HONG KONG UNIVERSITY PRESS 19 66 © Hong Kong University Press, I966 Printed in April I966, I200 copies


Printed in Hong Kong by CATHAY PRESS 3I Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen ASIAN PERSPECTIVES Bulletin of the Far-Eastern Prehistory Association Editor: Wilhelm G. Solheim II; Regional Editors: Northeast Asia-Chester S. Chard; Korea-Kim Won-Yong; Japan-Ichiro Yawata; RyGkyG-Allan H. Smith; China Mainland-Kwang-chih Chang; Hong Kong-S. G. Davis; -Truong Buu Lam; -Bernard P. GrosIier; -Chin You-di and Vidya Intakosai; Burma-U Aung Thaw; India-B. B. Lal; Pakistan­ A. H. Dani; Ceylon-P. Deraniyagala; -Pierre Verin; Malaya­ Alastair Lamb; Indonesia-R. Soekmono and R. P. Soejono; Malaysian Borneo­ Barbara Harrisson; Philippines-Alfredo E. Evangelista; Formosa-Kwang-chih Chang; Micronesia-Allan H. Smith; Polynesia-Yo H. Sinoto; New Zealand­ Owen Wilkes ; Melanesia-Richard Shutler, Jr ; Australia-Frederick D. McCarthy. Topical Editors: Trans-Pacific Contat.ts-Gordon F. Ekhohn; Linguistics-Milton E. Barker; Geography-Ooi Jin Bee. Occasional Contributors: Hallam L. Movius, Jr. THE FAR-EASTERN PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION International Officers: Council Members: Chairman-Wilhelm G. Solheim II,* Secretary-Roger Duff* (New Zealand), Ichiro Yawata* and Namio Egami (Japan), BernardP. Groslier* (Cambodia), Frederick McCarthy and Jack Golson* (Australia), A. P. Okladnikov** (Russia), Yu-ho Toh** (North Korea), Che-won Kim (South Korea), Li Chi (Republic of China, Taiwan), Hsia Nai** (China, Peking), F. S. Drake (Hong Kong), --- (North Viet-Nam), Nghiem Tham (South Viet-Nam), Georges Condominas(Laos), Prince Dhaninivat(T'hailand), U AungThaw(Burma), Alastair Lamb (Malaya), R. Soekmono and R. P. Soejono (Indonesia), Barbara Harrisson (Malaysian Borneo), Antonio de Almeida (Timor and Macao), Alfredo Evangelista (Philippines),TakeoKanaseki(Ryiikyii), Douglas Osborne(Micronesia), Kenneth Emory (), Bengt Danielsson (French Polynesia); Jacques Barrau (New Caledonia and New Hebrides), Bruce Palmer (Fiji), Alexander Spoehr, Chester S. Chard, and Clement Meighan (United States of America), Gonzales Figueroa (Chile), Pierre Verin (Madagascar), and H. R. van Heekeren (Europe). (*Executive Committee, **acceptance of position not yet received). Asian Perspectives, established in 1957, is the official publication of the Far­ Eastern Prehistory Association, and appears semi-annually. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to Wilhelm G. Solheim II, Department ofAnthropology, 2550 Campus Road, University of Hawaii, , Hawaii, 96822, U.S.A., or to the proper Regional Editor. Commercial enquiries and orders should be sent to the Publisher, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. Vol. I (1957) and Vol. II (i. Summer, 1958) are being reprinted. Far-Eastern Prehistory Association membership dues and Western Hemisphere subscriptions to Asian Perspectives should be addressed to the Association c/o Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819. Each Volume: III i, ii 1959, IV 1960, V i, ii 1961, VI 1962 costs in the Far East HK$35, in North America US$6·50. In Europe and the Commonwealth they are obtainable from the Oxford University Press at £2.5s. per volume. Volume II ii, Winter 1958 is available for HK$30, US$5, £1.15s. Members may obtain copies of back issues from Dr Solheim at 20% off the published price. Addresses of Regional and Topical Editors

