To Theo . , Sunday, 3 February 1889.

Sunday, 3 February 1889

Metadata Source status: Original manuscript

Location: Amsterdam, , inv. nos. b623 a-b V/1962

Date: Jo van Gogh-Bonger, who presumably had the postmark at her disposal, dated the letter to Sunday, 3 February 1889 (Brieven 1914). We have retained this dating, which agrees with the receipt of Theos letter containing 100 francs hoped to receive it as early as possible after 1 February (letter 744, ll. 103-104), to which he would have liked to reply immediately (ll. 1*-6).

Additional: Original [1r:1] Mon cher Theo, jaurais prfr te rpondre aussitt la bien bonne lettre contenant 100 francs mais justement tant trs fatigu ce moment-l et le medecin1 mayant ordonn absolument de me promener sans travail mental, ce nest par suite de cela quaujourd hui que je tecris. Pour le travail le mois na en somme pas t mauvais et le travail me distrait ou plutt me tient regl, alors je ne men prive pas. Jai fait la berceuse trois fois , 3 or Mme Roulin tant le modle et moi netant que le peintre je lui ai laiss choisir entre les trois, elle et son mari, seulement en conditionnant que de celle quelle prendrait jen ferais encore une rptition pour moi laquelle actuellement jai en train. 4 1 Dr Flix Rey2. 3 The three versions of Augustine Roulin (La berceuse) are F 508 / JH 1671, F 506 / JH 1670 and F 505 / JH 1669. 4

1 2 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889.

Tu me demande si jai lu la Mireille de Mistral je suis comme toi, je ne peu pas la lire que par fragments de la traduction. Mais toi las tu dj entendue car peut-etre sais-tu que Gounod a mis cela en musique.6 Je crois au moins. Cette musique– l naturellement je lignore et mme en lecoutant je regarderais plutt les musiciens que dcouter.[1v:2] Mais je peux te dire ceci que la langue originale dici en paroles est dun musical dans la bouche des arlsiennes que cela ma foi oui je en attrappe par moments des fragments. Peut etre dans la berceuse il y a un essai de petite musique de couleur dici, cest mal peint et les chromos du bazar sont infiniment mieux peints techniquement mais quand mme. Ici la ainsi nomme bonne ville dArles est un drle dendroit que pour de bonnes raisons lami Gauguin appelle le plus sale endroit du midi. Or Rivet, sil voyait la population serait certes des moments dsol en redisant vous tes tous des malades comme il le dit de nous. Mais si vous attrappez la maladie du pays ma foi aprs vous ne pouvez plus lattrapper. Ceci pour te dire que pour moi je ne me fais pas dillusions. Cela va fort fort bien et je ferai tout ce que dira le mdecin mais... lorsque je suis sorti avec le bon Roulin de lhopital je me figurais que je navais rien eu, aprs seulement jai eu le sentiment que javais t malade. Que veux tu, jai des moments o je suis tordu par lenthousiasme ou la folie ou la profetie comme un oracle grec [1v:3] sur son trpied.9 jai alors une grande prsence desprit en paroles et parle commes les arlsiennes mais je me sens si faible avec tout cela. Surtout lorsque les forces physiques reprennent. Mais au moindre symptome grave jai dj dit Rey que je reviendrais et alors me soumettrais aux medecins alienistes

