful to Topher and TC - they saved Amanda from being sent to the psych ward! Paul’s latest patient is Marcus, a little boy with cystic fibrosis who came in with his mom Julie complaining of pneumonia — for the third time this year. Paul starts treatment, but it’s not working. Marcus needs a nebulized antibiotic, but Medicaid won’t approve it. Paul goes to Jordan to see what they can do, but she tells him it’s no use. But Paul’s not taking no for an answer and comes up with a new plan. He sees Kenny’s pharmacy ID lying around and decides to use it to steal the drugs Marcus needs. The meds start working immediately, and Marcus starts to feel better. Julie is beyond grateful, and on her way out slips her number into Paul’s lab jacket. Throughout the night, Ragosa is freaking out because he just lost the venue for his daughter Naomi’s quinceanera.˜ He confides in Jordan that with the divorce and pay cut, he’s maxed out his credit cards and can’t pay for the party. He’s afraid of devastating his daughter and inciting a war with his ex-wife. Lydia then comes down to the hospital to yell at Ragosa and make him feel even worse about the situation. Jordan sees this and has an idea. As soon as Ragosa leaves for the day, she organizes the doctors and nurses and sets up a makeshift quinceanera˜ for Naomi at the local bar. TC even escorts her to the party on his motorcycle! As everyone enjoys the festivities, Drew finds Krista sitting by herself outside. She has the results from her breast cancer gene test and is terrified to open them. Drew promises he’ll support her no matter what, but there’s no need — it’s negative! Inside, Kenny tells Paul he knows he stole his ID, but while he’s pissed, he’ll cover for Paul... this time.

42 The Night Shift Episode Guide


Season 2 Episode Number: 18 Season Episode: 10

Originally aired: Monday April 20, 2015 Writer: Tawnya Bhattacharya, Ali Laventhol Director: Allison Liddi-Brown Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexan- der), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cum- mings) Recurring Role: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin) Guest Stars: Luke MacFarlane (Rick Lincoln), Alicia Lagano (Simone), Audrey Wasilewski (Kaylee’s Mother), Matthew Alan (Brent Geisting), Philena Franklin (Kaylee) Summary: Drew’s heroic gunman takedown goes viral, making him an overnight celebrity. And while he hates the spotlight, it reunites him with some- one from his past.

The shift starts with TC riding in on his hog, which he bought back from his bookie. Jordan is livid, even more so af- ter she and Krista witness a motorcycle accident on the way to a medical confer- ence. She doesn’t want to change him, but while the Harley is his prized posses- sion, she’s terrified something will hap- pen to him. And with her pregnancy hor- mones, ”mama lion” can’t take any more stress. Unfortunately, she can’t catch a break, as she and Krista come across a gravely injured motorcyclist in the mid- dle of nowhere, Texas. They rush him to the nearest medical facility, which happens to be a veterinary clinic and, with the help of a very squeamish vet tech, stabilize the young man long enough for Gwen’s paramedic team to transport him to San Antonio Memorial and save his life. Meanwhile, TC and Paul take on an overweight teenage girl named Kaylee, who is suffering from knee pain. At first they just assume her tendonitis is acting up from the excess weight, but after she starts seizing, they realize it’s something much worse. Kaylee is constantly hungry — starving, even — and can’t stop eating. Her mom Marla is devastated. She’s put Kaylee on every diet in the book, but a few years ago, she started gaining weight at a rapid pace. After running some tests, TC discovers Kaylee has a benign brain tumor in the part of the brain that controls hunger. The doctors operate to remove the tumor and hopefully stop her insatiable appetite, but even though the procedure is successful, the underlying tissue is damaged. This means Kaylee will continue to gain weight and likely eat herself to death... unless she has gastric bypass surgery. Unfortunately, there’s a two-month waiting list and she needs it ASAP. But TC has a plan. Word around the hospital is that the gastric bypass surgeon likes to get lap dances from his assistant after hours, so TC threatens to out him if he doesn’t put Kaylee at the top of the list. Needless to say, TC’s blackmail scheme works, and Kaylee gets the operation - and another chance at life.

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Across the hospital, Topher’s neighbor Brent is rolled in after losing control of a power saw and slicing up his arm. Brent’s a tough Army guy and refuses to admit he’s in pain, let alone that he’s having chronic headaches and has been fighting the flu for a few weeks. When his temperature starts to spike, Topher orders a spinal tap and learns Brent has meningitis. He gives him antibiotics, but they aren’t working — his temperature keeps climbing and now he can’t feel his legs. His fiancee´ Simone races over and convinces Brent to be totally honest. He’s not a roving instructor like he told Topher; he’s Special Ops and started getting sick when he got back from overseas. Brent admits that right before he left, an explosion killed his whole unit except for him. He walked away with shrapnel in his chest, but that’s it. Topher orders an MRI and X-rays and learns a piece of his Army buddy’s bone got embedded in his chest during the explosion. This piece of bio-shrapnel caused his infection, and he needs a blood transfusion. Simone immediately volunteers to give her blood, but when Topher tests it, he learns she has HIV. Not only that, but Brent does, too. Topher explains to Simone that going to war is horrible and men make mistakes, but she stops him — she was the one who cheated. Brent was gone for months and she made a mistake that is going to ruin both her and Brent’s lives. While Topher feels terrible about having to deliver such bad news, Ragosa gives him some good news: his medical visa came through! Topher is headed to Dubai to perform a life-saving operation on his Army friend Ali. But the biggest story of the night has to be superhero Drew, who’s become a media sensation for his heroic takedown of the Army ceremony gunman. Drew hates his newfound fame and just wants everyone to leave him alone... especially after the news runs a photo of him and Rick, outing them both. Drew tries calling Rick to tell him he had nothing to do with leaking the photo, but it goes straight to voicemail. That’s because Rick was on a plane to San Antonio... to reconcile with Drew! He pulls him aside and tells him how sorry he was for ending things, and after a lot of thinking — and coming out to his family - he wants nothing more than to get back together with Drew. But this time around, he doesn’t want to hide their love — he wants them to be out and proud. Drew is skeptical, as he’s such a private person, and doesn’t want to be known as the gay doctor, but after thinking it over, he realizes he can’t live without Drew. He’s also done hiding, and finally agrees to a long-awaited interview with the press... with Rick by his side.

44 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Hold On

Season 2 Episode Number: 19 Season Episode: 11

Originally aired: Monday April 27, 2015 Writer: Matthew V. Lewis Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexan- der), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cum- mings) Recurring Role: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Molly Ramos) Guest Stars: Timothy Busfield (Shane), Melissa Gilbert (Lindsay), Charles Malik Whitfield (Malik’s Father), Gianna LePera (Catherine), Billy Lockwood (Sergeant Cole), Eddie J. Fernandez (Police Office), Nozomi Labarrere (Malik), Eric Martinez (Very Drunk Man), Isaac Kappy (Sean), Marjorie J. Conner (Woman) Summary: Scott causes a major car crash that could change his life forever. TC nearly dies while saving a rodeo cowboy.

TC is still riding his motorcycle, and while Jordan is trying to make the best of it, Gwen has had enough of his selfishness. He’s going to be a dad and needs to stop putting his life at risk. TC is also stress- ing out. He confides in Drew that de- spite going to therapy, he’s worried he’s not improving fast enough since his PTSD breakdown. His life is about to change dramatically, and he wants to make sure he’s the best man he can be. The shift begins with a rodeo arena concession stand collapse, sending TC and Drew to the chaotic scene to handle victims. There, they meet Lindsay, who has a deep gash in her leg, but is more concerned with her boyfriend Shane, who is trapped under the tangled metal. As TC goes to help the rodeo cowboy, suddenly the metal truss, pre- cariously suspended by cables, gives out, and a sharp piece of metal plummets to the ground, stopping mere centimeters from TC’s neck. TC takes a deep breath — that was a close one! Back at the hospital, as Drew and Jordan tend to Shane’s injuries, the talkative cowboy reveals TC’s close call. Jordan is livid and demands more information from Drew, who tries to cover for TC and play it off. Shane is improving, but they can’t seem to get his heartrate down. Jordan gets more information out of Lindsay, who explains Shane used to be an alcoholic but quit a few years ago. Lindsay talks about the stress of loving someone who risks his life on a daily basis, and says she wasn’t dumb enough to get knocked up by a man who couldn’t think past his next bull ride. Jordan takes the conversation to heart — is she crazy for having TC’s baby? Later, Jordan spots Shane out of bed, wearing a lab coat and pretending to be a doctor. She and Drew get him back to his room, but on the way he starts puking blood. Shane’s heart isn’t pumping enough blood, and he’s making up stories about himself. Jordan asks Lindsay about

45 The Night Shift Episode Guide his diet and learns Shane only eats rice and shrimp... that’s it. Finally Jordan puts it together - Shane has a vitamin deficiency that’s been messing with his heart. The good news is it’s reversible with a better diet and no alcohol. Now that he’s the new charge nurse, Kenny wants to do a ride-along with Gwen to experience what happens to patients before they reach the ER. So the couple heads out to a car crash, only to find the driver who caused the collision is Scott. The other driver is a teenage boy named Malik, whose father Brandon is screaming to have Scott arrested. Gwen manages to calm the dad down long enough to get the severely injured Malik into the ambulance. A bleeding Scott demands to treat Malik, but Topher won’t let him — he needs to be checked out, and the police want to ask him questions and run a drug test. The family is also refusing to let Scott anywhere near their son. So TC and Topher start operating, but Malik is touch-and-go; he really needs Scott. On the way back to the ER, Gwen and Kenny start talking about past relationships, but Gwen quickly clams up. Kenny presses, but it’s clear Gwen’s hiding something from her past. Meanwhile, Scott confronts Malik’s dad and begs him to let him operate. Malik’s lung is severely injured and a number of his ribs are detached, and there’s no one in this hospital who can do the surgery like Scott. Brandon is pissed but finally agrees, demanding that Scott fix his boy. Meanwhile, the police have arrived to drug-test Scott and maybe even arrest him for reckless driving. Ragosa holds them off as long as he can to allow time for Scott to operate. Scott begs for more time to finish the procedure, but after a video surfaces of him running a red light, Scott has no choice but to go with the cops. He takes the drug test, but the results will take an hour to come back, and Malik doesn’t have an hour. So Jordan pulls Scott aside and makes him swear he didn’t have a drink or take any drugs. Scott promises he hasn’t had a sip of alcohol in years, so Jordan agrees to sign off on the test results before they are actually back. She’s going out on a limb for him because she trusts him. And she’s right to — Scott’s results are clean. Scott races back to the OR and gets there just in time. Malik is coding, but Scott manages to save him. He goes to check up on Malik in recovery and everything seems to be going well... until Scott realizes he can’t move his right arm or his legs. Malik is partially paralyzed. When Malik coded, part of his spinal cord died and there was nothing Scott could do about it. Scott is devastated — he ruined this boy’s life. As the shift wraps up, Topher drives a distraught Scott home, while Jordan tells TC how proud she is of all his progress. When Jordan walks away, TC finishes closing up his locker, opening a little box containing an engagement ring. He puts it back in the locker and smiles to himself...

46 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Moving On

Season 2 Episode Number: 20 Season Episode: 12

Originally aired: Monday May 4, 2015 Writer: Jon W. Fong Director: Eriq La Salle Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexan- der), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cum- mings) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Cole Sand (Ethan), Jill Biden (Jill Biden), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Ramos), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Ryan P. Shrime (Ali), Fredrick Lopez (Biker), Jermaine Washington (Worker), J.B. Tuttle (Sheet Man), Jade Kammerman (Sheet Woman), Vic Browder (Officer), Irene Estrada (Carlos’ Widow), Billy Lockwood (Sergeant Cole), Michelle Obama (Herself), Myndy Crist (Guest Star), Trace Adkins (Guest Star), Wendell Pierce (Guest Star), Mackenzie Astin (Guest Star) Summary: Gwen’s secret past is revealed when she goes off on a patient’s father in the ER. Plus, The Night Shift gets a special message from the White House.

TC’s veteran therapy leader, Colonel El- wood Green, aka Smalls, stops by the hospital to make a big announcement. Well, actually, he doesn’t make the an- nouncement; First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden do. Over Skype, the first and second ladies thank the hard- working staff of San Antonio Memorial for all their volunteer work, giving back to lo- cal veterans. It’s a full moon, which has unleashed the crazies on the ER. Ragosa examined a teenager who wore a necklace made of squirrel parts. Upon hearing this, Kenny decides to start a pool, and whoever has the weirdest case that night wins everyone’s money. As the shift continues, Krista takes a cock- roach out of a guy’s ear... and then watches him eat it. She then helps a guy who tried to kiss a rattlesnake on the lips to impress his girlfriend, and Drew has a teenage patient with a ball of sunflower seeds stuck in his intestines. Seeing his early lead dwindling, Ragosa bribes Kenny for the next crazy patient... which gets him a boyfriend and girlfriend attached at her braces and his... well, you know. This puts Drew in last place, but Nurse Mollie says 50 bucks will get him the craziest patient of them all: a woman who stuck a chicken up herself thinking it would grow into a baby. Looks like Drew’s the big winner! Jordan has a new patient: a little boy named Ethan, whose anxious mother Lisa called 911 for a simple fever. When Paul and Jordan try to ask Ethan some questions, Lisa won’t stop interfering — until she faints and hits her head against the wall. When she comes to, Lisa explains she has vertigo from a car accident a few years ago. Meanwhile, Paul needs a urine sample from Ethan,

47 The Night Shift Episode Guide but he refuses to pee. Suddenly he crashes and wets the bed, but when he wakes up he’s terrified his mom will find out he peed himself. She doesn’t handle stress well. When Ethan’s dad David arrives at the hospital, Jordan explains to the parents that their son has a kidney infection. She then pulls David aside to ask him about his wife, and he explains Ethan has a bedwetting problem and his wife is a stress case about it. As Gwen and Kenny walk down the hall joking about how he’s going to spend all his new cash on her, Gwen spots David pushing Lisa up against the wall. She races over and intervenes, but both David and Lisa claim she was dizzy and he was just making sure she didn’t fall. Kenny can’t corroborate Gwen’s story, as he wasn’t looking. Gwen is in serious trouble, and Topher sends her home. But Gwen doesn’t go home - she goes to Ethan’s room, where Jordan and Lisa find her. Lisa is livid, but Ethan convinces her to listen to Gwen. Ethan’s been holding in his pee to protect his mother, because whenever he wet the bed, his dad would beat his mom. Jordan realizes Lisa’s vertigo and fainting spell weren’t from a car accident, but from domestic abuse. Lisa starts to cry, but Gwen comforts her, telling her she knows what she’s going through — her ex-husband used to beat her, and she has the scars to prove it. Lisa is reluctant, but Gwen and Ethan convince her she can free herself from her situation. When David returns to Ethan’s room, Gwen has the police waiting for him. TC is called over to a construction site where a scaffolding collapsed and landed on a worker named Carlos. While Carlos didn’t make it, his friend Earl has his leg trapped under a fallen pipe, his ankle severely fractured. Walt is on parole — he was in jail for 16 years and just got out three months ago. TC tells him he may need surgery, but Walt refuses — he’s been saving up to send his estranged son money for college to prove he’s changed. He gets up to storm off, but his good ankle suddenly gives out on him. He can’t feel anything and can’t stand. TC asks if this has happened before, and he admits it did earlier in the day when he was messing around with Carlos. He stepped in front of Carlos’ car as a joke, but when he tried to move out of the way, he couldn’t move his leg. Carlos swerved to avoid him and he drove into the scaffolding. Walt is responsible for killing his best friend. A bit later, Walt tries to take some pain medication and can’t swallow. TC’s starting to figure out what’s really going on... Walt has ALS. And he doesn’t have much time. After seeing Walt’s suffering, he decides to help the man who just wanted to get his life back on track. He hands him an envelope full of crazy patient money, which is enough to buy a life insurance policy with his son as the beneficiary. And Walt’s official diagnosis is a dislocated ankle. TC plans on losing his ALS records so he can get the life insurance policy. Walt is beyond grateful. Ali’s been moved up the transplant list, so looks like Topher will be heading to Dubai in the next week to do the surgery. TC offers to go with him, but Topher tells him Jordan will kill him. Later in the night, Topher Skypes with Ali and learns he’s doing worse than he thought. He might not make it a week. Topher and TC try to call in some favors, but Smalls says he can get a doctor into Afghanistan to treat Ali... Topher. Drew says Topher can’t be dropped into a combat zone - he’s a doctor who was in the Army, not a soldier. Topher knows the risks and is willing to take them. But TC isn’t willing to let Topher take them alone — he’s going with his best friend. While Jordan puts on a happy face and tells TC she’s okay with his decision, she’s devastated that the father of her child is walking into a war zone, even for just a few days. As the shift comes to a close, Gwen finally has that heart-to-heart with Kenny he’s so des- perately wanted, revealing her painful history to him. They realize they’re moving pretty fast, but neither of them is scared. Could this be the real deal?

48 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Sunrise, Sunset

Season 2 Episode Number: 21 Season Episode: 13

Originally aired: Monday May 11, 2015 Writer: Zach Lutsky, Tom Garrigus Director: Kevin Hooks Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexan- der), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cum- mings) Guest Stars: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lincoln), Mac Brandt (Reilly), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Catharine Pilafas (Nurse Bardocz), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Diaz), Ryan P. Shrime (Ali), Lena Armstrong (Kimberly), Trina E. Siopy (Paramedic Sara), Diane Villegas (Anchor), Shanley Caswell (Guest Star), Matt Lowe (Guest Star), Jake Elliott (Guest Star) Summary: No one is safe as a sniper tears through San Antonio; TC and Topher risk everything to go to Afghanistan to save a friend’s life.

As the shift begins, Drew shows off an impressive video of Rick training to be a combat instructor, running an intense obstacle course to qualify. Upon seeing Rick’s video, Krista tells Paul he’s ”just a housecat” and would never be able to do something like that — he can’t even go in the field. With TC and Topher still in Afghanistan, the shift is a bit short- staffed. Luckily, Scott’s back at work, though he is racked with guilt over par- alyzing Malik in the car crash. He hasn’t had a drink, though, and is going to AA meetings every day. Plus, San Antonio Memorial has a new doctor in the house — Dr. Michael Ragosa! He passed his boards and is now officially a doctor! And just in time, too — there’s a big pileup on the highway with victims pinned in vehicles. Before Jordan can assign anyone, Paul volunteers — ”who’s the housecat now?!” It’s mayhem at the crash site, where Paul finds a man trapped in his car that’s caught on fire. Paul manages to get him out just in time, but the car explodes, knocking them unconscious. Paul is taken to the ER with a nasty second-degree burn on his hand, which Jordan chastises him for. If he wants to be a surgeon, he can’t be rash in the field — his hands are his livelihood. Meanwhile, crash victims flood the ER, including brother and sister Rachel and Devin Lawson, who were on their way to Florida to live with their uncle. Their parents died a few years ago, so older sister Rachel dropped out of school to take care of Devin. Jordan wants Rachel to get a head CT, but she refuses — she doesn’t have the money. Jordan then gets Rachel a pro bono CT, but she still refuses... until she collapses from massive head pain and can’t remember who she is. Scott successfully operates on her, but her post-op scan shows 20-year-old Rachel has the brain of an 80-year-old due to a genetic condition she’s had her whole life. Why would Rachel want to hide that she’s dying?

49 The Night Shift Episode Guide

It turns out that Rachel was diagnosed as a child, so her parents had David as a Savior Sibling for the bone marrow transplant. But then her mom died in labor and Devin developed serious anger issues that continue to this day. In fact, he’s so angry that she is afraid to ask him for the transplant and reveal she’s been lying to him his whole life. That’s why she wanted him to meet his uncle before it’s too late. Jordan offers to break the news to Devin, who doesn’t take it well. He’s tired of everyone lying to him and says screw his family — he’s not giving Rachel the bone marrow. When Scott hears this, he goes to have a heart-to-heart with the kid. He tells him how he was adopted and his birth mother sent him a letter once. She wanted to see him, but he was torn. By the time he wrote back, a year later, she had died. There are some choices that are final, Scott warns, and you never get a second chance. Drew works on Sid, the guy Paul saved, but is furious with Krista for pushing Paul into the field. Upon hearing the guy had medical marijuana in his system while driving, Krista goes off on him for possibly causing the crash, which Drew chastises her for as well. When Paul, who can’t do much with his injured hand, goes to check on Sid, he suddenly stops breathing and codes from a burned airway. Drew races in and saves him but is once again livid with Krista for screwing up. However, Krista redeems herself when Sid crashes again and she realizes it’s due to cyanide poisoning from the burning plastic in the car. Across the floor, Ragosa cleans up a DOA victim who he thought died by flying through his windshield. But when he looks more closely, he notices a bullet hole in his head — the guy was murdered! That’s how the pileup started! He calls the police, and when more gunshot victims start showing up, he soon realizes San Antonio has a sniper on their hands. Gwen comes in to help with all the 911 calls, which upsets Kenny. He doesn’t want her risking her life when there’s a sniper out there. Gwen reassures him and goes out on a run, which turns out to be a setup, with the sniper lying in wait. When Kenny hears a paramedic’s been shot he loses it, frantically calling Gwen, but there’s no response. What seems like hours later, Gwen bursts through the ER doors pushing a gurney with paramedic Sarah on it. Luckily, Sarah was only shot in the arm. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, TC and Topher meet with defense contractor Riley. They have a pump to keep Ali alive until they can get him a transplant stateside, but Riley informs them Ali’s wife took him to a nearby clinic in a Taliban hot zone — they can’t go there. TC and Topher aren’t taking no for an answer, though; Ali was their translator during their tour and once saved the whole battalion from a suicide bomber. Their story moves Riley, who hands them machine guns and drives them to the hot zone. At the clinic, Riley keeps an eye out while TC and Topher work on Ali. But they’re not alone — the Taliban has found them and they need to get out fast! Topher begs him for a few more minutes, but suddenly gunfire breaks out. TC and Topher stay down in the medical tent while Riley covers them. Seeing his life flash before him, Topher starts freaking out at TC about coming to Afghanistan. He feels responsible for TC being there, and feels like a terrible husband and father for risking his life and leaving his family. But there’s no time to dwell — they have to get out of there! With bullets flying everywhere, the doctors race to their vehicle, with Riley sustaining a non-fatal shot to the leg. As TC and Topher perform Ali’s surgery, Topher apologizes for yelling at TC, but TC admits he’s terrified of hurting Jordan again. What’s wrong with him that he left his love and unborn baby? Rick stops by the ER, as he lost his blade in the race and needs a new prosthetic. Drew has great news — he was just promoted to chief resident, which doubles his salary — it’s time to start house hunting... and maybe even thinking about kids? Later, Rick gets the call he’s been waiting for and learns he aced the course and made the top 1%! The Army wants him to train the trainers... in South Carolina. But what about Drew and their future? As the shift comes to a close, Gwen and Kenny have a heart-to-heart after that night’s terrible scare. It’s the kind of thing that really focuses how you feel, and they both admit they couldn’t take it if something happened to the other. Across the hospital, Krista apologizes to Paul, but he’s not interested — he’s more concerned about his hand. It’s badly infected and he can’t feel it! Things are at least looking up for Scott, who informs Jordan that Devin agreed to the bone marrow transplant and was a perfect match for Rachel. Scott also settled his lawsuit with Malik’s family and gave them everything he had. Literally. He didn’t become a doctor for a sports car; he wanted to fix broken people. Jordan’s impressed and feels this may be the right time to tell him she’s pregnant. But before she can, she starts convulsing and collapses to the ground. In Afghanistan, TC learns their flight is delayed due to a storm and frantically tries to get ahold of

50 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Jordan. He keeps calling but Jordan doesn’t pick up...

51 The Night Shift Episode Guide

52 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Darkest Before Dawn

Season 2 Episode Number: 22 Season Episode: 14

Originally aired: Monday May 18, 2015 Writer: Milla Bell-Hart, Gabe Fonseca Director: Eriq La Salle Show Stars: Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Freddy Rodriguez (Michael Ragosa), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexan- der), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cum- mings) Guest Stars: James Landry Hebert´ (San Antonio Sniper), Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Brian Barela (Police Officer), Isaac Barnes (Hospital Orderly), India de Beaufort (Farrah), Billy Lockwood (Sergeant Cole), Audrey Moore (Reporter), Daniel Pimentel (Gwen’s Partner), Ryan P. Shrime (Ali Nuristani) Summary: TC returns from Afghanistan to find Jordan in a coma, Paul’s hand injury may end his surgery career, and Topher’s marriage may not make it through the night.

The San Antonio sniper death toll is up to eight after 48 hours of the city being under siege. Police have the sniper sur- rounded, but negotiations have broken down. The whole hospital watches a news report as shooting breaks out, knowing that Drew and Gwen are smack in the middle of the firefight. Just as the sniper zeroes in on Drew’s head, a SWAT officer takes him down. Whew! He’s injured but alive and as Gwen gets to work on him, he screams that it’s not over... just as more shots ring out into the night. There’s a second sniper?! Back at the hospital, the sniper re- fuses to give any information on his accomplice. Meanwhile, Ragosa and Paul meet a homeless girl named Maya with a gash on her head and possibly a broken collarbone. As the doctors push the sniper to the OR, nobody notices the smile that passes between him and Maya... nor the matching tally marks carved into their shoulders. When Ragosa and Paul take her to a room, Maya asks for details on the attacks and even records their conversation so she can relive all the gory details in private. She then asks if she can take a nap before she leaves — it’s been a while since she’s slept in a real bed. Just then, Nurse Mollie comes in to tell them the sniper died on the table, and the cops found the car and are dusting for prints. After working on Maya, Paul confides in Ragosa that while his hand is on the mend, there was some nerve damage, and he’s worried he’s screwed up his chance at the pediatric surgery fellowship. He’s been on the fence about it, but having the choice possibly taken from him really put things into focus. His father found a surgery for his hand, but it’s risky. He has a 50% chance of regaining full function and a 50% chance of causing further damage. If he doesn’t have the surgery, he could never be a surgeon but would be a functioning ER doc in a few weeks. Is it worth the risk?

53 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Suddenly the staff members turn their attention to the TV. The police have identified the second sniper: it’s Maya! Ragosa and Paul lead the cops to her room, only to find she’s slit her wrist and is bleeding out. The doctors race in to save her — they want her healthy for her day in court. Ragosa beats himself up for being so stupid, but this whole thing has confirmed it for Paul: he’s getting the surgery. He can’t handle the pain and suffering of the ER — he needs the distance of surgery. Meanwhile, TC and Topher have finally made it back to the States, and TC races directly to Jordan’s hospital room, where she lies in a coma since having a stroke. TC refuses to leave her bedside and can’t believe he ever left her to begin with. He shows Gwen the engagement ring he was going to give Jordan and prays it’s not too late. We then flash back to the second time the pair met during their residency, when TC returned the pink sweater Jordan lent him after he collapsed from running into a burning building. He asked her out and she reluctantly agreed to a drink. Back in the present, Jordan starts seizing and her lab tests reveal she has eclampsia — the pregnancy is toxic to her body. TC begs Scott not to do anything drastic until they’re absolutely sure. If Jordan were awake, she’d want them to do everything they could to save the baby. Suddenly she starts crashing, and despite TC’s protests, Scott has to get the baby out — NOW! TC flashes back to when he came back from war and was at his worst. He told Jordan he had to end things because he loved her and he refused to ruin her life. Just then, Scott comes out of surgery — the baby is gone, but Jordan is stable. While watching TC at Jordan’s bedside, Scott flashes back to when he first met Jordan, when she hit his parked car. He was so smitten that when she went to give him her insurance, he asked her out on a date instead. Back at the hospital, Joey has returned. He’s on the bone marrow donation list and got called in with a match. He’s excited to see Krista, but in a few days he’s off to Liberia, followed by who-knows-where. He wants Krista to visit him — and go on a date after the shift — but she sits him down for a talk. He’s under contract for three years and she can’t be in a holding pattern that long. He understands, and the two sadly go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Topher is still trying to figure out what’s wrong with Ali, who still has a raging fever. If they can’t get his fever down by morning, the donor heart will be given to another patient. Scott notices a rash on Ali’s chest and his nose starts bleeding — they need to start a platelet transfusion! But no matter what the doctors do, Ali’s fever keeps rising and Topher is getting very worried about the transplant. He’s obsessed with saving Ali and repaying his debt to his friend, so much so that he ignores multiple calls from his wife. Finally Janet shows up at the hospital absolutely livid. He was supposed to come directly home from Afghanistan - and he didn’t even call her! She’s so tired of him breaking his promises; she spent the last few days terrified that her husband would never come back. He left his family to go to a war zone when he didn’t have to. She’s done keeping her anger inside and is done with their marriage as well. Despite his relationship falling to pieces, Topher still has to do his job. When Ali’s tests come back, he realizes his friend has a blood disorder and needs a plasma exchange. Now all he can do is hope it’s enough to get the heart. Luckily, the procedure works and Ali can have the transplant surgery! Now Topher just has to figure out his own situation. On the way to his car, Drew runs into Rick, who reveals he’s decided not to take the job in South Carolina. Instead, he found a job in San Antonio training SWAT teams and state police. Drew is happy but doesn’t want Rick to give up his dream job because of him; Rick explains he made a commitment and their relationship is what matters. An overjoyed Drew asks what they’re waiting for? They should get married! Rick laughs since he was about to ask, but Drew beat him to the punch! He already packed their bags and made a hotel reservation in Santa Fe for that night. They’re getting married! As Rick and Drew drive off, Janet pulls up. She’s here to take Topher to their daughter’s violin recital; they’ll talk about their relationship later. This is definitely a good sign for Topher. Back at Jordan’s bedside, TC, Gwen and Scott finally get what they’ve been waiting for: Jordan opens her eyes! She immediately asks about the baby and starts to cry when TC tells her what happened. She admits that when she was out, she heard TC talking about getting married. Always the romantic, TC brings out the ring and asks ”how about it?,” to which Jordan responds, ”You don’t have to do this because you want to make it up to me or you think it’s the right thing.” ”I love you, and we’ve been through too much together, and I can’t imagine my life without you,” TC says, welling up. ”I’ve seen what that’s like, and I don’t want to go through that again.

54 The Night Shift Episode Guide

So I’m asking my best friend, I’m asking you, Jordan Elizabeth Alexander, will you marry me?”

55 The Night Shift Episode Guide

56 Season Three

The Night Shift Episode Guide

The Times They Are A-Changin’ (1)

Season 3 Episode Number: 23 Season Episode: 1

Originally aired: Wednesday June 1, 2016 Writer: Gabe Sachs, Jeff Judah Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), Jeananne Goossen (Dr. Krista Bell-Hart), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera) Guest Stars: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Matt Battaglia (General Rozenfeld), Jen- nifer Aspen (Mrs. Watkins), Armin Amiri (Sharbat’s Husband), Jillian Estell (Riley), Carlos Knight (Marquez), Ivet Corvea (Kelly Ramirez), David Goryl (Francis Watkins Sr.), Zainne Saleh (Sharbat), Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Monique Candelaria (Lucia), Nicholas King (Frankie Jr.), Shane Brumett (Fireman), John Trejo (Fire Captain), Ray Aguayo (Wounded Soldier), Nicole Geddie (Donovan), Clint Obenchain (Narco Patient), Crista Benavidez (Scrub Nurse), Jane Long (OR Nurse), Rick Vargas (Paramedic), Trina Siopy (Paramedic 2) Summary: The overnight crew becomes immersed in a bizarre car-accident res- cue. Also: Drew serves overseas in Afghanistan and teams with a col- league to treat an Afghani woman; and a spunky grad joins the shift.

The episode started off with a man com- ing in looking for his four year old son who was brought in by his wife. He had a fever, but the wife was in an accident on the way and the son wasn’t brought in with her. Dr. Zia calls for all hands on deck at the scene to look for the lit- tle boy who is most likely somewhere at the scene of the crash. We then go back to earlier that night, they have a new doctor on night shift, Dr. Rivera and they are playing a practical joke on her. They send her into the back of a hurst to get the pulse on a body to call time of death, but it is actually a fel- low doctor who jumps up and scares her. She halls off and punches him in the face. Right after they get a call about a bad two car accident. A woman driving a green pick-up truck hit another car with a married couple in it who were on their way to dinner. The married couple are brought into the hospital, one of the women is brought in for emergency surgery while her wife is treated for a pretty bad laceration on her arm. The woman driving the truck was ejected out of the truck and is hanging off a highway sign and she is bleeding really badly from the collar and is showing signs of a torn lung. We then get a look at the baby who is in his car seat, which was also ejected from the truck and he seems to be on a support beam in between the two sides of the highway. Meanwhile, we get a look at Drew Alister, who is overseas and the area they are in is under attack, seems to be an airstrike of some kind. They run out and find some of their own who are

59 The Night Shift Episode Guide injured. One of the injured is an Afghani woman who is eight months pregnant and she has a tear in her uterus from the accident. Meanwhile, in San Antonio, the wife who needs surgery can’t be brought in for surgery because her blood pressure has been high. They were told by witnesses that she was driving erratically before the crash, but the wife isn’t giving them any information that could help them figure out why her blood pressure is so high other than the fact that she has been experiencing symptoms of menopause. Back out in the ambulance carrying the woman who was driving the pick-up truck, the bleed- ing from her collar was causing her blood pressure to drop. They are able to stop the bleeding and bring her blood pressure back up. Back in Afghanistan, Alister and Dr. Jennings are still working on the Afghani woman when her husband comes in, but she told them that her husband was killed by Al-Qaeda. When he comes in, he starts screaming at Drew to leave because in their culture, he isn’t allowed to look at her without her being covered. He starts to fight back telling him that he is trying to save his wife, but Jennings tells him to stand down and leave. The woman is pretending to be sleeping and holding onto Jennings hand really tightly, signalling to Jennings to not let him take her. She does what she can to get him to leave, he isn’t really happy about it though and I’m sure Jennings will get some crap for that. Meanwhile, the wife’s blood pressure bottoms out, they end up finding a tumor on one of her kidney’s the same one they thought was bleeding, it’s actually the tumor that is bleeding. The tumor starts bleeding again and they have to rush her into surgery to fix it, but it is really risky and the other wife is freaking out because the last thing she said to her before the accident was asking her for a separation. Back in Afghanistan, Jennings is talking Shabat, the woman they are treating and she is telling them that he doesn’t care about her and once their baby is born he is going to have her killed. They are in a sticky situation because they have to follow the Afghani rules, which tell them that they have to bring her back to her village to her husband. Back at the hospital, they have an overdose coming in and when they treat him for it and he wakes up, he is pissed that they ruined his high. He decides that he is going to get them back by crapping on the bed. Meanwhile, Jordan is talking to the wife, trying to ease her mind. She is upset because she thinks that all their fighting and the fact that she made her wife take her out is why she is in the hospital now. Jordan tells her that her wife being upset and the cause of most of their fights is because of the tumor and that when she comes out of surgery, it will give them another chance at fixing things. The woman who was driving the pick up has been treated and Dr. Cummings was told to close her so that Dr. Clemmens could go help the wife with the kidney tumor. Something went wrong and Cummings is trying to pack her and stop her from bleeding. This isn’t looking good at all! When TC comes in to help him, Cummings tells him he has got it handled and that they shouldn’t have called him. TC ends up lending him a hand and they got it fixed and got her closed. Back with the wife who has the kidney tumor, they dissected what they thought was the whole tumor, but they find something else, the cancer has spread to her lymphnodes and she only has a few weeks, maybe a couple months. Back in Afghanistan, Shabat needs to have emergency surgery and before she goes in, she tells them to find her brother. We then go back to San Antonio where we are seeing what we saw at the beginning. The father coming in looking for his son and wife and he Zia is telling him about the accident his wife and son were in and he sends a chopper out to look for him. They have a whole crew looking for him. Back in Afghanistan the General got word that the girl is on her way to their OR. Alister tells him that she isn’t on way, she is in the OR already, which is a lie, but he tells the General that they had to bring her in or she was going to die. Back in San Antonio, they find what looks like a car seat and when they check it out, they find the boy in it. He is hypothermic. Back in Afghanistan, Shabat’s husband shows up and he busts into the OR, when Alister tries to get him to leave, he pulls a gun on Alister. Alister finds himself wrestling around with the husband in the hallway and that’s where the episode ended!

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The Thing With Feathers (2)

Season 3 Episode Number: 24 Season Episode: 2

Originally aired: Wednesday June 8, 2016 Writer: Tom Garrigus Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn) Guest Stars: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Michael Cassidy (VI) (Sam), Matt Battaglia (General Rozenfeld), Jennifer Aspen (Joan Watkins), Armin Amiri (Ak- mal), Ramon´ Franco (Augusto Martinez), Jillian Estell (Riley), Carlos Knight (Marquez), David Goryl (Francis Watkins Sr.), Luciana Faul- haber (Carly Martinez), Karan Brar (Omed), Zainne Saleh (Sharbat), Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Nicole Geddie (Donovan), Nicholas King (Frankie Jr.), Andres Segura (Orderly Ray), J.D. Marmion (MP), Alaina Warren Zachary (Old Lady Smoker), Jenni Tooley (Lisa Moran), Brent Snider (Rick Moran), Shane Brummet (Jonah (uncredited)) Summary: TC and Scott work desperately to save a young boy and his mother who were injured in a car accident. With the boy’s life hanging in the balance, the team starts to realize there is more to the family dynamic than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Drew and Syd, deployed overseas in Afghanistan, deal with the aftermath of shots fired in the OR.

The episode started off with Drew wrestling around with Sharbat’s hus- band, Achmel, and the gun goes off. It’s Achmel that is shot and now Drew has to patch him up so that Syd can finish work- ing on Sharbat. Later, Syd is on the phone with the General who is not very happy about about Achmel being shot in their OR and tells them that once both of them are stable, they are to be released. Later, Sharbat’s little brother comes in and de- mands to see her, Drew thinks that he is a big bad drug dealer, but he looks to be 13 years old. Back in San Antonio, they let Frankie’s parents know that they found him and he is being worked on now. The mother tries to get up and rips the stitches in her neck and starts bleeding out, Paul and Scott have to bring her back into surgery to patch them up again. Meanwhile, Topher is trying to get back in shape so that he can be out in the field more and he calls on Kenny to help him out. Frankie’s blood isn’t clotting and it’s because his platelets are too low and he also has an infection in his blood. His white blood cells are too low to fight that off as well so he is going to need a bone marrow transplant. Frankie was adopted and their best bet is to find his birth mother, but she was an addict and no one knows where she is. When TC has Topher look into Frankie’s adoption, they can’t find any records on his adoption.

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Back in Afghanistan, Syd sees that Sharbat’s rip in her uterus has gotten worse and she recruits Drew to perform a cesarean section, mainly because he has done more of them than Syd has. Sharbat insists on being awake during her c-section because she needs to protect her son with Achmel nearby. After the baby is born, he stops breathing and Sharbat is pleading that they save her son. They are able to get him to start breathing again. After the baby is born, Drew starts trying to come up with a plan on how to get Sharbat, her brother and her son on a plane to get away from Achmel. TC goes in to talk to Frankie’s mother, she tells him that she didn’t adopt Frankie, she took him from a mall in Austin. She was unable to have children of her own and she saw him at a mall in a stroller and she took him home because she felt that he was meant to be for her. They are able to find the real parents who are on a plane from Chicago, they moved their after Frankie’s case went cold. Frankie isn’t going to make it that long, but Jordan has the idea of fetal core blood, Topher calls the Austin Cryobank to see if they saved Frankie’s and they did. Back in Afghanistan, Syd and Drew are getting Sharbat, her brother and her son on their way before the husband comes out of recover. After they are on their way, the General sends someone for them and when they get there, Drew is told that his tour is over and Syd’s was extended another three months because he is being sent back to the states. She was supposed to be sent home in a week so that she could be stateside for her daughter’s 13th birthday. We ended tonight’s episode of The Night Shift with Frankie’s parents getting to the hospital and seeing their son for the first time in years. They brought a stuffed animal of his that he instantly recognized. The man who helped his wife steal Frankie is being arrested, but she is still in the ICU. On his way out the door, Kenny runs into his girlfriend who got into Georgetown because someone dropped out, but she has to leave the next day. Back in Afghanistan, Syd is talking to her daughter and apologizes for not being able to be home for her birthday and finds out that her ex is getting remarried and she isn’t a huge fan of his fiance. When she gets off the phone, she asks Drew to bring her daughter the present she got her. Kenny and Gwen are talking about how they are going to manage a long distance relationship and realize that it isn’t going to work with everything they each have going on and they breakup.

62 The Night Shift Episode Guide

The Way Back

Season 3 Episode Number: 25 Season Episode: 3

Originally aired: Wednesday June 15, 2016 Writer: Janet Lin Director: Tara Nicole Weyr Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Michael Cassidy (Sam), Jordan Farris (Eric), Lindsey Morgan (Kryztal), Emilio Rivera (Guest Star), Elizabeth Sung (Sumei Zia), Lance Henrik- sen (Clive), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Joce- lyn), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Tasos Hernandez (Buddy), Galen Hutchison (Hipster Groomsman), Jason Weiler (Tenderer), Crystal Thomas (Man- ager) Summary: Drew stressfully adjusts after returning from deployment in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, a bride and her wedding party are treated for injuries sustained during the festivities, and Topher’s demanding mother pays a visit.

The episode started with Drew on the phone with his mother and trying to rush her off. He tells her that his com- mander is coming, but in reality, he is walking into the hospital. Moments later, they have an incoming ambulance. The bride, her husband and her father are all brought in for injuries sustained while they were celebrating their wedding with friends. Meanwhile, Topher’s mother is visiting and him and TC bring her to the casino. Back at the hospital, the bride is telling the doctors that it’s her father’s fault that her wedding was ruined and she gets so upset that she faints. Drew is treating the father who has a fractured wrist and a laceration on his forehead. Drew goes to ask Jordan about the bride and asks when her father can see her, but Jordan tells her that it isn’t a good idea right now. Drew gets very irritated and tells her that considering everything that her and TC went through, he might be on this guys side on this one. While Topher and TC are at the casino, a man they are playing craps with keels over and his pulse is weakening. They ask for the defibrillator off the way, but it doesn’t have a battery in it. They were about to get his pulse back up by putting his face into a bucket of cold water and forcing his diving reflex. Paul is still having a hard time getting the other doctors to respect him as part of the team. When Scott says something to Kenny about giving Paul a hard time, Paul tells him that he didn’t have to do that. Meanwhile, Dr. Rivera is dealing with some of the groomsman who are acting like children. After she feeds into their joke, she asks one of them for their phone because she caught him taking pictures. She notices in one of the pictures from the wedding that the bride didn’t trip and fall, she fainted, a lot like she did when she got upset earlier.

