Minutes of the Meeting of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee
Minutes of the Meeting of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee 10–11 May 2007 National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA Members attending: Garth Illingworth (Chair) Daniel Lester John Carlstrom (Vice-Chair) Rene Ong Neta Bahcall E. Sterl Phinney Scott Dodelson Marcia Rieke Wendy Freedman Keivan Stassun Katherine Freese Alycia Weinberger Agency personnel: Arden Bement, NSF Michael Salamon, NASA-HQ G. Wayne Van Citters, NSF-AST F. Rick Harnden, NASA-HQ Eileen Friel, NSF-AST Rick Howard, NASA-HQ Dana Lehr, NSF-AST Eric Smith, NASA-HQ Nigel Sharp, NSF-AST Ray Taylor, NASA-HQ Tom Barnes, NSF-AST Zlatan Tsvetanov, NASA-HQ Wei Zheng, NSF-AST Wilton Sanders, NASA-HQ Philip Puxley, NSF-AST Stephen Ridgway, NASA-HQ Craig Foltz, NSF-AST Robin Staffin, DOE-HEP Elizabeth Pentecost, NSF-AST Kathleen Turner, DOE-HEP Alan Stern, NASA-HQ Randy Johnson, DOE Jon Morse, NASA-HQ Invited participants: Eric Becklin, UCLA Chuck Bennett, Johns Hopkins U. Hank Sobel, UC-Irvine Megan Urry, Yale U. Jonathan Lunine, U. Arizona Kate Beers, OSTP Other participants: Brian Dewhurst, NRC-BPA Nick White, NASA-GSFC Dennis Socker, NRL Ethan Schrier, AUI Michael Ledford, Lewis-Burke Assoc. Antonella Nota, STScI/ESA Jay Frogel, AURA Henry Ferguson, STScI MEETING CONVENED AT 8:30 AM EST, 10 MAY 2007 The Chair called the meeting to order. Alan Stern, NASA Associate Administrator for Science, joined the meeting via teleconference. Stern began the discussion with a few brief comments. He stated that NASA is really working hard to make some substantial changes in the Science Mission Directorate (SMD), both in the pace of flight missions and in improving research and analysis (R&A) and data analysis programs.
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