The Roulins5 chose Augustine Roulin (La berceuse) (F 505 / JH 1669); the repetition of it (the fourth version) is F 507 / JH 1672. See Hoermann Lister 2001, p. 73. 6 Frdric Mistral7s Mirio. Poumo prouvenau (1859) is an epic poem of twelve cantos, written in Provenal dialect. There were editions containing a parallel text in French (cf. ed. Paris 1864). The tragic love story serves as the basis of the opera Mireille (1864) by the French composer Charles Gounod8. 9 The prophetess Pythia, seated on a golden tripod in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, uttered incoherent words that had to be interpreted by priests. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889. 3 dAix10 ou lui-mme. Quest ce que cela peut nous faire autre chse que du mal et nous causer que de la souffrance, si nous ne nous portons pas bien, toi ou moi. Notre ambition a tellement sombr. Alors travaillons bien tranquillement, soignons nous tant que nous pouvons et ne nous puisons pas en efforts striles de gnrosit rciproque. Toi tu feras ton devoir et moi je ferai le mien, en tant que quant cela nous avons dj tous les deux pay autrement quen paroles et, au bout de la route, possible quon se reverra tranquillement. Mais moi alors que dans mon dlire toutes choses tant aimes remuent, je naccepte pas cela comme ralit et ne fais pas le faux prophte. la maladie ou la mortalit ma foi cela ne mpate pas mais lambition nest pas compatible, heureusement pour nous, avec les metiers que nous faisons. [1r:4] Dailleurs il y a tant de gens qui pensent ainsi, dans plusieurs cathgories de la societ, du plus haut jusquau plus bas. Mais comment se fait-il que tu penses aux clausules du mariage et la possibilite de mourir ce moment, naurais tu pas mieux fait denfiler ta femme tout simplement pralablement. Enfin cela cest dans les moeurs du nord et dans le nord cest pas moi qui dise quon naie pas de bonnes moeurs. Cela reviendra allez. Mais moi qui nai pas le sou, dans ce cas ci je dis toujours que largent est une monnaie et la peinture en est une autre. Et je suis dj meme te faire un envoi dans le sens mentionn dans les ecritures prcdentes.14 Mais il sagrandira si les forces me reviennent. Ainsi je voudrais seulement quen cas que Gauguin, qui a un complet bguin pour mes tournesols, me prenne ces deux tableaux, 15 quil te donne ta fiancee

10 From Van Goghs first stay in hospital, there had been tentative plans to have him taken to an asylum in Aix-en-Provence. On 29 December 1888 the mayor11 of Arles was asked to take measures to this end; see letter 728, n. 1. Roulin12 wrote about it to Theo on 28 December, and Mrs van Gogh13 was informed as well, as is apparent from her letter to Theo, written a day later (FR b1066 and FR b2425). At the end of February 1889 there was again talk of transferring Van Gogh to Aix; see letter 750, n. 3.

14 Van Gogh had written in his previous letters about his ambition to produce in the near future a series of presentable (and thus saleable) paintings. See letters 741, 743 and 744. 15 The repetitions made for Gauguin16 were Sunflowers in a vase (F 455 / JH 1668) and Sunflowers in a vase (F 458 / JH 1667). See letter 736, n. 12. 4 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889.

ou toi deux tableaux de lui pas mdiocres mais mieux que mdiocres. Et sil prend une dition de la berceuse plus forte raison il doit de son ct aussi donner du bon.17 Sans cela je ne pourrais pas complter cette srie de laquelle je te parlais, qui doit pouvoir passer dans la meme petite vitrine que nous avons [2r:5] tant regarde.19 La valeur dun tableau dans un cas comme a est hors de cause et je me dclare pas expert. Demeure que ma position sociale peut metre aussi chre qu toi serait la tienne de bon employ. Et que je ne dis que ceci, je tiens autant que toi une honettet de frres vis vis largent de Boussod. a nous ny avons jamais mal servi. Et nous nous somme trop ereint pour bien agir que de pouvoir nous facher au titre de voleurs ou incapables, dailleurs je ninsiste pas. Pour les Independants il me semble que six tableaux cest la moiti de trop. A mon got la moisson21 et le verger blanc22 sont assez avec la petite provencale23 ou le semeur24 si tu veux. Mais cela mest si egal. jy tiens seulement te causer un jour une impression plus profondment consolante dans notre mtier de peinture que nous faisons par une collection dune 30taine detudes plus serieuses. cela prouvera toujours nos vrais amis comme Gauguin, Guillaumin, Bernard &c. que nous sommes dans le travail de production.[2v:6] Eh bien pour la petite maison jaune, en payant mon loyer le gerant du proprietaire25 a t tres bien et sest conduit en arlesien, me traitant dgal. Alors je lui ai dit que je navais pas besoin ni de bail ni de promesse

