Ocular Pathology Review © 2015 Ralph C. Eagle, Jr., M.D. Director, Department Of Pathology, Wills Eye Hospital 840 Walnut Street, Suite 1410, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 (revised 12/26/2015)
[email protected] INFLAMMATION A reaction of the microcirculation characterized by movement of fluid and white blood cells from the blood into extravascular tissues. This is frequently an expression of the host's attempt to localize and eliminate metabolically altered cells, foreign particles, microorganisms or antigens Cardinal manifestions of Inflammation, i.e. redness, heat, pain and diminished function reflect increases vascular permeability, movement of fluid into extracellular space and effect of inflammatory mediators. Categories of Inflammation- Classified by type of cells in tissue or exudate Acute (exudative) Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Mast cells and eosinophils Chronic (proliferative) Nongranulomatous Lymphocytes and plasma cells Granulomatous Epithelioid histiocytes, giant cells Inflammatory Cells Polymorphonuclear leukocyte Primary cell in acute inflammation (polys = pus) Multilobed nucleus, pink cytoplasm First line of cellular defense Phagocytizes bacteria and foreign material Digestive enzymes can destroy ocular tissues (e.g. retina) Abscess: a focal collection of polys Suppurative inflammation: numerous polys and tissue destruction (pus) Endophthalmitis: Definitions: Endophthalmitis: An inflammation of one or more ocular coats and adjacent cavities. Sclera not involved. Clinically, usually connotes vitreous involvement. Panophthalmitis: