JOSIP [ARI] Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade LOWER PALEOLITHIC SITE KREMENAC NEAR THE VILLAGE RUJNIK (SERBIA) UDK: 903.4"632"(497.11) e-mail:
[email protected] DOI: 10.2298/STA1161007S Received: February 08, 2011 Short communication Accepted: August 02, 2011 Abstract. – The site Kremenac has been known for decades as a location where large quantity of raw material for production of the chipped stone artifacts had been found. Only the excavations in 1995 and 1996 defined to a certain extent the artifacts, which indicated by their morphology the Lower Paleolithic date of this site. Because of the impossibility to study for the time being the material from the excavations this work deals with the surface chance finds, which are typologically and even more morphologically distinctive and on the basis of which it is possible to indicate the exceptional early date and importance of this site. Key words. – Chipped stone artifacts, Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, raw materials, flint, opal, quartzite, Rujnik, Ni{, Serbia. he Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade and The site Kremenac is relatively bare slope about National Museum in Ni{ initiated in 1989 the 1.6 km long and around 200 to 270 meters wide covered T joint project directed by Z. Kalu|erovi} and N. in places with sparse grass and low bushes and charac- \uri}-Slavkovi} in order to investigate in detail possi- terized by exceptionally large quantity of flint nodules ble Paleolithic sites in the Ni{ region. The text by A. of various dimensions protruding to the surface (Figs. Or{i}-Slaveti}, who was the first to indicate the location 1, 2, 3).