17 Gauguin18 would indeed receive a version of La berceuse; see letter 776, n. 4.

19 Reference to works from the Faure20 Collection exhibited in rue Laffitte; see letter 743, n. 11.

21 The harvest (F 412 / JH 1440). 22 The white orchard (F 403 / JH 1378). 23 Mousm (F 431 / JH 1519). 24 Sower with setting sun (F 422 / JH 1470). 25 The agent in charge of was Bernard Soul26; the owner was Marie Louise Verdier27; see letter 602, n. 19. There was talk of renting Van Goghs house to a tobacconist; see letter 735. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889. 5 de preference crite et que moi en cas de maladie ne payerais pas qu lamiable. Ici les gens ont du fond du ct du coeur et une chse dite est plus sure quune chose crite. Donc je garde la maison provisoirement puisque jai besoin pour ma gurison mentale de me sentir ici chez moi. Maintenant pour ton dmnagement de la Rue Lepic la rue Rodier28 je ne peux pas avoir dopinion, nayant pas vu, mais le principal est que justement toi aussi djeunes chez toi avec ta femme. En restant Montmartre tu auras plus vite t dcor et ministre des beaux arts mais comme tu ne tiens pas cela mieux vaut la tranquilit chez soi, alors je te donne tout fait raison. [2v:7] Moi aussi je suis un peu comme ca au gens du pays qui me demandent aprs ma sant je dis toujours que je commencerai par en mourir avec eux et quaprs ma maladie sera morte. Cela ne veut pas dire que je naurai pas des temps considerables de repit. Mais une fois quon est malade pour de vrai on sait bien que lon ne peut pas attrapper deux fois la maladie, cest la meme chose que la jeunesse ou la vieillesse, la sant ou la maladie. Seulement sache le bien que moi comme toi je fais ce que me dit le mdecin tant que je peux. et que je considre cela comme une partie du travail et du devoir quon a accomplir. Je dois dire ceci que les voisins &c. 31 sont dune bont particulire pour moi, tout le monde souffrant ici soit de fievre soit dhallucination ou folie, on sentend comme des gens dune mme famille. Jai t hier revoir la fille o jtais all dans mon garement. 32 On me disait l que des

28 This move did not take place; on 4 February Theo rented an apartment at 8 cit Pigalle. He moved into the apartment with Jo29 on 20 April 1889. See Brief happiness 1999, pp. 27, 137. In January Theo had drawn a floor plan for Jo of the layout of the apartment (FR b1900; see Brief happiness 1999, p. 128 (with illustration opposite p. 144). He also gave his parents-in-law detailed information about the new apartment, including a floor plan. Jos parents30 were particularly pleased about the short distance to boulevard Montmartre, which meant that Theo could at least lunch regularly with Jo at home and Thats a load off your mind, isnt it, the worry about renting, and the nicest thing is that you will be able to see some greenery in the summer (FR b2892, 9 February 1889; FR b2894, 26 February 1889). 31 Regarding Van Goghs neighbours, see letter 744, n. 6.

32 The Chronique locale in Le Forum Rpublicain of Sunday, 30 December 1888 reported that in the night of 23 6 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889.

chses comme a ici dans le pays na rien dtonnant. Elle en avait soufferte et setait vanouie mais avait repris son calme. Et dailleurs on dit du bien delle. Mais pour me considrer moi comme tout fait sain, il ne faut pas le faire.[2r:8] Les gens du pays qui sont malades comme moi me disent bien la vrit. On peut vivre vieux ou jeune mais on aura toujours des moments o lon perd la tte. Je ne te demande donc pas de dire de moi que je nai rien ou naurai rien. Seulement le Ricord de cela cest probablement Raspail. 34 Les fievres de pays je ne les ai pas encore euses et cela aussi je pourrais encore les attrapper. Mais ici on est dj malin dans tout cela lhospice et donc du moment quon na pas de fausse honte et dit franchement ce quon sent on ny peut mal. Je termine cette lettre pour ce soir, avec bonne poignee de main en pensee. t. t. Vincent

Translation [1r:1] My dear Theo, I would have preferred to reply to you immediately about the very kind letter containing 100 francs, but as I was very tired at that precise moment, and as the doctor37 38 had absolutely ordered me to go for walks without mental work, because of that its only today that I write to you. As for work, the month hasnt been bad after all, and the work distracts me, or rather keeps me in order, so I dont deprive myself of it. Ive done the Berceuse three times,40 now since Mrs Roulin41 was the model and I was only the painter, I let her choose between the three, her and her husband42, only on condition that Id do a repetition for myself of the one she took, which Im working on at present.43

December Van Gogh had offered his severed ear to a certain Rachel33 (la nomme Rachel) at brothel No. 1 (maison de tolrance No. 1) in rue du Bout dArles. The brothel was on the corner of rue des Glacires and rue du Bout d’Arles. Police officer Alphonse Robert later recalled that the girl worked under the name of Gaby (Doiteau and Leroy 1939, p. 6). The identity of the prostitute Rachel/Gaby remains a mystery. For an interpretation see Murphy 2016, pp. 66-69, 217-227. 34 The French venereologist Philippe Ricord35 proved that syphilis and gonorrhoea were distinct diseases. He demonstrated the specific nature of syphilis and distinguished three stages of the disease. Ricord set forth his findings in such publications as Monographie du chancre (1837) and Trait pratique des maladies vnriennes (1838). For Raspail36, see letter 735, n. 11. Van Gogh most likely means: just like Ricord cures venereal disease, Raspail will be able to give me the best advice, namely home medication. Van Gogh depicted Raspails book Manuel annuaire de la sant in Still life with onions and Annuaire de la sant (F 604 / JH 1656). 37 Flix Rey (1865-1932) assistant physician in the hospital in Arles 38 Dr Flix Rey39. 40 The three versions of Augustine Roulin (La berceuse) are F 508 / JH 1671, F 506 / JH 1670 and F 505 / JH 1669. 41 Augustine Alex Roulin-Pelicot (1851-1930) wife of Joseph Roulin 42 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 43 The Roulins44 chose Augustine Roulin (La berceuse) (F 505 / JH 1669); the repetition of it (the fourth version) is To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889. 7

You ask me if Ive read Mistral45s Mireille Im like you, I can only read it in fragments of the translation. But have you heard it yet, for perhaps you know that Gounod46 has set it to music.47 I think so anyway. Naturally I dont know this music, and even if I was listening to it I would rather be looking at the musicians than listening. But I can tell you this, that the original language from [1v:2] here in words sounds so musical in the mouths of the Arlsiennes that my word yes, from time to time I catch fragments of it. Perhaps in the Berceuse50 theres an attempt at a little music of colour from here, its badly painted, and chromos bought at the penny bazaar are infinitely better painted technically, but all the same. Here the so-called good town of Arles is a funny place which for good reasons friend Gauguin51 calls the filthiest place in the south. Now Rivet52, if he saw the population, would certainly be sorry at times, saying over and over, youre all sick as he says of us. But if you catch the local sickness, my word, afterwards you wont be able to catch it again. This is to tell you that as for myself, I dont have any illusions. Its going very, very well and Ill do everything that the doctor53 says but... When I came out of the hospital with good Roulin54 I fancied that I hadnt had anything, only afterwards did I have the feeling that Id been ill. What can you say, I have moments when Im twisted by enthusiasm or madness or prophecy like a Greek oracle on her tripod.55 [1v:3] Then I have a great presence of mind in words and talk like the Arlsiennes, but I feel so weak with all that. Especially when my physical powers return. But Ive already told Rey56 that at the slightest serious symptom Id come back and then subject myself to the alienist doctors of Aix57 or to himself. What else can it do to us but bad things, and only cause us pain, you and me, if we arent well. Our ambition has sunk so low. So lets work very calmly, look after ourselves as much as we can and not wear ourselves out in sterile efforts at reciprocal generosity. Youll do your duty and Ill do mine, as far as thats concerned both of us have already paid for it other than in words and, at the end of the road, possibly well see each other calmly again. But myself, whereas in my delirium all things I love so much are in turmoil, I cant accept that as reality and am not acting the false prophet. Sickness or mortality, my word, that doesnt surprise me, but ambition isnt compatible, fortu- nately for us, with the professions we follow. [1r:4]