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Meanwhile, Kenny is trying to get a tox screen from the father, but he gets erratic and grabs a scalpel. When Kenny goes to grab it from the father, the father ends up cutting Kenny’s shoulder. Drew is able to get the scalpel from the father and gets him sedated and restrained. When the daughter comes back, Drew tries to tell her that her father needs her and she gets upset and faints again. When Jordan and Rivera call for a cardiac consult on the bride, Paul goes to check on them. When Jordan gives him the run down, he thinks he has an idea of what’s going on with her. Meanwhile, Topher and his mother are sitting down and talking and we get a look at a very in- tense conversation between them. His mother is really critical of him, his wife and his daughters and he tells her that he is sick of her constantly judging him and who he is. He reminds her that he is the chief of the emergency department at a major trauma center and that he has three extremely intelligent daughters and a wife that finds her just as annoying as he does. She gets upset and walks away. Meanwhile, Drew and Scott are talking to the dad and they ask him when the last time he had a drink was and he is telling them he doesn’t drink. They tell him that all the symptoms he is showing are signs of sever alcohol withdrawl and that’s when they are able to get him to admit that he was trying to give it up. He wanted him daughter to allow him to give her away at her wedding, but the only way he could do that was if he quit drinking. Topher finds his mother in the ladies room and she tells him about how hard it was for her to raise him and his sister after their father died. She went to college in Hong Kong and could have done something with her life, but when her and their father moved to the US, she couldn’t pursue any of that because of the language barrier. He feels like crap for telling her that she never amounted to anything. Back at the hospital, they tell the bride that she has a heart condition that is only treated by implanting an internal defibrillator and that it was something that was inherited from her father. Jordan then steps in and tells her that her father would really like to see her and that he is just as scared as she is right now. She tells Jordan that she doesn’t want to see her father ever again. He has ruined her past and he has now ruined her future as well. Jordan then finds herself staring at the vending machine and TC walks in and they start talking about their patients and Topher and his mom. That turns into a conversation about them and their past relationship and how they had a lot of bad times, but they also had a lot of good times too. They then tell each other that they just want each other to be happy. That’s when Kenny comes in to tell TC that the patient he brought in wants the ”guy who dunked him in cold water” to do his procedure. When TC goes in to talk to the patient, he tells him that he needs this surgery, but his heart stopped twice during a procedure that they had done and he probably won’t survive the surgery. The patient asks TC if he will sit with him for a little while so he can process what’s going on. While the father of the bride is going through his surgery, Jordan goes to talk to Drew about what happened earlier between them, the fight they had about this case. Drew tells her that he was having a lot of things going on. He tells her that he hasn’t told his parents that he is back yet and that they don’t even know he got married. Apparently, he is worried about how his parents will react to the news because they weren’t too open about him being gay. We end the episode with Jordan telling the bride that her surgery was successful, but un- fortunately he didn’t make it through the surgery. She is obviously upset about him dying and upset with herself for not talking to him before. This gets Drew thinking and he calls his father to tell him that he got married and the conversation didn’t go well. Jordan pulls him into a room for them to talk. Meanwhile, the rest of the staff is waiting for Drew to show up his welcome back party that they planned. Before Drew comes in, Topher’s mom tells them all that she is so proud of her son that she has decided to stick around and move in with him. When Drew and Jordan walk in, he is overwhelmed with gratitude for them throwing this party for him.

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Season 3 Episode Number: 26 Season Episode: 4

Originally aired: Wednesday June 22, 2016 Writer: Zachary Lutsky Director: Oz Scott Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Adrian Acosta (Rioter), Noel Arthur (Mr. Zero), Manny Rey (Mr. Gon- zalez), Robert Sanchez (SWAT Commander), Roberto ’Sanz’ Sanchez (Swat Commander Sanchez), Maceo Smedley (Charles), Scott Takeda (Tom Jeng), Myk Watford (Steven Benedict), Cynthia Watros (Rebecca), Harona Ceesay (Protester) Summary: Racial tensions across the city and in the hospital explode when the defendant in a controversial trial is brought in for treatment.

The episode started off with a look at a protest going on outside a local court- house where things are getting a little vi- olent. TC is brought in to make sure that if anyone gets hurt, someone is there to treat them. Moments later, there is an of- ficer involved shooting nearby and both the officer and the perp are in critical condition. The problem is, they can’t get them out of there because of the group of protesters blocking the streets. TC asks if they can get some more doctor out to them and they call on Paul and Scott. Meanwhile at the hospital, things are getting a little busy in the wake of all these protests and that’s when the man in the middle of the case is brought in for treatment. While being treated, Kenny can’t keep his comments to himself about the case. Mr. Benedict is telling Kenny that he isn’t who the media is making him look to be and that he was afraid for his life and that’s why he shot the guy, not because he was black. Kenny isn’t buying it and to avoid any further argument, Jordan sends him out with his blood samples for the lab. Back at the scene of the shooting, the perp is bleeding out and the officer is also, the only way they can get them out is using a chopper. TC chooses to send the officer first, even though the perp is worse off. The perp tells Paul that the officer shot him first and that he shot back in self defense, not the other way around like the officers’ partner told them. Back at the hospital, Benedict’s blood work came back normal and Topher tells them to get him out of there to make room for other patients. Jordan isn’t convinced that there is nothing wrong with him though and wants to run a couple more tests before they send him on his way. After they get the officer into the helicopter, they get attacked by protesters where they are, they have to pick up the perp and move him. When they move him into a nearby pawn stop, they find out that the perp’s name is Shawn and he delivers sandwiches for the deli down the street. Back at the hospital, Benedict is complaining about a migraine, then all of a sudden, he has a seizure. The owner of the pawn shop is telling them that he seemed like a good kid and

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Paul mentions that he had a gun, but the shop owner says in Texas, everyone has a gun, it’s an open carry state. Moments later, a garbage can gets thrown through the window in the front of the shop and they rioters start coming inside. Paul is able to talk them into making room for the helicopter to land so that they can get Shawn to the hospital before he dies. The protesters clear out to allow them to get Shawn to the hospital. At the hospital, Topher is being eaten alive by the press when Rivera decides to bring a lost boy out to them to see if they can get him on the news to find his mother. Jordan is talking to Benedict, they found a tumor that is causing his blood sugar to drop drastically. Jordan and him then get into a conversation about whether or not he would take back the shooting if he could and he tells her that he wouldn’t because he didn’t do anything wrong, he was defending himself against a man who was going to kill him. Paul, Scott and Shawn are getting into the helicopter and on their way to the hospital, but at the hospital, the officer isn’t doing too well. His heart stopped and they are working on resus- citating him. When they get him to the hospital, they are forced to do his surgery in a trauma room. Meanwhile, TC and Drew have to call the officer’s time of death. On their way out of the OR, TC picks up one of the bullets and notices that the bullets they pulled out of the officer were from a .40, but Shawn’s gun was a .38. Looks like the gun that shot the officer, wasn’t Shawn’s. Meanwhile, Benedict is being brought out of the hospital when one of the protesters outside the hospital opens fire on him and shoots him in the head. They had just gotten word that the verdict was in and that it was going to be read the next day moments before he walked out with a police escort. They rush him in for surgery to try and save him before he dies, but he doesn’t make it. TC breaks the news to the officer’s partner that the bullets they found in her partner were from a .40, not a .38 and she knows right away that Shawn didn’t shoot her partner, she accidentally did. We end the episode off with Charles, the lost boy, being brought to his mother who is in another hospital. Paul is sitting with Shawn and Kenny walks in to give him props for what he did out there and Paul tells him he was pissed because of the call TC made and was wondering if he made the call because he was white, or because he was a man in uniform. Kenny just reminds him that what he did out there saved Shawn’s life.

66 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Get Busy Livin’

Season 3 Episode Number: 27 Season Episode: 5

Originally aired: Wednesday June 29, 2016 Writer: Gabe Fonseca Director: Dailyn Rodriguez Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie) Guest Stars: AnnaLynne McCord (Jessica Sanders), Carla Gallo (Hannah), Jillian Estell (Riley), Rodger Larance (Visitor), Ted Maritz (Guy in quad), Ro- man Mitichyan (Mexican Patron), Andres Segura (Ray), Denyse Tontz (Alina), Erinn Westbrook (Kelly Anne), Kelly V. Lucio (College Coed) Summary: Jordan bonds with a patient and a college coed’s fall from a balcony is more than meets the eye. Meanwhile, TC’s errant sister-in-law returns, and Scott works with a pharmaceutical representative with cutting- edge equipment.

Shannon rides with the paramedics to a call of an overdose college student. After hearing what the story of him was just gave her a sick reason not to feel bad for him. As they take the guy in the ambu- lance someone else is in need of help and she goes while the paramedics head off. Another student had jumped off the second floor, bleeding and with a bro- ken bone sticking out of her leg. TC gets there and takes them back to Memorial. As soon as Scott sees her, they take her to the OR. The student’s friend comes back with her purse and hands it to TC and finds a bottle of pills. After looking it up the drug there’s a side effect that causes suicide thoughts. That pissed him off to talk to the pharmaceutical rep, Jessica Sanders, who happens to be in the hospital to give Scott the heart veil that helps heart patients recover in half the time. He should probably waited til talking with the patient before going after her because after a complication (puffing up like a balloon), he talked to her about the pills. She told him that she hadn’t taken any and she jumped off because she was just stressed out from college work. Later, after Sanders’ been trying to sucker Topher and Jordan to switch drug reps to her company, TC apologies to her on the spot. And there might be something with the way they looked at each other. But the main part of this episode was about Jordan, who takes care of a cancer patient. The patient, has spent most of her helping others and studying, never been on a date or so. When Jordan tries to help her, she doesn’t want any help but to die with dignity. Of course, Jordan can’t take that and tries to get her to try a trail that Sanders’ company had, but she tells her that she’ll do it unless Jordan talks to her about her. Jordan opens up about her life, how after her dad had died, she closes relationships and focus work more and more. After opening up to her, Jordan talks to Sanders and she’s got the

67 The Night Shift Episode Guide trail, but soon her patient takes a turn for the worst. Jordan tries to save her but when Topher comes in telling her that she’s a DNR and the patient telling her to let her die, Jordan breaks down in tears and makes her comfortable with pain meds and she passes away.

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Hot in the City

Season 3 Episode Number: 28 Season Episode: 6

Originally aired: Wednesday June 29, 2016 Writer: Nicole Rubio Director: Darnell Martin Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie) Guest Stars: Richard Beal (ER patient), Michael Cassidy (Sam), Rodger Larance (Visitor), Victor Samuel Lopez (Victor), Roman Mitichyan (Mexican Pa- tron), Jillian Murray (Emilia), Sydelle Noel (Georgia) Summary: Shannon and Jordan tries to have some fun at a local wrestling event, but instead they find themselves treating people on site when a fight breaks out in the audience. Back at the hospital, Sam attends to a marathon runner who has collapsed from the heat and things start to heat up even more when the air conditioning breaks. Meanwhile, tensions starts to boil between TC, his sister-in-law Annie, Jordan and Sam.

The episode started off with everyone having some extra-curricular fun and then talking about it when they get to work. Meanwhile, they get a marathon runner come in after collapsing while running her first marathon since her stressful divorce. She has a fever and a rash on top of some weight loss that she attributed to her working out again. Later she starts vomiting and starts complain- ing about a migraine which leads TC to perform a spinal tap. Meanwhile, Jordan and Shannon are at an underground wrestling thing when things get a little hectic. One of the spec- tators and the cousin to one of the wrestler, Victor, gets hurt when another person drop kicks him into the side of the ring and the ring girl gets knocked off the ring and into a chair. The ring girl, Amelia, has a fracture in her spine and Victor has a possible fracture and they are taking him in to check for internal bleeding. In the midst of all the chaos, the air conditioner shuts off and there is no sign of it coming back on. Meanwhile, Amelia is being treated and Victor has a broken rib and a laceration on his liver from it. Drew made a promise to Amelia that she would walk out of the hospital on her own and Topher is talking to him about that when Kenny comes in to tell them there is something wrong with Amelia. When they get into her room, she is yelling that she can’t feel her legs. Drew and Scott rush her into surgery to try and fix whatever is causing her legs to go numb and Drew is put in charge of that. TC is doing the marathoner’s spinal tap and they think it might be meningitis so Topher gets an isolation room set up for her. Meanwhile, Jordan is doing a chest x-ray on Victor and he starts coughing uncontrollably. When she gets his x-ray back, it

69 The Night Shift Episode Guide looks like he might have tuberculosis and Jordan tells his cousin that him and everyone on tour with him has to be tested and isolated. Drew and Scott run into a problem with Amelia’s surgery and Drew tells Scott that he assisted in a surgical procedure where they went through someone’s mouth to get shrapnel out of his spine. It helps cut down on the time they are open on the table and cuts the risk of infection. They get the TB test results back and they are negative, but Victor starts coughing up blood and when Jordan looks, he is bleeding more from his liver. Paul has to bring him in for surgery and he needs Scott to assist, but Scott is helping Drew. Meanwhile, the personal lives of some of the doctors are getting a little complicated and caus- ing some complications at work. TC and Jordan are now dating new people and Scott and Annie are also dating now. TC has no idea about Jordan seeing someone new or his sister in law seeing someone either and Jordan just found out that TC and Jessica are dating now. Not to mention, Kenny and Nurse Diaz are now sleeping together too. Topher tells TC later about Jordan and Sam and he seems bothered by it even though he has moved on. TC’s patient came back positive for meningitis, but now she is having a heart attack which is not a symptom of meningitis. He notices a couple other things, skin shedding and her tongue looks like a strawberry, this makes him think that it’s Kawasaki disease. They need to rush her in for bypass surgery. Jordan talks to Scott about him seeing Annie and how she thinks it’s a bad idea, but he tells her that Annie has changed. We end the episode off with Scott and Drew go to see Amelia after she wakes up from her surgery and she is able to move her fingers and toes. Victor is also doing better, he will have to take a anti-parasitic for a while to get rid of a parasite that was causing the inflammation in his chest and his cough, not TB. TC is checking up on his patient who is also doing better and that’s when Scott walks in and asks TC for a minute. He pulls TC aside to tell him about him and Annie dating and how he has her best interest in mind. TC isn’t happy about this at all though, however, he doesn’t say anything to him about his feelings. He does however tell Jordan as they walked out together talking about their own new relationships. Jordan however ends up telling Sam that they have to talk when she gets into his truck.

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By Dawn’s Early Light

Season 3 Episode Number: 29 Season Episode: 7

Originally aired: Wednesday July 6, 2016 Writer: Brian Anthony Director: Louis Shaw Milito Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Jeremiah Birkett (Harold), Jillian Estell (Riley), Jessica Tuck (Guest Star), Jackie R. Jacobson (Darika), Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Sean Dillingham (Wounded Man), Matthew Timmons (Truck Driver), John Trejo (Fire Captain), Zack Duhame (Pro Engineer), Barney Lopez (Band Member #1), Amanda Machon (Band Member #2), Chris Walsh (Band Member #3), Joseph Gonzales (Band Member #4), Tina Huang (Janet), Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Steve Larese (Deputy Sheriff), Shawn Lecrone (Fire- fighter), Briana Marin (Nina Alvarez) Summary: TC and Topher rush to the scene of a concert where a fireworks ex- plosion has caused massive chaos. As the two jump in to manage the mess, a second explosion causes problems for one of their own. Syd returns from Afghanistan and helps out at the hospital, but finds her- self grappling with what the best plans are for herself and her young daughter. Drew tries to help her, but runs afoul of their unique fam- ily dynamic. Paul and Shannon must put aside their differences to treat a patient and find out that they have more in common than they thought. Meanwhile, Jordan and Scott treat a patient injured in the fireworks explosion and have a chance to address some simmering differences.

The episode started off with Jordan try- ing to apologize to Scott for what she said about him dating Annie, but he tells her to keep their personal and business lives separate. We then get a look at Drew and Syd at a concert when all of a sudden, the fireworks for the stage start going off. TC and Topher head over to help with the situation, but the fireworks are still go- ing off and Syd and Drew are frantically looking for Riley, Syd’s daughter. After finding Riley, they hear a woman yelling for help for her and her daugh- ter, both of them are burned pretty badly. Back at the hospital, they are prepping for victims from the firework fiasco when a man comes in with a swollen knee that Shannon is treating, but Kenny is trying to him out. Shannon goes against his orders and gets Paul to help her with him.

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Back at the scene of the concert, the truck that is carrying the rest of the fireworks is on fire and right when Topher goes to help another man put it out, it explodes and Topher flies back and hits his head. The other guy trying to put the fire out wasn’t so lucky, he doesn’t make it. Meanwhile, Drew and Syd get Dericka and her mother Linda to the hospital and Dericka isn’t doing so well with the whole keeping calm thing. Riley comes in and Drew tries to get her to go get a snack, but she comes back to see if she can watch some YouTube videos with Dericka. Jordan tells Drew that she thinks it’s a great idea because it will help Dericka keep her mind off what’s going on. TC and Topher get back to the hospital and moments after they walk in the door, Topher falls to the floor, looks like he might have a concussion from the blow back. He is trying to play if off like he is just hot and dehydrated and he seems really aggravated that everyone is trying to examine him. Shannon’s patient is now running a fever and is coughing and has no appetite. Says everything tastes like cardboard and he can’t smell anything either. He is a street artist and uses his mouth to wet his paintbrush. Might be toxic paint causing his symptoms. Scott and Syd are talking after Linda’s surgery is over and Scott offers her a job at the hospital and she tells him she will think on it. Meanwhile, Topher is acting erratically and TC calls upon Jordan for her to second a vote to take Topher off the shift until he gets treated. Topher isn’t happy about it, but Jordan is put in charge of the shift and Topher storms off. When TC and Jordan confront him, he gets really upset but Jordan orders him to get blood work and a brain scan done to prove them wrong. Meanwhile, Syd is talking to Linda who just woke up from her surgery and she is giving her a peptalk. They then get on the topic of Syd’s marriage and why it ended. The army got in the way. Shannon and Paul are looking up the paints that their patient is using and they were discontinued because they were causing the people using them to get sick. Later, Riley calls her father who is a plastic surgeon to see if he can help Dericka who is worried about her scar. Drew ends up on the phone with him and later gets chewed out by Syd because she was trying to keep Drew and her ex from ever talking. Drew then finds out that Syd is planning on going to DC so that she could continue to have a relationship with her daughter now that her ex is suing for full custody. Drew tells Syd that she could stay there and work there and that they can fight it. Syd tells Drew that there is no ”us” and that it’s her and Riley. She makes it very clear that he is not part of their family, which not only hurts his feelings because he has grown really close to Riley, but Riley overhears the argument too. Meanwhile, Topher had his scan done and TC goes to apologize to him for being so hard on him earlier, but Topher tells him that he was right. Shows TC the results of his test which shows that he has a concussion. Shannon and Paul started treating the street artist and Paul thinks that they caught it early enough. Jordan and Scott have an awkward moment in an elevator when she tells him that she was just trying to apologize earlier. Scott tells her that Annie is the only one that can honestly understand what it feels like to be at rock bottom and alone. Riley is saying good-bye to Drew and tells him that she is really going to miss him and that brings him and Syd to tears. She apologizes to him for what she said and tells him that he helped her and was there for Riley when she couldn’t be and he was part of their family. She gets into the car and drives off and Riley tells him again that she is going to miss him.

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All In

Season 3 Episode Number: 30 Season Episode: 8

Originally aired: Wednesday July 13, 2016 Writer: Milla Bell-Hart Director: Tara Nicole Weyr Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Trina Siopy (Sara) Guest Stars: AnnaLynne McCord (Jessica Sanders), Briana Marin (Nina Alvarez), Tina Huang (Janet), Elizabeth Sung (Sumei Zia), Kyla Kenedy (Bri- anna), Josh Fadem (Dylan), Nelson Lee (Dr. Park), Lance Henriksen (Clive), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Dani Payne (Avery), Robert Douglas Washington (Paramedic), Jon Kris- tian Moore (Paramedic #2), Nathaniel Augustson (Tech Person), Shawn Lecrone (Firefighter) Summary: Topher’s mother comes into the ER with mysterious symptoms and the team rushes to try and figure out what’s wrong. Also, Drew is treating a woman who is gravely injured and finds himself connecting with her young foster daughter.

The episode started off with Topher’s mom being brought in and she is talking about her husband who died a few years back. She seems to be having some ma- jor memory issues and the team gets her in for a workup. Meanwhile, they get a call about a rollover motor vehicle acci- dent and Topher sends Drew and Shan- non to the scene. The woman and her foster daughter were involved in a seri- ous crash, the foster daughter seems to be a little banged up, but ok. The foster mother is conscious, but stuck inside the car. Topher’s mother’s blood pressure is really low and Topher thinks that she might have had a stroke, but they are going to bring her in for a brain scan. Meanwhile, Jordan is treating a patient with a rare disease and kidney stones as well, but he also has a fever which shows that they are infected. The only way to get out is surgery, but with his condition, it could be deadly. The Urologist that came in for a consult suggests surgery, but the patient doesn’t want surgery. They decide to use sound waves to try and break up the stones and then give him antibiotics, but the machine used for this needs a reboot, which requires a tech. Drew and Shannon get the girl and her foster mother back to the hospital and the foster mother needs surgery right away. Drew is with the girl putting a splint on her and is trying to distract her until her social worker gets there. Meanwhile, Topher is freaking out about his mother and her condition, or the lack of knowing what her condition is at this point. TC’s patient from the casino comes in and is a little winded and when TC asks him if he is taking the meds he prescribed him. He tells TC that the nitro patch gives him headaches and

73 The Night Shift Episode Guide when TC looks for the patch, it’s not there. TC also finds out that Clive has been seeing Topher’s mother and TC has an idea. He goes in to see Topher’s mother and tells Topher to check her for a nitro patch and sure enough, it’s on her back. It must have fallen off Clive when him and Topher’s mother were... .well you know. Shannon is still standing outside the OR that the foster mother is in and she is trying to get a hold of the social worker still. Paul comes out to talk to her and she tells Paul that he needs to do everything he can to save this woman and tells him all about her foster daughter. This turns into a rant about how hard it is being a foster kid and moving from house to house, never having anything to call your own. She tells him that this little girl is too close to having a family for it to all be taken away. Shannon is crying while telling him this and he asked her if she had the same life and all she tells him is to save this little girls mother. We find out later that Shannon was in the system as a kid. Drew goes to see the daughter and tells her that she has a touch of pneumonia and needs to take some meds to clear it up and they get to talking. They are talking about their favorite book, ”The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” and that’s when Shannon comes in to tell him the social worker is there. She is asking how Brianna is, they tell her that she has a pneumonia, but is doing well. The worker then asks about the foster mother, Avery and they tell her that she isn’t going to make it. The worker goes in to tell her that and Brianna asks if she can see her, to say good-bye. They get down to the OR, Paul and Scott have already called time of death, but the social worker says she needs the closure. Paul tells them that he will take care of it because Scott has to go operate on Jordan’s patient because they couldn’t get the machine back up and he went septic. Paul tells them that he will make it look like she is still alive and allow her to say good-bye so that she can get the closure that she needs. All night Kenny has been getting congratulated and he has no idea why and that’s when nurse Diaz tells him that he is now the new union rep. He didn’t want the job though. Meanwhile, Brianna is gets a chance to talk to Avery one more time and she tells her that she is the best mom anyone could ever ask for and that she loves her. She then tells them that she can’t do it, she can’t say good-bye and then she runs off. Drew finds her and he tells her that he is there for her and that he knows that there isn’t anything he can say that can make her feel better, but he is going to sit there with her. She then asks what she is going to do without her and he tells her that he doesn’t know and she jumps up and gives him a hug. We end the episode off with Kenny talking to the social worker and she is worried about what is going to happen to Brianna. She doesn’t know where she is going to stay tonight and Kenny tells her that she can stay there, one of the doctors would be willing to sign off on her paperwork saying that she would benefit from an overnight stay, with her pneumonia and all. Jordan’s patient decided to wait for the machine to reboot, now that they got him stable and they were able to get the procedure done and he is on his way to recovery. The social worker finds Drew and she thanks him for admitting her, he then writes his phone number in her book and the worker tells him that he better pick up when she calls. She needs someone who is going to pick up and Drew tells her that he will always pick up and he will check on her everyday she is there. He then hands her the book to bring in to Brianna. Clive opted for his surgery even though it was dangerous for him to have it and that gives Topher and his mom a chance to talk a bit. Paul comes in tell her that Clive is out of surgery and awake. The social worker runs into Kenny on her way out and she asks him out, in front of Diaz, but she tells Kenny to go for it, she just doesn’t want to hear about it. Shannon runs into Paul after shift and thanks him for doing everything he could for Brianna and then she kisses him and pushes him into the back seat of her car!

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Season 3 Episode Number: 31 Season Episode: 9

Originally aired: Wednesday July 27, 2016 Writer: Janet Lin Director: Marisol Adler Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn) Guest Stars: Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Shawn Lecrone (Firefighter), Roberto ’Sanz’ Sanchez (Swat Commander Sanchez), Gregory Paul Valdez (Orderly) Summary: When the ER is rocked by a deadly explosion, the doctors and nurses of the night shift put their own lives on the line to save their patients.

After a bomb goes off outside the hos- pital, the team finds themselves treat- ing many of the victims, meanwhile TC and Jordan find themselves treating the woman TC believes was behind the bomb- ing. She was a patient of his before the bomb went off and she had the bomb in- side her bookbag. Meanwhile, one of the patients who was hit by shrapnel and Shannon and Paul find blisters around his wounds af- ter he complains that it is itchy. They have realized that this wasn’t just a bomb, it was filled with anthrax! They have to shut down the hospital and get everyone treated for anthrax just in case they were exposed. Their patient, Mr. Neville, is re- sponding to the medication for the anthrax. Drew finds Topher in the hallway looking at photos of his family and he sits down to talk to him. We then find out that Drew is still in touch with Brianna who is still having a hard time battling pneumonia. It’s gotten worse, she needs a lung transplant, but things aren’t looking good. Kenny and Scott are working on a young patient who has a broken ankle and a special connection to Kenny, but she isn’t responding to the anthrax medications and they think she might have an autoimmune disease. When they do another ultrasound, they actually find a mass in her lung. Meanwhile, Topher and TC have found a name for the woman they think was involved in the bombing. Jordan recognizes the name and remembers that she had treated this woman in the past. The woman’s name is Katherine Santiago and she was in the hospital six months ago after a hit and run accident that killed her husband and her son. She held it against the hospital for saving her and not saving them and that’s why she bombed the hospital. When Jordan is talking to her, she tells her that she didn’t want to live and she blames them for her still being alive. She then pulls out her chest tube and starts bleeding out, Scott runs in to try and save her again, but they are unable to save her this time. Jordan takes it really hard. Kenny is talking to the young woman they have been treating and he tells her that they will be able to get the mass out and she is going to be fine. She said ”other than the messed up leg” and

75 The Night Shift Episode Guide they laugh it off. Kenny feels bad that her leg ended up messed up because he was the one that brought her there to begin with. She tells him that she isn’t that upset about her not being able to play soccer, she has gotten sick of it over the years and she tells him that if she can survive this cancer and a bombing, she can survive anything. Kenny lets her know that he is going to be there with here every step of the way. Drew is telling Brianna about her lungs and how they are failing and she is going to need a transplant, but her chances aren’t good. She tells him that she was always told that when you die you go on to a better place and she then asks him to read to her. He reads to her until she falls asleep and sits with her for a while. Paul and Shannon have a conversation about the whole sleeping together thing and she decides that continuing the relationship isn’t the best thing for their friendship or their working relationship. Paul agrees, but you can tell that he didn’t want things to end between them. Jordan and TC are talking about what happened with Katherine and TC lets her know that he is there for them. Kenny gets a call from the union and lets the nurses know that they are getting their raises and that the strike is over. However, Topher just got a call telling him that the hospital has been sold to an insurance agency and that company plans on selling off the ER!

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Season 3 Episode Number: 32 Season Episode: 10

Originally aired: Wednesday August 3, 2016 Writer: Tom Garrigus, Zachary Lutsky Director: Jeff Judah Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Bryce Cass (Robbie Travers), Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Briana Marin (Nina Alvarez), AnnaLynne McCord (Jessica Sanders), Kristen Rakes (Dr. Serita Angara), Duke Davis Roberts (Mills), Andres Segura (Ray) Summary: TC risks his life to rescue a victim of a crane collapse and Scott re- unites with a boy he paralyzed. Jordan lends support in Scott’s emo- tional case, which stirs up complicated feelings from the past.

The episode started off with TC and Paul heading over to the scene of a crane col- lapse where there is a man pinned under it. He is clinically brain dead and isn’t go- ing to make it, but Paul has the idea that they might be able to use his lungs to help Brianna. TC calls Drew to let him know that they might have a possible donor. Right after taking a blood sample, they hear a teenager running to them to tell that a friend of his fell into a sinkhole and they have to pull him out quickly. They have to traech him though because he has a rock stuck in his throat and can’t breathe. Meanwhile at the hospital, a patient comes in, a paralyzed teenage boy named Malik whose father isn’t very happy that the medic brought them to San Antonio Medical. We find out that it’s because Scott is the reason Malik is paralyzed. Malik needs an emergency catheter and dialysis, but Scott is the only surgeon on and the father doesn’t want him anywhere near Malik. When Scott tells him there aren’t any other surgeons, he agrees to let Scott work on his son, but he wants Jordan there as well. Drew runs the blood that he took from the victim of the crane collapse and finds out that he is a partial match to Briana. When Paul approached the mother to ask if her son is a donor, she isn’t too happy about him asking. Back at the hospital, Malik is being treated and the father and Scott are arguing out in the hallway. After Jordan splits them up, the father starts having really bad chest pains, they find that he has an aneurysm and the stress from finding out puts him into cardiac arrest, they rush him to surgery. Drew finds out that victim of the crane collapse is a 5 out of 6 match, but Topher is currently on the phone with Paul who tells him that the mother said no. Drew thinks that he can change her mind, but Topher tells him that she just lost her only son and that him going to see her is not a good idea. Meanwhile Paul is apologizing to the mother for bringing it up before she had a chance to process what was going on. He also tells the mother that they found her son’s wallet in his locker and her son is a registered donor. Paul calls Drew and tells him that the mother changed her mind and Briana is going to get a new set of lungs! This is moments after Drew and the social worker prayed in the chapel. Scott

77 The Night Shift Episode Guide and Jordan are still working on Malik’s father when his aorta ruptures and Scott freaks out, but Jordan is able to get his head back into the game. Briana pages Drew at 2am and he goes to talk to her, she heard the nurses talking and found out that she was getting her transplant and she is scared and needed him to tell her everything was going to be ok. After the surgery on Malik’s father, Scott and Jordan are talking about how she saved his ass in there and she apologizes for not being there for him last year with his accident. They get to talking about how he was always there for her and they get all emotional and then they kissed! Meanwhile, Jaylen, the young man who was victim of the crane collapse, is brought in for the transplant team. Drew couldn’t be more excited, but when Jaylen’s mother walks in after, he puts his celebration on hold. Meanwhile, Topher and Jessica were talking when she came in to help him with the books for the hospital and she tells him that a friend of hers was talking about him. She gives Topher the guys business card and tells him to call him, it could be more money and less of a commute for him. Later we find out that Topher was planning on being a martyr and go down with his sinking ship, but she tells him that the hospital has already been sold and she was hired as part of their transition team. Topher is pissed about her lying to him and she tells him to take the damn card because Topher is going to be the first one fired when they come in and take over. We end the episode off with Topher telling Drew that Briana isn’t getting the lungs because her final labs came back and she isn’t a perfect match and she won’t be getting the lungs. This crushes Drew. Paul is talking to the mother outside and he tells her that her son just changed the world. Jordan and Scott talk about the kiss and decide that it was nothing. Meanwhile, TC is ripping Jessica a new one for what she did and he is breaking up with her for what she did. She tells him that she thinks she loves him, he tells her that he was beginning to think the same thing, but he’s glad she cleared that up for him. Drew is talking to Briana about her being put back on the list and he then asks her if after she gets her transplant, would she want to come and stay with him and his husband. She asks him if they would really let her stay with them until she found a new foster family, but Drew tells her no. They want her to be a part of their family, they want to adopt her!

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Trust Issues

Season 3 Episode Number: 33 Season Episode: 11

Originally aired: Wednesday August 3, 2016 Writer: Dailyn Rodriguez Director: Oz Scott Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Melissa Chambers (Bus Driver), Kayla Ewell (Cristina), Shawn Lecrone (Paramedic), Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lincoln), Briana Marin (Nina Al- varez), AnnaLynne McCord (Jessica Sanders), Kyle Pierson (Sports Bar Patron), Christopher Warner (Cop), Ben Whitehair (Matt), Kelly V. Lu- cio (Sports Bar Patron) Summary: TC’s hot temper results in a bar brawl, landing him and Drew in jail. Meanwhile, Jordan discovers her new date’s secret life; Topher fights for a patient dismissed by numerous doctors; Scott struggles to save his relationship; Jessica tries to gain TC’s trust; and Syd meets Bri- anna.

The episode started off with Jordan, her date Matt, Shannon and Paul are out having ice cream when Matt passes out and goes through a glass door. Paul calls for an ambulance and Jordan finds her- self having to plug a puncture wound in his butt, with her finger. Meanwhile, TC and Drew are at the bar, TC is depressed about the hospital being sold and him and Jessica breaking up. He has had a lot to drink and Drew has to take off to see Briana. He offers a girl a seat at the bar and the girls’ boyfriend starts with him, this gets TC all wound up and he gets into a fight. This lands Drew and TC in jail. Jordan gets her date to the hospital and her and Scott start patching up his wounds while they run a tox-screen to find out what he might have been on, he was sweating profusely right before he passed out. Paul pokes his head in to let Scott know that they found a match for Briana and are sending the lungs now. They are trying to call Drew, but with him being in jail right now, he isn’t getting his phone calls. Jordan finds out that Matt was on Molly and he is also married, his wife Christina has just walked in and she tells Jordan that they are in a polygamous marriage. They both see other peo- ple outside the marriage and she knew about Jordan, but Jordan didn’t know about Christina. Christina also tells her that she suspected Matt was taking something because he starting seeing a girl much younger and much wilder than her liking. Later, Matt ends up having a seizure and the ativan that they normally use to stop them isn’t working. The transplant team is on their way in, but they still can’t get a hold of Drew, because Drew is still behind bars arguing with TC about what happened at the bar. Scott finds Annie outside after they have an argument about her telling TC that they were talking about moving in together.

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Scott decides to tell her about the kiss between him and Jordan and that’s when the transplant team shows up with Briana’s lungs. Briana is freaking out because Drew isn’t there with her and refuses to go to the OR without him there. Meanwhile, they are still trying to get Matt’s seizure to stop, but they don’t have his labs back yet to know why nothing is working. Jordan thinks that it might be his sodium levels, but without his labs, she has no way of knowing for sure. She makes a call and gives him a sodium shot in hopes that it will stop his seizure. Meanwhile, Drew calls Kenny and tells him what happened, Kenny tells him that Briana is going in for surgery and he sends Jessica to bail them out. Drew gets a ride back to the hospital lights and sirens by one of the officers, TC decides to walk home regardless of Jessica’s many attempts to talk to him. Jordan is able to get Matt’s seizure to stop and when Christina thanks her and kisses her. Jordan pushes her away and then a man George comes to see him and she finds out that Christina and Matt have a boyfriend as well. Annie finds Jordan and she tells her that she knows about her and Scott. She asks Jordan if she wants to get back with him and Jordan tells her no and that she doesn’t really know how she feels about anyone or anything right now. Annie gives her a hug and tells her she knows how that feels. Drew makes it to the hospital and is standing there with Syd who is there waiting for him to get there to give a letter of recommendation for the adoption case. Later we see Drew talking to the social worker who is going to do everything in her power to make this bar fight disappear and that’s when Syd walks in with Drew’s husband who just got the call and left work to be there with Drew and Briana. TC gets on a bus and Jessica follows him, but TC refuses to give her the time of day. He passes out on the bus. Meanwhile, Briana wakes up from her surgery and she is doing really well and the transplant team is very optimistic about her making a full recovery. Meanwhile, Syd is passing out flyers about a mission she wants to do in Turkey and that’s when Topher and Jordan tell her with the sale of the hospital, they are both in crisis mode. TC comes in and sees Syd’s flyer and asks if he can go along. Topher tells him that it might be in the best interest of the hospital and the group if he gets out of there for a little while. Syd gives him the ok after Topher vouches for him. TC runs into Jordan on his way out and tells her that he is going to clear his head and do some good. She gives him a hug and tells him to be careful over there.

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Emergent (1)

Season 3 Episode Number: 34 Season Episode: 12

Originally aired: Wednesday August 24, 2016 Writer: Gabe Fonseca, Brian Anthony Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Briana Marin (Nina Alvarez), Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mol- lie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Trina Siopy (Sara) Guest Stars: Mac Brandt (Mac Reily), Christina Vidal (Valeska), Ryan Dorsey (Der- rick), Charles Halford (Justin Wilson), Sammy Sheik (Besam), Lindsay Pulsipher (Rene), Mehdi Merali (Hamdi), Irina Maleeva (Sahin), Morse Bicknell (Rubicon Member), Mikael Ayele (Border Guard), Hela Aryan (Anesthesiologist), Dana Mellen (Nurse Natalie) Summary: Scott and Jordan face grave danger during a rescue mission at a rapidly spreading wildfire outside San Antonio. Tensions are high be- tween Syd and TC as they find themselves in the middle of a humani- tarian crisis on the Syria-Turkey border. Paul and Shannon argue over treatment for a patient. Meanwhile, a major setback threatens Drew’s adoption plans for Brianna, Topher struggles to find a buyer for the hospital and medication goes missing.

The hospital sale hasn’t gone through 100% yet, so Topher is scrambling to find another person to take over. Is everyone going to lose their jobs? Kenny tells To- pher that some drugs have gone missing and that it happened on the night shift, so they try to keep it quiet until they fig- ure out what happened. When Scott finds out about the missing drugs, he gets up- set when Topher thinks it could be An- nie that took them. Did she have a mis- step with everything that’s going on? An- nie is feeling the distance between her and Scott since the kiss between him and Jordan, but she tells Scott that she didn’t take the drugs. Scott is taking this accusation against Annie really personally, especially now that she has denied taking the drugs. So who took the drugs? Jordan finds the drugs in TC’s coat. To add to this mess, Topher gets the bad news that the other potential buyer isn’t going to buy after all. Paul reveals that he spoke to his dad a few weeks ago about a group that he’s part of that buys hospital and is on a plane to come and check the place out! Drew and Rick are going to be adopting Briana in a day and we have been so incredibly invested in this story all season, so we want nothing more then to see this happen! The court date for the adoption has been postponed, but after learning that it doesn’t have to do with the night in jail he’s confused as to what the hold up is. He learns that Briana’s birth father has

81 The Night Shift Episode Guide come back and wants full legal rights. When Briana finds out that she may have to go and live with her father (a man she never met), she is heartbroken and she’s not the only one — we all are. We also had Jennifer Beals back tonight as Syd as we saw her and TC out in the field. TC can’t help himself when he sees people beyond the gate that need help and lets everyone in... along with a bad infection that is now spreading (and they eventually contain). And we can’t end this review without mentioning that Paul and Shannon had a big blow out tonight when the thought of the hospital closing and Shannon losing her job became way too overwhelming for her. She used their different backgrounds as the reason that they will never work out as a couple and broke things off between them. To be continued...

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Burned (2)

Season 3 Episode Number: 35 Season Episode: 13

Originally aired: Wednesday August 31, 2016 Writer: Tom Garrigus Director: Tara Nicole Weyr Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Ken Leung (Dr. Topher Zia), Brendan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Recurring Role: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Briana Marin (Nina Alvarez), Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lin- coln) Guest Stars: Mac Brandt (Mac Reily), AnnaLynne McCord (Jessica Sanders), Charles Halford (Justin Wilson), James McDaniel (Dr. Julian Cum- mings), Lindsay Pulsipher (Rene), David A. Gregory (Carter Stafford), Abbie Cobb (Dani Stafford), Jared Ward (Captain Yusuf Baran), Mehdi Merali (Hamdi), Nick Gracer (Savas), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Andres Segura (Orderly Ray), Keith Jardine (Moss), Jad Grey (Emir), Jordyn Aurora (WMA Nurse), Shawn Lecrone (Firefighter), Roman Mitichyan (Turk- ish Border Patrol), Clayton Salberg (Sketch Guy), Gregory Paul Valdez (Syrian Refugee) Summary: An intensifying wildfire surrounds Scott and Jordan as they try to perform surgery in the field. Also: TC rushes to get medication for patients stricken with Typhus on the Syria-Turkey border; and the hospital finds an unlikely buyer.

The episode started off with a look at Scott, Jordan, Rene and Mac coming out from under the fire blankets safe, but Re- nee’s leg isn’t doing great. Jordan and Scott are preparing to perform emergency field surgery. Meanwhile, Drew is dealing with Bri- ana’s biological father, Justin, showing up out of the blue. He is petitioning for custody of Briana after just learning about her existence. Briana fakes a fever to make herself seem sick so that she can stay in the hospital instead of going to another foster home, while Drew and his husband are sitting there scolding her about how dangerous that is because of her recovering from surgery, Drew gets a text from the social worker confirming that the DNA test proved that Justin is Briana’s father. Meanwhile, Paul’s father, Julian, shows up because he may be interested in buying the ER instead of the current company who is looking to buy it for pennies on the dollar and fire all the staff. Paul’s father decides that he is going to do some consults with Paul while he waits for his people to review the hospital’s books. They talk with a young married couple, the husband has a fractured sinus cavity that needs surgery to fix, but they can’t afford it and Paul’s father tells them that it will heal on it’s own and Paul isn’t happy about it.

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Moments later, Paul’s patient starts oozing spinal fluid from his nose which means that the sinus cavity is opening up and he needs that surgery. Paul is able to get the surgery done and stabilize him and when he is scrubbing out, he talks to his father about what happened and how he crossed a line by telling his patient he didn’t need surgery when he would have avoided what happened if he got it to begin with. Meanwhile overseas, TC is trying to get medication to treat the patients they have who are suffering from Typhus from over the Syria-Turkey border. He ends up getting himself arrested and convincing one of the border officers that Syd can fix his sons hip but she needs the medica- tion first. Syd tells him that she is too weak to perform the surgery, but he tells her that she has to do it or they won’t get the medications. During the surgery, Syd passes out from a high fever. Back at the hospital, Drew and his husband, Rick, are trying to talk Justin into dropping the petition for custody, but he won’t because he claims he loves his daughter. He goes as far as making a homophobic comment towards them which sets Drew off but Rick tells him not to do Justin any favors and he stands down. After Justin goes back into the hospital, Rick tells Drew that he will check into Justin and try and find something on his record that will deem him an unfit parent. Back in the field, Scott and Jordan are able to relieve the pressure in Rene’s leg and Jordan catches on to something going on with Mac. She goes to talk to him and he tells her that he only has a few months to live. Later when they are walking back with Rene, they realize that they got turned around somehow and the fire is right behind them. Mac tells them that he is going to buy them some time and when Scott tries to fight him on it, but Jordan tells him that Mac knows what he is doing. When they get back, Jordan tells Scott the truth about the pills she conveniently had in her bag, she tells him that she found them and Annie was the one that stole them from the hospital. Meanwhile, Rick found out that Justin lied about not knowing about Briana. He was in prison on drug charges and gave up his rights. Drew tells the social worker and they all confront Justin and he admits to knowing about her and then tries to extort them for $20,000. Julian decides to buy the hospital and announces it to the group, everyone including Topher is excited about the news, that is until Julian decides to fire Topher. He tells Topher that he is a great role model, but not a great manager of the ER because he pulls out all the stops for people that can’t afford to pay. Topher tells him that it’s just what they do there and Julian tells him that’s what they used to do there. When they got back to the hospital, one of the nurses tells them about the missing pills being put back and Annie comes out and tells them that their witch hunt is over. She then asks where Scott is and Jordan tells her that he is outside in the parking lot and wants her to meet him outside. He tells her that he booked her a bed at a rehab facility. Topher is cleaning out his locker when Paul comes in to ask if he is going out to celebrate with them and he tells him that his father fired him. He goes out and tells his father that if he doesn’t hire Topher back, he is going to be forced to resign. Julian tells him that he will cut him off completely, but that doesn’t stop him and the entire ER department from quitting! Shannon tells Paul that she can’t quit like everyone else and he tells her that he doesn’t want her to, he brought his father there for her and she asks him why he would be ok with losing everything for her to keep her job and he tells her that he loves her and she says it back! We end the episode off with TC saying his goodbyes to Syd and them packing up to move out. When he goes outside to his bike, a missile comes in and hits the tent that Syd is in! We see her crawl out and him run to her and that’s when another missile hits them again! To be continued...

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The Night Shift Episode Guide

Recoil (3)

Season 4 Episode Number: 36 Season Episode: 1

Originally aired: Thursday June 22, 2017 Writer: Karen Struck Director: Marisol Adler Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Jeremiah Birkett (Harold), Mark Consuelos (Cain Diaz), Merle Dandridge (Gwen Gaskin), Amanda Det- mer (Katherine Santiago), Howard Ferguson Jr. (Fireman Ed), Briana Marin (Nina Alvarez), AnnaLynne McCord (Jessica Sanders), James McDaniel (Dr. Julian Cummings), Jaylen Moore (Omar), Sarah Jane Morris (Annie), Laura Norman (Nurse Temp), Rana Roy (Amira), Colton Shone (TV Reporter), R. Marcos Taylor (Melvin), Omid Zader (Farooq), Harona Ceesay (Patient), Alan Humphrey (Military) Summary: Jordan and Drew perform a daring rescue by jumping from a chop- per; Paul deals with the repercussions of standing up to his father; Shannon indoctrinates Cain; TC must treat his captor to rescue Syd.

Unfortunately, TC and Syd were sepa- rated in the blast. He had been kid- napped by a jihadist following the explo- sion and was even taken to a second lo- cation however he had no idea about Syd. TC had thought that maybe she had been taken as well by someone else or merely not taken at all. But he was eventually rescued by a young woman named Amira and she told him that she hadn’t seen a woman among the injured or the con- firmed casualties. So she told TC that he should give up and he just couldn’t. TC said that his gut told him that Syd was still alive and so he didn’t want to abandon her during an attack. However, the one person that could give him answers about what happened to Syd was the jihadist. He had gotten picked up as well and had been injured. So TC volunteered to treat him and he had hoped that would get the other man talking though the jihadist firmly stated that he didn’t want to speak to Western ”scum” and Amira had thought TC was foolish for trying. She said that members of the caliphate were loathsome killers and therefore she gave their captive up. Amira told the people she was with that they had captured a jihadist alive and had ensured that TC was out of the room when their prisoner was tortured for information. Though neither Amira nor people later got anything out of their captive and were forced to abandon him when the government planes returned to drop even more bombs. So Amira and the others left yet she had to try and had asked TC to come back with her before he got caught in another explosion. Except TC still refused to go. He knew the risks and had said that he couldn’t leave Syd behind. But Amira stopped trying to convince him to leave and chose instead to hand over what she had found on the prisoner. It was

87 The Night Shift Episode Guide a bandana and it belonged to Syd. So TC later took custody of the prisoner and had volunteered his services if the other guy could lead him to his friend. And so TC was off being heroically foolish again right as Jordan thought that maybe he had been right about how to handle things back at the hospital. Jordan and the others had walked out after Topher was fired however they had left the hospi- tal in the lurch with barely any hospital staff and had nowhere to take Mac after he was injured in a forest fire. Yet, with their pride in the way, Jordan and Drew had tried to take Mac to a Vet hospital only to find those places were usually overcrowded and understaffed. So they eventually gave in enough to take Mac back to their old hospital and there they found out that Kenny had already crossed the picket fence. They had also tried to make Kenny feel bad about going back to his job, but he wasn’t ashamed to admit he was broke and couldn’t afford to miss a paycheck like say doctors could. So they couldn’t embarrass him and for that matter they couldn’t expect favors from Julian. Julian said that there were other patients that came in first and that there was no reason he should bump their friend over everyone else. Not even if it made him look bad. However, Julian was willing to negotiate terms with Jordan. He told her that if she came back and brought everyone else back as well that he would perform the surgery on Mac and so Jordan did agree to those terms. But then again, Jordan was never actually going to go through with it because Julian still didn’t want to invite Topher back. So Jordan was a little reckless herself though she did mention a counteroffer to Julian afterwards. She told him that she knew how the hospital could hire back Topher because she had talked to Veterans Affairs and had found out that the government was willing to pay them to take on some of their patients. That way they could get checks that wouldn’t bounce and the hospital could become solvent despite taking on additional patients. Though Julian only agreed to brining Topher back as long as Jordan steers the ship and Topher wasn’t the ER Chief. So everyone got what they wanted and the hospital didn’t have just temps yet there was this one temp, Cain Diaz, that was really good. He had helped both Kenny and Shannon realize that the patient they mistakenly thought was a drug addict was who he said he was — a celloist. A celloist that never took drugs and was in fact drugged by his neighbor. The same neighbor that hated him playing at night. So both Shannon and Kenny had misjudged the situation and they had nearly costed their patient his once in a lifetime audition. Yet, Cain save the day. He made them realize that they shouldn’t use their past experience with the Night Shift to judge everyone by how they appear because sometimes people can be taken at their word and, together, they all helped Melvin make his audition. They had arranged for Melvin to audition via webcam and had cleared out the bathroom so he wouldn’t be interrupted, but while the staff had come together in the end to work everything out, there was an incident that no one saw coming. Drew it seems had gone out to a theme park after two girls were caught in a rollercoaster car that was barely hanging on and so he had told the girls what they had to do in order to survive. He said that Abby’s intestines were showing and that she couldn’t make the fall so he needed to bring her into the cart with him and the fireman however Sophia could make the drop. He then explained that she would land safely on what they had set up below and that it was set up to catch her no matter what she may think. But she was still scared. Sophia thought that falling would kill her and so she let panic set in. Once Drew released the safety hatch on their car, she had tried to jump into the cart despite warning and there wasn’t any room for her. So unless she lets go, she could cause the cart to snap and kill everyone. To be continued...

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Off the Rails (4)

Season 4 Episode Number: 37 Season Episode: 2

Originally aired: Thursday June 29, 2017 Writer: Tom Garrigus Director: Oz Scott Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Jennifer Beals (Dr. Syd Jennings), Kelli Berglund (Sofia), Mac Brandt (Mac Reily), Amanda Brooks (Dana Carpenter), Mark Consuelos (Cain Diaz), Howard Ferguson Jr. (Fireman Ed), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Nick Hermz (Caliphate Recruit), Madalyn Horcher (Abby Carpenter), Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Mona Malec (Joan Fraley), James McDaniel (Dr. Julian Cummings), Jaylen Moore (Omar), Curtis Plagge (Otto), Rana Roy (Amira), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn) Summary: An amusement-park disaster results in mass-casualty victims flooding the hospital. Also, TC continues his quest to reunite with Syd; Drew reevaluates his priorities as a new father; Jordan tries to get Paul back on staff; Scott pursues a more active role in the hospital.

Unfortunately, Drew had had little choice with Sophia. He knew that he couldn’t bring her into the cart or risking going down with her still hanging on however Sophia hadn’t wanted to let go of the cart on her own volition and so Drew pried her hands off. Though Sophia survived the fall. She had fallen where she was sup- posed to and the firemen quickly came to her aide. So it was just Sophia’s friend Abby that remained in danger and the doctors were told to treat her without in- forming her mother about her abortion down in Mexico. But Abby sustained injuries to her ab- domen and was in tremendous pain of because of it. So her mother didn’t want to leave her side. She instead wanted to be by her daughter and hear it from the doctors themselves about whether or not her daughter was going to be ok though the staff were eventually able to pry her away in order to get Abby into surgery and it turned out that there was a complication. The doctors had come across a fetus indicating that Abby was still pregnant and that her surgery in Juarez had been botched. So no one initially knew what procedure had been done on the young woman or if that could’ve harmed the fetus, but it was Drew and Scott’s job to tell Abby about their recent findings and she was a little confused about what she was feeling. Abby thought her baby was beautiful and that now she should keep it. Yet, she was also struggling with the idea of telling her mom about the baby because her mom had to give up on college to raise her and she felt like she was going to tell her mom that she had committed the same mistake. Except Drew didn’t think that Abby’s mom would think that and he had done his best to assure her that things will be alright. However, Abby’s friend’s Sophia had suffered a seizure and

89 The Night Shift Episode Guide had needed to get several tests. So Paul was tricked into coming back to work because Sophia had grown attached to him and didn’t want to take the tests without him by her side yet he still didn’t like it that his father was his boss and so Jordan had some work on her hands. She had to find a way to convince Paul to accept his father as his boss or the deal with Julian was off. Julian apparently wanted more than just his son working for him. He also wanted Paul to do as he says and not fight with him about it, for once. Though both Jordan and Scott for that matter have tried to tell Julian that his plan wasn’t going to work with Paul because he could be Paul’s boss or his father however he couldn’t be both. So Scott let both men work on Sophia’s case. Sophia had mixed her antidepressants with cocaine and that was causing most of her seizures. And so Sophia needed to go into surgery and she wasn’t the only one. Abby later began experiencing stomach pains and her mother explicitly asked that Abby be saved no matter what. Which in this case meant saving the young woman even at the cost of her unborn child. But those were Abby’s guardian’s wishes and Drew knew that the mother needed a chance to make things right with Abby after spending most of her childhood serving overseas. So he did his best and he actually saved the baby’s life though Abby realized in the end that she wanted to put the baby up for adoption. Abby told her mother that she was too young to be a mom and that she could never do as good of a job as she did. So Abby’s mom, Dana, decided to ask for someone else to fill in for her while she stays with her daughter for the rest of Abby’s pregnancy and so Abby was finally going to get to have her mom by her when she needs it. And she wasn’t the only one that was going to get a parent. Sophia’s parents were also contacted and threatened with child services if they didn’t start paying attention to their daughter rather than throw a credit card at her. So Drew and Paul brought the girls closer to their families and Paul even stood up to his father. He told him that he was his son out of the hospital and a member of staff at the hospital. However, Julian was told that he couldn’t pay for Paul’s student loans or rent which had been a condition for Paul to stay on at the hospital. And so Scott did get what he wanted in the end because he was chosen as an intermediary between Julian and the rest of the staff so that Julian didn’t have to risk injuring his relationship with his son. Though with everyone slowly returning to the hospital, they thought that it would be a matter of time before Topher came back and unfortunately that was never going to happen. Topher had gotten into a car accident with his daughter and they weren’t any survivors. So Jordan broke the news to the staff and she got a message to TC afterwards to tell him about what happened however TC had already gone ahead and committed himself to an additional month in Syria. He had found Sydney and had gotten her on the next helicopter out of there only he wanted to stay on. TC thought that there were still others out there that he could help and so he chose to stay on though now there was no way he could rush back to attend Topher’s funeral or be there for his friends. And while the hospital had lost a doctor, they had also gained a resident when they found out that Cain used to run an Emergency Room down in Mexico and would be a good fit for their hospital.

90 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Do No Harm

Season 4 Episode Number: 38 Season Episode: 3

Originally aired: Thursday July 6, 2017 Writer: Milla Bell-Hart Director: Marisol Adler Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Sarah Jane Morris (Annie Callahan), Rana Roy (Amira), Brad Carter (Lee Harris), Zeeko Zaki (Duke), Yasmine Aker (Rasha), Mark Consue- los (Cain Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jo- celyn), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Howard Ferguson Jr. (Fireman Ed), Pre- ston James Hillier (Alan Apone), Ama Zathura (Driver Debbie), Tyron Woodley (Travis), Vivian Nesbitt (Dr. Dominguez), Peter Diseth (Sur- geon), Julian Gopal (Hassan), Alex Gopal (Teenager), Kelly V. Lucio (Visitor), Michael Slusher (Emergency Room Visitor) Summary: Jordan and Cain figure out their professional dynamic as they work on a patient with extreme injuries from an oil field explosion. Drew and Paul receive a patient from the same accident, and must figure out a solution to save the patient’s severed hand. Scott is caught off guard when Annie shows up to the hospital with an unexpected guest from his past. Kenny and Shannon struggle to adjust to their new living situation. Meanwhile, TC and Amira clash over treating a Syrian child on the American base.

Topher has been gone for a month now and everyone continues to miss as well as mourn him. However, life was forced to go on and the hospital had taken on an even bigger patient load since merging with the VA. So the staff were doing their best to remember Topher in their own way and they did that by trying to keep his mem- ory alive. Like when they fought with each other and automatically knew that To- pher would scold them about it because he would say he had kids at home and didn’t need to deal with them fighting at work, but while pretending that he’s still around to give them advice has helped, there had been some that refused to process what happened. Like TC! TC stayed in Syria and did his best to offer up his medical knowledge to the refugees and rebels that were fleeing the war-torn area. But TC being the same man prone to rashness as before had also refused to bend to the rules out there. He had been told for example that he couldn’t risk surgery on an eight-year-old because the child would need supplies that could draw attention to them though TC had ignored that and done what he pleased. So TC didn’t care about what the army thought or that there was a balance between gaining their protection and being left out in the wild on his own.

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Though instead of dropping Jordan into hot water over his antics, it was now Amira. Amira was the one that had to smooth things over and she looked after TC’s interests better than he did. So she was trying to look after him and give him advice yet he wasn’t making things easy and had repeatedly push back against the army by demanding transport for the little boy. He said that the child would die without the necessities and that he could easily save him if he could just get the go-ahead. And so TC refused to relent or even compromise as long as the army stood in his way of doing what he thought was right. So TC was once again fighting the good fight and it didn’t seem like he was thinking about returning home anytime soon because he had allowed himself to become far too entrenched in the politics over there however, unbeknownst to him, his former sister-in-law Annie had reentered the picture. She had apparently gone to the hospital with Alan Apone because Alan needed surgery and she had hoped Scott would put behind any leftover hard feelings to help. Yet, Scott didn’t think it was wise to operate on Alan and had given the other man’s case file over to Paul. He said Paul could handle it and Paul had funnily enough been told by his girlfriend not to get in the middle. Shannon had told Paul that he shouldn’t try to give either Annie or Alan advice on their lives because why would they want to hear from some kid in his twenties that had never been through any serious hardship. However, Shannon did quickly realize that she might have been too harsh with Paul and had tried to backtrack some to make peace. So Paul was willing to overlook the criticism, but he also thought that Shannon had a point and didn’t think it was his place to talk to Alan and Annie about their sobriety. At least not when he was acting as Alan’s doctor and so he had tried to let things go. Except something he had to tell Alan was that Dr. Gordon would be operating on him and not Scott. But Annie didn’t understand why an outside doctor would have to be brought it when Scott was there and at the top of the cardio field. So she later confronted Scott about why he was avoiding his former sponsor and she told him that he had to forgive Alan eventually. She said that Alan should have had Scott’s back and as his sponsor he shouldn’t have poured him a drink though she reminded Scott that it had been his choice to take it and that had never owned up to his own responsibility in what happened. And so she quoted the program at Scott. Annie told Scott that he had turned his back on his sobriety and that he was facing the same demons as Alan. Though Scott wasn’t sure about how he felt and he had planned on ignoring Alan’s problem until Alan went into cardiac arrest. So that’s when Scott put his own problems behind them and chose to immediately save Alan’s life yet Anne in the meantime chose to talk to Jordan and the first thing she did was apologize. She said that she was in love with TC and that’s why she had always lashed out against Jordan so she apologized for her past behavior. She admitted that blaming everything going wrong in her life on Jordan had been easier than taking responsibility. Yet, another thing Annie realized she had to do was back break up with Scott. She later told him that they were recreating problematic behavior rather than dealing with things. So they both agreed to go their separate ways and, afterwards, she had killed herself because she thought it was time to let go of everything and not just her relationship with Scott. And so tonight was a tragic episode with no happy ending and even as TC thought he was doing good he was told, by Amira, that he might have led American soldiers into a trap by bringing the little boy and his mother to the US military base.

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Season 4 Episode Number: 39 Season Episode: 4

Originally aired: Thursday July 13, 2017 Writer: Joe Hortua Director: Oz Scott Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Mac Brandt (Mac Reily), Rana Roy (Amira), Camille Hyde (Tina Mills), John Cothran (Carl Mills), Dominic Burgess (Arthur), Michael Grazi- adei (Martin), Chido Nwokocha (Greggs), Zeeko Zaki (Duke), Mark Con- suelos (Cain Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Maureen Fernando (Nurse Viki), Jack Forcinito (Unit Commander), Michael Lemert (US Combat Soldier) Summary: A patient from a distant town arrives for surgery. Meanwhile, Jordan gets creative to help a veteran in need; Drew struggles with being a working parent; Kenny learns to not worry about trivial matters; and TC joins in a daring rescue mission in Syria.

TC had made a mistake. He had told a concerned mother to give the US Army false intel in order to get access to their base and medical equipment for her son however the intel she had given the sol- diers had unfortunately been a trap. They had gotten bogged down and had had to make a retreat. But a soldier that TC had known and had some sort of bond with had gone missing. So the army was send- ing out a team to go look for their missing guy and TC had asked that he go with them. TC blames himself for what happened to Duke and he wanted to find him to clear his conscience. However, the commanding officer on the mission had told TC to back off. He said that nothing he did could ever make up for feeding them false intel. So TC had thought that was the end of it though Amira had come through for him. She had gotten a general to ok TC going on the mission and so he was allowed to go only Amira had warned him before he left. She said that she had pull a lot of strings to get TC on the mission and that the others weren’t happy. TC had apparently thought that the others had accepted his mistake as what it was, but he had been wrong and there were some soldiers on the base that were essentially gunning for him. Though there was truly nothing he or Amira could do that would change what he did. So he had been forced to watch his back with the guys and had gone on the mission anyways because he had been hoping to still find Duke alive. And so he had ignored it when he was called ”Cinderella” and he had naturally ignored the order to stay in the car. TC had wanted to be there helping and so he left the car within moments of being told not to. But it turned out to be a good thing that he ignored orders because he found a man down and

93 The Night Shift Episode Guide was able to stop a crucial bleed. So TC was doing his best to be there for everyone and not just Duke yet his old hospital had had different problems to deal with. There had been a teenager that had a facial tumor that she wanted remove and she had wanted it off her face so bad that she had lied about her age simply to have the surgery. Yet, Tina’s grandfather had found out that she had gone to the hospital and he had stormed in to stop the surgery. He said that they were Jehovah’s Witnesses and that they couldn’t have blood transfusions which was what she was going to need to get the tumor removed from her face. So the grandfather was dragging Tina out there when she panicked and grabbed a scalpel. Tina said that she wanted the facial deformity off her face and so she slashed her face in order to force the doctors as well as her grandfather’s hand however the cut had caused a bleed. The bleed was quite heavy and so Tina did eventually have to get more than one transfusion, but she had lost a lot of blood and had lost all signs of life for more than forty minutes. However, Scott who was the primary doctor on her case hadn’t wanted to call it. He had believed that he could still save her and so he just kept trying everything even as others began to question his actions. The other doctors in the room though they should call the time of death and Kenny had actually gotten Jordan because he thought that there was something off with Scott. So Jordan had checked in and she found Scott working on someone that was most likely brain dead from being down so long. But Scott didn’t want to stop working on her and he had kept going as everyone else had lost faith. The others had suspected that the girl was never coming back and that it would be a miracle if she was revived or could even wake up after her ordeal though Scott on the other hand had kept reminding everyone that they could pull off the impossible and so he kept pushing despite what anyone else thought. Which included Kenny. Kenny had given up on Tina a long before anyone else and he had gone to Tina’s grandfather because he hadn’t wanted to give the man false hope. Though Mr. Mills hadn’t been ready to let go and he had asked Kenny to pray with him. He thought that there was still a chance for Tina and so he had gotten Kenny and eventually many of the others to pray with him for that miracle. So it had almost come as a surprise when Tina had regained a pulse in surgery and that Scott was able to take her up to the OR to finish her facial surgery. And so it was a miracle. Everyone in the hospital had talked about the girl that was dead for sixty-one minutes and who had come back with all functionality as well as getting her tumor removed. So Scott had become a legend overnight and what he did inspired others. Kenny realized that had been petty with how he was treating Cain and so he had returned the piece of wood that Cain loved to carve all the time. Yet, the funny thing about that piece of wood was that it helped Cain cope with the things he had to live through back in Mexico and so going without had helped him to open up to Jordan. Jordan had thought that only soldiers suffered from PTSD and what she hadn’t realized was that there were several types of war going on in the world which meant she couldn’t always judge what another person had been there. So Jordan had been contrite. She had misjudged Cain an adrenalin junkie and she had misjudged Scott as losing it. But in the end when Scott told her that this was his hospital and that he would do things his way, she agreed and hadn’t bothered to argue with someone that had been proven right. So the hospital had seen a miracle and they had seen a fraud when someone from patient care had pretended to be a patient just to find out how the hospital was doing. However, that actor that pretended to be a patient had also become somewhat of a friend. Arthur had genuinely felt bad about wasting Drew’s time and so he had used Drew’s phone to somehow get Drew back on speaking terms with his mother. The same mother that had taken his father side when they found out he was gay and had cut him out of their lives. And so it was truly day of miracles when so much could happen, but while TC had safely come back after helping to people in field, he had seen his mistake in the end and had confessed to Amira that she had been right about life in Syria.

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Season 4 Episode Number: 40 Season Episode: 5

Originally aired: Thursday July 20, 2017 Writer: Alan McElroy Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Rana Roy (Amira), Kyla Kenedy (Brianna), Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lin- coln), Angela Gots (Elise Shaw), Akbar Gbajabiamila (Himself), Drew Rausch (EOD Tech Matt), Max Adler (Corporal Steven Mason), Linda Park (Flight Attendant), Jennifer Hall (Meghan Walters), Becky Ann Baker (Lily Alister), Mark Consuelos (Cain Diaz), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Estrella Avila (Nurse Anna), Ruben Rivera Laguna (Medic Erik), Grant Garrison (Dr. Fred), Martin Andrews (Cory), La’Charles Trask (Staffer), Anthony Nuccio (Turbulence), Michael Lemert (US Combat Soldier) Summary: Drew faces an emergency on his flight home when passengers become sickened. Also, some staffers participate in an obstacle-course fund- raiser hosted by Akbar Gbajabiamila; Scott has an unforgettable date; TC treats a soldier.

Drew has been reunited with his mother. But, there were a couple of things that he had forgotten about her. Like how pushy she could be and how sometimes that could be annoying however she willing to argue with her husband and risk her own marriage in order to be there for her son and granddaughter. So Drew was happy to have her back in his life and he just wished she hadn’t made such a nuisance of herself on the plane. Lily was traveling with both Drew and Rick back to San An- tonio and she apparently liked her Bloody Marys. The drinking as it turns out added to her feistiness. However, Drew was used to his mother embarrassing him and it hadn’t even surprised him when she volunteered his services after hearing that a doctor was needed on board. That was simply who his mother. So Drew did check on the sick patient that was showing signs of food poisoning when suddenly several other patients also became ill. There were a few of them that were coming down with a temperature and the majority that were vomiting up everything they had yet none of it made sense. The patients didn’t have anything in common that Drew could point to as the cause and eventually the first person he saw was found dead. Yet, that too didn’t make sense. Drew had made sure that the Ranger’s fan had had oxygen and that he was in a stable condition before he moved on to check on the others. So Drew didn’t know what was causing everyone to be sick though he did know that it could be fatal and so he had gotten as many hands as he could to

95 The Night Shift Episode Guide help check on the others. His husband and his mother try to see to everyone and make sure that they were ok. Rick checked on their drug supply and tried to find more amongst the patients while Lily checked everyone’s fever. She had heard one flight attendant complain of being too hot and so she had tried to get her a cold compress, but the poor woman said that it felt hot to her and several others had thought so as well which seemed odd. Though Drew was able to piece together what was making everyone sick. He thought that they were suffering from a seafood poisoning and didn’t know why or how they had all gotten sick. The plane hadn’t served any fish or seafood. Yet, people were becoming ill from it and a pregnant woman onboard had started to seizure. So Drew decided to perform a cesarean seeing as the woman was already at thirty-seven weeks and was in distress however he knew it wasn’t going to be easy. He had to operate on a plane floor and perform surgery on a seizing woman while the plane was suffering from turbulence. And so he had tried to do the impossible and in the meantime he had the flight attendant push as much pressure as she could on the pilots to land. However, while Drew was doing the impossible, the rest of his team had attended a fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis. They had been forced to go through a series of activities all in the name of charity and Jordan had decided to up the ante by betting against the Day Shift. She had bet them that whoever won would have to take over the weekend shifts for the next six months and so she had been counting on her team to come through for her, but Kenny and Paul got into a fight over Shannon. Shannon didn’t technically live with them however she was always at the house and was messiest person there. So Kenny had wanted Paul to talk to Shannon about that and he also wanted her to lay off of him as he was going through the obstacle courses. But Paul told Kenny to lay off and that he was thinking of inviting Shannon to move in. Which Kenny didn’t take very well. Kenny accused Paul of being whipped and had gotten into a nasty fight with Paul over who was sadder — the guy willing to do anything for his girlfriend or the guy that had to move in with Paul. So Kenny then quit the competition. He didn’t want to be around Paul and had left the others to fend for themselves in the competition. They didn’t have TC who was overseas and they didn’t have Scott because he went out on a date. However, the team luckily got Cain to step up and Cain had been just as good as Kenny if not more so. He had raced through the courses and had seemed like the perfect fit all the way up until he injured his knee. Cain said that an old injury was acting up and so the team realized they needed Kenny back. And they asked Paul to fix things Paul had gone too far when he got into a fight with Kenny and even Shannon thought so. She later told Paul that she could speak up for herself and that she’s willing to hash things out with Kenny on her own terms. So Paul went over to Kenny and he apologized to his best friend. He realized in the end that he was making Kenny feel unwanted at the apartment and that he shouldn’t have put someone paying rent in that position much less someone he cared about. Yet, Kenny was quick to forgive and he helped the team win over the Day Shift. And so they wanted to celebrate though they were called into work for an emergency. They had found out that the plane Drew was had had several sick passengers and so they wanted to see to the patients as well as check up on their friend. Though while they were running, Cain’s knee suddenly healed. He had apparently been faking his injury so that Paul and Kenny could make up. So he became hotter to Jordan for doing that and she ended up asking him out right as things were settling down at the hospital. The passengers were getting their treatment and Drew had managed to save a little baby boy’s life with that C-section. So everything had worked out after all! Drew and Rick now had a baby named after them and his mother had truly come to accept his marriage and her granddaughter. Yet, Scott had gotten some teasing at work because he had brought his Tinder date in after she collapsed after sex. So the doctors and the nurses looked up his profile and had started to calling him ”Hot Stuff”. And the teasing didn’t end there. They also played the song ”Hot Stuff” as he left the building and that had both embarrassed and pleased him now he’s got a reputation. And so the only one that was missing out was TC. TC had stayed in Syria and he thought that he was doing good work with help out the soldiers, but a soldier had come in with an unexploded

96 The Night Shift Episode Guide grenade still in him and that had forced TC to admit something he hadn’t wanted to because it turns out there had been warning signs about Amira. She looked like crap half the time and there were drugs occasionally missing. However, TC didn’t acknowledge it until they were in surgery and he couldn’t trust her with her shaky hands to help. So TC threw her out of the OR and finished the surgery by himself. Then once had had saved Corporal Steven Mason grenade, he had talked to Amira and he asked her if she had MS. So she admitted that she did. Amira had thought that she could handle it and had been forced to confess that she did need treatment however TC had wanted her to get treatment in San Antonio and she told him she couldn’t. She said that it was be better if she went to London because that’s where her husband and TC hadn’t known that she was married. They had started to sleep together not that long ago and so he thought that she was single like he was. But Amira apparently thought that sex and love could be two different things so she promised TC that she was coming back after treatment.

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Family Matters

Season 4 Episode Number: 41 Season Episode: 6

Originally aired: Thursday July 27, 2017 Writer: Tom Garrigus Director: Eoin Macken Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Mac Brandt (Mac Reily), Ryan Simpkins (Guest Star), Erica Tazel (Dr. Bella Cummings), Megan Ketch (Guest Star), Kevin Ryan (Guest Star), Val Lauren (Guest Star), Mark Consuelos (Cain Diaz), Ryan Begay (Chief Estrada), Michael Lehr (Ford), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Lyliana Wray (Naya), Aeryn Peterson (Radiology Tech) Summary: Kenny joins Drew at his MMA veteran’s support group and finds him- self in the fight of his life. Jordan and Cain treat casualties from a hotel fire, while Shannon follows a hunch to help save a young vic- tim. Paul’s superstar sister, Dr. Bella Cummings, pays a visit to San Antonio Memorial and provides desperately needed support during a busy shift. Meanwhile, TC finally returns home, forcing him to deal with Topher’s death.

TC came back! However, things have changed since he left and Jordan for one had moved on. She and Cain have sort of fallen into a casual sex thing when there’s no guarantees on either side be- cause technically their relationship was forbidden yet he had been curious when Jordan asked for a moment alone while they were both in bed. So Jordan didn’t want to tell Cain about TC and she didn’t want TC to overhear Cain in the back- ground. And eventually that became a difficult game to play. Jordan and Cain shouldn’t have slept together. She was his boss and she didn’t feel entirely comfortable with having him as her subordinate. Yet, Scott went to Cain and asked the other man to keep his relationship with Jordan hidden. He didn’t explain how he found out and just said that if anyone else learned what they were doing like, their bosses, that Jordan would be the one in trouble. So Cain took Scott’s warning to heart and he ended denying any kind of relationship with Jordan outside of the hospital. But both Cain and Jordan did have one slip up. They had been called into the hospital to treat several victims of a fire and there was one little girl that came in with just her sister. So Jordan had asked him to watch Shannon because she was treating the little girl that came in high and Jordan had explained to Cain how that could be a trigger for Shannon however Shannon wasn’t someone that talked about her past and she came to regret saying anything to Shannon after Cain got in her way. Cain would second guess Shannon’s decisions and he would tell her to take it easy on the older sister. However, Shannon knew that something was wrong. She had been asking the older

99 The Night Shift Episode Guide girl, Izzy, to call their mother because Naya wasn’t in good shape and Izzy kept coming up with excuses. So there came a time when Shannon’s theories were proven right and she found out that twelve-year-old was showing all the signs of being a prostitute. The little girl had gonorrhea, she suffered several female complaints seen in pros, and she was high on drugs when she came in. So both Shannon and eventually Cain had written off the girls’ ”mother”. A real mother would have showed up at the hospital and she wouldn’t have pimped out a child whose body couldn’t survive such trauma. Yet, Izzy and Naya’s pimp was a woman named Reese. Reese had apparently met Izzy a couple of years ago after the young girl had run away from home and she took her in and even took her to see things like the Super Bowl, but while Izzy thought that Reese was taking care of her, she was really being trafficked. Izzy ran away from home at fourteen and she had been with Reese for four years. But Izzy befriended Naya at a gaming convention and had somehow convince the younger girl into going with her. So Shannon was able to talk Izzy into giving up on her pimp and she also found out something else. She found out that the hero fireman that was brought into the hospital after he supposedly saw a fire and ran into help people — was actually a pedophile. Ted Rogers was a known face at the hospital and the news cameras had been running footage of the hero fireman. And it was just a lie. Ted had been in the hotel when the fire started and he had left a drugged little girl in the room because he didn’t want anyone finding out about his dirty secret. However, Shannon got in touch with the police after Izzy told her everything and the police had found footage of Ted going into a room alone with Naya. So that’s when the press coverage suddenly changed. The hero became a villain and not only did Cain apologize to Shannon for thinking she couldn’t handle their case, but Shannon also was the one that told Jordan about Ted. Ted and Jordan had once been friends however she later told Ted how despicable he was and had even demanded that he tell his wife Julie everything before the poor woman was forced to find out on the news. Yet, Jordan was able to pull herself together when she needed to and she did that for Kenny. Kenny had suffered some swelling on the spine after a match during an MMA meeting turned into something else. So there were a few hours there when he didn’t he would ever walk again and had fallen apart. And so Jordan and Drew did the best they could to look after him except Drew went too far. Drew had blamed himself for what happened to Kenny because he was the coach and he had arranged between Kenny and the other guy. However, he hadn’t wanted to accept Locke. Locke was merely Mac’s friend and a fellow veteran so Drew had to be talked into accepting Locke into their MMA Fighting Support Group. So Drew, who had knocked Locke around after what happened to Kenny, had then looked into Locke’s file. He was technically part of Veteran Affairs and so he was able to access it easily yet Locke’s file told him that Locke suffered from psychological problems and that he couldn’t be sent overseas because his CO never thought he was mentally fit. But Drew had tried to warn Mac about Locke and Mac refused to be swayed. He said Locke reminded him of when he was down and that they still could help however Drew couldn’t do that while his best friend was laid up and Kenny’s situation had taken a turn for the worst when they spoke. Kenny came into the hospital unable to feel his legs and then slowly he couldn’t feel his arms as well. So Kenny had to get a catheter and he had resisted being tubed. He said he didn’t want anyone he knew to do it and so Scott came up with another option for him. Scott has asked Paul’s sister Bella who was visiting the hospital to do it and she agreed. Bella knew how much Kenny meant to her brother and so she didn’t mind their ”unique” introduction because she wanted to get Kenny through his crisis. However, Kenny eventually turned out to be fine because the swelling went down and he luckily regained mobility. So when Kenny had said that he wasn’t upset with Locke and that he wanted to put what happened behind him, Drew decided that maybe he should listen to Mac. He told Mac that he would allow Locke back at the MMA meeting and that he would try to help. And so Mac had done a great thing for Locke yet Locke was too ill to appreciate it. Locke got it in his head that Mac had betrayed his trust and he had stabbed Mac right there in the parking lot of the hospital. So Mac’s life is hanging in the balance... and it turns out TC merely came back to properly say goodbye to Topher and had thought that he would be returning to Syria soon enough.

100 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Keep the Faith

Season 4 Episode Number: 42 Season Episode: 7

Originally aired: Thursday August 10, 2017 Writer: Brian Anthony Director: Timothy Busfield Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Yvonne Valadez (Ananya), Josh Kelly (Xavier Arnold), Wes Chatham (Clark), Ryan Ahern (Guest Star), Dan Lauria (Douglas Stratton), J.W. Cortes (Lieutenant Powers), Mark Consuelos (Cain Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Rob Tode (Veteran #1), Michael Sare (Veteran #2), Rosa Estrada (Vet- eran #3), Conrad R. Padilla (Lawless), Matthew T. Metzler (Protest Leader), Manda Mae Emery (Reporter #1), Denver Johnson (Reporter #2), Neil Antonio (Afghan Terrorist), Stephen Conn (Protester), Noel Green (Mac’s Brother), Michael Lemert (Sergeant Mercado), Clayton Salberg (Marine) Summary: When protestors descend on a funeral for a dear member of the night shift family, multiple veterans are injured and brought to San Anto- nio Memorial for treatment. A high profile politician from Drew’s past triggers flashbacks to his time in Iraq. Jordan, Scott, and TC disagree on how to best provide care for the politician. Paul and Shannon must improvise while tending to Doug, a former POW. Cain and Drew treat a fearless photographer.

Mac didn’t make it. He had succumbed to his wounds and had later died not far from the hospital. However, Mac’s family and friends didn’t want to say goodbye to him with sadness. They had wanted to honor his life and his great service to the country by sending him off like the hero was. So they had thought that they would be allowed to do that peacefully though some church group didn’t think they de- served even that. The church group was against gays and therefore they hated what Mac stood for which were accep- tance and love. Though this church group that be- lieved they were following God’s will and so they hadn’t cared about Mac or what he stood for because all they wanted was publicity. The church was getting into people’s faces and streaming their hate for the whole world to see. So eventually one of them decided to up the ante and they told Mac’s mother that her son was going to burn hell for helping the sodomites, but Drew didn’t take that lying down. Drew punched the guy that said that and that set off a brawl. People started throwing punches and anything they had on hand. But everyone had gotten dragged into the brawl and that several bystanders like the senator. The senator was a vet and

101 The Night Shift Episode Guide he had gone to the funeral to get photos of him trying to calm down the angry mob outside yet someone had punched him to the ground and another had hit him with a flag pole that partially broke off into the senator’s back. So the senator had made sure that they were photos of him and everyone getting taken to the hospital because he thought that would win him sympathy. Senator Xavier Arnold was running for governor and he had hopped of the hospital bed the moment the cameras weren’t trained on him. However, the senator had wanted preferential treat- ment. He had been the one to ensure the hospital received what they needed to treat vets and so he said the hospital should do whatever he asks. Beginning with being treated first and no surgery. He said that he had to go to a debate afterwards and so he just wanted them to pull the thing out of his back as fast as possible. So the senator picked TC to pull the eagle out of his back. He had found out TC was a ranger and therefore put his trust in a fellow vet to treat him. Though rushing through things and not having the advised surgery had been a mistake. TC had carefully pulled the thing out and then the senator began suffering from headaches because he was bleeding spinal fluid. So Scott had taken over from there and he said that he had enough with people do whatever they want at the hospital. He hadn’t approved of TC coming back to work on patients and he hated Paul’s suggestion about another case. Paul and Shannon were treating another vet that complained of headaches and confusion. But their patient, Doug, had believed that a piece of shrapnel left in his head had been the cause of everything and so the doctors had checked him. They were putting him through an MRI when Doug freaked out and thought that he was back in a POW camp. So the doctors calmed him down and they did their best to treat him yet Doug didn’t have any shrapnel lodged in his head. He had a disorder that made him that was the case when it wasn’t. And so Paul thought they should play along. Paul suggested that they give Doug some anesthesia, a little cut, and that everything would work out. He said that Doug has been going through life for the past fifty years believing he had shrapnel and no one could find it however if they played along and told Doug they removed it then maybe Doug would finally be able to move on with the rest of his life. Yet, Scott hadn’t wanted to take that risk. Scott said that the patient would still be open to complications and that they would be liable if anything were to happen because of that ”small” cut. However, Paul and Shannon asked Scott to at least talk to the guy and that once conversation did help change Scott’s opinion. Scott had wanted to help Doug and he thought that first part to doing that would be showing Doug how many people he inspired with his story. So Paul had wanted to know now what and as they were figuring that part out — Drew had snapped. Drew had apparently been at the infamous battle that Senator Arnold was taking credit for and he knew the truth. He knew that the senator had been part of a convoy that was supposed to provide backup and that they showed ten minutes later than expected when the battle was practically over and Drew’s friends were dead. Though that part of the story never actually made it into the press and so the senator has been allowed to pretend that he was a hero. So Drew eventually had enough of that and he had wanted confront the senator with TC. TC knew what it was like to serve and he had been just as angry about the senator’s fake record. But Jordan stopped the guys before they could do anything. She said that she understood where they were coming from and was upset as well yet that didn’t change all the good that the senator has done for vets and the hospital. So she told the guys to think about their actions because the consequences could extend beyond their own worlds. And so the guys took what she said under advisement. They were angry and they did want to out the senator. Yet, they later chose to keep quiet and in exchange all they wanted was for the senator to hire a photojournalist. The photojournalist was a vet and she had gotten kicked out of service after she caught images of soldiers urinating on prisoners. So Ananya was given some excuse to leave and now she was going blind from her condition that wasn’t covered by the VA however if the senator gave her permanent employment then all was forgiven. Ananya had gotten a bad deal yet she was also a fan of the senator. So the senator took the agreement and he gave Ananya the job that would cover her under his insurance. However, as the day went on, Scott decided to fake the procedure for Doug and as it turns out Doug had surprisingly realized that he didn’t need them to do it. He checked himself and he left behind the message ”Keep the Faith” which was something soldiers say to each other

102 The Night Shift Episode Guide that meant keeping fighting on. And so the hospital was finally came to it senses after everything and things returned to normal. Though there was one thing that was different. Kenny had treated one of the protestors and he had ignored Cain orders because he hadn’t’ wanted to treat the guy. So the patient nearly died on their watch, but Cain was able to fix what Kenny neglected and he covered for Kenny. He said that he knew what happens when passions run high and so he didn’t mention a thing to Scott and funnily enough Scott had had new for them. He said the protestor was actually an FBI Agent on the Hate Crimes Task Force and that he had been undercover with the church as a way to take them down. And so Kenny learned something after all this — he learned that he wasn’t there to judge anyone.

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Season 4 Episode Number: 43 Season Episode: 8

Originally aired: Thursday August 17, 2017 Writer: Tom Garrigus, Shannon Sommers Director: Terrell Clegg Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Rana Roy (Amira), Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lincoln), Erica Tazel (Dr. Bella Cummings), Fabrizio Zacharee Guido (Guest Star), Michael Lehr (Ford), Kyle S. More (Guest Star), Chris Conner (Andy), James Mc- Daniel (Dr. Julian Cummings), Andres Segura (Orderly Ray) Summary: A cyber attack creates chaos in the hospital. Meanwhile, Drew draws on his medical and military training to treat a critical patient, and TC joins on a SWAT drug raid. Also: TC contemplates returning to Syria to tie up loose ends.

Drew applied to Ranger school, but hasn’t told Rick yet. Paul finds out that Kenny is dating his sister. TC and Rick are out on a SWAT raid. An explosion goes off and members of the team are injured. The hospital is under a cyber attack causing all sorts of issues for the doctors. Jordan says all non-critical care should go to other hospitals despite what Julian wants. TC treats an injured officer in the field while under heavy fire. The lights go out in the hospital and the back up generators aren’t kicking in. Jordan and Shannon struggle to treat their patient. Drew and Kenny get stuck in an elevator with a boy who needs surgery. Paul brings supplies and lowers the down to Drew and Kenny who are stuck between floors. TC and Rick bring the officer to SAM despite being told to divert. They don’t have time to go to another hospital. Shannon’s patient admits she started drinking again after several years of sobriety. TC treats his patient in the trauma room. They’re having trouble finding the bullet. Drew must drill into his patient’s head, despite the fact he continues to seize. Kenny holds him down and they save him. Jordan realizes it’s not a bullet they’re looking for, but splinters of wood from the explosion. Julian pays the ransom and gets the power back on. He admits to Scott he doesn’t have the money to pay back the loans. Drew tells Rick he’s going to ranger school. Jordan suggests they train battlefield doctors, but needs TC to agree to stay. Amira calls TC to say she wants to be with him and wants him to come back to Syria.

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106 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Land of the Free

Season 4 Episode Number: 44 Season Episode: 9

Originally aired: Thursday August 24, 2017 Writer: Francesca Butler Director: Gabe Sachs Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Rana Roy (Amira), Luis Moncada (Romero), Lindsay Pulsipher (Rene), Carlos Sanz (Guest Star), Isaac Arellanes (Angel), Rob Estes (Guest Star), Sarah Hagan (Althea), Chris Bruno (Dirty Cop), Greg Cromer (ICE Charlie), Mark Consuelos (Cain Diaz), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mol- lie), Alma Sisneros (Nurse Jocelyn), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Amy Puente (Lina), Shad Adair (SWAT Member), Ruth A Ward (Ederly Woman), Daniel O. Moncada (Cop Assassin), Evan Bryn Graves (Nurse), David Ott (Bill the Orderly) Summary: TC and Jordan accompany a SWAT team on a raid and wind up with an emergency room full of sickened immigrants, including one with murderous intentions; and Scott pulls a dream team together to im- press the Colonel in charge of setting up a combat training program. In other events, more is learned about Cain’s past; Kenny shares some big news with the group; and Shannon keeps something personal from Paul.

The police are dealing with a hostage sit- uation. The man has another at knife point. He wants them to open the gate to the prison. When they don’t, he takes off in a cruiser, crashing it in to another. Jordan, TC and the others rush to the car and try to help the suspect, who tells them to let him die. Inside, TC is called over by a little boy. His mom isn’t breath- ing. TC goes to help. The woman has dia- betes. Drew is doing push-ups with Shannon sitting on top of him. Kenny counts while teasing him that he won’t make it. Emer- gency calls. Dr. Allister is brought in and directed to trauma 2. At the same time the suspect is brought in screaming and threatening the cops. TC brings in a slew of immigrants that are scheduled to be deported tonight. Scott is overwhelmed, but agrees to take them all in. Jordan finishes talking to TC about a contract while she works on the suspect. TC leaves. He jumps up and yells boo to her. He wants her to jump in bed with him and pass some time. She turns him down with a bit of sarcasm and leaves while telling him that when he wants to be treated to let her know. Alone in the room, the suspect pulls a razor blade from his mouth while signaling to a man outside of his hospital room. Dr. A talks to Drew about him heading off to ranger school. Dr. A talks about the suspect. He’s scum and gives men like him a bad name. The guy has been deported several times. Paul

107 The Night Shift Episode Guide takes offense to this. Dr. A is brought into surgery for internal bleeding. Drew asks him why he is angry. The team gets together. All of their patients are exhibiting signs of meningitis. Scott tells Shannon to get vaccinated as she works on the woman with diabetes. Her son is there. He knows what they are talking about. He wants to be a doctor. He pleads with them not to let her die. She is all he has. His father isn’t a good guy. They promise him. At the front desk Jordan and the team talk about a game plan for the patients. The deportation officer overhears. He is mad that TC told him that they have the measles. TC should have let them all stay there and be deported back to their own countries with their diseases. He demands they get on the bus. Jordan tells him no. He will die and so will they. Jordan gets a call from Cain. He tells her he needs to go back to Mexico. There is an emer- gency. He quits over the phone. She wants to talk about this. He hangs up and grabs handfuls of money out a safe, stuffing it into a bag along with a gun and passports. Shannon checks out the young boy. He’s good. He gets upset. They will deport him. Shannon tells him that she will pretend he is sick so he is safe. ICE gives Shannon a hard time when she gets out of the room. Scott confronts the man and tells him that they won’t be releasing anyone who is sick anytime soon. Paul talks to Dr. A who apologizes for what he said earlier. Paul explains that id he isnt wearing his scrubs he gets mistaken for the janitor. Dr. A tells him how his family thinks he is a traitor for working with ICE. But he started out when it was about deporting the bad guys not families. The suspect is being wheeled into a room. Officers keep watch. He flirts with Jordan who is very annoyed. TC shows up while the suspect mouths off. He is there to help out Jordan. She tells him how Cain quit. They bring the suspect up to CT. In the room, the suspect slashes one of the officers when he goes to un-cuff him. The suspect grabs his gun, fires and disappears into the ceiling. Jordan reports that she has called security to get a map of all the vents. TC is mad that this happened on his watch. TC suggests that Drew and he join SWAT. Jordan announces to the floor that the suspect is on the 4th floor. The vents aren’t connected. Shannon checks on the young boy Angel. He is passed out in a hospital bed after taking pills. They pump his stomach. Dr. A asks Paul about Angel. He blames himself. He was the one who arrested them and brought them in. Paul asks what he is going to do to fix it. He explains that he can’t do anything. It’s too late. The SWAT team sees blood dripping from a vent. They need to bring the suspect in alive. They all aim their guys to the ceiling. They turn on their cameras. They see him in the vents. The head of the SWAT teams wants to go in 5 minutes, but TC thinks it’s a bad idea. He leaves. Rene, the head of SWAT goes in. She gets shot. TC goes up in the ceiling to rescue her. Jordan and Drew lower her down. TC doesn’t leave, but goes after the suspect. Cain is pulled over by the police. The man from the hospital gets in the driver’s side and makes him drive with a gun on him. They take off. The cop leaves. TC gets his knife ready. He turns the corner of the vent and lunges at the suspect who is too strong. He hits TC with the gun several times; throwing him back and making him bleed. They start to fight again as the SWAT team cuts the ceiling. They both fall. Jordon runs to TC. A gets out of surgery. He asks about Angel. Shannon wheels him in. They break the news that Angel and his mom can stay after their deportation pick-up was found to be irregular. Jordan works on TC. They go back and forth about him acting like a hero. Amira shows up and interrupts them. It creates an uncomfortable situation. Kenny asks Paul to talk. He wants to marry Bella and he wants his blessing. Paul knows how he gets with his emotions and woman. Kenny explains that he loves her. When you know you know. After Paul gives his yes, Kenny goes wild. She already said yes. Paul doesn’t look happy while everyone around them congratulate Kenny. Scott. TC, Jordan and Amira meet with the Colonel. He agrees to their contract. He will give the group 3 days before he sends along the recruits to be trained for combat zones. It is a lot sooner than they were ready for but Scott shakes on the deal.

108 The Night Shift Episode Guide


Season 4 Episode Number: 45 Season Episode: 10

Originally aired: Thursday August 31, 2017 Writer: Brian Anthony Director: Jeff Judah Show Stars: Eoin Macken (Dr. TC Callahan), Jill Flint (Dr. Jordan Alexander), Bren- dan Fehr (Dr. Drew Alister), Robert Bailey Jr. (Dr. Paul Cummings), JR Lemon (Kenny Fournette), Tanaya Beatty (Dr. Shannon Rivera), Scott Wolf (Dr. Scott Clemmens) Guest Stars: Rana Roy (Amira), Luke Macfarlane (Rick Lincoln), Erica Tazel (Dr. Bella Cummings), Holly Taylor (Guest Star), Wilmer Calderon (Boon), Kasha Kropinski (Bernadine), Rob Estes (Colonel Parnell), James Mc- Daniel (Dr. Julian Cummings), Esodie Geiger (Nurse Mollie), Alma Sis- neros (Nurse Jocelyn), Trina E. Siopy (Sara), Andres Segura (Orderly Ray), Toby Montoya (Toby), Diane Villegas (Reporter), Cowboy Cerrone (Wounded Paramedic Nick), Frank Lester (Ranger Instructor), Michelle Waterson (SWAT Officer), Aaron Fili (Wyatt), Steve Larese (Army Pri- vate), Missy Peregrym (Lt. Reagan), Aeon Cruz (Student), Evan Bryn Graves (Nurse) Summary: A shooting at a nearby college sends TC, Jordan, Drew and Amira into the field, where they assist Rick with a deadly situation. Scott im- plements a new training program and locks horns with Julian. Drew struggles with frustrations about going to Army Ranger School while Shannon and TC both contemplate their future at San Antonio Memo- rial.

San Antonio Memorial was recently se- lected to run a trial combat medical train- ing center. However, Scott had seemingly forgotten to get permission to throw the hospital in the running much less run a trial. So Julian came back into town and he demanded answers. The other man had wanted to know why Scott would volunteer for something like that when he knows that the hospital was low on money and needed everything to go ac- cording to plan if they were ever going to get a loan yet Scott had told Julian that he needed to trust him. Scott said that running a training cen- ter would bring in cash flow and that they needn’t worry about what ifs because they weren’t even sure if they would get the contract. Yet, Julian hadn’t wanted to take the risk. He said that some- one could get hurt during training and sue them or if they fail then that would become public knowledge. So Julian had also threatened Scott. He said that if anything went wrong that Scott would be out of a job and that he would demand Scott return that bonus he had received. But Scott believed in Jordyn and the others. He knew that they were right about the program and that they could run in competently. So Scott decided to stand behind the others and he thought TC was right when he later took the training team out in the field. The hospital had been

109 The Night Shift Episode Guide alerted to a mass shooting at San Antonio University during the college’s commencement cere- mony though there was an additional danger to anyone responding to the call because multiple shooters were still on the scene. So TC was directly tacking the team into danger and Scott still had thought it was a good idea however there had been another incident that no one had accounted for. There had been a young woman volunteering to act as a person in need for the training center and she hadn’t been able to get back up like all the others. Though Paul and Shannon had taken her back to the hospital and checked her out so they found something. They found out the patient, Anna, was suffering from an irregular heartbeat As the situation went, the irregular heartbeat was something of a genetic disease and so the hospital wasn’t at fault. However, there was a problem with a certain someone’s bedside manner. Shannon had found out that Anna was going to school because that’s what her parents wanted and so she snapped at the young woman. She said that she should devote her life to what she wants to do and not what she has to do. So that was a little out of place except Shannon was coming from some personal when she told Anna that. Shannon as it turns out has been thinking about leaving the hospital because she wasn’t happy there anymore and so she eventually worked up the courage to tell Paul what she’s been doing. She’s been applying to other residencies and she told him that she was leaving because she didn’t become a doctor to wear body armour or train combat medics. But Paul also had something to confess. He said that being around soldiers has inspired him and so he wanted to go places like Africa or Syria to help. And no one thought that was a good idea. Shannon would later decide to return to her clinic on the reservation and she wanted Paul to go with her rather than go near combat. Yet, Paul wouldn’t listen to her and he wouldn’t listen to TC either. TC had also thought it was a bad idea and had tried to talk Paul out of going though Paul said that it was his decision and that he was going despite what they said. So the two people he confessed his plans to had accepted in the end that they couldn’t change his mind and had kept quiet about everything because Paul wasn’t telling anyone else. Paul had decided not to tell his family what he was doing because they were all so happy about Kenny and Bella’s engagement. Though from the start, he had been thinking about going with TC and Amira to Syria. The couple were staying in town to get the program approved except they planned to return to combat afterwards and unfortunately it had been Amira that told Jordyn that. So Jordyn had gotten upset. She has been telling herself and everyone else that while she loves TC she wasn’t in love in him, but Amira called her out on that. Amira said only Americans thought there was a difference and so she knew that Jordyn still cared about TC. But the truth didn’t come out until after they dealt with the shooting victims. The environment had been dangerous and more than one person had tried to kill off any person they deemed imperialistic however Jordyn and TC got through it and more importantly they eventual won the contract from the Rangers because the colonel thought they trained the team to react well in the field. So the hospital won a lucrative contract and TC told Jordyn that he wasn’t needed anymore because he only agreed to stay till the decision. However, Jordyn ended up telling him that she would miss him and she also argued with him because he couldn’t be sure if he would come back this time. So TC did the only sensible thing to do to show Jordyn he cared. He decided to stay in San Antonio and take Drew’s place to run the training program because Drew later went to Ranger School. And so the last time everyone was all together was at the engagement party. Julian had went all out on the engagement party and so everyone came out to celebrate the event and it turns out Paul left his family without telling them where he was going. So after a couple of days or weeks or who knows might have passed, TC found himself in San Antonio with Scott and Jordyn meanwhile Paul was in Syria with Amira, Shannon was running her clinic on the reservation with supplies from a supportive Jordyn, and Kenny was basically becoming the son Julian always wanted because he was actually interested in the family business.

110 Actor Appearances

A Beth Bailey ...... 1 0101 (Anesthesiologist) Adrian Acosta ...... 1 Becky Ann Baker...... 1 0304 (Rioter) 0405 (Lily Alister) Shad Adair ...... 1 Tristen Bankston ...... 1 0409 (SWAT Member) 0203 (Ryan) Trace Adkins ...... 1 Brian Barela...... 2 0212 (Guest Star) 0206 (Police Officer); 0214 (Police Officer) Max Adler...... 1 Isaac Barnes ...... 1 0405 (Corporal Steven Mason) 0214 (Hospital Orderly) Ray Aguayo...... 1 David Barrera ...... 1 0301 (Wounded Soldier) 0108 (Detective) Ryan Ahern...... 1 Max Barsness ...... 1 0407 (Guest Star) 0107 (Eric) Yasmine Aker...... 1 Matt Battaglia ...... 2 0403 (Rasha) 0301 (General Rozenfeld); 0302 (General Rozenfeld) Matthew Alan ...... 1 Steven Bauer ...... 2 0210 (Brent Geisting) 0107 (Milo Osbourne); 0108 (Milo Osbourne) Armin Amiri ...... 2 Richard Beal...... 1 0301 (Sharbat’s Husband); 0302 (Akmal) 0306 (ER patient) Todd Anderson ...... 1 Jennifer Beals ...... 7 0103 (Henry) 0301 (Dr. Syd Jennings); 0302 (Dr. Syd Jennings); Martin Andrews ...... 1 0307 (Dr. Syd Jennings); 0312 (Dr. Syd Jen- 0405 (Cory) nings); 0313 (Dr. Syd Jennings); 0401 (Dr. Syd Matt Angel ...... 1 Jennings); 0402 (Dr. Syd Jennings) 0104 (Pvt. Charlie Pearson) India de Beaufort...... 1 Barbie Anthony ...... 1 0214 (Farrah) 0104 (Christine) Ryan Begay...... 1 Neil Antonio ...... 1 0406 (Chief Estrada) 0407 (Afghan Terrorist) Crista Benavidez ...... 1 Isaac Arellanes ...... 1 0301 (Scrub Nurse) 0409 (Angel) Kelli Berglund ...... 1 Lena Armstrong ...... 1 0402 (Sofia) 0213 (Kimberly) Morse Bicknell ...... 1 Patrick Arrellin ...... 2 0312 (Rubicon Member) 0204 (Firefighters / Paramedic / EMT); 0207 (Fire- Jill Biden ...... 1 fighters / Paramedic / EMT) 0212 (Jill Biden) Noel Arthur ...... 1 Jeremiah Birkett ...... 2 0304 (Mr. Zero) 0307 (Harold); 0401 (Harold) Hela Aryan...... 1 Jeremiah Bitsui ...... 2 0312 (Anesthesiologist) 0107 (Soldier); 0108 (Sgt. Martin) Jennifer Aspen ...... 2 Paul Blott...... 1 0301 (Mrs. Watkins); 0302 (Joan Watkins) 0207 (Charlie) Mackenzie Astin...... 1 Daniela Bobadilla ...... 1 0212 (Guest Star) 0107 (Nina) Nathaniel Augustson...... 1 Sage Boysen ...... 1 0308 (Tech Person) 0202 (Blake Maynor) Jordyn Aurora...... 1 Abby Brammell...... 1 0313 (WMA Nurse) 0103 (Ginger Brown) Estrella Avila ...... 1 Mac Brandt...... 6 0405 (Nurse Anna) 0213 (Reilly); 0312 (Mac Reily); 0313 (Mac Reily); Mikael Ayele ...... 1 0402 (Mac Reily); 0404 (Mac Reily); 0406 (Mac 0312 (Border Guard) Reily) Shinelle Azoroh...... 1 Karan Brar ...... 1 0102 (Debbie) 0302 (Omed) Amanda Brooks ...... 1 0402 (Dana Carpenter) B Vic Browder ...... 1 The Night Shift Episode Guide

0212 (Officer) Ryan Jason Cook ...... 1 Jacob Browne ...... 1 0102 (Best Man) 0108 (Security) Leedy Corbin ...... 1 Shane Brumett ...... 1 0202 (Abby Maynor) 0301 (Fireman) Steve Corona ...... 2 Shane Brummet...... 1 0205 (Salesman); 0206 (Lumber Salesman) 0302 (Jonah (uncredited)) J.W. Cortes ...... 1 Chris Bruno ...... 1 0407 (Lieutenant Powers) 0409 (Dirty Cop) Jennifer Cortese...... 1 Dominic Burgess ...... 1 0108 (Patrice) 0404 (Arthur) Ivet Corvea ...... 1 Jim Burleson ...... 1 0301 (Kelly Ramirez) 0101 (EMT #1 Victor) John Cothran ...... 1 Timothy Busfield ...... 1 0404 (Carl Mills) 0211 (Shane) Wray Crawford ...... 1 Christopher J. Buzzell ...... 1 0103 (Hunter) 0101 (Large Man) Myndy Crist ...... 1 0212 (Guest Star) Greg Cromer...... 1 C 0409 (ICE Charlie) Aeon Cruz ...... 1 James Cady ...... 1 0410 (Student) 0208 (Old Man) Jack Caffrey ...... 1 0203 (Mr. Howard) D Raleigh Cain...... 1 0204 (Lorelei) Aimee Dale ...... 1 Wilmer Calderon ...... 1 0102 (Ankle Sprain Woman) 0410 (Boon) Merle Dandridge ...... 15 Monique Candelaria ...... 1 0201 (Gwen Gaskin); 0202 (Gwen Gaskin); 0203 0301 (Lucia) (Gwen Gaskin); 0204 (Gwen Gaskin); 0205 (Gwen Brad Carter...... 1 Gaskin); 0206 (Gwen Gaskin); 0207 (Gwen Gaskin); 0403 (Lee Harris) 0208 (Gwen Gaskin); 0210 (Gwen Gaskin); 0211 Bryce Cass ...... 1 (Gwen Gaskin); 0212 (Gwen Gaskin); 0213 (Gwen 0310 (Robbie Travers) Gaskin); 0214 (Gwen Gaskin); 0302 (Gwen Gaskin); Michael Cassidy...... 3 0401 (Gwen Gaskin) 0302 (Sam); 0303 (Sam); 0306 (Sam) Isabella Day ...... 1 Shanley Caswell...... 1 0204 (Isabella Hinojosa) 0213 (Guest Star) Amanda Detmer...... 1 Challen Cates ...... 1 0401 (Katherine Santiago) 0203 (Mrs. Harrison) Sean Dillingham ...... 1 Ricky Catter ...... 1 0307 (Wounded Man) 0104 (Ricky) Peter Diseth ...... 1 Harona Ceesay ...... 2 0403 (Surgeon) 0304 (Protester); 0401 (Patient) Luke Donaldson...... 1 Cowboy Cerrone...... 1 0209 (Marcus) 0410 (Wounded Paramedic Nick) Nikki Donley...... 1 Melissa Chambers ...... 1 0205 (Denise) 0311 (Bus Driver) Jetto Dorsainville ...... 1 Wes Chatham ...... 1 0206 (Police) 0407 (Clark) Ryan Dorsey...... 1 Lisseth Chavez ...... 1 0312 (Derrick) 0202 (Ana) Jason Douglas ...... 1 Trine Christensen...... 1 0203 (Mr. Harrison) 0201 (Motorcycle Woman) Stafford Douglas ...... 1 Abbie Cobb ...... 1 0101 (Teenage Boy) 0313 (Dani Stafford) Zack Duhame ...... 1 Marc Comstock...... 4 0307 (Pro Engineer) 0101 (Dwayne); 0103 (Dwayne); 0105 (Dwayne); 0107 Maria F. Durand ...... 1 (Dwayne) 0204 (Maria Hinojosa) Stephen Conn ...... 1 0407 (Protester) Kenneth Connell ...... 1 E 0207 (Security Guard) Chris Conner ...... 1 Roberto Earlywine ...... 2 0408 (Andy) 0103 (Dayshift Orderly); 0104 (Dayshift Orderly) Marjorie J. Conner ...... 1 Jean Effron...... 1 0211 (Woman) 0102 (Older Woman) Mark Consuelos...... 8 Stephen A. Eiland...... 1 0401 (Cain Diaz); 0402 (Cain Diaz); 0403 (Cain 0101 (Security Guard) Diaz); 0404 (Cain Diaz); 0405 (Cain Diaz); 0406 Jake Elliott ...... 1 (Cain Diaz); 0407 (Cain Diaz); 0409 (Cain Diaz) 0213 (Guest Star)

112 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Manda Mae Emery ...... 1 Erik Gonzales ...... 1 0407 (Reporter #1) 0106 (Soldier #1) Jillian Estell ...... 4 Joseph Gonzales ...... 1 0301 (Riley); 0302 (Riley); 0305 (Riley); 0307 (Riley) 0307 (Band Member #4) Rob Estes...... 2 M. David Gonzales ...... 1 0409 (Guest Star); 0410 (Colonel Parnell) 0202 (Hector) Irene Estrada...... 1 Andrea Good ...... 2 0212 (Carlos’ Widow) 0204 (Hospital Patient); 0207 (Hospital Patient) Rosa Estrada ...... 1 Alex Gopal ...... 1 0407 (Veteran #3) 0403 (Teenager) Mary Sue Evans...... 1 Julian Gopal...... 1 0201 (Neurosurgeon) 0403 (Hassan) Kayla Ewell ...... 1 David Goryl...... 2 0311 (Cristina) 0301 (Francis Watkins Sr.); 0302 (Francis Watkins Sr.) Al Goto...... 2 F 0102 (Deputy Sheriff); 0105 (Deputy Sheriff) Angela Gots...... 1 Josh Fadem ...... 1 0405 (Elise Shaw) 0308 (Dylan) Nick Gracer...... 1 Nancy Schmitt Farkas ...... 1 0313 (Savas) 0201 (Jordan’s Unattended Patient) Evan Bryn Graves...... 2 Jordan Farris...... 1 0409 (Nurse); 0410 (Nurse) 0303 (Eric) Devon Graye...... 1 Luciana Faulhaber...... 1 0106 (Pvt. Wilson) 0302 (Carly Martinez) Michael Graziadei ...... 1 Howard Ferguson Jr...... 3 0404 (Martin) 0401 (Fireman Ed); 0402 (Fireman Ed); 0403 (Fire- Noel Green...... 1 man Ed) 0407 (Mac’s Brother) Eddie J. Fernandez ...... 1 Matt Greene ...... 1 0211 (Police Office) 0101 (Tree Trimmer) Maureen Fernando...... 1 David A. Gregory ...... 1 0404 (Nurse Viki) 0313 (Carter Stafford) Aaron Fili ...... 1 Jad Grey...... 1 0410 (Wyatt) 0313 (Emir) Braden Fitzgerald ...... 1 Daniel Grochowski ...... 1 0102 (Anthony) 0203 (Mr. Simpson) Jack Forcinito ...... 1 Fabrizio Zacharee Guido...... 1 0404 (Unit Commander) 0408 (Guest Star) Chase A. Fox ...... 1 0101 (Matthew) Ramon´ Franco...... 1 H 0302 (Augusto Martinez) Philena Franklin ...... 1 James Landry Hebert´ ...... 1 0210 (Kaylee) 0214 (San Antonio Sniper) Billy Fuessel...... 1 Sarah Hagan ...... 1 0103 (Cowboy in ER) 0409 (Althea) Nico Dean Fulgenzi ...... 1 Nikki Hahn ...... 1 0201 (Injured Immigrant Child) 0103 (Kylie) Charles Halford ...... 2 0312 (Justin Wilson); 0313 (Justin Wilson) G Jennifer Hall ...... 1 0405 (Meghan Walters) Diana Gaitirira ...... 1 Travis Hammer...... 1 0104 (Tammy Fraser) 0102 (Groom) Carla Gallo ...... 1 Caitlin Harris...... 1 0305 (Hannah) 0208 (Alex) Richie Gaona ...... 1 Catherine Haun ...... 1 0201 (Father) 0102 (Junkie’s Mother) J.D. Garfield...... 1 Paul Walter Hauser ...... 1 0201 (Charlie) 0205 (Oren) Grant Garrison ...... 1 Jason Henning ...... 1 0405 (Dr. Fred) 0101 (Dayshift Doctor) David Gautreaux ...... 2 Lance Henriksen ...... 2 0107 (SWAT Team Captain); 0108 (SWAT Team Cap- 0303 (Clive); 0308 (Clive) tain) Nick Hermz ...... 1 Akbar Gbajabiamila...... 1 0402 (Caliphate Recruit) 0405 (Himself) Montse Hernandez ...... 1 Nicole Geddie...... 2 0209 (Naomi) 0301 (Donovan); 0302 (Donovan) Tasos Hernandez...... 1 Melissa Gilbert ...... 1 0303 (Buddy) 0211 (Lindsay) Preston James Hillier ...... 1

113 The Night Shift Episode Guide

0403 (Alan Apone) Alicia Lagano ...... 1 Claire Hinkley ...... 1 0210 (Simone) 0203 (Taylor Sawyer) Ruben Rivera Laguna ...... 1 Robert Hoffman ...... 2 0405 (Medic Erik) 0107 (Thad Callahan); 0108 (Thad Callahan) James Ellis Lane ...... 1 Mark Holguin...... 1 0103 (Drunken Alamo Re-Enactor) 0107 (Fish Eye) Lonnie Lane ...... 1 Bruce Holmes ...... 1 0201 (Crazy Person) 0205 (Trucker) Rodger Larance...... 2 Madalyn Horcher...... 1 0305 (Visitor); 0306 (Visitor) 0402 (Abby Carpenter) Steve Larese ...... 2 Tina Huang...... 2 0307 (Deputy Sheriff); 0410 (Army Private) 0307 (Janet); 0308 (Janet) Val Lauren...... 1 Jonathan Hubbarth...... 1 0406 (Guest Star) 0108 (Police Officer) Dan Lauria ...... 1 Alan Humphrey ...... 1 0407 (Douglas Stratton) 0401 (Military) Gianna LePera...... 1 Darlene Hunt...... 2 0211 (Catherine) 0101 (Ms. Palmer); 0106 (Ms. Palmer) Shawn Lecrone ...... 5 Galen Hutchison ...... 1 0307 (Firefighter); 0308 (Firefighter); 0309 (Fire- 0303 (Hipster Groomsman) fighter); 0311 (Paramedic); 0313 (Firefighter) Camille Hyde ...... 1 Nelson Lee ...... 1 0404 (Tina Mills) 0308 (Dr. Park) Michael Lehr ...... 2 0406 (Ford); 0408 (Ford) J Michael Lemert...... 3 0404 (US Combat Soldier); 0405 (US Combat Sol- Jackie R. Jacobson ...... 1 dier); 0407 (Sergeant Mercado) 0307 (Darika) Anthony Leon ...... 1 Grant James ...... 1 0105 (Cowboy) 0102 (Charles Knight) Frank Lester...... 1 Keith Jardine...... 1 0410 (Ranger Instructor) 0313 (Moss) Ken Leung ...... 1 Jesus Jr...... 1 0206 (Dr. Topher Zia) 0105 (Ike the Bookie) Mandy Levin...... 1 Denver Johnson...... 1 0106 (Marcie) 0407 (Reporter #2) Marty Lindsey ...... 1 Melanie Johnson ...... 2 0203 (Marilyn’s Son) 0106 (Nurse Joanna); 0107 (Nurse Joanna) Billy Lockwood ...... 3 0211 (Sergeant Cole); 0212 (Sergeant Cole); 0214 K (Sergeant Cole) Jane Long ...... 1 Jade Kammerman ...... 2 0301 (OR Nurse) 0103 (Amy); 0212 (Sheet Woman) Barney Lopez ...... 1 Isaac Kappy ...... 1 0307 (Band Member #1) 0211 (Sean) Fredrick Lopez ...... 1 Josh Kelly ...... 1 0212 (Biker) 0407 (Xavier Arnold) Victor Samuel Lopez ...... 1 Kyla Kenedy ...... 8 0306 (Victor) 0307 (Brianna); 0308 (Brianna); 0309 (Brianna); Matt Lowe ...... 1 0310 (Brianna); 0312 (Brianna); 0313 (Bri- 0213 (Guest Star) anna); 0402 (Brianna); 0405 (Brianna) Kelly V. Lucio...... 3 Jerry Kernion...... 1 0305 (College Coed); 0311 (Sports Bar Patron); 0403 0208 (Christian Boone) (Visitor) Megan Ketch ...... 1 Jesse Luken ...... 1 0406 (Guest Star) 0204 (Frat Boy) Nicholas King...... 2 Phil Luna ...... 1 0301 (Frankie Jr.); 0302 (Frankie Jr.) 0107 (Nina’s Dad) Alex Knight ...... 1 0101 (Bradford) Carlos Knight...... 2 M 0301 (Marquez); 0302 (Marquez) Argos MacCallum ...... 1 Kasha Kropinski ...... 1 0103 (Charles Knight) 0410 (Bernadine) Luke MacFarlane...... 1 0210 (Rick Lincoln) L Luke Macfarlane ...... 8 0106 (Rick Lincoln); 0204 (Capt. Rick Lincoln); 0213 Katherine LaNasa ...... 1 (Rick Lincoln); 0311 (Rick Lincoln); 0313 (Rick 0102 (Dr. Flannery Mills) Lincoln); 0405 (Rick Lincoln); 0408 (Rick Lin- Nozomi Labarrere ...... 1 coln); 0410 (Rick Lincoln) 0211 (Malik) Amanda Machon ...... 1

114 The Night Shift Episode Guide

0307 (Band Member #2) 0205 (Det. Moreno) Mona Malec ...... 1 Toby Montoya ...... 1 0402 (Joan Fraley) 0410 (Toby) Irina Maleeva ...... 1 Robb Moon ...... 3 0312 (Sahin) 0103 (ER Orderly); 0104 (ER Orderly); 0108 (ER Gregor Manns ...... 1 Orderly) 0104 (Heavy Man) Audrey Moore ...... 1 Briana Marin ...... 7 0214 (Reporter) 0307 (Nina Alvarez); 0308 (Nina Alvarez); 0310 (Nina Jaylen Moore ...... 2 Alvarez); 0311 (Nina Alvarez); 0312 (Nina Al- 0401 (Omar); 0402 (Omar) varez); 0313 (Nina Alvarez); 0401 (Nina Al- Jon Kristian Moore...... 2 varez) 0107 (Paramedic #3); 0308 (Paramedic #2) Ted Maritz ...... 1 Justin D. Moore ...... 1 0305 (Guy in quad) 0202 (Hospital Visitor) J.D. Marmion ...... 1 Kyle S. More ...... 1 0302 (MP) 0408 (Guest Star) Asa Martin...... 1 Brit Morgan ...... 1 0209 (Veteran) 0201 (Tricia) A Martinez ...... 1 Lindsey Morgan ...... 1 0105 (Joaquin De La Cruz) 0303 (Kryztal) Eric Martinez ...... 1 Sarah Jane Morris...... 10 0211 (Very Drunk Man) 0205 (Annie); 0207 (Annie); 0301 (Annie); 0302 (An- Miguel Martinez ...... 1 nie); 0305 (Annie); 0306 (Annie); 0312 (An- 0105 (’God’) nie); 0313 (Annie); 0401 (Annie); 0403 (Annie Jesus Mayorga ...... 1 Callahan) 0104 (Chef Tony) Dan Moseley...... 1 Royd McCargish...... 2 0101 (Husband) 0103 (Army Soldier); 0107 (Airforce Airman) Jillian Murray ...... 1 AnnaLynne McCord...... 6 0306 (Emilia) 0305 (Jessica Sanders); 0308 (Jessica Sanders); Lauren Myers...... 1 0310 (Jessica Sanders); 0311 (Jessica Sanders); 0101 (EMT #3) 0313 (Jessica Sanders); 0401 (Jessica Sanders) James McDaniel ...... 6 N 0208 (Dr. Julian Cummings); 0313 (Dr. Julian Cum- mings); 0401 (Dr. Julian Cummings); 0402 Vivian Nesbitt ...... 1 (Dr. Julian Cummings); 0408 (Dr. Julian Cum- 0403 (Dr. Dominguez) mings); 0410 (Dr. Julian Cummings) Sydelle Noel ...... 1 Peter J. McKernan ...... 1 0306 (Georgia) 0101 (Helicopter Pilot) Laura Norman...... 1 Julie McNiven ...... 1 0401 (Nurse Temp) 0209 (Marcus’ Mother) Anthony Nuccio ...... 1 Tatanka Means...... 4 0405 (Turbulence) 0104 (Paramedic Gonzalez); 0201 (Paramedic Gon- Chido Nwokocha ...... 1 zales); 0208 (Paramedic 1); 0209 (Paramedic 0404 (Greggs) 1) Dana Melanie...... 1 0209 (Amanda) O Dana Mellen ...... 1 0312 (Nurse Natalie) Brittany O’Grady ...... 1 Mehdi Merali ...... 2 0201 (Alicia) 0312 (Hamdi); 0313 (Hamdi) Michelle Obama ...... 1 Matthew T. Metzler...... 1 0212 (Herself) 0407 (Protest Leader) Clint Obenchain...... 1 Kenny Miller...... 1 0301 (Narco Patient) 0106 (Seated Soldier) Raymond Ochoa...... 1 Alex Minsky ...... 1 0105 (Ernie) 0102 (Luke) David Ott ...... 1 Kenneth Mitchell ...... 1 0409 (Bill the Orderly) 0104 (George) Cara Ovis ...... 1 Roman Mitichyan ...... 3 0203 (Scott’s Girlfriend) 0305 (Mexican Patron); 0306 (Mexican Patron); 0313 (Turkish Border Patrol) P Steve Mokate ...... 1 0209 (Colonel Lee Roberts) Conrad R. Padilla ...... 1 Antonya Molleur ...... 1 0407 (Lawless) 0101 (Convulsing Woman) Matt Page ...... 1 Daniel O. Moncada...... 1 0209 (Officer) 0409 (Cop Assassin) Martin Palmer ...... 1 Luis Moncada ...... 1 0202 (Drunk Man) 0409 (Romero) Linda Park...... 1 Rick Montoya...... 1 0405 (Flight Attendant)

115 The Night Shift Episode Guide

Terry Dale Parks ...... 1 0406 (Guest Star) 0203 (Deputy Sheriff) Akshay Patel ...... 2 0204 (PV); 0205 (PV) S Daniel Pattison ...... 2 0205 (Zombie #1); 0206 (Zombie Runner 1) Clayton Salberg ...... 2 Caroline Patz ...... 1 0313 (Sketch Guy); 0407 (Marine) 0103 (Gun Woman) Zainne Saleh ...... 2 Dani Payne ...... 1 0301 (Sharbat); 0302 (Sharbat) 0308 (Avery) Matthew Sanchez ...... 1 Missy Peregrym ...... 1 0104 (Paramedic Price) 0410 (Lt. Reagan) Monica Sanchez...... 1 Aeryn Peterson ...... 1 0107 (Nina’s Mom) 0406 (Radiology Tech) Robert Sanchez ...... 1 Jeffrey Pierce ...... 1 0304 (SWAT Commander) 0103 (Todd) Roberto ’Sanz’ Sanchez ...... 2 Wendell Pierce...... 1 0304 (Swat Commander Sanchez); 0309 (Swat Com- 0212 (Guest Star) mander Sanchez) Kyle Pierson ...... 1 Cole Sand...... 1 0311 (Sports Bar Patron) 0212 (Ethan) Daniel Pimentel ...... 1 Frank Sandoval ...... 1 0214 (Gwen’s Partner) 0101 (Naked Butt Guy) Carlos Sanz...... 1 Curtis Plagge ...... 1 0409 (Guest Star) 0402 (Otto) Danielle Sapia ...... 1 Michael Neal Powell ...... 1 0108 (Susan) 0108 (Injured Factory Manager) Michael Sare ...... 1 Dennis Price...... 1 0407 (Veteran #2) 0209 (CT Tech) Tom Schuch ...... 1 Amy Puente...... 1 0203 (Chaplin) 0409 (Lina) Cyd Schulte ...... 1 Lindsay Pulsipher ...... 3 0102 (Mother of Anthony) 0312 (Rene); 0313 (Rene); 0409 (Rene) Andres Segura...... 6 0302 (Orderly Ray); 0305 (Ray); 0310 (Ray); 0313 Q (Orderly Ray); 0408 (Orderly Ray); 0410 (Or- derly Ray) Sam Quinn ...... 2 Kieran Sequoia ...... 2 0102 (Junkie); 0103 (Junkie) 0205 (Laura); 0206 (Laura) Greg Serano ...... 1 0103 (Steve) R Sammy Sheik...... 1 0312 (Besam) Kristen Rakes ...... 1 Colton Shone ...... 1 0310 (Dr. Serita Angara) 0401 (TV Reporter) Drew Rausch ...... 1 Ryan P. Shrime...... 3 0405 (EOD Tech Matt) 0212 (Ali); 0213 (Ali); 0214 (Ali Nuristani) Jeni Reed ...... 1 J. Nathan Simmons...... 1 0101 (Kara) 0206 (Hospital Patient) Mercedes Renard...... 1 Ryan Simpkins...... 1 0209 (Gina) 0406 (Guest Star) Manny Rey ...... 2 Trina Siopy ...... 4 0106 (Mariachi Guy); 0304 (Mr. Gonzalez) 0209 (Paramedic 2); 0301 (Paramedic 2); 0308 (Sara); Rene Reyes ...... 1 0312 (Sara) 0105 (Ear Dude) Trina E. Siopy...... 10 Stephanie Rhodes...... 1 0213 (Paramedic Sara); 0303 (Sara); 0307 (Sara); 0102 (Bride) 0313 (Sara); 0403 (Sara); 0404 (Sara); 0405 Austin Rising ...... 1 (Sara); 0407 (Sara); 0409 (Sara); 0410 (Sara) 0102 (Wedding Party Guy) Ben Skorstad...... 1 Emilio Rivera ...... 1 0107 (Helicopter Pilot) 0303 (Guest Star) Helen Slayton-Hughes ...... 1 Duke Davis Roberts...... 2 0102 (Mrs. Franklin) 0208 (Mills); 0310 (Mills) Michael Slusher ...... 1 Adam Rodriguez...... 3 0403 (Emergency Room Visitor) 0201 (Dr. Joey Chavez); 0204 (Dr. Joey Chavez); Maceo Smedley...... 1 0205 (Dr. Joey Chavez) 0304 (Charles) Rodrigo Rojas...... 1 Samson Snell...... 1 0106 (Julio) 0207 (Large Guy) Rana Roy ...... 8 Brent Snider...... 1 0401 (Amira); 0402 (Amira); 0403 (Amira); 0404 0302 (Rick Moran) (Amira); 0405 (Amira); 0408 (Amira); 0409 (Amira); Phyllis Somerville ...... 1 0410 (Amira) 0203 (Marilyn Capshaw) Kevin Ryan ...... 1 Joseph Julian Soria...... 1

116 The Night Shift Episode Guide

0209 (Javier Castro) Kaelee Vigil ...... 1 Amy Stack ...... 2 0207 (Patient / Visitor) 0202 (Patient); 0207 (Patient / Visitor) Diane Villegas ...... 2 Eric Steinig ...... 1 0213 (Anchor); 0410 (Reporter) 0202 (Officer) Gloria Votsis...... 1 Megan Stevenson ...... 1 0209 (Lydia) 0107 (Candy) Elizabeth Sung ...... 2 0303 (Sumei Zia); 0308 (Sumei Zia) W D.B. Sweeney...... 1 Chris Walsh ...... 1 0203 (Denny Sawyer) 0307 (Band Member #3) Jared Ward...... 1 T 0313 (Captain Yusuf Baran) Ruth A Ward...... 1 0409 (Ederly Woman) Scott Takeda ...... 1 Ines France Ware...... 1 0304 (Tom Jeng) 0203 (Mrs. Hampton) Victor Talmadge ...... 1 Christopher Warner...... 1 0101 (Ophthalmologist) 0311 (Cop) Holly Taylor ...... 1 Jermaine Washington...... 1 0410 (Guest Star) 0212 (Worker) R. Marcos Taylor ...... 1 Robbie Washington ...... 1 0401 (Melvin) 0101 (EMT #2 Carlos) Erica Tazel...... 3 Robert Douglas Washington ...... 2 0406 (Dr. Bella Cummings); 0408 (Dr. Bella Cum- 0207 (Paramedic); 0308 (Paramedic) mings); 0410 (Dr. Bella Cummings) Audrey Wasilewski ...... 1 Carlos Telles...... 1 0210 (Kaylee’s Mother) 0101 (Co-Worker) Michelle Waterson...... 1 Desean Terry ...... 2 0410 (SWAT Officer) 0103 (Mike); 0104 (Mike) Myk Watford...... 1 Todd Terry...... 1 0304 (Steven Benedict) 0103 (Day Shift Doctor) Cynthia Watros...... 1 Crystal Thomas ...... 1 0304 (Rebecca) 0303 (Manager) Derek Webster...... 4 Julia Thudium ...... 2 0102 (Nick Woods); 0103 (Nick Woods); 0107 (Nick); 0102 (Paramedic #2); 0107 (Paramedic #2) 0108 (Nick) Matthew Timmons ...... 1 Jason Weiler...... 1 0307 (Truck Driver) 0303 (Tenderer) Rob Tode ...... 1 Ron Weisberg ...... 1 0407 (Veteran #1) 0203 (Tom) Denyse Tontz ...... 1 Erinn Westbrook ...... 1 0305 (Alina) 0305 (Kelly Anne) Jenni Tooley...... 1 Ben Whitehair ...... 1 0302 (Lisa Moran) 0311 (Matt) La’Charles Trask ...... 1 Charles Malik Whitfield...... 1 0405 (Staffer) 0211 (Malik’s Father) John Trejo ...... 7 Kevin Wiggins ...... 1 0101 (Fireman); 0105 (Fireman); 0108 (Firefighter); 0101 (Deputy) 0201 (Fireman); 0207 (Fireman); 0301 (Fire Rebekah Wiggins ...... 1 Captain); 0307 (Fire Captain) 0106 (Paramedic) Jessica Tuck ...... 1 Wade Williams...... 1 0307 (Guest Star) 0108 (Susan’s Husband) J.B. Tuttle ...... 1 Scott Wolf ...... 11 0212 (Sheet Man) 0104 (Scott); 0105 (Scott); 0106 (Scott); 0108 (Scott); 0201 (Dr. Scott Clemmens); 0203 (Dr. Scott V Clemmens); 0205 (Dr. Scott Clemmens); 0207 (Dr. Scott Clemmens); 0208 (Dr. Scott Clem- Yvonne Valadez...... 1 mens); 0211 (Dr. Scott Clemmens); 0213 (Dr. 0407 (Ananya) Scott Clemmens) Gregory Paul Valdez...... 2 D’Nette Wood ...... 1 0309 (Orderly); 0313 (Syrian Refugee) 0101 (Matthew’s Mother) Clinton Valencia...... 1 Tyron Woodley...... 1 0204 (Roy Hinojosa) 0403 (Travis) Shantel VanSanten ...... 1 Lyliana Wray ...... 1 0203 (Chloe) 0406 (Naya) Rick Vargas...... 6 Kristy Wu ...... 1 0101 (EMT Hernandez); 0102 (EMT Hernandez); 0108 (Janet Zia) 0105 ((EMT Hernandez); 0107 (EMT Hernan- dez); 0208 (Paramedic); 0301 (Paramedic) Y Christina Vidal ...... 1 0312 (Valeska) Jack Yang ...... 1

117 The Night Shift Episode Guide

0201 (Craig) Z

Jose´ Zu´ niga...... 1˜ 0209 (Frank) Alaina Warren Zachary ...... 1 0302 (Old Lady Smoker) Omid Zader...... 1 0401 (Farooq) Zeeko Zaki...... 2 0403 (Duke); 0404 (Duke) Ama Zathura ...... 1 0403 (Driver Debbie) Harry Zimmerman ...... 1 0101 (Surgeon)