CHESTER S. CHARD (Dr), Dept. of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A. !{IM WON-YONG (Dr), Dept. of Archreology and Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. ICHIRO YAWATA (Professor), Faculty of Literature, Tokyo Kyoiku University, Otsuka­ Kubomachi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. ALLAN H. SMITH (Dr), Program Director for Anthropology, National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. 20550, U.S.A. !(WANG-CHIH CHANG (Dr), Dept. of Anthropology, , New Haven, Con­ necticut, U.S.A. S. G. DAVIS (Professor), Dept. of Geography and Geology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. TRUONG Buu LAM, Vien Khao Co, 66-68, Le Thanh Ton, Saigon, Vietnam. BERNARD P. GROSLIER, Conservation d'Angkor, Siemreap, Cambodia. CHIN YOU-DI, National Museum, Na Phra-dhart Road, Bangkok, 1'hailand. VIDYA INTAKOSAI, National Museum, Na Phra-dhart Road, Bangkok, Thailand. U AUNG THAW, Director, Archreological Survey Dept., 32-D, Prome Road, Rangoon, Burma. B. B. LAL, Director, School of Archreology, Archreological Survey of India, Janpath, New Delhi, India. A. H. DANI (Dr), Department of Archreology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. P. DERANIYAGALA (Dr), 26 Guildford Crescent, Colombo 7, Ceylon. PIERRE VERIN, B.P. 907, Ecole des Lettres, Mamamacina, Tananarive, Madagascar. ALASTAIR LAMB (Dr), Dept. of History, University of MC'Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya. R. SOEKMONO (Dr), Lembaga Purbakala dan Peninggalan Nasional, Djalan Kimia 12, Djakarta 111/19, Indonesia. R. P. SOEJONO (Dr), Lembaga Purbakala dan Peninggalan Nasional, Djalan Kimia 12, Djakarta 111/19, Indonesia. BARBARA HARRISSON (Mrs), The Sarawak Museum, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. ALFREDO E. EVANGELISTA, Dept. ofAnthropology, National Museum, Manila, Philippines. Y. H. SINOTO, Dept. of Anthropology, B. P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Ha\vaii 96819, U.S.A. OWEN WILKES, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. RICHARD SHUTLER, Jr (Dr), Dept. of Archreology, The Nevada State Museum, P.O. Box 495, Carson City, Nevada, U.S.A. FREDERICK D. MCCARTHY, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia. GORDON F. EKHOLM (Dr), American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York 24, New York, U.S.A. l\lILTON E. BARKER, Summer Institute of Linguistics, P.O. Box L II, Saigon, Vietnam. 001 JIN BEE (Dr), Dept. of Geography, University of Singapore, Singapore. HALLAM L. MOVIUS, Jr (Dr), Peabody Museum, , Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, U.S.A. CONTENTS

Editorial ix


I. Eastern Asia and Wilhelm G. Solheim II I 2. Northeast Asia Chester S. Chard 10 3· Korea - Kim Won- Yong 21 4· Japan (13 figs, II plates) Erika Kaneko 24 5· China Kwang-chih Chang 69 6. India (5 plates) - B. B. Lal 76 7· Madagascar Pierre Verin 87 8. Malaysian Borneo Barbara Harrisson 92 9· New Zealand Owen Wilkes 98 10. Australia - Frederick D. McCarthy 102

TOPICAL REPORTS I. Trans-Pacific Contacts Gordon F. Ekholm 113 2. Linguistics Milton E. Barker 115 3· Human Geography OoiJin-bee 126 4· Book Reviews (See List on p. viii) 129

NOTES AND ARTICLES I. Review of Mongolian Archreology Frank Bessac 141 2. Stone Ring at Loh Ah Tsai, Lamma Island, Hong Kong (2 figs, 1 plate) T. N. Chiu, C. L. So and S. M. Bard 148 3· Acheulian Succession in Central India (7 figs, 2 plates) R. V. Joshi ISO 4· A New Grave Complex in West Pakistan (2 plates) A. H. Dani and F. A. Durrani 164 5· A Stone Artifact from Lower Mandailing, Sumatra (2 figs, I plate) - Donald J. Tugby and Elise Tugby 166 6. A Stone and Bronze Tool Cave in Sabah (3 figs, 4 plates) Tom Harrisson 171 7· Potsherds from Bougainville Island (I fig., 3 plates) Richard Shutler Jr. and Mary Elizabeth Shutler 181 8, Preliminary Report on Pottery Finds in (46 figs) fens Poulsen 184 VIII ASIAN PERSPECTIVES

9. Further Relationships of the Sa-huynh-Kalanay Pottery Tradition (3 figs, 7 plates) - Wilhelm G. Solheim II 196

10. Ra'iupu Marae of Makatea, Tuamotu Islands, Oceania (2 figs, 3 plates) Pierre Verin 212


*Japanese Archreological Terms Herbert Melichar 217

List of Book Reviews

BROTHWELL, D. and E. HIGGS (eds). Science in Archceology BRUCE PALMER 129 MEIGHAN, CLEMENT W. The Archceologist's Note Book W.G.S. 13 1

HAMMOND, PHILIP, C. Archceological Techniques for Amateurs - W.G.S. 13 2 NARR, KARL J. lJrgeschicte der Kultur W.G.S. 13 2 La Poterie Malgache W.G.S. 13 2

BARRAU, JACQUES (ed.). Plants and Migrations of Pacific Peoples COLIN D. SMART 133

BARRAU, JACQUES. Subsistence and Agriculture in Melanesia 135 --Subsistence and Agriculture in Polynesia and Micronesia 135


VLEKKE, BERNARD H. M. Nusantara; A History of Indonesia W.G.S. 136

HALL, D. G. E. A History of South-East Asia W.G.S. 137

--Atlas of South-East Asia W.G.S. 138

* Forming NO.2 of Asian Perspectives Vol. VIII, obtainable separately for HK$20 or US$4 in the Western Hemisphere,