F 507 / JH 1672. See Hoermann Lister 2001, p. 73. 45 Frdric Mistral (1830-1914) French writer 46 Charles Gounod (1818-1893) French composer 47 Frdric Mistral48s Mirio. Poumo prouvenau (1859) is an epic poem of twelve cantos, written in Provenal dialect. There were editions containing a parallel text in French (cf. ed. Paris 1864). The tragic love story serves as the basis of the opera Mireille (1864) by the French composer Charles Gounod49. 50 Augustine Alex Roulin-Pelicot (1851-1930) wife of Joseph Roulin 51 Paul (Eugne Henri) Gauguin (1848-1903) French artist 52 Louis Marie Hippolyte Rivet (1851-1931/32?) doctor in Paris 53 Flix Rey (1865-1932) assistant physician in the hospital in Arles 54 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 55 The prophetess Pythia, seated on a golden tripod in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, uttered incoherent words that had to be interpreted by priests. 56 Flix Rey (1865-1932) assistant physician in the hospital in Arles 57 From Van Goghs first stay in hospital, there had been tentative plans to have him taken to an asylum in Aix-en-Provence. On 29 December 1888 the mayor58 of Arles was asked to take measures to this end; see letter 728, n. 1. Roulin59 wrote about it to Theo on 28 December, and Mrs van Gogh60 was informed as well, as is apparent from her letter to Theo, written a day later (FR b1066 and FR b2425). At the end of February 1889 there was again talk of transferring Van Gogh to Aix; see letter 750, n. 3. 8 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889.

Besides, there are so many people who think this way, in several categories of society, from the highest to the lowest. But how come that youre thinking about the little clauses of marriage and the possibility of dying at this moment, wouldnt you have done better quite simply to have screwed your wife61 in advance? Anyway, thats part of the customs of the north, and Im not the one to say they dont have good customs in the north. It will come back, really. But as for me without a sou, in this case I still say that money is one kind of currency and painting another. And Im already able to send you a consignment in the sense mentioned in the previous writings.62 But it will get bigger if my strength comes back to me. So I would like only, should Gauguin63, who has a complete infatuation with my sunflowers, take these two paintings from me,64 that he gives your fiance66 or you two of his paintings, not mediocre ones but better than mediocre. And if he takes a version of the Berceuse all the more reason why he should also give something good on his part.67 Without that I couldnt complete this series I was telling you about, which must be able to go [2r:5] into the same little shop window weve looked into so often.69 The value of a painting in a case like this doesnt come into it and I declare that Im no expert. It remains that my social position may be as dear to me as yours as a good employee is to you. And let me say just this, I attach as much importance as you do to a brotherly honesty as regards Boussod71s money. We have never served it ill. And weve worn ourselves out too much to do the right thing to be able to get angry at being called thieves or incompetents, whats more, I wont go on about it. For the Independents, it seems to me that six paintings is too many by half. To my taste the harvest72 and the white orchard73 are enough, with the little Provenal girl74 or the sower75 if you want. But its all the same to me. I just really want one day to give you a more consolatory impression in our trade of painting in which we work, by means of a collection of around 30 more serious studies. In any case, that will prove to our real friends like Gauguin76, Guillaumin77, Bernard78 &c. that were engaged in the work of production.[2v:6]

61 Johanna (Jo or Net) Gezina van Gogh-Bonger (1862-1925) wife of Theo van Gogh 62 Van Gogh had written in his previous letters about his ambition to produce in the near future a series of presentable (and thus saleable) paintings. See letters 741, 743 and 744. 63 Paul (Eugne Henri) Gauguin (1848-1903) French artist 64 The repetitions made for Gauguin65 were Sunflowers in a vase (F 455 / JH 1668) and Sunflowers in a vase (F 458 / JH 1667). See letter 736, n. 12.

66 Johanna (Jo or Net) Gezina van Gogh-Bonger (1862-1925) wife of Theo van Gogh 67 Gauguin68 would indeed receive a version of La berceuse; see letter 776, n. 4.

69 Reference to works from the Faure70 Collection exhibited in rue Laffitte; see letter 743, n. 11.

71 Boussod, Valadon & Cie art dealers in Paris, successors of Goupil & Cie 72 The harvest (F 412 / JH 1440). 73 The white orchard (F 403 / JH 1378). 74 Mousm (F 431 / JH 1519). 75 Sower with setting sun (F 422 / JH 1470). 76 Paul (Eugne Henri) Gauguin (1848-1903) French artist 77 (Jean Baptiste) Armand Guillaumin (1841-1927) French artist 78 Emile Bernard (1868-1941) French artist and writer To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889. 9

