The Legal Notice Deadline Is at 5 P.M. on Monday
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 A13 PUBLIC NOTICE December 15, 2020 3,383.10; 109267, GALL’S LLC, SUPPLIES, ed the fiscal year 2020 audit report and explained that action was not Green River, WY 444.59; 109268, GREENWOOD MAPPING INC, required at this time. The commission expressed their appreciation for SUPPORT, 800.00; 109269, HOSE & RUBBER the update. The Board of County Commissioners met this SUPPLY, PARTS, 94.28; 109270, HY-KO SUP- day at 8:30 a.m. in Regular Session with all PLY, SUPPLIES, 5,347.50; 109271, INDUSTRIAL Wyoming Downs Request to Operate within Existing Establishments Commissioners present. The meeting opened SUPPLY, SUPPLIES, 150.00; 109272, JOHN within SWCO with the Pledge of Allegiance. ARAMBEL TRUCKING, EQUIPMENT, 16,000.00; Wyoming Downs LLC Manager/Small Sites Off-Track Betting Jill Jarrad, 109273, MORRIS, SCOTT, WIPERS, 32.62; along with Representatives Eric Nelson, and Carlene Gutierrez presented Approval of Agenda 109274, QUILL CORPORATION, OFFICE SUP- Resolution 20-12-CC-01, A Resolution Approving Wyoming Downs, and PLIES, 77.94; 109275, REED SMITH LLP, FEES, LLC to Conduct Pari-Mutuel Wagering on Life Horse Racing, Historic Chairman Wendling entertained a motion to ap- 5,833.13; 109276, ROCKET-MINER, SUBSCRIP- Horse Racing, and Simulcast Events within Sweetwater County. Follow- prove the agenda, removing the compensation TION, 98.95; 109277, ROCKY MTN POWER, ing discussion, Commissioner Schoenfeld moved to approve the resolu- survey. Commissioner Schoenfeld so moved. UTILITIES, 10,878.67; 109278, RUSHMORE tion with the date of June 30, 2021, to allow the commission the oppor- Commissioner Smith seconded the motion.
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