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[email protected] Website Newsletter no. 57 Spring term 2006 Contents Editorial Jennifer Chew 3 A Story from Japan Peter Warner 4 Australian Inquiry into the Teaching of Reading Jennifer Chew 4 Jolly Phonics in The Gambia, Part Two Marj Hitching 6 You Can t Fool All Mona McNee 8 Comments from the National Union of Teachers on Jim Rose s Interim Report 11 Sound Foundations: The Intensive Synthetic-Phonics Pro- gramme for the Slowest Readers Tom Burkard 12 The Brightest Kids Need Help Too Sally R 15 Letterland: A Response to the Article in Newsletter 56 Elizabeth Nonweiler 17 Phonics: The Holy Grail of Reading? Jennifer Chew 22 Marilyn Jager Adams on The Three-Cueing System Geraldine Carter 26 Any opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of individual contributors. Copyright remains with the contributors unless otherwise stated. The editor reserves the right to amend copy. Reading Reform Foundation Committee Members Geraldine Carter Debbie Hepplewhite Lesley Charlton David Hyams (Chairman) Jennifer Chew OBE Sue Lloyd Jim Curran Prof. Diane McGuinness Maggie Downie Ruth Miskin Lesley Drake Fiona Nevola Susan Godsland Elizabeth Nonweiler Advisers: Dr Bonnie Macmillan Daphne Vivian-Neal RRF Governing Statement The Reading Reform Foundation is a non-profit-making organisation. It was founded by educators and researchers who were concerned about the high functional illiteracy rates among children and adults in the United Kingdom and in the English-speaking world. On the basis of a wealth of scientific evidence, members of the Reading Reform Foundation are convinced that most reading failure is caused by faulty instructional methods.