Ah well, as for the little yellow house, when I paid my rent the landlords agent79 80 was very nice and behaved like an Arlesian, treating me as an equal. So I told him that I had no need of a lease, nor of a written statement of intent, preferably in writing, and that in the case of illness I would only pay by friendly agreement. Here the people have their hearts in the right place, and a spoken word is more binding than a written one. So Im keeping the house for the time being, since I need to feel at home here for the sake of my mental recovery. Now as regards your move from rue Lepic to rue Rodier83 I cant have an opinion, not having seen it, but the main thing is precisely that you also lunch at home with your wife86. By staying in Montmartre youll be decorated and Minister for Fine Arts more quickly, but as you dont much care about that its better to have tranquillity at home, so I think youre completely right. [2v:7] I too am a little like that to the local people who ask after my health I always say that Ill begin by dying of it with them and that afterwards my sickness will be dead. That doesnt mean to say that I wont have considerable periods of respite. But once youre seriously ill you well know that you cant catch the sickness twice, being healthy or sick is the same thing as being young or old. Only be well aware of the fact that like you, Im doing what the doctor tells me as much as I can. And that I consider that as a part of the work and the duty one has to carry out. I must say this, that the neighbours87 &c.88 are particularly kind towards me, everyone here suffering either from fever or hallucinations or madness, we get along like members of the same family. Yesterday I went back to see the girl89 I went to when I went out of my mind.90 I was told there that things like that arent at all surprising around here. She had suffered from it and had fainted but had regained her composure. And whats more, people say good things of her. But as to considering myself completely healthy, we shouldnt do it. [2r:8] The local people who are ill like me indeed tell me the truth. You can live to be old or young, but youll always have moments when you lose your head. So I dont ask you to say of me that theres nothing wrong with me, or wont be. Only the Ricord92 of that is probably Raspail93.94 I havent yet had the local fevers, and I could

79 Bernard Soul (1826-1903) agent of Van Gogh’s landlord in Arles 80 The agent in charge of the Yellow House was Bernard Soul81; the owner was Marie Louise Verdier82; see letter 602, n. 19. There was talk of renting Van Goghs house to a tobacconist; see letter 735. 83 This move did not take place; on 4 February Theo rented an apartment at 8 cit Pigalle. He moved into the apartment with Jo84 on 20 April 1889. See Brief happiness 1999, pp. 27, 137. In January Theo had drawn a floor plan for Jo of the layout of the apartment (FR b1900; see Brief happiness 1999, p. 128 (with illustration opposite p. 144). He also gave his parents-in-law detailed information about the new apartment, including a floor plan. Jos parents85 were particularly pleased about the short distance to boulevard Montmartre, which meant that Theo could at least lunch regularly with Jo at home and Thats a load off your mind, isnt it, the worry about renting, and the nicest thing is that you will be able to see some greenery in the summer (FR b2892, 9 February 1889; FR b2894, 26 February 1889). 86 Johanna (Jo or Net) Gezina van Gogh-Bonger (1862-1925) wife of Theo van Gogh 87 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 88 Regarding Van Goghs neighbours, see letter 744, n. 6.


90 The Chronique locale in Le Forum Rpublicain of Sunday, 30 December 1888 reported that in the night of 23 December Van Gogh had offered his severed ear to a certain Rachel91 (la nomme Rachel) at brothel No. 1 (maison de tolrance No. 1) in rue du Bout dArles. The brothel was on the corner of rue des Glacires and rue du Bout d’Arles. Police officer Alphonse Robert later recalled that the girl worked under the name of Gaby (Doiteau and Leroy 1939, p. 6). The identity of the prostitute Rachel/Gaby remains a mystery. For an interpretation see Murphy 2016, pp. 66-69, 217-227. 92 Philippe Ricord (1800-1889) French venereologist 93 Franois Vincent Raspail (1794-1878) French chemist 94 The French venereologist Philippe Ricord95 proved that syphilis and gonorrhoea were distinct diseases. He demonstrated the specific nature of syphilis and distinguished three stages of the disease. Ricord set forth his findings in such publications as Monographie du chancre (1837) and Trait pratique des maladies vnriennes (1838). 10 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 3 February 1889. still catch them too. But here theyre already well-versed in all that at the hospital, and so from the moment when you have no false shame and say frankly what you feel, you cant go wrong. Im closing this letter for this evening, with good handshake in thought. Ever yours, Vincent

For Raspail96, see letter 735, n. 11. Van Gogh most likely means: just like Ricord cures venereal disease, Raspail will be able to give me the best advice, namely home medication. Van Gogh depicted Raspails book Manuel annuaire de la sant in Still life with onions and Annuaire de la sant (F 604 / JH 1656).